Vol 16 issue 4

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Political candidates visit South classes The Tenth District's Congressman. Abner J. Mikva, has been appointed to the Appelete Court so Ms seat in the House of Representatives is vacant. A special election will take place to fill this position on Jan. 22. This will follow the Re^publican and Democratic primaries that are to be held on Dec. 11. The tenth district's race has always been a close one because of the opposite viewpoints that are r e p r e s e n t e d here. Skokie and Evanston has usually supported a Democratic ticket whereas Park Ridge has supported the Republican candidate. By the end of the primary either State Senator John Nimrod or former State Representative John Porter will be prepared to face the un"contested Robert Weinberger in the final contest. Before one can judge the candi'dates on the issues one must first be able to know how they would judge their own platform. Senator Nimrod recommends, "You should not be blinded by promises., and know what he believes in. his personal beliefs." Patriotism, a sense of responsibility, firmness in moral issues and experience are all deciding factors, the candidates agree. "Thoughtfulness and a willingness to understand the issues." are cited by Mr. Weinberger as important. At the Democratic primary level. Weinberger is virtually unopposed. Concerns between the candidates vary from abortion to the Salt treaty. Three major concerns of his are inflation, energy, and a fundamental sense of government. Maintaining the standard of living and con- tinning a respect for foreign relations are all tangents of these areas. Legalization of marijuana should _ be further investigated. A definite stand on the drinking age is taken by the Congressman because he feels that we all acknowlege that every few years younger than what is allowed will experiment, so that as it now stands fourteen and fifteen year olds may become preoccupied with drinking. A solution for the energy problem

m i g h t be a N o r t h A m e r i c a n Alliance on Energy, Nimrod suggests. This would entail joining Canada and Mexico in our combat against oil problems to produce an abundance of fuels. Government's involvement has become too monopolizing in our lives. Nimrod continues, "We've lost our individual rights ... We've gotten away from the rule of the majority." concerns Nimrod. "I am a doer and I perform. " Nimrod stated. John Porter's concerns vary in different areas. For the legalization of marijuana, he endorses the decriminalization of it. However, he also supports the enforcing of strong penalties for pushers. Dealing with the other drug, alcohol. Porter feels that since at the age of eighteen people can vote and fight in a war, they should be able to drink. He can understand the conflict though, because the number of traffic fatalities and injuries resulting from intoxication has risen significantly. The position the government ought to take on the subject of abortion is not to take one at all. "This subject matter is private. The government should not encourage or discourage abortion." Robert Weinberger feels that since he is the only candidate that has had federal experience, this will aid his campaign. He is unopposed. Many of his policies will follow those of Mikvas. Special Interest Groups is an issue Weinberger wishes to attack. Contributions ought to be limited so as not to influence the candidates opinions. "Government responds to pressure more than it responds to need." He continues, "that it is the pressure groups rather than the citizens that are listened to." Gun control is imperative according to Weinberger. The fact that 9,000 people are killed every year because of them is outstanding; this number is more than the number of people killed in Vietnam. Weinberger supports the decriminalization of marijuana.

John Porter, candidate tor Representative from the 10th Congressional District, talks to Susan Rebedeau and Scott Erickson about his stands on political Issues.

