Graduate Diploma Professional Policing Practice | Course Handbook
10. OUR EXPECTATIONS OF YOU 10.1 Rules and Regulations The Student Charter has been developed jointly by the University of South Wales and its Students’ Union to enable its students to understand what will be expected of them during their studies, and what they can expect of the University. Further information can be found at: See link for details of your terms and conditions As a serving police officer, you are also subject to the Code of Practice for the Principles and Standards of Professional Behaviour for the Policing Profession of England and Wales, Police Regulations 2003 and Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020. Any incidents of professional misconduct will be brought to the attention of the Force, which may result in employer led disciplinary proceedings, your dismissal as a Police Officer and ejection from the Course.
10.2 I.T. Regulations and Social Media Information around the I.T. and social media regulations of the University can be found at the following links:
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