
Locals’ Summer. That’s our name for the time between the beginning of the new school year and the holidays. Most of the tourists leave. Traffic gets a little less crazy. Tables open up in local restaurants. The weather cools a bit but not so much that an ocean dip is out of the question. It’s the Most Magical Time of the Year, really. Because the “end” of summer doesn’t mean the end of fun. Just look at this month’s calendar at the end of this issue. It’s grown to three pages. The rest of the year will be completely full of possibilities, from historical events at Brunswick Town to fishing tournaments to evening con certs, you’ll have to pick which things you’ll have to miss and save for next year’s Locals’ Summer, because one person just can’t be at all these places at once. It’s the best kind of problem to have. So read this one carefully, grab your own calendar, and map out your own plan for making the most out of all our community has to offer.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner STAFF EDITOR Jeffrey Stites editor@southportmag.com ASSISTANT EDITOR Lisa P. Stites lisa@southportmag.com LEAD DESIGNER Liz Brinker lcbgraphicdesign@gmail.com CONTRIBUTING DESIGNERS Chuck and Sue Cothran CONTRIBUTING WRITERS CarlaBethEdstromKahlre Patty Langer Jan LisaMorgan-SwegleP.Stites Jeffrey Stites PHOTOGRAPHER Jeffrey Stites PUBLISHER & SALES Jeffrey Stites jeff@southportmag.com 910-471-7741 CONSULTANT Kris Beasley PO Box 10175, Southport, NC 28461 Southport Magazine is published once a month by Live Oak Media with an extra publication in July for the Southport Fourth of July Festival. The opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinions of the staff. Annual Subscription: $45 jeff@southportmag.com 910-471-7741 IN THIS ISSUE Loco Jo’s i s o f c o u r s e o n m y t o p l i s t o f f a v o r i t e t h i n g s i n S o u t h p o r t . I e n j o y t h e A s i a n d i s h e s , f r e s h l o c a l s e a f o o d a s w e l l a s t h e c r a ft c o c k t a i l s B u t r e a l l y m y f a v o r i t e t h i n g i s a p e r s o n a n d h e r n a m e i s D a l e S h e h a s b e e n o n e o f t h e b e s t s e r v e r s S o u t h p o r t h a s e v e r h a d & I t r u l y l o v e h e r S t o p b y a n d s a y H i ! D a l e w i l l m a k e y o u r D a y ! 6 0 2 N H o w e S t # E l o c o j o s n c c o m ( 9 1 0 ) 2 9 4 0 8 0 8 My Favorite SouthportPlaces

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 3 Focused on Brunswick County, NC 910.620.9963 We’ve been “Diggin” Dirt for decades! Come tour or list with us! AVAILABLE in THE LANDING at Southport! 6181 Compass Circle PENDING in OAK ISLAND Marsh Grove Lane/acres Linda Pukenas, Realtor/Broker 919.455.7745 Lisa Fosbury, Realtor/Broker 919.523.0337 PENDING….proudly representing the buyers of 6117 River Sound Circle in THE LANDING at Southport!

Do You Feel Like I Do?
Annette Dauphin-Simon has always been a creative person. When she was in kindergarten, she says, she was named best artist in her class. A graduate of the University of Cincinnati’s College of De sign, Architecture, Art and Planning, she enjoyed a successful career in advertising and design. Her husband Kent, who she met in college, worked in the same field ,and over the years, their jobs took them from Ohio to Raleigh to Austin, Texas, where Annette flourished as an award-win ning creative director for an ad agency. Eventually, the couple landed in Florida in 2005, at which point Annette decided to leave the corporate world to have more time with her children and to pursue other interests.During her years in Florida, Annette, who admits to being a bit of a bookworm, took a part-time job at an independent bookstore in Neptune Beach called The Bookmark. It was there, while arranging bookshelves in 2012, that she first began to “see” poetry in book titles and stum bled upon the concept of spine poems. With a bit of research, Annette learned that the method of using book titles to create poems was not new. Also known as “found verse” or “collage poems,” it’s actually a popular form of creative think ing used by school teach ers. Libraries and book stores frequently sponsor spine poem challenges as way to celebrate National Book Day. In 1993, an artist named Nina Katchadourian was the first to publish a book collection of spine po ems, called “Sorted Books,” which Annette credits as an inspiration in the preface of her own book. But while the concept may be popular, it’s not so easy to do well (believe me, I’ve tried!). An nette’s poems are truly re markable.AsAnnette’s editor, Jen na Lefkowitz, says: “The thrill of discovery has al ways been my favorite part of reading, and “Spine Po ems” distills that in a perfectly clever and creative form. Whether joyful, hilarious, fantastical, or wistful (or all of the above), each poem captures the magic of both the stories we take in and the stories we tell.”
TITLES BY: Linda Urban / Lisa Moore Ramée / Hank Green / Kristy Dempsey and Chris topher Denise / Erik Larson / Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
Did you ever look at a pile of books and think, “Wow! Those titles, when read all together, sound like a poem!” Honestly, neither did I. But Southport resident Annette Dauphin-Simon sees the makings of a poem in just about every book title she reads. For years, Annette has been creating poetry by stacking books one atop the other, so that the titles printed on the spines of the books create lines of poetry. She has composed so many excep tionally clever spine poems that she was offered a contract with Harper Collins to publish a book called “Spine Poems: An Eclectic Collection of Found Verse for Book Lovers,” which comes out on Sept. 6, 2022 and is sure to be a publishing sensation.
4 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
Currents Book Spine Poems
TITLES BY: Peter Frampton with Alan Light / Gestalten, Marianne Julia Strauss, and Jürgen Boos / Russell Simmons with Chris Morrow / Melissa Maerz / Emily Colas
Annette Dauphin-Simon is not a firsttime author. In fact, she already had four children’s books to her credit when she began compiling her collection of spine poems. Annette’s first published work was a book that she illustrated and cowrote with her young son, then 5 years
Local Author Publishes Found Poetry
Anne Dauphin-Simon, photo by Anne Liles Photography A Crooked Kind of Perfect

“Spine Poems: An Eclectic Collection of Found Verse for Book Lovers” is also available online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Grab a copy as a great addition to your own bookshelf – it’s sure to in spire some re-arranging! And maybe grab a few more as unique gifts for all the wordsmiths, poetry lovers, and bibliophiles in your life.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 5 old, after the death of her three-year-old daughter, Libby, from a rare genetic dis order.“This Book is for All Kids, But Especial ly for My Sister Libby. Libby Died,” was published in 2002 and quickly became a success. Ronald MacDonald Houses across the country used the book to help children and adults journey through the process of grieving. With its poignant title, straight forward prose and funky graphics, the book is a springboard for children and adults to begin conversations about life and death, sorrow and hope. “While I’d always wanted to create picture books, I never could’ve imagined that’d be the first I’d illustrate. It’s all Jack’s words, though, from a loose journal I kept the year after Libby died. While I’d worked in advertising and design for years, Jack was my toughest client. I wanted his com plete involvement and approval.”
Once Annette realized how many po ems she had composed over the years, she began to think about putting together a compilation and eventually, a book proj ect was born. In March of 2022, Annette was thrilled to sign a contract with Harp er Design, an arm of Harper Collins, for a book of her spine poems.
Inside Scoop: Annette is currently working on a collection of spine po ems for children! Follow her on Face book or at: www.annettesimon.net
JEWELRY • HOME DECOR • APPAREL HANDBAGS • PET ESSENTIALS & MORE! 114 North Howe Street, Southport OPEN: M-Sat : 10-5pm | Sun: 11-5pm 910-457-0921 |thesouthportpearl.com Bring this ad in to save 20% OFF one regularly priced item Excludes (Sharon Nowlan ) MAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Happy Fall Y’all The Whisper TITLES BY: Pamela Zagarenski / Geraldo Valério / Greg Pizzoli / Wendell Berry / Cheryl Strayed
The contract was based on a sampling of Annette’s poems in print and photo formats. The publisher, who may have sensed a best seller, stipulated that the entire manuscript be submitted in less than six weeks! While she had all of her poems typed up - all 110 of them – she had only a few of the stacks photographed at the time she signed the book deal. An nette promptly began to find, borrow, or purchase the 323 books she had used to make her poems over the years. She then enlisted the aid of her husband, and to gether they concocted a makeshift pho tobooth in their home studio, using gray resin shelves pulled from their garage and sheets of construction material for the backdrop. Working feverishly over many long days, they arranged the books into artful stacks, photographed them, and laid the pictures out with all of the text. Each of Annette’s poems is accompanied by a list of the book authors, as well as bulleted side-notes, quotes, and miscellaneous facts relating to the titles that add depth to her verses. Interestingly, the titles that make up each spine poem come from all different genres, with cookbooks stacked on mysteries, or picture books stacked on histories. The book itself, however, is ar ranged by themes, including fiction and non-fiction, art, philosophy, cooking, ro mance, etc. “I finished the whole project and submit ted it on my birthday, so I had two major milestones to celebrate that day!” Annette recounted with a laugh. While anyone can enjoy the delight of creating spine poems, Annette clearly has a talent for them that is both visionary and cerebral. She is able to see poetry in stacks of seemingly disparate titles by re arranging them into something profoundly meaningful.Inthewords of her publisher at Harp er Collins, Annette’s spine poems are “tiny stories of love, loss, work, play, parenting, pop culture, travel and home.”Annette will celebrate her book launch on Sept. 6 at the bookshop in Neptune Beach, Florida where it all began. But don’t worry, her book will be available at several shops locally, including Lantanas, Southport Trad ing Company, and Mad River. You can also find it at Wilmington book sellers Barnes & Noble, Pomegranate Books and Old Books on Front Street.
Annette wrote three other children’s books during her years in Florida, utiliz ing her graphic design skills to cleverly il lustrate them herself. “Mocking Birdies,” “Robot Zombie Frankenstein,” and “Ro bot BurpHead Smartypants” are all silly, quirky, relatable picture books for pre schoolers and young children. In 2018, Annette and her husband moved to Southport. During the pandem ic, she decided to reorganize her own bookshelves and found herself once again indulging her passion for stacking books into verse. She admits it’s an addictive habit, akin to solving a riddle or doing a puzzle.“Itypically see a title, or think of a title, and then starts looking for other titles that would fit together to create a meaningful verse.” Annette explained. “As with most poetry, my spine poems are open to inter pretation by the reader.”

A Parlay With Black Sails Adventure Co.
This was the creation of my wife’s awesome brain at work! She always thinks of ways for families to do more things together outside. We offer two types of Scavenger Hunts, a walking one and an island-wide driving one. We drop off the first clue in a bottle at the home with a bag that has a key. The participants must find and collect all clues on their journey and at the end…a treasure chest filled with goodies that they get to keep! We do give out help if needed and let fami lies know they can call us as we will help
The old trope about running away and joining the circus changes a bit here by the sea. Our coastal version, I think, is to drop it all and become a pirate. Anthony Benson and wife Nikki Benson did just that and founded the Black Sails Adventure Co. not only to offer pirates for hire, but a wide variety of ways to get your family enjoying our beautiful outdoors together. You’ve probably seen Anthony around. He’s the guy dressed as a pirate, he kind of sticks out. We spoke to our very own local pirate and are happy to share his story here. For those who don’t know yet, what does Black Sails Adventure Co. do? We offer Scavenger Hunts, Pirate Tales on the beach, Private Pirate Entertain ment, Astronomy Nights, Movie Nights, Paddle Boarding tours, and soon, Boat Tours. We offer ways to get families and friends to have fun outdoors. How did you come up with the idea for you this business? Interesting question! We found out through research that my wife was related to Blackbeard by marriage and that stuck to us. When we learned about the rich his tory of pirates here on the coast, my wife’s connection lit the fire to do something that could spawn into many things.
Let’s get into some of your offerings. Will the summer Pirates at the Point continue into the fall?
We bought a home here in Oak Island in 2019 as vacation home for the whole family to come to. We lived in Cary, and after our kids moved on to college and out of the house, my wife and I talked it over we decided to move to Oak Island and say goodbye to Cary, a move that we don’t regret as it’s been an adventure and fun still to this day.
Ahhhh…. Good question! We do things a bit more different but still fun in the fall. Around November we change up the pirate tales. We do it by campfire. We do all the permits and legwork, and let everyone come out, have a warm seat by the fire, and enjoy tales by a local legend in first person…Captain Stede Bonnet. Can you talk a little about the Scavenger Hunts? Without giving anything away that might spoil the fun, what can people expect?
When was Black Sails Adventure Co. founded? How big a crew do you have? We opened up around September/Oc tober of 2021…just my wife and myself. Our good friend Eugene Foster joins in as well as a fellow pirate at events. He is an awesome friend and loves to pirate. What is your background? Do you have acting experience? I get this question a lot! I honestly have no acting experience, well…I don’t include plays in elementary school, lol! My back ground includes working in things such as a dishwasher, a cook, an electrician, a dent repair guy, musician and now a pirate in an adventure compa ny…Wow. That’s many hats! My wife comes from a background of business management, nursing, vet care and marine biology, just to name a few. She is the brains behind the business hands down!
Biz Spotlight Professional Pirate
What brought you to the SouthportOak Island area?
Where does your love of history, and pirates in particular, come from? I’ve always been interested in history from all ages of time. My interest came around the time of junior high. The things and places and time periods that they taught us made me so interested that I honestly dove head first into any subjects they taught. It’s good to know and learn what humans have done in history so we can learn how not to repeat things and at the same time learn true stories.
6 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winnerthe www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 7 DIRECT TV NFL SUNDAY TICKET 50% OFF ALL BOTTLE BEER EST. IN ‘09 The Premier Sports Bar & Irish Pub in Southport with 9 HD TVs Over 90 Bottles of Whiskey 16 Draft Beers Voted “Friendliest Bartenders in Southport” OPEN 12:30PM-2AM 1513 N. Howe St Southport, NC 28451 (910) 457-6554 thepubofsouthport.com COME IN TO TASTE OUR COLD BREW, ICED TEA, OR COFFEE TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION GO TO WWW.BALDHEADCOFFEE.COM Friday, September 23: 10am - 5pm Saturday, September 24: 10am - 4pm 1433 N Howe Street, Southport Visit our Showroom JUSTFall’sPumpkinARRIVED!SpiceFavoriteCoffee800-484-8399BehindtheWingateHotel them out. We want the fun to be the im portant thing, and a lot of families have had fun. You offer private Pirate Entertainment. What does that involve and who might be interested on booking their very own pirates? We offer the private pirate events for families to have their own intimate and fun event. We offer this for people who want special fun for birthday parties, an niversaries, party fun. We have done it all! We offer families their choice from two pirates, Captain Jack Sparrow or Captain Stede Bonnet. Both bring true stories from our area and beyond. But you’re more than just piracy — you also offer backyard movie nights and astronomy nights. Can you tell us a bit about each of those? Movie Nights are a new addition. We supply seating for 8, a 122-inch screen and a very awesome HD projector where families can plug in their device and watch a movie of their choice. Astronomy Nights are new as well. We have an amazing tele scope that can be set up to view the night sky and has attachments to allow people to set their phones up onto the telescope and take video or pictures of what’s being looked at through the eyepiece. This setup blows my mind as the moon and planets can be seen amazingly! We also can at tach a small projector to show images on a screen which I find so cool! We’ve seen you all over at local events, from the Oak Island Farmers Market to the recent Film Fest and the children’s games day at the Fourth of July Festival. Can you speak to the importance of community involvement and what that means to you? Doing things and giving back to our community means a lot. We enjoy every minute giving back to our community. When you can spend time with children and adults and make them smile, giving

time one-on-one with each of them at an event….that is worth more to us than any amount of money, period. We are always open to work with our community and oth ers — always. Pirates are always chasing the next prize. What does the future hold for Black Sails? Both in the immediate future and your long-term goals and blue-sky ambitions? Well, we will continue to bring the fun here on Oak Island and in Southport in many ways. Honestly we are just blessed and happy to be able to make the friend ships we have made and be able to do things in both areas and even beyond. From the Brunswick Arts Council to Oak Island Parks and Rec, to the owners of the Amuzu Theatre, Ocean Isle’s Museum of Coastal Carolinas and all our fellow pirates on the Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, and friends who are local business owners…being able to meet and do things with these outstanding people is just amazing.
8 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Biz Spotlight new fall arrivals • specials • giveaways • refreshments • & more f all 416 N. Howe Street Southport, NC • 910.454.4533 • www.cattailcottagenc.com
Please feel free to add anything you’d like to share that we may not have touched on. We can’t thank everyone enough. Come out and have fun with us Sept. 17 in Bellville as The Wilmington Harbor En hancement Trust brings ye all….Feast of the Pirates! Pirates, cannons, food, and vendors from all sorts will be there. We are honored to be a part of this and hope everyone comes out for some outstand ing pirate fun! BLACK

