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Quilting Heritage
Marilyn Gore To Speak At Quilt Show
Sometimes learning new skills leads to finding your where your talents lie. For Marilyn Gore, learning to sew and quilt when she was just 14 started her on a path that included a Master’s degree and a 31-year career with the Cooperative Extension. This month, she’ll speak at the Southport Historical Society’s quilt show, and she’ll share stories of being an African American quilter.
Marilyn will be presenting “Talking Threads: My Journey as an African American Quilter and My Family Quilt History” at the Southport Historical Society’s Community Quilt Show on Saturday, Dec 10 at 3 pm in the Southport Community Building. The event is free and open to all, no reservations required. The Quilt Show will run from noon to 5 pm.
Marilyn Gore has been sewing and quilting since the age of 14. For Marilyn, being born and raised in the rural farming community of Bolivia meant that sewing and quilting were necessities. Marilyn’s first sewing experience was helping her mother weave and tie floor rugs with feed sacks and tobacco twine. Marilyn’s mother, Mattie Pearl, also taught her how to embroider and decorate homemade pillowcases.
Home Economics was a required part of Marilyn’s high school education and it was there that she learned to construct garments. Under the tutelage of Lizzie Mae Mitchell, Home Economics teacher at Southport – Brunswick County High School, Marilyn constructed her first garment. Scraps from this garment were used to make an eight-pointed star quilt. With the help of her mother, Marilyn made her second quilt, a lone star from scraps of polyester fabrics.
Marilyn’s parents did not have college educations, but they had ambitions for their children. They encouraged them to get an education and build a life beyond their farming community. Marilyn attended Bennett College where she obtained a degree in Home Economics, Clothing and Textiles. With the encouragement of Professor Louise G. Streat, she continued her studies at Howard University, Washington, DC. Marilyn’s Masters thesis centered on a historical study of North Carolina quilt making.
After a 31-year career as a Consumer Science Area Agent with the Cooperative Extension Service, in both DC and
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North Carolina, Marilyn retired. She founded her own quilting business, Stitching and Stirring. Her business is dedicated to the preservation of quilts and the art of quilting with special emphasis on quilts that represent the African American culture and history. Her business allows her to follow her passion for quilting and to explore her creativity.
“Clothing construction and quilting have always been a part of my life,” Marilyn said. “They provide me with a creative outlet and are a part of my rest, relaxation, and reflection process. When I need to think and find answers to life’s questions, my sewing room is a natural retreat space for me.
“It is my belief that all artists should have time for exploring their creativity. Unfortunately, real life and the need to survive get in the way.”

One of two quilts that will be raffled off during Winterfest 2022.
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