December 21, 2016

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Habitat for Humanity celebrates 61st build

ily will be home for the holidays.

On Saturday, December 17, Susan was presentedwith the keys to her new home by representatives of Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex. She was overwhelmed and extremely grateful.

After losing her home in September, Susan and three of her five children were forced to move in with her sister. While Susan said she was thankful and appreciative of her sister’s generosity, she said the completion of her new home couldn’t have come soon enough.

“I feel a lot of mixed emotions,” she admitted, prior to receiving the keys in a dedication ceremony.

“But mostly, I feel very blessed.”

“Oh my goodness,” she said, “this will be our forever home.”

Susan said the process began last May when she applied to Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex as a single mother of five.

About 3½ months ago, Susan said she got the welcome news that her application had been approved and it was just a matter of time before the Fast family would be the recipients of Habitat’s 61st build.

“We came here every day to check on the progress,” she said, excited to be involved in the process. But she did much more than just be a spectator; she and her family put in more than 500 hours of sweat equity.

She admitted many of her

hours though were put in at the Habitat’s Restore.

While she is grateful to all the volunteers, members of Habitat, family members and all the sponsors, Susan said she most grateful for

the opportunity she has been given.

Mike Van der Vlist, executive director of Habitat, echoed that sentiment.

“It’s not just a celebration of the building of a house,”

said Van der Vlist, “it’s a celebration of a community coming together.”

He said the group is committed to more builds in the county and already has one planned for Kingsville in 2018.

Pamela Breault, manager of operations, clarified one of the major misconceptions surrounding the Habitat builds. She said the new owner is not ‘given’ the house – they will still have a mortgage but it will be interest free. “What we are giving them,” she said, “is an opportunity to change their lives.”

“A hand up — not a hand out,” she added.

The Fasts plan on moving in on Wednesday — just in time for the holidays.

“This is an amazing present,” said Susan.

Going to an amazing and deserving family, said Van der Vlist.

Pamela Breault, operations manager for Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex, hands over the keys to new homeowner Susan Fast.
A group of family, friends and representatives for Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex gathered Saturday morning, Dec. 17 for the dedication of the group’s 61st build which was built for Susan Fast and her family.

Holiday Hours

The Southpoint Sun office will close Dec. 23 at 12 noon and will re-open on Monday, Jan. 2 at 9 a.m.

New CT scanner for LDMH

Christmas came early for Leamington District Memorial Hospital and its patients in need of a CT scan.

Last week hospital representatives celebrated with a ribbon cutting on a new $1.3 million, state-of-the-art G.E. Revolution dual energy CT-Scanner, donated by the LDMH Foundation.

The new piece of equipment is the first of its kind installed in an Ontario hospital and will mean a reduction in the amount of time patients have to remain still in the machine and a reduced amount of radiation

exposure for those patients. Additionally, the scanner boasts Gemstone Spectral Imaging, which allows for them to actually determine the chemical composition of a kidney stone before it is passed or surgically removed.

Cheryl Carmichael, Technical Coordinator of the Diagnostic Imaging department, said while this is good news for all patients, it is particularly beneficial to elderly patients, especially those suffering with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Dr. Elizabeth Hooper, Chief of Radiology, said

the new dual energy scanner “allows us to scan at two energy levels” which will mean only one scan instead of two or three for some patients.

She said it provides better quality images at greatly reduced radiation levels to the patients.

“And it makes us more confident in a diagnosis,” she added.

Hooper and Carmichael agreed it should also be extremely effective in the detection and treatment of blood clots in the lungs due to a shorter scan time and enhanced assessment of

contrast (dye) in the lung vessels.

Carmichael said the software used in conjunction with the scanner allows for the elimination of artifact from any previous metal joint replacement surgery or other metal artifact such as dental fillings or spinal surgery, and instead allows for the ability to focus on the area of concern.

While there has been a slight delay in the use of the machine, Rose Costa, Senior Director of Corporate Services, said the hospital brought in a portable CT-scanner to fill the void in the meantime. She said that allowed the hospital to continue with scans on-site without having to transport patients four or five times a day to Windsor.

But the excitement was not limited to the hospital community.

“This is an exciting day for LDMH,” said MPP Rick Nicholls, “$1.3 million… hats off to the foundation!”

He also credited the community for supporting the hospital and really getting behind its projects.

Leamington Mayor John Paterson credits the municipality for leading the way once again, in being the first to have something very few others have access to.

LDMH celebrated its newest, state-of-the-art piece of diagnostic equipment – a new CT-scanner. Taking part in the ribbon cutting were, from left to right: Sheila McBrayne, chair of the LDMH Foundation Board; Rose Costa, Senior Director Corporate Services; Leamington Mayor John Paterson; Dr. Elizabeth Hooper, Chief of Radiology; Lisa Almasi, CT Technologist; MPP Rick Nicholls; LDMH CEO Terry Shields; David Glass, chair of LDMH board; Cheryl Carmichael, Technical Co-ordinator of Diagnostic Imaging; Thomas Heinz, Direct of Human Resources; and Cheryl Deter, Vice-President of Patient Services and Chief Nursing Executive.

Twenty Chambers across Ontario

call for deferral in provincial Cap & Trade Program to prevent jobs, investment from leaving the province

On December 20, twenty Chambers across Ontario called for a deferral of the Provincial Government’s Cap and Trade program scheduled to be implemented January 1, 2017, citing high costs of the program layered on top of skyrocketing electricity prices, lack of sector by sector economic impact and a change in policy direction in the United States.

On December 9, 2016, the Windsor-Essex Regional and Leamington District Chambers hosted a news conference with representatives from the greenhouse growers sector on the affects of Cap and Trade on their businesses and asked for a deferral of the Cap and Trade.

In Ontario, since 2004, electricity prices have increased by 383%, from a flat rate of 4.7 cents a kilowatt hour to 18 cents a kilowatt hour at peak times. The introduction of the Cap and Trade system will add further charges on natural gas, gasoline and diesel fuel that will be keenly felt by every individual and business in Ontario.

“Businesses are already struggling under the weight of ever increasing costs and we are extremely concerned about the impacts of these additional charges on jobs and the economy,” said Matt Marchand, President and CEO of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce (WERCC).

“We have already lost hundreds of millions of investment to other jurisdictions like Ohio due to high electricity prices, layering on Cap and Trade will no doubt make it much worse,” said Marchand. “The unintended impact of Ontario’s Cap and Trade may result in a removal of jobs and investment from clean grids like Ontario to much dirtier grids in the U.S. and elsewhere.”

Despite repeated requests, Chambers still have not received a sector by sector economic impact analysis and given that President Elect Trump and a vast majority of states seem unlikely to participate in the Cap and Trade program, 20 Chambers across Ontario request that the Ontario government delay the implementation of the Cap and Trade program for at least one year.

Local MPP launches petition re: natural gas price increase

Natural gas bills are set to increase on January 1st due to added costs from the provincial government’s cap-and-trade plan. Chatham-Kent-Essex MPP Rick Nicholls has launching a petition demanding the government show the cost as a separate line item on bills.

Without a separate line item consumers will not be able to see how much the plan is really costing them.

Ontario’s Auditor General commissioned a survey and found that 89% of natural gas ratepayers want the cap-and-trade costs clearly displayed on their bills.

Union Gas has also called for the government’s new charges to be displayed as a new line item on bills.

The petition is available at www.ricknicholls

Carbon tax will push more greenhouses south, says Van Kesteren

With local greenhouses already expanding 90 kilometres across Lake Erie to Ohio, Chatham-Kent Leamington MP Dave Van Kesteren wonders how many more will leave when a carbon tax is implemented.

Van Kesteren rose during Question Period in the House of Commons last week to contest the government’s plan to impose a carbon tax on Canadians.

“When speaking with greenhouse growers in Leamington, you quickly realize that a carbon price isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution,” said Van Kesteren. “Local growers will tell you that CO2 produced by their greenhouse facilities are mostly absorbed by the plants, yet this proposed carbon cax will cost an operator $100,000 annually.”

Over the next five years, that is $500,000 per company, multiplied by the 89 growers in Chatham-Kent and Leamington. The high cost of doing business ultimately gets passed down to the consumer, and residents will likely see an increase in price for fresh fruits and vegetables soon after this tax is implemented.

Unfavourable conditions driving companies from the region is not uncommon, with the loss of quality food processing and auto manufacturing jobs like Heinz and Navistar. Roughly 180 acres of greenhouses have already expanded to the US in the last few years, with over 400 more acres planned. This doesn’t account for those who have yet to express interest in expansion.

“And this is all in just one riding” said Van Kesteren.

Carbon pricing will be a key debate topic in 2017, and Van Kesteren said he would be pushing the government to deal with emissions in a responsible way that protects Canadian businesses and jobs.

Arrest made at R.I.D.E. program

On December 18, Leamington OPP conducted Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E) initiatives at various locations in the municipality.

At approximately 3:00 p.m. on Erie St. N., a 56-year-old Leamington man failed an Alcohol Screening Device test and was arrested. His drivers licence was suspended and his vehicle impounded as per the regulations of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario. He will appear in court in January to answer to the charge of Drive Motor Vehicle – Exceed 80 Milligrams of Alcohol.

Approximately 550 vehicles were checked at three R.I.D.E locations.

What happened to old time hockey?

Every time I watch an NHL game I’m amazed at just how much the game has changed over the last decade.

Some would say it has evolved while others would swear it’s digressed.

The days of old time hockey are apparently long gone, and I’m not talking about fighting and brawling as much as the basic game the way it used to be played.

Now I’m watching just the forwards blocking shots and these guys are throwing their whole bodies in front of these shots. I have to wonder how long before someone gets seriously injured.

Of course, the debate about checking in minor hockey will rage on forever. I’m a firm believer that kids should be taught to give and receive a proper body check when they are first year players, not when they are hormonal teenagers looking to put someone through the boards. That’s a debate for another time.

In fact it seems the whole five guys on the ice are taking a posture that gums up the shooting lanes and hardly anything gets through to the goalie.

It’s a good thing because I can’t imagine the goalie can see a thing.

When I watch today’s NHL games, there are a couple of things that stand out to me as very different. I don’t remember seeing a sudden shift in philosophies but a subtle change has taken place over the fast few years.

Our coaches always preached for us to get out of the way and let the goalie see the shot. It seems the opposite is true now.

The other big change occurs mostly on the powerplay.

Years ago, Mario Lemieux and others complained loudly to the powers that be that there was too much clutching and grabbing in the game, which slowed the game down considerably. Of course teams like New Jersey were employing the famous trap and that also contributed to the problem.

Gradually, the high scoring game had turned into a low scoring game and this affected Mario’s livelihood.

I’m not sure how many teams are using the ‘drop the puck back’ powerplay rush, but I don’t like what I see with the Leafs doing this.

Basically, a defenceman starts out in his own end and carries the puck to the red line and then passes it backwards to a guy behind him, who then does the same thing, leaving the rest of them standing still at the blue line.

So the NHL (Bettman) instituted a clamp-down on holding, hooking and the like.

Eventually, you couldn’t tie up your man out front or even lift your opponent’s stick to steal the puck.

With that came more penalties and therefore more power plays, which resulted in more goals.

We were always told to move the puck forward, not backwards.

It reminds me of the ‘Flying V’ that they used in the old Mighty Ducks movies.

We all laughed at that, thinking that formation would never work in a real hockey game.

I guess the laugh is on us.

After a few years of increased offence, someone figured out ways to bring the offence back down without changing the hooking rules.

It used to be that shot blocking was a bit of a lost art, used mainly to impede the opposition in your own end, while staying out of the goalie’s line of sight.

Of course, I’m sitting here typing a column while Mike Babcock is actually coaching in the NHL, so chances are, he knows better than I do, and will likely get the last laugh when it comes to his modified Flying V being a success in the NHL.

I had a teammate years ago by the name of Ron Martin, who was a great shot blocker as a left-winger. He’d stack those legs up and slide into oncoming slap shots on a regular basis. He had to be careful to keep his legs together because he was quite bow-legged, yet he was an effective shot blocker for a forward.

And apparently he’s not the only coach using this method.

I guess as the game changes over time, teams employ people to figure out how best to attack and defend and those systems are set in place to make sure all players are on the same page.

We were taught to slide on your side with your shin pads together facing the puck. If timed properly, the shot would hit your pads and bounce off. Sliding on the ice like that also let your goalie maintain a clear visual of the puck.

For us old time hockey fans, all we can do is yell at the TV when we see some of the odd systems they’ve put in place and be glad they get paid the big bucks to come up with them.

’Twas the Night Before Jesus Came

Author Unknown

Submitted by Debbie Christie

’Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house,

Not a creature was praying, not one in the house. The Bibles were lying on a shelf without care, In hope that Jesus would not come there. The children were dressing to crawl into bed, Not once ever kneeling or bowing their head. And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap, Was watching the late show as I took a nap. When out of the east there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash! When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray, I knew in a moment this must be the day! The light of His face made me cover my head, It was Jesus returning, just like He said. And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth, I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.

In the Book of Life which He held in His hand, Was written the name of every saved man. He spoke not a word as He searched for my name, When He said, “It’s not here,” my head hung in shame.

But the people whose names had been written with love, He gathered to take to His Father above. With those who were ready He rose without a sound, While all the rest were left standing around. I fell to my knees but it was too late, I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate. I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight, Oh! If only I had been ready tonight.

In the words of this poem the meaning is clear, The coming of Jesus is now drawing near. There’s only one life and when comes the last call, We’ll find that the Bible was true after all.

Local family pays it forward with turkey giveaway

It started as a simple gesture, a way of paying forward someone else’s kind gesture. But by last week it had snowballed.

For Mike Diab it was the simple purchase of his coffee by the person in front of him at Tim Hortons drivethru – not once, but twice.

The second time, Diab saw the tremendous effect it had on his 17-year-old daughter Macy, who happened to be with him at the time.

This, he said, opened up a conversation within the whole family, including his wife Deanna and 21-yearold son Sawyer.

Certainly not newcomers to the idea of giving back to the community through generosity and volunteerism, the Diabs decided they would brainstorm and come up with a way to ‘pay it forward’.

Mike tossed around the idea of handing out $20 bills in the grocery store, but later decided it may cause a mob scene or illicit some unwanted attention. So instead, they opted for a turkey giveaway.

Deanna said she contacted the ‘Spotted in Kingsville’ Facebook page to see if they’d be willing to allow a posting on the page – one seeking people deserving of a turkey.

“It wasn’t need based,” said Deanna, “it was for someone who’s been kind or touched the lives of others.”

She said the administrator of Spotted in Kingsville was extremely receptive to the idea and the posting was up within 20 minutes.

The response, said Mike, was positive. But he said once the media got a hold of it, the response was tremendous.

The Diabs said they have had a wide variety of nominees – caregivers, crossing guards and the cab driver who doused the fire of the little library on Queen Street.

As of late last week, they had more than just nominees, they had offers. Offers of helping by donating turkeys, offers of financial support, offers of helping make deliveries.

They also had the assistance of FreshCo in purchasing and storing the turkeys.

Rob Butler and Ken Harris went above and beyond, said Mike and Deanna.

The nominations closed on Saturday and Mike said

and Mike Diab

they were expecting to deliver up to 40 turkeys, one to each and every one of the nominees.

While it may cost the Diabs a couple hundred dollars in turkeys, Mike and Deanna both agreed the lesson their children learned through this process was priceless.

“It’s not about the money,” he said, “it’s teaching the kids the spirit of giving and not being so self-absorbed.”

When the deliveries are made this week, Mike said his kids will definitely be a part of it.

“I want them to see genu-

ine thankfulness,” he said. “I want to show them appreciation and teach them to think of others, not just themselves.”

In the end, Mike offers it up as a challenge to other families.

“Every family can do something,” he said. If money is an issue, he said, there is always a way to lend a helping hand – volunteer to help feed the homeless or those less fortunate was one suggestion.

Mike wants it to open up a conversation within the family. “I want them to say, if they can do it we can do it,” he said.

Asbestos discovered at old sewage treatment facility

During the demolition of the old sewage treatment facility, asbestos was discovered

Disposal of asbestos requires a specialized, licensed team, and that requires money. Adequate funds were set aside for predictable contaminants such as mercury switches, PCBbased transformer oil, etc.; however, the amount of cement-asbestos pipe present was not anticipated, nor was the use of asbestos mixed with vermiculite as an insulation between blocks in walls.

As a consequence, the manager of the facility asked Leamington Munici-

pal Council for approval of $200,000 in extra funds.

Part of this should remain unexpended, but administration does not want to have to return for more in

funding. The actual overrun could be as low as less than $50,000.

Council approved the additional funding at the Dec. 19 meeting.

with just one of the Christmas turkeys they will be delivering to deserving people this week.

in the in the in the in the in the

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, no one can fool you this week and this is quite an advantage. Make the most of your renewed sense of awareness and use it to make some important decisions.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21

A change of scenery could be just what you need, Taurus. Get out of town for a few days and recharge your personal batteries. This respite can do wonders.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21

Work in conjunction with a coworker to accomplish a difficult task, Gemini. Embracing your cooperative, team-first side is the right approach in the week ahead.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22

Big changes are ahead for you, Cancer. Are you ready to turn your schedule on its head for the time being? You will have to make a series of changes in the coming weeks.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, a hectic schedule on the horizon has you feeling some pressure to get everything done. It's understandable, but afford yourself some time to have fun as well.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22

Virgo, uncertainty has you considering some options you never gave much thought in the past. Be open to new experiences and embrace this chance to start anew.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, think about exploring your creative side and find out ways to make the most of that exploration. The reward will be well worth the investment.


SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, just when you think some miscommunication has been smoothed over, you find yourself needing to explain a situation all over again. Remain patient.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittarius, now is a great time to make some healthy resolutions. Changes to your diet or exercise regimen may be just what the doctor ordered.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, do not overlook information that is right in front of you. This info can help you get through a tricky situation at work that pops up unexpectedly.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, try to schedule a fun diversion that takes you away from the daily grind. A brief getaway may be ideal, or even a night out with friends.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20

Pisces, take a step back and reassess a situation that has frustrated you thus far. A new perspective might do the trick.



Sia, Singer (41)


Alyssa Milano, Actress (44) DECEMBER 20

JoJo, Singer (26) DECEMBER 21

Ray\0x2008Romano, Actor (59) DECEMBER 22

Ralph Fiennes, Actor (54) DECEMBER 23

Jim Harbaugh, Football Coach (53) DECEMBER 24

Ricky Martin, Singer (45)

Gore Hill presents Holiday Concert

Last week, Gore Hill Public school students showcased their acting and singing skills with the presentation of the musical, Once on a Housetop. It is the story of a group of chimney sweeps who discover a variety of holidays celebrated in homes including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Las Posadas. The evening also included a performance by the JK-SK classes, an angel quintet and the Gatorland Band.

The Essex County Library Board apologizes to the communities and our patrons of Essex County, for the continued disruption of library services due to the ongoing labour dispute with CUPE 2974.0.

The Board would like to provide our reasoning for requesting a Ministry-supervised vote, and why we felt our final offer was fair and reasonable to the employees. The Board’s final offer included the following:

• 2% wage increase for each year of a four-year term. This increase is reflected in the employee wage table below (hourly rate).

to the

• A $2,000 one-time payment to each employee (full time and part time).

• A comprehensive sick plan, including the use of a 3rd party insurance provider, with employees still being able to retain their current sick time entitlements (already accrued sick banks).

Our offer included a fair and reasonable wage increase designed to ensure internal equity for staff wages when compared to the other union employees who work for the County of Essex and are subunits of CUPE 2974.

We also maintain our position on the use of a 3rd party insurance provider, as this will provide a substantial savings to the Corporation, and in turn the taxpayer, while still protecting employees in times of illness or injury.

The Board also wanted to share the following concerns publicly expressed by the Union, and how we’ve found reasonable solutions to each as we worked through the negotiations process:

The Union expressed concern that part-time employees, with less than 15 hours of work per week, would not be covered under the new sick plan. The Board therefore, in the offer, provided protection for these existing employees, with a self-funded sick program, adjudicated by the 3rd party insurance provider.

The Union expressed a concern that they did not know the details of the plan. The Board has offered as much information as possible about the new plan to both the Union and the employees, such as:

Jordan Kniaziew, Steve Stasko and Duffy Kniaziew reveal the Ontario Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence for Zing! Health Food’s SupriZingly! Sweet Strawberries. Winners from the 10th annual edition of the awards were recognized during a ceremony in London Monday, Dec. 12. Although Orangeline Farms is best known for the production of award-winning peppers, the boutique greenhouse operation in Leamington has been working on producing strawberries year-round. Orangeline’s Zing! Healthy Foods brand is expected to offer its new line of strawberries in grocery stores in the new year.

(Submitted photo)

• Details of the new Short Term Disability Plan (sick plan) and how it works;

• Sample language of the Short Term Disability Plan, as included in their employee documents;

• Frequently Asked Questions and Answers, as posed by other employee units;

• Additional Questions and Answers as asked by CUPE 2974.0 to Sun Life during negotiations.

The Union then stated the information provided was not enough and asked that they be provided with a “200-300 page document” before proceeding. The Board does not have knowledge of any 200+ page document. We have provided all of the information to support the details of the new sick plan.

The Union continues to question the use of a 3rd party insurance provider, claiming that members will not receive coverage for those with existing and chronic illnesses, for those that injure themselves due to self-harm and for those who are injured or disabled in an altercation due to civil disorder. Sun Life has continued to address these false claims, stating coverage will be provided to employees, as long as the medical diagnosis supports their claim and they are under the care of a physician.

The Union asserts that the Board is a separate employer and does not have to follow the direction of the County. However, the Library Board already participates in group benefit plans with the County for medical, accidental death & disability and life insurance, with the use of 3rd party providers. The Board continues to support this direction to use an insurance-based plan for short term disability.

The Essex County Library Board has made its final offer, and one that we believe is fair and reasonable. Any further enhancements to the offer would be at the expense of the tax payer.

As the Union did not accept our final offer, the Board will now turn its attention to the service needs of our communities. We will begin to investigate alternative methods of providing residents access to library services.

The Essex County Library Board and the Administrative staff thank our communities for their continued support and patience. We wish you and your family best wishes for a Happy Holiday season.

Sincerely, The Essex County Library Board

• Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche, Chair -

• Mayor Nelson Santos, Vice Chair -

• Deputy Mayor Bart DiPasquale -

• Mayor Ken Antaya -

Andrew Dowie (lay appointee) -

Steve Nepszy (lay appointee) -

Bill Varga (lay appointee)- 519-734-7324

Chief Librarian/CEO Robin Greenall, Secretary-Treasurer to the

Above - Gore Hill students dressed as Chimney Sweeps sing about the birth of Jesus, as Mary (Sydney Enns) and Joseph (Aidan Brown) recreate the Nativity scene.
Right - Gatorland Band members Samantha Wickham (l), Haley Wilson, Keeya Braun and Emma Brimner perform during Gore Hill’s Holiday Concert.

Upcoming changes for Leamington Council

Last week, Leamington Municipal Council endorsed a policy document that formalized the delegation of various responsibilities to members of administration. The majority of these were duties that were already being performed by senior administration, and this was merely clarification for members of Council. A few were new duties that Council is permitted to delegate, along with the limits Council imposes on those powers

to ensure accountability (of both Municipal Council and its administration).

New Ye ar’s




January 12, 7:30 to 8:00 pm

Performance run is April 6-9, 2017. Synopsis, monologues and character info available for download on our website: If further information is required concerning your audition contact: Renata at: We are looking for: 1 male mid 30’s; 1 female late 20’s; 1 male mid 50’s; 1 male mid 40’s Italian accent; 1 female late 30’s Italian accent; 1 female mid 50’s; 1 female mid 30’s; 1 male or female late 20’s Italian accent.

BETTER LIVING, a Ghost Light Production

February 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11

Doors open @ 7:00 pm

Performance starts @ 7:30 pm "No one is safe in these times...Tom's likely to still be angry about the three times Nora and Jack have tried to kill him..." Tickets are $20 and available at Wharram's Jewellers and Counter Effects in Leamington

MARCH 2-5, 2017

THE MUSICAL PRODUCTION OF INTO THE WOODS Presented by Cardinal Music Productions who brought us the marvelous production of The Addams Family earlier this year. Check back for ticket details.



At this week’s meeting of Council on Dec. 19, the Clerk of the Municipality introduced an administrative report and recommendation that Municipal Council now amend how often it meets from the first three Mondays of each month to the second and fourth Monday of each month. The reason centres on the following: “It is anticipated that the business before Council will lessen as matters of a routine, administrative or minor nature are addressed by Administration as a result of Council’s delegation of certain powers and duties.”

One major change is in the area of agricultural drainage. The proposal is to have the Director of Infrastructure Services appoint the drainage engineer for works that benefit only one landowner and to have the Drainage Superintendent approve drainage apportionment agreements under the Drainage Act. Temporary road closures (for either special events or for emergencies, construction, maintenance, etc. would be authorized by the appropriate Director (of Infrastructure), or Manager (of public works or engineering). Directors of the Corporation would be authorizing and executing grant applications to the Province and Federal branches of the Government, and would be executing funding agreements

with those upper levels.

The only change to what is happening now is that all of the above are being done by administration already, but will no longer be brought to Council. Council will remain ‘in the loop’ through notifications that actions have been taken, but will no longer have any need to give approval.

At one time, if a landowner’s fence encroached over the line onto municipal property (like a back alley or a park), the matter had to come to Council for an encroachment agreement. Now, minor encroachments will be approved and agreements executed by the Director of Infrastructure Services. Similarly, even though Municipal Coun-

BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE - Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 p.m., St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 311 Sherk St., Leamington (519-326-3966.) For many, this season is anything but cheerful. For those who have lost loved ones, lost a job, are struggling with finances or illness, this is not an easy season. The Blue Christmas Service is offered for those in the community who are not having a very merry Christmas and the friends that support them. All are invited to come and sit with one another in a liturgy that speaks of the love of God for the grieving.

CHRISTMAS DINNER FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE ALONE OR WHO WILL GO WITHOUT - Christmas Day - December 25, at 12:00 noon at Church of St. John the Evangelist (Anglican), 60 Erie St. N., Leamington. Call 519-326-3111 by December 20 to register. Special invitation to shut-ins: If you are unable to attend, volunteers will deliver your meal in Leamington, Wheatley or Kingsville area only. No cost or obligation to attend.

FREE PUBLIC SKATING - Tuesday, December 27 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. at Highbury Canco Rink. Sponsored by Leamington OPP.

Shake out the cobwebs from New Year's Eve by joining members of Two Creeks Conservation Area for a WALK ON NEW YEAR'S DAY,January 1 at 10:00 a.m. Meet at the Two Creeks parking lot (north of Wheatley on Kent Rd. 1) to explore some of the trails and bridges of Two Creeks. A relaxed hour and a half. Everyone welcome.

LEAMINGTON BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex, Wednesday, January 4, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. New Donors and Walk Ins Welcome! To book an appointment, please contact us at 1-888-236-6283 / / GiveBlood App


cil had instructed that a particular piece of land be purchased or sold, documents required to complete the transaction had to go to Council. Now, once the Council decision to buy or sell is set, the documents will be managed by the Director of Legal and Legislative Services.

Deputy-Mayor Hilda MacDonald spoke against the proposed change, stating that she feels uncomfortable with the suggestion that fewer meetings will be needed, and that short meetings are not a bad thing.

Councillor Tim Wilkinson said that he thought that by delegating routine matters to administration, Council would begin to replace these topics with more

“meat and potatoes” topics.

Councillor John Hammond spoke of his understanding why the proposal has been made, and the nervousness that the change engenders in Council members. He hopes that there will not be a reduction in administration / politician interactions and networking for the benefit of the municipality.

CAO Peter Neufeld assured members of Council that administration will continue to make it a priority to keep Council informed of everything going on.

Councillor John Jacobs moved the recommendation with the addition that this change be revisited after a one year trial period.

The changes are currently ‘business as usual’ for most cities and counties, and many towns. It is new for Leamington, however, but it does promise to speed up dealing with red tape and bureaucratic hurdles in the future.

Kingsville area. If you believe that you can make a difference in a child’s life and can commit to a minimum of one year, for a few hours a week, check out the website and online orientation at

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS WINDSOR-ESSEX ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS from the Leamington area to volunteer in a group mentoring setting called On Track to Success which takes place from September to June. Info at or call 519-945-5232 ext. 23 to speak with Rose Culmone, Director of Programs.

SUN COUNTY LYME AWARENESS SUPPORT GROUP meets the last Wednesday of every month, 6:30 p.m., at Colasanti's Tropical Gardens. Learn and share MONDAYS - SENIORS DROP-IN,1st and last Monday of the month only at 10:30 a.m. at Leamington United Church. Guest speakers, refreshments, games, exercise. It's free, fun, and wheelchair accessible. All seniors welcome.

ARE YOU AFFECTED BY SOMEONE ELSE'S DRINKING? The Wheatley Serenity Al-Anon Family Group meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Wheatley Friendship Club (north entrance), 171 Erie St. N. DO YOU ENJOY VOLUNTEERING AND MEETING PEOPLE? South Essex Community Council in Leamington is currently looking for volunteers for Meals on Wheels Delivery. If you are interested in volunteering during the morning for about 1 hour per week or as a back-up volunteer, please call Noreen or Susan at SECC - 519-326-8629 ext.381.

PREGNANCY & RESOURCE CENTRE, 33 Princes St. (Princess Centre) Suite 408, Leamington, offers free and confidential services provided by registered nurses and trained volunteers. Free pregnancy tests. Call 24/7 for free and confidential support - 519-326-0612. Business calls: 519-326-3821.

Chances Gaming Lounge recently held a canned goods drive where they collected over 100 items, including dry goods, for The Salvation Army in Leamington. Guests received food vouchers for their contribution. (Submitted photo)

Apple Fest raises $50,000 for CLEC

Members of the Ruthven Apple Festival committee had 50,000 reasons to smile on Thursday, Dec. 15, and by association, so did members of Community Living Essex County (CLEC).

Tony DeSantis, manager community relations for CLEC, made the announcement at a celebration at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens, host site of the 37th Annual Ruthven Apple Festival.

It was a record-breaking year, said DeSantis, with $50,000 raised to benefit over 650 clients of Community Living Essex County and their families.

DeSantis, executive director Nancy Wallace-Gero and committee members all agreed: the success was a result of an army of volunteers – committee members, staff and community members.

Not to mention picture perfect weather.

Kingsville deputy-mayor Gord Queen applauded the efforts and success of the festival and its volunteers.

“Alone we can do so little,” he said, “together we can do so much.”

DeSantis also recognized the Colasanti family for their commitment and use of the property for the past several years, not only Joe Colasanti but this year’s co-chair Terry Colasanti as well.

DeSantis said the partnership with Colasantis for the last several years has been a win/win situation.

Joe congratulated the group on its success, and wished them continued success in the coming year.

Wallace-Gero commended the efforts and thanked everyone on behalf of CLEC.

“This is the biggest success of any Apple Festival over the entire history,” said Wallace-Gero. “It’s a tribute to a really dedicated group of people,” she added.

The proceeds, she said, will go directly to support the people in the community and ensure their vehicles are in tiptop shape and able to transport the clients and staff members safely where they want to go.

“It feels like Christmas,” she said with a smile.


Eva Cincurak

Eva Cincurak, formerly of Thamesville, passed away peacefully at the Chatham Retirement Resort on Monday, December 19, 2016 at the age of 88. Born in Yugoslavia, daughter of the late John and Eva (Zihlavski) Cincurak. Beloved wife of the late John Cincurak (2007). Loving mother of Ann Casier (Casey), Rose Cincurak, Dianne June (Rob), Joanne Cincurak and Jim Cincurak. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Bill, Scott, Matt, Joe, Robson and Chelsea; greatgrandchildren Kristen, Heather, Tyler, Jayden, Nathan, Mitchell, Quinn and Riley; and great-greatgrandchildren Jasmine, Taylor, Jack and Mikayla. Dear sister of Elsie Morgan (Jack), John Cincurak (Rosemary) and Steve Cincurak (Joan). Predeceased by a son Bill Cincurak (2003), a sister Mary, and a brother Paul Cincurak.

The Cincurak family will receive friends at the John C. Badder Funeral Home, 72 Victoria St., Thamesville, on Wednesday evening from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

The funeral service will be held in the chapel on Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Interment Erie Memorial Gardens, Leamington, at 2:30 p.m.

If desired, donations to the Leamington Christian Centre, Thamesville United Church or the Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family.

Online condolences and donations may be left at

We would like to thank the staff of the Chatham Retirement Resort for their outstanding care and to Dr. Luc Dubois for his exceptional treatment of our mom.

Community Living Essex County had 50,000 reasons to celebrate on December 15. The Ruthven Apple Festival Committee and members of CLEC gathered at Colasanti’s to announce this year’s festival raised a record $50,000. Taking part in the cheque presentation were, left to right: Andrew Jablonski (CLEC), Tony DeSantis (CLEC), Nancy Wallace-Gero (Executive director CLEC), Laura Bianchi (committee), Joe Colasanti (representing committee co-chair Terry Colasanti), Gary Johnson (committee co-chair), Dina Pawelec (committee), Nick Mastronardi (committee), Donna Johnson (committee), Larry Patterson (Kingsville councillor and festival committee member), Natalie Crawford (CLEC) and Stella Cianco (committee).

Bantam Girls win championship in St. Thomas

On Dec. 2 the Southpoint Stars Bantam team travelled to the Panthers on the Prowl Tournament in St. Thomas. The team played a perfect round robin by beating London 8-0 and Port Colborne 1-0. Goals were by Alyssa Lamb (3), Chelsea Andary (2), Hannah Chacko (2), Alexa Taylor and Kaylie Goodchild. Goaltender Courtney Jeffery got both shutouts for the Stars. The third game of the round robin was against the Burlington Runaways, which was also undefeated. The Stars played hard and outshot the Runaways, but couldn’t score on their goaltender. The game ended in a 0-0 tie. Southpoint finished first overall with a 2-0-1 record and a GF of 9 and GA of 0.

The semi-finals had the Stars playing fourth place London for a chance to move on to the finals. Southpoint scored quickly and then steady and was up 6-0 after 2 periods. Goals were by Charlene Smith, Lexy Iacobelli, Alyssa Lamb, Raine Schiefer, Alexa Taylor and Hannah Chacko. They played excellent defensively and finished the game with another shutout and a chance to play in the finals.

As thought, the Stars ended up playing the Burlington Runaways in the finals. They felt they could win if they could just find a way to get the puck past their hot goaltender.

The Stars opened the scoring with a quick goal from team captain Hannah Chacko on an end-to-end rush, beating the netminder high. It was a close battle back and forth throughout the second period. The Runaways evened it up when they scored on a tired defensive pair late in the second period.

The third period had the Stars short-handed, but they were

able to hold off the attack from the Burlington team. The game ended in a 1-1 tie, but the Stars never got down. A 5-minute sudden death overtime period, 4-on-4, gave the Stars many opportunities to score, but the hot Runaway goalie kept them in the game. With no scoring in OT, the game switched to a best of 3 shootout.

