By Mark Ribble
The Hospice Erie Shores Campus has added a new hospice bed courtesy of the Ontario government.
That addition brings the number of hospice beds at the Leamington-based campus to 12.
The addition is part of a province-wide expansion of 84 new beds — a $19.75 million capital investment by the province.
Dignitaries were on hand on Friday, January 24 as the bed was unveiled.
They included MPP for Chatham-Kent Leamington Trevor Jones, MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh Andrew Dowie, Essex County Warden Hilda MacDonald and several board members from the Hospice of Windsor-Essex County and the Erie Shores Health Foundation.
“Expanding access to hospice care in Essex County is a compassionate step forward in providing our residents with the care and comfort they deserve during the most difficult moments of their lives,” said MPP Trevor Jones. “The addition of these hospice beds ensures that more families can remain close to their loved ones in their final days, surrounded by support and dignity. This investment reflects our commitment to improving end-of-life care across Ontario.”
“This new bed is a testament to that ongoing commitment, and we are excited to continue our work in supporting even more families.”
— Katharen Bortolin
Executive Director of The Hospice, Katharen Bortolin, said the new bed would be filled by the end of day Friday, as there was a waiting list.
“We are incredibly grateful for this funding and for the continued support of our community. The people of Leamington and Windsor-Essex built this Hospice through their dedication, their generosity, their volunteerism, and their belief in the value of palliative care,” said Bortolin. “This new bed is a testament to that ongoing commitment, and we are excited to continue our work in supporting even more families.”
Southpoint Publishing is excited to announce the launch of their latest endeavour, Visit Leamington, a tourism website designed to enhance the visitor experience and help promote Leamington as a premier travel destination.
The Visit Leamington website can be found at and features an intuitive design, vibrant imagery and detailed information about local attractions and activities, dining options, accommodations and upcoming events.
Visitors can easily navigate through the website to discover everything Leamington has to offer, from the stunning beaches along Lake Erie to family-friendly activities, parks and recreation, and the vibrant arts scene.
“This was a natural fit for us as we
already have the editorial content that we could combine with our website design expertise,” said Melissa Hopper, Publisher.
Southpoint Publishing produces the Southpoint Sun newspaper, Southpoint Tourist Guide and Southpoint Living magazine, and also has Southpoint Creative Group, an in-house digital and print design team.
“Our community has so much to offer and our goal is to provide those coming to Leamington with all the information they need to plan their visit and experience the best of our town,” Hopper said.
Southpoint Publishing is proud to be an independent publisher serving Leamington, Kingsville, Wheatley and surrounding area since 2010.
This year, the Leamington Area Ecumenical Refugee Committee LAERC) will be celebrating 20 years of sponsoring refugees to come and live in Leamington.
The organization is inviting the public to celebrate with them. They hope to hold the celebration in the spring, possibly in the month of May, with an Open House.
“You may hear some singing, see some dancing, and pray with us as we give thanks for all that we have accomplished,” says Carolyn Reid on behalf of LAERC. “There will also be refreshments and many of our sponsored families celebrating with us. With the rising cost of rent and food, each sponsorship requires more money. We are so thankful for the churches and the many people who have supported us each year.”
Reid says they have just sponsored their 100th refugee, who is now reunited with her two brothers in Leamington.
“The family was forced to flee Burma, but they got separated,” she says. “It was a wonderful day when they were reunited
at the Windsor airport.”
She says they are proud of all the people they have sponsored who have learned English, found jobs, bought houses and cars. The children are doing well in school and settled very nicely in Leamington.
“We are proud to have sponsored 26 families and 30 Canadian babies have been born,” she says. “We hope you are proud of us too. Come and celebrate with us in the spring.”
Leamington’s Seniors Advisory Committee is hosting an event for seniors at the Leamington Half Century Centre on Wednesday, February 12 from 10-11 a.m., 160 Talbot Street East.
Join Karen Jones for an interactive session of Active Healthy Aging – if you don’t use it, you lose it. Stay informed, get inspired and energized.
The session will involve some light exercise. Motion is lotion for the body, mind and spirit. Active
Wendy Parsons and Cliff Hartwick, both of Leamington, were among eight recipients of the King Charles Coronation Medal, announced at a ceremony in Chatham on January 24.
Chatham-Kent Leamington MPP Trevor Jones hosted a special ceremony at the Royal Canadian Legion, Chatham Branch 642, to recognize outstanding individuals from the community for their exceptional contributions and achievements. The event brought together family, friends, and community members to celebrate the accomplishments of the medal recipients in attendance.
While neither of the local recipients were able to attend the service, they were honoured just the same.
Four of the eight recipients were present for the service: Len Maynard, a retired Warrant Officer with 30 years of service to Canada; Gary Conn, retired Chatham-Kent Police Chief; Doug Sulman, Rotary Club, Heart
and Stroke Foundation and 37 years as a municipal politician; and Irene Mable Williams, with 29 years at the Royal Canadian Legion.
Wendy Parsons is the long-time manager of the Leamington District Chamber of Commerce and served time as President of the Rotary Club of Leamington.
Cliff Hartwick is a retired farmer and police officer and one of the founding officers of Cop Camp. He volunteers countless hours to his church, the Goodfellows and Hospice.
Marta Anderson is the Executive Director of the Cross-Border Institute at the University of Windsor and former V.P. at the Gordie Howe International Bridge. Wes Thompson was
a businessman and staunch supporter of the town of Blenheim. He also served as United Way president and is the former CEO of Thompson’s Ltd. He was awarded posthumously.
These remarkable individuals were honoured for their dedication and service, exemplifying the values of community spirit and leadership that strengthen our region.
“It’s an honour to acknowledge these exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to our community,” said MPP Trevor Jones. “Their dedication and hard work inspire us all, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to recognize their achievements.”
Chatham-Kent Police Service is offering the Citizen’s Police Academy to a select number of residents starting Wednesday, March 5.
The program is offered to enhance the partnership between the citizens of the community and the police service through an interactive educational opportunity.
The academy consists of 12 classes, beginning Wednesday, March 5 and running for 12 weeks. The classes will run from 6:30 pm to 10 pm each week.
Classes involve presentations and demonstrations by the Chief of Police, Drugs and Street Crime, Major Crime Investigation, Identification and Forensics, traffic and other police units.
Subjects are intended to make par-
ticipants familiar with the operation of the Chatham-Kent Police Service. The course is not intended to train people to be police officers. Seniors are welcome to apply.
