SOUTHWORds Vol. 24, no. 10
Maine Township High School South
February 10,1988
Valentine messages ~-page 5
Romance novelist visits students Martha Jean Powers, a local romance writer, visited Mrs. Diane Johnson's English HI Accelerated students on January 26. At present, Mrs. Powers' s novel Proxy BrLie, can be found in bookstores. With two books due out in March and five more in the making, she is rapidly becoming a recognized writer. In her presentation she explained the lengthy process writers must go through to have their work published. This involved procedure entails sending aquery letter, which does not even include the story itself, but rather a brief overview of the plot. The publisher may or may not request to see the actual, full-length work, for nine out of ten queries are rejected. Upon acceptance, the writer submits portions of the novel for further review and consideration by
the publishers. If the editors see potential in the writer's style, they will contact him or her within three months for the entire novel. In Mrs. Powers's case, many months passed before she received a reply from the publisher.
Depending on the author's experience, a varying amount of money will be sent as an advance payment. The success of the novel will determine the royalties the author will receive in the future. Mrs. Powers is currently awaiting royalties from Proxy Bride while writing her forthcoming romances. Mrs. Powers's visit was in response to the English students' interest in the process of publication and a recent class assignment dealing with romance.
Curtain to rise for 'Merton' The 1988 All-School Play, Merton of The Movies, will open Thursday, February 18, at 8:00 p.m. Under the direction of Mr. Marie Bielak and student directed by junior Martha Muhlena, Merton of the Movies is a comedy set in the 1920's. Merton Gill, played by Andy Kohl, lives in the small townof Simsbury, Illinois working for Amos Gashwiler, played by Matthew Johnson. Merton claims he is in love with the famous movie actress, Beulah Baxter, played by Maura Scott. Leaving his true love, Tessie Keams, played by Chans Runnels, our hero sets out for Hollywood hoping to meet Beulah. Once Merton arrives at the Holden Lot in Hollywood, where Beulah shoots her movies under \hs direction of Sigmond Rosenblatt, played by Greg Miner, Merton meets and observes many strange characters including J. Lester Montague (Dom Louise), Rosenblatt's right-hand man, Weller (Mike McGarry), The Montague Girl, Beulah's stunt woman (Jan Waldron), Harold
Parmalee, an actor to whom Merton bears a remarkable resemblance (Frank Stokes), and Muriel Mercer (Kristi Altobelli). This cast of characters and the chaos which reigns when they try tofilma low-budget silent film provide the comedy throughout this delightful story. Other cast members include Marty Maloney as Elmer Huff, Martha Muhlena as Casting Director, Matt Krause as the Cameraman, Chris Chandler as JefTBaird, Laura Waclawik as Mre. Patterson, Pat Leahy as Mr. Walberg, and Laura Hansen as Maxine the violinist Show dates are February 18,19, and 20 at 8:00 p.m. in the Clyde K. Watson auditorium. Friday night there is a Pre-Show dirmer at 6:30 p.m. for $8.00 for adults and S7.50 for students and seniors. This price includes the show. Tickets for just the show can be purchased for S3.00 from cast members or at the door.
Speakers meet at South The annual Maine Invitational, a Contest Speaker's tournament, was held here at Maine South on Saturday, January 30. At 7:15, approximately 650 students representing 33 teams gathered to register for competition, and at 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 11:30 a.m., students competed in all three rounds in events such as. Verse, Prose, Extemporaneous Speaking, Special Occasion Speaking, Oratorical Declamation, Original Oratory, Original Comedy, Humorous Inteipretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Duet Acting, Dramatic Duet Acting, and Radio Speaking. Students were judged and ranked in comparison to each other by different judges each round. A full
team consists of two contestants in every event, and individual standings are the basis of the entire team's rank. Placing at the Invitational for Maine South were Jenine Smith in Verse-first place, Tricia Callahan in Prose-second place, and Andrew KoliI and Jan Waldron in Humorous Duet Acting-third place. These contestants and others were selected to go on Regional competition Saturday, February 6, at Niles North High School. The top four individuals in each event will go on to the Sectional comjjeiition, February 13, and the lop three from each section will compete in the Stale Competitive Speech Meet in Bloomington on February 20.
Romantic novelist Mrs. Martha Powers speaks to Mrs. Johnson's English 3 Accelerated classes.
Scholarships for South seniors This year the Panhellenic Club and the Maine South Mother's Club are offering scholarships to the seniors. The Panhellenic Club is a woman's organization which consists of those who had belonged to a sorority in college. The student must be a resident of Park Ridge or a student that goes to either Maine South or Maine East High School. The scholarships range from about $250-5750. They are awarded on the basis of a student's academic achievement, his/her involvement in both school and community activ ities, and his/her financial need. However, to be a candidate for this program, one does not need to join a sorority in college. The applications are available at the Career Resource Center or by contacting Mrs. Marjorie Piasecki (823-1381). The deadMne for tlie application is March 15, 1988. In addition, the Mother's Club is offering a scholarship to seniors who must have graduated from Maine South in January 1988 or will graduate in June 1988 and also muslbe enrolled in the school of his/her choice by the fall of 1988. The criteria for this scholarship will be: financial need, high school academic achievement, ACT score, involvement in extra-curricular activities, and recommendations. The applications are available at the Career Resource Center. The deadline for tlie application is April 1988.
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February 10,1988
Free the world... but not its students by Meredith Brammeier 1988. A year of graduation for some students. Just another 52 weeks for others. And for many Americans, the possibihty of the beginnings of nuclear disarmament, the beginnings of a feeling of safety in human hearts world-wide, the beginnings of a promising, if shaky, jjeace. The establishment of peace among nations has always been important in the eyes of the United States; a recent manifestation of this desire for peace can be found in the Final Declaration of the 1975 Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, otherwise known as the Helsinki Accords. This document, signed by the U.S., the Soviet Union, and 33 other nations including nearly all European nations, states in part: The participating States recognize the unusual significance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for which is an essential factor for the peace, justice and well-being necessary to ensure the development of friendly relations and co-operation among themselves as among all
The other side
States... -The participating States reaffirm the universal significance of respect for and effective exercise of equal rights and self-determination of peoples for the development offriendly relations among themselves as among all States. With this and other such measures, the U.S. is attempting to promote peace and freedom throughout the world, believing it is setting one of the first and foremost examples of these "fundamental freedoms." However, the U.S. is finding it difficult to define these "fundamental freedoms" even within its own borders. In the 1960's, the country was dismrbed by irmer turmoil, characterized by everything from civil rights activism to protests against U .S. involvement in Vietnam. This turmoil created a divided country far from jjeace and resulted in important decisions regarding freedom in America. One such decision was the 1969 Supreme Court case, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, which declared that "neither students nor teachers shed their constimtional
rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." This decision put an end to controversy regarding student rights, and for nearly twenty years a sense of peace has reigned over the public school system. But today, 1988, controversy is once again erupting over what rights students do and do not have. A recent Supreme Court decision, made on January 13, ruled that "educators do not offend the First Amendment by exercising editorial control over the style and content of student speech in school-sponsored expressive activities." The case involved a student newspaf>er, The Spectrum, which was published by a journalism class at Hazelwood East High School in Hazelwood, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. In May of 1983, two articles, one about teen pregnancy, the other about divorce, were deleted from the paper by Hazelwood East's principal, Robert Reynolds. Three student staff members, Cathy Kuhlmeier, Lee Ann Tippett-West, and Leslie Smart, took the case to the courts, believing continued on page 3
Silenced voices that echo in the dark byT.R.Kerth
Omens are a relic of man's long-ago—of Shakespeare, of the Bible, of the time of myth—but on the 13th day of the new year, a number packed with significance all its own, the omens returned in full force. That was the day the lights blinked out at Maine South. "Powerfailure," we were told, and only apartial one at that, for most of the school's lights still burned. But the lights were off in the Southwards office, the staffs computers blank, and the Newspaper Reporting classroom was cloaked in darkness. People of older times would not have been surprised, for this was the day a part of students' rights to free expression died, as the SupremeCourt of the land ruled 5-3 to further limit a student's right to think and speak. It was fitting that the old omens should retum to augur a ruling which thrusts America one giant stride back to the past. The ruling allows school administrators to restrict far more than statements which arelibelous or obscene, or which invade a person's privacy; such restrictions have always been in place, and with good reason. But the current ruling adds to the list any idea or belief which an administrator might find delicate or uncomfortable, including "frank talk" about pregnancy or divorce in a school whose students must face both in increasing numbers every day. The ruling rests upon a belief that some 14year-old freshmen may be too immature to read aboutpregnancy or divorce, and that their lives will be somehow fuller, richer, and more meaningful if they read instead about soc-hops and homecoming queens. Furthermore, Justice Byron White exjH-essed the fear that student newspapers are "jn'esumably taken home to be read by students' even younger brothers and sisters," a presumption which has nothing to do with the intended use of a student
newspaper and which could be applied to any newspaper, magazine, book, film, record album, action or device, on any level of society. Justice White further defended the right to suppress student speech that associates the school "with any position other than neutrality on matters of political controversy." His ruling redefines student publications as school publications, a subtle but major revision which threatens to change a forum of student thought into a public-relations brochure for the school. A student newspaper is intended to be the voice of the students within a school, not the voice of the school itself. The superintendent has his newsletter, the principal has his, the teachers' association has theirs, and the students have theirs, or at least they did prior to January 13. None of them alone is the "voice of the school," nor should it be. As one commentator observed, the Court's ruling indicates that we live in a society which prefers darkness to an informed light cast on undesirable reality. We would like to think that teenage life is a joyous pastiche of dances, hayrides and football games, but today's teen and the world in which he lives are far more complex than that Divorce, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, sexually transmitted disease, delinquency—no one would argue that these are pleasant realities, but they are realities nonetheless, and to attempt to silence teens on these issues is suicide. It is no secret that teens listen to teens far more than to any other voice. A teen suffering through the pains of his parents' divorce needs to hear that others share his exp)eriences and feelings and that he is not alone. A teen considering sex needs to hear the voice of one who tried it before him and suffered as a result. The voices need adult guidance, yes, to ensure that viewpoints are clearly (and legally) expressed, and once that precaution is taken, the administration should serve the role of megaphone, not muzzle.
Justice White wrote that speech may be suppressed which is not consistent with a school's "basic mission," but what is the mission of a school if not to teach its pupils to think critically? Critical thinking does not occur in black-and-white issues; it thrives on controversy, and though it is often uncomfortable to teach, it is essential to learn. It is right to make every attempt to end teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and other societal ills, but it is senseless to still student voices, pretending that teens will wait until they arc fully mature before they are exposed to them and have to make hard decisions. Thinking that press restraints will solve the problem is like sitting in our dark classrooms, hoping that the lights will come on. Or more appropriately, pretending that there is no darkness at all. Finally, on that black Wednesday morning, the lights flickered back to life, but the classroom seemed smaller. While most of us sat and waited and blinked in the gloom, somebody somewhere found the dark intolerable. Somebody somewhere worked long hours to beat back the darkness and restore the light for us all. It was his action which lit the lights again, not our patient waiting. Twenty years ago, people were tired of waiting and were willing to act, and the Court resix^nded accordingly in the case of Tinker vs. Des Moines (1969), in which students won their rights to free expression. Today, most ofus would rather wait for somebody somewhere to act, and the Black Wednesday court decision is the price of our passivityIt is difficult to strip rights from one who is willing to fight for them. An optimist believes that somehow tlie ligh' will ultimately triumph over the dark. The only question is who will work to rekindle the light, and how long the restofusmust blink in the gloomuntil he comes along. Mr. Kerth, an English teacher, is the adviser for Southwords.
February 10,1988
page 3
Editor-in-chief speaks out on student rigiits
continued from page 2 their First Amendment right lo a free press had been violated. The case resulted in the Supreme Court ruling that Reynolds did, in fact, have the right to delete the articles. This decision in favor of the school officials has planted dissent in the hearts of many student editors and advisers across the nation as well as student fjress associations and many journalism and civil liberties organizations. Members of these groups believe that the Supreme Court has violated the students' right to free speech. Mr. Tom Kerth, newspaper adviser at Maine South, voiced his opinion concerning the decision, stating, "Unfortunately, this decision is part of a groundswell of opinion against the excesses of the press in general, and while the criticism has some merit, the worst possible approach to take is to limit students' rights to free expression. If students are not allowed to speak freely, and sometimes to make mistakes, how can we expect our future journalists to write and speak with wise and responsible judgment? To limit the freedom to sp)eak on the school level is to guarantee problems with expression later on at the professional level." Some student editors are unsure as to how this decision will affect their newspapers. As Maura Scott, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Southwards stated, "Due to the fact that the Supreme Court decision concerns a newspaper which was a classroom project I am uncertain of the repercussions it will I have for Southwords, an extracurricular project." No matter what the editors' feelings, however.