southwords Vol 16, Number 4

Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, I

Jim McGlade receives scholarship

by Peter Kaeding James E. McGlade has won the Century III Leader's Scholarship at Maine South High School. He is now eligible to compete with other seniors throughout Illinois for two $1500 scholarships, two $500 scholarships, and a $10,000 national scholarship. Janet Shamlian and Kathleen S c h r o e d e r are r u n n e r s up for South. Jim McGlade, Class of '80 President stated, "I was very honored to receive the award. Congratulations to Janet and Kal." Jim's qualifications for Century III include the following: he is senior class President, belongs to Brotherhood Society, presides over the art club and lettermens' club, and is involved in other activities. His score on a current events examination was also excellent. Century III is a program that emphasizes America's future. The state level contest, for which Jim is qualified, involves writing an essay on one of America's future challenges and how to deal with it. The two Illinois winners will reby Laura Coyne treasurer. Office Occupations is one of the Four other students will also go ceive an all-expense-paid trip to many organizations to help stu- along to help campaign. They are: dents find a job. 0 0 deals specific- Chris Tortorella. Leslie Sollars. ally with trying to help students get Cathy Koster, and Mary Tastid. started in an office career. Lana and Gail presently hold Lana Guercio and Gail Kaleth, positions for Office Occupations who are involved in 00, will travel here at school. by Paul Samborski Lana is correspondto Peoria to run for offices in the ing secretary and Renee Robbins, '81, won honorGail is president. Illinois Office Education Associaable mention for her poem "With Miss Siwinski, the sponsor of 0 0 My Eyes" in the Love Lyric category tion. They will be there Nov. 16 and 17. Lana, a junior, will run for the stated that the trip will help the in the Poets and Patrons contest. office of vice-president and Gail, a girls greatly in leadership develop- T h e c o n t e s t w i n n e r s w e r e senior, will seek the election of ment. announced on Oct. 20,1979 at a ban-

Students run for state election

Nov. 9,1979

the Century III National Leadership Seminar in Williamsburg. VA on Mar. 7-10 to participate in seminars on recent issues. Speakers at previous seminars included news commentator Howard K. Smith, architect-futurist Buckminster Fuller, and a n t h r o p o l o g i s t Rene Dubos. Century III is administered by the National Association of Secondary School Principles and Funded by Shell Oil Corporation.

Orchesis to marathon A thirteen hour dance Marathon is in the works for Sat.. Nov.10. Orchesis dance club members will ballet and boogie from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. in the gymnastics gym to raise money for club activities. Money is pledged by students, faculty and friends to each girl for each hour she continues to dance. Once again, the Hawkettes will be making sure everyone's body keeps moving. Spectators are invited to cheer the girls on any time during the day as well as sponsor any Orchesis member before the marathon.

Robbins receives honorable mention quet in the dining room on the ninth, floor of the Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. at 36 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Renee began writing poems in seventh grade as an assignment. She said, "I enjoyed it. After that I wrote more, ones for myself and gradually went on to other forms. Miss Wright, English, knew about my poetry last year when I was in her Accelerated English II class. She was the one who told me about the contest. There were 20 or more categories. I entered 11 of them, so I thought the odds were pretty good, but I did not know how many people were entered." Renee has had three of her poems published in a supplement which was co-authored by Miss Purdy, a Health teacher. Renee received $50 for the three after they were copyrighted by the company. Renee said, "We did not need a sponsor, but we had to be a high school student living in a certain radius.

Office of Education to evaluate South by Lisa Sopata Representatives from the Illinois Office for Education will visit Maine South sometime between November 19 and 21 to evaluate our school system. According to principal Dr. Clyde Watson, the evaluators will be checking that Maine South meets the requirements set by the School Code of Illinois. State aid to the school is based upon student attendance. Therefore, attendance records will be reviewed. The representatives will also check the school's procedure for setting up a budget. The Office of Education emphasizes safety. They will investigate our compliance with the Life Safety Code, including the new fire alarm system installed this year for the students' protection.

The e v a l u a t o r s will a s s e s s whether or not all students at South have equal opportunities to further their education. The policies regarding social segregation will also be inspected. The r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s will examine the job descriptions of the administrators, the distribution of teaching assignments, and observe the consistency of each of the four Maine schools when dealing with district problems. They will investigate our in-school service programs for the faculty, such as Institute and Workshop days. The authorities will review the employment practices of teachers, student teachers, paraprofessionals, and make certain school officials are qualified for their positions. In addition, the representatives

will review Maine South's policy regarding the free textbooks each student received in class this year. The methods of student transportation will be examined. Maine South differs from other schools in this respect, because the buses the students ride on are not owned by the school district. The evaluators will make sure our physical education department implimenls Title Nine of the Code, requiring co-educational classes. And finally, they will check that South requires all seniors to pass the specified requirements, before they graduate. Dr. Watson commented, "I feel "With My Eyes' confident that Maine South will If you be sad yet you be wise. meet and exceed all requirements You can hear me with your eyes necessary to be a fully accredited For I will love through silent storm, high school. Our main goal is to And with my eyes will sing you warm. meet the needs of all students."