All students will be offered the opportunity to participate in a ride-along with a community patrol officer, but will be required to sign a waiver prior to the ride-along.
Participants must be of good moral character, subject to a background check and be 19 years of age or older.
Complete an application form accompanied by a copy of photo identification. You can find the forms on ckpolice. com. Deadline for applying is February 21. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Members of the Ruthven Apple Festival Steering Committee were acknowledged for their contributions to the success of the 2024 festival at a recent dinner and cheque presentation event.
Despite the wet and rainy conditions during the 2024 Ruthven Apple Festival held back in late September, committee members were thrilled to present a cheque for $71,000 to representatives of Community Living Es-
sex County in support of people with intellectual disabilities and their families across Essex County.
Executive Director Karen Bolger thanked supporters of the annual festival stating, “As demand for our services increases,
the support we receive from all of our volunteers, sponsors and the community becomes even more important.”
Planning for the 2025 Ruthven Apple Festival will begin in late February.
The 2025 Kingsville-Essex Highland Games will not take place as planned, according to a news release sent out on Monday, January 27.
The release cited a scheduling conflict as the reason, saying that the committee is looking at working on a new immersive Scottish experience for 2026.
Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens will be the spot for chili on a cold day when Saturday, February 1 rolls around. Their annual Chili Fest will be held that day with six restaurants representing Eat Drink Kingsville ladling out their best chili for patrons to try.
In addition, three local breweries will be on site to serve up some beverages. As well, 16 small businesses will be on hand plying their wares, and Jason Baclig will play live music. The event runs from 12-3 pm.
LDSS to take plunge for Special Olympics
The entire MAPS (My Achievement Pathway to Success) department at Leamington District Secondary School, along with the principal and vice principal, will take the plunge for Special Olympics on February 28.
The Special Olympics Ontario Polar Plunge will take place in Windsor and $3,000 in pledges are needed.
“This is for a great cause and the students really want to see their teachers and administrators take the icy plunge,” says teacher Megan Anderson.
You can sign up to pledge and make this happen by visiting team/51996.
~ February 3, 1950 ~
and happiness. Love always, Bill
Kingsville Friendly Club president Jean Kuipers welcomed 31 out to play cards at the Unico Centre on January 21.
Bridge: Alta Van Vliet 3450, Bert Patrick 2480, Jean Kuipers 2350. Euchre: Ken Martinuik 93, Brenda Anger 86, Willy Fittler 83. Most lone hands: Willy Fittler 7. Cribbage: Bob Bell 925, Marie Geeves 891, Sue Girardin 880.
Door prize winners were Nancy Taylor, Carrie Schultz and Rick Wynants. Snacks were provided by the Lunch Committee to go with coffee and conversation.
There were 49 out to play cards at the Unico Centre on January 24, welcoming Clare McClure and Paula Hamilton.
Bridge: Gillian Pinkney 4160, Jean Kuipers 3000, Kim Hamm 2860. Euchre: Willy Fittler 101, Carrie Schultz 96, Debbie Everaert 93. Most lone hands: Willy Fittler 7. Pepper: Sue Girardin 268, Moe Hansen 250, Bill Fielding 232. Most peppers: Bill Fielding 7.
Door prize winners were Maggie Hansen, Lois Charrette and Dave Malley. Delicious snacks were provided by Gail Burns and Winnie Moore.
Cards are played every Tuesday (Bridge, Euchre, Cribbage) and Friday (Bridge, Euchre, Pepper) beginning at 12:45. Doors open at noon. Come early to get a parking spot.
There is no longer a designated side of the road to place garbage and recycling bins or bags for collection for rural residents in the Municipality of Leamington.
Rural residents are encouraged to place their garbage and recycling at
the end of their driveway on collection day. Residents are asked to avoid placing garbage and recycling near a ditch or watercourse, where possible, to eliminate the potential for garbage to fall into the ditch or watercourse.
The Kiwanis Club of Leamington made a $3,000 donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Leamington Food Bank recently. Kiwanis members met with SVDP members at St. Michael’s Church in Leamington. In the back row, from left, are Ann Evers, Herman DeGoey, Kiwanian Ed Kudroch, Kiwanian Doreen Hiller, Pat Chambers, Jane Donaldson, Georgia Bondy and Gary Bondy. Seated, from left, are Kiwanian James Ives, Kiwanis President Jamie Wiper, Veronica Costa, Joanne Petri-MacPherson and Karen Koestler.
SUN photo
WE CARRY Sheet Sets - Single, Double, Queen & King, Blankets, Pillows, Mattress Protectors & Encasements. Plus all types of mattresses and sizes.
Well, that was a cold snap if I’ve ever seen one. Last week’s frigidity was a cold slap in the face for those of us who were revelling in the fact that our pre-Christmas weather was so favourable.
While Barrie was buried and Snowdon got snowed on, our little corner of the world managed to avoid the copious amounts of white stuff that fell on our neighbours to the north, west, east and yes, even south during the holidays.
And let’s not forget that while we got the old deep freeze treatment from
Mother Nature last week, the gulf coast of Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana got nailed with a pile of snow and sub-zero temperatures of their own.
I’m ready for it to be over. I’ll take the April showers, the May flowers and the June bugs, all in that succession.
As I walked across an icy parking lot last week, and the pieces were crackling under my feet, it made me long for those pesky bugs that snap, crackle and pop on the pavement each summer.
As much as I prefer
hockey over soccer, the temperatures made me long for sitting at the soccer fields, which will once again be up and running before you know it.
Soccer season is funny. You start out with the spectators, players and coaches pretty much freezing each night and end with all of the same sweating profusely in summer temperatures.
Baseball, with its later start, is usually hot all the way through.
And hockey is played in an arena with ice, so there’s that.
This week’s photo shows two gentlemen and two ladies with a 1929 Pierce-Arrow roadster at the Eglinton Hunt Club in Toronto.
By the shape of the body, this car probably had a rumble seat instead of a trunk. But nobody likes a rumble seat on a cold day, so all four probably squeezed into the front seat for their ride home.
We can easily identify the make as a Pierce-Arrow, a luxury car built in
Buffalo, New York, with headlights mounted directly on the front fenders, a Pierce-Arrow trademark since 1913. My stepfather Earl Domm worked in the Pierce-Arrow factory in the 1920s and his office was right beside where the headlights were hammer welded onto the front fenders. He told me about that when he was nearly 90 and said he could still hear the hammering after all those years.