Information has generally been deemed far better than ignorance, but Justice White apparently does not agree. there are some ideas in Supreme Court Justice Byron While's majority opinion which seem flawed to the student journalist. White wrote that, in addition to being concerned that the identities of three girls about whom the pregnancy stoiy was written were not well enough concealed, Reynolds "also believed that the article's references lo sexual activity and birth control were inappropriate for some of the younger students at the school." White also said, "It was not unreasonable for the principal to have concluded that such frank talk was inappropriate in a school-sponsored publication distributed lo fourteen-year-old freshmen and presumably taken home lo be read by students' even younger brothers and sisters." These two statements lead to two questions wliich Justice While may find difficult lo answer: first, with the number of unwed mothers as high as it is among today's teenagers, is it not important lo inform these teenagers about such matters rather V than leave them in the dark until they're, say, 18, " 21, or perhaps even 30, and old enough to handle this information? Second, is the 'sex and violence' found in books, in magazines, in movies, on television, and in daily newspapers around the house more difficult for "younger brothers and sisters" to
find than an informative article in a student newspaper? Information has generally been deemed far belter than ignorance, but Justice White apparently does not agree. Another distressing factor in this case concerns the article on divorce. A student believed by Reynolds lo be quoted by name made derogatory comments toward her father. As Justice White wrote, "Reynolds believed that the student's parents should have been given an opportunity to respond lo these remarks or to consent to their publication," which is common practice among journalists. However, Reynolds "was imaware that [newspaper adviser] Emerson had deleted the student's name from the final version of the article." This was a disappointing neglect on ihe side of the principal, who could have avoided at least part of the conflict had he been in possession of all the information concerning the articles and not just part of it Could this conflict have been avoided? Many people, adults and students alike, believe it could. As Maine South principal Dr. Thomas Cachur slated, "Communication is the key." If Reynolds would have communicated more clearly with the students, they might have been able to come to a mutual agreement and solve the problem by revising the articles in question. At Maine South in the 1970's, when many controversial articles were printed in the student newspap>er, a press council comprised of students and faculty was set up to circumvent such problems. The council critiqued articles and provided a means of discussion about controversial articles between students and faculty members, including the Assistant Principal. According to Mr. Otto Kohler, Social Science Department Chair, this kind of set-up "gives a kind of sounding board to the students." Of the present controversy, Mr. Kohler slated, "I do think a free press is vital lo society." How-
ever, he added that it must also be govemed by good taste. Dr. Cachur believes that he has always had the right and responsibility lo make sure the student editors are acting responsibly, and he commented,'! [don't] think that the decision [has] any impact on my relationship with the student newspaper." He added that if there ever is a question regarding an article, he will communicate with the adviser and editors in order lo solve the problem. He also stated that he does not believe this decision is the "death knell" of student pubUcalions. Mr. Kerth, however, has his doubts about the decision, slating, "The school's fundamental mission is to teach students to become productive, active citizens of the community, nation, and world. The curriculum is the tool we use lo accomplish this goal, but when the student learns about the First Amendment in his Social Science class, then goes to his journalism class and leams that the First Amendment doesn't really exist for him, what lesson have we taught him? If he can't believe in the power of the First Amendment, how much faith can he have in anything else we teach him?" These and similar concerns reveal that student editors and advisers are still wary of the Supreme Court decision and wonder what its repercussions will be in the near and far future. Many students are considering underground newspapers as an alternate route lo freedom of the press if their voices should be stifled in school papers. The calm peace regarding student rights which has existed for the past twenty years is experiencing ripples which may turn to waves, depending on future actions and decisions. The United States, which recognizes the significanceof humanrights and fundamental freedoms in creating world peace, should scrutinize very carefully the significance of human rights and freedoms in relation to fwace within its own borders, for it has some significant questions to face regarding First Amendment rights in 1988.
What does Valentine's Day mean to Maine Soutti students? by Tracy Meuret What is Valentine's Day all about? Why do we celebrate it? What is the true meaning of Valentine's Day? These three questions have been aggravating me for the past few weeks, so I set out to find the answers. Everyone knows who to go to for all the answers. So that's what I did. 1 turned to the Maine South student body. This was their reply: Val Neff: "A chance to eat chocolate." Gina Monroe: "Lx)ve." Kari Gustafson: "Eric." Jenny Bruen: "A day of love and joy." Christie Reda: "A day to celebrate the love of all my friends." Melissa Muck: "Having someone to share it with." Meredith Brammeler: 'Tons of messages to type." Mr. Martello: "Valentine's Day has become so commercial, it has become meaningless. The
meaning behind it is great, but otherwise it's a farce." Amy Wickstrom: "A day two people can share their love for each other and express it." Corl Knowles: "A time lo think of people you love" Marty Pankau: "Gives you reason to eat everyone's Fannie May candy" Kelly O'Conner: "Candy hearts." Mike Notzen: "Giving love, but safe love." John Perry: "Doing something special with your girlfriend." George Vosnos: "It's an important event to show someone you care." Sherri Specht: "Give reasons to make passionate love to a stranger (that's a joke)." John Corthlnos: "When you and your girlfriend hop on a plane and go to a fancy hotel in St. Louis full of pink, red, and while helium balloons, boxes of mint meltaways, pink champagne, and red roses—a party in a whirlpool."
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February 10,1988
Valentine's Day—a quest for the ideal
reverse psychology on her, "I'll flirt with other What a woman wants girls and make her think that I don't like her and by Joanne Hwang I think of Valentine's Day as a day shared by a couple who have found something special about each other. But what makes one person special to another? Well, unfortunately, I couldn't possibly voice the opinion of the male population or even of the entire female population, so I have only my own opinions to work with. In my seventeen years of living and my finite number of experiences with this matter, I have come up with a few features that will make that special guy, special. The first is the willingness of the male to make the female feel important. It seems to me that this is often one of the more difficult responsibilities of the male. For example, there is a beer commercial that is frequently run on TV in which the man names those aspects of his life that are near and dear to him. Thelistconsistsofhis work, his home, his friends, his car, his dog, his clothes, his hair, his girlfriend, and finally, his beer, his great beer. She came in only slightly ahead of the beer. I guess in that case, she should be grateful for that. Now, how does one accomplish this great feat of making the girl feel important? Well, I suppose a pedestal is out of the question, but what about going out with her, and her alone—that is leave the guys behind. Another important thing is understanding. In a bad relationship, the girl spends about 98% of her time coddling the guy's emotions while the guy could really care less if something happened to destroy the girl's emotions. In a good relationship the percentage hovers around 95 or 96. It's so nice when a guy really wants to know, "What's the matter?" Be in touch with her feelings. When she teUs you something great that just happened, be sincerely happy for her. On the other hand, if something horrible happened (she just failed her math test) don't tell her about something great that just happened to you (you're the oive who set the curve for the math test.)
Another trait that sets off that special guy from Joe Public is doing what you said you would—treat her well. If you told her you would call her, call her. Never let your male ego get in the way; this sort of macho-ness will probably lose its appeal once she's good and mad at you. When you make plans with her, remember her interests and not just yours. I remember this guy that I had been going out with for awhile asked me if I wanted to come over and paint his garage. Oh, I forgot to say, he did offer to help me. I realize that there are many people who find painting to be fun and romantic but it really never had and still doesn't have much appeal for me. Once you do make plans (plans that you both agree to) don't suddenly cancel five minutes before you're supposed to pick her up. Give her at least ten. Don't flirt with other girls when she's around. I would have said don't flirt with other girls, ever, but I know what a hardship that would be for some guys. This all leads back to making her feel special. If you really believe that making her, and only her, feel special is a great tragedy for all those girls out there, then maybe it's time to let go of your girlfriend completely and get a harem. If you're trying
then she' 11 like me more," stop it immediately. That is simply stupidity at its best. Of course that special guy must be truly romantic, or at least fake it really well. An occasional flower or box of candy can't hurt. Every girl, deep down inside is a complete romantic. Sing to her or maybe actually say something nice to her. How about a nice, sincere compliment? But even if the guy is THE most romantic guy in the world and he understands everything about girls, if he doesn't have a brain, he doesn't have a prayer in the world. It's really not fun to have to keep up both ends of a conversation because what you're discussing just flew right over the guy's head. Even worse than keeping up both ends of a conversation is not getting a word in at all because you have to listen the the guy ramble on about something he knows nothing of. It's strange that people talk faster and longer about things that they know nothing about. Do they think they are going to convince you? O.K. so now we have a brain inside of this extremely special guy who is really sensitive and romantic and everything. But, I am certainly not so altruistic that I could sincerely say that looks don't matter at all. However, I'd like to qualify what I mean by looks. It doesn't really matter if the guy is absolutely gorgeous or not. I'd much rather go out with someone who is a foot shorter than me, has braces, and bathes regularly than someone who is
a foot taller than me, has never worn braces, but has greasy hair and about fifty pounds of excess weight. Now the first guy cannot do anything about height or formation of teeth, but the second can certainly do something about his hygiene. It seems to me that a guy who can't even care for himself certainly can't care for a girl. "Looks" are just what you do with what you have been given. And finally the big H word—Honesty, which can be coupled with trust. If you simply must go out with the guys and only the guys, tell her tlie truth. At least she'll know that you're not with another woman. Granted, she should trust you, but all it takes is one little lie and then you've given her reason, trivial or not, to mistrust you. This honesty category also includes not making stupid excuses. Give the girl some credit! I still laugh when I think of the guy who told me he had to get off the phone because his laundry was done. I think it was the kind you had to fold right away or something. Girls are not so awful that they won't let you get off the phone for dinner or for whatever the real reason is that you have to go. Plus, being truthful will save you from going through the trouble of making up new excuses. This was not meant to be some sort of lesson in love. I certainly wouldn't profess to have such a large store of knowledge in this area that I would start giving advice. These are just some suggestions that may or (truthfully sj>e8Jcing) may not help you become more special to that special girl. One final word, I really think that the man in the beer commercial should have put his girlfriend ahead of his hair—maybe not.
What aby Jay man looks for Men inwant the ideal woman Pinto friendship. They want good and What do men want? This question has been asked by many women throughout history. Is the ideal woman a blond sex goddess with no brains and no inhibitions? Is she a quiet/friendly type, a "nice" girl? Maybe a vivacious spirited get-upand-go-get-em girl? Or a dark, seduaive girl filled with intrigue and mystery? Does tte ideal woman exist at all? Contrary to popular belief, men are not crazed animals seeking only one three letter word (-EX) from a relationship. It's not that simple. Nothing ever is. The sex-maniac cry is an overplayed record, scratched and worn. Guys can be just as jealous, devoted and caring as girls. Guys generally agree that, too often, it is the guy that hurts the girl. Relationships mean as much, if not more, to a man than they do to a woman. But the image does not allow them to show it. Some common complaints of guys are: -Girls are too self-conscious. -Girls are too concerned with apfx:arance. -Girls gossip too much. -Girls fight too much. -Girls are jealous and possessive. -Girls expect guys to read their minds. -Girls are sensitive to linle things. -Girls are too agreeable and too indecisive. But enough of this. When they are not complaining, what do men want?
interesting company. Intelligence ranks high on their list; guys want to be able to talk to a girl. Also, men want a girl who they don't have to say anything at all. Looks are important, but not foremost. Who has perfect looks, anyway? (A chosen few bombshells who cavort in a mad frenzy with the rich and famous as they pose for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.) A playful sense of humor was mentioned by many guys as an important characteristic, Guys love girls who can take a joke and even throw another back. Surprisingly, most men want a girl who is obnoxious—to a point. Guys want a girl willing to pay for a date, make the plans for the evening (and not just say, "I dunno, whatever you want."), be willing to try new things at a whim. Spontaneity provides the spark to igitite a smouldering romance into a blazing affair. Men want a girl person who is relaxed. Self-confidence is the mark of a mature woman. Guys want a girl with class, someone who can look comfortable in jeans at the movies and in a dress at a formal ball. Capacity for fun is important; a girl that is willing to let her hair down really attracts men. These qualities carmot always be found in a single perfect woman, but then ag;dn, each man must decide which qualities he looks for in his dream girl. Who knows? Luscious earlobes might top the list for you. _
February 10,1988
Valentine messages
Ah, love Is in the air once again To Kath & Shan—Will both of you be my Valentine, since we don't like anyone else?! Love ya, Margie F. Fargie SISSY-BEEP BEEP BEEP—I love you, why don't you love me?—TVQust Joking, it's me! XOXOXO) Chris, Whiiiiiiiimey Happy V-Day. Laura Cheryl, Thanks for everything you've ever done for me, especially for being my firiend. Next year EIU! HVD, Love Laura "Hey...youtwo...look...lookuphere...look up...uphere...lookuphere...lookuphere..." JS To the best SB lunch table ever! Robhi, Jen, Erin, Chris, Osama, Vicki, Carl, Andy, John, Vince—Love you all—Shannon '88 F-F '88—Marybeth, Jennifer, Gina, Kelly. Debbie, Eileen, & Amy, These have been the best years of my life. Thanks to you guys. Gina's house, Jen's cottage, Peter Gabriel, & best of all—All Nighters. These times will never be forgotten. Remember "Jen, will you cut my hair?" "Don't worry, the chlorine killed it" "Gina, Mare, I'll be okay as long as I wake up at Gina's house(which I didn't)" "Mrs. Springer!" "How many in 1 night?" "What's that on your neck?" and the one that sums it all up: "I love my friends." Love Always, Tracy HVD CL—Happy Valentine's Day! I'm glad we've become friends and that you're getting out at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. A sophomore blond Love is love and not fade away, Happy V-Day Shan, Robin, Jen and everyone else in the whole wide world. Everybody I love you. Everybody I do. Peace—Erin To my cheerleadlng buddies: "Doritos in fan.. .Set!" "Are you ready, hit it" "Christie, are you okay?" "Foul! You! Got him! Right there." "My mouth is numb!!" Am I missing anything? Oh yeah! 1-2-3 Cough! Love"b" of the Blob/Tracy To the Junior "Dudes," You guys made my prom the best dance I ever went to. Partying in backyards. Springer losing his "fun" on the dance floor, Domino's pizza, losing my date and M.B.'s green face. Our room was one giant bowl! We have to relive some good times. I love you guys— Me u ret To Dave Moran, We should go out sometime. HVD, "A Doors fan" To Jake C: Good luck on trying to please all your women. Love: one of your one night stands. Cori, Thanks for lending me your pajamas. (Can you call them that?) 1 love you, Happy V-Day. Love, Tracy Sharlse, Reeny, & Mlsh, After we leave it won't be called nice ville—it will be called Party Villel I can't wait! Don't forget to bring your shot glasses! Love Tracy Dolphin woman—^Thanx for the talks in "bed"—big brother and all—^Thank God for the freedom rides—no "oh my god"—Remem Ryan loves us more Smile—Love the girl with the sun blisters. Pistol—HVD. You are the funniest person I know. You are such a moya moya. B/F/F. Love ya. Poops (Adrienne)
Hopper—How's Roge, Jacobs, andl'magross anbrocrambleneednogemjles. (Sorry, but Southwords could not decipher the handwriting.) The Fuego Dear Wolverienes—Let's make one more attack on Moscow. The piolet of Fuego Force AJ—You're so vain.