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Nov. 9,1979


Revive Ski Club; sponsor it by Katie Reif, Copy Editor Wanted: Several Maine South teachers willing and eager to sponsor the ski club for this year. Teachers, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! How often do you have the chance to relax on a comfortable bus and partake in the thrilling experience of whooshing down a hill packed with soft, fluffy snow? You may even spot a student of yours and, feeling venturesome, challenge him or her to a race. If you are not the racing type, there are plenty of long, slow hills where you can unwind and ski at your own speed. A night to simply forget about grading tests and correcting themes should appeal to just about every teacher. A sponsor's job consists of the following: organizing the trips, making reservations at the ski lodges, and handling the money for that particular trip. The sponsor also has the opportunity to

ride the bus and ski free. Students, get your bindings in gear and start asking your teachers if they'd be interested in being a sponsor. Tell them how exciting skiing is and what a great time you have. Tell them how relaxing it is after a hectic week at school. And to play it safe, promise them that you will be the first one to rescue them from underneath a tenfoot drift, should they fall. One teacher has already volunteered to take 4 out of the 12 trips. If two more teachers volunteer to take four trips apiece, the ski club will stay alive. The ski club is one of the largest clubs at Maine South. Many students have shown concern over the fact that there may not be a ski club. If you really want to keep this club, everyone must make an effort to find sponsors. So let's get going — the snow is just about ready to fall I

Southwords The official student newspaper of Maine Township High , School South. Parti Ridge. Illinois 60668 Written and edited 13 tinws each year by students of the high school. Subscriptions included with activity ticket, purchased separately at $3.00 per year, or individually tor 20c. (Priced higher for issues ol mora than 4 pages.) Edi!or-in<;hief ...„ Scott Enckson . News Editor „ _ SueRebodeau Commentary EdHor bsaOConnor Features Editor Mary Beth Coudal Sports Editor __.,..„^ Julie Langdoo CopyEtttor , „ _^^..^. Katie Reif Art Editor .v™.....i__w_...„. Laura Larson Photo Editors Phil Colin. Sean Reilly Photographers _., Judy Fchera. Mar> Fichara Roger Gunderson. Randy Rogers, Kathy Fanchi Artists John Baldoni. Cheryl Feth. Nicii Moore. Laura Pavese. Gay Sellergren Reporters KamyBuclitey. Cindy Coltman. Laura Coyne. Beth Fogarty. Mana Gianes. Collette Hawley. Mike Huyler, Jim Kaoding. Peter Kaeding. Mark Keenan. Chns Kowols. Mary Laleter. Lisa Larsen. Jm McGlade, Sue McLendon, Jarmine Migala. Sheryl Mooney. Tom Numrych. Laura Olson. Sandy Retntiardt. Marya Sakowicz, Paul Samborski. Jariel Snamlian. Marty Sooskjft. Ijsa Sopata, Scott Stuart. Tom Seoa&ttan Jim Vail. Donna Wallace, Nancy Zuegel. Advisor KenBeatly

Forum How does South rank now ? WxTWOuT

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Student priorities sliift by Laura Olson One topic that has always triggered concern is that of the process of student work in school. Unfortunately, a decline in student skills has become apparent. "Our best students are as good as ever, but many of the students have more distractions," stated Mr. Davis, English department chairman. Activities such as jobs and television don't allow a student enough time to study. Several mathematics teachers complain that freshmen don't do their homework. Many teachers agree that students do not follow verbal or written instructions. Other teachers complain of a decline in vocabulary and spelling skills. Teachers in the science department feel it takes longer in the beginning of the year to cover the basics, which means that less material can be covered. "Priorities have changed with accelerated students. It used to be the rare A.P. student that had a job, THE H^WKS ARE TRViWG A N£W OEF£^(Sl^^£ STRATEGY: THEY'RE SENDING THE TRoMfioN'E SECT/ON OF THf WftRcHIWG B/^ND IAJTo THE

