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Cleaning Up Creeks

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Creek Week Activities Planned For Leland



Creek Week is a statewide initiative developed by the Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP) and is designed to get residents involved in environmental programs and help explain the importance of clean and healthy waterways. The focus for CWEP this year is on green stormwater infrastructure. The Town of Leland, which is a partner of CWEP, is hosting local events in conjunction with Creek Week that focus on the environment.

On March 22, the Leland Green Sweep at Sturgeon Creek Parkway clean up program gives Leland residents (and others who just want to help out!) a chance to keep Leland beautiful by volunteering to work alongside other citizens cleaning up Sturgeon Creek Park. Equipment will be provided. Participants will meet at the

Leland Cultural Arts Center for a presentation about stormwater and drainage at 9 am, to be followed by the clean-up. Participants are responsible for transportation from LCAC to Sturgeon Creek Park.

Also on March 22, a Marine Biologist will present the lecture “Marine Organ-

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910-383-3797 watcher on a Bird Walk at the Brunswick TownFort Anderson State Historic Site. isms Big and Small: Fisheries,” exploring the impact of local fisheries in the area on organisms in our water, from 6-7 pm in the LCAC Multi-Purpose Room This program is for ages 8 to adult and is the first of a scheduled three marine biology lectures throughout the summer.

March 24 is Storm Drain Marking with Cape Fear River Watch (CFRW).

On March 23, from 9-11 am, Leland residents can go join a professional bird

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This program is also offered to the 8 to adult age group. This is a one time program where participants will walk around the Westport community with a member of CFRW and will be responsible for marking storm drains with permanent steel markers. Registration is required for this event through the Town of Leland website at: https://www.townofleland.com/ parks-recreation-cultural-resources/programs-events/creek-week

CWEP is also hosting a virtual scavenger hunt running from March 18 to 25 on Instagram and Facebook to highlight the current nature-based stormwater solutions. Read CWEP’s posts on social media and their blog to learn more about Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and the relationship it has to our waterways and community, then go exploring and find an example of GSI, snap a picture and post on Instagram OR Facebook. Be sure to Follow and Tag cwep_nc on Instagram or NC Clean Water Education Partnership on Facebook to be entered in a prize drawing. You are also welcome to tag the social media account of your local government. One winner will be announced March 22 and two winners will be announced on March 25. Pictures submitted will be saved and added to a GSI photo album on the CWEP website!

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