Department Award Art Lisa Talamantez
Department Award Business Education Cindy Ciarmoli
Department Award Industrial Education Bill Banfield
Department Award Home Economics Sue Ratcliff
Department Award Business Education Nancy Zurek
Deserving MS Seniors Receive Awards Outstanding seniors of the class of '77 were honored today at the thirteenth annual Honors Assembly. Department awards were presented to students who were selected by the faculty as the most outstanding in each department during their four years at South. They were: Art, Lisa Talamantez; Business Education, Cynthia Ciarmoli and Nancy Zurek: English, Julia Lester; Home Economics, Sue Radcliff; Industrial Education, Gerald Zygmunt, Bill Banfield; Language. Mara Dukats, Sue Klages, and Andy Pantos; Mathematics. Jim Kelly; Music, Rob Franzblau; Boys' P.E , Jim Conner; Girls' P.E. Donna
Forde; Social Science, Peter Joyce; Science, Jane Weaver; and Speech Drama, Sue Tybon. Mr. Joel Morris presented Student Council Scholarships to Kim Devaney, Mark Gibson and Gerianne Smith. Mr James Booney presented National Merit Scholarships to Maryann Korzenieski, Amy Pontow. Julia Lester and Jane Weaver: he presented Evans Scholarships to Bill Dever and John Horbas. Illinois District 21 PTA presented a scholarship to Kathy Gibbons; the Chicago Tribune presented a scholarship to Bill Glennan. Panhellenic scholarships were presented by Mrs. Doris Collins
to Debora Saloman, Theresa Schroeder and Elizabeth Thies. Mrs. Collins also presented 20th Century Juniors Foundation Scholarships to Glen Altman, Barbara Buford, Donna Forde, Christopher Krol, Patrick Nugent and Sue Ann Savage.
University Scholarships included: St. John's, Minn, to Scott Sutschek: University of Iowa Merit Scholarship for freshmen to Rob Franzblau; Indiana U. to Elizabeth DiCola; Marquette, Milwaukee-Merit Scholarship to Bob Sherry; Purdue University
President's Honor Award to Julia Lester and Elizabeth Thies; Miami U. of Ohio Alumni-Merit Scholarship to Virginia Barklow. Memorial Scholarships ineluded; Kirk Miller Memorial to Barbara Lynch; Pip
southwords Vol. 13. No. 14 Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068
June 9, 1977
Drama Dept. A wards By Karen Maiorano Paul Vinopal was presented with a trophy for Best Thespian on May 27. Thirty-two other drama students and one parent were presented with trophies and medals for outstanding contributions to Maine South theater. The awards were presented by sponsors Mr. Don Martello and Mr. Vince Pinelli in the Maine South auditorium. "Paul Vinopal is one of the strongest technical graduates Maine South has had," said Mr. Martello. Paul was in charge of all the technical shows this year. He has
also been crew head for the last few years. Paul has put in approximately 600 hours in the last three shows as Student Technical Director of V-Show. Matchmaker, and Camelot. Paul was also vice-president of the Thespian Society this year and has been active in Summer Drama in past years. "Paul is one of the few students who can explain something and do it just as well," said Mr. Pinelli. Acting trophies were presented to Debby Johnson '77, Kevin Kielas "77, .Mike Flannery '77, and Cathy Rogowski '78. Medals for acting were presented to Ralph Black '80. and Dave Millheiser '78. Senior Greg Stanton was presented with a trophy for directing, and junior Nancy Lyons was awarded a medal for directing. The writing trophy was presented to Paul Amedei '77. Chris Hayes was presented with the senior trophy for service to the department, and Laura Sauter '77, was awarded a medal for service to the department. The costume trophy was pre-
John Phillip Sousa Rob Franzblau
John Phillip Sousa Jane Patterson
National Chorus Kevin Kielas
National Orchestra Eric Aho
Senior Musicians IHonored
chestra, Debra Gebhardt for her work in Band,, Barbara Staley and Valerie DeBartolo for their vocal contributions to Concert Choir, and Madelene Long for her performance in Treble Choir. The Marine Corps Youth Foundation Award was presented to Elizabeth Hohenstein in recognition of outstanding individual contribution. The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award was awarded to Randy Kulik. Laura Keim received the Treble Choir Award, and Mary Best Thespian Scheuermann received the Paul Vinopal Concert Choir Special Award. Both were awarded in recognition of vocal contributions. The European Ensemble, Mark Gibson—Kitsy Cavanaugh Most Likely to be Remembered Class Clown under the direction of Mr. Walter Mark Gibson—Kim Lindstrom Flechsig, provided the enMost Handsome / Beautiful Steve Malin—Gail Benson Most Changed Brett Pankau—Geri Smith tertainment for the awards Best Dressed Nick Vanella—Carolyn Stoltzner Joe / Josephine Cool Chris Daniels—Jill Krueger program. Best Walk Ken Mrowiec—Cheryl Linn Most Naive Jim McNamara—Pam Sandstrom Biggest Applepolisher Tom McGlade—Jeri Casaletto Best Sense of Humor Mark Gibson—Jean Bemardi Best Smile Mike Scolaro—Julie Gust Best Leader Bob Schultz—Kim Lindstrom Best Eyes Evan Olson—Sue Shaw Best Personality Pat Nugent—Gini Barklow Best Legs Frank Pagone—Elaine Dumich Guy / Girl Who Attracts Most Best Laugh Jon Walley—Vicki LoBianco Girls / Guys Tom McGlade—Sue Leonard Biggest Ham Mark Gibson—Kitsy Cavanaugh Most Gullible Mike Rill—Gini Barklow Best Party Giver Paul Stands—Kitsy Cavanaugh Biggest Sponge Jim Connor—Amy Pontow Best Party Goer Dick Howard—Lemme's Gang Biggest Flirt Scott Kimbrel—Lori Jacobs Worst Driver Frank O'Connor—Madeline Destefano Mr. / Ms. Brain Steve Lobue—Jane Weaver Fastest Mover Frank Pagone—Amy Pontow Best Date Bait Phil Hopkins—Marion Fisher Most Conservative Bob Eastman—Jane Weaver Biggest Freak Mickey Rooney—Ronna Schedel Most Mature Tim McNamara—Kathy Engelmann Biggest Rah Rah Pat Nugent—Kathy Gibbons Class Couple Gus Paloian—Ellen Smith Person With Whom You Would Most Masculine Feminine Most Like To Be Stranded Bill Tomrose—Carolyn Stoltzner Jazz Musicians On A Desert Island With John Petrucci—Sue Flanagan Steve LoBue—Sue Leonard Randy Kulik Most Likely to Succeed The Music Department recently honored its finest seniors at the annual Senior Music Awards program held May 24 in the auditorium. Mr. Robert Holzer, Park Ridge Kiwanis President, presented all the graduating music students with certificates commemorating the service, time and effort they had donated to the department. Specialized awards, given to students who have excelled in a specific area, were then presented. Eric Aho '77, received the
National School Orchestra Award for his performance in the Concert Orchestra. Jane Patterson '77, and Robert Franzblau '77, were presented with the John PhiUip Sousa Award in recognition of their achievements in band. The National School Choral Award, an acknowledgment of outstanding vocal performance was awarded to Kevin Kielas '77. Arion Awards, recognizing significant contributions in the various performance groups, were presented to: Julia Lester for her work in the Concert Or-
MS Seniors Select Classmates for Superlatives
Page 2
June 9, 1977
What To Will, To Bequeath, To Leave to MS I, Pat Pavese, being of unsound mind and unlikely body do bequeath to Mr. Gordon McLean, a slightly sweat-stained oboe and my ticket to the Ted Mack Amateur Hour! To Mrs. Anderle, a free supply of no-doz for the next art fair. To Lisa and Amy on the magazine staff, plenty of T.P. for the houses next year. To the chief, the choice of A-wing windows to glare out of. And, finally to Mr. Ken Beatty, one reject file and my choice of an "excellent" magazine staff next year! I, Garry Simmons, being of sound mind and one of the best photographers in the school, hereby bequeath to my wonderfully bright and witty, pre-freshman brother Bill, my favorite book entitled "HOW TO GET A DATE WITH A FRESHMAN GIRL; IN THREE EASY METHODS." To Ralph Black and Mike Stevenson, I leave you each other because after this year is up, neither of you will have any friends at all. To Barry Petersen, one finely sharpened pair of scissors to play around with—cut your hair, not your wrists. To Julie Keller, plenty of paper for her future photo orders to Bill. To Bill Kroeschell, the will that you at least finish reading ONE of