but now it is the rare student who doesn't. The students feel the pinch of inflation in their homes, so their jobs take second place to their schoolwork." stated Mr. Hunt. "The student body reflects society," said Mr. Teller, science department chairman. Student attitude is on the upturn. Teachers agree that students have the potential for learning, it just needs to be worked on. "Grade distribution stays the same year after year; if there is a decline in skills we must be suffering from grade inflation," remarked Mr. Kohler, language and social science department chairman. According to Mr. Windbigler, students are working just as hard as they used to (in chemisti7). Teachers have tried to m a i n t a i n t h e i r s t a n d a r d s , although some feel that an "A" doesn't represent the same quality of work as four years ago. The feeling that the failure level standards have been lowered is also found among teachers.

In 1970 Maine South was rated the number one school in the country. Students this week were asked whether they felt Maine South has improved or declined since that time. All aspects were considered academics, athletics, drama, music, discipline, etc. Heather Wright '82:"] think the students' attitudes and school spirit have increased.The administration is more strict on discipline. We're still one of the best schools, but not number one " Mitch Gerdisch '82:"Scholastically, I think Maine South is an excellent school. Last year it was third in the state which shows that South is still hanging in there. As far as athletic and discipline are concerned, there should be some improvement. Even though we won the State Tournament in basketball, we don't have much in the other sports." Tony Cooper '80: "I think that Maine South has had continued success scholastically. With the last year State Basketball Tournament and with the girls' basketball team in the sectionals Maine South sports has been lifted. Michelle Ferreri '80: "Scholastically it's stayed the same, varying from year to year depending on the general tone of the class. As far as discipline goes, we've improved since last year. Athletically we have gone up. There's a lot more spirit because of last year's victory." Nathan Gay '80:"I think it's gone down. The administration has gotten too strict. They keep taking things away like lounge. It's also some of the kids fault. They ruin it for everyone else by not respecting property." Kris Kertgen '81:"I am troubled by the schools obsession with discipline. By raising the amount of detentions for minor offenses each year, the school proves that it is

going downhill all the time. It seems that the tighter the school security gets the higher the vandalism rate." Sue Guenther "82: "Maine South h a s d e c l i n e d in some ways. Teachers' attitudes have changed towards the students. They're more interested in getting them in trouble than helping them."

Co-ed P.E. reviewed by Donna Wallace The co-ed physical education program began three years ago.The goal of this program was to provide a co-ed learning experience to each . student at least once during the year. This goal has been achieved by the elective systems where the students are allowed to choose * what they wish to take. Many classes lend themselves well to co-ed involvement—scuba, roller skating, dance, tennis, badminton, cross-country skiing, and lifesaving. Volleyball can be good or bad depending on the class involvement. Mr. Brady, physical education department chairman,' said.'In some sports it is not easy to progress in skill advancement." One example is golf Miss Katherine Pierce, the girls' physical education d e p a r t m e n t c h a i r m a n , strongly believes that "some activities are only good for single sex classes." An example of this is softball. There are only two co-ed classes this year; there have been many more in past years. The number of classes were cut down because of the disinterest of the boys, since, said Mr. Brady. "Nine weeks was too long." However, interested boys can take these classes during their free periods if they so wish. Miss Pierce commented on the program, "We feel because we have not heard differently, that the program is successful." I T ' S A S^CK^BUT THERE'5flN OFFSUDES PENALTY ON THE


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Nov. 9,1979



Causes of depression may be great or small Are you unhappy with yourself? Do you ever feel that there is no hope for you in life? Are you lonely? Do you ever want to hurt yourself? ] These feelings are common to those ' suffering depression. Other signs are irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite or tremendous increase in appetite, terrible headaches, lack of energy, or a withdrawal from people and activities. Everyone has felt a little down at one time or another; it's unnatural for someone to be up all the time. However, if the depression is drawn out for a long period of time, you may be in a more complex situa• tion.