The Stars Alexa Taylor, Alyssa Lamb and Hannah Chacko found a way to beat the Burlington goalie scoring 2 of 3, while Stars goaltender Courtney Jeffery shut down the Runaways’ 3 shooters to win the tournament. Congratulations on a fantastic weekend of hockey, going undefeated in 5 games and only allowing one goal against!

Lions keeps a watchful eye on the Cougars’ Ralph Domingues as he seeks a teammate to receive a pass during a WECSSAA Tier II senior boys basketball game at LDSS Tuesday, Dec. 13. The Cougars led by 10 at the half and by eight going into the fourth quarter, where they held on for a 56-54 victory to improve to 1-1. The Cougars visited L’Essor to take on the Aigles two days later, winning by a score of 51-47. Leamington, at 0-2, hosted the Essex Red Raiders the same day, winning in a 62-45 decision. Results from a Tuesday, Dec. 20 match at Tecumseh Vista Academy were not available by press deadline.
Southpoint Stars Bantam Girls, front row, left to right: Courtney Jeffery, Alyssa Lamb, Alexa Taylor, Stephanie Wiebe, Kaylie Goodchild. Back row: Kirk Jeffery, Hannah Chacko, Raine Schiefer, Adrian Gualtieri, Chelsea Andary, Charlene Smith, Lexy Iacobelli, Jaryn Harris, Rich Iacobelli, Erin Hopper, Jenn Taylor, Jim Goodchild. Absent: Tarez Raheb.

Southpoint Stars weekend scoreboard

The Bailey Machining Inc. Southpoint Atom Stars welcomed the Lakeshore Lightning to the Highbury Rink on Sunday afternoon. The Bailey Stars controlled this game from the drop of the puck as they worked very hard for all three periods to score a big 3-1 win in Essex-Kent action. Scoring the big Stars goals were Brooke Derksen, Bricelyn Koehler and Megan Derbyshire. Netting assists were Sienna Gale (2), Alexa Derikx and Blair Bailey. Lillian St. Pierre was again fabulous in net for the Bailey Stars as she made several key saves to hold the Lightning to just a single goal.

The Switzer-Carty Southpoint Bantam Stars battled the Essex Thunder on Sunday afternoon. This was a very close hard-fought battle between two teams that match up very well together. When the final buzzer rang and the dust settled, it was the Thunder that edged out the Lady Stars by a final score of 2-1. Stephanie Wiebe

scored the lone Stars goal with Adrian Gualtieri and Alyssa Lamb scoring the big assists. Courtney “The Rock” Jeffery had a strong game between the pipes keeping the Stars within a goal in this very exciting game!

The Sunbrite Southpoint Intermediate Stars faced off against the South County Predators Sunday afternoon at the Highbury rink. The Predators proved to be a tough opponent; however, the Lady Stars were able to score a goal in each period to win this high spirited penalty-filled contest by a score of 3-0. Kayla “Clutch” Collison paced the offence scoring a pair of goals while Lea “Dr. Snipes” Marshall netted the single tally. Mackenzie Mahon helped the offence with two assists. Sam “The Grinch” Hartleib posted her eighth shutout of the season as she stole every single puck that came her way!

Friday Retirees bowling league results

The Friday Retirees Bowling League wrapped up its first half of the season on Dec. 16 with the number one team being Nutz2-U (Jackie VanKempen, Susan Power, Maurice Cowan, Bob Sinclair). Second place was earned by No Pushovers (Connie Popa, Mary Hornyak, Kurt Weibe, Heinz Kosempel). High games for the day were recorded by: Susan Power 150, 162; Mary Hornyak 155, 153; Patti Clifford 161; Gloria Robinson 171; Diane Sinclair 166, 150, 166; Rosemary Heisler 177, 155, 173; Theresa DeCaluwe 188, 181; Sharon Dama 151; Peggy Hillman 171; Bernice Smith 220.

Men’s scores over 180: Bob Sinclair 212, 205, 213; Heinz Kosempel 213, 210; Ozzie Wolf 193, 205, 180; Jack Valade 202, 191, 204; Ernie Purr 200, 225; Nick Levchuk 182; Joe Vertel 180, 196; Gary Alderson 186; Murray Clifford 184; Armand DeCaluwe 191, 184; Jamie Arquette 183, 199.

Jessop’s Journal

All I want for Christmas

Sadly, I’ve long since reached the point where there’s no longer anything that I REALLY want for Christmas. Sure, a set of exhaust headers and a roller cam and lifters for the Cutlass would be cool. A professional-grade, full-frame digital camera with shutter lag minimal enough to actually catch a lay-up rather than the jump ball called two minutes later would be nice too, but we’re talking about some major financial investments here. Ditto for a vacation somewhere warm, a paved driveway (raking stones out of the lawn and back into the driveway in April is almost equally as tedious as the snow shovelling that put them there) and a three-pick up, vintage Gibson SG Custom with the “clam shell” headstock.

As a sports fan, my Christmas wish list is pretty predictable. Yeah, a Stanley Cup for the Montreal Canadiens, a Sutherland Cup for the Leamington Flyers and Schmalz Cup for the Wheatley Sharks would be great. A Superbowl for the Buffalo Bills would be nice too, but it doesn’t appear as though anyone at or near .500 is going to so much as make the post season this year. Such is life. For the Canadiens, I’m afraid 2016-17 might end up being an instant replay of 2015-16 — you know, the great start followed by midseason deterioration in part backed by a string of injuries that play a role in missing the playoffs entirely. Carey Price is still healthy, but Galchenyuk and Desharnais have already been sidelined, so it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the dominos start falling. Pacioretty’s turned things around nicely since a slow start, so he’s probably next.

For the Sharks, I’d like to see the same sort of fortune. The only “breaks” they seem to get as far as injuries go are broken wrists, ankles, fingers and the like. Also, if the officiating could be just a bit less vindictive with Nick Tavolieri-Essex, that would be nice too. He does play a very ‘in your face’ style of the game (which is by no means always a bad thing), but more than a few penalties called against him have been absolutely ludicrous.

For the Flyers, better luck in overtime would be a bonus. Also, I can’t help but suspect that in some cases, the parade of Leamington players to the penalty box seems to intensify after they take even a one-goal lead. It could very well be my imagination getting the best of me, but it seems like some (not all) officials take it upon themselves to make the game as evenly-matched as possible. If that DOES actually happen — even occasionally — I’d love to see it stop. It’s the players who should determine who wins and by how many goals.

Being a bit more selfish, cleaner glass to take photos through at Highbury Canco Arena would be nice. Enough heat at Unico Arena for life on Neptune (if there was such a thing) to be jealous of would also be fantastic, as would better lighting at that same location (Unico, not Neptune). As it stands, my camera’s shutter speed has to be lowered to the point where even faceoffs are kind of blurry. About 11-and-a-half years ago, I shot a Memorial Cup game in London at Budweiser Gardens (then the John Labatt Centre). The average human eye might not have noticed the difference, but to a camera, the lighting at that place was Heaven on Earth. I even managed a cool photo of Brad Staubitz (former Wallaceburg Laker

who later had brief stints with the San Jose Sharks, Minnesota Wild and Canadiens) hooking the Rimouski Oceanic’s Sydney Crosby to the ice behind the Ottawa 67’s net.

In all honesty, the only arenas where I’ve covered hockey games with worse lighting than Unico were the old Essex arena — which has since been replaced/demolished — and Chatham Memorial — which SHOULD be replaced/ demolished. Switching topics somewhat, it really is Chatham’s turn for a new barn. Essex and Lakeshore have each been treated to brand-spankin’ new digs recently, so in the grand scheme of things, I think Chatham’s next in line. Yes, I say that in part because I’d really like to see C-K land an OHL team some day (add that to my list). That’s been a completely unrealistic pipe dream in recent years, but that’s mostly because of the arena situation. “Dear Santa, would you happen to have $50 million lyin’ around the workshop that you could spare?”

On a more serious note, what I’d really like for Christmas this year is for everyone to stay safe and enjoy the holiday. As much as I enjoy both local and professional sports, I’m more than aware of the fact that there are much bigger priorities out there that should always take precedence over any and all recreational activities. By the time this column is read publicly for the first time, there’ll be three days left for the local Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign. If we’d all toss a couple Toonies into the next one we see (I believe one will make its last appearance of the year at this week’s Flyers game), a LOT more people would indeed have a Merry Christmas as a result.

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The Lightning’s Emilio Gomez goes airborne in a two-point attempt against the Maranatha Panthers during a WECSSAA Tier III senior boys basketball match at UMEI Thursday, Dec. 15. The Panthers led 5-2 and 13-8 at the end of the first two quarters, but the Lightning battled back in the second half to earn a 33-27 victory, improving their record to 2-1.


In memory of our parents KATIE & NICK CORNIES Katie - December 25, 2003 Nick - January 26, 1978

June 8, 1932 - December 19, 2013

Loving memories never die

As years roll on and days pass by. In my heart a memory is kept Of the one I loved and will never forget. Love your wife and children.

Beautiful memories are wonderful things. They never wear out. They never get lost. They can never be given away. To some, you may be forgotten, And to others a part of the past, But to us who loved and lost you, Your memories will always last. Love, Your Family


In loving memory of our wonderful parents

Missing you both. Loving you always. Your children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren. JANET (NETTA) HOLLAND February 17, 1927 - December 22, 2015 &

(BUCK) HOLLAND May 14, 1923 - August 10, 2010

The Watson family would like to extend our thanks to our family and friends for their overwhelming support during our recent loss. We are grateful to all who visited, sent flowers, cards, food and donations to the Jump Start Program. A special thank you to Rev. John Van Omme for delivering a touching service and to Reid Funeral Home for their professional assistance. Godblessallofyou.

The Watson Family

No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain

No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain

No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain

No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain

We have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you.

We have suffered since we lost you. In our hearts your There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you.

We have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you.

We have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you.

Love Sharlyn, Darrick & Darryn
P.S. Merry Christmas Grandma Love Jessica, Kerstyn, Brennan, Austin, Alyssia, Alexis, Emily, Dylan, Jordon, Dustin & Ben
Love Sharlyn, Darrick & Christmas Grandma Love Jessica, Kerstyn, Austin, Alyssia, Alexis, Emily, Dylan, Jordon, & Ben
Love Sharlyn, Darrick & Darryn
P.S. Merry Grandma Love Jessica, Kerstyn, Brennan, Austin, Alyssia, Alexis, Emily, Dylan, Jordon, Dustin & Ben
Love Sharlyn, Darrick & Darryn P.S. Merry Christmas Grandma Love Jessica, Kerstyn, Brennan, Austin, Alyssia, Alexis, Emily, Dylan, Jordon, Dustin & Ben

LLST competes at Aylmer meet

On Dec. 4 the Aylmer Optimist Swim Team hosted the 3rd SEAL Meet at the Ontario Police College. Twenty-five Leamington Lasers Swim Team members travelled to Aylmer to represent the team. Coaches were impressed with the improvements they saw since they last visited Aylmer in October. Coaches’ picks for outstanding swims: Hannah Campeau 100 IM, 100 free; Kalin Lougheed 100 IM; Boldin Kendrick 25 fly, 25 free; Kaitlin Gerard 50 free; and Lauren Resendes 100 free.

1st Place: Stephen Bosse 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly; Lorenzo Florez 100m freestyle, 100m medley; Rose Chapman 50m breaststroke; Alia Florez 100m freestyle; Rylee Gillett 50m freestyle, 100m butterfly; Lila Kendrick 100m freestyle; Kalin Lougheed 100m freestyle, 100m backstroke, 100m breast stroke; Zoe Toews 25m breast stroke.

2nd Place: Stephen Bosse 100m breastroke; Boldin Kendrick 25m breastroke; Rylee Gillett 50m backstroke, 25m butterfly; Lila Kendrick 50m backstroke.

3rd Place: Stephen Bosse 100m backstroke; Lorenzo Florez 100m breastroke, 50m breaststroke; Boldin Kendrick 25m butterfly; Nicholas Lougheed 100m freestyle; Kendra Bosse 50m butterfly; Rose Chapman 100m freestyle, 50m backstroke; Rylee Gillett 25m breastroke; Lila Kendrick 50m butterfly; Madelynn Kendrick 25m butterfly, 100m medley; Grace Pettypiece 50m breastroke; Zoe Toews 50m backstroke.

Rhine Danube bowling scores

The following are the Rhine Danube bowling leagues scores for Dec. 5.

Games Over 200: Jack Valade 203-232, Jamie Arquette 201, Willy Fittler 223, Richard Dickau 207, Aaron Dickau 213, Eric Zimmer 220, Gary Garnham 202-213, Heinz Kosempel 227-224, Chris Kosempel 266-207203, Mauro Paglione 233-202, Dan Dalimonte 236. Series Over 550: Jack Valade 618, Jamie Arquette 574, Willy Fittler 561, Aaron Dickau 552, Eric Zimmer 580, Gary Garnham 591, Heinz Kosempel 632, Chris Kosempel 676, Mauro Paglione 607, Dan Dalimonte 564. High Handicap Games: Chris Kosempel 288, Eric Zimmer 285, Dan Dalimonte 284.

High Handicap Series: Eric Zimmer 775, Rob Gerhardt 758, Gary Garnham 756.

Standings: Dickau Construction 51, Del Fresco 49, S.W. Property 47, Weil’s Food 47, Rhine Danube 41, Fittler Farms 38.

Lasers compete in FINA pool

On Sunday, December 11 the Leamington Lasers Swim Team competed in the FINA pool at the WFCU Centre in Windsor. It was a breathtaking experience to all swimmers just knowing that a few hours prior Olympic athletes were swimming in the exact same lanes.

After the swimmers finished their events, they got to attend a meet and greet with three Canadian Olympians. It was a great experience for all who got to meet the Olympic swimmers and get autographs and pictures. It was a once in a lifetime experience.

Many swimmers improved their times and broke personal records. Some swimmers even broke LLST team records: Rylee Gillett (8-9 years) broke the female record for 50m and 100m butterfly; Lorenzo Flores (10-11 years) broke the 50m freestyle record; Lucas Moavro (11) broke the 100m butterfly and 100m freestyle records; Vladislav Jidkov (14 & over) broke the 50m freestyle and 100m freestyle.

Congratulations to Vladislav Jidkov, who had outstanding swims in his 50m and 100m freestyle and placed 3rd overall in both. An extra-special shout out to Lorenzo Flores who is 12th place in all of Canada with his 10 and under short course 50 freestyle.

Lasers have fun at Duel in the Pool

By team reporter Carter Matthews

Saturday, December 17 the Leamington Lasers Swim Team had their first Duel in the Pool of the year. Duel in the Pool is a fun meet where the team is broken up into two teams, white and blue. The teams compete against each other in a friendly competition to get the most points and win. In a twist of events the meet was shortened to only 30 minutes, but that didn’t stop the swimmers. They showed a lot of maturity following the instructions of coaches and officials to get the most of the meet. A highlight of this short meet is that Grace Pettypiece is now a regional qualifier with her 50m breast stroke, 47.82S.

On Wednesday, December 14, swimmers, coaches and their families gathered at the Roma Club to celebrate at the Lasers annual Christmas party. Equipment that was provided by the team was raffled off to the swimmers, and everyone had a fun time. A shout-out goes to the dedicated coaches of the Lasers, who put in many hours for the team. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you on deck after the holidays!

County Bridge Results

Leamington Half Century Centre, Dec. 12: North/South - 1st Shirley Plant and Jeanne Manners, 2nd Joyce and Sandy Gammie, 3rd Jack Warmenhoven and Eileen Edwards. East/West - 1st Derek Parry and Ron Martin, 2nd Moira Escott and Roger Cote, 3rd Patricia Sanford and Lily Shuster. Bridge games are played each Monday at 12:45 p.m. Members and new members are welcome.

Kingsville Bridge Club, Dec. 14: North/ South - 1st Peter Scott and Mike Thomson, 2nd Elizabeth Moran and Marilyn Robbins, 3rd Joyce and Sandy Gammie. East/West1st Ross Mackintosh and Frank Duransky, 2nd Shirley Plant and Sue Duransky, 3rd Dorothy and John McGregor. Bridge is every Wednesday at the Lions Hall in Kingsville, 7 p.m.

2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. 171 Robson Road, Leamington. Fridge & stove included. $700/month plus hydro. Call 519-326-0956. de14-28


137 Erie St. South 2 bedroom units available. 2nd & 3rd floor. 13th month free. Available immediately. Call 519-791-1972

519-7335162 (office) or 519-7339081 (bar). ja6-tf

Golden Years golf report

Following the annual buffet Christmas breakfast on Dec. 15 at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens, 39 Golden Years golfers picked up their putters and headed for the greens, delivering a strong showing of 65 aces.

Setting the pace with 5 were Laurie Hylton and Art Sweet. Dropping 4 each were Lloyd Honey, Barb Murphy and Rose Taylor. Delivering 3 each were Pete Daudlin, Tom Hyatt, Marie Lasi and Barry Sweet. Chipping in with 2 apiece were Jim Allen, Mary Binder, Mike Binder, Kathy Bradley, Wanda Hayes, Bill Mayville, Eileen McIntosh and Bill Ward. Rounding out the scoring with 1 each were Murray Cascadden, Cathy Dewhurst, Tom Dewhurst, Jo-Ann Ferguson, Norbert Gisi, Murray Hartford, Betty McManus, John Murphy, Andy Orsini, Moe Scratch, Bill Taylor, Ernie Vandenberg, Gerrit Vriesen, Linda Walsh and Bryon Walker.

Low score over 9 holes was captured by Lloyd Honey with 16, followed by Art Sweet, Bill Mayville, Tom Hyatt and Bill Ward with 17. Notching 18 were Marie Lasi (2), Jim Allen, Mike Binder, Laurie Hylton, Bill Mayville, Mary Binder, Cathy Dewhurst, Barry Sweet (2), Rose Taylor, Pete Daudlin, Norbert Gisi, Bryon

Walker, Barb Murphy, Bill Ward and Bill Taylor.