Julie's photo orders. To Jackie and Cathy Hoist, hope of growth beyond .i'2". To those sweet young fillies at 6A lunch with me, I will them all iron stomachs for their remaining lunch periods at South, where learning and fun are one. To Neil Maloney, a much better reputation than your brother has built up. To Tom Long, Maryanne Herrindaly. Yvonne Huske. Liz and Mary Buckely, Katie Krell. Jim Delano, Debbie Wyatt (my good friend), Terri Haines, Chris Sopata, Chuck May. John Guzolik, Russ Skiba and Carolyn Quinn (ace cub editor), I leave absolutely nothing, because you deserve no less. I, Brian Maloney, being of demented mind and a body lusting for Julie Keller, do hereby bequeath: Mr. Martello, the hope that you can find someone who can act as well as I could (It won't be tough to do). To Bill Kroeschell, one slightly used darkroom (with hopes that you'll do things that were meant to be done in a dark room) along with the book, "HOW TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR WITHOUT GETTING SHOT AT." To the rest of the editors, especially Russ, I hope you won't give Bill as many photo orders as
Students Comment on Cafeteria Dear Swindets: Well—you blew it! We asked you over and over and over again but you wouldn't listen. Now it's too late! Go ahead. Read on, and while you're reading—throw your fruit punch on the kid next to you, jump up and down on your nutty bar, lay your yogurt ice cream
Juniors Awarded High History Honors One hundred sixty-nine Maine South history and Social Science students were awarded honors certificates for academic excellence at the 13th Annual Social Science Honors Night Tuesday, May 10. High Honors in United States History were awarded to Thomas Berg, Denise Broz, Mary Callahan, Mary Filkins, David Greising, Christian Hallen, Margaret Kerr, Lori Komomicki, Susan McMahon, Ruth Moody, David Murray, James Pranger, Kaveh Safavi, Jeffrey Starzec, Thomas Tryboski and Jean Walsh. Mrs. Fred Brunkow, Historian of the 21st Star Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, presented each high honors recipient with a D.A.R. Certificate of Achievement. Junior Tom Berg was designated by the History Department as the Peggy Ross Best American History Scholar for 1977. He was presented the D.A.R. medal by Mrs. Harold Yepsen, Regent, 21st Star Chapter.
Department Award Industrial Education Gerard Zygmunt
bar on the chair and leave it. Fun, isn't it? Isn't it appetizing to all, to wade into our cafeteria for lunch? No! It's a sty! We don't care though, we're seniors and we're leaving. In our last letter we asked you to shovel your way to lunch. Forget it. Now you need a snowblower, next year it will be a bulldozer, and after two more years, a tank. Don't you dare complain about the cafeteria food, you deserve worse. Maybe we'll come back next year with dynamite and try to blow you out of the debris. Signed, Six Sickened Senior 6B Snackers
you gave me. To Julie Keller, a copv of "THE SENSUOUS CHRIS SOPATA," read up Julie! To Mr. Beatty, I hope you can find someone who can actually take pictures. To Frank and Ann, someone even grosser than Tim Kupjack to eat lunch with. And to my little brother, Neil, I leave nothing, absolutely nothing. We, the rowdie half of the senior homeroom of C-129, being of radical minds and numerous bodies, do hereby bequeath to our homeroom teacher, Miss Butler, a brand new batch of freshmen, in the hopes that they will carry out our four year tradition of being rowdie. We, the "Kid" and the "Watt," being of perverted mind and body, do hereby bequeath to Mr. Higgins, a frog; to Mr. Doherty, a bottle of vitamins and a muscle toner; to Mr. Deines. I, the "Kid," leave you "Watt" and a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz; and to Mr. Hopkins, the nickname "Huck," with a whole new accent to go with it; and not to mention Mr. Tyler, whom we leave hockey skates with training wheels for the baby and a personal barber for him. I, Greg Stanton, being of humble mind and semi-limber body, leave all my worldly goods (and bads) to the following beings: To Julie Kielas, 26 desks and a broom to prepare for the "Big M." To Mr. Martello. a freshman intermission organist and a forgotten application for summer drama. I leave a recording of "Steam Heat" to Ralph Black. To Mr. Bell, a book of 1001 movements to be used in future ensemble engagements. To Mr. McLean, a quick count of four. To Tori (Mr. Andre's star dog), a book on "How to upstage a senior actor." To Maine South, I leave. I, Paul Morrell, in order that Morrell Logic will linger on like the taste of sour milk, leave my theory of Non-Existence to Mr. D. Dickey and Mr. R. Cook, and my theory of the Non-Universe to Mr. R. Teller and Mr. J. Elliott. In the
words of Mr. V. Windbigler, "You deserve to suffer." We, Jeannine, Kathy and .Noreen, of the school of Maine South, county of cooked, state of well being, being of sound and disposing minds and memory, do hereby make publish and declare this to be our last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills made by us before the presente date. First, we hereby direct that a spot be designated and dedicated to our beloved Miss Voelz, a plot of land for all people who enjoy "clumping" and would appreciate a peaceful spot for this above said activity. Second, to Mrs. Sellers, a butterfly collection to go along harmoniously with her yoga butterfly exercise and other yoga exercises, so when she is in her positions, she will have extreme relaxation, and dream of her beach with the sun center spreading warmth to all parts of the body. Thanks for the fun! The soccer team, being poor misplaced souls, leave their losing record to the J.V. cheerleaders who never cheered us on. We, the 7th period AP English class (that's the upper 3 per cent of American English students) being of well educated minds and even better educated bodies, do herebv bequeath the following: to Mr. Hunt, the book, "The Parapalegic's Guide to Lawn Maintenance;" to Mr. Granzyk, an I.O.U. for all the themes he never saw a Nerf football so he won't get hurt on Sundays; to Miss Wright, an inflatable lifesize Richard III, complete with deformities; and to Mr, Kerr, a lifetime supply chinks-in-the-wall and a flesh-colored mask for when his face gets red. I, Peter Joyce, being of mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Mrs. Heerman, an Alfred E. Newman mask to give your students a laugh. To Mr. Dickey, a complete step-by-step explanation of the Jim Conner Method of solving trigometric
equations to teach to next year's flunkies. To Mr. Hunt, 101 different ways to write an essay question asking "What is Life?" and an instruction booklet entitled "How to Cut Your Lawn Without Losing Life or Limb." To Mr. Schultz, my sister Marianne in your AP U.S. History class to give you a headache. I, Brian Ruxton. as my last will and testament, leave my mind, totally unused, to anyone who wants to use it. To Mr. John Ricitelli. a 1960 Corvair Greenbriar and a hairy high bar cable to cheer him up while Buford is away. And finally, to my younger sister, a mold for her to tr%' and fit even though I broke it. I. Stella Taglialavore, being of stunned mind and toothless txxiy, leave to the future varsity cheerleaders my three front teeth, roots and all, which can be bronzed to be put on display in the Maine South trophy case for •Outstanding Brave Athletes." I also leave to them, one book of (continued on page 4)
Best Science/Math Student Announced By Catherine Dever Awards were presented to numerous students who did outstanding work in their various science classes on Thursday. May 12. Each science teacher chose several of their top students to be given awards. The Renssalaer Award established in 1916. was presented to Daniel Bors. The junior receiving this award must do outstanding work in both math and science. The math and science faculties must together agree upon the one student who has done the best in both departments. The Bausch and Lomb Award is presented each year to the one senior who has done the most outstanding work in four years of science. This year Ravi Salgia received the Bausch and Lomb Award.
