2 minute read
Watching students grow inspires a new beginning
Ms. Christiana Joyce CTE Teacher
Maine South has been through many changes since I started teaching here 26 years ago. Some changes have been incredible (such as the amazing updated building!) and some changes proved to be more challenging. Anyone in education knows that teaching requires constant flexibility with evolving curriculum, grading, assessments, attendance, and technology. Even students get a sample of the ever-changing education system simply from the difference in their older siblings attending Maine South in the previous years. But what has always stayed as a consistent anchor in my career has been the students and staff.
Throughout my career, I’ve taught all levels and ages, from preschoolers to elementary grades, and even junior high students for a brief time. While teaching each of those groups had its own rewards, there is nothing compared to the joy of teaching high school students. Teenagers finally start to understand who they are and get to experiment with who they will become. They start trying out new fashion styles, new looks, and new lifestyles. They try out different hobbies like drama, sports, musicals, clubs, or student government. They are trying to find out what they like, who they are, and what they might want to become. As teachers, we love being on this journey with them, and guiding them when we can. We enjoy watching them grow from freshman year to senior year, seeing how they mature, change, and become an adult by graduation. That senior year is so special and exciting— especially the second semester—when all the great things happen like college acceptance, Great America, senior honors night, prom, and graduation. It’s an incredibly rewarding job to witness the success of your students, even though many people think we’re a bit crazy to be with teenagers all day. But they keep us young! No, not every day is perfect—every job comes with challenges. But we always have many more good days than bad and those good days are the reason we keep coming to school every day to teach.
As with any job, your colleagues are one of the most important things because they can make your life truly enjoyable. Like your friends, they are there day-in and day-out listening, helping, and giving great advice when you need it. They are your mental health, they are your army, and they are the shoulder you cry on when you don’t have that great day. Because of them, you grow and stay sane. They are different from your friends outside of work because they understand your everyday struggles and accomplishments because they understand the ins and outs of your job. Some day, all of you will have jobs and careers. Even if you work fully remote, you will still most likely end up working with colleagues, and I only hope that you are able to create friendships like I have with my department. We are truly friends in and outside of work, always providing each other support. I hope you all get to experience the joy of a workplace filled with friendship and laughter as I have.
When you have colleagues like that and students like I have had for the past 26 years, you start to get a little sad about not being with them every day. I will miss seeing the growth, the accomplishments, and the joy I see from my students every day. I will miss the laughs and the support from my colleagues every day. When choosing a career path, they say do something you love and it is never considered work. Well, it was still work, but the relationships I created here during my time at Maine South have made all the difference. Thank you for such an incredible adventure.