A 35 delivered by Bill Ward led the pack for 18 holes. Barry Sweet and Art Sweet both managed 36. Pete Daudlin, Cathy Dewhurst and Marie Lasi (2) carded 37, and Bill Mayville rounded out the low scores with 38.

After a short absence from golf, Marie Lasi stepped up with a low score of 74 over 36 holes. Scoring 75 was Bill Ward, 76 by Lloyd Honey, 77 by Pete Daudlin and Bill Mayville, and 78 by Cathy Dewhurst and Tom Hyatt.

Nailing down first place bragging rights with a total score of 233 was Team 10 (Laurie Hylton, Bill Mayville, Lloyd Honey). A second place tie with 237 was delivered by Team Aces (Bill Ward, Kathy Bradley, Bill Taylor) and Team Queens (Marie Lasi, Jim Allan, Art Sweet). Third and final spot with 241 was carded by Team 4 (Andy Orsini, Gerrit Vriesen, Pete Daudlin).

The next scheduled golf date is January 12 at 9:30 a.m. at Colasanti’s

To all members, families, staff and readers, the Golden Years golf league wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!


2007 GRAND PRIXsafetied, new Michelin tires, Sport edition, original owner, sunroof, 240,000 kms, $3800. 519-819-1805. de21

SHERLOCK MANNING APARTMENT size piano, in excellent condition. Seller is down-sizing - asking $400 or best offer. Call 519-3263942. de14-21

EXOMAX EXCALIBUR CROSSBOW, 2 bags, 14 bolts, all accessories. 50 calibre Thompson black powder with scope, all accessories. $600 each or $1100 for both. Call or text 519-325-8556. de21

FIREWOOD, $60/CORD DELIVERED. Extra delivery fee if outside Kingsville, Leamington or Harrow. 519733-9111 - please leave message. de7-21

MANURE COMPOST PRODUCED on Farm in Staples. Can deliver 5-20 metric ton loads as needed, $55./mt plus freight. Call Roger at 519-818-0937. no2-de21

JJ'S USED FURNITURE, 42 Elliott Street, Leamington. Corner cabinet, dining room set, bedroom sets, small appliances, bookcase shelf, all kinds of dressers, king, queen, double and single beds, cedar chest, gas stove, rocking chair, Duncan table with four chairs, fridge, electric stove, washer & dryer. We also buy furniture. Call 519-326-4975. de21


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PRINTING: BUSINESS ENVELOPES,invoices, flyers, business cards, custom print jobs, whatever your printing needs, call Jolene at The Sounthpoint Sun for quick and economical service, 519-398-9098. tf

B&B MOVING & DELIVERIES - Two guys with extensive experience moving and delivering furniture. 10% senior and student discounts. For all your moving needs, call Neil for a free quote at 519-566-1366. no16-de28

J J STITCHING - SEWING, alterations, and repairs. Pants shortened $8.50 plus tax. (Some exceptions may apply such as lined pants). If your clothing is too tight or too baggy, give me a call to see if it can be altered. Call Jean at 519-968-2261. 14 Johnson Avenue, Leamington. no30-ja25

696-698 Talbot Road E., LEAMINGTON Asking $599,900. Place an Offer.

7 Acres with TWO solid 3 BR homes w/garages/basements, several large concrete outbuildings suitable for warehouse, receiving plus a 2,100 sq ft freezer/cooler. Also includes hip barn with loft & five 200’ long packing sheds with metal roofs. Great location on Hwy 3. Houses are rented. Excel Realty Corp. 519-322-8599 or for virtual tour.

Concession 10, Geographic Township of Tilbury West, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex

OWNER: Esther Louise Newsted

ACREAGE: 50 acres more or less

PROPERTY/BUILDINGS: This property is vacant and has frontage on a paved road with access to municipal water.

WINTER WHEAT CROP: The successful tenderer will take possession of the existing winter wheat crop, having an area of 25 acres more or less, on closing.

LOCATION: The premises are situated on the north side of Lakeshore Road 311, east of 77 Highway, and will be identified by signage on the property.


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 15, Concession 9, Geographic Township of Tilbury West, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex

OWNER: Esther Louise Newsted

ACREAGE: 49 acres more or less

PROPERTY/BUILDINGS: This property has an existing barn and Quonset shed and has frontage on a paved road with access to municipal water.

LOCATION: The premises are situated on the north side of Lakeshore Road 310, east of the Gracey Side Road, and will be identified by signage on the property.


Sealed tenders, which need only identify the parcel for which the tender is being submitted, the tendered price and contact information, will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. on January 20, 2017, with the highest, or any, tender, not necessarily accepted. No deposit is required with the tender, but the successful tenderer will be required to enter into an agreement of purchase and sale without conditions, except as to title, by January 27, 2017, and submit a deposit of $10,000.00 at that time. Transaction to close on or before February 27, 2017, with vacant possession on that date. The properties are being sold in all respects in an "as is" condition.

Interested parties may contact the undersigned to obtain any further information.

Greenhouse Worker


• Crop work, winding, pruning, harvesting

• Checking quality of harvested produce

• Other duties as assigned


• Fast-paced environment, repetitive tasks, standing for extended periods

• Bend, crouching, kneeling, hand-eye coordination, attention to detail

• Working at heights, hot environment


• 40 plus hours a week including Saturdays

• Wage: 11.43/hour, seasonal, full time

Please forward your resume by email to: (627 County Rd. 14, R.R. # 5, Leamington, ON N8H 3V8)

Sunrite Greenhouses Ltd. is looking for:


• Job duties include plant crop, harvesting crop, crop maintenance, greenhouse cleanup and other farm duties as assigned.

• Job requires standing, bending, kneeling for long periods of time, must be able to sort, pack & stack produce.

• Salary: $11.43 per hour, minimum 40 hours/week including weekends and holidays.

Please email resume to: or fax: 519-733-5290


• Wage: $11.43 per hour, minimum 40 hours/week.

• Repetitive tasks, standing for long periods of time, handling weight of 30 lbs. or more.

• Fast paced environment, must be able to sort, pack & stack produce.

• Cold warehouse setting.

• Experience and asset.

Please email resume to: or fax: 519-733-5290


for Food Service Contract for South Essex Community Council Meals on Wheels Program

South Essex Community Council has been delivering hot, nutritious lunches to seniors, persons convalescing and persons with disabilities for more than thirty years.

SECC is currently seeking possible partnerships to continue to deliver the program as well as potentially develop new and innovative approaches to food security & distribution. Organizations and/or businesses wishing to submit proposals should do so by no later than 4:00 pm, January 10, 2017. The RFP can be obtained from

Or by contacting Debbie Daher, Manager of Finance at 519-326-8629 or

Questions concerning this RFP may be directed to Carolyn Warkentin at 519-326-8629 or

GROSSI PLUMBING, HEATING & HVAC Services accepting resumes in all areas (Plumbing, Sheet Metal, HVAC, Administration). Submit byDrop in: 238 Talbot Street West, Leamington, ON; Email:; Fax: 519-326-3632 de14-ja4

LITTLE CAESARS LOCATIONS in Leamington, Kingsville and Essex have full and part-time positions available. Experience with food preparation and cash handling preferred. Drop resumes at any of the above Little Caesars locations.



LABOUR - Full time and full time part time positions available. 40-48 hours per week, weekends/holidays. Physically demanding work, load lifting required, hot humid environment. Minimum wage to start. Apply by fax: 519-326-6702 or email:


DINIRO FARMS NEEDS full time greenhouse general labourers. $11.40/hour, 45+ hours, 7 days/week. Must be available Saturday and Sunday. Duties include plant, crop maintenance, harvest and pack. Must be able to lift a minimum of 40 pounds on a repetitive basis. Please apply via email to:


Armstrong Top Pack Ltd. is hiring 50 permanent, full time vegetable packers for its Leamington location to start as soon as possible. Minimum Wage to start. 44 hours per week. You should be able to lift up to 50 lbs. on a repetitive basis and be able to sort and pack fruits and vegetables in a fast paced environment.

No education or experience is required. Apply in person from 9:00 to 5:00 at 500 County Road 18, Leamington, N8H3V5 or by email

We are currently seeking an experienced candidate for the FULL TIME, PERMANENT POSITION OF METAL MECHANIC/ FABRICATOR GENERAL LABOURER Wages are negotiable upon experience. Please forward resume in person to: 229 Talbot St. W. Leamington between the hours of 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday. Or by email to:

Advertise your Coming Event in the Classifieds for only $10 a week (word ads only)

We are seeking GREENHOUSE


• Compensation is $12.00/hr

• Monday through Friday (Occasional Saturdays) Please apply at: or mail a resume to: P.O. Box 20009 269 Erie St. S., Leamington, ON


Looking for a dental assistant to cover sick leave, three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) for Leamington dental office. Please send resume to:


Employees will be required to carry out all job tasks as specified by the operation manager.

Specific duties include: Pruning, clipping, harvesting and cleaning work area. Repetitive task, standing for extended periods, hot humid conditions, comfortable working on scissor lifts, handling weights of up to 23 kg or 50 lbs, report signs of insect or disease damage.

Permanent full time weekdays including weekends $11.40 per hour. Will train the right candidate.

Must be able to work within a group or on their own. Reliable and dependable.

Must have own transportation. Apply:

Southshore Greenhouses Inc. 1746 Seacliff Drive Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2M6




All claims against the Estate of DOROTHY JEAN MOSEY, late of the Municipality of Leamington, in the County of Essex, who died on or about the 2nd day of March, 2016, must be filed with the undersigned solicitors for the personal representative on or before the 6 th day of January, 2017. Thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed.

Dated: December 1, 2016 Matthew M. Caron PEARSALL, MARSHALL, HALLIWILL & SEATON LLP. Barristers and Solicitors 22 Queens Avenue Leamington, Ontario N8H 3G8



All claims against the Estate of ANNETTE MARIE FULMER, late of the Municipality of Leamington, in the County of Essex, who died on or about the 26th day of March, 2016, must be filed with the undersigned solicitors for the personal representative on or before the 20th day of January, 2017. Thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed.

Dated: December 16th, 2016

Matthew M. Caron PEARSALL, MARSHALL, HALLIWILL & SEATON LLP. Barristers and Solicitors 22 Queens Avenue Leamington, Ontario N8H 3G8

2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 519-733-2305



TAKE NOTICE that Council of The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville will hold Special Meetings for the purpose of 2017 Municipal Budget Deliberations as follows:

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Grant Fund Applications); -and-

Wednesday, February 22, 2017, if necessary, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

All meetings will be held at the Municipal Office Council Chambers, 2021 Division Road North, Kingsville.

DATED at Kingsville, Ontario this 13th day of December, 2016.

J. Astrologo, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville 2021 Division Rd. N. Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9



All claims against the Estate of MARION EVELYN REID, late of the Municipality of Leamington, in the County of Essex, who died on or about the 5th day of June, 2015, must be filed with the undersigned solicitors for the personal representative on or before the 20th day of January, 2017. Thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed.

Dated: December 14th, 2016

Matthew M. Caron


Barristers and Solicitors 22 Queens Avenue Leamington, Ontario N8H 3G8

For further information, please contact: Brenda Percy Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk Tel: 519-326-5761

Cougars shut out Red Raiders

One of WECSSAA’s best offensive teams in Tier II girls hockey took on one of its best in defense and in this case, offense prevailed.

The Cardinal Carter girls hockey team kept its undefeated early-season record intact Wednesday, Dec. 14 with a 2-0 victory against the visiting Essex Red Raiders. The win improved the Cougars’ statistics to five wins, one tie and zero losses to widen the gap to five points over secondplace Lajeunesse. At the same time, the number of total goals against Essex doubled from two to four in four games while only General Amherst averages more goals per game than Cardinal Carter in the nine-team loop.

“We dominated the play, but couldn’t take the bounces to put the puck in,” noted Cougars’ head coach Chris Church. “Still, I’ll take the win whether it’s 1-0 or 10-9.”

Cardinal Carter managed the win despite numerous vacancies in the lineup against Essex. Kiera Murracas will likely miss the remainder of the season because of a shoulder injury sustained while playing travel hockey as Taylor Taouil was ill and Rayvenne Sarkis was also unable to play. Kayla Collison was also sick, but insisted on playing regardless.

“She wanted to be there to support her team,”

Paige Thompson pursues an Essex forward for control of the puck during a WECSSAA Tier II girls hockey game at Highbury Canco Arena Wednesday, Dec. 14. The Cougars earned a 2-0 victory to remain undefeated.

Church explained. “I thought she played a great game.”

Gioia Diciocco started the scoring with 4:03 remaining in the first, sending an ice-level shot into the right corner while rushing toward the Essex net from its left side. Keann Laliberte and Alessia Quenneville drew the assists on the game-winning marker.

The Cougars continued to pester Red Raiders goalie Caitlyn Cressman with shots from all angles, but were unable to add to their lead until nearly seven minutes of action had passed in the third frame. During another rush at the visitors’ net, Bryanna Rodrigues sent a wrist shot from the right side that deflected off the left post and into the mesh. Laliberte and Diciocco assisted on the game’s second and final goal.

Essex tried valiantly to solve Cardinal Carter goalie Alyee Church, but were cut short in their efforts with a curfew clock that ended the game with 4:49 showing on the timer.

“We just kept pelting them, but their goalie played really well,” Chris Church said.

The win followed a 3-3 tie against General Amherst — the division’s only other undefeated team — from the previous week. Thus far, the Cougars’ trio of goals from the December 8 match are the only goals the Bulldogs have allowed in 2016-17.

“They’re really good — they’ve got a couple of the best players in the league, and the rest of the team is solid,” Church noted. “It was a great game against them. Our girls played phenominal.”

Lions defeat Saints in girls hockey

A win against the St. Anne Saints didn’t come easily, but the two points was still earned by the Leamington Lions ‘Fehr’ and square.

Grade 12 forward Shannon Fehr scored twice in a 3-1 WECSSAA hockey victory against the visiting AAA Saints Tuesday, Dec. 13 at Unico Arena. The win brought Leamington’s record to three wins, one loss and two ties for second place in the six-team Tier 1 group.

Fehr started the scoring 64 seconds after the opening faceoff, using a breakaway opportunity to send a wrist shot past St. Anne netminder Katie Sweeny. The ideal scoring chance was set up by Abbey Resendes and Lauryn Gradwell.

Less than a minute and a half into the second frame, Fehr struck again for what stood as the game-winning tally. After taking a feed from Jada Schiefer, Fehr made her way around both Saints defensemen and went across the opposition’s crease with an icelevel shot to make it 2-0. With about two-and-a-half

Ellen Donaldson of the Saints chases Leamington’s Shannon Fehr as she carries the puck toward the St. Anne net during a WECSSAA Tier I girls hockey game at Unico Arena Tuesday, Dec. 13. Returning from injury, Chopchik scored twice in the Lions’ 3-1 victory. The win improved Leamington’s record to three wins, one loss and two ties, good at the time for second place in Tier I. The Lions visited the Belle River Nobles Monday, Dec. 19 in what ended as a 5-1 victory for Belle River.

minutes to go before the second buzzer, Natalie Edmondson took over for Cassidy DeGroote in the Leamington net.

The guests applied heavier offensive pressure in the third and were able to solve Edmondson on a breakaway goal by Ellen Donaldson. Taking control of the puck from just outside her own blue line, Donaldson sprinted into the Lions’ zone and sent a knee-high wrist shot past Edmondson into the right side of the goal, unassisted.

The Saints continued swarming the LDSS net through the remainder of the third, forcing Edmondson to put on a sturdy display of goalkeeping to keep the host team ahead by a goal. With eyes on the curfew clock, the St. Anne coaches waved Sweeny

to the bench for the sixth skater with about four-anda-half minutes on the timer. The Lions eventually put the game away when Bailey Brown took control of the puck at centre ice and beat both Saint defenseman in a drag race to the empty net. Gradwell assisted on the game’s final goal.

“That was a pretty intense game,” said Lions’ assistant coach Janine Deneau. “We told the girls not to underestimate them (St. Anne), even though they were out a few players. Both our girls were strong in net. Our defense was in a bit too far on their one goal, but overall, it was an awesome game.”

The Lions took their fivegame undefeated streak to Belle River Dec. 19 to take on the Nobles. Leamington lost 5-1, with the lone goal scored by Fehr.


The Leamington Flyers made their point against a talent-riddled Chatham team on Thursday. Unfortunately, the Maroons made two.

Despite nursing a one-goal lead for close to half of their Thursday, Dec. 14 Western Conference game at Highbury Canco Arena, the Flyers had to settle for a 2-1 overtime loss. The defeat in extra minutes was Leamington’s sixth of the season, two more than any other team in the GOJHL. The loss allowed Chatham to pull four points ahead of the Flyers, although the point widened the gap over fifth-place Sarnia to eight points.

The Maroons carried the game’s pace for the first two-and-a-half minutes before the Flyers registered their first shot on goal. Although Leamington didn’t produce a goal on its first power play, the offensive momentum gained by the first man advantage was sustained beyond the two-minute five on four. From there, the hosts tested netminder Lucas Patton more frequently, at one point sending a bouncing puck deflecting past him only to see it bounce along the goal line before travelling wide of the goal. At the other end, Connor Meyerink had a solid 20 minutes in net, keeping the game scoreless going into the first intermission. Both teams tested their opposition with 11 shots on net.