The causes behind depression vary and can be divided into three areas: home, social, and school. A pers'on may become depressed at the death of someone close to him, such as a relative. This in itself is not unusual, but if the person can not overcome the grief after a reasonable amount of time, he will become more depressed. Another cause of depression is an unhappy home life. Parents that fight, have a bitter divorce, or simply can't talk things over with their children, may hurt themselves and their children. Many people feel inadequate and unloved because they think others don't like them or that they have no friends. These people get especial-

ly upset if no one calls them, if they have not been out of the house, or have not gone out on a date. These people may feel pressured to "have a good time" whenever they go out, and if they don't, then something must be wrong with them. Others get severely depressed because their grades are not where they want them to be. Perhaps their parents give them a hard time and they know they cannot work any harder than they do. Many people feel too pressured and get depressed because they feel they can't handle school and the pressures that come with it. Confusion, poor comprehension, and an inability to think clearly also contribute to a

feeling of depression. Not only does depression result in the feelings mentioned but it may cause grades to drop and a person to become physically ill. In a state of deep depression, the person may try to commit suicide. Suicide is the second major cause of death for young people ages 14-24 in the U.S. today. In Psychology Today, one young girl said, "I felt as if the bottom were d r o p p i n g out of my life...and I wanted to quit trying-I wanted to be dead." Yet, those depressed do not have to remain that way. There is no easy solution for depression. Next time we will give some ideas to help those who feel depressed.

School gets frosty by Peter Kaeding Many students and teachers are feeling the cold, especially with the heat being only 65 degress in the classrooms. The unfortunate fact is that because of temperature differences in the rooms, there are areas where the temperature is actually below 65 degrees. Three anonymous, shivering Marlins said, "It's not fair to sit in class when it's too cold because it's too cold to learn. When in regards to conservation of "energy, we are not actually saving energy since the school system is circulating cold air to bring down the heaf'Now that everyone shares this problem, solutions must be forthcoming. Ann Van Selow, Class of'82 said, "I put my ski—jacket on." Sue Mayer, Class of 82 remarked, "I

Springfield 'Friend'-Trip by Colette Hawley Given: a classroom full of students who know each other, but only on an in-school basis. Take them out of the classroom, put them into a less restrictive situation (such as a field trip) and behold the outcome. There are many people we see in school everyday. We know them, we talk to them, and often like their company very much, but after the ninth period bell rings on Friday we don't see them again until Monday. Sometimes we may even wonder what they would be like out of school, yet we rely on our usual friends for entertainment and never venture past that. Many times a field trip can be the perfect opportunity to get to know these people better. Recently, the senior government classes took a trip to Springfield. Some of the people going were old friends of mine, but others were just people I knew in school. At the start of the trip people seemed a little ill at ease, with the exception of R.J. Coleman, Dag Juhlin and Scott Hall who were performing an unrehearsed comedy skit from the moment they walked on the bus. The three hour bus trip eventually provoked conversation from everyone. Upon arrival at Springfield, my new friends and I sat down for lunch together in the Capital Building Cafeteria. We all shared food, especially enjoying a large pineapple which Scott Hall not only offered to our table but to the rest of the cafeteria. After lunch we toured a seemingly endless number of historical places. As the bus pulled up to the school, I found myself regretful to be home, because I knew it was over. Not only the trip, but the mood of my new friends would also come to an end, and the next time I would see them would be in school on Monday.

put on a sweater."' Joan McDonough, Class of'80 stated. "Grin and wink at the teacher and BS them into letting you wear a coat." One student had a psychological way of getting warm. Mike Maiorano. Class of '82 said, "I call my girlfriend." Love knows no coldness, huh? Others didn't need to solve the problem. Miss Ann Finneran. physical education instructor stated, "I really don't get cnld in school because I am active.' Donna Juhlin, Class of '82 replied, "I remain cold " Mr. John La Fruit, athletic coach stated, "I prefer it when it is cooler." Mike White, Class of '80 remarked, "I enhance myself in spirits." Romance is a good way to warm up. Geoff Woodham, Class of '80 finds the nicest girl in school and snuggles up to her. Peggy Wilkas, Class of'81 said, "I snuggle up in an electric blanket."