Good News—Stock is UP—Happy Valentines Day fellow STOCKHOLDERS Bohdanna—Did you call Ziljan yet? What about retrieving certain articles from some "Guy"? Let's do Leon's! Don't become a spy. HVD. Love, Mary Katie O, Let's boycott German. HVD. Love, Janelle THE len hi, Rember grim reep>er and Creeppy, Tickbees, evil dolls with real hair, lacking into Jumpin' opps, saludng the judge, noun verb verb noun, at least, the state soccor trophy didn't kick me in the face (I hate when that happens) Jen, good luck in soccer, you're gorma be awesome and win state. Always REMBER, don't drive and drink warm water, funfruits and goldfish or aren't you in charge of that department? HVD—You're the bestest—Mar Linda! Yea! You're in lunch with us now! Our small table of two is expanding to a whopping four! All thanks to you! You are a dancing goddess! Love Jods Billy, I'm glad that we are still such good friends—I hope it works out this time. Love, Patty Anna hi. Can you take the challenge of a sport that you're not allowed to pick your creepers? I'm going to miss you and the way you shimmey the judges. Happy Valentines Day Spike! Remember Connie's advice: Be a woman. Mar Mar.
Chadly! You're the most normal freshmanl've ever met. Really. HVD, Love Ally(L.B.) Steve, I still think Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles are stupid, but you're okay. Go ahead, make fun of Stars Wars and Trek. HVD. Gidget Fat dog (Skinny), Never forget times at Maine Park, the taste of hairspray and rain, your crabby moods, and forgiving heart. You're my best bud and sayings like "I never fooled around with D.D.", "Merry X-Mas O.K.?" and "What would I do without you ?" will always remind me of you. I love you. Love Sound Mind 9th period Speech class: Secrets, McDonald's, and Bill Schmitz's beautiful singing voice will never be forgotten. It was great! Love Tracy To Sb lunch table: "Is it a man? Is he famous?" and let's talk to these people about JuJuBees and brushing your hair at the table. Love Tracy PC-92 (J.C.), You are forgiven and not forgotten. Love the big "tea" Nick, I hope you get to spend your Feb. 14 with D.P. Love, Tracy To Tony Maz, I love you, You're gorgeous. Ha Ha! I got you back! To Sheila, The few times we've had were great times. LAY! Haw! Ber ner ner ner. Tonight, fun, Not my date. You're Awesome. We need to go to Maine Park soon. Love, Meuret Kylie, Happy V-Day. Got a knife, Jean To my Tatum Twin, Who could ask for abetter best friend. Happy Valentine's Day. Loveya, TTl Tim R. Happy V-Day. Love Jean But RUSS—Monkeys don't LIKE bananas! Joe Curcio, I think you're awesome! HR C147 To my amorous counterpart, "Oh what a dreamy dreamy day." Your significant other. Shannon, Rob, Erin, Chris, I love you. Love, Jen Theinie, Be my Valentine. ? J.P.B. We've had some great times. And more to come. But I don't think this Valentine's day is going to compare with Sweetest Day. Love T.L.M. Meredith—We must do a duet! Good luck next year. Pre-Calc was so fun—good move not taking Calc. HVD. Love, Mary Eighth period lounge club—^They merged! V.P,... you must come visit. I'll keep you updated on the "view." Love, Mary, pres. Janet—^Thanks for saving me and scoping the hallways! We'll go to Hackney's. Love, Mary Jim H.—I want to see the end of "Top Gun." HVD. Love, Mary Dan, Rich, Wes, Jeff, Tons, and Chris— Thanx guys—summer nights—Ernie the watermelon—piercing your ears (baby's) Wes's ghost stories—whole case of coolers—Dan, all those reasons to get... Love you guys—Cori Dear Andy, Just being "cute." Love always, Jan Dear "Movies" cast—No one can say Merton doesn't have the proper equipment.—the Girl Dear Theresa—I nead you bad. Love, Fiend Paul—You're a great ski teacher. Thanks for the talk. Have a happy V-Day. Love, Amy.
page 6 John Gross— I miss your wit and humor. Let's go out and pound some buds with Michelle. Yvonne Scott TassanI: Good luck in your lifelong dream to become just like Rod Strickland. Or was it Joey Meyer? Depaul not good. And it's really too bad that you like them. Love, a Notre Dame fan who knows better. Mary B.—You must bear my children—^Matt B. Nicole Difino—You're hot! someone Annabel— Happy Valentines Day! Well it's been about 1 1/2 of S.S. adventures and a lot more to come. You are the biggest sweetheart and will always be my S.S. Love, Puff Doug James— You know that I'm always yours. I will be your willingly plaything. Yvonne Liz— Happy Valentines Day! Love you always, Dana Pistol— Happy V-Day. Have a good one with Brian. Melrose Mag— Happy Valentine's Day and Good Luck with (you know) Love ya, Dana GiUflsh, Never forget those splinters! Marriot forever! St. Elmo's Fire your idol Dear Tony Caiderisi, I love you a lot, and I think you're the greatest friend! Love, Your Sexy Secret Admirer Kym, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. Well let's just say don't drive. S t ELMO'S your idol To my little chickadee, my sweet petunia bug; Tracy. Happy Valentines Day: Love Always, John. Catrina, State for softball! Good luck. Hope you smoke 'em this year (N.T.) St ELMO'S, your idol Melba and Kelly Shmltty a big "NAM" and a HUD! My Super Swimming Sweet Pickle: Here's to many more Friday nights (hojjefully with you driving), shopping sprees at Woodfield during X-mas season. Dump and Run, "I'm going to celebrate ground hog's day this year" and everything else. H.V.D! Love, "your short friend" P.S. 'The stamps fell off!" Janice, JUMP BACK! Volleyball bun huggers are the best! Air ball A heartshaped Valentine message; where's the whipped cream? Jeff. Major— Want to go sledding? Have some powder! Happy V-Day! Alrball Soeder—explosives anyone? Four minutes? Happy V-DAY! Alrball Maura: I am in a supreme state of happiness ever since we met at the game. I am enthusiastically awaiting to go out again. Your vocabulary is rubbing off! Love, Jeff Jeff, I enjoy being with you—^I fmd you dashing, charming and just plain fim. I want to continue to get to know you and maybe, if it's in the stars, be your valentine. Love, Maura Mooow—Roll off the pick! Don't just stand there. Happy V-Day! Airball computer whiz—what does this mean? Buffer Error? Happy V-Day Airball To the PRPDG: Never forget the drive-in when it's thirty below. Rides in the Hancock elevator, homecoming (downtown to Dominick's in fourteen minutes) Whelch's grape juice andT.P. in my living room, and Vicki's present from Ed's.
Valentines Brian—thanks for the piggy-back (I like your brother—he makes me feel tall) Pete and Paul— thanks fro all therides—^Ipromise not to complain about your driving too much! H.V.D.!! Love, me Sodapop, Got any quarters? Happy V-day! Johnny VERN, WHERE ARE YOU? Waterbug, The girls' washroom has exploded, but have a happy V-day anyway. Xylo J D.D. A gold chain and ring don't make babies! Jen To the MERTON cast: Remember, "My reputation (or lack thereof) is at stake!" Beulah Baxter P.S. Greg Miner—It's Beau-lah, not Boolah. Thanks. Masters of garbage cans with cat skin lids in first period. Yeah. Clair omar Musser Hey Russ— Do the Appleskin! Hey Participants in GNO: Thanks for making it fun, EK Thanks for making it to the bathroom. Let's do it again soon. Hopey. Yaim &Yame, aka Flying Yamichka Sisters, Let's hear it for Bowie's you-know-what during China Girl. Look! Kitty's being a meatloaf. Eow. Wanna go toTY...uh..TCBY? Oh, there's—umpf look at those eyes. Wasup Doc? Ken? And ya know what's gross—Frank Zappa kept the hundred. Love ya—Dope
"Juana y Juan—Tus es mis amigas, bieno, No amo Biology pero Matt es un refrigadora" "Welcome to Spain, you speak English well." To Janelle, Happy Valentine's Day! Will you be my valentine? Silly question, eh? I hojje you will always be mine. You are the best friend I could ever wish for and I love you. Your valentine, Maur Nancy & Kim—You're the best friends I have. Keep smiling & things will work out just great! Trust me! Love 4-ever. Jenny. To all of the screw s...., Satans, A whats? and to all of the people who like to wear McDonalds bibs and think that people who don't are immature. Have a great Valentine's Day! Love, Another screw s....(Cln) Kristin Haller: What can I say? Thanks for being such a great friend. Love, Me. To my best friend CIn-Take care! I love you. Me Hey Jen, You owe me a long, long note. Love, Me Mark, Thanks for listening. You spirit man. Cari
February 10,1988 Ma, Have a great day, and thanks for everything. Love, Me "Doh' t Feed the Greeks" Hey Boo Boo! Your the greatest chem partner in the world. Happy V-Day. R.B. Courtney—Elbow: tell the Big guy I love him, days off are days up there; at the movies, KMAJKI!! Johnson Woman—^Thanlcs for everything. Your friendships gotten me through a lot. Love,
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Me. Oh Robs. Thanks for everything. Take care. Gotta Cruise! Love, Me. HEY—RUSS—DIGIT!! To my sexy freshman babe: Happy Valentine's Day Love, Laura Buddy: Happy Valentine's Day and yes I am moving in. Love, Laura Nicole: You're a great friend. Have a great Valentine's day with a certain guy (you know who I'm talking about) Love, Laura Barb: Limch has been totally munchy. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Laura To Deana K; Happy Valentine's Day! You are a great friend, but please remember not to shake the lemonade. Love, Barbara To Sue T: Happy Valentine's Day! I'll see you at the PRPL. You are a great friend. Don't have too many M&Ms though. Love, Barbara To Laura R: Happy Valentine's Day! Keep going to those swim meets (because I know why.) Your a great friend. Love, Barbara Meredith, You're a great tutor! Thanks for all your help. Carl Kelly O'Connor, Happy Valentine's Day. Dave Maureen Schalble, Happy Valentine's Day. Dave (Rhu)Barb, Happy Valentine's Day! No doubt! Reear Pht Pht! Blue Jenny Rohrer, Happy Valentine's Day. Dave Amy Schaffert, Happy Valentine's Day. Dave Lisa and Thon, Happy V-day! Or should I say Peggy and Vicki? Stay away from hot water bottles. Love, Sybil Grand Canyon, Happy Valentine's Day. "Your one of my kind" F.F Love ya. The Great Plalnes. The Crew Guys Thanx for the memories Nudge-Nudge. Wink-Wink. Love ya. Cheeks and the Blonde OH RUSTY..."rm young, I'm able..." Sina and Mary, I would like to wish you guys hap)py stock buying, selling, and heavy duty investing. Mary, for your valentine may you get Alex. Sina, on Valentine's Day may you get a good meal at Bob Evans, and me, I'll just play some ziljan symbols. Don't eat too many tubs of pudding. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. Boh. Mark: Thanks for everj-thing. I love you! Jenny. SINDY SCHMITZ—I wish we could have many more talks like the one we had. I am still templed by the way for you know what what. Holy McDonald's emergency. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, N.B. We, Happy Valentine's Day! They "Excuse'us, are you the singing bush?" Senator P., I love you! Love, Maynard.