The shot counter indicated a slight 8-7 advantage for the Maroons in the second period, although the puck appeared to spend more time in the Chatham zone. The Flyers pieced together more scoring chances, including two shots that rang off the iron. The only goal of the middle stanza was scored by Leamington while shorthanded. Catching one of two Maroons’ defensemen pinching in, Liam Hogan and Kade McKibbon took off in a two-on-one rush

that ended with Hogan chipping a pass from his new teammate into the mesh at the 4:09 mark. Mitchell Crevatin also drew an assist on what stood as the only marker of the first 40 minutes.

Chatham’s offense was more involved in the third period, where it kept the puck in Leamington’s zone more often and for longer stretches of time. It was a two-on-two rush that allowed the M’s to knot the score at 1-1 and nab at least one point, as Bryce Yetman one-timed an Ethan Sarfati pass beyond the reach of Meyerink.

It took just over two minutes of four on four in overtime for the Maroons to steal the second point when Sarfati

caught Leamington’s defense and Meyerink off guard by taking control of the puck and quickly sending it over the goal line with an ice-level shot.

Chatham outshot the Flyers 30-24 while both teams were zero for three on the power play.

We played well, we’re just snake bitten right now,” said Leamington head coach Tony Piroski. “I’m not upset with how we played, except for the mistakes in overtime. We had some chances and couldn’t put the puck in the net. They had chances and they scored.”

A day earlier, the Flyers’ point streak of five games came to an end with a 6-3 loss to the Nationals in London. Ryan Suzuki and Max Vinogradov made it 2-0 for London before Liam Hogan could reply with about five-and-a-half minutes remaining in the second period to finally beat Cameron Zanussi in goal. Suzuki struck again for a 3-1 Nats lead before Cale Phibbs brought Leamington to within one with 61 seconds left in the middle frame.

Colin Wilson added a London power play tally roughly half way through the third, although the Flyers again closed the gap on a Brett Vorshuk goal. Ethan Nother then gave London its third twogoal advantage of the night. Noah Hedrick was removed from the Flyers’ net for an extra skater, only to allow former St. Thomas Star Carson Brookshaw to bury an empty netter.

Leamington outshot its hosts 32-28 and went one for three on the power

play while the Nats were one for four.

“We played a good game in London, it just seemed like every chance they had, they scored,” Piroski said of Wednesday’s game. “The score wasn’t an indicator of our performance.”

On Saturday, the Flyers paid a visit to the Lambton Shores Predators. Leamington won the match 8-2, with Flyer goals being scored by Josh Pope-Ferguson, two straight on the power play by Blake Bain, Griffin Robinson and two each by Mark Gangnon, and Hogan. The Flyers outshot their hosts 43-25 and went two for four on the power play as the Preds were zero for three. Noah Hedrick took the win in net.

Rest of the West

On December 14, the LaSalle Vipers squeaked by the St. Thomas Stars with a 6-5 overtime win. Thursday games included a 4-3 win for the Nationals over the Sarnia Legionnaires, followed by Friday contests that ended 4-3 favouring the Strathroy Rockets over the St. Marys Lincolns and a 6-0 decision for the Stars against the Lambton Shores Predators. On Saturday, London won 5-1 against the Vipers while Strathroy came out on top 8-5 over Sarnia. The weekend ended with a 3-2 win for LaSalle in Chatham.

UPCOMING HOME GAMES: Thu., Dec. 22 vs. St. Marys, 7:10 p.m. Thu., Jan. 5 vs. LaSalle, 7:10 p.m.

UPCOMING AWAY GAMES: Fri., Jan. 13 vs. St. Marys, 7:30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 18 vs. LaSalle, 7 p.m.

The Flyers’ Zach Guilbeault tries to take control of a bouncing puck under the watchful eye of Chatham’s Alec Mackenzie during a Western Conference tilt at Highbury Canco Arena Thursday, Dec. 15. The Flyers led 1-0 going into the third period, but lost 2-1 in overtime. (Sun photo)
Jaydon Fetter backhands the puck out of the Flyers’ zone while Ethan Sarfati decides to pull back to centre ice during the second period. (Sun photo)

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How is Mrs Claus? How are the reindeers?

Yours truly Cooper, Age 6

Dear Santa,

Do you like cookies? Can we give you chocolate chip cookies. How are the reindeer. How are you? I am from Guatamala. I want cars.

Jostih, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good day. I hope the reindeer are ok. I hope you have a great Christmas. I loved last years presents. How is it in the North Pole? I would like a remote hellecopter.

Love Gabe

Dear Santa,

I have some questions? I wanted to ask you if there is a elf named Chloe and Brenna? For Christmas I would like shopkins and a sewing machine. But it does not matter if I get presents because I have a lot of toys. Have a good Christmas!

Dear Santa,

Love Milana, Age 7

I love last years present. How are the reindeer? How are the polar bears? This year I would like a baby, shopkins, numnum and a shopkins bubble gum machine.

Love Marriam, Age 7

Dear Santa, I like the present from last year. How is Rudolf? Please can I have Paw Patrol. On Saturday I am going to the parade. I am going to see you.

Dear Santa,

Love Connor, Age 7

I loved last years presents. How are the reindeer this year. Can we give you chocolate chip cookies and carrot for your reindeer? How iz it going in the north pole? How iz Mrs. Claus? I like Crismis with my family. I like to sing Cristmas songs. I would really like shopkan and kande and toy burfly.

Love Kaydee, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I loved last years presents. May I please have a egg hatchball. I would like a baby alive doll. I like to sing. Merry Christmas.

Love Beauty, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Christmas. I loved last eyars presents. I like the way you give us presents. So you have a great holiday! I would like a Barbie camper, numnums truck, a 2D’s, Shopkins, bubblegum machine and toy max robot.

Love Farsai, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Do you like cookies? How many reindeers do have? I love you Santa! I would like a shopkins bubble gum machine and a quad. Do you like cookies? I love your reindeers.

Love Teaghin, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? Can I give your reindeer a carrot? I like your suit. The only thing I would like is for you to have joy. I would like a book and a Ipad.

Love Lincoln, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I love last years presents. Are the reindeer okay? I am wondering if there is an elf named Brenna? Do you like cookies? I like spending time with my family at Christmas. I would like a zoomer meowzy.

Love Brenna, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? How are you Santa? I might have cookes and milk for you. What does the reindeers like? Are the polar bears your pet? I like the presents you gave me last year. What are you going to give me this year? How are you Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I want a 2DS, a nerf gun, a chocolate, a PS3, Ipad and a pet dog. I know that I won’t have all of the presents but please do your best.

Love Jordan, Age 7

Dear Santa,

You are the bes ever. I would like a pet snake for Christmas. I want a nerf gun, dog with leash, art kit, toy max robot, and a zombie launcher gun. Have a good Christmas.

Love Kaeden

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

How are the polar bears? I am wondering if there is a elf named Chloe? Do you like cookies? Can we give you chocolate cihp cookie and a carrot for your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I want Shopkins.

Love Chloe, Age 6

Please can I have a zombe launcher gun, please can I have a guitar. I am going to leave cookies for you and milk. Thanks for the presents because I like Christmas.

Love Chris, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

Do you like cookies? Can we give you a chocolate chip cookie and carrots for your reindeer? Do you have an elf named Abram? I love that you give us presents. Please can you give me nerf guns.

Love Abram, Age 7

For Christmas I hope for Pokemon cards, Pokemon stuffies. How are the reindeer. I am wondering is there a elf named Angelus. How are the polar bears. I love that you give us presents.

Love Angelus, Age 6

Dear Santa,

I loved last years presents. How are the reindeer? This year I am wondering if there is an elf named Chloe? How are the polar bears? For Christmas I would like a Barbie camper, shopcines, zooer zappy, toy dog with leash, toy max and robot.

Dear Santa,

Love Paityn, Age 6

Santa I loved last year presents. How are the reindeer. I love that you give us presents. Do you like cookies? Can we give you a chocolate chip cookie? For Christmas I would really like a stuffed toy.

Love Emily, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How are you? How many raindeer do you have? How is your raindeer Rudolf? Please can I have a pony? Please can I have a plastic skunk? I hope you have a nice Christmas night. Love Allison

M.D. Bennie Public School - Grade 1/ 2, Ms. Johnston
M.D. Bennie School - Mason - Age 7

Dear Santa,

I hope you are having a good time at the North Pole? How are you and Rudolph? I hope you have Rudolph are just fine? I have been a good girl and I would like a hatimal please. I would also a stuffed animal Rudolph. Marry Christmos.

Hailey Lopez, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How are you? Do you have any penuins in the North Pole? If you do, can you tell them I said hi. How is Mrs. Claus? May I please get lego, Dohvinci and sew cool for Christmas? Thank you. Seasons greeting.

Sincerely Zhara Redekop, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How are you? Do you still have Rudolph leading the group? Does Elfie still have the necklace I gave him? What kind of milk and cookies do you like? Please put my puppy on the naughty list! I have been extra good this year. So may I have a new fancy dress and some magic animal friends chapter books. Thank you, have a good winter.

Shaelynn Miller, 8

Dear Santa, How are you? How many elves do you have? What kind of cookies do you like? I’ve been extra good this year for Christmas so may I please have some Shopkins and two-zies and if I’m lucky some rainbow magic chapter books? Thank you. Fly safely. Keep the reindeer safe and health, keep yourself healthy too.

Sincerely Michaela, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I hope you have a FANTASTIC time in the North Pole!! Do you like chocolate cookies and milk? I think you like milk beause milk makes your bones healthy. I don’t know if you like chocolate cookies? The Christmas spirit is still alive when you’re standing next to it. I’ve been good this year. Can I please have a diary with a lock. Merry Christmas.

Sincerely Zainab Al Mosawi, Age 8

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

How are you? Do you exsersiz. I have been good this year so may I please have a new berbie car and a gumball machine. Merry Christmas. Thanks Rylee, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are you today? How are you and Mrs. Claus? What do you do when its not Christmas? How do you get to every house on Christmas? Santa, I have been good this year. May I please have hatchamal. They are not in stock in Walmart. May I please have a furby connect tow. I think you are cool. Merry Christmas.

Sincerely Gabby, 8

Dear Santa, How are you? How many toys do you make? When you come to my house I will give you cholate milk and cookies. I have been very good this year so may ples hav a German Shepard puppy. May I ahlso hav xbox 360 and video games. I love Cristmas. Thank you.

Sincerely Victor, 8

Dear Santa, How old are you? I hope you like pictares. Why do you like milk and cookies so much? How do you like it in the North Pole? For Christmas I would like some barbies, makeup and some stuffies. Do your elves like making toys? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Emma Klassen, 8

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole Santa do you want cookies on Christmas? How are the elves and the reindeers? Do you want something else instead of milk? Are you geting prepared for Christmas?

I have been good this year so may I please have a micronoid and the teen titanstower and octomas transformers one red and one black thank you.

Sincerely Dylan Quiring, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are you? Is everything going good in the North pole? How do your reindeer fly? How many elves do you have? Do your reindeer still like carrots? I have been very good this year so may I have a hachamal, clip on earrings and a trained german sheperd puppy? Merry Christmas. Thank you.

Miya Lougheed, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are you? I hope the elves have a great time making doys. Do the evles get mile? How are the reindeer? Can I please have a RC car sum lego a pug. Thank you Merry Christmas.

Brandon Lougheed, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are you? What kind of cookies do you like? Does Rudolph have a red nose? Do you like chocolt milk? Can I please have a new bathing suit? Can I plase have new chalk? Thank you Merry Christmas. Lilly Shaw, Age 8

Dear Santa, Seasons greetings! How heavy is your sack? Do you still like chocolate chip cookies? How long is your beard? I have been really good this year I would like a pug, rc car and a pvz please.

Adam Driedger, 8

Dear Santa, How are you? How do your rides fly? Do you

How are you? My name is Jadyn. How is the North Pole? Do you have a little helper? Hod do you get all those presents in one night? How long have you been delivering presents? I have been good this year so may I please have a hatchimal? I would also like a monster High Doll house and a mine-8 pixal camera. Merry Christmas. Thank you.

Jadyn Coates, 8

drink the milk? Santa I have been good this year so may I please have a vieo game and a ps4 and a little stuffie. Merry Christmas From Mason Wiper, Age 7

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope you havea good time on Christmas. What kind of cookies does Mrs. Claus make for you? I have been good this year so may I please have a lego friends roller coaster set, twozizes and shopkins? Last year I asked if you have an elf named Lindsey you said yes but how many elves are named Lindsey? Merry Christmas! Thank you!

Love Lindsey Curchin, Age 7

Dear Santa, How are you? I am sorry that I gave you water last year I promise that I will give you milk this year for Christmas I want a my life doll, a math book and a Barbie car. Have a good time in the North pole.

Love Madelyn Kenney, Age 7

Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole? Do you like chocolate chip cookies? Do you still like milk? Do the reindeer still like carrots? Does Rudolph have a

red nose? Could I please have a tablet? Could I also have a gumball machine? Merry Christmas.

Clara Neufeld, Age 7

Dear Santa, Do you shave your beard? Do you exercise? How are you? What is your favorite randeer? Mine is Rudolf? I was good this yer so can have gum ball machine I wod also like my life doll thak you I like your reindeer xoxo hoho

Ellie Reiter, Age 7

Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are having a good time at the North pole. What kind of cookies would you like this year? Do you still whant milk this year? I have been good this year so may I please have a Baby Alive and sopkins and puppy in my pocket. I hope you have a good year Thank you!

Morgan Dyck

M.D. Bennie Public School - Grade 2/3, Mrs. Driedger
M.D. Bennie School - Miya - Age 8

Dear Santa,

Where are you? I’ve been good and my family was good. Can you bring me a ball and car.

Love Hudson Williams, Age 5

Dear Mom and Dad,

So, Dad how is worc? I hope that you don’t have to do so much wrc. Mom hwo is yor scool wrk I hope you donte hadtoow sowe math wrc may I plees hav sum Shopcns for Krismis and som Barebee dolls and the American doll Juli plees but really want som shopcins and som klose for my barebee dolls and som klose for my Life doll.

Love Julianne Enns, Age 6

Dear Santa,

Can you please bring me a Barbie? I have been good this year.

Love Helena Bueckert, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? Santa can you please give me a plastic tent? I’ve been good this year. How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are your elfs doing? Are your elfs doing hared wreck on the prezint.

Love Ashley Huard, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Haw is Rudolf doing? Please bring me a nerf gun.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Love Randy Wall, Age 7

How are you to Day? How is work? Is Winter coming soon? Could you please bring me a tablet that is black and big. I want one like Cloe has.

Love Jocelyn Penner, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? Are your Elves doing good? I am ready for Christmas. Is your rander ready for the big night? Can you get me a Nerf Rival? Can you get me a Nerf Mega or can you get me pokemon cards? Can you get me a new kowasoce dirt bike? Can you get me a remote control race car? Can you get me two hockey sticks. Can you get me dirtbike gloves?

Love Ryan Krueger, Age 7

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing today? I’m doing good. Let’s play tag. May I have a toy monster truck that is black and blue.

Love Carson Dyck, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolf dowing for the big night? Can you get me a hamster. It shod be brown.

Love Ashlyn Wiper, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? Do you like the north pole? How is Rudolf doing you like Rudolf. Wut are you doing on the year. Do you like your home.

Love Riley MacDonald, Age 5

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolf doing? How are your elfs doing? What is Mrs. Claus doing for the big night? Can you bring me a remote controlled helicopter?

Love Monica Biekx, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? I thank you! I was a good girl so may I have an ipad.

Love Madisyn Jamieson, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How is Rudulf doing is vixen ready for the big night? How is Mrs. Claus doing. Could you bring me Pokemon.

Love Jaxon Reidiger, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus and the reindeer doing? Could you please bring me a electric car and Imaginex.

Love Ben Arquette, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you doing and are your elves working hard? How is the raindeer doing? Can you plees bring me Dash? He is on my list. Plees bring me some Pokemon. Can I plees have a remote controlled cor wheeler.

Love Brady Walker, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? Is Rudolf ready for the big night? I’m ready for Christmas. Could you please bring me a toy police car and a race car and new pencils and a hot wheel car and a beard and a hat and a suit of red and a pizza to eat.

Love Joseph Thiessen, Age 6

Dear Santa,

How are you feeling this winter? Are the raindeer ready for Christmas? Could you please bring me a remote controlled car? Thank you. If you can? I like the elf. I named him Scowt. The elf is vary funny. He once was in the frigarator. I hope you like the cookies evry body gives you. Could you pleas bring me 5 hula hoops for Christmas. You are vary kind to the kids that have no toys. I like that you have a white beard and a red hat and a red suit. I have been nice to my brothers this year. My dad has been tickling me a lot this year. Your lauft is funny to me. Do you really climb down chimnys to get to houses at night time? Does Rudolf have a red and briht and red like a lite. Are you cold in the north pole at all. Is your hovs made of brick or stone?

Love Logan Konrad, Age 7

EMPS - Ryan - Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you! Do you and Mrs Claus ever diliver presents together? What is it like to have magical reindeer? The number 1 thing I want for Christmas is an Emoji pillow and when do your Evles start to make the presents because it must take a long time because there is probably like 2,000 kids in the world. Do you know how Roudolph got his red nose?! And do kids say you are not read or are you? I’m always going to belive.

Your friend Emily, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you? How old are you? Am I on the naughty list? Can I have a Iphone 6 and a pet guinea pig? Santa you are the best ever. I deserve an Iphone 6 because I was listening all the time.

Your friend Jayvion, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Santa how old are you? I watched all of your Christmas movies. My favurite Christmas movie is roudolf the red nosed raindeer. I want a third Xbox 360 remote for Christmas. Santa do you go to Church, I do. How many Elves are in your castle. Can you actually see me when I am sleeping. How many people are on the nice list. From Oliver, Age 8

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is for a day to spend with my family since my family and me get together on family night, dinner and sometimes for lunch but only on the weekend. Dear Mrs. Claus, how old are you?