Creativity in ttie eye of thie behioider by Cindy Coltman "I want all of you to write a fiction story that is creative, unique and imaginative. Due Friday!" Sound familiar? It seems as if every English paper that a student ever writes has to be "creative." But what is "creativity "? Something different, out of the ordinary, exotic, unique or not faddish were the answers of many interviewed students. Jim Kemmler '82 said, "Being creative means using your own mind to come up with something original and carrying through with it." Another student added, "Creativity reflects one's own individuality and interests. Jean Keleher '81, defined "creative" as something "imaginative and colorful in order to express


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yourself to other people." "Creativity is the process of taking an idea that is not original—because really, there are no more original ideas in the world: ideas are just restated over and over—and then looking at it in a different way," stated Mr.Vincent Pinelli, drama teacher. Students agreed that creativity is d e t e r m i n e d more by an individual's personality and interests rather than intellect. Truly creative individuals (sorry, not those who do "paint-by-numbers") are more flexible and independent in thought and actions than most people and need a sense of humor. "Everyone thinks and acts differently, but creative people take the time to go all out in their work, dress, etc." remarked one student. Drawing, spur-of-the-moment






The '79 - '80 Pep Club Council has been busy at work promoting 'school spirit' by "decorating" the varsity football and soccer athletes houses, The girls also post locker tags to psyche the guys for their matches. Back row to left: Beth Kohn; Beth Fogarty; Sue Hoelsher; Julie Langdon, Membership Charlman; Joan Solon, Middle row to left ot tight; Rita ScalfanI; Moira FInnedan; Jenn Drogosz; Missy Kuffel; Lisa Larsen; Kelly MacDonald; Donna Kuker; Jeanine Mayne. Front row left to right; Karen Tworek, President; Judy Huedopohl; Lisa NIemlnski; Lorl Oatesandro, secretary; Kathleen Buckley, vice president; Shiela Van Selow; Brigid Kennedy, (photo by Sean RIelly).

painting, musical talents, acting and hobbies such as sewing or working on cars are just a few examples of the creativity expressed by Maine South students."Putting clothes togetherto make distinctive outfits from ordinary clothes or even rearranging your room so it's unique is using creativity," commented Mee Kim,'82. One student who wished to remain anonymous concluded, "For me, being creative in playing with my Tinker Toys and Lego's!"

That's class by Karen Yates "I hate this class!" "This class stinks." "I wish I could drop this class." How many times a day do you say these things? Each student has his own idea of the elements that make up a good class. According to Karl Sitterly, '81, a good class has to have "... cooperative students, an understanding teacher, and challenging material." Rick Stephanie, '82 says, "I think that a good class has to have a bunch of rowdies, a cool teacher, and NO HOMEWORK!" Kim Nelson, '81 replied, "I like a lot of discussion in class. I would like a teacher that isn't grosslooking. School's okay, but the same routine everyday is boring." Don G r i e s b a c h , '80 s a y s , "Teachers should try to get some excitement into their classes. I wish they could dress well and not wear stuff that was popular twenty years ago." "A good class is a class that has a friendly and honest t e a c h e r , " stated Val DeSalvo, '83.