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February 10,1988 Rosesarered, Violets are blue, Jeff J. you smell like a fish. And wrestles like one too. big boys Effle—Thanks for being there. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Kelly Elizabeth—Hey—get off the phone with what's-his-face! Good luck at Maine South— don't break too many hearts. This year has been lots of fun so far—We'll party dude. Love, Mary Hebe: You're the greatest friend! We'll be sailing! Love, Schmed. To: Dan, Rich, Jeff, Jason, Jim, Tony, Chris, Scott, & Scott. I love you all. Happy V-Day. Dave #?!LA)(# Nina—Happy V-Day! P.S. Let's not go tomorrow, let's go in 2 days. Love, Kell Tad Petrick, Thanks for that one fun time! Hardly! You need some lessons! Love ya tons??? Don, Let's go down on RED HILL. I love you. Krlsti Steph, We've had private rooms at the library—why not somewhere else? Love-N-Kisses, The Smartest Girl In Class Pete—^Thanks for everything. You know what I mean. Happy V-Day! Love ya. Amy Breidert—I'm watching you—Your Secret Admirer E.K.—well we're almost there & I still like you—what a miracle. Soon your dream man will be here. Sure! Oh, & thanks for putting up with ALL my dream men. Ha! Love ya! Dawnie Lonna, FRENCH if you're HORNy! No. 1 Anne—Santa did come in September Love Rog George "Bloto Breifs" Wendy and Jackl—Got any Van Halen tapes. Kraig M.—Looking at you at my party drove me crazy. I want you back. Love, Tif. O'Nerd, Goose, Main, Shabilski, Tee O, Shio, Cello and Will: To my good friends that always have a smart comment; a toast of bud light and the forever mae mug. HVD. Love you guys. EPPie
Valentines Kathi Keansnik; goalies do it best. tiVD. Love, Ep Douglas—You are so sexual! Maybe we'll eat fudge-ripple or...Love, Mary Wiz Lard, Make sure you fill a tall, thin, and long-haired red head's clothes with ice & snow on Bethal, and don't you dare fall for that jerk again. Happy Val Day, Vala Doug—^What's this about fudge ripple ice cream? HVD—Sex
Amy, "Look at me... I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree." Bam! Millions of babys conceived 'round the world. Go Johnny. Well my love, (here comes the list of inside jokes and memories no one else will understand) here's to eight months, the mighty Des Plaines, Giordano's, bearskin rugs. Woks, Walks, the Pump Room, exchanging irises, parents who shirk responsibility, guessing your color, magic shell, an appartment downtown (and all the other 'somedays'), aquarium—slash—waterbeds, and too many others. I love you, darling.
Mair-bare—What is more sure than night and day? No—^I was wrong, it's not death. Off like a dirty shirt— To Jim Pas—Soiry. HVD—Me. Linda, Dave, Cindy, Kellie, Christine, Jenny, Steve, Happy Valentine's Day. Nole Dawn, Be my valentine, I'll always love you. It's been agreat 4 months. Let's try to make this last forever & ever. Love, Matt Gina, Thanks for our talks. (Now, I'm here and Debs, The one who knows how to party, by he's here...) Love, Colette Hey Mair, do you think Southwords would herself (HA). Times have been awesome. It's great being back together. Love ya babe. How about a send International Valentines for the same 1 cent rate? Maybe?—but who wants to send valentines movie then dinner? Kris, Happy V.D! Your party was AWE- to Sweden, England and Canada anyway? Got any SOME! Thanks for always being there! Love ya, change? Thanx, Shaneena. Melba, It's costing me 100 to send this ValenPatti tine. Gregg Boo, You're the best! Car Sina—SEC co-pres.. .bought any stock lately? Kiki, Happy V-Day Sunshine! Can't attract too I hear "Marlboro's" are going up. Love, Mary, Comany flies, I mean, guys! Love, Col pres. SEC Moon—Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Kelly Jen—Happy V-Day! Remember 2 a.m. talks, WAB BABY? Got any gum? I heard you can buy pop at the store these days—right? Love ya bad pizza rolls, and our tapes! Love, Amy. Doug Hodapp—You light up my day 2nd pemuch, Col To the McD's Bib Woman who likes to eat riod—An Admirer Christie Reda; where's the gum. happy V.D. comquats while listening to Yaz: Maybe someday when you are a famous doctor, you will be able Love, Eppie Wend—Have a great Val Day, go skiing with to figure out what a peach schnapp really is. Until your mom in Colorado, and think again about a then, you will have to lead an immature life, complete with baby bibs and Burger King crowns. See roomie for next year: you are quite fond of early you in my red Maserali. HVD! Sove, your equally morning awakenings! Sara T—Dan's a nose. Go for Tony. Beth immature B.F. To the band—May Florida kick! Let's just all Collin Cashin—If you aren't the cutest guy in our English class who is?—Walter? Well I just be friends, OK? HVD. Love, Me, Oh Some nute want you—to know you're wicked Dude. player. BFC, I love you! Your BFC. Broomhilda
page? Christopher Charles "Goose" Gusloff—^A doyoyoing—& Please no more gum & I'll do no more stairs at weddingings. Merry Christmas— Happy New Year—Chappy B-day—& Happy Valentine's Day. OK. Oh yah, no hard feelings. I love Wilson printed on my face. Remember Spring break **. Love you tons, Gina Girls—GNO. Dear Commie Spy, We know what you did! The Wolverines Cind'—You alone could destroy our ozone layer! Nole Beth! I love ya! Love, Colette Dear Fiend Nick and Nock at the barber shop: Hey Willy! Doorsh. Don't Fret Sha M., I know it was only a LOVE TAP!—Sha N. Mary's Sis—^This message is for you. Satisfied? S.W. Sina—Perhaps we should check into our Angel Heart stock. (I get Angel!) Love, Mary GNO? Hey Orf, Ack oop, thhpt! Bill the cat rules. Love, Matteo Bringo, Happy Valentine's Day dude! You're terrific! Love, Colette "Agent Valentine. 5, we'll get him next time!" Agent Valentine #1 Sina—Are you buting Bob Evans? Love— Mary Vic—Well, at least we're not confused anymore. Lunch was great! Happy V-Day! Love, Amy. M Pistol—Happy Valentine's Day this—Hermaim Bernle, BIc, Nard and She Bean. HVD. Love ya, Eppie GNO! Boh—^here are the directions to find your Valentine—90 to OHIO left to Chicago, that's in this state, 0—and Rush to see those Ziljan Cymbols Sina—How many countries have we done? Sweden, England,...Love, Mary Dawn, Roses are red, Violets are blue, Soccer is great. But who are U? Jeff
Mary—B/F/F—Love, The Enquirer Woman Mary B., Trae, Deba, Kelba, Je(nn)ffEi, and .Mom. Don't give up. I love you guys. Gina Ep. F/ F'88 DJ.—Call me if you need a Hot cup of OMEGA Coffee! Jim R—^Thanks for the treats 5a! I '11 repay you in one form or another. Love—Mary Hey Cathy—Great kneecaps. Love those toes. Your best friend's boyfriend AJ. (Ermspay) my perfect...—Love Jillie Bill H.—Don't go for the dog. Go for the gusto. Keith—Happy V-Day. I love you! Kathi Whaauaaaa
pages Nea, Happy V-Day. Have fun with Scottie. Love ya, Tracy Lynn, Say something please! Somebody in your French class Nick B. Will you be my Valentine? D.P. Eve, Don't cry, cats go to heaven too. If you were 17, oh you are, you would know that Valentines' wishes with love from myself, George, Jane, Elroy, Judy, Steve, and Paula. John Jen: Is anyone as great as you think you are? Don't run anyone's life! Love ALL your fans Karbear. Happy V-Day. See ya 2nd. Your Secret Admirer. Ms. Fashions: Work wouldn't be the same without you! Happy V.D.! Love, the Cashier Beth G: A couple more days and I'm yours...All yotir. Love, Jim (and Nick) To the all time surfer DUDE! It's great eating lunch with ya! Do they know we're here? Love ya. Surfer Dude #2 To the GREAT PLAINES, You're a woman! Happy V.D. Mt. St. Helens Scott, One more time! This is gettin ridiculous! Love, Deb To Jim Rogers: next to waxtrax. Love, your cousin To the best SB Lunch Table. Thanx for all the good laughs and sick jokes. I loved them all. Happy V-Day guys. Love ya, Rah Christine Winninger: Be my valentine. Dave JP—Welcome back to Dr! HVD! A blond admirer. Doug, Todd, Chris, and Doug, fishing wasn't so bad in Minnesota. HVD! IRONWOMAN AT—Thanks for letting me stare into your beautiful blues during 5B. Hopie to get to know you better. An admirer. Coley—HVD to my very best friend! FF, Ally Kar, Mar, Gel, Hal, Meg, &Laura: You're all my best buds and I love you! Love, Jen Bru To All The American Shapley Babes, What can I say? You are very shapley! (LIP MOVEMENT) HVD. Love. The Shapliest
Weasel—How does it feel to sp)end five consecutive days in school? Awfiil, I know let's go to Wesleyan and party with loser. You are the greatest Happy Valentines Day. Gina To Katharine, Monika & Laila, the three best friends I could ever ask for. Happy V-Day. Love ya, Tracy Cheryl—Happy V-Day! Don't let anyone run your life and slay with me. We're just past 1 and I know it will last. Love ya lots—Brat Tony—Help! I need a tutor, I'm failing backyard living! Have you learned the licorice trick? You are terrific! Love, Gina To the Niceville Chicks: May you Christmas glasses be full and days be suimy. Only 50 more days til departure. We shall party party hard hard. (Who's hard? No body here.. .maybe there!) Love, Rob's Cousin.
February 10,1988
Lynn, Is Anybody Home? Shar and Scott: First, have a Happy V-Day Jane, Happy V-Day! Den and I are going to together, and Second, this is my chance to say make this day sf)ecial. After aU the talk.. .Today we thanks for all of our times together... and thanks for will tie you down (your favorite) and we know the rides, Scott. what wiU hajjpen! Eton't laugh! Love, Your ExTO MY 4B LUNCH TABLE: you guys are clusive Partner. awesome! I love you all ! Yes it's you, Cindy, Red—Don't give up! It's gonna work. Let's hit Maria, Katie, Denise, Amy, and whomever else! the next Beach Party it will be greaL I'll see you and THE GUM MOOCHER. Betsy at work.—Exciting job? Dig out the gun Jim Doug Hodapp—You have an awesome and John should be shot. Gina body—^Your Secret Admirer Mary Buckley: SURPRISE ME! Girls Basketball: Awesome Season!! Love, Sina Scerba: Pennies from Heaven The two lone Freshman bus girls! Dawng, Happy V-Day to a great listener! Don't Johnny, 1 more year. Then goes the rootbeer. worry things will work out! Jenn Happy V.D. F.F. Soda Mara—Do birds eat butterflies? Crunch Crunch! Love Deb Robin—You're one fabulous babe—Breids Aaron (pl6)—Skirt or no skiry you know what we want! Love the female population Mer: I'm so glad we are finally cultured! (Harold. Maude, and jello salad). Of course, Willow. Tit Willow lives on if we can ever get out from under the roses. Pretty soon, no more billion-word "quizes" in Deutsch, no more marathon paste-ups, and no more Java Jivin'. ("The Graduate" awaits tis). Love always, Janelle Doug, May bobby pins live forever! Jaws Mara—Gee, I have a taste for 31! Don't you? Mark Gasche: Just get us 2 cookies and a skim milk. Total Bone: Since we have no men to celebrate this V-Day with, do you want to, I don't know, go to Greenland and guard an igloo? Doug James— If you don't get a better offer Paddy—Happy Valentines Day! Always remember you are my everything. I Love You, Liz will you go to Girl's Choice with Yvonne Thomas and Tanja Pajevic, one on each arm? xoxo... 1st Period Southwords Family: You guys are Moonlight Lady: Here's to Shana & Savannah, "Connie...Connie...Want a Certs", dueling great! Remember, girls are neurotic, and guys are flags, TV-time popcorn. JULIO, and to our per- shallow. HVD! Love, Janelle Melissa Muck, Why are you smiling? fectly LOVELY friendship! Love & killer hugs, To Brad, J J . , You guys are great! Love, Kelly. Chrissle. Sam—^Thanks for making this year the best one Dearest Jan, HVD ya dam monkey! Love, ever. Andy Michelle—Dat's Cool!—Robb E.M.C.—Happy Valentines Day—Love To: Janet, Chris, Amy: Love is the Drug. you—Rosebud & AD Anne—From one "counselor" to another, Mudd & Mar—Have fun atWhitesnake—I'm you're the best, I love you!—Robb so jealous! You guys are sup)er! Gina To: Bob: Love is the Slug Jody: You're special! Let's go frisking, K? Joe Difranco and Jeff Stock— Cheese fries, tempwrary insanities, and friends BLAAHHH!!—Guess Who! forever; Love, Chrissle Rob Schaffer—Hey, that house is missing a Rosenberg, Well, now I know where the noses brick!—Robb go! Goidenstein Mrs. Grose, Good Morning!! Happy V-Day! Matt Duda: You are gorgeous. Love an adSpring Break is right around the comer—^right? miring senior Reenie, We're going to Florida! Naw...How Love Always. Colleen Mike Tworek. Happy V-Day Cutie! I love 'bout the circus? This time, let's walk. (It's safer your sexy legs! Love Always. Col right??) Love, Sher. Sean Dlskln—Cut 'em down is at it again! Sam—^I don't see you often but I know you're Sheila and Leslie—Heyyyyyl Vegas!—Robb here because my jacket doesn't fit in the locker. Well, where are we going for spring break? I can't Lynne, Jen, Beth—You were the best! I love wait. Thanks for being there when I need you. B.F. you sdl!—Your secret lover Gina Tracy M—My invitation is still waiting. Smile To Jenny Pietrzak—I have loved you for so and give me a phone call.Long live D.P. HAPPY long. Please say you love me too. You are beautiful. VALENTINES DAY. Love N.B. Love ya. An Admirer Wendy would. Syndy should, Meg might, Lynn, Talk to Ed. Krista could, Katie did... who can't? Tony, Mark, Rob, Chris, Keith, CeUo, Sway: Mark Main—Tell me a story, daddy!! You're "How 'bout a game of chase?" But first some going to get arrested. Hugs and kisses. Nick. Miller. Meuret. P.S. I want a rematch for that case. Schmltty, Happy V-Day Baby! I Luv You! Double or Nothing. Collywogs
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February 10,1988 Rosebud—You're driving our neighborhood to hell with all your parties, just kidding. Hof)e you have a great Valentine's Day with Jason. Love, your neighbor, Eve. Mary Beth, Deb, Tracy, Michelle, Jen, Gina, Amy, Eileen, Mark, Keith, Tony, Rob, Chris, March, Bill, Sway, Kathi, Christie, Etc.—I love all you guys! Happy Valentine's Day. P.S.—Party at Osh's tonite! Love, Kelba To K(YMCA)M—No. itlookedlike asquirrel. Love, Guess Who To my lunch table in SB, Happy Valentine's Day—Mike Bill L. You're very cute. Hop)e we can be better friends. Love, You Know Who Hey girls, HVD!!! AU of you: Julie, Mel, Adrian, Andrea, Jill & everybody! We've had a lot of great times. You guys are the greatest & I love ya all! Meatloaf Mella! I'm taller than you! Remember meeting in front of Gregg's house and giving each other guilty looks? Those brownies were good! Stop sticking food tocafeteria windows! Love, Jodsters Dickey-bird—Some day we'll grab our chance, and then nothing will be able to stop us— not even 400 tons of roses! FRUTT! And how about a primal scream—I need one right about now...AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! Comeon, Mer, we're gonnabe late to Government! Your the best. HVD. Luv ya, Willow To Butch & Shap—No, you're not God's gift. HVD. Kate—Waterbed races with a guy named John, Stories about the unknown Big Ron, Stealing matches in Chem and Riding up the lifts with lots of Hot Men! Lots of good times to remember and lots more to come! Happy Valentine's Day! Kath Rus—t. When should we have diner next? I promise to make the rice right this time! Fortune cookies are good! You're a wierd boy, but its better that way! Love Jods (with the soothing hair) To KYM "the friendly ghost:" Watch out for seductive posters under your covers. Who bought this? Oh some guy! Have fun in Fla. You really need new clothes. Eng. is finally over!!! Love, St. Elmo's Fire To Moe, Sher, Ande, Karen, Lisa, and Cheryl (Cherralle): You guys are the best buds in the world. Don't ever forget those unforgettable times we'll never remember. Ande getting in at...(what time was that Cheryl), Sher's judo on the Z-Man, Moe and Ande at Homecoming Carnival (I don't remember what happened?), Oak St. (Sorry Moe, maybe next summer), Ed's, Hard Rock, the Quest, standing on my radio in the Murder Machine (sorry about the seatbelt Sher). All out adventures in the U-Boat (PR chainsaw massacre, etc.), all the fun limes at OUR bar with the J.B. Club, and of course chicken sandwiches at BK. Love ya lots, Lll Andy, You are an animal. Keep on eating that crazy bread. Shawn, ARe you working tonight? Love, the "NML" Crew To Kate Vonodorair: Hey! Hey what drink milk eat cookies! How's my obnoxious little "basketball buddy." You want to go bowling!?! My favorite quote "I wanted to play some other kids and give them a chance to get in the action, but... I'll leave the rest to imagination—^love St. Elmo's Fire
Valentines Janet hi—'88-anotherodyssey (Mint) Did you feel juxtaposed when you were four? HVD Skippy. Hope—^I still can't believe that you ditched our lunch table! Shall we make a quick trip to Burger King at 80 MPH? What good liming! Here's my Hope inunilation— "Oh, He's SO cute!" Love, JODS Erin, Roses are red/ Violets are blue/ Find new friends/ Because no one likes you. Carolyn, The last ten months have been great. DIRT Mary Kay, Roses are red/ Violets are blue/1 know in the long run/ Bill won't like you. Kelly, You will do what ever I say!! The Master Mer, "That man is staring at us; then I look, and it's a mannequin." Our poetry will never die. J.