Bill Sherk
A Pierce-Arrow showroom opened in Toronto at 1140 Yonge Street in January 1930, just three months after the stock market crash of October 1929. The company struggled through the Depression but finally shut down in 1938.
I have friends that like to fish through the ice on the Detroit River. Sunfish and Bluegills, they say, are their targets.
I’ve never eaten them, but they tell me they are sweet and tasty, but a little difficult to clean.
Are they the crab and lobster of the Great Lakes?
Crab and lobster are equally sweet and tasty and equally difficult to get to the meat.
But, I don’t have to stand in the cold to catch them. Somebody else does that for me.
I’ve caught plenty of Sunfish and Bluegills over the course of my life, but always threw them back. I had no idea they were good eaters. If you know, you know, I guess.
I grew up eating perch, pickerel (walleye) and catfish, but don’t remember much else. We always felt that pike, bass and silver bass were too strong, although I’m sure we ate plenty of those too.
I remember my dad selling tons of carp, sheephead, catfish and suckers (mullets) to Americans
who came over every Saturday morning. It was considered the “cheap fish” and they often loaded their entire trunk with them, with only a sheet of plastic and shovel or two of ice separating them from the trunk bottom, sides and lid.
Mark Ribble
Off they’d go, back across the border. I’m not sure they stopped to declare in those days or if they smuggled their fresh fish, but they showed up like clockwork every weekend to take all of their fish back with them — tariff-free.
My dad accommodated them, no matter what time they arrived inside Point Pelee looking for fresh fish.
And it was fresh, indeed. Being a trap-net operation, the fish were scooped live out of a net that was set up like a large box with a funnel-type entrance. This allowed the fish in, but did not offer a way out.
Gill nets, which are used predominantly in
these parts now, are similar, but the fish get caught in the net by their gills and die, as opposed to getting trapped inside a big box they can’t escape from.
In the winter, those big box-style nets were brought into a large outbuilding that we called the ‘twine shanty’, where they were hung and repaired, and then stacked to await spring.
And while I alluded to my dad taking me out ice fishing in my column a couple weeks ago, the truth was that he had very little time to do that, between mending the nets with his co-workers and tending bar at Brown’s Hotel, his off-season job.
And of course, getting us to hockey — another rite of passage for Canadian parents when youth hockey was still in its relative infancy and every kid played house league and loved it. But that’s a rant for another week.
I am sad to report that Garth Hudson passed away in his sleep peacefully on January 14th after a lengthy illness at a nursing home in Woodstock, New York. He was 87 years old. Garth had been the last remaining member still alive in the legendary group, The Band.
Predeceased by Maud, his wife of 43 years, in 2022, Garth left no immediate family. But, as noted in the Toronto Star on January 21, “He has left an unmeasurable impact as one of Canada’s national treasures.”
Born in Windsor on August 2, 1937, and raised in London, Ontario, Hudson spent many years with The Band. It’s interesting to note that he and Stratford, Ontario’s Richard Manuel were a very integral part of this historic group with their dual keyboard sound over the years.
Other past members included Toronto born guitarist Robbie Robertson, Blayney, Ontario-born bassist Rick Danko, and
singer and drummer Levon Helm who was a native of Elaine, Arkansas.
I recently spoke to Leamington businesswoman and beauty esthetician, Susie Knight. She said that her brother, Paul Hutchins, was in the band with Garth Hudson before they were even known as The Band. In fact, in 1964, along with fellow keyboard player Garth Hudson, his music name and group were then called Paul London and the Capers, who played mainly in Southern Ontario and Michigan.
They had a minor hit, a very catchy song called “Rosalee” which was a cute and bouncy number. If you go online, simply type in “Paul London and the Capers” on YouTube. In fact, I still can’t get it out of my head. However, Paul left the band the following year and went on to have a very successful career as an engineer in the Detroit auto industry.
But Paul was still singing professionally, on the side, when he married a lovely American girl named Barbara. Even on his wedding night, Paul had a gig where his sister Susie remembered him singing “Peppermint Twist”.
Paul and Barbara settled in Dearborn where Paul worked at Ford. He later moved to California where his talent took him to Japan to observe clay modeling. From there, he taught clay modelling at the University of Seattle where they dubbed him “the Grand Old Man of Clay Modelling.”
For old-timers in Kingsville, Paul was in the GB’s (Gloria Bondy) before he joined up with Garth Hudson and the Capers. His best friends were Harry Woelk and Francis Kapasi. Sadly, Paul passed away last year on January 2.
Amherstburg Council-
lor Molly Allaire was acclaimed as new chair of the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) at their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, January 23. Allaire takes over from Jim Morrison, who was the chair for the past two years.
“As a mother of young children, I am passionate about conservation and working toward a future of environmental sustainability for our region,” said Allaire. “I look forward to working with all regional municipalities to ensure that the broad scope of integrated watershed management programs we provide are fully implemented so that
our regional conservation goals can be achieved.”
The occasion also gave ERCA an opportunity to award several citizens of the community for their work in helping with conservation efforts.
Locally, Wayne King, President of the Leamington Shoreline Association, was honoured with the Volunteer of the Year Award for his work in helping preserve the shoreline on Leamington’s eastern limits.
ERCA’s Environmental Achievement Award went to the Jack Miner Migratory Bird Sanctuary for their tireless efforts in conservation, education and protecting the environment.
June 8, 1951 – February 4, 2024 Love
February 16, 1949 – January 31, 2024
The world quieted when you left us unexpectedly. While your physical body is no longer with us, your spiritual presence is felt in the sunrises shining as brightly as you did when you walked and often times ran the earth. Your legacy continues to guide us through compassion for others, acts of kindness, presenting ourselves in authenticity, uplifting smiles, forging friendships and preserving through life’s challenges. You left things better than you found them and exemplified love in a world that needs it more than ever to continue. When faced with something your response would be… “se tira avanti” (to carry on) and now we must continue to carry on in your honour with the same zest and sense of humour as you did. We remember your smile as the light of love that continues to shine upon us from your heavenly home.
Ci ricordiamo sempre che il tuo sorriso e la luce d’amore.
Sempre in nostri
Other award winners included Green Sun Rising, Andrew Pula, the
Agricultural Conservancy of Ontario and Gina Pannunzio.
Staffers Danielle Breault-Stuebing, Lisa Limarzi and Dr. Katie
Stammler were honoured for their years of service as well.
not our anniversary or the date of your passing, It’s not your birthday or my birthday,
just another long lonely day,
John Degenhardt passed away peacefully on Friday, January 24, 2025, at the age of 79. Reunited with his wife Chris (2021). Loving father of Danni (Anthony), Bonnie and Jonathon. Proud grandfather of one. Predeceased by his parents, and his brothers Bob and Peter. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends.