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Nov. 9,1979

Kickers to Battle in State Tourney ! by Thomas Numrych The Hawks were never expected games, all four teams were tied. Today, the Maine South varsity to get this far. Dano feels this has M.S. did have one advantage. The soccer team will play Bowen. the helped the team because when M.S. Hawks had the least amount of Chicago Champions, at 12:15 p.m.. is the underdog, they usually play goals scored against them. ThereThis game will start off the State much better. Also, he thinks if M.S. fore, the remaining games ended in Tournament involving a total of plays a game of hustling, they will a tie. The Hawks would go "down eight teams. All the games will be bring home the championship state." But if both the Hawks and played at Palatine High School. If trophy. Palatine won. Palatine would go the Hawks win today, they will play Leever thinks if the Hawks can down state. tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. and then poss- win the first game, they will win For the final sectional game, M.S. ibly at 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening. State because the team will have played Fremd. No scoring occurred Mr. Tilley, the varsity soccer added confidence. the first three quarters. In the coach, does not know much about Although M.S. is in the State fourth quarter, De Cicco scored Bowen. but if the Hawks win. he Tournament, t h e r e were many twice. He was assisted by Leever thinks M.S. will probably play New games the Hawks had to win before and Dudko. The final score was M.S. Trier East tomorrow. The last time they got this far. First, the Hawks 2; Fremd, 0. the Hawks played N.T.E.. the In- had to make s e c t i o n a l s . They dians won. Mr. Tilley feels the accomplished this by beating ProsForest View then beat Palatine in Hawks have a good chance to beat pect 4-0 in the final subsectional a very close game. No scoring occurN.T.E., but it will be a close game. game. Jeff Dano. a returning letterman. Then, M.S. shut out Forest View predicts that the Hawks can beat 4-0 in the first sectional game. Leevthe Indians if M.S. gets the first er scored all four goals. He was break and scores. Then, the team assisted by Mark Dudko. Mitch De will be psyched so they will play Cicco, and Erik Sator. Also, Dan better. Szumal did an outstanding job in Marty Leever. a sophomore on the the goal. varsity team, thinks the Hawks have In the second game, M.S. lost to improved considerably since they P a l a t i n e 0-2. Both goals were last played N.T.E.. He" added that s c o r e d in t h e first q u a r t e r . the Indians think M.S. will be easy Although M.S. played a very aggresto beat. But. the Hawks will sur- sive game, the Hawks could not prise them, just like they surprised score. Forest View. Going into the final two sectional

red until Palatine scored in the fourth quarter with about sixteen minutes left in the game. F.V. tied the game with 40 seconds remaining. After many close calls, F.V. scored in the third overtime. As a result, M.S. won the honor to go down state. Up until now, no M.S. varsity soccer team has made it past sectionals. Last year, the Hawks lost sectionals by one game. Finally, credit should be given to the people who prevent the opposition from scoring. Defensivemen Dan Szumal, Dave Hepburn, Marty Fitzsimmons. and Keith Krippner should be recognized for doing an outstanding job.

Hawks take on Broncos by Sher>'l Mooney The girl's volleyball team coneludes its season tomorrow against Harrington here at school. The game is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. in the spectator gym with the J.V. game. The varsity then proceeds on to districts next week. The girls are scheduled to play against Maine North, the host of this year's district competition. The girls have thus far compiled a 27-2 record as well as the conference championship. The girls defeated New Trier East for the title on October 26 at home by scores of 20-3 and 20-4. The J.V. were also victorious in that match defeating the Indians. 15-4 and 15-3. The freshmen lost in two games. In more recent events, the girls participated in the Maine West Pumpkin Tourney held on November 2 and 3. Pool play was held at four different schools: Maine West, Maine South, New Trier East, and Forest View. In pool play here at Maine South, the Hawks were victorious in all

•three of their matches. The Hawks defeated Thornton Fractional South, 20-11 and 20-18. Their next victim was Rolling Meadows who succombed to the Hawk attack, 1420. 20-13, and 20-13. Next on the list was Bradley-Bourbonnais which was defeated, 20-5 and 20-15. Lyons Township was the winner of the pool play held at Forest View. Mother McAuley was victorious in pool play held at Maine West, and New Trier East won in their own pool play. On Saturday, November 3, the finals were held. Maine South defeated New Trier East, 20-12 and 20-11 to advance to the semi-finals. There they were defeated by a tough Lyons team. They lost in three hard fought games, 17-20,20-17, and a final identical score of 17-20. Mother McAuley went on to defeat Lyons Township for the tournament title. Since Maine North is only a short distance away, hopefully a lot of people will turn out to cheer our team on to victoi-y in districts competition after such a successful season.