Doug Briles, I love you! HVD L.A., You better know who Summer group. Anyone forfootball? Get Jim! Love, the man on the moon Alrball, Do pigs really fly? Love, Guess who Jim, You are a brown-noser, Get well soon. Clean your room. Gotcha I won ha ha. HVD Love your idol Carlyn, In the city there's a sidewalk. In the forest there's a path. With my warmest regards, I hope you don't fail math. Eve, Denise, Tanja, Jason, John, Birgit, Chris, Vlcki, Joanne, Tom. Tliis weekend we have to go to Bakers Square and get some Bavarian Mini pie (Joanne), go bowhng and throw some butter galls (Denise), then we'll head over to Hotel Sofitel with Gucci Woman (Tanja), and her ex. Jason can put out all of the fires, Tom can dance for us, while Vicki gels sick for the first lime. Eve and John will visit both the mens and womens bathroom so they can decide wliich one is nicer, and when it's time to go, we'll remind Birgit to take her sweater and such, and we'll drop Chris off at ihc "El" at 2:30. Sound like fun. Happy Valentine's Day, Kimokeo
page 9 Rob S., Is there any change for us! Shawn Pete P., My one and only. Still love y a! Rember me? Kelly, Carnations are pink/ Mums are white/ When I look at your face/1 die of fright. Corey, You're cute. HVD Jen Bruen, Just wanted to say thanx.for nothing. Good luck, you'll need it, and Happy Valentine's Day. Enjoy it. Dug B, You are cute. HVD. Love, Leisure Suit
M O, Roses are red, Violets are blue, I hope you end up going to Purdue. Kym—A new year's here, The old one's spent. Did you always have 50%? Tracy, Roses are red. You're sooo hot, Mr. Deines loves you. And your outside shot. Jim—I think I'll shave my head and give my soothing hair to you and Rus, OK? I like the picture of you in your sweathog shirt! You amaze me! Your music makes me happy! Oh, Connie says she's a superior driver! Love Jods Ande, You're the best. Love Wizard Orchesis, Have an Awesome Valetine's Day! Keep on Dancin'!—Annie To our men, Gordle and Mastro—We love you! Love Amy and Jody Jenny—You will always be a major weirdo to me! Don't graduate this year—wait forme instead! What's the Daily Bulletin? Together we make the ideal height? Let's go eat death by chocolate and then fly away in the strong wind, OK? Love Jods Constance—I remebered you this year! Let's go to Rolling Stone or the Mexican Shop, OK? I'm HAPPY! Con, have you been a-sleepin' lately? I hope so! Here's a memorable time: Look—^I braided my hair today. Good Con. (Pause for laughter) And I have to wear my bangs like this. OK. (Yes, more laughter and strange looks from Doug and Phil!) Love, Jods James Bayer Hill—Who's your idol? Also the maroons are so awesome, haven't lost a game yet, you should go pro. I'll get you in good with Willy Roy. Dude looks like a lady? Sounds like you. Buy a belt! You're a loser!! Love your Idol and a dedicated fan Catrlna Disease Butt: No you shut up. Yep I'm driving. Gain some weight! Don't kiss some coaches butt too much Miss Student of the Month in every class. Ya, I'm at Gin's East. What's your favorite number, 24? M arriott—you bad girl! Love St. Elmo's Fire Karen, Grass is on the ground. Leaves are on the trees. When it comes to soccer, Don'l you wish you were as good as me? Cathy, Roses are red, Violets are blue, Frogs are cute. And so are you. Buckley, In. Out. Repeat if necessary. Jan—Hello, Hello, Hello, Hi. Love Guess Who Stork: You were there!?! Love Gil
page 10 To George: Have a great time in Lake Geneva! Happy V-Day! Much Love, Kelly Marge, LOVE the GERRmans and chum the butter. I Luv Ya! Love Always, Col Carl—Happy Valentines Day! I'mgladyou're feeling better. Kelly Jane of the Jungle—Long live G.L and the WESTIN. Thank SMIRNOFF for it. Don't forget there is a list waiting in someone's Chandler. Thanks for the ride. It was well worth the fall. ALL I earned though, was a place in your drawer, which is very cold. Maybe someday we can spend Valentines Day with someone with GYROS sauce on their face. Ah! Can't forget endless nights on city streets, turkey clubs and please don't give me that look. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. Love Always. MR. SMIRNOFF To Pete D. You'll never get an A in History. HVD! Love, Car Kris, Jen & Karen, Happy V-Day guys! Love Always, Col Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Kent, Mr. Cassidy, Mrs. Padavano! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Kelly Sean Barry—You are so gorgeous!!! Forget Meg, I am the one for you!! Love, An admiring senior A.F.—Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day. Steve Tracy—GO FOR IT! Ask Him! Happy Valentine's Day! Love ya, TRISH To Adrlenne Waters: I have admired you from afar for too long. You are beautiful in my eyes. I wish I could be near to you. Hopefully someday An anxious admirer JAM, You are a great friend and I'll love ya always! HVD!! JAP Ann—Ready for another Toga? How about Gracel and with brooms. Scrabble is for English. What else can you (or should I say me) spill on your shoes? Love—The person next to you in English Happy V-Day to everyone who helped me at Shan's. Trish To Con, Jody, Steph, Dana, Linda, Mell, Meliss, Jim, Russ, Gregs and Amy: Here's to Gopher Holes, The Sure Thing, Jim's music, "Pfasennuses!", and all the other silly things we do. I love you all! Chrissie. Martha, HVD to one great parrot.—Andy Gina & Cori—Happy Valentines Day—Love ya—Trish Marilyn Monroe—Up for Ed's? How about some NLP's. A What? Next time you can be the social cruise director! Keep selling those pizzas. Love, H.O.H. WHAT ARE YOU, GLUE? Steve Waden—Love ya. Me Cori—Great year—Let us out. Gotta love work to.—You are becoming a lot like Annie, watch it. Learn to. Eat—we miss you at lunch. Gina Dearest Meg, Have a very Happy Valentine's Day. Here's a silver dollar, go buy some candy hearts. Love, Keith Tracy, Happy V-Day! May we never shed a tear. (Why I ever did, I don't know) Have a great VDay...kinda an uncommitted love affair huh? Love, Sherri Smile, Keep the good memories, let the bad ones go. Don't let it kill you, because life goes on. Love, Mag Roder, No YOU shut up!!! GIU
Nervous Duck: WOl you ever grow up? Probably not, but mornings wouldn' t be the same without your smiling (?) face. HVD! Love, your fan club Tracy Meyenberg—^HVD! We bet you can't wait until Motor Oil comes in little cartons in the lunch line! Just joshin! We love you anyway, Andrea and Christa Linda and Nancy—2A loimge is a trip, especially with Rich behind us and the Hopeless Hare Krishna Hinduism we've adopted. Eat you veggies, shave your head—chant yoiff Mantra. Stay Fab and Gear—let's make a pilgramage to friar Park. Peace!, George Harrison and Friend. HVD! Milton Melson is a righteous dude! 4th period HWW ACC
Meg, Laur, Mar, Kar, Jen, & Gel—HVD! BFF—Hal Happy V-Day to all the Sherskidinskis! Love, !VIcThon To YOU 5 Characters. I owe a lot of good times. Being with you makes me happy! I LOVE YOU! Doug Howee—^Too much studying will make you a dull bot (J.K.). Jill Bit—Let's get some uch-Ha and go azy-cra! Neens—Here's to our friendship and those never-ending crank calls? A&W (S M) where have you been all my Ufe HONEY? Matty Breidert—Broadway Baby! I'm not leaving until I'm heaving! Ha! Ha! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you you are the Best! LOTS OF LOVE, Mary Gabes Alise—OK, OK, so we haven't beai too good at getting the issues in the mail...We love you anyway. If I have to type HVD one more time I am going to be sick. I really have to say that I admire you for everything you did last year—I'm just beginning to appreciate it all, now that I know what "going Co" is really like...but don't gel me wrong, I love every minute of it And the personality trait of the month is... you fill in the blank! MB (the one and only) Wayno—I guess I admire you, too... may be. Dith To Shan: Thanks for making history on New Years, worshiping the porcelain god. Love: Deb Bru, Juan, Spub, Ann, Smel, & Lou: HVD!! You guys are the bestest friends. Love ya! LarWllt-Helen
February 10,1988 Dave—Learn to do your own accoimting! This year has been awesome—^getting away with murder! Thanks for all the help—Love, Gina Tracy—Lots of love to the hopeless romantic. Here's to horseback riding and my corruption (smokes)! Lots of love to a big heart! Cori Karen Kerber—Happy Valentines Day. Thanks for being there when I needed you. Sorry for all the times I messed up! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here! Jenn T o ConnleStephJodyChrisMel DanaLynMel, You're nice. Let's hearitfor stories about BirdDog, The Hitcher.Alfie, annoying "brain teaiers," Band Pizza (NOOOO!!! NO MORE!!!), the parakeet who laid an egg, all its feathers fell out and it died, tea, V-Show (DAMMIT PEOPLE, THERE ARE NO STARS!) and best of aU...FLAGS! We are FLORIDA BOUND! I wish I was going to be around next year, you guys are great! Love, Amy Tony—Lotsof luv to one special guy! Looking forever towards the future and our next four years together? DePere here we come! Love you—Cori Kevin O'Leary: I want you to want me, I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me, I'm beggin' you to beg me. Jens—Thanx for the pep talks—gym class discussions—whose kids in the sand box? Con't forget. Love you—Cors Yaim, G.N.O.! G.N.O.! Let's do it again, K? Kitty DIES! Love, The Other Flying Yamitchka Hopey and Juana—A very Happy Valentine's Day to two of the hottest women in school. Okay, one more game of charades, Hope. John Mad Max, Thanks for putting up with me through these painful months. You are like a sister to me. Thanks. I hope you get "HEM" wrapped up in a bow on V-Day. Love ya, G Gina Monroe, Happy V-Day. Love, Karen & Matt Siouxsie Hagman—-Euskar loves you! Your pal. Amy Trisch& Gina F.—Let's hear it for the skins and the Charlies!—Hurray forTalbots and what's the game plan? Love you guys—Cori Cole tte—S igh—That doesn' t sound right! Can wait for next year. Thanks for being there even if it means surviving in the back yard. Gina Dearest Steve Muscarello—The month that we spent together during V-Show was the best of my life. Those signs were so intimate. You know what I love. Hugs and kisses, your V-Show Buddy Joe DiFranco: You are a slimedog. Jezebel, You are cukoo nikoo. Your good friend. Ed Brian: From Valentine's Day '87 to Valentine's Day '88...Happy Anniversary! Love You, Krusty Alice: Whether you're with "T" or not, (or if there's someone else now) have the best of V-days! Love Always, Krust. XIFDA, Here are a few Valentine's quotes from famous lovers around the world: Say it isn't so (poor Shelley); Who are you asking to Turnabout, Larry Smith?; I'm Satan; No, Perry Ellis; I may be kinda gross myself, buti don't spit on other people; HoHoHo! Zelda makes an occult joke; But Officer, have you ever seen the Three Amigos?; I skipped breakfast and got a little enthusiastic about a South Korean Chicken Ball; BURGER!; and of course, " ;" (Judy). HVD! Love, Me.