John was a proud baker for over 30 years and had a special place in his heart for banana bread.
As per John’s wishes, cremation has taken place. Arrangements entrusted to Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell Street, Leamington, ON 519-326-2631.
Online condolences and cherishes memories may be shared with the family at
Bernard Todd Ames passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loving family, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at the age of 67.
Cherished husband of Debra Lee (Jacobs). Son of Donald and Eileen Ames. Loving father of William Todd (Katy). Dear grandpa of Ryder and Rowan. Dear brother of Paul Ames and Leigh (Tracy) Ames. Also remembered by his stepmotherin-law Madelyn Jacobs, in-laws Douglas (Janis) Jacobs, Michelle (Doug) Iler, Ronald Jacobs, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Predeceased by his fatherin-law Douglas Jacobs (2024) and mother-in-law Sharon McLean.
Cremation has taken place. A celebration of Todd’s life will be held at a later date.
Donations may be made to the Windsor-Essex Humane Society.
Arrangements entrusted to the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378), 128 Talbot Street North, Essex. You may send your condolences online at
Richard Taggart, 75 years, passed away on Sunday, January 26, 2025, surrounded by his loving family at his home.
Beloved husband of Helen Taggart for 30 years. Loving father of Amanda Sanger (Phil Charron) and Tammy Marchand (Phil). Cherished Papa of Joshua Sanger, Carter Taggart, Ashley Sanger, Connor Marchand and Tamara Marchand. Son of the late Donald and Beatrice Taggart. Dear brother of the late Darius Taggart (1960), the late Merle Laird (1979), the late Art Taggart (2000) and Robert Taggart (Marie). He will be missed by many nieces, nephews and friends.
Richard retired from H.J. Heinz in 2004. He was an avid outdoorsman enjoying hunting, fishing and trap shooting. Richard was a member of the Rhine Danube Sportsmen’s Club and Amherstburg Sportsmen’s Club.
Visiting is at the Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell Street, Leamington (519-326-2631) on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
Funeral Service to celebrate Richard’s life will be held on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. at the Funeral Home. Cremation to follow.
If desired, memorial donations made to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.
Share words of comfort at
January 29, 2025
Southpoint Sun
$200 plus $26 HST = $226
Any changes please email Thanks.
After a 17-year hiatus, the UMEI Community Players are preparing for a triumphant return to the stage with Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music. This cherished classic will delight audiences with its timeless story, unforgettable music, and inspiring themes of resilience, community and hope.
The UMEI stage has a rich tradition of bringing the community together through the magic of theatre. Since the debut of the UMEI Alumni Players in 1975, with Around the World in Eighty Days, this remarkable theatre group has evolved into the UMEI Community Players, showcasing the immense talent of individuals from across Essex County.
For 32 years, audiences enjoyed iconic productions such as The Mikado, Fiddler on the Roof, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Beauty and the Beast.
The final curtain fell in 2008 with Hello, Dolly, marking the retirement of long-time director Helen Brown and the end of an era.
January 29, 2025
Southpoint Sun $200 plus $26 HST = $226
Now, a new chapter begins under the direction of a dynamic team: Jill Suta (Artistic Director), Erin Armstrong (Music Director), and Alyssa Epp (Assistant Director).
Any changes please email Thanks.
Frank Silveira, 73 years, passed away Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at Windsor Regional Hospital, Ouellette Campus, with his family by his side. He was able to celebrate his 51st wedding anniversary and his grandson’s 19th birthday on January 20th.
January 29, 2025
Beloved husband of Maria H. Silveira. Loving father of David Silveira and Malinda Silveira. Loving Avô of the late Destiny (2004), Richard, Aurora and Antoine. Son of the late Frank Sr. and Maria Silveira. Son-in-law of João and Rosa Dono. Brotherin-law of João Dono Jr. (Regina). Dear uncle of Sonia Mendes, Nelson and Kevin Dono. He will also be missed by Connie Andrade, who was like a sister to him.
Southpoint Sun
$200 plus $26 HST = $226
Any changes please email Thanks.
Frank liked spending time in his gardens, especially tending to his vegetables. He was an avid Toronto Maple Leafs and Porto F.C. fan. Frank enjoyed walking in Seacliff Park and riding his bike at Point Pelee daily. Frank was a multi-generation Loops Fisheries employee, working alongside his father.
A special thank you to all the staff at WRH Ouellette Campus ICU for their care and compassion during his long stay.
Visitation was at the Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell Street, Leamington, on Sunday, January 26, 2025 from 2-5 p.m.
Mass of the Resurrection was held at St. Michael’s Church, 29 Elliott Street, Leamington, on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. Entombment at Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery.
If desired, memorial donations made by cheque to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation would be appreciated.
Share words of comfort at
“We chose The Sound of Music because it reflects our excitement and hope for this new chapter of UMEI Community Players,” said Suta. “It’s a story about resilience, community, and finding joy in challenging times—values we cherish deeply.”
The cast includes two talented children’s ensembles, alongside UMEI students, alumni and members of the wider community.
“This production isn’t just about performances— it’s about reigniting a love for the arts within our community and showing what’s possible when creativity and dedication collide,” said Erin Armstrong.
Accomplished performer, soprano Jael Hernandez, takes on the iconic role of Maria.
Hernandez, a graduate of the University of Windsor, is making her UMEI Community Players debut.
“Working with a cast of all ages on The Sound of Music has been a beautiful experience, showcasing the joy and collaboration that theatre inspires,” said Alyssa Epp.
Performances of The Sound of Music take place February 21-23 and February 28-March 2 at UMEI Christian High School. Tickets are available now at
January 8, 1945 – January 22, 2025
January 29, 2025 Southpoint Sun
$200 plus $26 HST = $226
Larry Wayne Sumner passed away, surrounded by his loving family, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at Erie Shores HealthCare, at the age of 80.
