1 minute read

11 Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Fire: If you discover a fire, please activate the nearest fire alarm and leave the building via the nearest available fire exit. If the fire alarm sounds, do not stop to collect personal belongings, leave the building immediately via the nearest fire exit. Do not use the lifts.

First Aid: If you require first aid, please speak to a member of staff who will contact a first aider for you. Accidents, injuries and near misses need to be reported and recorded through line-managers.


GC Occupational Health Services provides access to a range of wellbeing services. All accidents and injuries whilst on duty, need to be reported and recorded.

Matters of concern: If you are concerned about a health and safety related matter, please raise it through your USW lecturer or your course trainers. Concerns can also be raised with the Police Federation who have appointed Health and Safety representatives across the force.

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