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From the Helm – Editorial by William
from 2020-03 March
Our lives are influenced by friends, family and events that take place around us. When I was a pup, there were two news headlines that sparked a lifelong interest in the ocean and adventure for me.
The first, was Robert Manry sailing his 13.5 foot/4.1 meter sailboat across the Atlantic in 1965. I don’t really remember the headlines, but it was big news and I am certain that everyone was talking about it. So, this event must have wormed its way into my subconscious.
The second event was Sir Robin Knox-Johnson’s solo non-stop circumnavigation in 1968 to 1969. The Sunday Times Golden Globe Race was in the news and again, the public consciousness. This was big news and I remember some flashes of this event.
As I read more in high school, the OSTAR race was in the glossy sailing magazines (you know the ones I’m talking about). They showed high tech gear, with beautiful boats. It was great to read but nothing I could relate to.
These historic events were massive challenges taken on by skilled men and women. Today, we have GPS and all of the electronic aides in our daily lives. Heading out onto the water is still a risk that we should be prepared for, but at the same time, there are a lot of modern tools that help to reduce our risk and discomfort compared to 50 years ago. This issue we have some wonderful articles to spark your imagination. To prove the challenge of the sea is alive and well we are thrilled to introduce you to The Jester Challenge. A man or woman and an affordable sailboat can still have an adventure in life. No carbon fiber or rich sponsors are required. It helps if you are in the UK for the start, but hey, you have.a sailboat, sail over and then sail on back as part of the challenge. I would like to personally thank the writers and the challengers who participated in this challenge for being open to help spark our imaginations into what is achievable in our lives no matter what age we are.
The expensive sailboats of my youth are now asking for a loving hand to resurrect them. These old blue water capable boats are being sold cheap, given away or just scrapped outright. With time, labor, love and a dream, you can reach a goal to sail across the Atlantic. Adulthood takes away the memories of our childhood dreams, but as an adult, you can work towards making those dreams a reality. Take some time to allow yourself to dream again!