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 9

Looking for a good way to cool off and help your community in the process? The 13th running of the Go Jump In The Lake 5K and 1.5 Mile Fun Run/Walk might just fit the bill. Organized by the Southport Rotary Club, this family-friendly event promotes health and wellness in our community. As in previous years, most of the proceeds will benefit New Hope Clinic’s charitable health care programs, as well as other Rotary funded organizations. ages and skill levels,” said Shawn Bras well, Immediate Past President of the Southport Rotary Club. “There is a timed 5K for the competitive runners looking to improve their time or just a newbie runner. The 1.5 mile Fun Run/Walk that isn’t timed is perfect for those that are just out to have a good time and par ticipate in a healthy event with friends. There are awards for different ages and there is even a best splash award.”
10 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community
Registration is open now at Southpor tRotary.com and event sponsors are also needed with sponsorships starting at a very affordable $50. Entry fees are $20 for the 1.5 mile Fun Run and $33 for the 5K until Aug. 15, when the price increas es. Registration includes a finisher med al and race t-shirt.
Go Jump In The Lake Have Fun, Help A Great Cause, Cool Off
New Hope Clinic Execu tive Director Sheila Roberts said she is thrilled to partner with Southport Rotary on this event. “We love partnering with Rotary to host the Go Jump in the Lake fundraiser that’s also a health-raiser! The funds raised help New Hope Clinic provide much needed healthcare services for our neighbors in need who do not qualify for an insurance program, yet also cannot afford health insurance and healthcare costs. We have an amazing group of volunteers who help us at the Clinic, but there are many expens es we need these funds for including medications, den tal equipment, and diabetic testing supplies,” she said. “We hope more people register and use this event for a fitness goal, whether they’re on their 100th race and striving for a new per sonal best time, starting a couch to 5k program, using the fun run/walk as part of their recovery af ter a surgery, or looking for a chance to meet some other community mem bers who like to be active,” Roberts said. “The more people we have out moving at events like this, the healthi er our community becomes!”
Participants are invited to run, walk or roll the route though Boiling Spring

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 11 COASTALWOMEN’SAPPARELINSIZESSTO3XL|JEWELRY|UNIQUEHOMEDECORGARDEN&MORE Visit our new Sweet Shoppe & Furniture, Garden, and Kids Rooms at our Oak Island Location OCEANSOUTHPORTOAKISLANDISLEBEACHSURFCITY SHOP ONLINE at mermaidcoveboutique.comDownloadMermaidCoveBoutiqueAppforiPhone&AndroidNow!

12 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community
Looking for Ghosts By Flashlight on the
Have you ever wondered if the rumors of ghosts on the Battle ship North Carolina are true? Ask the staff and volunteers at the Battleship, and you’ll hear stories about shadowy figures that disappear as quickly as they appear – or, sometimes, join a guided tour of the battleship in full World War II-era Navy uniform.
The ghost hunters with Ghost Hunts USA have lead similar excursions at more than 60 haunted locations across the country, including previous excursions at the Battleship. Priding itself on creating immersive experiences with support for new and experienced ghost hunters alike, the organization’s ghost hunters bring their own paranormal equipment, which participants have the chance to use. In fact, many of the organization’s lead ghost hunters started as participants at different Ghost Hunts USA events before joining the company in an official capacity. And while looking for signs of spirits remained the focus of the night, the group empha sized the history of the Battleship, and re spect for all who served on it, as well.
“Yes, this is a Battleship, but it’s also a memorial,” said Ghost Hunts USA ghost hunter and Brunswick County resident Me gan Lewis. “That’s the very first thing we always say, is to respect that it’s a memo rial, it’s a museum. It has a special place in myWeheart.”joined Ghost Hunts USA for a recent ghost hunt at the Battleship. Approximate ly 70 people attended in total; some lived in Brunswick County or Wilmington, while many had driven hours from other states to get there. We gathered in a meeting room on the deck of the ship, where the Battleship’s overnight security crew shared the history of the USS North Carolina and the ghost hunters shared tips for a safe and successful experience. We were then divided into smaller groups, and the ghost huntWithbegan.the lights below deck turned off, we used flashlights to follow the team to our first stop – the area where a torpedo hit the Battleship in 1942, killing four sail ors, and an area which is normally off-limits to tours. Upon arrival, we turned our flash lights off and adjusted to the pitch black. One of the ghost hunters used special equipment to pick up and then magnify low, voice-like noises, which he recorded and played back to the group. After that, our group moved to the Battleship’s mess hall, where another ghost hunter placed equipment around the room: REM-PODs, which beeped and flashed when the ener gy in an area changes, cat toys which lit up when moved, and a music box which played a haunting tune when someone –or something – was near. And then it was on to the ship’s sick bay, where the group asked questions of the ghosts and used a tablet loaded with Phasmabox software to pick up spirit voices answering. Was that quick, glowing light flashing through a fully darkened room a spirit, or a participant’s smart watch? Was that subtle noise in the background a ghost communi cating, or a par ticipant whis pering? And just what kept causing the mu sic box to ourBattleshipandghostmentborrowthetours,cause.obviousthereculprit;mitpantearthlyOccasionally,play?anparticiwouldadtobeingtheoften,wasnoearthlyAfterguidedwehadchancetoequipfromthehuntersroamtheonown.We were able to use the REM-PODs and the tablet with Phasmabox software ourselves, as well as trying out simpler options like the cat toys or divining rods, which could be used to ask simple “yes or no” questions of the spirits. Many of the more experienced participants had brought their own equipment, but for those new to ghost hunting – like us –the Ghost Hunts USA team was available to answer questions and demonstrate how to use the different items. Armed with flashlights and divining rods, we set off to explore the darkened Battleship. We had free roam of the ship until 3 am, and were able to come back to the original meeting room at any point for coffee, cool drinks and snacks
Ask the team with Ghost Hunts USA, and you’ll hear about cold drafts of air in the well-enclosed lower levels of the ship, motion-sensor devices that alert when no one seems to be near them, and ghost ly voices detected in the background of recordings or with special recording de vices.But if you want to see for yourself, or just try your hand with paranormal gear like a REM-POD or Phasmabox, now you can. Ghost Hunts USA will return to the Battleship in September and October for special late-night ghost hunts.
Bump In The Night

Ghost Hunts USA will be back at the Battleship USS North Carolina on Friday, Sept. 23; Saturday, Sept. 24; Friday, Oct. 28 and Saturday, Oct. 29. Book your tickets online at https:// ghosthuntsusa.com/. If you go, be sure to wear comfortable clothing and sturdy, close-toed shoes, appropriate for walking down steep staircases and step ping over hatch entrances. And don’t forget your flashlight!
“To see a shadowy figure or watch the dark get darker, you never get over see ing that shadow or that apparition,” said Ghost Hunts USA ghost hunter Melissa Majors, who has completed ghost hunts on the Battleship several times before and drove from out of state to be here for the latest ghost hunt. “You don’t get a bad feeling here. The spirits here are lovely. Re spect is the biggest thing. They lived once; just have respect.”
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 13 Community – or to borrow a different piece of equip ment. The Battleship’s overnight security team continued with their rounds, pausing to give directions or share stories of previ ous ghost sightings with the participants. It wasn’t the first time Ghost Hunts USA has been to the Battleship, and it won’t be the last; with multiple ghost hunts already conducted at the site, the team already has additional events planned in the fall, just in time for Halloween.
Want To Go?

The Feast of the Pirates has long, and appropriately a little bit sordid, history. “The Feast of the Pirates took place in Wilmington for three years (1927-1929),” said Fornes. “Tourists from all over the region, as many as 28,000, traveled to the Port City. They had the pleasure of watching histori cal reenactments, boat races, com petitions, and various parades. The reenactments ranged from George Washington’s ceremonious entrance into the city in 1791, to Blackbeard’s march to City Hall. Excessive alcohol consumption and public drunkenness during the 1929 festival, however, caused concern for committee mem bers and other city officials. Neverthe less, it was the Great Depression that put the final nail in the coffin for the Feast of Pirates.”
14 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community DECORATEYOURNEST 105 S. Howe Street (Next to Trolly Stop) • 910-457-0011 MAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE
Scalawags Invading Riverfront Park!
Feast of the Pirates
You can’t afford Not to shop at Talefeathers!
Avast me mateys, there be pirates on the horizon and they be headed our way! On Saturday, Sept. 17, Belville’s Riverfront Park will full of pirate-themed fun as the 2022 Feast of the Pi rates comes ashore from 10 am to 5 pm. This year’s event will have pirate encampments, reenactors, sword fighting, Sea Shanty groups, black powder cannon and musket demonstrations, food and merchant vendors as well as many activities for the wee lads and lasses, said Stephanie L. Fornes, President of the event’s or ganizer, Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc.
The Wilmington Harbor enhance ment Trust revived the idea of a pirate festival in 2005. “We started out on Friday with a Pirates Ball, and on Sat urday we had a sword fighting group during the day and a lighted flotilla in the evening. This was in conjunction with Riverfest. In 2014 we decided to add history to our festival thus bring ing back the Feast of the Pirates,” said Fornes. “The festival was held in downtown Wilmington 2014-2016. In 2017, we decided to relocate to Brunswick County to share the pirate heritage there.” This year’s Feast will add a new event for children. “This year we are adding a Most Wanted Poster to hand out to the children. They have to find all the pirates on the poster to receive their booty,” Fornes said.

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Beginning on Saturday, Oct. 1, and continuing one Saturday a month through April, 2023, the Rec Cen ter will sponsor “Parents Night Out” from 5-8 pm at the Oak Island Ocean Education Center (OEC), 4700 Oak Island Drive (across from Town Hall). Kids between the ages of 6-12 will be able to hang out at the OEC, without
Great Food, Awesome local & domestic beer menu, wine and hard seltzers and don’t forget our homemade desserts
16 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community
Monday 11am-3pm Tuesday- Saturday 11am-8pm 101 East Brown St., Southport (910) 457-5994
their parents, where they can explore the displays and take turns using the new virtual reality goggles, “Occulus: Oceans 360.” Kids can participate in holiday themed crafts and gamesthink pumpkins for October, turkeys for November - pig out on pizza, and watch movies! The fee for all of this is just $13 per child for Oak Island res idents ($18 for non-residents), which basically covers the Town’s cost. Staff at the Rec Center will work with flex time in order to schedule shifts for Parents Night Out, said Rec Center Supervisor Carrie Winkler. “All of us at the Rec Center have been brainstorming ways to provide more services for our local residents year-round, rather than just activities for summer visitors to the island,” Winkler said. “We tested out the concept for Parent’s Night Out in February, and
ife for parents with young children can be hectic, juggling work, school, sports, and the seemingly endless responsibilities of home and family. Sometimes you just need a few hours without the kids in tow, whether it’s for a much-needed date night, a night to catch up with friends, or some time to get started on your holiday shopping. But babysitters can be tough to find these days and they usually don’t come cheap! Fortunately, Oak Island’s Rec reation Department has developed a fun, and reasonably priced, alternative. It’s called “Parents Night Out,” but the kids are prob ably going to love it just as much as the parents do!
Oak Island Program Gives Parents A Break
Parents’ Night Out

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year WinnerSouthport www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 17 Community it was a big hit! We gathered feed back from parents and made a few im provements for the program that we put together this fall,” she said. The program will vary somewhat in December and will be called “Holiday Drop & Shop” that month. On Sat urday, Dec. 10, kids can come to the OEC from 9 am to 2 pm for a fee of $18 ($23 for non-residents). Parents will be able to spend the day shop ping, or baking, or socializing, or even napping (don’t laugh – Winkler said that one mom confessed to doing just that in February!) while kids celebrate the season making festive decora tions, writing letters to Santa, playing holiday games and watching the clas sic holiday movie “Home Alone.” Dates are the following Saturdays, from 5-8 pm: Oct. 1, Nov. 5, Feb. 4, March 4, and April 1; and on Saturday Dec. 10 from 9 am to 2 pm. There is not a program scheduled for Janu ary. There is a limit of 15 children and registration is required to ensure ade quate adult supervision. For questions or more information, call Rec Center Supervisor Carrie Win kler at (910) 278-5518. To register your child, visit www. OakIslandNC.gov/RecDesk. For the Holiday Drop & Shop in December, be sure to sign up early, as rates in crease by $5 one week prior to that program. The days are longer - Your pups will need to get their energy out and socialize with their furry friends! WeBringthemtoourplaylandareconvenientlylocatedoffHwy 87 at 281 W Boiling Springs Road, Southport Open Monday - Friday 7AM - 6PM • 910-351-8000 www.riaandscoutsdoggieplayland.com School is Back in Session • Our PlayPals will interact with your pups not just watch them • They will get lots of attention and play all day with their doggie peers • We have doggie cams so you can check up on them throughout the day Mention this ad for ONE FREE DAY! Make an appointment for a Bath or Nail Trim!