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February 10,1988 To all of those post-game partiers at M.B.'s—Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Michelle J. Gobs, You are not interested in me for my mind. You only want my body. M.H. To Rob, Jen, Shan, Vick, Erhi, We love you. Never leave us—But shut up. From Suami,
Crispy Cindy, Let's do lunch. The Animal To the Oatmeal Thingie Eaters—15 cents! I need a fix! Just 15 cents. Cooie Lynn—TALK to Ed! Milte Shap, Hello McFly!!!! Love Always, Col Is this HARLEM? Lynn: TALK, YELL, & SHOUT. Anything To—The Awesomest Senior Cheerleader— It's been real fun so far...Love, a soph!! Aaron Butcher, Will you ever stop teasing me? Love Always, ? Russ, Geizba Nikxo Yeirba. Greeg. Kates, That's such a BIG Bird! Corizona Quino—She's the one you stayed with in Florida— right? Love always. Col Katie C., You would look great with Mikes. Happy V-Day. Carolyn To the Members of the Unbustables. Have a great V-Day. Yes, Beth G. you are an Unbustable. Love, Car Walk Pugs and Kalets—^Walks, I always have fun at your house. Pugs—^your voice—are you OKay? Kalets, I owe you gas money!!! Love you guys, you're great! Love, Bencher. P.S. Pugs, I miss you! Girls B asketball: Since you guys forgot the box, entertain us! Thanks for being so fun. Love, a Vmember Griz: What was that—a flemer? Love Gil Val & Val II—Hey Cheese & squared we have to party soon! Love ya!—Chubs P.S. GAIN some weight! Kim Casper—^Meet me at Dominick's. Nice arms, Nice Butt. No Personality! Cathy Ciprian—Pump some iron at the fitness center lately, muscles? Love, Someone who couldn't think of anything to write The girls: We all know Jim's a Geek. Love, Guess Who Erin, Kim, Cath, Jan & Jim & Doug—I almost forgot. Happy Valentine's Day! Love Always, Kel Kym—No offense jerk, but you're a jerk. HVD. Love, You Know Who " S?RAY-BEEFl Boi-oi-oi-oing" Erin Roder— Watch out for the runaway slap!!! Get a real pair of jeans! Pump up the volume! Kim—him, that's the curb. Kim, hun, that's the grass. Kim, hun, that's the sidewalk. Don'tdo that! This is the good car! Quick get the bag! Doder and Cip— Put the bag across the street one house down. Good Job!!! Erin, Kim, Cath, Jim— Everyone associates with, "How are we feeling today, hum? Erin Roder— I've watched you from afar. I You're hot! I'll call you. We'll do lunch. Until Then, I love you! Secret Admirer Ken Semerau—I like you so much, I don't know what to do. I wish we could spend long nights by the fire together. You are my love and my life. You are my inspiration. Nick Baziotes
Valentines Juan—Vuvule cushea a vecmoi se soi. Hey I finally got it right. Well what can I say, I'm really glad I met you senor presidente. Mrs. DG has told me so much about you. Maybe Steve and Paula will leave, we've got some great closet space here. Well I hope you start saving up for our houses piretty soon. Oh I'm just kidding. I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with shrimp, marzipan, and The Jetsons. Love always, your University of Iowa dego. To the 6B lounge table—SHAMOKE-ABOWL. Mike. A.I.—Happy Valentine Day. I love you very much. A.W. Noelle—HVD. What would I ever do w/o you in Trig. Love, your math buddy. Dear Dale-Have we gone through a couple of metamorphasisms, or what? Love always. Chip. To my favorite nerd: I hope you feel honored that such an incredibly cool and good-looking senior would remember you, a dirt-level junior on this day. With all my love, affection, and of course lust, H.V.D. To Russell Horvath: You are the love barge in the ocean of our dreams. But wait... we think we like VA-NIL-LA more. A big sweet wet kiss from your secret admirers. To Synd, Krust & Al, Have a great Val Day and don't forget who Ed Ross is! We love mercantilism. V.N. To—A.H., A.K., A.S., E.S., H.S., K.H., J.B., J.C., J.S., and S.C.—^I love you guys! Girls— GNO? Sandra! Guys—May good times live! HVD, Me. To all our friends in 5B lunch, WE LOVE YOU GUYS! Let's do lunch sometime Becky, Anders, Jack & Val. Happy Valentine's Day! Love Day! Love, Wein & Val My Dearest Richie Bondo, I love you, break up with Julie. You are the hottest babe. Holly, This is our 3rd Valentine's Day together. All of them have been great. You' 11 always be in my heart. I love you. Love, Brent Andrea Miklase—^Now it is my turn to get even for all those times I took your abuse about my driving. Now it's your turn. While you're in Driver's Ed. I hope you get hit by a truck head on, get into a 12 bus pile up & you get Mags in the car so he will literally kill you. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day. Speedy Wild woman, brown noser, and Cutter— Have FUN TOGETHER!!! Grainne!!! Dear Corl, Thanks for the past 18 months, it's been great. I love you. Love, Tony Sister Jenny, Blue gum rules. English has been great. You're an awesome friend. We're gonna party. HVD. Sister Karen A word of warning to all the J.B. club members on Valentine's Day. Lily (the original JB) beware of all D.P.'s and all males with the last name of Avancanich. Sherri beware of all male Serbs and all female G.V.'s. Andi beware of jealous girls with plastic knives and weirdos that tape "love letters" to your door. Cheryl beware of playing quarters at Redwood and all Serbs at the quest. Karen beware of "logical" English teachers with bad breath and falling in front of cute school "helpers". 836 and HVD! Love, Monique (Moe, Kid, Helen, Geek, etc.) Poo Bear, Yaknow what? You're cute! Pumpkin Cake
page 11 Car—hi. what's up? Don't forget over your birthday the three or four things. Have a happy birthday and V-Day. YFA. Mar. Stephan—^Maybe it's just god. HVD Mary. Gina and Meg: Jammin up for victory? HVD Mar, To Beckster, GAIN some weight! And do me a favor—give Anders a kiss. remember? Can't wait for el tenis again! You are so cute!!! Thanx for everything! Love Kel G Jen Jen, Have you ever come face to face with a fence on skis? Have you ever, or do you remember traveling to the DINER? Have you ever been the star performer in V-Show? A-What? I bet you have ! And because you are so cool or maybe that is I am so cool, I just want to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Kath
COWMEAT! To: Brian, Dave, Phil, my brother. Amy, Jen, Pete, Paul, Tim, Geoff, Dorothy, Kris, Karen, Karen, Cindy, Chris, Paul, Mike, John, John, Steve, Tom, Bob, Beth, Dennis, Monlgue, Christy, Laura (Lara), Caroline, Missy, Michelle, the Osco Family!, Jim, The Jewel Family!, and to many others—Happy Valentines Day and Keep Smilin' Love, VIckl Maura, Happy Valentines Day! Your great, and I'll miss you next year. You'll be at Georgetown (just give that girl a briefcase, and she'll be an instant lay wer) and I'll be Somewhere (the Maui School of Indecision is starting to look good right about now). Let's stay clear of all Hondas in Oak Park, OK? Not many more late nights in S/W with T.R. and Mer left. (Yea!.. .kind-of yea, I mean. No, I don't mean yea at all; I mean waaah...) Just don't mention that P-word, and no more re-enacting scenes from the Three Amigos in front of houses late at night. I just don't know still! I love you! Janelle To all the emotional ups and down people!! Happy V-Day—KS EAT YOUR PASTA!! Love Ya, Vlccl Doug Briles, Wanna go to the Bulls Game? Love, You Know Who D. Briles, O.K. I'll try. Love, You Know Who Erin, Kym,and Kath, Pancakes anyone?Love, Kel Cip, I have three pennies one nickle. Love, Guess Who Seany, Happy V-Day! Got any Yogurt? Love Always, Colly Erin, Cath, Kym, Tim, Jim, Jan, I love you guys! HVD Love, Secret Admirer Chris taLimpens—HVD!RollupfortheMystery tour! You're so sweet, what would I ever do without you? Be yours sincerely wasting away, the 80's hippie, Andrea Tracy—HVD! You're a buddy and a h a l f stay that way! Love, Andrea.
page 12 Jill Moose—HVD. You're the biggest weirdo I have ever known in my whole life. But I love you anyway. B/F/F.—the muppet Anna.LikeOhmy God! NowI'mstuckwith 10 poimds of fudge, Thanx a lot! Tom Dananne—Make him stop! Make him stop! "Superman" is such an appropriate theme song for us! Who else would sit out for 6-7 hours for no apparent reason except disappointment? Thanks for trying to help out with Rob! (Even though he's not very quick to catch on to certain things!) At least everything finally worked out! I think you're going to go to Africa this summer! Yea! Love, Jods To Pickle—the best PICKLEball partner I ever had! Thanx for being there! HVD! Love, Ande
Boh-danna—Let's go visit Hunter (your lust!) Love—Mary Mush, How's tolp & the back room? Stop smoking. Your little Ginger Snap. Flynn—I love you! Happy V-Day—Jill Janine—Happy V-Day—B/F/F Jill J.V. I love ya, Happy V-Day Skurv. U2 Varsity—I put that in because I knew I'd receive XXXXifldidn't. Gretel—Great to have U aroimd again. Thanks for my tap>e. Hansel Jeannie Tully—Puke some more—^Love, Jill H. Jane TuUy—Happy B-Day—Love, JiU Stelnway—Happy V-Day—Love, JiU H. Laura Sazen—E)o you feel like lead? HVD Love ya, Spub To Douglas Brlles (Big Bro) OH Henry! This stuff is intense! Where could I begin, there is so much to say. Wilbur has been watching too much T.V. Andre Dawson, Star Trek, Channel 50, Andrew's revenge (the movie) and that one show I can't pronoimce the name. Some members of the Baseball team could, though. That is in the past (except for Andre's home runs.) Granola Dipps are pretty good. So, I'm selfish but I'll always be there for you iven if you 're a jerky no I mean jerk. I want to tell you you're the best thing to come arought since sliced bread. And I love you. Remember courage is being afraid, but going in anyway. The Boz is awesome. How 'bout a starburst. Slow Down!!! Computer Nerd. You should get a ticket for that. You're pretty cute for an older guy. I'll drive, with my new car. So many good limes. I'll always love you. Love Always Valentine, Little Sis To Sherry: Squaaaaak (a furmy noise) Mike Meg— Have you seen beevy lately? your pickle ball partner Chrlssle—Boop...Boop...Boop...(you get the idea!) Hhmmm. Shall we go frisking? I with you'd stop following me around all day—we're starling to think alike! Um, I think we should go out for gymnastics, don't you? Disneyworld—^yea! You are such a silly girl—let's eat cheese fries, ok? Did you know you have a high p>eanut butter count in your blood? Sorry, I'm babbling again! Love, (your twin) Jods!
