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6. Your Progress

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5. Assessment

5. Assessment

6.1 Personal Coaching and Progress Monitoring

Your USW Lecturer will have regular contact with you. Your lecturer will also be your Personal Tutor, whom you are also encouraged to approach at any time to discuss any issues or ask for help or advice.


As apprentices, your progress will be regularly reviewed by both Wiltshire Police and USW as your apprenticeship provider. Regular tripartite progress reviews will be planned into your apprenticeship programme. The tripartite progress reviews will record progress against your training plan providing an opportunity to discuss and agree any changes to your programme and monitoring the development of the required Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours specified in the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship Standard. The progress review will involve you the Apprentice, an Apprenticeship Support Officer (ASO) from USW and a representative from Wiltshire Police, likely to be a trainer, tutor or line manager.

The ASO allocated to Wiltshire Police is Colette Chilcott, Colette.chilcott@southwales.ac.uk.

6.2 Advice Zone Online

Advice Zone Online (AZO) is the University’s online student support system. It is one central place where you can access support. It offers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and enables you to ask new questions, which will connect you with the right team at the University to get help. Appointments with a range of support services can also be booked through AZO.

Advice Zone Online will only contact you via your University email address so it is important that you regularly check this account. Advice Zone Online can be accessed directly via https://advicezone.southwales.ac.uk or from the UniLife homepage https://unilife.southwales.ac.uk

Wiltshire Police recognize the importance of ensuring support is readily available to their workforce throughout their career. As an officer at WP you will have access to the following support via FirstPoint (accessible from your work laptop):

Wiltshire Police Federation - http://firstpoint/deptinfo/acpo/hr/hrserv/fed/default.aspx Police Headquarters, London Road, Devizes. SN10 2DN

Occupational Health Support Unit (OHSU) http://firstpoint/deptinfo/acpo/hr/hrserv/ohu/default.aspx Wiltshire Police Occupational Health is provided by an NHS contract and referrals are made through HR.

Health and Wellbeing. http://firstpoint/deptinfo/net/health/default.aspx

Unison. http://firstpoint/deptinfo/acpo/hr/hrserv/unison/default.aspx

Seven Point support plan. http://firstpoint/deptinfo/net/health/Pages/7pointplan.aspx

USW and WP staff will keep regular contact to share information as to your progress to properly evaluate your development.

6.3 Attendance

WP is funding your training and you are receiving a salary to complete this course. USW will be supplying the employer with regular reports of your activity in the VLE, contribution to online activities, submission of works and general engagement and development. Failure to sufficiently engage in learning activities may result in employer led disciplinary procedures.

Students who attend lectures regularly often achieve the highest grades. We know that there is proven link between your engagement through attending classes, good use of Blackboard, frequent library usage and your success.

6.4 How your Degree Classification is Calculated

Information regarding how your degree is classified can be found within the University Regulations for Taught Courses: https://registry.southwales.ac.uk/student- regulations/regulations-taught-courses/

6.5 External Examiner

The External Examiner is an independent academic from another institution who reviews a sample of work from your course to assure the University that marking is fair, that we have applied our regulations properly, and that standards are comparable to other Universities. All Universities have an external examining system and their role gives further assurance, beyond the marking and double marking that your lecturers already do in-house, that marking is sound.

The External Examiner for this qualification is Dr Carol Cox.

Can I contact my External Examiner? No. External Examiners are required to remain impartial at all times and they do not participate in determining marks for individual students. Students should not attempt to contact any External Examiner, and External Examiners are not permitted to respond to contacts made by students or anyone on behalf of a student. They will refer the contact back to the University.

If you wish to see a report written about your course or a part of your course you should email the Academic Standards and Quality Service at extexam@southwales.ac.uk

6.6 Student Casework (Student Regulations)

Student casework is the term that the University uses to group the following sets of regulations: l Academic Appeals l Academic Misconduct (including plagiarism) l Extenuating Circumstances l Fitness to Practise l Fitness to Study l Student Conduct l Student Complaints

Further information can be found at: https://registry.southwales.ac.uk/student-regulations/

As all students on this programme are serving police officers you are subject to the ‘Code of Ethics’ and ‘Standards of Professional Behaviour’ set out by the police service. Any breaches of academic misconduct will be reported to the employer which may result in employer led disciplinary action.

The WP policy for dealing with misconduct, underperformance and poor attendance can be found on the WP intranet. http://firstpoint/deptinfo/peopleservices/professional_pages/Police%20Officer%20Misconduct.aspx

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