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7. Your Feedback

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9. Timetable

9. Timetable

As students of the University of South Wales and GC Police Officers, we expect you to be committed to enhancing the reputation of both organisations for your own benefit as well as that of future apprentices. We are committed to deliver a quality product that enhances the student experience and for this reason, we value your feedback on your university experience and provide many ways in which you can tell us about it:

You can give feedback about your modules and courses at any time via Loop (https://loop.southwales.ac.uk). Your feedback is reported anonymously.


Speak to lecturers, police trainers and other teaching staff. You can raise issues with Course Representatives and Student Voice Representatives, who are there to help improve the courses they represent. Also, you can apply to become a Course Representative or Student Voice Representative yourself! You will have the opportunity to complete online surveys at set points during the course. In your final year, you will be asked to fill in the National Student Survey (NSS), which benchmarks the University against other UK Universities. GC will also ask you for feedback at various points during the programme.

This helps us to improve the overall experience for the benefit of future students. In addition, all final year students are invited to take part in the National Student Survey, which benchmarks the University against other UK Universities. Each course has Course Representatives, who meet regularly with the teaching team and Faculty managers to feed back on the progress of the course. If you are unhappy, or particularly pleased, with any aspect of your course, you can feed this back to the teaching team via your Course Representative. If you would like to become a Course Representative, please mention this to your lecturer.

All feedback is considered and taken seriously by the University. We regularly make improvements as a result of your feedback. Any changes are published in the ‘You Said, We Did’ tab which you can find in your Course Organisational Pages.

GC and USW have regular meetings to evaluate the programme and student feedback is key to understanding its effectiveness.

7.1 Student Representatives and Student Mentors

The role of Course Representatives is to attend meetings and give feedback to Course Management Teams, propose solutions to problems and actively engage in the organisation and running of a course. Elections for Course Representatives are held in class during the first weeks of initial training. Further information about the role and current course representatives can be found at: https://www.uswsu.com/studentvoice/coursereps

Student Voice Representatives are appointed at the start of the academic year and are a useful link between students, course representatives, faculty staff and the Students’ Union. For further information about the role and current representatives, ask your lecturer or go to: https://www.uswsu.com/studentvoice/svr

The University’s Student Mentoring scheme enables students joining the University to receive support on practical issues from more experienced USW students. Further information can be found at: http://studentmentoring.southwales.ac.uk/

For this course we encourage students who have passed through Gateway 1 to become Student Mentors for newer recruits. This will provide you with evidence for modules that contain leadership and mentoring elements.

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