Valentines To Mary & Boh—I love you. Duds Maura—Let's go try on more bikinis! Love— Mary For Sale—Girlfriend. Short freshman. Bad altitude. Good body. Like new. Face may need louchup. Take highest bid. CaU 555-8889. Paul Brown—^I'm glad we became friends— again—through all that jazz. Happy Valentine's Day, honey! Vicki To Stacy: STOP talking about me behind my back. Mike Rosebud—HVD. You're the best. The last 12 years have been hell. j.k. I love you. B/F/F. your neighbor—the muppet. Kristin—Never enter a bathroom without your pick! Thanks for everything. Love You. Patrice Laurie—Me and Meg are going out to lunch! J/ K Jill M.-Shake a Dake! Love, arms. Jenny P.-HVD. Geology just wouldn't be the same without you. I love you, the Muppet. Dear Tricia, You're just a neurosis that ought to be cured, no, scratch that, I think that you have been cured-now could you help me??? Love Always, Jani Slee. Max-HVD. You're the best We must party soon. I love you-Frango Dearest GuUdenstem-For 2 months now you've been stuck with me, and I've loved every minute of it. We're taking stale this year! -oh yeah? Bite Me! Love Always, Rozencrantz Jason-HVD. You can draw on my hand anytime. You're so HOT, I want you -Love.Teen Wolf. 1 St period South words-thanks for all the laughs. Love, 92(and falling) To Dave- GET SOME TASTE IN WOMEN! LOVE, DEB AND SHAN. Dear Tennessee-So whats going on in your demonic little mind now? You creative delinquent,you. - Thank you for everything. Love Always, the Witch. COWMEAT to Chrlssle, My Favorite Pud and Biggest Nerd: "Wouldn't be the first time that things have gone astray..." But so far things are working out pretty well. Here's to crumpled gum wrappers(saved, of course). Tiger Eye, ticket stubs, mile-hi seats ("HOW much did these cost?!!!), funny noises. Stakeout and my favorite dancing scene, balconies and jumping off of them at the next TD, Big D, poisoned chocolate chip cookies, standing outside dorms, Gary & Kate, and wild & sober weekends in the six pack. Love always. Littlest Nerd. Let us pray on every night at 9:00 pm to GOD. Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!!! KS To Chris Barnett: HEY!! HVD Vicki Franni hi—^Thanx for the laughs. HVD Mar To my little sisters Heather and JennL Thanks for being the best. Hang in there cause you're gonna be awesome. HVD Mar. To the Freshman gymnastics team Yeah Babies! HVD Mar. Spike hi—^you're awesome but you're not! Can't wait till next month. Then I get to be with my favorite people. Thanks for all the laughs—^HVD Mar. Jayant Pinto—Can you go to G.C. with me? Love, Your Secret Lover. HVD.
February 10,1988 Gregg and Aim— Hi. We're seeing Sling! Yea! Aim—I'll always remember your happy smile at my front door! Gregg—Don't tell Aim about your harem—she might be too jealous! Lo ve Jods To all my pizza eating, movie seeing, funtime, kinda friends. Here's to many more movies, pizzas, fun times, laughter and shopping days. HVD. Love VIckl Steve Bringas, Maybe someday we will rekindle our old friendship. Love Patty Mel—HVD. You really get around. Just don't get any diseases. I love you—Aids I hate blueberry frosted pop-tarts, Jenny! DIth: Well, we didn't think that we were going to make it through without our Muse, but we have so far. Now, I'm sending you yellow roses in celebration of the loss of our ex-mutual-friend. Now we are completely independent women. Not really. I'll send you my new address in Sydney. Love, Sam. Miss Goll hi. Sorry about all the temper tantrums. At least I'm not being sarcastic. Happy Valentines Day to you and cockroach. Love, Mar. U-Mor, U-Man, and parapalegic, Melk!! To the Ed Debevics Gang; Shaft green— Never Again! Vicki. Kathy, hi. At least we didn't hurt our necks singing ihe national anthem. HVD, Mar. Kerry, hi. Get a new i.d. HVD, Mar. Diane B. HVD So which guy is it this week? We're gonna miss you next semester. Love, Your Geo. partner, Ad. To Springer, Moran, Skiersch, Thill, Cyze, Wise, Wally, Bemben, Catloln, Stang, Pletrick, Munst, and Hapkowski. Say no lo drugs. Love, Deb, Shan and Marge. To Moe, Karen, C, Lisa, Sher and Lily. My 6 favorite retards. Thanx for all the great times we've had at Parti's, Lil's church, and who could forget the awesome summer uptown? Ana all those squealing turns in either the u-goat or Lisa's omni! Thanx for always being there! HVD! Love Ya Lots! Ande.
To Doug Hamill, I'm gunna assassinate Alf. Then you will be sorry! from Eng 2nd To Coleen A., Ya' I was syudying but I hardly got anything done. How Micheal? Stay sweet or I should say try to be sweet, just kidding. Love, Kel G C d , Stealing apricots, looking for pumpkin seeds, schussing down the hills, and best of all riding a double decker bus through town. What an interesting life we live in good old Action Ridge. Happy Valentine's Day! Kath To Janny Johnson—Yep. It's me hahaha no brakes! Just kidding. No let's not see a movie. Where are your grampa's keys? Yes, you are keeping the skirt on if I have to kill you! (with a butter knife.) Body wave action? Love, Kelster
^k ^
^ ^
February 10,1988 Dear Beulab, Who cares about your reputation. I love you.—the Girl To A What, Remember: the original guess shirts, statemoits instead of questions, boxes with holes, and noodle necklaces? Happy Valentine's Day! Love, the third in line. To Heidi and Jenny B., No more monkey business! A few words of advice: Be ware of rotten apples, guys named Big Ron, the color red, and talking retainers. Run over ice, don't walk and never be overweening. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, oh...I don't know, could it be—Santa? Muno—HVD. You are nuts! Love ya, —AD Rose, Don't chase rabbits down alleys when it snow without me! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, LLL Amy G., Here's a toast to spaghetti. Grease II, a certain street, DEML'S, and teddy bears. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Larry Scotts, Happy Valentine's Day to an awesome dancer with a great bod. To: Barnie(Mr. Toughskins), The Fleshmasler, Jolene(who talks to much), Gemmel(what's your name), Kathy W???, Michelle F., lisa D., Laura and Donna (the "Northern girls), Joe (isn't that lovely). Ranger Rick, Sara(Trojans), the infamous boot woman Sue P., Holly w/an invisible boyfriend. Kim (the J.V.B.B. woman). Amy (the cat woman) and myself aska me. Fuzzy, Shamus and Jamie. Have a nice case of HVD! Mar Hi, Hey let's hitTicbees! I want the DBW, a real meal anytime! You are my bestest buddy! Remember Whitesnake! HVD! Love, Jen Predictor—Predict who this is from. You are
so slow! Just kidding! I'll try not to be so negative! SERIOUSLY, HVD! love, ? Little sisters Annette and Stacey, You guys are the best! HVD! love your big sis, Jen To my sexual dynamo—These last six months have been incredible! Thanks for everything! I love you always—Scuttlebutt To Annmarie HofTman—Real sorry about the note. Nick Happy Valentine's Day to the "Group" Jenn Linda, let the Big Horse Run. HVD J.K.K. Miss Bunt's 1st Period Physical Science Class—Your pretty cool. HVD The Junior NIF, Try to keep that Huge sock on. JS Attention Maine South! One missing friend. Ms. Katie Clark 5 "7 with brown hair. If found, please tell her to call my Telly (and wish her a happy V-Day) Love, a long lost friend Jill Muso—I thought you were a brunet? Paul Louizos, I love you!! You're awesome!! How about some pencil pie? Mr. Hodapp—You are very silly—Anyone can get straight A's! How do you know everything about everyone? Love, Jody Mike, Bill, Steve, Michelle, and Sandra—5B Lunch, Have a Happy Valentine's Day. Love Pat Karen—M aybc someday we will go skiing and find some skiing babes! HVD. Love you, Pat Stephle—How's the sewing machine? We are going to be such great leaders next year! I have one question for you—why did we sit out on the cold, icy cement for three hours instead of staying in the comfort of my car? TU nevw undCTstand our mmdslLoveJods Hoey—MooMoo Momalah Pechumbalaei Netty—Love, Bread Pudding Cousin
Valentines Be Frie Ding Dong: Here's to Peach Schnopp's (What is a Schnopp?) A touch of fudge, babies coming out sideways, noodle races, headaches "this big". Bunny J, Si vous plait (see the plate) "We should have done Delta" burger King crowns, Chinese Fire Drils, Pencil topers (yum!) and many other great times. Let's stand by the guy who's lips get around to get warm next time we're waiting for concert tickets. Sometimes you just have to say "Oh, Please!" But not too loud. Shhh. The Kumquat may hear you! Have a great V.D. and don't worry about the empty locket syndrome. It's not terminal. Love, St. nds., Shortie. Jay: I'm glad you endorse Bob Dole for president. I agree with your good taste. HVD. Love, your adamant admirer. To my D.M. buddies: Martin Gore is hotter than Alan Wilder and you know it. I'm not going to wish you a HVD because everyone else does. Luv,
page 13
Jeff Miller, When are you going to put that "GREEN blood" of yours to some GOOD use??!!—Youngster Kimokeo, Evala, Vic-tol, Paj, Denlse, Matge, Jen, Ja-son, The Korean Princess, John— (Girls) A Wabbitt Hunting we will go! Thanks for all the fun we' ve had. Happy V-Day. Love, Christmas Tree & Blrgltta To 5th period MJ. Eng. Writers, Happy VDay! M.B.: Hope all trig tests are as easy... By the way, #17 is not a b.... Reenie: May your wallet become empty—^next time, be more careful! RNA: May a satirical essay appear under your pilow. Remember, you are my exclusive cutomer!... Oh— no: your zipper's down again, quit procrastinating! Milton will enhance our lives (when, I don't know). There was one, anyone, anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller, Bueller... Love, the Sher-ster Jai James Bayer, Hey Geek! It shrunk nine inches, Janelle: Paul Gast for Girls' Choice, right? not 9 1/2. Clear up the rash, stop biting girls, they won't bite you back. Get a real left foot. Without HVD. Love, your German cohort Love, The Gang. Katie: Not on your life! Polly want a nestegg? Love, Andrea To Trace, Ep, Jeff, Debbie Ann, Kelba, Long live the Kotibas! Rennle, Amy, Ida, Michelle, KathI and Christie, To Denlse, Justin, PattI, and Mlchelle-6a Happy V-Day! I love ya guys! Love—^M.B. lunch is an adventure. Love, Andrea. Alvln: I Love You—Me Amo. and your brother Brian Happy V-day! I love you always! Tommy Hoff is cool, too.—Rob Lentz Carolyn. To Ep and Trace: Happy V-Day! Alot of your Frank: robbing the cradle, robbing the cradle, stuff would sound the same so I put both of yours robbing the cradle, robbing the cradle. HVD. Love, together. Trace, don't forget Maine Paric nights, some Jealous women windshield wipers, ber-ner-ner-ner, sleep overs Kaaron: The above is meant only in jest. We and a tall glass of milk in the morning, the nimiber sincerely like you. Love, The Jealous women. 4... let's not make it 5! Gina my brain is fried and To Jal and Karen with a "K": Hola! Don't I feel like a day old piece of toast, soccer city, I hate you ever feel like getting....HAPPY? - " B i g C" MaryBeih Tyska, and video taoing in your room. Mr. Patton Fletcher: The Advocate is such a To both of you—Peter Gabriel (ALWAYS bring your umbrella!) Bud-Bud-Bud (hello), getting competent newspai>er with complete accuracy snowed in, ranch flavor doritos, Saturday afterin printing peoples' names. By the way, noons at Gina's or talking late at night, the "big Feichterville sounds like a great place to live. scam," 3 in the front seat or a leather bracelet that Will you vote Republican in the upcoming had 5 knots in it that standed for 3 among .ihcr election? —an AP Government student things, I love ya guys—thanks for letting me cry on Meliss—Math is for dimib people—I'm not your shoulder and putting up with my temper taking it next year! Sting is god! You are a driving tantrums. You guys will always be real special to fool—even though Mr. Borck didn't like you! me and the memories we have will never change. Always remember: "Men are shallow!" Love Jods Gina—will you play that song for me one more Amy (the flagging goddess)—Oh my, what time? Love—Tysk F-F the heck am I going to do without you next year? There have been so many times that you've helped Keaner: Lentz straighten out my life! Many happy times too—VThinos: Lentz Shows, musicals, (Martene!), les feesh, big dogs— Andrea—^We must make up the two pig out not a good thing!,photo, gapping, McDonald's, that we missed. HVD. Love ya, Muppet Trunk (oh, sorry—that wasn't us, was it?), beJay—I love you! I'm yours forever! Reg. friending the administration, imitating nice girls, Lisa, Dum-dums, orang juice. Ploy's friends, crying at movies (like "Out of Africa"), and much "Do you have a washroom?", bottomless dorks at more that is xmsuitable for general knowledge! I the beach, it's been fun! Can you roll your eyes yet? love you! Love Jods. P.S.—^you're nice. H.V.D. Margie SherrI, Shhh! Do you really think their faces I am appalled that we are seriously considering are molded like that! H.V.D. Margie robbong that silver Marker for Valentione's day. Dear Krlsta Heitzman, HE'S MINE!! And I am appalled that I am sacrificing our cousins for this message. Oh Well Happy Valentine's day. Mary Beth—Let's get cultured again. Love Reggie To Larry—I was watching the movie!! Everybody on Crew, I love you all so much! SW Editors: So you don't want anything in here but "true Valentine messages"? OK... You are Thanks for being there when I needed you! Love MelanI all the sweet frosting on the cake of life. Is that better? How about this: I like you guys. Janelle Dear Kim, If only wasn't married! To Major butt: We all know you beat Keith Spitonaforehead—Let's do lunch—The although the guys won't admit it. You're the best! Puerto Rican K.K. & goose clap, clap, clap—huh—Spurt! Easy on the baby powder there! Cover your bruises! love, ME!
