southwords Vol.17, No. 11
Maine South H.S., Park Ridge, lii.
March 23,1981
Students campaign for offices Bob Larsen Junior Bob Larson is another candidate for the office of Student Council President. During his freshman year Bob was a member of the football team, an intramural volleyball player, and received a Spanish award. He participated in intramural basketball his sophomore year, and received a Junior Achievement award. He has been on Pep Club his sophomore and junior year, and was on the B Honor Roll all three years. ,„^ob also was active in both the 1976 and 1980 presidential elections, doing political work. "I want to run for Student Council President because I think I can be effective, and bring new blood into the council. I really enjoy politics and would like the chance to do my best in Student Council," said Larson.
by Julie Langdon One reason for this special edition is to inform all students on Student Council candidates for offices so they will be more informed when they vote. Present Student Council President Jim Davlin lists several reasons why students should utilize their right to vote. —Student Government will become more effective because it will have the support of the students. —The student will be better represented because their opinions will be voiced when they vote. —Voting is a duty, obligation and responsibili-
Cliff Panczyk Cliff Panczyk, '82, is running for Student Council President. Cliff has been very active in student governNoreen O'Malley ment at Maine South—in both Student and o f £ o f P^e, H'" ^."^^"y *^ '•"""i"8 for the Class Council. This year he holds the office of be ieveTshe . ' " ' ?f Student Council. Noreen Student Council Treasurer. Cliff has also been a member of Ski Club after oar icUV^"^''^'^'' ^° ^"^^ as president S r s L S f ' " ^ '" ^'"'^^"t Council for three and currently is Vice-President of it. He has participated in V-Show his sophomore and junior years. cil, S m Hpr ' c o u """<^"' ncif T n 7 Pep p " ° club ' , ^ K ' for T ^t""" vears and three Cliff is a very active member of the Track and Cross Country teams. S u r a l " " irlTTonball'^'n"*"'^'"1^ V"" Noreen haf li ^°"DaIl, and junior leader. "The reason I'm running for President is Business Chh ' ° , uP^^'^^'Pated in V-show, that I've had experience with student and local government. I feel I could run Maine South's dur nH^eVfre'.h "'' ^^'and^^"^ ° " 'he honor during her freshman sophomore years.rol student government.
ty of each student because they are members of the student body. —"When the Administration sees that the students have placed their confidence in certain students, they know that these elected officials have the backing of the students and therefore represent the school. The administation will also recognize that students care and are interested in their school and its policies. Therefore, they will be more willing to listen to the recommindations of the council." Voting takes place Tuesday, March 24, outside the cafeteria during all lunch periods. An ID is needed to vote.
Anne Wilkas Junior Anne Wilkas is seeking the office of Student Council President. During her three years at South, she has held various leadership positions including junior class president. She has served on the quad and Student Councils. She is also involved in the junior leader program. As a freshman and sophomore she was a member of both the tennis and gymanastics teams. As a junior she is a member of the cheerleading squad. Asked why she is running, Anne said, "I'm running for president of Council because I think I have the experience, involvement and leadership that it takes to represent the views of the student body of Maine South."
Ed Rogowski Running for the office of treasurer of Student Council this year is junior Ed Rogowski. Ed feels that as treasurer he "would be able to best represent the whole student body." Getting more students involved in student government will be an important priority for Ed next year. Ed has been on the WMTH radio staff, V-Show, and construction crew for the Arena Show for three years. He has also been on crew for the All-School Play and musical crew for two years, in addition to performing at two school assemblies as Elwood of the Blues Brothers and as a secret security man.
The right to vote should mean the right to know Ask a senior what any of the Student Council candidates are pledging to do in their respective offices. Chances are they won't have the slightest idea. Based on the behavior of juniors and seniors last year during the candidates assembley, seniors this year were not allowed to attend the speeches. Yet, they are allowed to vote. True, seniors have been loud before during the speeches, to elect officers who will serve after the seniors leave. But if they are given the right to vote, they must know for whom they are voting. Some students who attend are rude. But, it is not fair to deny students the right to know for whom they are voting because a few students misbehave. The kids who do act up should be thrown out of the auditorium and reprimanded. But those who are courteous should be allowed to attend. The only basis for senior votes are faces and campaign posters. This is not fair to the seniors or the candidates themselves. The candidates cannot be adequately represented by campaign posters only. They work hard on their speeches and should be allowed to voice their opinions to all voting students. Therefore, I suggest that seniors be allowed to attend the candidate assembly next year in order that the seniors and candidates be properly represented.
Maggie Urizzarri
Mark Buranosky
T.J. Widuch T.J. Widuch, sophomore, a member of the Student Council and the tennis team, and an honor student is seeking the office of Student Council Treasurer. As a member of council, Ted has played an active role in the Student's Rights Committee and worked in obtaining the student's outdoor lounge. The future goals of this candidate are better food, better communication between the student body and student council, and a sound fiscal policy.
Mark Buranosky, '82, is the unopposed candidate for Vice-president. Mark has been a Student Council representative his sophomore and junior year. Our future Vice-President is also very involved in sports. He was in wrestling his freshman year and in tennis his frosh and soph year. He has been a football player for Maine South all three years. In his sophomore year Mark was in V-Show and Spanish Club. Even with all of these extra-curricular activities, Mark has managed to stay on the High Honor Roll every semester. "I feel that Student Council is an important organization, and with qualified leadership, it can accomplish a lot."
Maggie Urizarri '83 is running for Student Council Secretary. During her two years at Maine South, Maggie has been involved in many activities. As a freshman she was on the debate team, Nafor",l '-'^•^"?' ^She P Cl"b, crew for the "'hno"^ school musical. was anand acton captain
Kd'trnute"^"''"''^™-''---'! Outside of school Maggie plays in her church guitar group, and is a member of the Ridge Players-a professional acting group. This year Magg.e was on the tlag squad of Lnd Pen H u h ' ^ h ' ' ^"^''^^ "^ Splni^h Club ^nd t K t I s i c a l ' ' ' " " ° " "'- f- V-Show "Being the secretary for Student Council is very important to me because 1 would Hke to CmfnHl "fnd't f 1 [.^^^P^^^ible roll in Student Council, and 1 fee I'm qualified for the job," commented Maggie, •'