Any changes please email
Survived by the love of his life Cathy Sumner (nee Impens), with whom he shared 59 years of marriage. Loving Dad of Cheri (Rob) Martens and Terri (Bob) Hunter. Cherished Grandpa Larry of Justin (Krystal) Martens, Alyssa (Cory) McTavish, Joel (Melissa) Hunter and Nathan (Becca) Hunter. Special Great-Grandpa of Easton and Wyatt Martens, Titus and Rowan McTavish, and Quinn and Austin Hunter. Predeceased by his parents Jack and Eleanor (nee Brown) Sumner and his brothers James Sumner and Richard Sumner. Son-in-law of the late Charles and Rita (nee Lamotte) Impens. Brother-in-law of Linda (Louis) Marentette, Jim (Diane) Impens, John (Judy) Impens, Bob (Robin) Impens, Patrick (Mariette, late Judy) Impens, Perry (Marlene) Impens and Chuck (Sandra) Impens. Larry will be deeply missed by many nieces, nephews and friends. Larry retired from H.J Heinz Co. in 2000 after dedicating over 36 years as a Central Stores Lead. His passion was restoring and riding motorcycles and classic cars. He will be remembered as an intellectual man who expressed his love through his written poetry to his family.
In keeping with Larry’s wishes, cremation has taken place. Visitation took place at Reid Funeral Home, 14 Russell St., Leamington (519-326-2631) on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.
A private immediate family service will take place at a later time.
In Larry’s memory, donations directed to St. Michael’s Church or the Downtown Mission of Windsor are greatly appreciated by the family.
Online condolences may be shared at
E-mail or call in your classified ad by Friday at 12:00 p.m.
Ph: 519-398-9098 Email:
Take Notice that the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent will consider amendments to the Chatham-Kent Zoning By-law, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.1990, c.P.13, concerning the entirety of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
And Take Further Notice that the proposed amendments will be considered on the date, and at the time and place shown below:
Date: Monday, February 24, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Municipality of Chatham-Kent Council Chambers
Address: 315 King Street West, Chatham ON
Four Housing Units on Fully Serviced Urban Low-Density Residential Properties
Purpose and effect: On April 12, 2024, the Government of Canada released a new housing plan, known as “Solving the housing crisis: Canada’s Housing Plan”. The focus of the plan involves three main goals: building more homes, making it easier to rent or purchase a home, and helping citizens be able to afford a home. To implement this plan and enact its goals, the Government of Canada has given funding opportunities to Canadian Municipalities in exchange for local reforms to land-use planning and housing policy. One of the requirements is that local zoning by-laws be amended to permit four housing units asof-right on all fully serviced urban residential properties.
Currently, more than 50% of Chatham-Kent’s existing low-density urban residential parcels permit four units as-of-right. The proposed changes will allow for new neighbourhoods to develop with more affordable housing types, and increase housing options in existing neighbourhoods. The following communities are affected by this proposed amendment: Blenheim, Charing Cross, Chatham, Dresden, Merlin, Mitchell’s Bay, Pain Court, Ridgetown, Thamesville, Tilbury, Wallaceburg, and Wheatley.
The proposed Zoning By-law amendment includes changes that will add Semi-Detached Dwellings and Semi-Detached Dwelling Units as permitted uses in the Residential Low Density-Estate (RL1-E), Residential Low Density First (RL1), and Residential Low Density Fifth (RL5) Zones, and establish applicable performance standards. This will result in a SemiDetached Dwelling and Unit being permitted in all Residential Low Density (RL) zones, and, in effect, permit four units as-of-right on all serviced urban residential properties.
Information and Providing Comment
For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning Services at 519.360.1998 or A full copy of the proposed amendments are available at Mail should be directed to Municipality of Chatham-Kent Planning Services, 315 King Street West, Box 640, Chatham ON N7M 5K8.
Dated at the Municipality of Chatham-Kent this 4th day of February, 2025.
The Municipality of Leamington, in collaboration with veterinary hospitals and clinics in the Windsor-Essex region, is pleased to offer a Cat Spay and Neuter Voucher Program, beginning on Monday, February 10, 2025.
In an effort to reduce the number of stray cats in Leamington, vouchers valued at $150 will be issued to spay and neuter cats. The Municipality will provide vouchers to qualifying residents.
The program offers two distinct voucher categories:
1. Owned Cats: Focused on supporting low-income families, vouchers for ownedcats require proof of household income. Qualified families can receive up to threevouchers per household, helping them manage the health and population of theircats responsibly.
2. Feral Cat Caregivers: Recognizing the role of feral cat caregivers, this categoryoffers up to three vouchers per household for Leamington residents, with noincome restrictions. This ensures that even unowned cats receive the necessarycare.
The 2025 Spay and Neuter Voucher Program opens in Leamington on February 10, 2025, at 9:00 AM and is accessible online at The vouchers will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, with only applicants meeting the established criteria being contacted and issued voucher(s).
For additional details or inquiries about the program, please visit our website at, or contact a Customer Service Representative at 519-326-5761.
E-mail or call in your classified ad by Friday at 12:00 p.m. 194 Talbot St. E. Unit 2, Leamington ON N8H 1M2 Ph: 519-398-9098 Email: We accept E-TRANSFER, DEBIT,
IRWIN PLUMBINGResidential rough-ins and repairs. Starting April 2nd 519-825-7245 will be changing to 519-324-2202. A text is preferred if capable. Call
ZEN PETS GROOMINGCPPS Certified Groomer in Leamington. 16 years experience. For all your pet grooming needs, please call or text 519-564-9620 or message me on Facebook. COVID-19 certified & compliant. mr1-tfn
• Plumbing; Sheet Metal & HVAC
•To provide proof of license with Skilled Trades Ontario Drop off Resume, References, Transcript of Schooling, and Drivers Abstract to:
12 Seacliff Drive E., Leamington, ON N8H 2L2 Email:
PINNACLE ACRES REQUIRES Full time greenhouse general labourers. $17.20/hr 50+ hours, 7 days/wk. Must be available Saturday & Sunday. Work site: 333 County Rd 18, Leamington ON, rural setting, must have own transportation. Crop maintenance and harvesting, other duties as required. Must be able to lift a minimum of 40lbs on a repetitive basis, fast paced environment, strong work ethic, punctual, reliable. No experience or education required. Please apply via email:
Front elevation of the Kingsville Train Station, January 27, 1982, before its restoration.
Past courtesy of the C. Scott Holland Collection
Leamington 1990 - A glimpse of Leamington back in 1990 shows the Leamington transit bus running its route with its stop in front of Neilson’s Shoes on the north side of Talbot St. E. and just across from its competition Watson’s Fine Shoes.