Dear Santa,

Your friend Trudy, Age 9

How are you? I don’t think it’s fair that you only have to work 1 day a year and our parents have to work a lot more than that! How old are you? I also don’t think it’s fair that you get all those cookies! Do you have any pets? I want a stickbot for Christmas! I hope your elves can make them because they look complicated! I hope you get all the presents to the houses in time! Have a good Christmas!

Dear Santa,

Your friend Jessica, Age 9

How are you Santa? What I want is lego friends for Christmas. I should get it because I do my chores and I’ve been good so can you please get it for me and thank you and merry Christmas to you.

Dear Santa,

Your friend Deborah, Age 9

Hellow. How are you? How old are you? I am great. I already sent you a letter. I would like a perplexus epic, the lego city airport passenger terminal and a big beanie boo named Aria. Have a great day at the North Pole.

Dear Santa,

Your friend Alex, Age 8

How old are you. I want a DS please. Ithink I have earned it by being good at home and school. How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are your raindeers? How old is Mrs. Claus?

By your friend Mackenzie, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How many elves do you have? How old are you? How are you doing in the North Pole? I want 20 different stick bots please. I would also like a tablet. I also want 2 new controllers. I hope you have a safe trip delivering all the toys.

Your friend Brian, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you today? I would like a new phone. I would also like a stick bot. How old are you Santa? I have been just a little naughty but I promise to be nice. I hope you have nice weather so that you can deliver all the presents. So am I on the naughty or nice list?

Your friend Nico, Age 9

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa I love you. Are your raindeers real? Can I have something for Christmas a teddy bear please? I wish I could come to your sled and I love Mrs Claus.

Your friend Maream, Age 9 P.S. I love you

Dear Santa,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! What I want for Christmas is a talblet but that is if you can oh and can I get a dog I miss T-Bone and Paqito so much? How old are you? How can you read all the languages?

Your friend Jaslene, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you? How old are you? Are you 100 years old? Are you buys? Am I on the naughty list or the nice list? Can you get me an xbox 360. I deserve it because I am good at home. Are you tired? How is Mrs. Claus and the elves. Say hit to Mrs. Claus and the elves.

Your friend Aron, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you? I bet you are super busy. Please can I have a recorder. I deserve it because I really have done all my chores and I tried helping my friends and it worked! Tell Mrs. Claus that I said Hi. Is Buddy really real from the movie elf? Who’s your favourite reindeer? Yesterday was character day and Yasser was you! Am I on the nice list or naughty list? Some people don’t believe in you.

Your friend Gwen, Age 8

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

How are you? Will you come to my house? If you do can we talk? Am I on the nice list? Can you draw a picture if I’m on the nice list please. I’m just asking if you’re not out may you please give me an x-box with mindcraft? I don’t want to be rude but I deserve it because I do a lot of work. How old are you? I can’t wait for Christmas morning, have a Merry Christmas.

From your believing friend, Andre, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How are you? How old are you? How is Mrs. Claus? Tell your reindeers I said Hi please. Santa I don’t want a present for Christmas, because I don’t want to waste your time. How do you get your presents? How do your reindeer fly?

From you friend Raul, Age 9

P.S. You should go through the front door.

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I want a rainbow loom set. I think I deserve it because I help clean up at my house. What’s your favourite colours. I hope you have a nice day!

Your friend Paul, Age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year and I want to have a stick bot this year for Christmas. I am so excited because I have an Elf on the shelf. I hope I can meet you some day. How many elves do you have? By the way, what is it like in the North Pole?

Your friend Tristan, Age 9

Salutations Santa Claus How old are you? How do your reindeers fly? More and more questions? No, anyway, I actually don’t want or need a present because all I want for Christmas is nothing and I have no disrespect in you. I know this letter is short but I hope you have a good Christmas day!

Sincerly Moo Way Lay, Age 9

How are you? I bet you are very busy but I hope you have time to read this letter. I have a few questions. How do you read all the languages in the world? How bright is Rudolph’s nose? Do you eat so many Christmas cookies and milk on Cristmas eve you get a stomic ake? Do you have a party on Christmas after you finish delivering the presents? Merry Christmas!

Sincerely Ashley, Age 9

Dear Santa,

How old are you? Can I have some Lego please. How do you fly around the world in 1 night? I have Christmas. How many elves do you have? So do you get paid? Am I on the naughty list? How are you?

Yor friend Dakari, Age 9

Queen Elizabeth - Maream - Age 9
Queen Elizabeth - Jennifer - Age 8

Dear Santa,

My name is Patrick. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were set up the Christmas tree and make my bed. My Christmas wish list is an RC Car, a TV, 2x2 Rubics Cube, A Dirt Bike.

Love Patrick Allison, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Kyle. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were I empty the dishwasher and I listen to the teacher. My Christmas wish list is skylanders, mixels, skylanders imaginators.

Love Kyle Bradley, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Cameron. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were feed the pets and I clean the dishes. My Christmas wish list is a trampoline, nerf gun, candy, clothes.

Love Cameron Douglas, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Lois. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were doing the dishes and cleaning the floor. My Christmas wish list is a chocolate pen, yummy nummies, clothes, a surprise.

Love Lois Fehr, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Leah Friesen. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were dishes and I make my bed. My Christmas wish list is a rubix cube, dresup stuf, makeup, computer.

Love Leah Friesen, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Ashley. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were helping my mom and making my bed. My Christmas wish list is hatchimals, a surprise, playdough, trolls.

Love Ashley Harmston, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Keagan. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were vacuum the carpet and make my bed. My Christmas wish list is a rubix cube, drone, remote control monster truck, mind kraft wii u games.

Love Keagan Hatt, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Delilah. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were clean the family room and feed my pet fish. My Christmas wish list is a rubix cube, books, hatchimals, iPad.

Love Delilah Heide, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Noah. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were vacuum the floor and dry the dishes. My Christmas wish list is Mario and Luigi paper jam, wii you, a phone, Mario party 10.

Love Noah Letkeman, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Lincoln. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were decorate our Christmas tree and did the laundry. My Christmas list is a Lego police set, Lego camping set, rubix cube, gummy bears and skittles.

Love Lincoln Rempel, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Leah Sharon. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were vacuum the floor and wash the dishes. My Christmas wish list is a my life doll, markers, Barbie camper, a surprise.

Love Leah Sharon, Age 7


Dear Santa,

My name is Max. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were I swept the floor and mom didn’t tell me. My Christmas wish list is a 3DS, telephone.

Love Max Friesen, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Mikayla. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were clean my room and make her a hot chocolate. My Christmas wish list is hatchimals, littlelive pets, puppet, diary.

Love Mikayla Friesen, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Kaeden. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were clean my toy and clean the floor. My Christmas wish list is triangle rubix cube, hexagle rubix cube, 2x2 rubix cube, circle rubix cube.

Love Kaeden McCormick, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Jadan. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were I heplp my mom and make my bed. My Christmas wish list is a ball, books, hat, computer.

Love Jadan Smith, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Dylan and I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were help my family and filled the dog bowl. My Christmas wish list is 2x2 rubix cube, iPhone, pyraminx, 3x3 rubix rube.

Love Dylan Mellow, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Haley. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were help with the Christmas tree and dust mom and dad’s room. My Christmas wish list is a Shopkins, teddy bear, games, iPad.

Love Hayley Unger, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Kane. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. My Christmas wish list is Skylanders Imaginators.

Love Kane Gagnier, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Susie. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were clean the living room and help my mom. My Christmas wish list is a puppet, teddy, doll, piaint set.

Love Susie Neufeld, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Kevin, I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were vacuum the playroom and help my dad fix the window. My Christmas wish list is a rubiks cube 10 x 10, rubiks cube spark, nerf gun, drone.

Love Kevin Unger, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Owen. I am 7 years old. I have been very good this year. Some of the nice things I did were was the dishes and clean up my room. My Christmas wish list is an iPod, iPad, tablet, computer.

Love Owen Wiebe, Age 7

Mount Carmel Blytheswood Public School - Grade 2, Mrs. Farquharson
Jonathan Wiebe,

Mill Street Public School - Grade 1/2, Mrs. Wiebe

Dear Santa,

My name is Daniel. I am 7 years old. I am a boy. I am funny play the water. are elves come to my house? Are you give van a present? Could I have a train.

Sincerely, Daniel Ayala, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Kyra Fox. I’m 7 years old. I am funny. I am a good swimmer. What do your elves look like. What does Mrs. Claus look like? Could I have a unicorn?

Love Kyra Fox, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Ashley. I am a kid. I love my dog. Do you have a toy for my dog. Can you bring me a lego, I would like a bike, cat, ball, guitar, lego.

Love Ashley Sanger, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I like to play Pokemon. I like to play video games. I like your hat. Do you have Christmas boots. For Christmas please could I have something to help me climb a wall like Spiderman and Batman.

From Landon Wiebe, Age 7

Dear Santa, I am a boy. My name is Tyler. How do your elves get to our house? How do you get through our chimneys? How do you make your presents? Please can I have some cars? Please can I have an electrical Jeep?

Sincerely, Tyler Mellow, Age 7

Dear Santa,

My name is Addison. I have a cat. I also have a fish. It is bike and the cat is black and wite. I would like a baby boy.

Sincerely Addison Zorzit, Age 6

Dear Santa, My name is Nayeem. I’m six. I’m a boy. How does it feel in the north pole? How do you get your reindeer? How do you get the presents? Could I please have bayblads, a box of pokemon and presents. Love Nayeem Johny, Age 6

Dear Santa, My name i Genesis. I like playing. I am a student. How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? Please can I get gel peel and shopkins and Twosies and littles petshop.

From Genesis Chevez-Amaya, Age 7

Dear Santa, My name is Kaydence. I think I have six friends. What do you’r elves look like? I wonder how you make the sleigh move? How do the reindeer fly Santa? What are you allergic to Santa? Are you allergic to cats? Are you allergic to peanut-butter? May I please have playdough and flubber Santa.

Love Kaydence Jarvis-Kelley, Age 7 P.S. Can I please have a cat too Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Jason. I am 7 years old. I have 1 cat. How are your reindeer? Please I want a remote control car that can drive in water.

From Jason Fehr, 7

Dear Santa, My name is Emily. I am 7 years old. How is Rudolph? How are your reindeer? How are you doing? How is the north pole? Can I please have play dough. Can I please have a toy horse. Can I pelase have a my life doll?

Love Emily VanHaren, 7

Dear Santa, I am Sadie. I am six years old. Am I on the naughty list, yes or no? Can I please have a pack of shopkins and a pack of trolls and a pack of monster high dolls?

From Sadie Reimer, Age 6

Dear Santa,

My name is EmmaLee. How are you doing? Please can I have a new bed?

Love Emma-Lee, Age 6

Dear Santa, My name is Carter. How do your elves fly? Can I please have a pogostick and can I please have a keyboard?

Love Carter Anderson, Age 6

Dear Santa, My name is Peyton. I have a baby puppy. I sevin yers old. How is Rudoplh. How are your reindeer. Ples ken I hav for krismi, a Bebook a big ber.

Love Peyton Wachhaus, Age 7

Dear Santa, Santa I have a name my name is Giana I am five years old. Santa may I have some shopkins and some dress-up dresses.

Love Giana Nwachukwu, Age 5

Dear Santa,

My name is Railey and I am 6 years old and please could I have a shopkins and pleas could I have flubber. Could I have a puppy?

Love Railey Schmitt

When a blanket of white covers the ground, And plenty of good cheer is easily found. When houses and trees are decked out in their best, With icicles, tinsels and lights and the rest. When the world seems fresh with hope anew, That’s the time we give thanks for friends like you!


Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? And how are you? I only want 1 thing for Christmas and that is my rocke please? That’s all! Hope you can make it! P.s. – I really want a puppy and you’re awesome! Thank you.

From, Tauri, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are the reindeers doing Santa? I believe in you Santa. I like you Santa as a friend. How old are you Santa? I’m 9 years old. Me and my parents are going to my grandm’as home on the 26th on Monday.

From Lisa, Age 9

Dear Santa, I hope Elvis gave you my Christmas list because I relally want some of those things. I think I’ve been good this year.

From Jackson, Age 7

Dear Santa, I want a bike for Christmas and I want a Wiu. Are all of your reindeers boys?

From Isaac, Age 8

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing at the North Pole? What are your reindeers names? How are you doing? I’ve been a good boy this year. What are you doing to get me this year? Can I see Rudolph? Santa can you bring me a picture frame of Rudolph? Santa can you bring me a pictureframe of you please?

Love Landon, Age 7

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing good or bad? I hope he is doing good oh and Santa what I want for Christmas is a robo dog please!!

From Liam, Age 7

Dear Santa, Have I been good? Do you like the North Pole? Are we going to get snow this year? I’m getting a new home Christmas Day.

From Ayralon, Age 7

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? You are cool! How are your elves? Thay are cool too! From Tanor, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Can your reindeer fly? I’ve been a good girl. How are your elves doing? Do you have a good list and a bad list? Am I going to get presents this year?

From Susie, Age 8

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want to see reindeer. I would really like loots teddyies please.

From Melody, Age 7

At this special time of year, we’d like to wish you and your family, peace, health and happiness. For all of the goodwill you’ve shown us, we are deeply grateful.

Mill St. Public School - Grade 2/3, Mrs. Eaton
Mill Street P.S. - Susie - Age 8.

Santa’s Mail Bag

Dear Santa, I liked my presents last year. I want a big doll this year.

Love Reese Baillargeon, Age 4

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a red scooter and a fox Stuffy.

From Rocco Baillargeon, Age 6

Dear Santa,

You must be very bisey this year. Mrs. Clase must be bisy as well. Want my family together and a tory horse wo I can play with it in my tory horse barn. Mary Chrismis

Sincerely Vanessa, Age 7

Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus happy? I hop the avles feal good? For Christmas I wont batman toys and Lego or dinosaurs toys Mary Christmas.

Dear Santa,

From Lucas, Age 7

Can I pretty please have a samsung tablet? And how are the elfs? Can I also be one of your elfs or can I have a elf costume? I’m going to give you really yummy cookies this year. I LOVE YOU SANTA AND MRS CLAUSE!! I’m a size Large. Love Owen Amand, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How are you I want a nerf rival see you next year Your friend Levi Enns, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How is the north pole? How is ms. Claus? How is the elvs? Can I have a nerf hyperfire? A nerf machine gun and cin I have a big iPad? See ya next year.

Tyler Clement, Age 8

Re j o i c e !

Dear Santa,

I would like Pokemon sun lago and Pokemon cards. I hope you well have a good Christmas. How are the evles? How is Mrs. Claus. See you next year. Sincerely Joshua, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How aer you I hop you aer having a very nice Chrismtas. Thing I wid like is a puppy. Thankyou Santa. Frum Zainab, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How is your elve? For Christmas I would like a mini skat park. At my dads I would like a mini ice rink. If I don’t get what I whant I will still be happy! Sinserley Matthew Mastromatteo, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Are you very busy this year. May I have a selfie mic, playdoh, My life doll/stuff, under amour shoes and clothes, Guava Juice Box, paper, markers, Mr. Sketch crayon.

Sincrly Taila Paspaporn, Age 8

Dear Santa,

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we hope your hearts are filled with the same wonderful feeling of abundant joy.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we hope your hearts are filled with the same wonderful feeling of abundant joy. M e r r y C h r i s t m a s

21205 Pier Rd., Wheatley 519-825-4694

Dear Santa,

How are the evles? For Christmas I want a best western pass, a microphone, felt, a ouchless brush, tread, fabic, chaper books, playmobie and the game mouse trap. I like Christmas! We have four Christmases. Merey Christmas. Sincerely Abrielle Albrecht, Age 7

How is Mrs. Claus and the elves? How are you? I want for Christmas is a real nut cracker. I will be happy with that at my home. From Kennidi, Age 8

Dear Santa,

How are the elves? I need water. I want Lego Ninjago. I need clothes. I want a big penguin stuffy. From Owen Wilson, Age 7

Blessings this Christmas Season as we celebrate the birth of Christ

Dear Santa, Are you feeling busy this year? I would like the Pie In The Face game, a camping book, a giftcard for a waterpark and a giftcard for books. From Landin, Age 8

Dear Santa,

Can I pretty please have a play compueter for kids I want a dress for school. How are your elfs? From Monique, Age 8

Dear Santa, I am good so I would have a nutcrackr for Christmis. I want a nutcrackr because I want to push the lever behind the nutcrackr. Mary Christmis! From Karam, Age 7

Queen Elizabeth - Zainah - Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you today?

Are your elves busy? I would like an xbox 360 so then when I’m bored I can play xbox. My mom and dad say it is too expensive, but I say I will give you my money to buy it. Can you also buy me a otg cable so then I can use it? My mom and dad say what will you do with it. I say connect a computer mouse. Merry Christmas.

Yasser, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Do you like hockey? Could you please get me a g2 optimus prime. Mom says it’s not educational but I use handeye coordination. May you also get me a hyper stunt drone my dad says I could break something but I promise to fly it outside.

Your friend Andrew, 8

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa. How are you today? How is the weather over there? Santa, can I have a skateboard on Christmas? My parents say it will make damages inside but I say I will play with it outside. Also, can I have an xbox? My parents say it is too much money but I say I will pay half. Bye, bye, Santa I hope I can see you some day.

Your friend Alejandro, Age 8

Dear Santa, I’m excited to write to you. How many reindeer do you have at the North Pole? How are you doing? Santa, could you please get me a dog? My parents think it will be rough but I say I’ll keep it in my room. Could you also get me an Iphone? My parents say I won’t do my chores but I say you can make sure I do them. May you please give me the gifts on Christmas Eve?