£,miicm Ate 'Ruimmg Ihmqk Semx Cfodd BY KIMBERLY KUMIEGA
"Describe four years of your life in 400 words or less." This is an assignment that no teacher, no matter how bad, ugly or virtually vicious he is, will require a student to write about. The reason is, it's impossible to express all the fear, excitement, surprise, sadness and happiness that we've felt. Change becomes the obvious key word to our high school experience. From "teeny hoppers" to "legal" adults, we've changed. I can't say I'm anxious to leave some true friendships behind, but I can't say I'd do it all over again either. Mixed emotionsfeelings nuuiing all over the place. We all look forward with conscious anticipation, trying not to look back. How can we not though? How can we know if it's all uphill / downhill from here? We don't. For many of us, now is the time to make it or break it on our own. Everyone gets a fresh start. But will you be higher or
Department Award Language Sue Klages
Department Award Language Andy Pantos
lower, popular or lonely, friendly or conceited? How do you see yourself, the world, life? Any bitterness is gone now. Everyone is instead concentrating on only what he can retain from Maine South: the friends, the fun, the parties. We all march towards our graduation commencement confident that we are "well known" to our classmates. Then, we realize just how many faces are strange to us' Then we realize how many people we don't know, how much farther we have to go, and how much we don't want to let go. In spite of all the library systems, the closed campus, the non-smoking regulations and the study halls, we all came out all right. We grew into Maine South as we each grew up. Maybe all our disagreements and fervent complaining stemmed from a genuine concern about our school and our relation with it. Taking everything into consideration, I'll miss Maine South, and I thank it for letting me become a part of it.
Department Award Mathematics Jim Kelly
Department Award Music Rob Franzblau
June 9, 1977
Page 3
Unsung Heroes Named by SW Editors Ravi Salgia was one of six people chosen by the Southwords editors as unsung heroes. Ravi, one of the most intelligent students in the senior class, took both AP Chemistry and AP Biology, something that very few students attempt. He has to his credit a Chemistry award, a Spanish award, and an award for the best Math combined with Science student. Ravi would frequently help fellow students with any problems they had in Math or Science. Ravi also participated in Chess Club.
Wills I. Tim Cagney. leave to the famed lunch table of 5B, Mike DiNanno's hamburgers, Dan DiNanno's pizzas and french fries, Myron Bodnar's club sandwiches. To Quitmann Sullins (Big Q), another choke for next year, and a bucketful of water over his head so he might learn how to coach. To Mrs. Keiler, all my great themes in Indiv. Reading and especially my term paper from Reading and Research. To Mr. Hall, all the wars in European History and the great German race and more wars in the future. To Mr. Morris, the book I never bought, and all my fascinating notes that I took and I also leave the Peking Chinks football team to next year's class. To Doctor Vergoth, Mike DiNanno's "Cs" and Myron Bodnar's (Big M.) "As" and leave him Rich Schenberg for next year. We, Lauren Demos and Cindy Bottalla, do hereby bequeath to our favorite math teacher, Mr. J. LaFruit, who taught us everything we know about the theorem of Pythagoras (which is nothing), the following items necessary to have an orderly class: a roll of masking tape (for students who have a hard time keeping quiet), a cat-o-nine tails (for misbehaving). Crazy Glue (to keep students from leaving their seats before the bell rings), and last, free acting lessons (to teach him how to keep a straight face when he's trying to "be ugly"). I, Therese Schroeder, being of severely abused mind and uncommentable body, do hereby leave the following items upon my departure of this beloved in-
Department Award Boys' Physical Ed. Jim Conner
Margaret Seng is another unsung hero in the senior class. Meg has been very active in sports along with a good academic record. She received a Spanish award. Meg played in class basketball and volleyball. She was one of the female athletes that gave Girls' sports a good year and kept team morale up. Meg was also a kev plaver on the Girls" Varsity Volleyball team. Meg participated on the Softball team and in many intraumural sports.
Bob Eastman Robert Eastman was also chosen as an unsung hero. Bob put his many talents together throughout his high school career to participate in many activities. He played on the baseball team and was a member of the Pep band. He went with Pep band on their trips to Cub's Park and Florida. He also belonged to the Marching band and Tri-M. He received awards in French I and n, and a Social Service Award. Bob was also elected to the Brotherhood society. He was always a pleasant person to have in a class or an activity.
Meg Seng
Wills . . .
Wills . . .
stitution "where learning and fun are one." To Tom Varrige, upon payment of $100, all my notes from Bio II AP, to Mr. Teller and Mr. Hagland, the same $100 to initiate my brother, Ed, into Physics. To Mr. Windbigler, replacements for the countless number of lest tubes I broke in Chem and to my sister, complete with a wardrobe of short skirts. To my sister Kal. third period gym class for four years and the molding remains of my gym locker. To Mr. Van Proyen, a gold ring for his ear so he can enter the "Mr. Clean look alike contest." To Mr. Sass, my membership in Sigma Chi Sigma, a new book of blank hall passes so his classroom doesn't become crowded, and a hot pink turtleneck sweater with "Monday" embroidered across the chest. To Mr. Horna, the first copy of my latest sci-fi thriller, "The Bionic Owl and the Invasion of C-132." To Mr. Rossetti, a cricket lighter with which to burn his copies of Warriner's and How to Destroy an English Theme in Three Easy Steps and a year's supply of rug cleaner to the rest of the school, I just leave.
Karen Patt, a year's supply of melted chocolate malts. Mr. Rossetti, and another year to go of good ol' Maine South i Ha Ha); to Miss Albrecht, all the luck this summer and years to come, and someone to take attendance for her; to Mrs. Anderle, all my indispensable knowledge of Indian art; and last but not least, from Buzz, being of fatigued mind and fatigued body, will to thee, Bunky, my boy crazy bundles of job. Explorer Post 125.
Nanette LeMonier Nanette Le Monier was chosen as another unsung hero. Nanette is widely known for her part as an announcer for WMTH. Nanette is also in Tri-M and a member of the Treble Choir Ensemble. Nanette was involved in the VShow and also a member of the Thespian Society. Nanette has also played in intramural volleyball and helped with the costumes for the plays. She participated in Musical Chorus and Contest Play.
I, Sioux Augustyn, of profound mind and body, bequeath to David Millheiser, the South Park Field House piano. To Mike Stevenson, a new thimble and radio antenna. To Future Mrs. Torp students, 2,000 extra "Queen Anne and the Hole in the Ceiling" stories (to add to her 1,000). To Mr. Flechsig, a metronome. To Mr. Nelson, an 8" lower lip and my spirit to haunt you. And, to Adams, Beller and Bogusz, an "asterisk" to each of you. I, Jeff Gunsteens, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following items to the following people. To Mark Borrows, one very bushy eyebrow, one lock of hair blowing in the wind, one can of beans, a fork and a two-gallon bucket for you know what. To Maggie Crowe, a set of crutches and an extra knee. So Sue Kluchenek, a date with me anytime. To Gina Bernacchi, I leave Mark Borrows. To Don Riley, one book of matches.
I, John Kritsas, of gear-head mind and body, do hereby bequeath my title of fastest and most corqueable car to Adam Mathies, if and only if, he can get his car to run half as quick as mine, I also iiequeath my unique badminton abilities to Carol Kazuk, who will need them next year in order to not repeat her "choke." We, Leslie Keenan, Tim I, Kathy Nolan, being of insane Pfeiffer and Debbi Stanley being mind and unspeakable body, do of no mind and all body, hereby hereby will the following: to bequeath to Judy Brennan our
Department Award Girls' Physical Ed. Donna Forde
Paul Vinopal is another unsung hero of Maine South. Paul has been instrumental in working on the crews of Maine South's musicals and plays. The members of the crews are truely unsung. The actors go on stage but the crew is not seen by the audience. Paul is one of the main reasons for the success of the plays and musicals. Paul is also a member of National Honor Society.
Department Award Science Jane Weaver
Paul Vinopal
WMTH Presents Special Awards
Rob Franzblau Robert Franzblau, another unsung hero, was active in a variety of school activities. Robert was a member of Pep Band and in Tri-M. He participated in Orchesis and V-Show. Robert is in the Thespian Society and the National Honor Society. Other awards he has received include Science, Language, and Social Science honors. Robert was also elected to Brotherhood Society.