Meet Local Authors
During the meeting, the FOLSOI Board of Directors will share reports about the organization’s accomplishments over the past year and the finances, and offer a slate of officers for the next year. The meeting is also the kickoff for the group’s annual membership drive, Fotinatos said. Attendees can renew their memberships or join as new members.
An nvestigative ournalist and author, JEAN HELLER has rece ved eight Pu itzer Prize nominations and has been a final st twice including once for her first book, Max mum Impact This event is free and open to the public, as part of FOLSOI's Annual Meeting 2022 Authors' books will be available for purchase; cash or check only please
“The author panel includes an eight-time Pulitzer prize nominee, national award winners, and an author whose latest book is being produced as a feature film. Never before have such an ac complished group of local authors been assembled to speak with their readers and offer their signed books for sale,” said Diana Fotinatos, Publicity Chairman for the Friends of the Library South port-Oak Island (FOLSOI). The annual meeting is scheduled for 1-3 pm on Sept. 13 at the Southport Community Building, 223 E. Bay St. in Southport. FOLSOI is a non-profit that offers financial and organizational support to the Southport and Oak Island libraries. 130 E. West FranklinSquareGallery.com(910)SouthportStreetNC457-5450OPEN10amto5pm,MondaythroughSaturday at Franklin Square Gallery
any published authors make their home in coastal Carolina, and this year’s Annual Meeting for the Friends of the Library Southport-Oak Island offers the chance to meet four of them.
TERI M BROWN's first book fo lows three generations of women n the Ukraine and h gh ights the tenacity and res lience of women against al odds even in the worst of times at FOLSOI s Annual Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 1 3 PM Southport Community Building, 223 E Bay St , Southport NC
18 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
FOLSOI Annual Meeting Features Panel
The Southport Book Festival: Authors We Adore By the Shore presents Randy Aldridge, former WWAY News Anchor and a hometown favorite, will be our Master of Ceremony for this year s Annual Meeting and Southport Book Festival, featuring award winning and well loved local authors ~ Meet our Author Panelists ~ Three of JEFF SIEBOLD's mysteries have won nat onal awards He was a so a finalist n the Next Generat on Ind e Book Awards in the Thril er category JOHN GRAVES s the author of three non f ction books and two novels He was awarded a Bronze Meda for best first time fict on from Readers Favorite com His works of fict on are of a dystopian future
After the brief meeting, Randy Aldridge, formerly an anchor with WWAY-TV3, will lead a panel discussion with four local au thors — Teri M. Brown, John Graves, Jeff Siebold, and Jean Heller. Authors’ books will be available for pur chase (cash or check only) and there will be time for questions and socializing.
MEMBERS’ SHOW Until October17
Memberships in FOLSOI help support the organization and the many programs it hosts throughout the year. “Becoming a member of the Friends of the Library for as little as $10 a year really matters and helps pay for programs and materials for the collection that are not covered by the county budget,” Fotinatos said. “That in cludes the entire summer reading program at both branches, robotics, chess, elemen tary and middle school book clubs, Let’s Talk About It, Senior Tech Workshop, Meet the Author, in addition to many other pro grams. It also allows us to fund additional large print books, audiobooks, ebooks,
“This program gives members a chance to meet the FOLSOI board of directors, branch managers, and the new library director. It also affords attendees an op portunity to ask any questions about our county libraries,” Fotinatos said.

N E E D A M E E T I N G S P A C E ? H A V E A F A M I L Y R E U N I O N C O M I N G U P ? I N T E R E S T E D I N A W E D D I N G R E N T A L ? The City of hSouthport as you covered! F i n d o u t m o r e a t c i t y o f s o u t h p o r t . c o m A.C. Caviness Park · Community Building Franklin Square Park · Indian Trail Meeting Hall Jaycee Building · Keziah Park · Lowe-White Park

The 2022 Children’s Crab Derby returns on Saturday, Sept. 5 on the Southport City Dock. Registration (with t-shirts!) for the Crab Derby will begin at 8:30 am in front of the City Dock, located on W. Brunswick Street in the Southport Yacht Basin. The catch-andrelease event will begin at 9 am and will have winners for the largest crab and most crabs caught in the following age brack ets: 5-7; 8-10;11-13;14-16. Please bring your own bait, string, and crab net. This is a free event. Call 910-279-3331 or 910457-7945 for more details. Moving from crabs to fish, the Oak Is land Youth Fishing Derby runs from 5:30-7 pm on Thursday, Sept. 8 at the Oak Island Pier, 705 Ocean Drive. The Youth Fish ing Derby is free (registration required) and open to all youth ages 15 years and younger, with many prize categories such as: Most Fish Caught, Largest Fish, Scari est Fish, and Ugliest Fish. Participants will need to bring their own fishing pole and bait. Register at oakisland.recdesk.com. To learn more, reach out to Program Super visor Ryan Gordon at rgordon@OakIsland NC.gov or by calling 910-278-4747.
Classroom work will be at the Recreation Center at 3003. E. Oak Island Drive on Fri day evening from 6-7:30 pm, with fishing in the actual surf on Saturday morning from 7-9 am. The cost for the class is $40 for res idents and $45 for non-residents. For more information, or to register for the program visit www.OakIslandNC.gov/RecDesk.
For adults who would like to improve their chances fishing off our beaches, Ian Sands is teaching a surf fishing course through the Oak Island Recreation depart ment on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9 and 10. According to the Recreation Center’s description, “You’ll learn everything you need to take that fish from the surf sand to the frying pan. In this class, specifically de signed for Oak Island anglers, we’ll discuss different fish in our surf and talk about the right rig and bait for the fish you want to catch. We’ll even talk about cleaning and cooking those fish. By the end of class, you’ll know everything there is to know to fish the surf and have fun doing it.”
As the temperature drops, our fishing season heats up, and September brings four separate chances for anglers of all ages to drop a line in the water and maybe learn a little more about how to bring in the Big One. It’s Derby Time for the chil dren with Southport hosting its Annual Crab Derby on the City Dock and Oak Island sponsoring a Youth Fishing Derby on the Oak Island Pier. Adults aren’t left out either as the US Open King Mackerel Tournament returns beginning on Sept. 30 (see our full coverage on page 30) and the Town of Oak Island holds a class room and beach surf fishing class.
20 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community Fall Is For Fishing
Patricia Elliott DesignsAuthentic Sea Glass Earrings - Bracelets - Pendants Handcrafted in Sterling Silver Mother Nature’s GEM STONE Stop by Ricky Evans Gallery 211 N Howe Street • Southport, NC Contact Artist patelliott.seaglass@gmail.comat:
Crab Derby, Pier Tournament, Lessons

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22 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
BLT Class Introduces Teens To The Bard
AShakespeare Workshop for teens is returning for it’s second session this year. Brunswick Little Theatre’s “Shakespeare Rocks” workshop is open to youth ages 13-19 regardless of expe rience and will meet on Wednesdays September 14 to November 16 from 6-7:30 pm at the theatre, 8068 River Road. The cost of the ten week workshop is $90 per student. To register go the http:// www.brunswicklittletheatre.com to download form and and send in form with payment. If you need more information, contact instructor Rosina Whitfield at 336-549-2476 or Rosinact@bellsouth. net. The workshop’s instructor is Rosina Whit field, who has spent her career as a theatre director, educator and actor, most recent ly as the Artistic Director at the Drama Center in Greensboro for 16 years, where she instituted a program where teens and adults performed a Shakespeare play each season. She studied in London with The Royal Shakespeare Company. She is cur rently the Drama Director at South Bruns wick High School. We spoke to Director Whitfield about her love for The Bard, the appeal to youth of his works and what participants may ex pect. What draws you to teaching Shakespeare to youth?
When I was with The Drama Center in Greensboro, I started with a class of six and wound up doing a teen Shakespeare play each season. Forty or more kids would show up for auditions. Is it difficult to overcome the unfamiliar language? Any special techniques for that? No, it is not difficult. The key is that they understand every single word. Once
I fell in love with Shakespeare in 8th grade when we went on a class field trip to see” Hamlet.” with a drop dead gorgeous guy playing the lead. We had read the first part of the play. I was on the edge of my seat because I didn’t know how it was going to turn out. In college I ma jored in theatre and studied Shakespeare in FastLondon.forward, I was a director at a the atre summer camp in Pennsylvania, and the kids were complaining about how bor ing the guy teaching Shakespeare was. I set out to prove them wrong. I wrote a play combining scenes from Shakespeare simulating a soap opera, called “As The Bard Turns.” After they performed it, they wanted to know what happens to the characters. They encouraged me to get the play published, which I did.
Showcase Shakespeare Rocks

We had a blast. I think the students were surprised to be on their feet in the first 15 minutes. At the end, we put on a showcase of scenes. I was surprised how many peo ple came and how many children were in the audience. What would you say someone on the fence about joining this workshop, maybe someone who may be am little intimidated or nervous? Do not be nervous or intimidated. The class is for all levels of experience. It’s ac tive and fully participatory. Most of all, it’s fun.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year WinnerSouthport www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 23 they get it, they can convey it for every one to understand. A lot of Shakespeare is visual, and bawdy, and funny. Done well, and on its feet, there is nothing an audi ence can’t understand. A friend of mine summed it up beautifully. He said reading Shakespeare is like going to a restaurant and eating the menu. It is meant to be performed. What about Shakespeare resonates with young folks? The themes resonate and the young people identify with the universality of the emotions. They love the humor and dis covering the beauty of the language.
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This is your second workshop, what did you learn from the first? What was the experience like for the first group of students?

Don’t throw the jack-o-lanterns away after Halloween this year, take them to Brunswick Town and blow them up! The Great Pumpkin Blowout returns to Brunswick Town on Saturday, Nov. 5 beginning at noon. If you forget and throw yours away, never fear, pump kins will be available for purchase at the event for $10 each.
In December, Brunswick Town dress es up for the holidays. On Friday, Dec. 9 from 4-7 pm you’ll have a chance to to experience a peaceful evening amongst the ruins of St. Philips Church as it is decorated in its holiday finest, with candlelight and greenery. The vis itor center and gift shop will remain open during the course of the evening
Not only do you get to
As temperatures drop and it’s more comfortable moving around outdoors, it’s a wonderful time to explore one of our community’s greatest treasures, the Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site. And while any time on that beautiful property is a great time, the fine folks at Brunswick Town have organized a series of events to make the experience even more fun, and maybe even teach visitors something new.
“And where else in North Car
24 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
“There are so many great reasons to visit Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson in the fall,” said Assistant Site Manager/ Programs Coordinator Shannon Walker. “We’re out of the summer tourist season, and it’s a perfect time for locals to get out and explore — minus the heat and the crowds. It’s personally my favorite time of the year at the site because we are so busy with educational and interpretive programming - and I find myself spending much of October dressed in 18th century clothing.”
The first event is later this month and features one of the products that put Brunswick County on the map, but may not be very familiar to most of us — In digo. Carolina Blues: Indigo on the Cape Fear will explore the process used by skilled enslaved African labor to extract this valuable dye from the indigo plants, and delve into the science behind dye pro duction. Visitors will have a chance to view and work an active fermentation vat, and dyeing demonstrations will occur through out the course of the program. The event kicks off at 11 am on Saturday, Sept. 17.
olina can you visit an actual ‘ghost town’ so close to Halloween?”
A Full Fall Calendar At Brunswick Town STORY AND PHOTOS BY JEFFREY STITES
In October, Brunswick Town hosts two events, one of which gives visitors the rare chance to experience the historic site at night. Port Brunswick Day returns on Saturday, Oct. 22 at 10 am and features Living historians interpreting what life was like in the lower Cape Fear in fall of 1767. The event is free and great fun for all ages. Later, as the sun goes down, experience Bruns wick Town at night with Port Brunswick…After Dark, beginning at 6 pm. Prepare for the Spooky Sea son with a walk through Bruns wick Town in the dark! Vis itors are welcome to explore the site on their own the 6-8 pm. You may even see a few “spectres” from Port Bruns wick past…Though the path ways will be lit by lantern and firelight, flashlights are rec ommended. This event is free and all ages are welcome.
Fall Into History
“These events are not about war or battles - but the ordi nary people and occurrenc es of life in the Cape Fear in the 1760s. Our goal is for the visitor to see that though the circumstances may have been different, the individuals who lived here were not much dif ferent than they,” said Walker.
onate Civil war-era torpedoes, but when it’s your pumpkin’s turn you get to press the button! Pumpkins with minimal carving offer the best explosions, but they can work with all types. So maybe buy an extra pumpkin, forgo the carving, and bring it out to blow up. This event is first come, first served, and all proceeds go towards funding ed ucational programming at Bruns wick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site. “Our November event, “The Great Pumpkin Blowout” is unique in that it combines science, histo ry, and lots of squash to create a fundraiser that is used to support all our site events and programs,” Walker said. “We’ve been fine-tun ing our torpedo arming technique over the years, and with each event the ex plosions are just a little bigger, and the pumpkin shrapnel seems to go just a little farther. It’s always a fun day - not just for visitors, but for staff too, even though we do get a bit gross from the pumpkin guts and gunpowder.”

Dr. Strickland served as a medical officer in the US Navy for the last 8 years and looks forward to working alongside Dr Lorraine Gauthier and Heather Goldfuss, PA C. Dr. Strickland will begin seeing patients in early October, 2022 Expert Family Medicine, right here on Oak Island
All events at Brunswick Town/Fort An derson are subject to change and cancel lation. COVID safety guidelines will be fol lowed as advised at the time of the event.
Dosher Medical Oak Island 4700 E. Oak Island Dr. 910 278 6414
Laura Strickland, DO
Community for a little Holiday shop ping.At an 18th Century Christmas, from 1-5:30 pm on Sunday, Dec. 11, visitors can explore how the Amer ican colonists celebrat ed Christmas. Costumed interpreters will provide guided tours of St. Philips Anglican Church through out the afternoon. During the program, you can en joy 18th century inspired refreshments, participate in traditional games, or try your hand at 18th century themed crafts. The high light of the evening will be an authentic period can dlelit service in the ruins of St. Philips, followed by the firing of the Christmas Gun. The service will be gin promptly at 5 pm and will conclude by 5:30 pm. There is a $5 charge per person for those over the age of 12; ad mittance for those 12 and under is $2 per child. Tickets may be purchased online in advance or at gate the evening of.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 25 “Let Us Help You Get Your Yard Ready For Summer” Mulch • Topsoil • Pine Straw • Pavers • Firepits Brick • Block • Stone • Gravel and much more WE DELIVER Family Owned and Operated bianchibrickyard.com Coming Soon To Oak Island!
Dosher welcomes family medicine physician Laura Strickland, DO to our Oak Island Primary Care clinic.

29 OCT
We’ve always referred to September and October as “Locals’ Summer.” The temperatures drop a little, but it’s still nice and warm, we still have visitors, but our community is a quite bit calmer. It’s a great time for locals to get out of the air condition ing, venture out into public and enjoy some of the things that make us a terrific tourist destination.
Denny Del Prete, drummer for Dave’s Not Home, owner of Dunes Music and Mer cantile and Oak Island resident, said he loves Live and Local. “Dave’s Not Home loves to play in front of any audience but cherishes performing in front of the local fans. We are excited and honored to be closing out what has been a great summer and fall con cert series from all the bands who make Southport/Oak Island an exceptional live music scene,” he said.
Local Saturdays
26 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner COMMUNITY 602 N. Howe St., Southport • (910) 457-7714 JEWELRY REPAIR • WATCH REPAIR WE DO APPRAISALS Master Jeweler on site! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram reneesfinejewelry.com Over $3 million in estate jewelry, one of a kind items and celebrity pieces from Sammy Davis Jr., Amy Winehouse, Janet & Michael Jackson, Zsa Zsa Gabor and more! Don’t Miss Our First Ever ESTATE JEWELRY SALE September 13, 2022 10am-5pm spacesremodeledUniquelyroomsBeautifuloutdoorwith fire pit The Boiling Spring Lakes Motel 2 North Shore Drive (910) 845-2893 Follow Us On ModernModernRetroFacebook!MeetsVibeRetroMeetsVibe 336-687-8732 3940 Old Bridge Rd. Southport Landscaping • Maintenance • Design • Install Let Us Help You Achieve the Lawn of Your Dreams • Custom FeaturesWater • Landscape & Hardscape Design • WeMaintenanceworkhard,soyoudon’thaveto! Fun For The Locals
Oak Island’s Live and
The Town of Oak Island’s Live and Local series is a perfect way to celebrate Locals’ Summer. It combines several of the town’s great summer offerings- live music, arts and crafts markets and food trucks - into one big, fun event scheduled on a Saturday night so it doesn’t conflict with work or school. Each Live and Local will feature a market from 4 - 8 pm with live music from 6 - 8 pm each Saturday from September 10 - October 29.