January 1985 - When the thirty students in the Grade 4-5 class at Romney Central School set up their consumer preference poll, they not only learned to work as a team, but also learned to incorporate the study of mathematics in a most unusual way. The students divided into six working groups, conducted telephone surveys in order to determine the purchasing and living habits of the local populace. The survey was done under the supervision of their teacher, Mr. Bob McCart, and took over a month to complete and tabulate the results. Some of the pollsters are shown above, left to right: Kim Sharron, Gerhard Taves, Nicole Jackson, Chad Soulliere, Mr. McCart and Helen Guenther.
Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to slow cooking.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
Express yourself with great confidence this week, Aries. You feel like you are in control and well organized. This is a recipe for success regarding the things you need to accomplish.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, you have a clear mind this week to put plans in place. But you might need some inspiration to get started. Avoid procrastinating.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
There are many tasks that lie ahead this week, Gemini. It will be essential that you stay focused. One of the areas to consider is changing personal health for the better.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, you may find you’re an asset and sought-after among friends and coworkers. Use social situations to your advantage to network even more
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Clear up some space at home so you can work more easily, Leo. Too much clutter in your home or work area can be a distraction. Disorganization can make tasks harder.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Practice being smooth and professional in your manner, Virgo. This will be the best way to get good results at work. Others may be impressed by how you handle yourself under pressure.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, you might be very popular with superiors at work this week. Use this to your advantage to seek out a raise. Ask to head an important project.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, you can do anything you set your mind to. Share your ideas with others and determine which concepts have merit. If nothing comes up, go back to the drawing board.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
Others admire your ability to be a good friend, Sagittarius. This week you will showcase your compassion and humility in myriad ways. It might garner you extra attention.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, happy news is coming your way this week. Share the good fortune with others in your life, either a spouse or a sibling. These people can use some sunshine as well.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, if at first you don’t succeed, you may need to change your approach to things. Enlist the help of others to help turn your ideas into results.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Develop a better strategy for saving money, Pisces. You need some extra funds to pay for larger expenses, and clipping coupons alone might not be the answer.
JANUARY 26 - Joseph Quinn, Actor (31)
JANUARY 27 - Noah Schnacky, Singer (28)
JANUARY 28 Ariel Winter, Actress (27)
JANUARY 29 - Madison Bailey, Actress (26)
JANUARY 30 - Christian Bale, Actor (51)
JANUARY 31 Justin Timberlake, Singer (44)
FEBRUARY 2 - Lauren Conrad, TV personality (39)
Port Huron, Michigan, was the site of the U15 International Silver Stick Championships on January 24-25-26 and the U15 Talbot Trail Blazers came away with the title.
Both the U.S. and Canada were represented as eight teams from each country qualified for minor hockey’s long-coveted championship.
In game one of round-robin pool play the Blazers faced off against the Sauk Prairie Flyers from Wisconsin and easily skated away with a 7-1 win.
AJ Youssef scored a pair, while Braylon Aflak, Nathan Mariuz, Larry Jeffrey, Lucas O’Neil and Kelton McCabe added singles.
Game two was played against the Centre Wellington Fusion with the Blazers coming away with a 3-1 victory. Austin Goudie potted two goals with Nash Fuerth chipping in with one.
The Blazers’ next opponent was the
Port Huron Flags from Michigan. In a sluggish game, Talbot still managed to skate away with a 5-2 win. Lucas O’Neil, Larry Jeffrey, Connor Rumble, Nash Fuerth and Austin Goudie each scored in the victory.
After teams were seeded by their record, the Blazers next test was the Sarnia Jr. Sting in the quarter-final. Brayden Foster opened the scoring in this tilt with Nash Fuerth and Austin Goudie adding goals en route to a 3-0 win.
Early Sunday morning the Blazers were ready to battle a very good team, the Ottawa Stittsville Rams, in one of two semi-final contests. This was a fast-paced and end-to-end game with both teams displaying their talent.
With 7:52 left in the first period, Lucas O’Neil dug the puck out of the corner from a dump-in and slid a pass to Brayden Foster in the slot, whose one-timer slap shot beat the goalie high
to get the Blazers on the board.
With 4:21 left in the same period, the Rams were able to even the score during a goalmouth scramble.
After a scoreless second period and the teams tied 1-1, Austin Goudie battled hard in the corner and stepped out to the circle and fired his hard snapper short side to again take the lead with 9:29 remaining in the third.
Foster added an empty-netter with just over 30 seconds left on the clock to ice the game at 3-1.
The final saw a rematch with a familiar foe, Centre Wellington Fusion.
These evenly matched teams traded rushes and scoring opportunities until 49 seconds remained in the opening period when Nash Fuerth flew in on a hard forecheck, stole the puck and slipped a pass out to Lucas O’Neil in the low slot, who fired his shot in off the post to take the lead.
The Talbot Trail Blazers continued their hard work into the second and despite a few sloppy moments carried their onegoal lead into the third.
With 11:37 remaining in the game, AJ Youssef chased down an errant Fusion pass and ripped his shot on net. Austin Goudie found the rebound and jammed it in to make it 2-0.
With 1:48 to play, during a mad scramble in front of the net, the Fusion banged one in over the line to close the gap.
But that was as close as they would get as the Blazers were able to shut the door the rest of the way, earning the win and claiming the International Silverstick Championship.
Austin Goudie and goalie Kevin Ondic were named to the tournament all-star team.
Ondic played every second of the tournament and also earned a tournament MVP award.
By C. Scott Holland
On Thursday, January 23, a crowd of 666 watched as the Flyers romped over their possible first-round playoff opponent, the Georgetown Raiders, 10-1.
But Friday night, January 24 in Milton was a completely different story as the Flyers failed to generate enough goals to gain a victory, falling 3-1.
In Thursday’s game here, the offensive outburst and solid defensive outing was welcome. Six different scorers chipped in to help gain the victory, while goaltender Marcus Vandenberg stopped all but a third period powerplay goal.
Head coach Dale Mitchell was pleased with his team’s effort.
“We played a solid game offensively,” he said, “Georgetown sat back and we had control of the puck most the game. We scored 10 but it was nice to see young Ashton Darocy get a hat trick plus Colton (Smith) scoring his 40th goal of the season - a nice accomplishment for him as well.”
The Flyers’ fireworks didn’t take long to get started.
Brayden Degelas and Ethan Walker tried their hand at scoring before Colton Smith gunned the first goal from the right
of the slot just 75 seconds into the game.
Had Don Cherry been present, he would have applauded a massive centre ice hit delivered to a Raiders’ player by Landon Bernard near the five-minute mark. That hit drew a loud roar from Flyers fans.