Wills . . . Softball and lucky bat. To Michelle Kugach, one box of 64 Crayola Crayons. To our beloved sisters, Mary Jo and Lindy. our good family reputation. To Kevin Pegler, our collection of presidential campaign buttons. To Gail Sowa, our book on "How To Overcome Your Shyness in One Easy Lesson." To Tick Fonseca and his black T-shirt club, one can of Afro Sheen and their own monogrammed T-shirts. To David Sutton, one new pair of sandals. To John Mazarski and Keith Engelson, our Thompson's uniforms. To Laura Torjan, all my moldy clarinet reeds, and my
Department Award Social Science Peter Joyce
WMTH, the Maine Township radio station, held its annual dessert Thursday, June 1, to honor members of their staff. Several awards were given out. The awards were divided into four categories. Kevin Mikell was named Outstanding Staff Member. Special Recognition Awards were given to Keith Grandolph, Terri Haines, Tim Hultgren, and Carl Palffy. Receiving Service Awards were Emily Kittler, Rich Erbach, Rick Santangelo, and Bruno Belmonte. The Rookie of the Year Award was given to Robert Tamburrino. The 1977-78 Staff Heads were also announced at the dessert. They are as follows: Program Director. Emily Kittler; Assistant Program Director, Keith Grandolph; News Director, Bruno Belmonte; Sports Director, Rick Erbach; Chief Engineer, Rick Santangelo; Assistant Chief Engineer, Brian Rowley; Publicity Director, Susie Mathy; Public Service Director, Steve Kurtzer; Traffic Director, Terri Haines; Music Director, Sue Rosenberg; Current Comments Producer, Kevin Mikell; Review Producer, Jenny Fiedler.
Wills . . . 13th chair. To Eric Pawelek, we leave nothing. To Mark Pfeiffer, one slightly bent Spitfire. I, Michael William Scolaro, in my final act of good will at Maine Township High School South (where learning and fun are one) do hereby bequeath the Goodyear Blimp to Mrs. Krejcik and to the Big One himself, the knowledge that somebody finally got the best of you.
Department Award Speech Drama Sue Tybon
Page 4
June 9, 1977
Majority Seniors Choose To Stay in State ALABAMA Trov State University: J. Theobald. V. of Alabama: M. Dzulynsky. ARIZONA Arizona State: K. Richter. Northern Arizona: P. Weiland. Scottsdale .lunior College: R. Smith. V. of Arizona: M. Kelley, M. Mioduski, G. Oliver, S. Shaw. ARKANSAS U. of Arkansas: S Augustyn. CALIFORNIA Pepperdine: S. Leonard. V. of San Diego: C. Hayes, F. Lewis. I', of Southern California: S. Nelson. Westmont College: D. Gebhardt, COLORADO Regis College: M. Landerghini. L'. of Colorado: R. Emerick I', of Denver: K. Fallon. FLORIDA FMorida Technical University: S. Pohlson. U. of Florida: P. Carroll.
GEORGIA Southern Tech. of Georgia: T. Testa. ILLINOIS American .Academy of .Art: J. Bernardi. Art Institute: H. Briggis, E. Johnson, T. Nelles. Augustana: J. Call, M. Gibson, E. Johnson. G. Paloian. Bradley: G. Evett, W, Guse. K. Latos, K. Mooney, M. McRaynolds. Chicago Circle: J. Allegretti, V. Baggetto, P. Bajalcalieu, R. Belts, E. Blattner, K. Braband, I. Bratko. S. Buford, R. Daly, N. Defensor, M. DeJean. N. Doubek, D. Erickson. M. Gibson. B. Halminiak, D. Howard, E. Ishu, K. Kadlec, J. Korenchan. D. Lannon, R. Martino. A. Marz, E. McNeela, J. Nash, O. Nawarynsky. K. Nunne, K. Olsen. M. Pakucko. D. Parmentier. A. Reimann, R. Resch. Z. Srodulski, J. Swanson, M. Till, V. Velasco, M. Weinzierl. Concordia Teacher's College: L. Duncan. DePaul: J. Covey, H. Griffith, J. Lasare, S. Padgitt, M. Walsh, N. Zurek. Kaslern Illinois: D. Doherty, T. Markus. Elmhurst: K. Fuhriman, S. Malin. C. Oprondek, C. Ruyak. Glendale Community: D. Laszczak. Harper: D. Anderman, K. Bucaro, K. Cappetta, C. CiarmoH, J. Cleveland. L. Cortese, C. Decanini, I. Groves, E. Lee, S. Martin, S. Nau, J. Peterson, G. Richardson, J. St. John. Illinois Benedictine: E. Boesen. Illinois State: G. Altman, C. Bottalla, C. Clarke, T. Dawidczyk, E Dumich, J. Epiney, K. Gibbons, D. Griebler, K. Hawkins, G. Hendrie, T. Hogan, J. Hughes, P. Jager, D. Johnson, D. Johnson, H. Kann, N. LeMonier, D. Linden, N. Norlander, M. Long, J. Novak, E. Poteracki, T. Rortvedt, B. Ruxton, L. Sauter, L. Sauter, S. Sellers, B. Solon, D. Stanley, M. Sweetman, S. Taglialavore, H. Thurmer, S. Tybon, K. Varrige, V. Walker, G. Winchell, R. Wood. Illinois Institute of Tech.: R. Grott, D. Hathaway, C. Heffernan, D. Loda, C. Urbane. Illinois Wesleyan: C. Bringas.
Knox College: C. Daniels, R. Rosenberg. Lake Poorest: J. Getz. Lewis University: F. DiCosola Loyola: B. Arbeit, M. Bodnar, P. Chemers, M. Dinanno, M. Gerdisch, M. Grabowski, M. Grandi. T. Hadfield. T. Helin, A. Ing, H. Ing, S. Kopp, M. Korzenieski, J. Kowols, J. Kritsas, L. Lazzara, D. Martell, G. Nagel, C. Palmer, M. Parenti. J. Petrucci, R. Salgia. MacMurray: M. Hall. McHenry: M. Guidarelli. Eastern Illinois: S. Hinsch. Millikin: R. Tomilson. .\Ioser: J. Boehme. A. Johnson. Mundelein: M Blanke. National College of Education: K. Birch, E. Lenke. Northeastern Illinois: C. Kemmerer, R. Kiefel, D. Heiberger, D. Nocchi, C. Smith, D. Steffens, R. Udischas. Northern Illinois: T. Aiello, G. Anderson, K. Catalano. J. Chrzan, L. Deters, R. Diekmann, G. Dziedzina. P. Evans, D, Forde, K. Frycek, J. Gust, I. Heuck, J. Ingolia. J. Kaleth, M. Kennedy, L. Krajewski, S. Kuntz, B. Lange, B. Leszczynski, C. Linn, S. Linzing. D. Nakagawa, S. Pacilio, F. Pagone, T. Pater, J. Patterson, J. Pawlikowsky, L. Pegler. C. Peterson, M. Pioussard. K. Rhode. D. Riddle, T. Schnieeman, R. Schultz, R. Sigle, E. Smith. R. Szaflarski, D. Tastad, I. Zenkich. North Park: E. Aho, D. Brocato, D. Domenz, D. Rusch. Northwestern: E. Bacher. K. Conway, C. Cregier. K. Engelmann. K. Koenig, K. Kumiega. K. Lindstrom, T. McGlade, D. Saloman. J. Thomas, H. Woodside. Oakton: J. Agosta, S. Andoniadis, D. Barth, W. Banfield. J. Bauer, M. Bayers, M. Biritz, S. Burke, D. Clarke, D. Crowe, J. Cudia, C. Dimperio, D. Eness, L. Fess, A. Fischer, N. Fitzsimons, M. Galladora, M. Godlewski, D. Grego, E. Guaz, J. Harczak, J. Jacobs, D. James, F. Jensen, C. Jones, D. Kane, J. Kaspryk, J. Kilroy, K. Kort, D. Kosar, K. Lange, P. I.ÂŤone, D. Lohens, J. Lynch, R. Moher, S. Maroney, P. Marvin, M. Meilicke, H. Molinare, C. Mullan, N. Ninnemann, E. Olson, P. Pavese, B. Pelikan, S. Pozdro, C. Pudelwitts, S. Rizzo, S. Rossier, M. Sarlo, R. Schendel, K. Schiesser, C. Schultz, M. Sciortino, A. Shlapak, G. Simmons. G. Smith, K. Stanton, M. Sturm, K. Sullivan, K. Szymanski, S. Tolzien, L. Urquhart, N. Vanella, C. Vasilion, R. Urban, K. Weiss, K. Wieland, T. Wilke, J. Yost, T. Zaworski, D. Zirnite. Parkland: K. Wasmund. Rosary: J. Casaletto, C. Garro. Southern Illinois: K. Bogusz, R. Cummins, L. Cuttone, M. De Salvo, J. Dorman, C. Gobbo, W. Gross, D. Heick, W. Juckett, S. Kimbrel, S. Krejcik, J. McNamara, C. Mullally, K. O'Brien, M. Pabich. A. Skawinski. Trinity: J. Hepburn. Triton: K. Aicyqon, M Beil. S. Black, G. Blohm. K. Busa, E. Catino, T. Cappadais, D. Binetti, D. DeNoma. D. Dickerson, M. Dussault, D. Exton, D. Fenwick. J. Figlioli, W. Fistedis, D. Gabriel, E. Gebelhoff, G. Johnson, D. Grenke, G. Horn, J. Hills, S. Himley. G. Hudson, K. Irelan, K. Johnson, R. Joris, R. Jozsa, K. Kazimer. J. Knutsen. R. Kucera, R. Kulik. T. Kupjack, K. Lange, M. Laverty, C. Lemme, R. Leszczynski, E. Lombardo, D. Lovkvist, R. Ludwig. E. Marcus, L. Matsie, M. McGrath, A. Menolascino, J. Milczarek, C. Miller, C. MoUin, S. Nelson, K. O'Brien, K. Oswald, T. Petrick, T. Pfeiffer. S. Pierobon, S. Pirok. R. Siemion, J. Small, M. Soderlind. C. Staton, T. Ranallo, A. Riefenberg, T. Schiffer. B. Scott. G.