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year WinnerChamber www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 27 TradingSouthportCompany 105 E. Moore St., Southport • 910-523-0624 APPAREL,T-SHIRTSSWEATSHIRTS,&HATSSOUVENIRSOFALLKINDS

28 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner HISTORIC SOUTHPORT 1023 & 112 North Howe Street 910-457-5258 OAK ISLAND B EACHES 210 Country Club 910-278-5213Drive 5 bedrooms, 2 baths $795,000 4 BR, 3 full, 2 half BA Ocean & march $1,599,000views! 4 BR, 4 ½ BA, on 1 ½ lots High elevation & sweeping views! $1,399,900 4 bedrooms, 2 baths boatlift & covered dock $949,900 7 bedrooms, 4 ½ baths, 2 lots $2,200,000 OAK ISLANDOAK ISLAND OAK ISLAND OAK ISLAND OAK ISLAND 5511 EAST PELICAN DRIVE1326 WEST DOLPHIN DRIVE 6725 WEST BEACH DRIVE 4504 EAST YACHT DRIVE 5419 WEST BEACH DRIVE. 4 BR, 3 BA, luxury home Club membership w/activation fee $989,900 SOUTHPORT 2785 OAKBLUFF CIRCLE 2 bedrooms, 1 bath $179,000 SOUTHPORT 409 NORTH LORD STREET 2 bedrooms, 2 $305,000baths BOILING SPRING LAKES 160 REEVES ROAD 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths condo $424,900 OAK ISLAND 105 SE 58TH STREET #2202 3 bedrooms, 3 baths $625,000 321 NE 51ST STREET .21 acre waterfront lot $155,000 BLUFFS ON THE CAPE FEAR 3622 RIVERGATE WAY NE 3 BR, 2 BA, double lot $855,000 OAK ISLAND 224 NE 49TH STREET Classic 3 BR, 2 BA cottage $820,000 OAK ISLAND 1325 WEST BEACH DRIVE OAK ISLAND 3 BR, 2 BA, 50x250 lot $925,000 OAK ISLAND 1607 EAST BEACH DRIVE REDUCED! REDUCED! Lot with River $675,000Views SOUTHPORT 208 WEST MOORE STREET OCEANFRONT OCEANFRONT WATERFRONT ST. JAMES MARINER’S POINTE WATERFRONTOCEANFRONTNOHOAOCEANFRONT

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 29 www.MargaretRudd.com LISTING 2 bedrooms +flex, 2 bath condo $330,000 OAK ISLAND 3100 MARSH GROVE LA # 3319 +1/2 acre, corner lot $135,000 BEAVER CREEK 3989 SOUTHPOINTE DRIVE SE 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths $475,000 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on 3+ acres $439,000 HISTORIC SOUTHPORT WOODSIDE FARMS 614 CLARENDON AVE 1524 GREENFIELD RD NW Call Brooke Rudd-Gaglie at 910-512-1361 to list yours! OAK ISLAND 118 SW 2ND STREET SOLD!REDUCED! WATER VIEWS AT THE PRESERVE 4 BR, 3 BA, sold furnished Ocean and marsh views. $930,000 OAK ISLAND 2724 WEST DOLPHIN DRIVE Call Marcia Erwin at 919-345-9295 to list yours! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage $494,900 OAK ISLAND BELVILLE 147 NE 17TH STREET 725 RIVER ROAD SE 4 BR, 3 BA, with elevator Irrigation well & fenced yard $747,500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $649,000 OAK ISLAND CAROLINA BEACH 129 NW 22ND STREET 101 ISLAND PALMS DRIVE SOLD! 3RD ROW! NEW CONSTRUCTION POOL 3 BR, 2 BA open floor plan $293,000 SOUTHPORT 4426 SPINNAKER STREET 3 commercial lots $750,000 OAK ISLAND-YAUPON 8708 EAST OAK ISLAND DRIVE 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $775,000 OAK ISLAND 3902 WEST BEACH DRIVE WATER VIEWS 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $369,000 RIVER RUN 3220 ISLAND DRIVE SE Call Amy Lynn Boltz at 910-880-2696 to list yours! OAK ISLAND 206 NE 67TH STREET SOLD! MARINER’S POINTE FURNISHED

create a
The tournament Food Court will be open on Thursday from 12-7 pm and Friday from 12 – 5 pm featuring SeaDogs (hot dogs, chips, drinks) and Saturday from 127 pm featuring Wallace Catering (Burgers, BBQ Sandwich/Slaw, Chick en Sandwich with Fries, Shrimp or Fish Po Boy with fries, Seafood Gum bo, Shrimp Dinner, Fish Dinner, Combo Fish & Shrimp Slaw and Fries).
30 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community ToursKayak ★ Lessons Sales & Rentals Information & Reservations 910-454-0607 www.theadventurecompany.net 807-A-Howe Street, Southport, NC Celebrating 22 years of Adventure! Kayak and Yoga outings available MAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE With a store wide SALE! Thurs., Sept. 1-Mon., Sept. 5, 2022 CELEBRATING OUR 22nd ANNIVERSARY 2022 US Open King Mackerel Tourny It’s That Time Of Year Again, Fisherfolks! STORY CONTRIBUTED BY SOUTHPORT-OAK ISLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE T
Let owner,
he 44th Annual U.S. Open King Mackerel Tournament is right around the corner. This year’s tournament will be Thursday, Sept. 29 through Saturday, Oct. 1 at Brunswick County’s Dutch man Creek Park, 4750 Fish Factory Road. The U.S. Open is one of the largest king mackerel tournaments on the East Coast of the United States and part of the SKA (Southern Kingfish Association) Tournament Trail. 919 N. Howe St., Southport 910-457-4428 Cheryl Robinson custom floral
Port Pilot will be on site selling merchandise and talking about their prod uct or service during the tournament. Registration Early Bird Registration – Online, postmarked or at Chamber’s Welcome Cen ter by midnight on Friday, Sept. 9. Online Registration – Available until 11 pm on Sept. 27. Onsite Registra tion – Sept. 29 from 10 am - 9 pm at Dutchman Creek Park. Packet Pickup
All registrants must come to Packet Pickup at Dutch man Creek Park between 10 am - 9 pm on Thursday, Sept. 29. NowCat Band will perform at the park from 4 - 7 pm, playing a variety of music including yacht rock, country and blues. The Cap tain’s Meeting will be held in person and virtually on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 7 pm at Dutchman Creek Park or on www.usopenkmtlive.com It is strongly advised that all captains tune in or attend this meeting, as any rule changes or necessary clarifi cations will be announced at the meeting.
In 2021, the tournament attracted 561 boats and paid out over $423,600 in prizes. The Tournament has an all cash guaranteed prize structure that is not based on participation numbers. It pays 55 places in its primary prize category in cluding $25,000 for the largest king mackerel. There are also 40 spon sors such who add sup plementary cash prizes to the Threeevent.notable prizes include the Daily Ag gregate Weight Prizes, Senior Angler and Ju nior Angler Awards. The Daily Aggregate Weight Prizes are sponsored by Sea Tow and Dosher Memorial Hospital and Junior Angler Awards are sponsored by Oak Island Ac commodations, Coastal Pediatric Den tistry and Novant Health. Each day, a $1,000 Aggregate Prize will be given to the boat that catches the most poundage from combining the weights from two or three fish. The Junior Angler Aggregate prizes are daily and total $1,000 while the overall senior aggregate is a two-day total with a $500 award.
Food Court
Visit the Grand Patron Sponsor Show case at Dutchman Creek Park Sept. 29 through Oct. 1. Grand Patron sponsors BEMC, Better Beach Rentals, Dutch man Creek Bait & Tackle, Floor Coverings Interna tional, Garmin, Hamilton Realty Group EXP Realty, Laurie Insurance Group, Mocean Construction, Odyssey Offshore, SKA, Seakeeper, South ern Concepts Design & Build, and The State
Sponsor Showcase
arrangement for you! Birthdays | WeddingsAnniversaries|Funerals

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 31 THE RIVER IS CALLING OUR TEAM WILL MAKE YOUR VISIT A MEMORABLE ONE 910-294-6070 riverhotelofsouthport.com | 704 E. Moore St., Southport, NC 28461

for a fun-filled
The tournament merchandise is very popular and will be available online at www.sptokimerchandise.com until Sept. 23 and in person sales Monday–Friday from 8:30 am - 5 pm at the Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce Wel come Center from Aug. 25 to Sept. 28. Merchandise will also be available at the tournament headquarters (Dutchman Creek Park) Sept. 29 through Oct. 1 or un til it sells out. The Awards The awards ceremony will be held vir tually at www.usopenkmtlive.com and in person at Dutchman Creek Park beginning at 7:30 pm on Oct. 2. Prior to the awards ceremony Salty Dawgs - Coastal Carolina Party Band will perform at the Park from 4:30-7:30 pm. Tournament details are available on the Tournament website, www.usopen kmt.com, or for a brochure, contact the Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce, 4433 Long Beach Road, SE, Southport, NC 28461. (910) 457-5787 or (800) 457-6964 or e-mail the Chamber at events@southport-oakisland.com. Cameron Yow, crew Mitchell Pigg & Bradley of with Chairman Tim Tippett)
2021 & 2022 Tournament
Weigh ins Watch the tournament participants weigh their catch in person at Dutchman Creek or online. PointClickFish.com will stream weigh-ins at the scales live from the tournament during peak weigh-ins on Friday from 2-5 pm and Saturday from 2-4 pm. Pick up the link to the live feed at http://www.usopenkmtlive.com/. Merchandise
Voted Best Thing for Visitors To Do!
32 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Community Tour departs from Southport Visitors Center • 203 E. Bay Street 910-713-3373
1 Hour Tour Covering: • History and Culture • Movie Locations • Spectacular Coastal Views • Shopping and Dining ADULTS $12 CHILDREN $5 ReservationsAdvised
2021 Tournament Winner $58,830 in winnings Bare Necessities – 45 pound fish Captain
Kannapolis, NC. (Pictured
Bringwww.southportfuntours.comthewholefamilyandjoinus ride through Southport’s historic waterfront district aboard our state-of-the-art tram!

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 33 We always have wines open to taste Wine specialists available to assist you Wine by the glass, After- Hours wine events 602A N. Howe Street • Southport, NC (910) 454-0633 Shop our on-line storewww.uncorkedbythesea Quantity discounts are available @uncorked by the seaFOLLOW US Real Italian Really Fresh Seafood Gift Certificates • New Wines Craft Beers on Tap Get Freebies and Discounts with our Loyalty Rewards Program! Reservation/Online Ordering at BellaDiningNC.com 5177 SOUTHPORT-SUPPLY RD SE (910) 454-4540 2016 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Delizioso! Gluten-Free Options

Oct. 8 — The Return: A Beatles Tribute Oct. 18 — Forever Motown: So Good for the Soul! Nov. 8 — Petty Fever: Tom Petty Tribute Dec. 9— Louis & Ella at Christmas
Odell Season Ticket Fans of Tribute Bands Will Love This
34 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner SHOWCASE
Whether you want to relive your glory days or seize the chance to see acts that came along before your time, the music performances lined up at Odell Williamson Auditorium this fall and winter are sure to make for a groovy night out. Season passes are now on sale for eight shows at Odell Williamson Auditorium, on the campus of Brunswick Community College. Season passes start at $220, and packages for four shows are also avail able. Tickets for individual shows will be available to the general public starting Sept. 1. The lineup is packed with tribute bands bringing some of the favorite sounds from the 60s, 70s, even the 80s, back to the stage. It all starts in October, with The Return, a Beatles tribute band, and concludes with The Buddy Holly Experience in March. The complete schedule is: (featuring music fromElla Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong)Jan.20,2023
— Face 2 Face: Elton John and Billy Joel Feb. 16 — Superstar Carpenters Reimagined March 7— Hotel California: Original Eagles Tribute March 28 — Rave On! The Buddy Holly Experience Find out more about season passes or sponsorships by visiting https://bccowa. com/season-passes/. When Fresh Matters, You’ll Be Hooked! Known for our fun waterfront dining with exceptional views and service. Our menu features fresh local seafood & Maryland style Crab Cakes freshly prepared while you sit back, relax & enjoy the spectacular views from our dining areas We’ll See You Dockside! 4907 Fish Factory Rd • (910) 477-6616 rustyhooksdockside.comMAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Thank You for voting us “Favorite Dinner With A View”

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 35 U ROLOGY ASSOCIAT ES SOU T H EAST ERN NORT H CAROLI NA www.wilmingtonurology.com Schedule your appointment today! (910) 763-6251 1905 Glen Meade Road Wilmington, NC 4222 Long Beach Road SE Suite B Southport, NC (In the former Dosher Urgent Care building) The most complete urological services in the region. Over 50 plus years, four generations of making you a part of our family. Based in Wilmington and Southport. SERVICES: Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Advance LowTreatmentKidneyCancerProstateCare&BladderCancerSurgeryForErectileDysfunctionMaleandFemaleIncontinenceUroliftsForTreatingEnlargedProstateTestosteroneTreatment Meet SouthportOurTeam! NOW SOUTHPORTVASECTOMIESSCHEDULINGATOURLOCATION!

