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Welcome from the Dean
I have something in common with the 2021 entering class. I am also new to Southwestern Law School! My tenure as President & Dean begins on July 1, 2021. My priorities are raising money for student scholarships, continuing the work of the Dean’s Task Force on Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, recruiting and retaining the best professors possible, and ensuring students have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive as emerging lawyers.
Throughout history, lawyers have played a central role during times of conflict and social change. You are starting law school at a moment when it is not enough to understand the practice, rules, and theories of law. To fulfill your oath and responsibilities as a lawyer, you will need to be creative, adaptable, and proactive. One of my favorite sayings is that with every challenge, there is opportunity. With the knowledge and skills you will acquire at Southwestern Law School, you will have the opportunity to change the world, whether for individual clients or at the local, state, national, or international level.
You are joining Southwestern’s 110-year legacy of excellence. Since its founding, Southwestern has been committed to diversity, inclusion, innovation, and leadership in legal education. We cultivate practice-ready lawyers and encourage activism, public service, and entrepreneurship. We rely on you— as our future—to further strengthen and expand Southwestern’s impact by advancing justice and serving those who need your help.
As I write this greeting, it’s unclear whether fall classes will be virtual, on campus, or hybrid. But whatever the format, we are ready for the challenges ahead and thrilled to welcome you to Southwestern’s incredible community!