Straz. L. Truszkowski, R. Turano, S. Walsh, K. Wegrzvn, M. Wirth. L. Winkowski, "G. Zygmunt U. of Illinois—Champaign Urbana; J. Baum, J. Baumgartner, S. Brey. A. Budris, J. Burgess. J. Callahan, W. Christian. K. Conn, J. Culverwell. K. Devaney, K. Devaney, M. Dukats, C. Durack, M. Dever. M. Flannerv, C. Fletcher, T. Fritz, G. Gunther, M. Heratv. J. Horbas. J. Johnson, P. Joyce, J. Kelly. S. Klages, J. Krueger. C. Krol. B. Kurowski, J. Loughlin, T. Gnaster. M. Mamul, E. Novak, K. Papienski, C. Pelzl, J. Pientka. D. Rempert. G. Rojek. M. Russay. P. Sandstrom, M. Scheuermann, L. Schniedwind, M. Scotese. G. Sheehan, G. Sheffer, M. Snow. W. Stinson, S. Sutschek, L. Talamantez, P. Valles, M. VanderWerff, P. Vinopal, M. Zdeblick.
Western: L. Britten, J. Carlson. S. Christensen. L. Jacobs, R. KoUin, S. Limper. E. Much, P. Nelson, L. Potts, S. Senf, C. Smith. B. Staley. K. Thurnell, J. Uscian, 1. Zuhlke. Wheaton: S. Helmholz, K. Rafayko, K. Robery. Wright: M. Wetendorf INDIANA DePauw: F. O'Connor. Indiana University: W. Beile, R. Eastman, M. Gottwald, M. Gundersen. D. Hermann, V. Mielecki, P. Nugent, S. Ratcliff, S. Savage, K. Scharringhausen, M. Seng, K. Vernon. North wood Institute: W. StubbJefield. Purdue: P. Amidei. W. Beller. D. Boran, T. Cagney. K. Kuechenberg. J. Lester. J. Rasmuson. P. Stenerson, S. Strong. D. Takehara, E. Thies. W. Tornrose. Saint Marv's of Notre Dame: M. Scott, C.Stolzner. U. of Notre Dame: M. Scolaro. Valparaiso: K. Dude, T. Keating, S. Maas, J. Race, S. Salisbury, M. Walters. IOWA Coe College: P. Bixby, M. Pope. Cornell of Iowa: K. Kielas. Drake: J. Johnson, T. Kroeschell. K. Mrowiec, T. Mueller. P. Preston, C. Riley. Iowa State University: R. Buckley, D. Dawidczyk, V. DeBartolo, L. Keenan, K. Mix. I', of Iowa: M. Chakos, R. Franzblau, L. Haselhuhn, D. Mueller. A. Pontow, P. Zdunek MASSACHUSETTS Boston College: G. Kania MICHIGAN .Andrews: A. Schilling Ferris State: C. Craig, M. Fay, L. Frey. Michigan State: P. Lukens Northwestern: K. Michalik, J. Murphy U. of Detroit: S. Gasior U. of Michigan: T. McNamara MINNESOTA Carleton College: R. Cordes, S. Ebner, G. Smith Minneapolis Institute of .Art: K. Dirr. St. Mary's College: M. Bonahoom. MISSOURI Lincoln College: L. Thompson. Stephens College: B Buford. J, Dunne Tarkio College: P. Leyva
U. of Missouri: J. Huelskamp, J. Walley. Washinton University: K. Burson. S. LoBue. William VSoods: J. Hautop MONTANA Montana State: A. Engmark. U. of Montana: P. Marks NEW MEXICO U. of New Mexico: D, Steinbach. NORTH CAROLINA Duke: R. Olsen OHIO Denison: J. Grauer, P. Morreli. Miami of Ohio: J. Krumwiede, M. Nesbit. Ohio University: D. Roberts Ohio Weslevan: J. Conner OKL.AHOMA Oklahoma University: B. Vogt OREGON " U. of Oregon: T. Bak. SOUTH CAROLINA Clemson: M. Moorman. TENNESSEE Vanderbilt: C. LiUeberg, R. Olsen. TEXAS North Texas State: A. Donovan. Rice: A. Pantos UTAH Southern Utah State: J. Bartusek I . of Utah: K. Molick WISCONSIN Alvemo: G. Lewis Carroll: B Pankau Carthage: E, Hohenstien Marquette: C. Daly, M. Hershey, S. Petrowski, T. Schroeder, J. Semrow, R. Sherrv, D. Todd, S. Williams. Milton: M. Hall St. Norbert: L. Demos, F. Guccione, M. Smith, P. Standa, J. Turk, B. Zurek. U. of Wisconsin: S. DaValle U. of Wisconsin-La Crosse: M. Engerman, K. Nolan. D. Swanson. U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: R. Schmelzer. U. of Wisconsin-Platteville: A. Ivaska U. of Wisconsin-River Falls: J. Shoemauer. U. of Wisconsin-Stout: R. Karacic, S. Nelson, P. Rizzo. U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater: M. Styczen. D. Williams. COSTA RICA U. of Costa Rica: G. Ortiz Acuna. FRANCE Loyola of Paris: J. Melia. SPECIAL AND TR.\DE SCHOOL N. Antosh, L. Bara, G. Bruni, M. DeStefano, E. Donnelly. D. Erickson, S. Flanagan, H. Lauer, .N. Mansueto, J. Marshall, S. McAuliff, P Niemet, M. Rill, G. Stanton, N. Tinghino, D. Trudell, R. Walsh, P. Water. COLLEGE UNDECIDED D. Asplund, T. Barr, D. Calamari, D. Deichmann, M. Elliott, T. Garcea, D. LaRue, D. Umbach. J. Weaver, C. Zietkiewicz. MILITARY .Air Force: B. Armstrong, W. Erickson. .Army: D. Schmidt. Merchant Marines: D. Bahry. Navy: C. Haggmann, D. Laloggia GET AJOB D. Adams. P. Armato. C. Babinec, M. Barron, K. Belz, G. Benson, A. Bemacchi. C. Bodnar, G. Boettcher. C. Brinkerhoff, J. Chubirka, C. Cimaglia, D. Corea. J. Damiani. J. DiSilvestro. C. Ehom, B. EUwood, C. Erskine. S. Ettswold, J. Fritz. A. Frontzak. M. Gabriel, N. Galladora, M. Ganko, J. Giroux, M. Gramza, D. Grusecki, J. Gunsteens. D. Hansen. C. Hanson, M. Hollerbach, J. Holmstrom, J. Hoshell, T. Hunt, E. Jonland, G. Kaepplinger, L. Keim. S Kolar. J. Kroeckel. D. Langtim, D. Larson, A. LeBeau. G Lee, P. Liner, V. LoBianco. G. Lombard!, S. Macejak, K Madej. B. Maloney, D. McAleer, J.