36 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner 718 Pine Cone Drive Mallory Creek Plantation 6 bed | 3.5 bath, $449,000 223 Sand Dollar Lane The Hammocks at Southport 3 bed | 2.5 bath, $675,000 320 N. Lord Street Historic Southport 3 bed | 2 bath, $837,000 2928 John T. Holden Road 3Supplybed| 2.5 bath, $975,000 311 Stuart Avenue 3Southportbed|2.5 bath,LappalaSherol$375,000DeutschBrian VerilynMcKee SmithSarah French-TurnerJeanHayesPamQuinnBrian KatherineHufhamKimRussAnne FrandanoPamela FredFiss ThorpDavid LeeWalkerAnn 6093 Sullivan Ridge Road Harbor Oaks 3 bed | 2.5 bath, $699,900 KatherineWooten 2660 Bellamy Drive Sea View 3 bed | 2 bath, $399,000 221 E 11th Street 3Southportbed|2bath, $349,000 144 NE 72nd Street Oak Island 2 bed | 2 bath, $239,900 2827 Sea Vista Drive Sea View 4 bed | 3.5 bath, $775,000 1107 N. Lord Street 3Southportbed|2.5 bath, $621,000 134 NE 32nd Street Oak Island 3 bed | 2 bath, $485,900 Local Experts for all your real estate needs! CarneiroMary KlemensRuthannBroussardTanya StidhamSallySparksCarla WilliamsMyles EarmanValerieSaundersKaren BouchardAlma LeFevreLaura LeFevreJoe MorganQunn S O U T H P O R T R E A LT Y. C O M

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 37 727 N. HOWE STREET (910) sales@southport-realty.com457-7676 Blue Heaven Vacation Rental Salt Nook Cottage Vacation Rental Mermaid Cove Cottage Vacation Rental The Blue Dog Cottage Vacation Rental N. Caswell Avenue, Lots 29-30 Southport .19 AC | $165,000 3623 W. Medinah Avenue SSt James Plantation .28 AC | $227,000 639 Byrnes Way, Lot 19 Olde South Banks Waterfront 2.45 AC | $299,900 5109 Hollow Tree Dr., Lot 37 Harbor Oaks .30 AC | $94,900 River Hideaway Retreat Vacation Rental Mad River Cottage Vacation Rental Karen Throckmorton Licensed Branch Manager | NMLS#112668 C: 910.471.4220 | O: 910.363.1087 karen.throckmorton@angeloakhomeloans.com Call me today about our new seller paid 2-1 buydown program. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not a commitment to lend. The programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. All loans are subject to credit approval. Angel Oak Home Loans LLC NMLS# 685842, For licensing information, go to: (www.nmlsconsumeraccess. org), Licensed in AL, AZ #0927070, AR, Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act , CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA #32379, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, ND dba AOHL LLC, NV, NH, Licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, Rhode Island Licensed Lender, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA dba AOHL LLC, WI 727 N. Howe Street Suite 3, Southport, NC 28461. HL_B222_0822 Fall Into A New Home With Affordable Financing! Available With Our Conventional, FHA, VA, And USDA Loans

The mission of the Native Plant Fes tival is to educate the public on the benefits and importance of native plants for our local ecosystems, and to promote and support native plant growers to increase demand and sup ply of native plants in our region.
Shelton Herb Farm Joins With Arboretum
38 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
Buy One At Regular Price & Get One For +Tax Must be of equal or lesser value, Limited Time Offer At the
Native Plant Fest
The Native Plant Alliance will host the 7th Annual Native Plant Festival at the New Hanover County Arboretum, 6206 Olean der Drive, Wilmington, on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 10 am to 3 pm.
Extension Master Gardener
Volunteers will also be on hand at the Arboretum Plant Clinic and at Shelton Herb Farm, 340 Goodman Road NE, Leland, to answer gardening-related questions.
Coastal Landscaping Design, Mada lyn Baldwin, Assistant Research Pro fessor, NC State University, Coastal Dynamics Design Lab 2 pm — The Importance of Natives for Birds, Charley Winterbauer, NC Native Plant Society, SE Chapter Where To Buy Plants will not be for sale at the Arboretum, however, Shelton Herb Farm is hosting several vendors, in cluding Yemma Farms, Above the Briery, Flytrap Jones, Wild Meadow Farm and Grizz’s Nursery.
Native Plants will also be available for sale at various vendors through out the Cape Fear Area, including: Blooms+Branches, 5523 Oleander Drive; Carolina Girl Nursery, 7026 Market Street; The Garden Shop by Wild Magnolia Designs, 1942 Moss Street; Tinga Nursery, 2918 Castle Hayne Road; and Wild Bird and Gar den, 3501 Oleander Drive Docents will be available in the Arboretum’s Native Plant Garden to speak with visitors about how they can add well adapted native plants to their own gardens to help support insects and wildlife. There will also be a wonderful Seed Swap booth where you can receive free seeds!
Where to Learn The on-site Festival at the Arbore tum will feature hands-on activities from educational exhibitors such as Wilmington’s Heal our Waterways, NHC Soil and Water Conservation District, Native Plant Society-SE Chapter, Cape Fear Museum, Airl ie Gardens, Alliance for Cape Fear Trees, Coastal Composting Council, NHC Beekeepers, NC Forest Service, NC Coastal Federation, Cape Fear’s Going Green, NHC Vector Control, Friends of the NHC Arboretum, Yau pon Tea Company, NCWF Island Wildlife Chapter, New Hanover and Brunswick Extension Master Garden erTheVolunteers.Arboretum will also host native plant experts in its Education Center. The speaker schedule is as follows: 11 am — Nature at Home, Matt Col logan, Consumer Horticulture Agent, NC Cooperative Extension 12 noon — TBD 1 pm — Keynote Speaker, Title: following Queen locations: 20 Naber Drive BEACH: 5701 E. Oak Island Dr. 106 Southport-Supply Rd., SE WILMINGTON: 5901 Oleander Drive HALF

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 39 SEDATION l CLEANINGS l CROWNS WeSeeSmiles.com Southport Supply Rd, Bolivia (910) 550-2369 For New Patient Offers KIDS ARE A BIG DEAL! MISSES, JUNIORS, PLUS & MEN’S labelshopper.com 4956 LONG BEACH ROAD SE, SOUTHPORT (910)454-0816 SATURDAY:MONDAY–FRIDAY:9am-8pm10am-6pmSUNDAY:12pm-5pm

40 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Visit our website to view our menu www.mrpsbistro.com RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED • 309 N. Howe St. • 910-457-0801 Reservations Recommended 1-2 Weeks in Advance for Preferred Reservation Time OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 4:30-8:30 p.m. FRESH, LOCAL, EXCELLENCEAPPLICATIONSACCEPTINGNOWFORFULLANDPART-TIMEPOSITIONS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and join our email list -The Low Country Low Down- at mrpsbistro.com for the latest news and specials Crème Brûlée Grilled North Atlantic Salmon served with a lemon butter sauce French Oysters: Freshly shucked oysters topped withhomemade creme fraiche and sturgeon caviar, servedsingle, half dozen or dozen 2020 2021 2022 2020 Winner MAGGIES Winner 2021 2022

The annual art show will include works by adult members and non-members of Brunswick Arts Council (BAC) and other arts groups, including the Art League of Leland (ALL), Waterway Arts Association, Oak Island Art Guild, Art Association of Southport, and Coastal Camera Club) and will include 2 -dimensional works in oils, watercolor, pastel and mixed media as well as 3-dimensional works.
Art Show Judge
Each year a prominent regional artist is asked the serve as judge for the show. This year, Sharon Wozniak Spencer, an award-winning artist, painter, educator, ex hibitor and instructor at the Cameron Art Museum and Cape Fear Community Col lege, will serve as judge. Sharon earned her BFA in art school at The University of Maryland (1990), an MA in art education at The Ohio State University (1996), and her MFA at the San Francisco Academy of Art University (2017). Sharon was an artist in resident for the Hope Center in Wilming ton where she created a series of paintings about those in need, and she was an intern for the Cameron Museum of Art, where she had a show and discussion on “Faces of HerCourage.”current group show, Eden Village a Collective Exhibition, which she put to gether through the Wilson Center and the Wilma Daniels Gallery at CFCC, is a ben efit show for Eden Village of Wilmington. More information is available on her web site, www.swspencer.com
The show is open to the public with free admission during regular business hours at LCAC, from 9 am to 9 pm Mon day through Thursday and 9 am to 3 pm Friday and Saturday. The show is juried and an awards reception will be held on Friday, October 7 from 6-8 pm. Awards
Artists who are interested in participat ing are asked to visit the Brunswick Arts Council website, brunswickartscouncil. org, for details and a prospectus. All entry information and fees must be received by Sept. 23, mailed to: Mary Beth Livers, Fall Art Show, 3651 Heron Circle, Southport, NC 28461 and received by that date OR hand delivered to Brunswick Arts Council on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 at the LCAC.
This year, we are asking artists to do nate a piece of their work to the “ART with HEART” Art Auction Event to benefit New Hope Clinic. New Hope Clinic is a volun teer driven non-profit organization that provides free health care (medical, dental, eye and pharmacy services) to low-income, uninsured individuals across the county. The ART with HEART Event will be held on Oct. 23 in Southport. Donated artwork will be accepted LCAC on Sept. 24; artists may drop off donations with their show submis
Arts Council Show Comes To LCAC
Brunswick Arts Council will present its 22nd Annual Fall Art Show and Sale from Sept. 26 through Oct. 8 at the Leland Cultural Arts Center (LCAC). The show will be on display in the multi-purpose/exhibition space of the center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way, Leland. sions. Visit www.newhopeclinicfree.org for more information about the clinic.
There will be more than $3,000 award ed in a variety of categories, including new categories for our teen entries and a new one-time award for this year only: Best Oil Award. This is being given by family in honor of Ramona Batsford Ben din.Until her death in 2013, oil painter Ra mona Batsford Bendin was one of the area’s most prominent artists. Originally from New York, she lived in coastal North Carolina since 1990, finding much of her inspiration from the local coastline and marshlands. She was a lifetime member of the American Artist Professional League and was elected to New York’s Hudson Valley Art Association. Locally, she was a member of Brunswick Arts Council, Wilm ington Art Association, Associated Artists of Southport, and Waterway Art Associa tion.Throughout her career, her peers award ed her many prestigious honors, including the Award of Excellence, National League of American Pen Women; Mrs. John New ington Portrait Award, Hudson Valley Art Association; Best In Show, Nation al League of American Pen Women; and First Place, Associated Artists of Southport Spring Show.
The show also includes a reception and awards presentation on Friday Oct. 7 from 6-8 pm at the Leland Cultural Arts Center. The public is invited to at tend the show anytime during the week and to attend the reception on Friday.
New ArrivalsFall
New this year, we are encouraging the submission of 2- and 3-dimensional works from our local youth artists ages 13-18.
We ❤ our Fine Women’s Clothing 417 N. Howe St., Southport • (910) 454-8833
Art with Heart Donations
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 41 Showcase
Art Show Team
The coordinator of this year’s exhib it is Lee Selbe, with assistance from Joeli Franks (LCAC), Ricardo Perez (ALL), Shane Miller (Visual Arts Coordinator for Bruns wick County Schools), Jamie Lynn Robin son (BAC Board Member) and Mary Beth Livers (BAC). Art Show Reception Oct. 7
Annual Fall Art Show

42 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner Brunswick County offers the dream of classic southern coastal living and exceptional value. Second home or primary residence, our agents can help you find your new relaxation station. DOING MORE FROM FOR SALE TO SOLD. That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent.™ Find your piece of heaven on the southern coast... 4367 MARSH ELDER COURT | $119,900SOUTHPORT BUILDABLE LOT ST. JAMES BUILDABLE LOT ST. JAMES $239,900 $898,500 $315,000$725,000 (910)Broker/REALTORJerryBiffle294-1601 (910)Broker/REALTORCarmichaelBill477-0388 (910)Broker/REALTORRobertCarroll465-2717 (703)Broker/REALTORDorazioJohn906-6056 (910)Broker/REALTORFindlayDonna269-3049 (910)Broker/REALTORLawrencePam233-3333 (910)Broker/REALTORSaubleDiann713-9050 (704)Broker/REALTORHallmanJoy740-8894 (910)Broker/REALTORAndersonJennifer612-8163 Broker/REALTORCottonKim(910)712-2171(910)Broker/REALTORPowersTina448-2466Broker/REALTORHerringBonner(772)263-1417 4415 WILDRYE DRIVE | SOUTHPORT 102 W BROWN ST | SOUTHPORT 1052 SPRINGDALE ROAD | SOUTHPORT145 NW 13TH STREET | OAK ISLAND $949,000 1118 N HOWE STREET | SOUTHPORT (910)Broker/REALTORGraltonBill448-0446 (910)Broker/REALTORKimballJoann599-8614 (540)Broker/REALTORMcTavishRebecca327-5700 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY3 BED 2 BATH 1,698 SQ FT (973)Broker/REALTORFriesemaSara903-6329 $389,000 647 N. NORTH SHORE DRIVE | SOUTHPORT COMMERCIAL: 1120 sq. ft. $575,000 681 FOREST DRIVE | BOLIVIA 2 BED 2 BATH 1,342 SQ FT 3 BED 2 BATH 1,620 SQ FT 3 BED 2 BATH 1,558 SQ FT PRICEREDUCTION

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Jack Davis is a popular Civil War speaker, an award-winning American historian, a former professor of history at Virginia Tech, and the former Director of Programs at the school’s Virginia Cen ter for Civil War Studies. He has written more than 40 books on the Civil War, is the only three-time winner of the Jeffer son Davis Prize for Confederate History, and was awarded the Jules and Frances Landry Award for Southern history. It will be a festive occasion when the Round Table begins its 13th season on the Tuesday after Labor Day. For more information about the meeting, be coming a member, or volunteering for this non-profit organization of 1,100plus members, please email president John Butler at Brunswickcwrt@gmail. com, or call him at (404) 229-9425. You can also visit the group’s Facebook page for additional information, news, and updates. see our vast selection Humbolt Fog and Truffle Tremor, two California goat cheeses we know you’ll love OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 4 pm. 417 N Howe St Suite B, (910) 477-6387 ooking for a fresh, more personal perspective on history? First person accounts written by those who were there are often great, but even better is the heartfelt correspondence of a hus band and wife during the social and political upheaval of the Civil War. The first speaker of the Brunswick Civil War Round Table’ s new season brings a glimpse into this personal window on history.
SouthportCheeseShop.com Personal Perspective Civil War-Era Letters Between Husband and Wife Subject of Roundtable Lecture STORY CONTRIBUTED L
8593 River Road SE | Southport, NC 28461 Southport | Oak Island | St. James (910) 454-8910 MAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Early Cancer Detection in Dogs Starts with a Simple Blood Draw Now Offering ONCOK9 Liquid Biopsy Tests For Dogs
44 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner COMMUNITY
524 letters. They were discovered in an attic, and unknown until recently. Sep arated by twenty years in age and dif fering opinions on a myriad of subjects, these educated and articulate Confeder ates wrote frankly and perceptively on their Civil War world, shar ing opinions on gener als and politicians, the course of the war, the fate of the Confeder acy, and life at home. They discussed their uncertain loyalties, the shifting gender roles brought on by war, changing relations be tween slave owners and enslaved people, the challenges of life of duty and honor, and more. Both facts and sentiments are on full display during this emotionally charged presentation.
The Brunswick Civil War Round Table starts its new season on Tuesday, Sept. 6 with a program that features popular guest speaker and renowned histori an Jack Davis. His unique presenta tion is entitled “The Letters of General Gabriel Wharton and his Wife ‘Nan nie’, 1863 - 1865.” The meeting will be held at Hatch Audi torium on Caswell Beach, at the site of Fort Caswell. Ev eryone is ispm.programatRegistrationwelcome.begins6:15pm,andthestartsat7Thevisitorfee$10,andcanbe

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year WinnerChamber www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 45 We have a Weber Grill for Every Patio! Your favorite local hardware store M-F 7:30am-6:00pm Sat. 10:00am-3:00pmSunday8:00am-4:00pmHours: 8848 River Road SE, Southport • 910-477-6444BEFOREAFTER Fields of DreamsFields of Dreams Home Decor • Decorative Wall Art • Unique Gifts along with featured local artists work • Hemp soap, sugar scrubs, all locally made • Refinishing upscale chalk painted Retro furniture 1102 N. Howe St., Building J Southport OLDE SOUTHPORT VILLAGE SHOPPES 910- 269-5677 MAGGIES 2022 SOUTHPORT MAGAZINE Market Festival September 10 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ladies • Men’s • Children A full service SaloN Ginger Williams Jennifer’s Hair 910-457-9300Salon 5101 Southport-Supply Rd, Southport Fall 2019MAGGIES S A WINNERAZ is a great time to add some depth to your color or change to a new style!