As Leamington’s puck control and constant offensive zone pressure became apparent, Degelas plucked a Walker rebound and stuffed it into the open left side of the net at 5:39.
The Flyers made it a 3-0 contest on a powerplay near the midway point of the first as Gavin Grundner and Walker teamed up with Dalton Kane, whose left side backhand found
the open left side for a 3-0 lead.
Both teams played a cleaner second period but the Flyers offense and defense kept Georgetown off the scoreboard.
Ashton Darocy began his natural hattrick at 7:13 by taking the handiwork of Ethan Tatomir and Adrian Bosev and gunning a goal from left of the slot that handcuffed Raiders’ starter Roman Batih.
In the final minute of the period, Michael Denney and Bosev had shots to score before Darocy plucked a rebound and tucked it into the open side to put the Flyers ahead 5-0.
The Flyers continued their assault on Batih and
the Georgetown net in the third period when Gavin Grundner and Anthony Ciaramitaro hooked passes to Darocy, who completed his hattrick with another tally from left of the slot.
At 6:27, Ciaramitaro moved towards the net from the left point and deftly lofted Cade Bell’s feed into the top right corner for a 7-0 margin.
Shortly afterward, a Flyers’ penalty allowed the Raiders to notch their only goal, which came seconds before the penalty expired.
The Flyers’ offensive parade wasn’t finished yet, as Bernard gave Smith a powerplay pass and Smith’s top-of-slot screen shot found the target.
Flyers forward Griffin Grundner feeds the puck to Ashton Darocy (97) from the side of Georgetown net during last Thursday night’s 10-1 lashing of the Georgetown Raiders here. Darocy notched a natural hattrick — his first as a Jr. A player. Scott Holland photo
The icing on the cake came during the final minute when Gavin Grundner connected with Degelas, whose right side faceoff circle blast left Batih standing still.
The scoring parade concluded with goal number 10 when Kane and Owen MacDonald set up Tyler McGuire, who flipped the puck past Batih while near the doorstep.
With the victory the Flyers had a 10-point lead over second-place Collingwood but only a one-point lead over Trenton for first overall in the OJHL.
Friday night in Milton, the Flyers found themselves facing a tough opponent.
Milton grabbed a 1-0 first period lead before Gavin Grundner knotted the game at 5:46 after
drilling Michael Denney’s feed.
But 90 seconds later, Milton went ahead 2-1. The game stayed that way until the final minute when the Menace scored an empty-net goal to make it 3-1.
Hostilities erupted at the game’s conclusion. With two seconds left, Marquise Brown and a Milton player were sidelined for roughing. At the final buzzer, Flyers Michael Denney, Dalton Kane and Tyler McGuire squared off to battle Menace opponents. McGuire was a third man in, while Milton’s Marco Costante received both aggressor and instigator penalties on top of a fighting major. The Flyers host the 10th place Oakville Blades this Thursday, January 30 at 7:10 pm.
There were 13 players who enjoyed Fun Darts January 24 at Kingsville Legion.
Recording seven wins were Velma Hope and John Balkwill. Five wins: Neil Handspiker and Ben Baltzer. Four wins: Virginia Bartelt and Tim Butt; Lynn Scott and Rob Baker. One win: Larry Evoy and Karl Bartelt. Zero wins: Donnie Evoy, Dennis Kiss and Dan Bachmeier. Lady doublers were Lynn Scott (2) and Virginia Bartelt (1).
The next Fun Darts night is Friday, January 31 at Kingsville Legion. Sign-up is at 7 p.m. and play begins at 7:15. Winners of the January 25 Wheatley Legion Meat Draws were Brian Brockman, Darlene Dundas, Mike Elliott (2), Bob Jackson, Wes Wright, Chris Ouellette (3), George Imeson and Hilary Hodgson. Pete Jackson won won the Ladies Auxiliary 50/50 draw.
Meat Draws continue every Saturday at Joe’s Bar, next door to Lucky Wok. Ticket sales start at 3 p.m. and the draws begin at 3:30. Everyone welcome.
With the score tied early in the third, Kyle Bleau (18) hopes for a loose puck his way as Mitchell Hickson and Braydin Metcalfe do their best to jam it past the Lakeshore netminder. Favourable bounces were scarce, as the Sharks fell victim to two late third-period tallies against and lost the game 3-1.
Coulter photo
By Greg Coulter
Locked in a dog fight with three other teams for third through sixth place, the Wheatley Omstead Sharks split a pair of matches last week.
Despite a gutsy effort against powerhouse Lakeshore, the locals lacked some puck luck in a 3-1 loss.
Tied 1-1 after two on a Owen Papulkas redirection, the Sharks put up some offensive opportunities early in the third only to see the visitors pounce on an unfortunate turnover as they also converted on a late power play.
Jaxon Drysdale rocked the crease again, turning
back 33 shots with the Sharks firing 26.
“They’re a team that specializes on a quick transition and we just couldn’t find that goahead marker early in the third,” said coach Josh Carnevale.
With the players’ moms making the trip Saturday in Walpole, the Sharks withstood an inspired home team that came out flying.
They pushed back to secure a first intermission 2-2 tie on goals by Jaxon Turnbull and Vito Alfano, then found their legs in the second out-scoring the home team 4-1 with Stefan Jacobs, Alfano, Seth Zylstra and Colton
Selwood leading the parade and they never looked back.
Walpole, with three power play markers, kept the outcome interesting.
Josh Chauvin (pp) and Jacobs (en) sealed the 8-5 victory in the third.
Ethan Handley with 18 saves gained the win with the Sharks firing 33.
“They struck early but we found our feet and managed to seal the win,” said Carnevale.
The Sharks host Essex on January 29th, Mooretown on February 5th, Blenheim on February 12th and close out the regular season on February 13th in Walpole.
Provincial Junior Hockey League West Stobbs Standings
ACTIVE HEALTHY AGING - if you don’t use it, you lose it. 10:00 - 11:00 am at Leamington Half Century Centre. Stay informed, get inspired. Interactive session with Karen Jones of the Seniors Advisory Committee. Involves some light exercise - motion is lotion for body and spirit. A Seniors Advisory Committee event.
MEETING - 7:00 p.m. at Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Rd., Windsor. Speakers: Jeremy Hatt & Cameron Chevalier. Topic: Wildlife & Birds of Peru, with photos of a recent trip. All welcome. Free to attend.