Meyers. G. Miller. M. Miller. S. Miller, L. Monestero, G. Moyer, K. Mylander, A Neubauer, M. Ofenloch. C. Ogarek, T. Otvos, C. Packer. S. Piccoli. W. Podrazik, J. Read. D. Rinard. D. Roberson, S. Roth, J. Roznv. S. Saltzman, D. Sprang, R Schield. B. Schmidt, M. Schwenk. D. Schwind, M. Sherman. J. Smith. C. Sommer, J. Spoonholtz. M. Utley, V. Taramelli. S. Thunberg, K. Thorsen. E. Towne. B. Tumquest. L. Ventimiglia, T. Vitello, K. Voss, T. Wilson, S. Wischoffer, C. Yeaman. TRAVEL T. Coyne, M. Lupori. NO PLANS MADE P. Brunner, M. Bryant, P. Connollv, N. Frank, M. Gajewski, G. Guefcio. R. Haas, V. Kellan, R. O'Connell, G. PascoUa, L. Silver, H. Stahlberg, M. Vetterii.
I hereby be . . . (continued from page 2) rules on how to make a successful pyramid and at the same time keep all of the teeth in your mouth. We the "Back-Row" of A-223 being of prejudiced mind and ethnic body, do hereby will to Mr. "Bob Hope" Morris, the "BackRow." We leave him our suburbia games for his next dinner party, 33 candles for his birthday cake and a one-way ticket to Ellis Island. Also we include a set of his favorite eighttrack tapes; "The Best of the Chicanes, Mark Gibski Live, 201 Questions You Never Thought of Asking by Kathy Kadlec, Fred Koramatsu Singing Four Foot Five, Slanty Eyes." Lastly, we leave you, Mr. Morris, with the last "Back-Row" quote, "In this entire mess only the 'Back-Row' has class." I, Kim Kumiega, being of pounding temples (after typing all these wills), and exhausted fingers, do hereby bequeath to Russ Skiba, all the "fun" I've had with Southwords this year. To Julie Keller, luck with Russ, Chris, John and Dan at the printer's next year. To John Peters, reporters who continually ask, "What should I write about?" To Chris Sopata, the hope that you'll do less talking (about Hawk, O.C. etc.) and more working. To Dan, prayers. To all the reporters, I leave the big booming metropolis of Maine South to identify, predict, decide and act on. To Russ, the wish that somebody steals your "park bench." Remember our motto: We're no. 3, we don't try at all. We, the fearsome foursome (Gibs, Loads, Skull, and Vinops) of Mr. Elliot's final Calculus class, being of integral minds and differential bodies, do bequeath to next year's B.C. saps, our heartfelt sympathy. Due to the loss of Mr. Elliott as professor of Calculus, we feel it is our duty to equip you with the necessary tools, such as a handy fly swatter, a telescope, and a hand wave for when you're in trouble. But for times of real distress, remember our motto, "Hey Day, wait for t"
June 9, 1977
Page 5
We the Honorable Class of 1977 Do . . . I, Micheal Laverty, being of misplaced mind and body, leave the following: to Jack "last guy out, turn off the showers on your side" or "one towel to a customer" Tilley, 236 towels that have mysteriously disappeared during the course of the year. To Ken "Adolph" Hooton, 100 Ways To Act Like Hitler, To John Killcullen, I leave Clark Hansen (forgive me, Mr. K.). To Debbie Stanley, my pocket watch. To Mr. Glen Van Proyen, next year's frcKh. And last and certainly least, my (high) spirits to Joe "Let's get inside boys" Bonnaclonna. I, Lord Thomas Mueller, being of super mind and equal ego, do hereby bequeath to Mr. Beatty, whose guiding hand holds the fine Maine South publications together, my deepest sympathies on learning of his new Photo Ed. I, Sue Brey, being of sound mind but somewhat questionable body, do hereby bequeath to Mrs. Seller's 1st period 16" softball class, a medal of honor for putting up with my Irish temper when I was mistakenly called out by my blind team members. To Mr. Doherty of 3rd period Indiv. Reading, Patty Enans and I leave our hysterical laughter from the back of the room and a theme on "How to Write a Theme About a Book You Never Read." To Pam Sandstrom, a wedgy shoe that will fit in her mouth, size 10. To Sue Hinsch, the theme song of Rocky, a pass to the movies to see it, and 10 free lessons on how to imitate the Italian Stallion. To Sue McMahon, my somewhat faithful boyfriend, who is so sure he loves her and the hope that maybe she'll make the tennis team next year. Good luck. Sue! To Cindy Schulthesz and Debbie Eckel, all our memorable conversations of the above and the book "101 Ways To Argue with Your Brother and Win!" To Mr. Martello and my Drama class, my apologies for all my tennis poems, jokes, stories and monologues with the hope that some future tennis player can make better use of them than I did. To my tennis coach. Miss Albrecht, deep gratitude and thanks for helping me get my serve out of the net and the appreciation I have for her that she knew my name that day in the parking lot. To Mary Frick, my tennis shoes and socks, and the hope that she can turn our freshman team into one that really knows how to party. To Miss Voelz, my favorite gym teacher, my most recent cut slip, upstairs in my underwear drawer next to the socks. Also a recording of her voice yelling, "Clump! Clump!" Thanks. I leave to Mr. Heerman's daddy whose witty sayings he left to his son will follow me all the days of my life. "You can't fall off the bed if you're already on the floor." And "Talk's cheap; it
takes money to buy whiskey. " (I never quite got that one, not that I got the others.) To Mrs. Heerman, my sympathy. Can you imagine how many of daddy's sayings she must know. And in conclusion, to Maine South, as Mr. Heerman (not his father) says, "Where learning and fun are one," I just simply LEAVE. I, Laura Keim. being of cluttered mind and cushy tush, do hereby bequeath the foUowong: one highly polished monkey call to Miss Albrecht, who has enthusiastically demonstrated her love for the wild. A "checkerboard" complete with checkers to enlighten Mr. Heuman's weekends. I will my stretching rack to Nancy Armstrong in hope that someday she'll be able to reach the water fountain in the drama wing. To my dearest Mr. Fleechsig, one tribe of restless natives, and a 20 lb. chocolate Easter bunny for his sweet tooth. To Mrs. Dieter, my brief-form bingo card, a folder of unmailables and a recording of Dee Binetti and I. I'm also leaving a prerecorded version of "Don't touch that knob" to Mr. LaFruit. And to my buddy, Linda Wood, the responsibility of distributing my highly resonant alto vocal cords. We, Mary Pat McReynolds and Kathy Vernon, being of somewhat sound minds and forget the bodies, do hereby leave to a certain Mr. Mortimer Igelman, "our favorite French teacher," the Petit Prince and all his planets (puppet included). Also all of your so called "easy" tests accompanied by that enriching French classical music that inspired "who knows what" throughout the year. And to our dear ex-math teacher, Mr. 0. (Olson), all the sines and cosines that we never understood. We also leave the memories of last year's great 9th period math class that was always so much fun (even in Chinese). Take care Mr. 0., we'll all miss you. And to all the incoming freshmen, our library cards and all the forged passes plus the pain and suffering of their next four years. To the actual school, nothing but our lockers and whatever is left behind in them. We, Betty Solon and Kathy Wieland, being of satarized minds and humorous bodies, do hereby bestow unto Mr. L. Skinner (our facetious English teacher), the following incongruities: Betty's baiting, Kathy's capriciousness, Bob's Bible, Dan's dictionary of Jap Jokes, Gary's guffaws and finally a soundproof back doors, and the general Monomania of the class that keeps Miss Carswell peeking. We, Lina Frey and Kathy Wieland, being of over "boyled" minds and underbaked bodies do hereby bequeath unto Terri
MS Thespians Receive Awards (continued from page 1) Dziekanski; Production, Vera sented to Diane Sersen '78. Kathy Papienski '77, Nan Le Walker and Lorraine Sauter; Monier '77, Gary Sheehan '77, Technical, Dave Ford. The honorary trophy was preand Pat Hennessy '78, were presented with trophies for sented to Mrs. Grace Vinopal. design. Mark Wendlend '79, was Seventy new Thespian presented with a medal for members were initiated on Mav design. 27. New thespian officers for next Senior Honi Woodside received year include President Pat a trophy for choreography. The crew trophy was presented Hennessy; Vice-President Don to Wendi Beile '77, and the medal Fagerson; Secretary Joan Holmfor crew was presented to Joan strom; Treasurer Lori Theisen; Historian Dave Ford; Scribe Holmstrom '78. Medals were also presented to Barb Beile. Thespians is an international the following for their services. Music, Rob Franzblau, Bill society of high school dramatics. Luvisi and Sue Tybon; Dance, Members gain entrance to the I.,aurie Gauger; Vocal, Marge society based on the number of Smith, Construction, Andy points earned working on various Pantos; Painting, Cathy shows in the Drama Department Fletcher; Make-up, Sue each year.