46 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner ART BEAT
“Nature and my wish to do something to bring attention to climate change in spire me to keep creating,” said Kristen Dorsey, multimedia artist. “I feel that cli mate change is the most crucial issue that humankind faces today, and art has al ways been a way to express the zeitgeist. My hope is that my art reminds us that we are not the sole inhabitants nor the owners of our Earth home,” said Dorsey. “I hope that giving a face to the animals and energies of the natural world reminds us that our most crucial task, globally, is to work together to save our home. I’d like to provoke a sense of wonder and ad miration for the natural world that makes the hard work ahead feel worthy of our labors,” she said. Being from the small coastal New En gland town of Waterford, Connecticut, Dorsey spent summers on the Niantic River beaches. She moved to southeast ern North Carolina in 2017 after spend ing 40 years in the mid-Atlantic area and her discharge from the US Marine Corps. “My late husband Tim and I began vaca tioning in southeastern North Carolina in the early 2000s, and we had a grand plan to work hard, retire early, and relocate to the area. After Tim’s death in 2012, I found myself single and tired of the long Mid-Atlantic winters, and in 2017 I thought, ‘if not now, when?’ I love this area and its thriving, eclectic art scene.”
Kristen Dorsey’s Unusual Artistic Medium STORY BY CARLA EDSTROM Nature has always been an excellent muse for artists, and our local area in particular seems to encourage artists of all kinds to stroll around with sketch pads and cameras searching to get just the right subject. It’s not unusual to see people painting out side on the street corner. And with such a beautiful coastline, it’s natural to want to bring attention to environmental causes. Art has always been a vehicle to promote change.
Having a long successful career as a graphic artist and animator didn’t stop Dorsey from creating fine art. “I began by drawing in graphite and color pencil as a young artist and eventually expanded into watercolor painting, which I prefer to acrylics or oils,” she said. “My art is na ture-centric, and watercolor allows for such a wide range of expression. There is a pop ular notion that watercolor is the most challenging and unforgiving of the paint me diums. However, I find that looking at the water as the primary catalyst — versus the pigment — offers me more potential for creativity and creative expression than oth er forms of paint.” Dorsey was trained as a graphic designer and digi tal media artist in the USMC when computer graphics systems replaced drafting ta bles. “I attended art school in the evenings, taking graphic art and design classes while on active duty. Following my tour of duty, the Department of Defense recruited me and I worked as a digital media artist for the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon as part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Intelligence Briefing Team. I then worked as an animator for GE Aerospace, now Martin Marietta, as a contractor to theWithCIA.”one of her favorite artists being Georgia O’Keefe, it’s no wonder that Dorsey has made a name for herself using animal skulls and bones to create one-of-a-kind 3D wall sculptures. “Around 2012, a friend showed me some animal bones that he’d found over the years while hiking. These bones fascinated me, and I saw faces and shapes within them. When I told him a deer pelvis looked like some indigenous peo ple’s ceremonial masks, he hand ed it to me and said, ‘Have at it!’ I made my first bone art wall piece from that pelvis and laughed in de light when it was complete. ‘No body will ever buy this,’ I thought, but the piece sold a few weeks later in a street art show,” she said. “I’ve continued to use bones, wood, plant material, shells, and natural pigments to create these 3D wall hangings. At this point, people often give me natural, found objects, and I gather the rest while kayaking and hiking. I keep the objects stored on shelves in my garage until a mental image — often in the form of a dream — urges me to start another. These wall hang ings cause strong reactions in most people — they either love them or hate them — and they’ve earned sev eral awards in local art shows. For me, these pieces give nature a face, and it’s harder to ignore something that looks back at us.” And in giving nature a face, Dorsey spends a lot of time figuring out how
Skull & Bones Art

Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year WinnerYear www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 47 Property Management for Vacation & Long Term RentalsExtensive Rental Marketing Strategy Full-Service Maintenance & 24/7HousekeepingOnlineReservations Welcoming new properties now! Friendly Guest RepresentativesServices We’re Growing Come Grow With Us! Voted “Best Beach Rentals” for nine years 855.942.8835 | ComeToOakIsland.co Oak AccommodationsIsland
Get an instant rental projection at the website below to proceed with her creations. She often puts them on a shelf until the muse in fluences her creation. “In the case of my 3D wall art, when I am given or find an object that so clearly has a face, I feel compelled to make that face more ob vious to the viewer. I place the object (skull, driftwood, shell, etc) on a table in my art studio and look at it, sometimes for days, often for months, until the vision of its expression is clear. Then I begin,” said Dorsey. “I’ll complete the parts that I can see clearly with my inner vision, then I wait again for further inspiration,” she said. “There is always a point during the creative process where I think, ‘this is crap,’ and want to scrap it. But through the years I’ve come to understand that I just need to push through until I see the merit in each piece. I’m not sure I have a favorite piece, but perhaps I’m happiest with the pieces that came closest to the inner vision I had when I felt compelled to create them,” she said. “Nature is my in fluence and my muse. When I capture or see an image that won’t leave me alone, I try to express what fascinates me by de scribing my awe through the vehicle of paint.”Dorsey’s work cab be found at The Ar tisans Gallery on Howe Street in South port. Check out her website KristenDors eyArtist.com.

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The Brunswick County NAACP hosts the inaugural festival, at 2778 Cox Landing Road in Bolivia. The festival will include music, cultural food, per formances and more, 10 am to 5 pm.
We’ve included events here that are listed as scheduled, but please remem ber that all events, dates and times are subject to change.
It’s Our Town, Let’s Clean It Up - South port Join your neighbors in this monthly effort to spruce up the city from 9 am - noon. All you need to bring is your energy, good intentions; tools will be provided. Meet up at the old jail annex at the corner of Rhett and Nash streets at 9 am for a morning of fresh air, weed ing, pruning, planting and other gar dening work. Call 301-741-6698 with any questions or to get on the South port Beautification Committee’s email notification list.
SEPT 14 Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Youth Fishing Derby - Oak Island Pier Open to youngsters up to age 15, this free fishing tournament offers priz es for most caught, largest fish, scariest fish and ugliest fish. Participants will fish from 5:30-7 pm, and need to bring their own pole and bait. Email rgordon@ oakislandnc.gov or call 910-278-4747 for more information.
Head out to Boiling Spring Lakes’ Spring Lake Park to listen to the Chance Union Band, 6-8 pm at the park. There will also be a BSL Fire Res cue food fundraiser.
Put your boat making skills to the test in the inaugural Dutchman Dinghy Dash, held at Oak Island’s Bill Smith Park, 4410 Fish Factory Road. You must travel in your cardboard creation for 400 feet without sinking. Multiple first responder agencies, town de partments and local businesses will also be participating. The entry fee is $10 in non-perishable goods. Pre-reg ister with the Oak Island Police De partment or register at the event.
Think you have the skills to make your own boat? Out of cardboard?
Locals artists sell their wares at this annual festival and market. Get an early start on Christmas shopping, 9 am to 4 pm on the Middleton park fields, SE 46th Street and E. Dolphin Drive in Oak Island. SEPT 3 Go Jump In the Lake 5K and 1.5M Fun Run/Walk
SEPT 16 -17 Yard and Bake Sale — Oak Island Se nior Center
SEPT 17 Carolina Blues: Indigo on the Cape Fear at Brunswick Town/Fort Ander son Carolina Blues will explore the pro cess used by skilled enslaved African labor to extract this valuable dye from the indigo plants, and delve into the science behind dye production. Vis itors will have a chance to view and work an active fermentation vat, and dyeing demonstrations will occur throughout the course of the pro gram. The event is from 11 am to 2 pm at the site, 8884 Saint Philips Road SE, Winnabow.
/September 2022/ Southport Magazine 49
Registration begins at 8:30 am at the city dock on W. Brunswick Street. The catch-and-release event begins at 9 am, and there will be prizes awarded in age groups for most crabs caught and largest crab. The derby is open to youth through age 16, and participants should bring their own bait, string, and crab net.
The Southport Book Festival: Books We Adore by the Shore
Tommy Robbins and David Ratcliff, with the help of Mike Royal, will share memories of adventures at the Yaupon and Long Beach Piers in the 1960s and 1970s. North Carolina fishing piers have long been a place where local residents and visitors can gather to en joy our state’s beautiful coastline and, of course, great fishing. Both piers provided great fishing and camarade rie. The Yaupon Pier, now called the Oak Island Pier, is near the eastern end of Oak Island. Back in the day, the Yaupon Pier also offered a dance pavil ion and other amusements. The Long Beach Pier, which was demolished in the fall of 2006, was near the western end of the island, and, like the Yaupon Pier, was known for great fishing, plus its status as the longest pier in North Carolina. The program begins at 4 pm; contact info@southporthistoricalsoci ety.org for the Zoom link.
SEPT 10 Olde Southport Village ShoppesMonthly Market Festival Craft/artisan vendors, giveaways, specials, free food and drink samples, raffles, live music, photo opportunities and more! Located behind the Smoke house near downtown Southport.
The DAR will meet in person and via Zoom, starting at 10 am. The speaker is Jonathan Schleier of Public Archae ology Corps; Schleier will discuss PACs mission, methods and history including some past projects and the current one in downtown Wilmington. Come learn about the Cape Fear Region’s only archaeological outreach program, and how you can be involved! Guests are welcome to attend. For full details on the meeting, lunch and more infor mation on the organization, contact Regent Martha Koletar, mkoletar@aol. com or Registrar Jane Johnson, jjat bhi@bellsouth.net. The Chapter’s blog is: blogspot.com/https://darbrunswicktownchapter.
Southport’s Annual Children’s Crab Derby
Friends of the Library Southport & Oak Island will hold its annual meeting, which features a book festival and four local authors — Teri M. Brown, John Graves, Jeff Siebold, and Jean Heller. The meeting is open to the public, 1-3 pm at the Southport Community Build ing, 223 E. Bay St. in Southport.
of the Year Winner
SEPT 6 Brunswick Civil War Round Table William C. (Jack) Davis, popular Civil War speaker, an award-winning Ameri can historian, and author of more than 40 books on the Civil War, leads a pro gram called “The letters of General Gabriel Wharton and his Wife Nannie: 1863 – 1865.” Meetings are held at Hatch Auditorium on Caswell Beach. Registration opens at 6:15 pm and the program begins at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to join; the visitor fee is $10 for any meeting, and that fee can be applied toward the $25 annual mem bership dues. For more information, email Brunswickcwrt@gmail.com.
Classic Car Show — Southport Lions Club Stroll among beautiful classic cars on the Southport waterfront from 11 am to 3 pm, with music from The Back Porch Rockers from 11 am to 2 pm. Proceeds will benefit the Lions Club programs, and the rain date is Sept 10.
SEPT 3 Gullah Arts Festival
Southport Historical Society — History of the Yaupon and Long Beach Fishing Piers
SEPT 17 Dutchman Dinghy Dash — Bill Smith Park
The Southport Rotary Club invites participants to run, walk, or roll, then jump in the lake! Visit www.southpor trotary.com for more information and to register.
Historical Bike Tour Tour historic Southport on bike with the Southport Historical Society. The cost is $35 for the tour and bike/helmet rental. Call 910-454-0607 or visit www. theadventurecompany.net.
Stop by the Oak Island Senior Center for fresh, homemade baked goods, and handmade arts and crafts made by members. The Yard and Bake Sale runs 8 am to 4 pm on Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday.
SEPT 16 Free Concert - Spring Lake Park
SEPT 9 Coffee with a Cop Meet with the Oak Island Police De partment’s new community resource officer at OKI Scoop Shop & Donuts, 4922 E. Oak Island Drive, starting at 8:30 am.
SEPT 3 Oak Island Arts Guild Arts & Crafts Festival
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business www.SouthportMag.com
NC Maritime Museums - South port, 204 E. Moore St. Hours are 10 am to 4 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays. Sensory Saturdays (low light and quiet time in the muse um) are the first Saturday of the month, 10 am to noon. Visit www.ncmariti memuseum.com to register for special programs.
Belville Riverwalk Farmers Market Riverwalk Park, 580 River Road, Bel ville Thursdays 2-5 pm, Fridays 11 am - 5 pm; Saturdays 10 am - 5 pm and Sun days from 10am to 4 pm. Fresh sea food, seasonings and all things related to seafood, with the beautiful back drop of the Brunswick River.
Oktoberfest at Lonerider Enjoy the brewery’s German-style beers as well as traditional German beers. The event will also feature a stein holding contest and a Hammer schlagen competition. Yes, we had to look it up too. It involves a hammer, nails, and probably also beer. The fun runs from noon to 8 pm at Lonerider, 5710 57th Place West.
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site 8884 St. Philip’s Rd. SE, Winnabow
SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner
The Libraries are open Monday through Friday, 9 am - 6 pm. The Bar bee branch is also open 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Check www.folsoi.org for details on family game Thursdays, life long learners and more. There are lots of programs to keep children engaged in reading and for families to get to gether for games; children can even practice reading out loud by reading to Bailey, a therapy dog. The Lifelong Learners program is doing a series via Zoom on “The Real History of Pirates” from The Great Courses and will start a series on George Orwell on Wednes days, 10 am. The Once More used bookstore, at Southport Realty (727 N. Howe St.), with new-to-you books, is open Monday through Friday from 1-3 pm and Saturdays 10 am to noon..
Meet the Author — Charles Oldham Charles Oldham is a criminal defense attorney and an award-winning author of two historical true-crime mysteries.
Odell Williamson Auditorium at Brunswick Community College 150 College Road NW, Bolivia Oct 8 — The Return: A Beatles trib uteOctband18 — Forever Motown: a tribute to the music of Motown Nov 8 — Petty Fever: a Tom Petty tribute American Fish Co. 150 Yacht Basin Drive, Southport Sept 2 — The Feebs Sept 3 — Band on Fire Sept 4 — The Doorsmen Sept 9 — Massive Grass Sept 10 — 100 Grand Band Sept 11 — R&R Sept 16 — Shelby Rae Moore Sept 17 — Shelby Rae Moore Sept 23 — Steel Country Express Sept 24 — Killing Time Sept 25 — Double Cherry Pie Sept 30 — Conspiracy Oct 1 — All Starz
Barbee and Harper Libraries (Oak Island and Southport)
Free food, a caricature artist, lots of fall foliage and home decor, and the Band of Oz performs from 11 am to 3 pm; 1200 North Howe St. in Southport.
SEPT 29 - OCT 1
OCT 1 Fall Festival Belville Enjoy music, children’s activities, and educational and historical information sessions, all at beautiful Riverwalk Park.
Go back in time with the N.C. Mar itime Museum at Southport and ex perience the Cape Fear region during wartime. Learn how close to shore the enemy got and what precautions were taken for military members as well as civilians. How did our region assist in the war effort? How can we still see some of these aspects of maritime his tory today? The free, drop-in program will be held from 10 am to 4 pm.
BSL Neighbors Market — next to The Office in Boiling Spring Lakes Local vendors sell the products, along with produce and baked goods, all next door to The Office Coffee and Wine Bar. Upcoming market dates are the Sept 3, Sept 17, Oct 1, Oct 15, and Oct 29, 9 am to 1 pm.
SEPT 26 - OCT 8
Stroll through downtown Southport, 5-7 pm, and see works from featured artists at shops at galleries.
La Polena Bed & Breakfast Unplugged Series 201 River Drive, Southport Sept 13 — J&B Bluzz Sept 27 — Ken Schnedetz
“The Senator’s Son” recounts the 1905 disappearance of State Senator Samu el Beasley’s 8-year-old boy and the kid napping trial of a political rival. “Ship of Blood” describes a 1905 mutiny and mass murder aboard the schooner Harry A. Berwind, and the subsequent murder trials in Wilmington that drew national headlines. Attorney Oldham will discuss the research of his books and how they relate to North Carolina history and politics of the early 1900s. Registration is required for this free event, as seating is limited. The pro gram is at 2 pm, Harper Library, 109 West Moore Street in Southport. Reg ister in person at the library or call (910) 457-6237.
OCT 1 Oktoberfest at Silver Coast Winery Tasting Room Celebrate Oktoberfest in Southport with specialty beers and foods, includ ing Bratwurst and Currywurst. The cel ebration is from 12 noon to 6 pm at Silver Coast, 105 N. Howe St.
Brunswick Arts Council Fall Art Show — LCAC
First Friday Gallery Walk (Franklin Square Gallery and many businesses in Southport)
US Open King Mackerel Tournament
Southport Magazine 2016-2017
SEPT 21 Women & Wine Wednesday — La Polena Grab your girlfriends and your favor ite wine to share and enjoy good com pany and good conversation. La Polena Bed & Breakfast plays host, 5:30-7 pm, 201 River Drive in Southport.
The Brunswick Arts Council’s 22nd Annual Art Show and Sale features more than $3,000 in awards for submit ted artwork. Art may be viewed during the Leland Cultural Arts Center’s nor mal business hours. The Center is at 1212 Magnolia Village Way.
SEPT 17 World War II Living History
This annual fishing tournament at tracts more than 500 boats. See story in this issue for more details.
OCT 1 Captain Charlie’s Children’s Fishing Tournament Children compete for fun prizes at the Southport City Pier on Bay Street, 9 am to 12 noon. Visit http://www. southportnc.org for details on the age groups and tournament rules.
Ongoing Events Oak Island Farmers Market (Mondays, ending Sept 5) Enjoy ocean breezes and find fresh produce, baked goods, handmade crafts, and more. The market runs from 8 am to1 pm on Mondays through the season at the Middleton Park Fields, SE 46th and Dolphin Drive.
There is plenty to do and see out side, with historic ruins, great informa tion on the site’s history, and some of the most beautiful riverfront property in the County. Hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday.
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Summer Concert Series — Oak Island Middleton Park fields, SE 46th Street and Dolphin Drive Sept 3 (Saturday) North Tower Live & Local — Oak Island Middleton Park fields, SE 46th Street and Dolphin Drive Live music, food and craft vendors to extend summer just a bit longer. The market starts at 4 pm, music starts at 6 pm, and the evening wraps up at 8 pm. Sept 10 – The British Invaders Sept 17 – Christine Martinez Band Sept 24 – LunaSea Rockers Oct 1 – Back Porch Rockers
SEPT 25 Fall Fling at All In Bloom
50 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com
130 E. Moore Street, Southport Coffee, beer and good food, and an outside courtyard and live music too.
• Friday-Saturday
UNCORKED BY THE SEA WINE SHOP & GALLERY 602 N. Howe St. Southport Shop for a wide variety of wines and craft beers, call 910-454-0633, or shop online at www.uncorkedbythesea.com. Collector wines, crystal stemware and other great gift items also available.
Dr. Michael Howard - 5-9pm - 5-9:30pm Closed on Sundays
THE MULLET BAR 112 Yacht Basin Dr., Southport Cold beers, boat watching and gor geous views of the Yacht Basin.
GRAPE & ALE 8521 E. Oak Island Drive, Oak Island Stocked with your old favorites and new wines to try. Check www.thegra peandale.com, or find them on Face book for specials.
The Office Coffee and Wine Bar 3280 George II Highway (NC 87), Boiling Spring Lakes Sit a spell with friends and enjoy a fancy coffee drink, good food, a plain cup of joe or a glass of wine, and grab Don’t see your event or location listed? Try as we might, we don’t catch ev erything, so to be sure to be included send your events to lisa@southportmag.com before the 20th of each month! Thank you! a bottle for later. The Oasis Bar & Grill 8039 River Road SE TVs for watching the game, full bar and tasty bar food. 49th STREET BAR AND GRILL 4901 E. Oak Island Drive, Oak Island Indoor and outside seating will a full menu. Vision Source of Brunswick 4633 Long Beach Road Southport, NC 28461 (910) 457-6667 www.howardeye.com
105 N. Howe St., Southport Brunswick County’s first and only winery and original Craft Beer Bar. Check Facebook for specials, tasting events, and snack tray offerings.
THE WINE RACK 102 W. Brown St., Southport. The shop offers wines, cigars, cof fees and accessories and a cozy patio area to relax with a glass of wine and enjoy live music.
827 N. Howe St., Southport Offering craft beers brought in from across the State. Check Facebook for food truck appearances; music bingo on Sundays.
AMERICAN FISH CO 150 Yacht Basin Drive, Southport Boat watching and amazing views on the Southport waterfront; open mic night on Thursdays, and live mu sic Frida and Saturday night and Sun day afternoons.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 51
THE PUB OF SOUTHPORT 1513 N. Howe St., Unit 10, Southport Check the Pub’s Facebook page to see the menu and drink specials. Sports programming on eight TVs and live music too! TIKI TAVERN 104 E. 8th St., Southport Seating available outdoors, with games, trivia, music and open mic nights; check Facebook for details.
The Lazy Turtle Oceanfront Grille 601 Ocean Drive, Oak Island Good food, a great ocean view and Sunday Sunsets. Check Facebook for music and specials; Music Bingo Mon days and Hump Day Trivia. Second Wind Sports Bar 8620 E. Oak Island Drive, Oak Island Live music, dancing and great drinks.