ADVOCACY WORKING GROUPS ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE (age 15+) who want to use their voice to make change in Leamington. Unlocking Potential - Cradle to Career. Discuss community issues, raise awareness, host community events, hear guest speakers, write advocacy letters, attend council meetings. For meeting dates & location or more information, contact Karlene at 519-259-6148 or email knielsen@
Thursday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, 60 Erie St. N., Leamington. Workers can access a simple meal, clothing, food items, spiritual care and employment/immigration information. The program is in need of used or new bicycles to assist workers with transportation. Contact Deacon Deborah Wilson-Safa at 519-326-3111.
URSA MAJOR’S LITTLE BEAR CAFE COMMUNITY BREAKFAST every Monday (except holidays), 1860 Division Rd. North, Kingsville. Ursa Major Day Support
Program’s community breakfast awaits with free coffee, tea, and simple eats — available while supplies last. Open to the whole community. We welcome everyone to join in the good food and fellowship. For more details, visit or email
COMMUNITY TAKEOUT IS AVAILABLE at Leamington United Church, 4:00 - 5:00 pm every Monday. St. John’s Anglican Church also has takeout meals available every Wednesday from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Food is available from St. Vincent De Paul at St. Michael’s Parish 226-340-7233, Salvation Army Food Bank 9:15 - 11:45 am. The warming Cross at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Food Cupboard at St. John’s Anglican church, The Bridge (ages 14-24), Food Pantry at Parkdale Variety, neighbourhood pantry at Erie South and Marlborough and the Angel Pantry at St. John’s Anglican Church. All are free. All are welcome.
IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous: 519-999-1234.
SOUTH ESSEX COMMUNITY COUNCILADULT DAY PROGRAM - Join us at Faith Mennonite for a day service providing social, recreational and personal support to clients and respite. For more information or to register, call SECC at 519-326-8629 or visit our website at
FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE at Leamington United Mennonite Church, 78 Oak St. East, for those who enjoy morning coffee/tea and conversation, the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in church auditorium. All welcome, no RSVP required.
located at 33 Princess St. (1st floor) in Leamington, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. You can leave a message 24/7 at 519-984-2531. Contact Ian at this number for more information.
VOLUNTEER TUTORS NEEDED - the United Way’s On Track to Success program is looking for individuals to help tutor high school students in Leamington in English, Math and/or Science. The program is offered at both LDSS & Cardinal Carter. Volunteer shifts available Monday to Thursday from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. If interested, contact Maia Williamson at mwilliamson@
STRUGGLING WITH MENTAL HEALTH? Reach out to Hope 4 Me Peer to Peer Support Group. Virtual and in-person meetings available. Contact Tracy, Sue or Nancy at for information about the group.
WHEATLEY BAPTIST CHURCH - 47 Talbot St. E. Everyone is welcome to come worship with us. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Bible study Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Adult fellowship Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. For more info call 519-825-7433.
ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONE’S DRINKING? Al-Anon Family Groups meeting information: 519-790-7739 or www.
TAI CHI - Kingsville Community Centre, 1860 Division Rd. N. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:00 am. Gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next. Tuesday geared to beginners. No registration required.
THE KINGSVILLE FRIENDLY CLUB meets every Tuesday to play Cribbage, Euchre & Bridge at 12:45 in the Unico Community Centre at 37 Beech St. in Kingsville, and every Friday to play Bridge, Euchre & Pepper at 12:45.
There were 63 golfers who played 36 holes of mini golf at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens on Thursday, January 23. They recorded 50 holes in one.
Leading the way with six aces was Bill Ward, followed by Keith Hopper with five aces. Four aces were recorded by Theresa Decaluwe and Bill Mayville, three aces by Andre Lalonde, Carol Hylton, Rosemary Heisler, Bill Edwards, Paul Harrison, Jamie Arquette, Nancy Springthorpe, Allan Munson, Andy Orsini, Greg Broome, Grant Raymond and Ron Fick, and two aces by Monique Benfield, Bryon Walker, Lois Hudvagner, Tom Bondy, Bill Taylor, Denise Munson, Debbie Clinton, Erle Nash, Steve Acott, Ray Foster and Barb Fick. Scored one ace were Moe Sweet, Tom Hyatt, Dave Tonks, Colleen Pearse, Bruce Cooper, Bob Springthorpe, Betty McManus, Jackie Cooper, Larry Hillman, Shran Collins, Kathy Klym, Mary Binder, Randy Nash, Lloyd Symons, Mike Binder, Carolyn Dufour, Arlene Fillmore, Gail Turk, Constance Budd, Tony Hudvagner, Linda Lavender, MaryAnn Sherman and Jan Coulter.
Top score over 18 holes with a score of 35 were Tom Hyatt and Bill Mayville, followed by Bill Ward and Keith Hopper with 36, Rosemary Heisler, Bill Ward, Shran Collins, Ray Foster, Theresa Decaluwe and Allan Munson with 37, Debbie Clinton, Keith Hopper, Mary Binder, Randy Nash, Lloyd Symons, Jamie Arquette and Andy Orsini with 38, and Andre Lalonde, Bill Gough, Theresa Decaluwe and Allan Munson with 39.
Leading the way over 36 holes with 73 was Bill Ward, followed by Keith Hopper with 74, Theresa Decaluwe and Allan Munson 76, Tom Hyatt 77, Mary Binder and Jamie Arquette 78, and Ray Foster and Randy Nash 79.
First place was Team 8 (Bill Ward, Debbie Clinton, Al Wass and the famous Phantom) with 321. Second place was Team 12 (Ray Foster, Randy Nash, Mary Binder and Linda Chiasson) with 323. Third place went to Team 10 (Keith Hopper, Shran Collins, Kathy Klym and Paul Harrison) with 328.
On behalf of all the golfers, welcome back scorekeeper Patty and thank you to Paul and Alex for filling in when she was away.
Fun, laughs and also golf will continue on Thursday, January 30 at 10:30 a.m.
• Submit team photos any time during the season
• Be sure to include team name and names of players/coaches
• Jpegs are preferred
• Cell phone photos are fine, please send as large as possible (high resolution)
• Send in your game write-ups by Mondays at 8am
• Please limit your submissions to 150 words
• We recommend having one person responsible for write-ups throughout the season (i.e. team manager or parent)
Open to all ages and levels!
Send your sports team submissions to
Dr. Cervini, Chief of Radiology, ESHC
Help us reach the $5 million MRI Project fundraising goal by making a donation this week. Your contribution can help us achieve this significant milestone. Please consider donating to the MRI Project before February 3rd. Be a part of history and make a lasting impact. Scan here to donate online!