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Dating Unplugged!

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Fly Like A Pro

Fly Like A Pro

With a career that took up a lot of his time and energy, online dating had begun to feel like Rick Swanson’s second job. He spent hours filtering through online dating profiles and arranged multiple dates on his own—but time after time, the spark just wasn’t there. There had to be a better way.

That’s when Rick saw an ad for It’s Just Lunch (IJL) in an airline magazine and decided to give matchmaking a try. Today, Rick credits It’s Just Lunch with introducing him to the love of his life, Kristina.


Life before It’s Just Lunch?

Kristina: My dating life was totally scattered and unfulfilling. I had just started Stella*s PopKern and, as a single mother, I just found the whole online dating thing completely unmanageable and daunting. I wanted someone who knew me to “fix me up” and when a friend suggested IJL, I did some research and found it to be the right “match” for me.

What was working with a matchmaker like?

Rick: The interview process was really valuable. Sandra, my matchmaker, was genuinely interested in learning about me. She really wanted to understand what I was looking for in a woman, what I found attractive, what I found interesting, what intrigued me. We talked about my work, my outside interests, etc. When someone is leading you through the process, it makes you think. Sandra got me to reflect honestly on what I was looking for.

Best part of the IJL experience?

K: It was super easy because IJL arranged the dates. All I had to do was get ready and meet at the restaurant. And unlike online dating, I felt that my dates were interested in meeting quality people, not one-night stands. Your matchmaker calls you up with a match and then gives you the details of the date. All you have to do is show up and have fun!

What makes you two a great match?

K: He’s comfortable in his own skin. He loves the fact that I am confident! I can just be who I am, and I’ve never felt so at ease with anyone else.

R: She’s got this gigantic personality; she’s self-confident and brilliantly smart. The way she ‘geeks out’ on the things she enjoys, the passion she has… I mean, who else could take something as commonplace as popcorn and turn it into a food group? It’s totally refreshing.

How has your life changed since?

R: It’s like a piece of me that had ceased to be is back again. Having somebody to share life with, who is even more passionate than you are is special. I’m a radically happier person than I was.

Advice for singles considering IJL?

R: Dating is a real challenge in our fast paced, always connected, and frequently impersonal world. Having a real person on your side, helping to find the right partner is a huge plus.

The success of It’s Just Lunch is built on creating high quality matches in low pressure situations. In 26 years, they’ve set up millions of first dates. Make meeting someone special a priority. Get in touch at 800-858-6526 or itsjustlunch.com.


1. Through a series of conversations, we get to know you and your relationship goals.

2. Your match is hand-selected and your date arranged. We’ll even make the restaurant reservations.

3. Meet your date face to face over lunch or drinks after work.

4. Call us with feedback after your date.

5. Put your membership on hold if sparks flew! (No sparks? No problem. We’ll get to work on your next match.)


" Dating shouldn’t feel like a job. Finding a match takes a lot of work – but let it be my job. Then you can go have the fun."


“ The best way to get to know someone is face to face. You can only feel “chemistry” if you are next to someone looking into their eyes.”


“Dating is such an important part of your life and shouldn’t be left to chance. You’ve got to be proactive and market yourself.”

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