Lease inspection and DOT road widening impacts are available for qualified buyers. Call David Thorp, Southport Realty, Inc., for more details, (910) 540-1665. OLD FERRY ROAD. 3 bed | 2 bath | $449,000. New Piling House Construction! Rare opportunity in the Holden Beach area to have your new beach house only 2 miles to the golden sands of Brunswick County beaches. The ‘’Seahorse’’ cottage is located near the Holden Beach bridge where you can launch your boat from the NC Public Wildlife boat ramp, giving you direct access to the Atlantic Ocean. The open floor plan includes a spacious kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the family room. This home will be built with white shaker style cabinets, level 1 granite coun tertops, agreeable gray interior paint in side, white trim work and gray luxury vinyl plank flooring throughout. The exterior will be finished with blue vinyl siding with white batten accents as seen in the pho tographs. No HOA here so you can use for a short term, long term or even use as an Airbnb! Call Sally Stidham, Southport Realty, Inc., for more information ( 910) 540-8320!
52 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner MARKETPLACE
1635 N. HOWE STREET - SOUTHPORT COMMERCIAL Twin Oaks Plaza is a pop ular shopping and office center located at the entrance to Southport.. A high traf fic count coupled with excellent visibility have ensured full occupancy since the center was developed in the early 2000’s.
ClassifiedAds Up To 50 Words Only $15 MonthPer PhotoAds Up To 50 Words Only $20 MonthPer Email Jeffrey Stites jeff@southportmag.com To Place Your Ad Today
COMMERCIAL Here is your oppor tunity to own a 4 unit, 5,237 SF PRIME Commercial shopping center in the HEART of Southport. The Property Consists of Units A, B, C, and D. Units B and C have been combined. Commercial Real Estate without Business(s). Commercial Lease(s) in place. Call Myles Williams, Southport Realty, Inc., for more details, (910) 619-9655.
1506 ROUND RIDGE ROAD - NEW SOUTH BRIDGE. Move in ready 3 bed, 2.5 bath home with a one-car garage in New South Bridge! Open concept first floor features living area and kitchen, with LVP flooring recently installed. Upstairs holds bedrooms and a spacious loft. Reduced to $275,000 & listed with Margaret Rudd & Assoc., Inc., REALTORS®️ Call Amy Lynn Boltz for details at 910-880-2696.
5511 E PELICAN DRIVE - OAK ISLAND. Breathtaking, unobstructed views of the ocean from the porch, dining area, and balcony of this lovely, mostly furnished, 5 BR, 2 BA home. Spacious main level in cludes living and dining areas and a nicely appointed kitchen incorporating a center island with farm sink, lots of beautiful cab inetry, and a very spacious pantry. 2 BR &1 BA on this floor with another BA & 3 BR upstairs, two of which share the balco ny. The seller will consider a First Right of Refusal on adjacent lot between the house and Beach Drive. Listed at $795,000 with Margaret Rudd & Assoc., Inc., REALTORS®️ Call Elvira Gilbert at 910-619-4987 for details.
706 N. CASWELL AVENUE - SOUTHPORT 3 bed | 1 bath | listed at $299,999. This Historic property is on a large lot and has been owned by the same family for over a hundred years . With some imagination and work, it could join the other newly ren ovated cottages across the street. What a great opportunity to own your special part of beautiful Southport and all that it has to offer. Call Verilyn McKee, Southport Realty, Inc., for more information (910) 470-0527.
1326 WEST DOLPHIN DRIVE – OAK ISLAND WATERFRONT. Amazing views of ocean and marsh from almost every room of this beautifully furnished 4 BR, 3 full BA & 2 half BA home with a gourmet kitchen, large dining area, additional living area on the first floor & extra-large deck on the back of the house. A path down to the water provides easy access to drop in the kayaks that are included with the sale. Listed at $1,499,000 with Margaret Rudd & Assoc., Inc., Realtors. Call Marcia Erwin at 919-345-9295 for details.
OAKBLUFF CIRCLE, ST JAMES. Nestled around the corner from St James Marina, experience comfortable luxury in this extraordinary 4 BR, 3 BA home on Oakbluff Circle. Stunning Jack Satterwhite custom-build on a quiet cul-de-sac with a Clubs at St James Signature Membership that is transferable with an activation fee by the new owners. Immaculately maintained home features a first-floor primary bedroom and bath with dual shower and separate bathtub, second bedroom and bath, home office, sunroom, two-car garage, and open deck provide all you need for gracious living. Listed at $959,900 with Margaret Rudd & Assoc., Inc., REALTORS®️ Call Rodney Axsom at 910-523-0568 for details.

SWAIN SEAFOOD SHACK 5119 E Oak Island Dr, Oak Island, Phone: (910) 448-5056
Casual dining in a tropical setting, with Ca ribbean inspired seafood as well as steaks, chicken, pork and salads. (Opening in May)
Good food for good people. Locally caught seafood, homemade soups and salad bar.
Serving fresh, local seafood and delicious and creative baked treats.
TRANQUIL HARBOR 5908 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island Call (910) 250-12944
LONG BEACH DINER 106 SE 58th St., Oak Island 910-250-1758 Open 7 days a week from 7 am to 2 pm, Delicious, home-cooked breakfast and lunch.
THE BREAK 5700 E. Oak Island Drive (910) 933-4734 Breakfast and lunch with an island flair Bahn Mi sandwich a Loco Jo’s
OLIVER’S ON THE CAPE FEAR 101 West Bay Street, Southport oliversonthecapefear.com910-477-9299
Real wood smoked BBQ and brisket, great side items, and a great family environment. M BAR-B-QUE HOUSE 5002 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island www.bestbbqonthebeach.com910-201-1001
RUSTY HOOKS DOCKSIDE GRILL 4907 Fish Factory Rd Southport, (910) 477-6616 www.rustyhooksdockside.com
Casual family restaurant with a variety of dishes, seafood and daily specials.
BLUE COW GRILLE 108 Moore Street, Southport 910-363-4402 Serving specialty Burgers,.sanwiches and seafood. Lunch and Dinner BOB’S DOGS 8903 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island 910-278-3456 • www.bobsdogsoki.com
Fine low-country cuisine, from crab-stuffed fish du jour to crab cakes and prime rib.
THE LIVE OAK ON HOWE 614 N. Howe St. Southport, 910-620-4541 Full Service Catering and Event Venue. Pair ing with The Confectionary for off-site and onsite specials occasions. They will work with you to tailor make your event, one to remember. Whether it is at your house or ours..
Fun dining featuring fresh local seafood and generational recipes, guaranteed to leave a lasting smile on your face. Come join our small piece of paradise along the coast of Carolina; our team looks forward to greeting you. We welcome boaters to pull up to our docks or contact the Marina Dockmaster on Channel 16, and all others to come down Fish Factory Road and join us for a relaxing meal with a gorgeous view!
SHAGGER JACKS 8004 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island www.shaggerjacksoki.com910-933-4103
SWAIN’S CUT SEAFOOD 8317 E. Oak Island Dr, (910) 933-6300
KOKO CABANA 705 Ocean Drive, Oak Island (910) 933-6222 Open Tues - Sun. Seafood Specialties, Steaks, Sandwiches, Salads MOJO’S ON THE HARBOR 16 Marina Way, Bald Head Island www.mojoontheharbor.com910-457-7217
M SOUTHPORT SMOKE HOUSE 1102 N. Howe St., Southport www.southportsmokehouse.com910-363-5035
EDGEWATER 122 122 Yacht Basin Dr. Southport, (910) 677-6130 Locally Sourced, Hand Crafted Food and Drink served waterfront at the Old Yacht Basin.
SEAFOOD SPECIALTY M FISHY FISHY CAFE 106 Yacht Basin Dr., Southport www.fishyfishycafe.com910-457-1881
With custom hot dogs featuring an array of ingredients to homestyle sandwiches like chicken salad and burgers.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 53
Hormel ribs are slow d in house and meats are offered with a variety of sauces, from East ern NC vinegar to Lexington-style red.
Find Something Sure To Please Everyone
Featuring Southern classics :fried pickles, shell fish steam pots to global dishes like Italian meat antipasto and Mediterraneans shrimp and grits.
UNCORKED BY THE SEA 602 N. Howe St. Southport, 910-454-0633 Offering a wide variety of fine wines and craft beers for in-store shopping, curbside pick-up and shopping on-line. Delivering locally. En joy sipping wine in the shop while admiring lo cal art or in the courtyard. Wines are available to taste every day. Special orders welcome
M PROVISION COMPANY 130 Yacht Basin Dr., Southport 910-457-0654www.provisioncompany.com
Fine dining on the Cape Fear—where ex quisite southern cuisine meets the salubrious dishes. We also offer great burgers, steaks, and other southern favorites.
Brunswick County’s first and only winery and original Craft Beer Bar. Craft Beer and Wine tastings all day, every day! Check out our Face book page for updated events, specialty beer tastings, and live music.
MODERN AMERICAN BACK TO SHUCKERS 6220 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island 910-278-4944
Offering a la carte seafood sandwiches, conch fritters, steamed shrimp and more.
MOORE STREET OYSTER BAR 110 E. Moore Street, Southport (910) 363-5115 Moore Street Oyster Bar is an oyster pub rooted in the traditions of coastal Southern cooking, epitomized by the seaside town of Southport.
M MR. P’S BISTRO 309 N. Howe St., Southport www.mrpsbistro.com910-457-0801
M FRYING PAN 319 West Bay St., Southport 910-363-4382Featuring homemade sweet potato biscuits and fried seafood, as well as other delicacies such as pan seared grouper.
M ISLAND WAY RESTAURANT 1407 E. Beach Dr., Oak Island 910-278-7770 www.islandwayres.com Offering fine steaks, from filet mignon to flat iron, and fresh seafood, from lobster to crab cakes, with attentive service.
A great local hangout . Everything from Na chos to burgers, to seafood to steaks. Great Bar. RE-OPENING SOON!
With over 50 beer selections, Shagger Jacks offers an assortment of dishes from steamers to ribs and sweet curry chicken to tacos.
WINE & BEER GRAPE AND ALE 8521 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, 910-933-4384 Quaint and eclectic store offering a large se lection of wines, beers, and spirits. Perfect for either relaxation or for on the go! Tastings on Fridays 5-8pm, SILVER COAST WINERY 105 S. Howe St. Southport, 910-777-5151
SOUTHPORT TAP & CELLAR 827 N. Howe St., Southport Huge variety of draught beers, wine, adult slushies and more! Inside and outside seating. Watch our Facebook page for Foodt Truck dates!
49th STREET BAR AND GRILL 4901 E. Oak Island Drive, Oak Island Indoor and outside seating will a full menu.
A sophisticated take on the dockside sea food café, Fishy Fishy serves up plates like Buf falo shrimp, Cajun grouper bites, and Bacon Wrapped Shrimp.
to offer!
THE PIRATES DECK 5827 E. Oak Island Dr, Oak Island 910-933-4615
THE WINE RACK 102 W. Brown St. Southport, 910-457-5147 Offering a selection of wine, cigars, coffees, and accessories, this quaint shop is perfect for a night out. Great service and over 600 wines to choose from.
Check out Dining Guide what delicious food the local area has