Love Jennifer, Age 8

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa. How are you today? How is the weather over there? Santa, can I have an xbox because I want to play games. My parents say someone will take it but it’s not going outside. Also, Santa can I have a skateboard? My parents say do not play inside but I will play outside. Bye, bye Santa see you again.

From Hang Htwe, 8

Dear Santa, I am so excited to write to you. Will you get me a playstation 4 because it would be so fun. My parents would say it would rot my brain but I can sit far away from the t.v. Also a Golden Retrever so we can keep them. Can you please get me these presents?

Love Liam, Age 8

Dear Santa, Hi Santa my name is Pancho. I like to play soccer. Soccer is fun. Are you having fun at the North Pole with your reindeer? Can you please give me a soccer ball? My parents say I could break a window but I could play outside. Can you please give me an X Box 4? My parents say it is too expensive but I could save money by doing chores. Have a good flight!

Love Pancho, Age 8

Dear Santa, What is your favourite food? I would like a new 3DS but my parants say it is too expensive but our presents can be $100. Santa, I would like a Pokemon moon game please but my parants say I need a 3DS but I will not be lasy.

From Jakey, Age 8

Dear Santa, I hope I can see you on Friday at Colasantis. How old are you? Do you fly for real? Can you please give me the Iphone? My mom said it will be ruined but I will take care of it. I want to have a hover board but my mom said I will get hurt. But I will be careful and take care of it. I hope you can give me the gifts on Christmas.

Love Lilyan, Age 8

Dear Santa, How old are you? How many elves do you have? Santa please get the present I want. I would like a driving nerf drone but my dad doesn’t like nerf but it’s a cool toy. I want a bmx bik but mom said it’s too much money. but I’ll use my own money to help you Santa. Please get the toys I want.

From Cody, Age 8

Dear Santa, I’m so excited to write to you Santa. Is Roodolf Ok. Also Santa could you please give me the remote controlled millennium Falcon. My parents think it’s to expensive but I said I can I ask you Santa. Then they said ok. Also can you get me a BB gun pistol my parents said I could break a window but I promise to play with it safely outside. I hope you have a good flight.

From James, Age 8

Dear Santa, I hope I can see you one day. How old are you? Is Rudolf doing well so far? How decorated is your work shop. I asked my mom for a new bike. She said it is too much money. I said I could pay for some of it. I would also like a nerf gun but my mom said I could dent a cabinet but I can play in the basement. Merry Christmas.

Love Seth, Age 8

Dear Santa, I hope I can see you one day. I wish I could have a Barbie Hover board because it is fun to play with. But my dad said I could break a window when I fly it. But I will play with it outside. I also want a giant Rainbow Loom set because I want to make bracelets for my friends. But my dad said the dog might get to them. Can you please give me the gifts on Christmas?

Love Autumn, Age 8

Dear Santa,

I like writing to you. Last time my letter got in the newspaper! Is there a new reindeer at the North Pole? I want a cat for Christmas. I also want a chinchilla. But my

mom says a chinchilla is to much money. My mom says cats shed to much. But I say I will clean up its fur. I say if I don’t get a chinchilla for Christmas I will save my money. I want these gifts because a chinchilla is cut and cuddle and a cat is fun to play with. I hope you get me these gifts on Christmas? By Santa. Your friend Trent, Age 8

Dear Santa, How was your day in the North Pole? How is Rudolph doing? I have been having fun playing at the park. Fro Christmas I would really love a real puppy in a box. My mom says that puppies are to big for our house but I think it is ok! I would also like a big toy pony that changes colours. I saw it on T.V. Hae fun Santa and have a great year!

From your dear little girl, Cadence, Age 8

Dear Santa, Hello Santa. How are you today? How is the weather over there? Santa can I have a bike please? My parents say it is too much money but we have money in the bank. Bye Santa. From George

Dear Santa,

Do you use Rudloph still? I pulled my tooth out this year. For Christmas I would like a drone and a stickman and a mindcraft zombie.

From Brycen, Age 8

Dear Santa, I wish to meet you one day. How many elves do you have? What kind names did you name reindeer? Do you test the toys? I would like a snow mobile and a paint ball gun. My parents say the snow mobile cost too much money. I say I’ll pay for part of it. My parents say the paintball gun is too dangerous I say I’ll be carefull. Merry Christmas.

Nicholas, Age 8

Dear Santa, I’m really really excited to write to you. How old are you? How

cold is the North Pole? Santa could you please give me an iPhone 6 for too long but I say I’ll just be on it for an hour or two. Santa, could you also give me an ipad. My parents say I’m going to loose the ipad but I say I promise I’ll keep it in a safe place.

From Monica, Age 7

Dear Santa, I would like to tell you I am excited for Christmas. How do you make presents? I would like is a big gasoline toy truck and a blue ford truck ride on toy. My parents say someone can steal my toy but I will keep my toy in my bedroom. My parents say it’s too big, but I’ll keep it neatly put away in the garage. Christmas is so much fun.

Love AJ, Age 7

Queen Elizabeth - Autumn - Age 8

Dear Santa,

I like your sleigh. I need new shoes. Please I need new pants please can I please have a barbie car? Can I please have a puppy. Please heve a Barbie car? Can I please have a toy Barbie doll. Can I please have a puppy please.

Love Lamas, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Thank you for sending me my elf on the shelf and I hope shes giving you good reports. For Christmas this year I really need new slippers because mine too big Also I would really like a new Barbie car. Thanks Santa.

Love Madison Gagnon, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I like your sleh I would like some new PJs, underwar and socks. I want a blue jays sweater and white out. Thank you.

Love Sara Nantais, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I love your white berd Santa. I would like some PJs. I would love to have a baby puppy toy. I’d love to have a pop catrol set. I love too have a troll set. Love Faith Nantais, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I like your boots. I like you Santa. I need socks. I would like a teddy bear.

From Katie Redekop, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Minecraft Lego 21125 <> 21122. I need a blaket you’re the best tracmaster makes it a coss Love Brett, Age 6

Dear Santa,

I like your sleigh. How is Mrs Claus? How are the reindeer? I like you Santa. Santa Can I please hav a scarf Santa. Can I please hav a keyboard. Love the sensitive kid Shea Tatomir, Age 6

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, I like your workshop because it is so cool I need a pari of sunglasses for the summer. I really want an iPad with cool games no it.

Love Katie, Age 7

Dear Santa, I miss you. I need socks. Please you are asom. I want Lego please.

Your fan Nolan, Age 7

Dear Santa, I love you santa and I need a new pair of gloves. I want a nerf gun (toy) super nerfgun. Love Joseph, Age 7

Dear Santa, I like you ar really nice. I need a scarf because I don’t have one. Can I please have Pokemon cards.

Love Cayus Whitehead, Age 6

Dear Santa, I love your sleigh your sleigh is very shiny For Christmas I would like a new belt please could I have some Star Wars Lego? Closing I love you, Devin Neufeld, Age 6

Dear Santa, Mrs. Claws must be nice. This Chritsmas I need underwear and jeans. This Chritsmas I want a hockey play mobell to go with the play mobell. I want Pittsburgh men and some other teams.

Sincerery Eli Driedger, 7

Dear Santa, Can I please have lego cowb I have a toy boat? I like your toy shop.

From Matthew Lazo, Age 6

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas and I miss you. How are you? I like your elves. Can I please have a pair of new pyjamas. Can I have a pair of socks? Can I plase have Star wars Lego? Can I have a new doll? Can I have some books plase.

From Serena Anscombe, Age 7

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause? May I get some earmuffs? I want a Pittsburgh jersey.

The sensitive kid, Elise Wilkinson, Age 6

Dear Santa, I miss you. I will like a wii yo please. I need socks for christma. I would like cookies too. From Joey, Age 6

Dear Santa, I like Mrs. Clause. For Christmas I need new shoes. I need new shirts too. I want a minion phone and a hockey tableset. What kinds of cookies does Mrs. Clause make? I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Love Christian, Age 7

Dear Santa, I like your penguins. I like your riendeers. I lik mrs. Claus. I need new pants. I want a race track and IPhone.

Love Ryan Sawatzky

Dear Santa, How are you? How are your reindeer? I love your reindeer but I like roudph the best. Is roudph going to lead your sleed this year? So you can give presents to all the kids around the world. Speaking of presents could I have a elsa doll and a Barbie to play with and some boots to play in the snow? Please! Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!! Rebekah, Age 7

Gore Hill Public School

Grade 2/3, Mrs. Hodgson

Dear Santa, I have been doing good at school I relly hope I can get these there things. Number one a tablet. Number two all the teenage mutan turtles I would play with this one every day. Number threre WWE 2K17 oh, and Santa how are the elfs doing? Oh and tell them I said hi.

Your friend Taiden Sauve, Age 8

Dear Santa, Hows your favourite reindeer on the sleigh? Whose your favourite elf friend? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Who is your best friend at the North Pole? How are you doing at the North Pole? For Christmas I want a hockey table. Your friend Christian Bedford, Age 7

Dear Santa, I have been good this year for my forth present I would like Pokemon and legendary book and Fnrf 2 3 4 and 5. I can’t wait! Your friend Rayden, Age 8

Dear Santa, I helped my mom, dad and Lola. When will you come to my house I hope you have good sleep. I would like a book a video game and a Star Trek voyageur set with all the gagets. Your friend Cohen, Age 7

Dear Santa, I sometimse clean up the toy room. How are your reindeers going? Can I please have hockey gloves?

From Mason Neufeld, Age 6

Dear Santa, I helped my dad be the decorations so can you please get me a Lego Gost busters cars? Have a Merry Christmas! From your friend Aiden, Age 7

Dear Santa, I help my mom clean. When my mom is sick I help her. I want a Baby Doll in a crib. I clean up garbge at school.

From Nataya, Age 6

Dear Santa, I’ve been real good this year How is Mrs. Claus doing? I just wated to know. This year I want a Barbie Doll plase with a cherry on top I will leave you some cookies.

Love Brianne, Age 7

Dear Santa, I was good this yeer. I folded clothes for my dad. What I want for Christmas is snuggles the puppy.

Your friend Jacklyn, Age 7

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a radio. Plassssse. I have been really really good.

Your friend Brandy R., Age 8

Dear Santa, I have been good. I have been helping my mom. Thanks for the present from last Christmas. My x-box is awesome! Do you know what I want this year a play station two.

Your friend Tony, Age 8

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I helped my mom and dad. What I want for Chrismtas is a Shopkins keychain.

Your friend Andrea, Age 7

Dear Santa, I want to make a deal with you. If you give me toys you have to get my cousins Charly and Chase a hoverbord. My cousins are very good. I have been good this year to what I want is an electric scooter for Christmas. Pretty please with a cherry on top.

Your friend Kapree, Age 7

Dear Santa, I have tried to help my family a lot I want a speaker please. You are nice.

From your friend Bryce, Age 8

Dear Santa, I was good this year what I want for Christmas is a phone. One thing I want to ask you “How is Rudolf doing?” Your friend Shaelyn, Age 7

Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie house. I would like shopkins. I would like legos. I would like a flipazoo. I was a good girl but I didn’t clean my room. Merry Christmas everybody!

Your friend Grace, Age 8

Dear Santa, How is my Elf doing? My friend Sadie would like a Big Barbie Dream House for Christmas. I would like a pet cat. We are going to make chocolate chip cookies for you. Please write back.

Your friend Rachel, Age 8

Dear Santa, I really want a watch Dogs two and a fooseball table. How are the elves? I have been working hard this year at school. Your clumsy friend, Tyler W., Age 8

Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a Barbie doll house I have been very good this year. I cleaned the basement I have been very good in school. I play with my brother and my sister. I really want a Barbie doll house please I hop you have a good Christmas. From Sadie, Age 8

Gore Hill Public School - Grade 1/2, Mr. Stewart
Gore Hill Public School - Jacklyn - Age 7
Gore Hill Public School - Rachel - Age 8

Cher Pére Noël, Cètte anné jai été très gentil a mon frère. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: Pour Noël j’aimerais avoir un Xbox et un jouet de Pokémon Pikachu. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait , tes biscuits et les carottes pour tes rennes avant de repartir. Je te Souhaite un joyeux Noël.

Stiveen, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Cayden et j’ai 7 ans. Cette année, j’ai été res sage. Voici ma liste de cadeaux : J’ai merais un poisson et un booster box flos n fire. Noublie pas de proendre des biscuits et les carottes a vandre de rep panetir.

Caden, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Alina et jai 7 ans. Cette année jai été tressage. Voice ma liste de cadeaux. Jaime rolis une furby connect, des vetements de maplea et des vetements pour moi. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait et les carottes pour tes rennes. Un gros callin.

Alina, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Jétais une fille trés sage. Jaimerais un furby connect et une machine de karaoke. Noublie pas de prendre les carottes pour les rennes avant de repatir. Je te souhaite un joyeaux Noël. Isabella, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Mitchell. Cette année jétais bon des fois. Voici ma liste de cadeaux : KJaimerais un Xbox 1. Noublie pas de prendre ton biscuit et les carottes pour les rennes et avant des repartir avec tes rennes. Joyeux Noël. Mitchell, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Jaimerias cette année jetais trés gentil a lécole. Jaimerais un lego mindcraft set et marie sunshines et un marie lego set.

Deean, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je Mapelle Michael. Cette année jai eté un bon elève. Jaimerais un Xbox 1, un pc et des fleurs. Boublie pas de donner aux rennes une carottes. Michael, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Brinley. Cette année jai été très sage. Pour Noël jaimerais des shopkins. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait, les biscuits et les carottes avant de reportor avec tes rennes.

Amicalement, Brinley, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Joshua et jai 7 ans. Cette année jai écoute Mme Wendy et jai aidé les amis. Voici ma liste de cadeaux. Jaimerais un ipad, un xbox et un hoverboard. Noublie pas de prendre tes carottes et tes biscuits avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je te souhaite un joyeux Noël. Joshua, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mappelle Layla et jai 7 ans, Cette année jai été très sage. Voici ma liste de cadeaux. Jaimerais des vetements, des jouets des shopkins. Nonblie pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je taime Pére Noël.

Layla, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année jai été sage mais partois un peu pois sage. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: Jaimerais un iPad, des beanie boos et des shopkins. Noublie pas des prendre ton lait, ton biscuit et les carottes pour tes rennes. A bientot!

Serenity, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année jai été sage et parfois un peu moihssage. Voici ma liste de cadeaus: des jouets de Skylanders, imaginators et le jeu, Pokémon, flash fire booster box, et un iPod 6. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je te remer.

Henry, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année jai été très sage. Pour Noël, jaimerais un jouet de renne. Noublie pas de prendre les carottes pour tes rennes avant de repartir. Joyeux Noël. Estefani, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année jai été très gentil. Voici ma liste de cadeaux : un mega carizard x bleu, et un iPhone 6. Tu es le meil-

Saint-Michel - Estefahi , 7

leur! Noublie pas de prenar ton lait. Massimo, 8 ans

Cher Pére Noël,

Je mapelle Lylah. Jai été très sage. Pour toi. Pour Noël, jaimerais un téléphone pour appeler ma famille. Noublie pas de prender ton lait et les biscuits et des carottes pour tes rennes avant de repartir a lanée prochaine.

Signe Lylah, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël,

Je mapelle Steve. Jai été très sage. Voici ma liste de cadeaux. jaimerais des cartes de Pokémon et des Beyblades. Noublie pas de prendre des biscuits et du lait avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Joyeaux Noël.

Singé Steve, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël,

Je mapelle Christohper et jai 7 ans et ceté anée jai été très gentil envers mes amis. Voici ma liste de cadeaux. Jaimerais des cartes Pokémon mega et jaimerais des jouets de Pokémon. Noublie pas de prendre tes biscuits et les carottes pour tes rennes avant de repartir. Merci beacoup. Christopher, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année jaim été sage et un petit peu pas sage. Jaimerais des shopkins, un Barbie, et des beanie boos. Noublie pas de prendre tes biscuits et les carottes. Joyeux Noël. Darya, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël,

Je mapelle Christain et jai 7 ans. Cette année, jétais gentil envers mon frère. Pour Noël jaimerais un paquet de Mega Charzard X blue. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait et le biscuit de Minion avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Père Noël, pourquoi vis-tu dans le Pole Nord?

Christian, 7 ans

Greetings of the Season

May your journey through the holidays be a smooth one. Many thanks for visiting us.

École St-Michel - Classe 1/2 , Mme Christelle

Cher Pére Noël, Je mapelle Sydnee. Je pense que Jai ta bon. Jaimerais beaucou de chause. Pour Noël noubelle pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits et les carate. Voi toi binto. Sydnee B., 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mapelle Grace. Cette année de été très jentille et mes parans sons très fière de moi. Voici ma licote de cadaux un trousse pour faire des cristaux et beacoup de shopkins. Ton chapeaux de Noël et le cadeaux que jai fait pour toi. Je temprasse, Gracie B., 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cètte anné jai été un peu genti je promets deter plus genti lane prochén. Pour Noël je veux des Pokémon et des Saklanore et un biébléd. Noublie pas de prendre ton capeau et de chocolat chand. A beinto de Jackson a Pére Noël. Jackson, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette année j’ai été très sage. Est-ce que des renne mange des carotte. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: beaucoup de jouets de renne. Les Leog et Pokémon. Noubelle pas de prendre ton tuque et ton manteaux et ton gants et ton toulard. Je tattende pour Noël. Singé Addyson, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Cette anneé je suis bien à ma famill. Je voudrais les IPS et des carte de Pokémon et des maion. Noublie pas de prendreton biscuits et ton lait. Orovoir Pére Noël.

Luna, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mapelle Isabella est je suis 7 ans. Cett année j’ai été trés jent ver mes sore est mes amis. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: pour Noël j’aimerais un livre de chapitre est un pouer de lutin. Noublie pas de prendre ton lait et biscuit est les carote pour tes rens.