Boyle, the following treasures: a lifetime supply of Garanimals from Sears to mix and match as she pleases, a gallon tube of pursuading, purple, passionate lip potion, and, finally, three legally acceptable divorce papers. To Gail Kielhoffer, a port-a-potty, so you will be prepared for the after affects of a water drinking contest, and last but not least, a make-over from Seventeen Magazine (You'll get a more professional job). To both of you: a rocking chair which you may award to the teacher of your choice and the reinstallation of water hoses in the Foods II kitchens. We, being of sewned minds and stitched bodies, we the Clothing IV class, Jodi, Jean, Ellie and Kathy, do will to our patient teacher, Mrs. Burger, the
copyright to our companies 100 easy steps to the perfect. Jiffy, Tshirt pattern. We also leave with her a supply of goose-down feathers which will make it possible for her to sing inside, "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow." To Barb Seibeit of Clthing II, a manual of Where is Where, so that she will pass her health class with the knowledge of knowing where is where on who is who. To Clothing I, II, III classes, the privilege of using " o u r " sewing machines. To Diane Sersen, the ultimate Clothing V class. To the 2B-3 Clothing class, Ellie leaves the advice of five easy steps on how not to get shot while sunbathing in the Safari Swimsuit. Jean leaves every possible shade of blue which can be worn and sewn. Kathy leaves the remaining 300
quilt pieces which have yet to be stitched together, and Jodi leaves the reputation of "munchies." Last of all, to who we hold all this possible, we leave to Mrs. Burger, four fake mannequins which she can put in the showcase and display during passing periods and also a big thank-you from "The Company."
Athlete of the Year Sue Leonard
Athlete of the Year Tim McNamara
Athlete of the Year Kim Lindstrom
I, Joanne Novak, of highly intellecual mind and hopeless body, leave to my freshman sister Jos, a stack of library passes so she may be able to cut 9th period study. To my homeroom teacher, Mr. LaFruit, a new group of freshmen who will not touch the door knob. And to Patty Hicks, my blessings, for if she ever takes another chemistry course with Mr. Schmidt, she'll need them!
Athletes of Year Chosen Kim Lindstrom was elected as one of the girl's athletes of the year. Sue Leonard was selected to share the title of girl's athletes of the year with Kim and Tim McNamara was named athlete of the year. Beginning with Kim, she has never lost a race in a dual meet or conference meet in her four year high school career. She was captain of the 1976 swim team. She showed her leadership when she was the first girl in Illinois to be selected to the Ail-American Swim Team. Not stopping there, she won two 1st places in the 1975 State Swim Meet and is the only swimmer in Illinois to hold two records in two events for two consecutive years. Her track record is as follows: five varsity records, four conference records and two state, records. Because of her accomplishments, Kim qualified for the 1976 Olympic trials in California. As of late, she has been named to the National Federation of State High School Association's Honor Roll. She was also named to the All-State Team her junior and senior years. "Kim," says Miss Dawn Butler, the swim coach, "helped the 1975 team to bring Maine South it's first lUinois State High School State Championship." Sue Leonard's accomplishments were no less awesome than Kim's. Sue has received a total of 11 varsity letters in her four years at Maine South: Freshman year, one junior varsity and two varsity; sophomore year, three varsity; junior year, three varsity; senior year, three varsity. Sue has been active in three sports, voUevball, basketball and Softball. Starting with volleyball. Sue has been on the team all four years. She has played on the varsity team the past three years, and has been co-captain the past two years. As a senior, Sue played defensive specialist and offensive middle hitter. At these positions, she led the team to 20-2
record and Sweet 16 in state. Her team accompUshments are as follows: highest passing percentage over four years, most spike aces in four years and ranked in the top 2 per cent in serving for four years. Sue was selected outstanding defensive player in 1975 at summer volleyball camp. As in volleyball. Sue has been on the varsity basketball team for all four years and was a cocaptain both junior and senior years. Again receiving awards for her outstanding performance, she was named the outstanding offensive player in 1975 and the outstanding team player in 1976 at the William Penn College summer camp. On her own team, again Sue is a leader for she scored the most points in the history of Maine South's Girl's Basketball Team. Having the highest free throw shooting percentage over four years, was another one of her achievements. Not to sound repetitious, but again Sue was on the varsity softball team for all four years. A leader once more, she was the senior co-captain. She's been one of the team leaders in stolen
bases in the past four years, has scored one of leading run scorers and is one of the top R.B.I, averages. Boy's athlete of the year. Tim McNamara has had an outstanding high school career. One of the Hawk's most dependable runner, Tim lead this year's two mile relay to a third place at the state meet this season. McNamara also won the conference mile event this season. Unselfishly, Tim sacrificed his chance to run in the state mile competition so he could compete in the relay event. A three year letterman in both cross country and track, Tim has held the school record in the mile run for the past two years. Last year, Tim won both the cross country and track MVP honors. As a junior, he took a fourth place in the conference meet for cross country and also took a fourth place in the mile run in state track competition. During his sophomore year, Tim took a fifth place in conference meet competition. McNamara was also MVP for the cross country team his sophomore year.
Honor Students Acknowledged (continued from page 1) Foundation to Tom Gnaster; Hal Korenchan, Mary Ann Chastain Memorial to Greg Korzenieski. Sue Leonard, David Stanton. Parmentier, Pam Sandstom, Other special scholarships Terry Schroeder. Gary Sheehan, Small, Zbigniew included: Pep Club to Mark James Gibson; Speech-Drama Boosters Srodulski, Marge Styczen, Darcy Tastad, Sue Tybon, Paul Vinopal, to Sue Tybon. The D.A.R. Good Citizen Sue Weaver, Gerard Zygmunt. Award was presented to Sue Good Will Awards were preLeonard by Mrs. Karen Brent of sented to Julie Bauer, Diane the 21st Chapter of D.A.R. Erickson, Sue Leonard, Kim Mrs. Mary Hoelscher and Mrs. Lindstrom, Jean Pientka, Sue Merill Thompson presented Ann Savage, Ellen Smith, Honi Mother's Club Scholarships to Woodside, Chris Daniels. Mark Glen Altman, Julie Baum, Myron Gibson. Bill Juckett, Tim Bodnar, Kathy Catalano, Jim McNamara, Pat Nugent, Russ Conner, Elizabeth DiCola, Chris Schmelzer, Bill Tornrose and Durack, Cathy Fletcher, Michael Paul Vinopal. Grandi. Doug Hathaway, An Honorary Good Will Award Margaret Heraty, Janel was presented to American Field Huelskamp. Jennifer Johnson, Service Student Guillermo OrtizPeter Joyce, Renate KoUin, Joe Acuna.