With a warm and friendly atmosphere, Local’s Family Diner serves breakfast all day long and a seafood and entrée menu for lunch and dinner.
A staple in NC, Trolly Stop is renowned across the nation for its one of a kind hot dogs. TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFÉ 1671 N. Howe St. #1A, Southport 910-363-4908
FIXIN’S OKI 8300 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island (910) 933-1009 Southern inspired brunch menu served thoughout the day
DRIFTERS FOOD TRUCK 4602 E. Beach Dr, Oak Island Delicious sandwiches and more right across from Middleton Park ERIC’S GRILLE 1671 N. Howe St., Southport 910-457-9024 Offers old fashioned, hand patted hamburg ers, plus bbq, hot dogs, chili cheese fries and breakfast sandwiches and platters.
JAPANESE TENGU JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE 4956 Long Beach Rd. SE, 457-9398 Sushi, sashimi, teriyaki, hibachi, tempura and udon noodles all available.
KAI JOE’S 4722 E Oak Island Dr, Oak Island Phone: (910) 622-1509 Traditional Mexican dishes and specialties.
OLD BRIDGE DINER 132 Country Club Dr., Oak Island 910-250-1184 A casual diner featuring breakfast & lunch, from fluffy omelets to burgers and fried chicken sandwiches. Open 6am - 2pm.
CHASER’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL 8520 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island 910-278-1500 Enjoy BBQ sandwiches, wings, fish ‘n’ chips and more at this sports grill.
A classic burger joint, onion rings and other sides. Breakfast is served, pancakes and bacon.
LAZY TURTLE BAR & GRILL 601 Ocean Drive, Oak Island, 910-278-7725 Oceanfront dining and entertainment that is easy on the wallet and hard to forget. Tiki bar, arcade with two pool tables and plenty of seat ing to host your work, friend or family fun!
SOI Business of the Year
CHINESE ASIAN TASTE 1671 N. Howe St., Ste. 3, asiantastesouthportnc.com910-457-0988
OASIS BAR AND GRILL 8039 River Rd. SE, Southport 910-454-4004 Shrimp in every style, plus sandwiches; try entrées such as scampi and filet mignon.
WILDLIFE RESTAURANT & GRILL 4381 Fish Factory Rd., Southport 910-457-9953 www.wildlifegrill.webs.com Serving a full range of items on our menu from breakfast to home cooked meals.
CASTUCCI’S AN ITALIAN JOINT 4332 Long Beach Rd, Southport 910-477-6755
Family Italian restaurant D’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 2831 Midway Rd Ste 106 (910) 253-8151 Serving Itaiian entrees, pizza and sandwich es.
Kopp’s grill serves up a full breakfast (avail able for school kids before class starts, too), plus homemade lunches throughout the day.
Chamber Small
M MOORE STREET MARKET 130 E. Moore St., Southport, 910-363-4203 Open for breakfast and lunch, specializing in organic and fairtrade coffee as well as gourmet sandwiches crafted with Boar’s Head deli meats.
FALCONE’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 5013 Southport Crossing Way, Southport 910) 363-8000 Serving home cooked Itailan specialties in a friendly atmosphere.
Takeout traditional Chinese food, with sta ples such as lo mein, sesame chicken, and General Tso’s. SOUTHPORT GOURMET AND SUSHI BAR 1643 N. Howe St, Southport (910) 477-9045 Serving a varietry of home-cokked Asian spe cialties and featuring a full sushi bar.
Focusing on family Italian recipes, Bella Cucina serves up everything from fine and fresh local seafood to hand tossed, New York style pizzas. Aside from a decadent wine list, Bella Cucina also offers specialty martinis.
LONERIDER AT OAK ISLAND 57th Place west, Oak Island Lonerider Brew-Stillery outlaws bring award winning brews/bourbons and atmosphere to Oak Island. Enjoy a beer or bourbon with the outlaws, listen to live music, play outdoor games, and raise a toast to craft beer and spirits community. Enjoy delicious food with amazing views of the intercoastal. Limited release, and cool specialty beers/spirits will be available at the Hideout MOORE DOGS AND MORE 4346 Long Beach Rd, Southport Hot Dogs, BBQ, and MORE!
Offering choices that are largely influ enced by dishes from across the globe. Menu items and specials can whisk your pal ette from Casablanca to Barcelona, Santorini to Mumbai, and from Marseilles to Munich or Charleston. Finish with a fresh baked des sert in the romantic atmosphere. ITALIAN M BELLA CUCINA 5177 SouthportSupply Rd., Southport 910-454-4540 www.belladiningnc.com
Roast Magazine’s 2016 Roaster of the year, Espresso, Coffee Drinks(Hot, Frozen, Iced) Smoothies, Variety of Red/White Wines & Craft Beer. Also Pastries, Trays, Breakfast and Lunch Wraps.
Gourmet Sandwich Shop & Market With Yummy Goods & Gifts! Soups, Salads & Sand wiches Served Daily! KOPP’S KWIK STOP II 3196 George II Hwy., Southport, 910-845-7700
TASTE OF CHINA 4956 Long Beach Rd., Southport, 457-1838 Serving Cantonese, Szechuan and Hunan style Chinese food.
M JOSEPH’S ITALIAN BISTRO 5003 O’Quinn Blvd., Southport, 454-4440 www.josephsitalianbistro.com
OAK ISLAND SUBS AND SALADS 5705 E. Oak Island Dr. 910-278-9040
JERSEY MIKES 5130 Long Beach Rd. SE, Southport 910-477-6261 Subs and sandwiches, fresh salads. CAFE KOA 302 N Howe St, Southport, 910-363-4206
LITTLE BIT’S GRILL 5902 E. Oak Island Dr. , Oak Island 910-278-6430
www.tropicalsmoothiecafe.com Bold, flavorful food and smoothies with a healthy appeal. Our items are made to order with fresh, simple, superior ingredients.
THE SAUCY SOUTHERNER 501 N Howe Street, Southport (910) 477-6065 Offering breakfast & lunch with a southern twist. Real Good Feel Good, Food. TROLLY STOP 111 S. Howe St., Southport www.trollystophotdogs.com910-457-7017
MEXICAN DELPHINA CANTINA 10 Marina Wynd, Bald Head Island delphinacantina.webs.com910-457-1222
Mexican cuisine with Spanish and Cuban flare, such as Churrasco Cubano and Pescado Especial—both with plantains.
Armed with decades of experience and “secret” family recipes, Joseph’s Italian Bistro appeals with candlelit dining and fresh Italian continental cuisine.
54 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017
From BLT’s with avocado to Cajun and Reu ben sandwiches, & other quality sandwiches.
INTERNATIONAL M PORTS OF CALL 116 N. Howe St., Southport, 457-4544 www.portsofcallbistro.com
THE OFFICE COFFEE & WINE BAR 3280 George II HWY (BSL) Southport NC 910-351-8093 www.theofficecoffeeandwine bar.comWeserve
OLDE BRUNSWICK GENERAL STORE 1450 50 Lakes Dr., Boiling Spring Lakes 910-845-2707 Made-to-order breakfast and lunch grill.
OAK ISLAND DELI AND PUB 5422 E. Oak Island Dr., 910-278-4005 Offering hamburgers, sub sandwiches, sal ads, wraps, seafood and daily drink specials.
FAT ANDY’S BURGERS 4655 Southport-Supply Rd SE,, Southport 910-269-7008
Handmade burgers using 100% ground chuck, plus freshly cut French fries.
LOCAL’S FAMILY DINER 832 N. Howe St., Southport 910-457-0444 www.localsfamilydiner.com
LOCO JO’S 602 N. Howe St., #E Fresh, creative asian and American special ties with wine, beer and a now a fully stocked bar

A New York Style Pizzeria featuring home made pizza, pasta, desserts, etc. Also serving a selection of beer and wine.
THE PEPPERONI GRILL 3156 George II Hwy, Boiling Spring Lakes 845-5151 • www.pepperonigrillnc.com
Featuring delicious home made ice cream.
Featuring the iconic Blizzards, waffle-bowl sundaes, and more frozen treats. *Call for other nearby locations.
Known for handmade, original pizzas—includ ing Margherita, “very veggie,” and Greek. Also offers salads, soups and gourmet sandwiches.
TACO & BURITTO SHACK 3261 Hwy 87, BSL 910-351-0179
We carry a large variety of gluten free/veg an baked goods, as well as homemade coffee cakes and muffins. Delicious and decadent specialty drinks: lattes, mochas, frapps, hot chocolate, Chai teas and more.
Flava’s allows guests the choice between many flavors, including death by chocolate, birthday cake, cookies and cream, and more.
BEACH ROAD PIZZA AND WINGS 4688 Long Beach Rd, Southport Pizzas, wings, fries, desserts
MO’S WOOD FIRED KITCHEN 4956 Old Long Beach Road SE ,Southport Wood Fired Pizzas, Burgers, Salads & Wings PIZZA SHACK 6212 E. Oak Island Dr., • 278-6781 Offering a variety of pies from classic favor ites to Greek white and Hawaiian.
Serving authentic dishes, such as fajitas, en chiladas and chalupas, fresh salsa and margari tas; serves traditional Mexican dishes.
PEPPERONI GRILL AT THE BEACH 4320 East Beach Drive • www.pepperonigrillnc.com250-1190
Recognized regionally for outstanding gy ros, calzones and pizzas.
Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner www.SouthportMag.com /September 2022/ Southport Magazine 55
Take-out/delivery chain offering classic & spe cialty pizzas, wings & breadsticks, plus desserts.
THAI INDOCHINE EXPRESS 1131 N. Atlantic Ave, Southport (910) 363-5072 Asian delicasies for dine-in or take-out
LIL & JOHN’S SWEETREAT HOME MADE ICE CREAM 6324 East Oak Island Drive. Family-owned and operated. Featuring 16 flavors of ultra-premium, homemade ice cream. We use only dairy from grass-fed North Caroli na cows and never add artificial flavors or col ors.
Tex-Mex style cuisines at a local take-out joint. Serving a variety of fish, beef, and veggie bowls. Also offering quesadillas, tacos and hot, homemade soup. Take out or relish your meal under the shaded, outside dinning area.
PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA 4961 Old Long Beach Rd SE, Southport (910) 454-0757
NOODLES AND ICE CREAM 8610 E. Oak Island Drive (910) 933-4011 Noodle bowls and other Asian slecialties with Thai ice cream.
SEASIDE MERMAID 6102 E. Oak Island Drive Enjoy sweet treats, ice cream and coffee right next to Mermaid Cove. Outside seating available. SPIKE’S DAIRY BAR 201 N. Howe St., Southport, 477-9117
TIKI PINEAPPLE WHIPS 4602 E. Beach Drive, Oak Island (910) 632-0598 Dole Whip pineapple frozen treats right at the beach! www.BlueEarthWorks.com
PIZZERIAS BAMBINI’S PIZZERIA 1513 N Howe St, Southport 477-9352
At the Oak Island Pier, 705 Ocean Dr. Oak Island Serving bagels, croissants, sandwiches, hot dogs and coffee right at the pier.
Offering eat in, take out and delivery. As well, offering oven toasted subs and calzones.
ISLAND JO COFFEE ‘N CAFE 7916 E. Oak Island Drive (910) 250-1677 Homemade bagels, breakfast sandwiches, quiche, specialty coffees and sandwiches.
PORT CITY JAVA 113 N. Howe Street, Southport www.portcityjava.com454-0321
Open 7 days a week year round. Offering eat in, take out as well as delivery.
FAMOUS SUBS AND PIZZA 1541 N. Howe St., Southport • 457-5143
M DAIRY QUEEN 5701 E. Oak Island Dr.,• 278-5371
THE SCOOP SHOP 4922 East Oak Island Dr, OKI 910-250-1321 The best ice cream on the beach! Plus made to order cake donuts and fresh hot donuts!
DOMINO’S (SOUTHPORT) 1671 N Howe St #1b, Southport (910) 457-0083
DOMINO’S (OAK ISLAND) 8610 E Oak Island Dr, Oak Island (910) 278-9111 Delivery/carryout chain offering a wide range of pizza, plus chicken & other sides.
We serve coffees, espresso drinks, fruit smoothies, milkshakes, fresh juices, breakfast and lunch sandwiches and wraps all day. Open year round. Complimentary WiFi. Comfortable inside and outside seating. Coffee catering available.
SEASIDE MERMAID 6102 e OAk Island Drive Enjoy sweet treats, ice cream and coffee right next to Mermaid Cove. Outside seating available. SIDE STREET BAKERY 417-A N. Howe Street, Southport 363-4629 Locals suggest the cupcakes, lemon bars, key lime pie, and carrot cake.
More than just ice cream, Spike’s offers great hot dogs as well.
CHUCK’S HOMEMADE ICE CREAM 5021 Southport Crossing Way, Southport (910) 363-0208
BAKERIES/ COFFEE AHOY DOUGHNUTS 5821 E. Oak Island Dr., Oak Island 250-1005 • www.ahoydoughnuts.com Fresh yeast raised, filled and cake donuts, ap ple fritters, cinnamon rolls, monkey muffins, twists and more. Handmade daily, family owned. BURNEY’S BAKERY 808 N. Howe St., Southport 454-4222 Known for their light and flaky filled crois sants with a sweet sugar glaze, plus more.
SIDE STREAT TAKE OUT 524 N Howe St., Southport 910-363-4113
SAN FELIPE 1671 N. Howe St., Ste. 1, Southport & 4961 Long Beach Rd. SE 910-454-0950
JUMPIN’ JAVA OAK ISLAND 4022 Old Bridge Rd., Southport • 363-4841
STAARR CAKES BAKERY 200 Country Club Dr., Suite E, Oak Island 512-8881 www.staarrcakes.com Made from scratch cupcakes, biscuits, and pies using the finest ingredients available. Cof fee supplied by an NC roaster.
DRY STREET PUB AND PIZZA 101 E. Brown St., Southport www.drystreetpubandpizza.com457-5994
FLAVA’S COFFEE AND ICE CREAM 310 W. Bay St., Southport • 457-5150
Handmade, one of a kind pieces you can use everyday. Glazed with food safe glazes. Available at: THE PAINTED MERMAID • 817 N Howe Street, Southport ToEditor@southEmail-portmag.comBeIncluded

56 Southport Magazine/ September 2022 / www.SouthportMag.com Southport Magazine 2016-2017 SOI Chamber Small Business of the Year Winner