Joieux Noël. Isabella, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je ve un telephone trampoline sky landers polonde soccer et bue de soccer cart de Pokémon et bletbletd et bolonde hockie. Je t’embrase. Tristyn, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je mapelle Ellis cette dannée jai ete tres jeut voice ma liste de cadeaux un xbox lego noublie pas de preudre et on laiet avaut de repartir olveclea rennes aureveure. Ellis, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Pour Noël Je voules un sète de otau et un blébléd un cane a péche, un tanpelin des cart de Pokémon, lego, un Jouet de costuin des Skylander et avoir un belle joune le Pére Noël et toi mere Noël.

Skylar Smith, 7 ans

Cher Pére Noël, Je té ti mon saue je ani jaimerais un xbox. Jaimerais un playstation 4. Jaimerais un iphone 6. Noublle pas don lait. Joyeux Noël, Adrian, 7 ans

We at the Southwestern Ontario Gleaners wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and the very best for a new year of peace and joy.

Thank you for all that you do to help us feed the hungry, working with seniors, youth and special needs. Everyone is welcome!

Together we are making a difference!

We served over 3 million servings of food this year and ship to 10 different countries.

Kids Christmas Fun Page

Crossword Solution

Cher Père Noël, J’ai eté un petit peu gentille. Comment sont les lutins? Est-ce que tes lutin sont malade? Voici ma liste de caedeaux: Je veux un jouet de lutin et un petit sapin de Noël. Noublie pas de prendre ton cadeau et l’amour avant de repartir avec les rennes. Merci Pére Noël pour les cadeux. Thalia, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très sage es-ce que tes lutins travaillment fort? Voici ma liste de cadeaux serpent éléectronique un pokéemon une balle rebondissante n’oublie pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits avant de reartir avec tes rennes j’aime le pére Noël et mere Noël! Joseph

Cher Père Noël, Cette année, j’ai été très gentil. Pour Noël, j’aimerais avoir des pyjamas en fourrure, un gecko et un 4 roues. N’oublie pas de prendre ton biscuit et les grains pour les rennes avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Camryn, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très sage. Je Pormets de mieux travailler. Comment vont test rennes? Voice ma liste de cadeaux une robe et un ruban. N’oublie pas de prendre ton manteaux et ton chapeau avant de repartir avec et rennes.

Je t’aime! Graciela, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été un peu sage l’année prochaine. J’aimerais avoir un jeu video de home de cave, des legos et des Pockémons. N’oublie pas de prendre ta tuque et ton manteaux.

Je t’aime! xoxo Ryder, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Je m’appelle Seager et j’ai 8 ans. Cette année j’ai été très bon pour maman. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: des maîtres de train de Donald et Douglas et des nouveaux dvd de Thomas le Train. N’oublie pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je t’aime! Seager xoxo

Loaded With Joy!

Hope you’re programmed for a great Christmas. We wish you a whole world of holiday joy.

Leamington 519-322-5399

The staff of Thompsons extends our very Best Wishes to you and your family this Holiday Season and coming New Year.

Cher Père Noël,

Cette année j’ai été un peu sage. J’aimerais avoir 3 DS, un jouet de tenis. Je t’aime Père Noël. N Père Noëloublie pas tes biscuits et ton lait. Comment vonttes lutin? Ben, Age 7

Cher Père Noël,

Je mappelle Elise et j’ai 7 ans. Cette année j’ai été très sage. J’ai été très patiente. Est ce que tu peux dire à mon lutin zigner que j’ai une nouvelle maison. Voici ma liste de cadeaux. Pour Noël puis-je avoir une barre de gymnastique, un balancier de gymnastique et une trampoline. Noublie pas ton Ruddof et tous les autres rennes. Avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Dis aux rennes s’ils sont prets. J’t’aime! Elise xoxo

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été sage à mamman. Comment est-ce que tu envoies tous les cadeaux à tous les enfants dans le monde dans une soirée? Voici ma liste de cadeaux: une trotinette èlèctrique tu peux t’assoire dessus et un casque. N’oublie pas de prendre ton manteaux et ton chapeau avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je t’aime!

Isabella, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, J’ai été un peu sage. J’aimerais avoir un ex charsor 300, de legos et une planche à roulette. N’oublie pas de prendre ton chocolat chaud et tes mitaines. Je t’aime! Brayden, Age 7

École St-Michel - Classe 2A, Mme Micheline

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été un peu sage. Je promets. Je vous être sage tout le temps. J’aimerais avoir un ballon, une auto et un camion n’oublie pas de prendre ton manteaux, tes gants et ta tuque. Je t’aime Père Noël. Alvin, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été un peu sage parce que j’ai trebuchet mon ami. Je promets d’être plus sage l’année prochaine. Voici ma liste de cadeaux des pokémans des bey blades et un robot. N’oublie pas de prendre ton manteau et tes mitaines avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je t’aime!

Charbel, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très sage pour maman. Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire dans le pole nord? J’aimerais un cozemo, des legos, un monstre High, et un ipad. N’oublie pas de prendre tes biscuits et le lait. Je t’aime!

Jolina, Age 7

- Jolina - Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très gentile. Comment vont tes lutins? Voici ma liste de cadeaux: j’aimerais avoir un superhero un grande poupée et une balle rebondissante. Noublie pas de prendre ton biscuit et ton lait avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je t’aime!

Rebeka, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été un peu sage pour mme. Voici ma liste de cadeaux: un ipod, un carte itunes de 50$, un beyblade. N’boulie pas de porter tes mitaines et ton chapeau avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je vais te manquer! Nikko, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été un peu sage je promets d’être plus sage l’année prodhaine est-ce que tes lutins vont bien? Voici ma liste de cadeaux que j’aimerais avoir des cartes Pokémon, un hamster et une balle qui bondit n’oublie pas de prendre ton lait et tes biscuits avant de repartir avec tes rennes un gros calin.

William xoxoxo, 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très sage. Quel âge as-

tu? Voici ma liste de cadeaux, j’aimerais avoir un jeu de bingo, une poupée et une balle n’oublie pas de prendre ton sacs ton lait et tes biscuits. Je t’aime! Mackenzie, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été bon. Voici ma liste j’aimerais avoir une auto jouet, un bolteau jouet et des cartes de Pokémon. N’oublie pas ton manteau et ton chapeau avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Joyeux Noël! Devon, Age 7

Cher Père Noël, Cette année j’ai été très gentile. Voici ma liste de cadeaux j’ai merais avoir un chien de la peinture et un pokemon poupée n’oublie pas de prendre la tarte et ton lait avant de repartir avec tes rennes. Je t’aime! Alondra, 7

Cher Père Noël,

Cette année j’ai été un peu sage. J’ai écouté à maman. Est ce que les lutins qui viennent à ma maison sont prêts Voici ma liste de cadeaux! J’aimerais avoir une trotinette avec 2 roues, 6 bey blade et une trotinette y fliker. Noublie pas de prendre ton chapeau et tes gants. Noublie pas tes rennes. Je t’aime! Matthew, Age 7

Wishing you and yours a holiday filled with memories to last a lifetime


Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour les cadeaux l’année passée. Jaime beacoup la crayola set. Pour Noël je veux lego friends parce que je fair la vaisselle.

Addison Kok

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour les cadeaux l’année passé. Je veux les soulieurs bleu par ce que je joue gentille et j’aide mes parents. Au revoir et bonne voyage.

Adrianna West

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour mon iPad etce-que tu peux acheter un xbox parce que je suis gentil.


Bonjour Pére Noël, Merci pour le pool table l’année passér. Cette Noël je veux les roller blades. Je veux ses choses parce-que je penser que je suis une bon fille cette l’année. Est-ce que tu peux dis à mére Noël que je dis bonjour.

Ton ami, Bella

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour le Monopoly l’année passé. Je veux les carte de Pokemon mega et parce que j’aide mon père et ma mere avec les vaiselle. Dit à mme clause bonne Noël.

Ton ami, Tania

Chere Pére Noël, Merci pour le microphone l’année passé pour Noël je veux une tekno new born. Dit a mme Claus bonne Noël. Ton amie, Alexandra Rahie

Bonjour, Pour Noël je veux le livre cloud castle parce que je suis gentile a tour le monde. Ne monge pas beaucoup des biscuits.

Avec amour, Sofia

Bonjour, Est-ce que tu peux me donner les bonbons parce que j’ai aidé ma profeseur et mesa mi. Est-ce que Mme claus fait les biscuits pour toi aussi?

Ton Ami, Eva

Cher Pére Noël, Bonjour père Noël, merci pour le 3DS merci beaucoup. Est-ce que tu peux achetéer un I pod pour moi. Parce que je suis gentil. Merci beaucoup et joyeux Noël!! Nicolas

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour mon animale depulsh que dit Joelie surelo Babe. Est ce que je suis gentile avec mon frère.

Bon voyage, Joelie

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour let hot whelles je veux un Wiiu parce que j’aide les amis. Pére Noël est-ce tu aime les biscuits?

Ton amie, Ethan

Bonjour, Pour Noël jeu veux Fifa 17 parce que j’ai ramassé le feuilles au revoir bon journé. Nathan

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour mes tambours l’annee passé. Je veux un Hovernyon stuffy parce que je suis un bon ami. Ne mange pas beaucoup de biscuits Pére Noël.

Ton ami, Julien

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour les bonbon l’année passée. Je veux un ballon de soccer pour jouer avec mon frére parce que j’ai aidé ma papa avec sa maison. Dit bonjour a tout les rendeer et Mme Claus pour moi. Au revoir. Ton ami, Sebastian

Cher Pére Noël, Merci pour les joets tu mèas donne l’année passé. Si vous plait je veux les hatchimals parce que je suis gentille à mon frère. Ne mange pas beaucoup de biscuits ! Ton ami, Mia

Bonjour Pére Noël, Merci pour le orbeiz lamp. Je veux un amercan doll. Parce que je fais choses pour mon ami. Je spère que tou a un bonne Noël.

Bonne Noël, Juliana

Chèr Père Noël, Merci pour ironman je veux les pokemon ex mega et un parce que je suis gentil mère Noël estce que tu aims les biscuits?


Cher Père Noël, Bonjour Père Noël. Merci pour les cadeau. Je veux un chat robot ne mange pas beaucoup des biscuits et lait. Cheyenne

Cher Père Noël, Merci pour le my life poupé é tu as donne l’année passé. Est ce que je peux avoir les cartes de Pokémon un fliker et un DS parce que je suis gentille. Comment est tu? Jerzi

Cher Père Noël, Merci peur le helicopter. Est ce que je peux avoir un 3DSXL parce que j’ai aidé mon ami.

Love Marcus

Bonjour Père Noël, Merci pour les cadeau l’année passé. Une caedau est cleets parce que je suis gentil. Ne mange pas beaucoup de biscuit. Cole G.

Bonjour, Merci pour les cadeaux que tu ma donné l’année passé. Cette annéee je ve un hoverboard parce que j’ai netteoyé ma maison. Je t’aime Pere Noël. Ton amis, Matthew

Bonjour Père Noël, J’aime Noël parce que j’aime la fête de Jésus. Merci pour Annabelle. Je veux un DC Superhero Gilrs parce que j’aime les Superheros.

Joyeux Noël, Milana

Dear Santa, I would like an elf. How are the elves?

Love Noah, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the cookies? How are you? I would like Shopkins Happy Places and Shopkins and Littlest Pet Shop.

Love Lauren, Age 6

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? How is everyone? How is the cookies? How are you? I would like wiiu. I would like legos.

Love Adam S., Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? We love you. I would like a cute kitty toy.

Love Shiann, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like a dinobot.

Love Lucian, Age 6

Dear Santa, How do you fly? I would like an xbox for christms. I was really god at home.

Your pal Joey, Age 6

Dear Santa, How is everyone? I love Santa. I would like a lamborghini.

Love Devon, Age 6

Dear Santa Claus, How is Mrs Claus? I would like a I Phone 7 and I would like a wwe figure Neville.

Love Adam H., Age 6

Dear Santa, How do you get around

so fast?? How are the cookies? I would like Shopkins, a board game and a tablet.

Love Hailey C, Age 6

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? How is rudolph? I would like a Shopkin’s waffle machine, Shopkin’s wal-mart and Shopkin’s gum-ball machine.

Love Marissa, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the cookies? How is Mrs. Claus? How is everybody? I would like 3DS.

Love Elijah, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are you? How are the cookies? I would like a hover board a shopkins plushie and a computer.

Love Sofia, Age 6

Dear Santa, I would like WWE figures and an iphone.

Love Chris, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the elves? How is Rudolph? I would like a transformer.

Love Mirko, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like Princess Sophia toys. I would like more books and puzzles.

Love Bella, Age 6

Dear Santa, How is Mrs Claus. I would like shopkins a fuzzy bunny and an american girl doll. Merry Christmas!

Love Mia, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a minecraft toy with a diamond block.

Love Amnay, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How is Rudolph? I would like phone.

Love Ava, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the reindeers? I would like pokemon cards.

Love Sebastian, Age 6

Dear Santa, How are you. How do you get around so fast? How are the elves? I would like a drone.

Love Michael, Age 6

Dear Santa, What are you doing? I would like pokemon exs and brakes.

Love Sonny, Age 6

Dear Santa, How do you get around so fast? I would like a cell phone.

Love Hailey K., Age 6

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How is Rudolph? How are you? I was a 3DS and Luigi Mansion Dark Moon game. I want megaex and brake2gx pokemon.

Love Maverick, Age 6

St. Louis Catholic Elementary School - Grade 1, Mrs. Matthews
St. Louis - Adam - Age 6

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Are you organizing the presents? For Chirstmas,I would like an X Box one please. I would also like a soccer ball. I would like Pokemon cards and toys and some hockey cards please. Thank you for bringing the presents. I am sorry for being bad sometimes. I try to be a good boy. Merry Christmas Santa!

From Cristiano, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? How is the north pole? Are the reindeer ok? Are the elfs ok? Have they used some magic to make cookies for you? Santa I would like a pack of numnums and a gel-a-peel so I can make my mom a phone case. All so may I please have a zoomer Hedgiez? Thank you.

From Michelle, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I wam wondering how Lucas the elf is doing. I was thinking; how do your reindeer fly? This is that I would like for Christmas: a Play Staiton Four. And a Furby connect. I have been good this year. Merry Christmas! Thank you for the presents.

From Hayden, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How is the North Pole? I bet you are making a lot of toys. For Christmas I would like to have pokemon cards. Please and thank you. Merry Christmas! From Noah, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs Claus and the reinder? Are you and the elves still making presents? What I would like for Christmas is an American Girl doll. Thank you, Santa! Merry Christmas!

Love Christel, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are you doing Santa? How are the elves doing? I would like a lego set for Christmas please. I would also like a nerf gun and a baseball glove. Thank you! Have a happy Christmas Santa!

From Ethan, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? How are the evles? For Christmas I would like some oreo cookies. I love them with milk! I would also like pokemon cards and a real puppydog. Thank you very much, Santa. Merry Christmas!

From your friend Gavin, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I was wondering how you fly around the world so fast? How do you make your reindeer fly? For Christmas I would like a Pikachu plushy, Just Cause 3 PS4 edition and surprise gifts. That chocolate box you gave me in Scotland that year was really good and the Pokemon cards. How you have a safe trip home. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

From Mark, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I am wondering if it is cold at the North Pole? Is Mrs. Claus doing well? For Christmas I would like a doll to play with. Thank you! Have a very good Christmas Santa!

From Sofia, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? How is the weather at the north pole? I would like shopkins please and a zoomer hedgiez. Thank you for the gifts Merry Cristmas!

From Carly, Age 7

Dear Santa,

I would like to know how your reindeers are doing. Did Mrs Claus make cookies for you? I would like the new nindo and some skylanders for Christmas. I also hope you have an amazing Christmas! Thank you Santa.

From Mason, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? How are the reindeer doing? I would like a Transformers. I would like Hot Wheels with a loop-da-lopps. I really like my new school and I am trying to be a good boy. Have a very happy Christmas.

From Max, Age 7

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

How small are the evles? How big is your sled? For Christmas I would like any gifts. That’s wonderful! Thank you. Merry Christmas!!!!!

From Salvatore, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? How is Mrs Claus doing/ This year, I would like the nerf fire gun and a ps4 to play the new NHL 17. I would also like the new NHL game. Have a fun Christmas!

How are the reindeer this year? How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? How were the cookies that I left you? This year I would like a puppy, a new bike and a pack of pokemon cards. I hope you have a good Christmas. I love the elf you sent my brother and I. He has good hiding spots. My brother and I sometimes fight. I hope you can give me another chance. Thank you very much! Have a safe trip.

Love Alyssa, Age 7

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? How do you make all these toys? Santa I try to be good but sometimes I get mad at my sisters. May I please have a zoomer hedgiez and a summer dress? Merry Christmas!

From Alessandro, Age 7

519-819-8977 519-819-8977 519-819-8977

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer doing? Has Mrs. Claus made any cookies yet? For Christmas this year I will be happy with a new video game. I will be happy with whatever presents I get. Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas!

From Jaxon, Age 7

Dear Santa,

From Mara, Age 7

I want to know how big your sled is? Who is your favourite reindeer? I would like a power wheels motorcycle and a remote control car merry Christmas!

From Owen, Age 7

Dear Santa,How are you? How are your elves? I would like to have a shopkins pack and a furby for Christmas, please. I would like to have a picture of my elf Sweet Pete! I am very excited for Christmas! Merry Christmas and have a safe flight!

Vita, Age 7

St. Louis Catholic Elementary School - Grade 2, Mrs. Tar
St. Louis - Noah - Age 6

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