Page 6
June 9, 1977
Outstanding Seniors Earn MVP Honors This Year Bv Skiba and White Jeff Getz Maine South's soccer team may never again see the likes of a player like Jeff Getz. A team leader both on and off the field. Jeff was the Hawks' leading goal scorer this year. Getz was also named to the all-conference team this season. Mike Moorman Mike Moorman, the soccer team's other co-MVP. had one of his finest years at full-back. A fantastic defenseman, Mike was named to the all-conference and all-state soccer teams for this season. Ken Mrowiec Ken Mrowiec was one of the best running backs in Maine South foootball history. The Hawk's leading rusher this year. Ken excited the Maine South Hawk fans with numerous long kick-off returns and his fine running ability. Mark Stiggleman Junior golfer Mark Stiggleman had an excellent year on his way to taking the MVP honors. At the Lake Forest Invitational this year, Mark shot a fantastic subpar 71. Mark also did well at the conference meet this season as he took a second place. Steve Senf Steve Senf, Hawks' cross
country MVP, had an outstanding Tim Markus season this year. His consistent Although not the most known second and third place finishes in Hawk Swimmer, Tim Markus dual runs were a big bonus for the was one of the swim teams most Hawks. Steve also became the consistant performers. Tim school's first all-state runner in qualified for district competition South's history this season. Senf in the backstroke and was also placed tenth out of 223 runners at part of the Hawks 400 yard relay the state meet. team which qualified for state. Steve Mikos Mark Snow The only senior on this year's Junior Steve Mikos has been fencing team, Mark Snow came one of the Hawk's most through with some fine moves outstanding wrestlers this year. this season Mark had the Hawks' Mikos compiled the Hawks best best record on foil this year. individual wrestling record this year. Steve also came the closest Erick Martin of all the Hawk wrestlers to enter Gymnast Erick Martin turned the state meet when he placed in a brutal performance this third in the sectional competition season. Erick's skill this season at West Leyden. Mikos was a key earned him a tenth place in the factor in South's capturing of the state trampoline event. Martin district team title. Steve was the also took a second place at the district champion at 155 pounds. conference meet while also Kurt Irelan earning an at large birth in the Kurt Irelan, the fantastic sectional competition. trackman, led the Hawks to Russ Schmelzer many victories this season. One of the school's best Irelan was part of the 2-mile basketball player, center Russ relay team which burned up the Schmelzer helped lead our track this year, and went into the Hawks into the sectionals against state finals. Gordon Tech. Russ, the Hawk's Dan Linden and Glenn Henbrie leading scorer' this season, was Dan Linden, who was the the key man in the Hawk attack captain of the baseball team and this season, and excited the fans played third base, made the Allwith his dunk shot in the Hawks Conference team along with regional victory over Maine Gelnn Hendrie who played East. shortstop. Linden is also
Bak Fay Irelan
Boesen Fischer Leonard
nominated as an All-Area and All-Conference baseball player. He's the first alternate on the Illinois High School All-Star Team. In addition, Linden was voted the third best player in the League. Mark Dzulinski Mark Dzulinski was this year's outstanding tennis player. Dzulinski. a senior, won most of his matches playing at first singles.
Chakos Getz Linden
Duncan Hendrie Lindstrom
Student Chosen for Scientific Seminar By Mary Callahan John Peters '78. has been selected to attend a Summer Scientific Seminar convening June 12-18 at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. One hundred academically superior high school students, who expressed an interest in science, were chosen.
Verber Leaves Baseball Lukens
Dan White There's a person here at Maine South who deserves much recognition for his dedication and success as the head varsity baseball coach. He is Gerge
Coaches Name Outstanding Athletes Kim Lindstrom Swimmer Kim Lindstrom, has held the state records for the 200 yard medley individual and the 500 yard free style for the past two years. This year's varsity captain, Kim holds 5 varsity records and 4 conference records. Lindstrom was also named to this year's all state swim team. Maria Chakos A varsity swimmer for 4 years, Maria Chakos is listed as one of the top ten swimmers in Illinois. As a junior, she was a member of the girl's all-state team. Maria was a member of Maine South's first place state team in 1975 and was also part of the Hawk's second place state team in 1976. Liz Boesen Liz Boesen, a four year veteran in track, has qualified for state comjpetition every time in her school running career. In her
freshman year, Liz was a part of the Hawk's mile relay team which set a national record. In district competition, Boesen has placed in the 440 yard dash, the 440 yard relay, and the 880 yard medley relay. Liz also had a fine year on the basektball team this season. During her four years on the team. Liz became the second best rebounder in Maine South history and was among the top three scorers in three of her four years. Darcy Tastad Darcy Tastad. a trackwomen for three years, has placed third in the mile run in district competition for the past two years. Darcy has also accumulated numerous points for Hawks in dual meet competition. Amy Pontow and Sue Ratcliff The badminton first doubles team of Sue Ratcliff and Amy Pontow racked up a perfect 7-0
mark in conference dual meets this year. Amy has played all four years at South and was a conference champion at second doubles during her junior year. Sue, a three year veteran, was the conference champion at first doubles her junior year. Mary Scott Although she was only able to play for the Hawks for one season, varsity tennis player Mary Scott did a fine job. Mary, who came to South mid-way through her junior year, compiled a 4-3 record at varsity second singles.
Peggy Lukens Peggy Lukens, a volleyball setter-hitter, had an excellent season this year. A three year team member, Peggy was tied for the team lead in setting. Peggy was also a co-captain this year. Meg Seng Meg Seng has been one of the girl's basketball team's best performers thsis season. A four year veteran, Meg was a defensive spark for the Hawks. She has been a consistent scorer at her forward position and was a co-captain for the last two years.
Thadine Bak Thadine Bak qualified for State competition on the uneven parallel bars this year. A member of the gymnastics team for four years, Thadine compiled four first places, a second place and three third places in dual meet competition. Thadine also competed on varsity level balance beam this year. (Ed. Note: Say Hi to Fred".) Sue Leonard Sue Leonard, a volleyball hitter and defensive specialist for four years, was one of the Hawks best all-around players this season. Sue served for over 90 per cent this season, and has been a cocaptain for the Hawks for the last two years.
Angle Fischer Angie Fischer was one of the Softball outstanding seniors. Angie, a varsity player for two years, was the Hawks' center fielder and had the team's best batting average. Sue Fay Sue Fay has been a softball player for four years at Maine South. A junior varsity catcher her first three years. Sue came through in her senior year to star as a pitcher for the varsity team. Lori Duncan Lori Duncan had some fun during her four year softball career at Maine South. A good team player, Lori played first base for the varsity the last two years.
Verber, who will be retiring from baseball for personal reasons, but will remain at Maine South as a P.E. teacher. Mr. Verber has coached the Hawks for the past seven years, winning 75 to 80 percent of his games. "We have always had good funamental and defensive baseball tams. I credit a lot to the boys willingness to accept discipline and to the previous coaches here at Maine South," stated Verber. Mr. Verber not only coached the spring baseball team, but also the summer team. While coaching five years in summer ball, Verber won three Conference Championships, finished second one year, and third another year. He made it to the State Semi-Finals two years, and the State Quarter-Finals two years. During the spring seasons, he finished first in the Conference once, second three times, and third three times. Teams under Mr. Verber won three District Championships, one Regional Champion ship, and last year went to the Sectional Finals. "I enjoyed the competition very much. There are some aspects of the game that I will miss, but there are some that I won't," added Verber. "1 will devote more time to coaching basketball." Verber will be assisting Quitman Sullins this summer coaching in the summer league. When the basketball season opens, he will be an assistant basketball coach. Maine South is grateful to George Verber for seven fine baseball seasons.
Baseball Season Ends with Hawks in Third Place
Pontow Sent
Ratcliff Seng
Sctimelzer Snow
Scott Tastad
The Hawk varsity baseball team closed out their 1977 season in third place behind first place Maine West and second place Niles West. The sluggers finished with an overall record of 11 and 8, and an
8 and 6 Conference mark. Coach George Verber stated. "This year's baseball team had as good of an attitude as any team I've ever coached." This year's MVP award is shared by Glenn Hendrie and
Dan Linden. Rich Szaflarski received an honorable mention, at first base. "The highlights of our season came when we beat Maine West twice this season, winning 2-1 and 1-0," added Verber.