Hawk Kal Schroeder springs up to return the ball to the volleyt>all team's opponent, (photo by Sean Rellty)

The Maine South varsity soccer team Is bound for downstate action In upstate Palatine.

MS swims in Districts by Kathleen Buckley Tomorrow, at 1 p.m. in our pool, the girls' swim team will host the district meet at which girls will qualify for the state meet to be held in two weeks. At the district meet, the Hawks are hoping for many of our swimmers to qualify. "We could have more qualify this year than in any past years." Coach Dawn Butler said. Some of the girls who will hopefully qualify are: Marci Brown in the 200 yd. freestyle and the 500 yd. freestyle; Tracy Keenan in the 200 yd. Individual medley and the 100 yd. breaststroke; Jenny Arntzen in the 50 yd. freestyle, 100 yd. breaststroke; Barb Beckman in the 100 and 200 yd. freestyle; Heather Lindstrom in the 500 yd. freestyle, and Cheryl Roberts and Lisa Casten, both in the 100 yd. backstroke. The 200 yd. medley relay of Roberts, Keenan, Colleen Gillespie, and Arntzen, and the 400 yd. freestyle r e l a y of Beckman, G i l l e s p i e , Roberts, and Brown also have a chance for state. Robin Reichard is also a hopeful for State, This year's State swim meet will be held at New Trier East, home of last year's champs. Butler believts the Hawks will place in the top six at State this year. Last Friday night, the girls took a second place in the Conference meet held at home. Former State Champs New Trier East, took the c o n f e r e n c e title home. Maine

Can Maine South Basketball repeat its success ? by Martin SooslofT view, stronger competition. Sullins B a s k e t b a l l s e a s o n is fast commented, "Traditionally strong approaching Maine South, and with teams, such as New Trier East and tryouts on Monday. November 5, Evanston, will present tough commany people are curious as to what petition for our Hawks, and may this year's team will consist of Can have an early edge with experience they come close to attaining the suc- and height. Maine South will most cess of last year's team? definitely be at a disadvantage with Coach Quitman SuUins, Illinois' a pressing type defense. Offense Coach of the Year last year, thinks will be the Hawks bread and butter this year's squad can and will be this season. highly competitive. The move to the Last season, conditioning played North Division of the Central Sub- an important role in South's sucurban League presents, in SuUin's cess. Even with the departure of Mr.

Verber to Maine West, Coach Sullins and his new Assistant Bruce Brothers have the team under vigorous conditioning and running up to 5 miles per practice. Impossible as it is to determine if the '79-'80 Hawks can be a successful as last year's. Coach Sullins feels that with the team's great attitude and another good pair of guards, John Jensen and Jim Walewander, Maine South can go a long way.

Souths first place winners were Marci Brown and Tracy Keenan. Other Hawks who placed were Jenny A r n t z e n , Robin R e i c h a r d . Heather Lindstrom, Sue Deja. Noreen Norcross, Barb Beckman, Cheryl Roberts, and Lisa Casten. The J.V. had their conference meet last Saturday at Evanston. Although they took a third, there were fine performances by Jody Desher and Justine Desher. The Medley and Freestyle relays did a fine job. "This has been an excellent season," Butler explained. "We have accomplished everything that we hoped to. Everyone is excited about State."

Varsity swimmer Nina Casten explodes oH the block in a recent swim meet, (photo by Sean Rellly)

Tennis All-Star by Laura Coyne Carolyn Szumal. a sophomore student, has been named to the tennis a l l - s t a r c o n f e r e n c e team. Carolyn has played first varsity singles for Maine South the past two years. Coaches from various schools that are in the team's conference elect players they feel are most worthy of this award. Sportsmanship and conference play are the main factors coaches consider. Coach Joyce Albrecht of the girls' t e n n i s team s t a t e d : " r m very pleased Maine South has a representative and Carolyn is justly deserving."

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