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resources for renters
Resources for Renters
Find f nancial aid, emergency shelter, legal help, and tenant support in 2021.

Financial Assistance and Shelter
T e Housing Clif is a special series about the COVID-19 housing crisis produced by City Bureau, a civic journalism lab based in Chicago.
city of chicago New application for rental assistance expected to reopen by late February chi.gov/housinghelp
Chicago residents are still reeling from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic nearly a year after it began. T e patchwork of government, nonprof t, and mutual aid can be challenging to access. To help folks f nd much-needed resources, we’ve compiled a list of various housing- and food-related resources that you can access right now. (To access this full article with links online, go to citybureau.org/resources.)
illinois domestic violence helpline Twenty-four-hour hotline for temporary emergency shelter, counseling and other resources (877) 863-6338 or (877) 863-6339 (TTY)
amani house Twenty-four-hour hotline of ering short-term housing for women, women with children, and intact families. (773) 874-8345
brighton parK neighborhood council
Assistance for rent, mortgage, and electric and gas bills in Brighton Park. (773) 523-7110, M-F, 9am-4pm
Legal Aid
lawyers’ committee for better housing Free legal help for tenants facing eviction, utility shut-of s, or other housing-related legal issues. (312) 347-7600, lcbh.org
legal aid chicago Free legal help in English and Spanish to Chicago and suburban Cook County residents with limited income; regarding unemployment insurance benef ts, evictions, and other civil legal issues (312) 341-1070, legalaidchicago.org
early resolution program, cooK county legal aid Free legal assistance, counseling, pre-court mediation, and case management for Cook County residents who are dealing with eviction, foreclosure and unresolved debt (855) 956-5763, Cookcountylegalaid.org