page 14 EMC, Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Jane Tina, You crazy woman! Mad town here we come! I love ya! Jane Wes, I love you! Guess who! Laura and Bean, Thanks for all the fun times in D.C., Miltown, and in P.R. I love you both! Jackie, All I know is someone beefed! Don't watch lop gun too many times! Love ya lots! Wendy Greg(Freshman B-ball player) I want to get to know you! Love, Soph. To Fen—I love ya Shan. Love, Conn Clark—^Ii's huge—^No he's not. Wattle Bru—I was bom to love you I was bom to lick your face I was bom to rub you but you were bom to rub me first. Wath Thonigans! Happy Valentine's Day to the best friend anyone could ever have! You better ask me to Girls' Choice! Luv ya, Leeber Hey Mary it's Valentine's Day. Any good stock hints? But, Boh, you don't imderstand I like Valentines! Shaneena. TR—^Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of The Blues Brothers—My education is now complete. Let's go 24 pages next time; that way we can do an ovemighter. Thanks for all your help and guidance. The Co who misses all the good movies To Jan, When you dump Andy...!! (Ha!) Let's get together and play SCRUPLES again—we are the same. Remember—Two Virgins at Law— Scott and Waldron, Inc. I'm serious about this! Love, Maura To Schmitz and Schaef—Give me this blanket. Give me this blanket! You are so cute, you are so cute. Love, Someone who was at the Cure concert. To my superior flag corps friend: Let's get together and make fun our special friend's love life. Who made up this holiday anyway? Could it be— satan!? HVD! Love, the person who doesn't know where pork comes from. To Marge, Schmitz, Col. Krust, Kates, Val, and Llse— I love you all, you guys are the greatest friends. Love always, WAB Rusty: I LOVE YOU! Jill, To: colored contacts; To: being unnatural; To: friendly dirmers; To: Rush Street {parties; To: oiff friendship Love, Boh Herbie: thankx for everythin, you're such a nice guy HVDS;Corkey: jOle! HVD EP is for you and me. Package! Val, Deja-Vu, Chiquita, HVD, I love you guys! BECKSTER: thanks for all those times you listened to me talk, HVD, I love you always. Cin, feelin' better, comr back soon; I love ya! HVD.—Cath Alfalfa, I think I'll take my Drivers' test in lombard. Have you found your sunglasses yet? Let's go downtown and meet some Morman hockey players from Utah! HVD! Love, your friend who loves to laugh at you. HEY RUSS—Have you gotten caught in any basements lately? "Someone's been down here with the ugly stick." Roses are red, Violets are blue, Verbancic loves gymnists. And he tried to score two. Nick, we love you almost as much as you love yourself. Class of '88
Valentines Roses are red, Violets are blue. Jack robs the cradle. And destroys cars too. To Shapper— The past 4 months have been great and I hope there's more to come. I love you. Love, WAB Kania—Thanx for my birthday candle—it realy meant a lot to me! You're the coolest and I love ya! The Wabster RUSSELL!!! Get over here!!! Dear Parrot, Thanks. The Monkeys To the "A WHAT?" gamg, Next time we'll eat noodles at my house. HVD! Love, Roach Woman To Kries and Grose— I miss you, hon. We have to get together more! Love, Bug To the "A WHAT?" founder: Let's go to McD's and eat apple pies! HVD! love, your Hawaiian neighbor MY DARLING RUSS—I dream of you each night as i pull the covers up against the cold air. Please—come warm me up!!! XOXOXOXOXO New Years Eve at my house!! KS Melissa, Stay away from all moldy pumpkin jx)und-cake. Ick. PEe-Kals! KS Sq-wee-shee! KS Eat Me, Tim! KS Olive Park Beach is like the size of Park Ridge. KS She was aU alone, by herself. KS The EVa Brown book of famous sayings. KS Paul, you are an awesome...skater! KS SPACIFISIGHl To Chrlsti (Osco employee): You and him (Paul) make a cute couple! SHHH! Jim! Thanx for being a sweetie! VIcki Aim^-everything worked out for the better. You have Steve. I have freedom!! To Mike Shap—I care for you very much, but I can't use the 'L' word just yet. Just kiddin' Love Wend Melissa—clustery; it works! Don't worry, some day youll find the guy with all the good looks you'll ever need. Oh, and by the way—watch out for the holes in those dam chairs; they're dangerous!— Your Co-Ed (the one who rides the bus) T.R. What are you giving me for going through the nightmare of typing in all these messages? Just kidding, i love it. (ahem...) When's the next Gene & Jude's excursion? HVD! Janelle Dear Mrs. Computer nerd. He's Yours! Some people just don't like Grapefruit. Love LitUe, Big sis Kristin, Happy Valentine's Day from your fitness friend. Next lime I promise not to fall asleep. Tanja, Vicki, Blrglt, Denlse, Joanne, Tim, Jason, and Tom—you guys are the best! This summer we've got to go to the beach every day and turn magenta (Vicki), but we can' I lose our bathing suits (Birgit), and don't worry, no one will mistake us for whales (Denise). MaybeMadonnawillcome (Tim), if not we'll build her with sand, if there's enough (Tom). We'll eat some chocolate (Tanja) and maybe get some 30 year old man to dance (Chris). But no one's allowed to drive their GTI's (Jason), ya know why, because their dry (Joanne). Omega and Denny's 4-ever!! Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Love alwats. Eve Megan Robbin, Glad I could help prove your camel theory. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! H.V.D.—Your Angel from 2b
February 10,1988 Tom, I love you kind of a lot. Joanne "Do you have a plethora of pinatas?" Hey Ande. Do you want to moum together? Blamo! She's dead. HVD. Shee-rah. Neil, 25 cent? Nece To my running partner(the pink pig) YOU ARE A HOT TUNA! Dear Andy, H.V.D. to the guttsiest European student I know. I'm glad we have gotten to be better friends even though you tramatized me throughout my 8 years at cheery MS W. I hope you have a great weekend with the luckiest woman (I mean girl) on earth. Love, Maura Hey Shawn Happy V-day! Hey do you need a ride? "Thanks for being a great friend. Love, Pickle Hey Laura! How's your love life and Mr. Dukket? Love, your old old old pal, Di My dearest (and only) Co-Ed—Pica rulers rule! (No pun intended. Well, not really.) I don't know what we'd do without this wonderful job— we'd probably still have some semblance of sanity left, that's all(Notice the alliteration—nice, huh?) Nice picture—^What's that girl doing to her nails? Hellish though it has been, believe me, I'll never forget this year. (Then again, I couldn't forget this year even if I tried!) Justremember, well miss this when it's gone, so let's live it up! Love, Ditho Hey diamonds! Catch any flying objects lately? Where? When? Ugh! Have a great Valentine's day. Thump Thump to you-knowwho. Hey, keep that Sprite in ya! I love ya. Pickle Tanya—Keep working on that stroke, perfection is difficult to come by. I still think he's cute, I don't care what you think. Thanks for everything. HVD. Love, your perfect friend. Hey Kevin, You're still a brat, even when you're on the other side of the room. From youknow-who. To my Co-co-editor: Things have been good so far—I'm glad we "went co-." I'm glad we've had fun and tears. Nothing like losing a center spread you, personally, worked 5 hours on. We've kept our cool and I'm proud. We're half-way there and then the BIG "C" word!!! Thanks for everything and H.V.D. Love, Your Co-co-editor, Maur Yo Adrlenne! Yes?! I hope so. Have a fully eventful V-day. Love ya! DI DOUG JAMES, You're so hot. I watch you everyday in class. I can't stand it anymore; today you'll find out who I am. Love— LLLL, Long live Red Roses, Some Kind of Wonderful, Trumpet Players,(may be not), snow (the spray kind), alleys, my car, Dunkin Donuts, Lit of Chicago, Full Tanks of gas, broken door handles. Honestly, and you and me. We've been through it all. Just wanted to say "thanks" and Happy Valentine's Day. Love, TSSSS Frank In 6A lunch—Youreally are really cute. Come eat lunch where you'll be truly appreciated and have some real lunch time fun. You-knowwho. Russ—You're pretty groovy. I sense some good vibes. You're really far-out. Jenine Juan and Eva—May you always find a comfonable closet to drink and whatever else in. Joanne Melissa: I smell cheese! To Aaron Butcher (The Shovel) Thanx for helpin' me through a rough time. I'm glad we're buddies. Love, Bullwlnkle
February 10,1988 My heart is weeping for the only boy I love. Where are you Wally? Babae, For everything we've done, are doing and will do in the fumre I will always love you no matter who or what tries to stand between us. Thanks for always helping me look at the bright side of things, what we're going through now and I know after the problem has passed I will love you even more. Love, Mia. Chip: Who are you really talking to? Brad—I'll never be sorry. I love you.—^Amy Niece—Hey SIS!!! Good luck in your future romances. God knows we both got off to a bad start!! Remember Donald Dork and Daffy Dan? Anyways, I luv ya! Just stop admiring those nice nuts!!!!—Amilunk Nikki: You're a fake! FROM: U know who Andy: HaHaHaHa Happ Hap Hap Happy Va Valentine's Day From: UhUh.Uh.US Tine, Happy Valentine's Day Much Love Je Notice To All WRESTLERS 17 Days And Counting 48 hour Bash J J . To-Hoser Roses are red, violets are blue, you look like a freshman because, you're hair's full of goo. Graham Vandenbrink, You seem not to notice me, but I Love You so, I want to find out why they call you the quick sly one. Please teach me the way. XXXOOO The Fox Urchin, Have a fun time without me next year, but miss me just a htile (not just my clothes)! I'll be missing you a lot even if you do smell like chlorine. I love you. Sissy. To my adorable dumb foreigner: I really shouldn't be using my money on this—it should be going toward my plane ticket. Let's make a date 4 1/2 years from now. I can wait. I love you, SAM Chris Chandler, You have nice hands. Love, the recieving end! To my 5b lunch table (the junior girls) Luv U Guys, Val To The Master: Ha, who am I kidding, it's more like "the slave." Here's to more Lowenbrau, one hour torchers, beatings after school, and parkings in our special spots. Baby, I love you with all my heart, soul, and body, all my love! Your Mistress (T.B.) Dear Jim Kokosoulis, I think you're totally gorgeous. I want you! Love—^you know who Bonnl, are your feet cold? Gregg Coomer is dreamy ...but when are you going to sing Misty for me?!! Here's to Magic Shell, mysteriously appearing and then disappearing in the middle of the night, ihat great cat on West Park Hill, The Capri (THE GREATEST CAR IN THE UNIVERSE...HA!), my sister's life-threatening driving habits, bugging Kitty, procrastination, pheremones, tea, my kindof bad dinners, you fish (don't you LIKE them??!!), the evasive anti-gravity room with bearskin waterbed walls, sneaking around in unauthorized areas (especially Hell!), sweet cheeks, Andreas Volenweider and Jean-Michel Jarre, Perfossenuse cookies (ick!), Wendy, parents who really like going to Wisconsin, and most of all, here's to the 8 most incredible months two human beings have ever spent together. And here's to spring I love you always. Amy. Brian, I love you cutie! I really do! Happy Valentine's Day. Love your. Chic
Valentines John Ferraro, Happy Valentine's Day. Glad we're still together. I love you. Love, Caroline Meghan, Kari, Mari, jenny, Hallie, Laurie, and Dorai: Happy Valentine's Day! BOFO! Love, Geli Julie Peterson and Colleen Lenihan Thanks for the skirt shots Love JefT, Dan, Roger, and Jim To all the girls that are hot for me. Please leave me alone. D.B. My Dearest Pattl Neuman. Happy V.D. to a groovy best friend! How about New Year's, homecoming, and planes? It's been fun! How about Russ?Duhhh! Love, Kris To Bud Hare—Hi From C.H. Hello Bielak—No matter what everyone says, you're still a nice guy! 3rd period Anthony, I love you more and more each day I love you Happy Valentine's day Jennifer Amy—A lot has happened since the night of pizza rolls, TP, and doughnuts at dawn. I'm glad we stuck it out. HUD! Jen To the J.B. Club members of Maine South: Watch out for those Serb guys with that "puj jebemti" kind of personality on V-Day. Don't be gounoglavas. Remember: JEBI SE!!! your spiritual leader, Lily Nicole DiFino—You're Hot—A senior with ripped jeans Laila Tenoid, Roses are red, violets are blue, I have talked to you at the gas station. How about dinner too? Russ Happy Valentine's Day: Bear, Dougle, Larry, Floyd, Liz, Mel, Peach Wolf, Mar-yann, Merge the Nun, Hot Lips, Grizzly, Jen!, Mobe, Laura, Gee, Pumpkinhead, the French Cheerleaders, Shapper, Richie Schreiber, Mag, Mara, Deb, Tigger,Monique, Duke, Janet Grimley, my gym class, Helena, Jimmy Bayer, Airhead, Kelster, Vickster, Eileen, Animal, Schluda, Butch, Meg, Rich, Pogo the Chimp, Kid, Denis, Greg, the whole Softball team, and lastly Paul G. Hewitt. Hope SAP gets Dr. J!!!! PDW!! Love you all. Little Bitz Janet Grimley, You're one of a kind! Make Ed's face and beat up your defenseless friends. Here's to my Techno-viper and superballs. Remember, volleyball is only cool in snuggles. Yeah, Baby!—S-Ball! Love ya', Mego Dearest Tuck Buckley Taboo, Jr.: Our life's been a blast. From walnuts on stick legs to Denis with one "N". Through jock friends, parties, rhyming boys (JIM and TIM), to weekends with 40 football players. Here's to future memories. Love, your girlfriend To the person who has my Chia Pet in her hands; Happy Valentines Day. Love M.G. To the only girl in lunch I loved before; SPILL!!! Love, Cello My lunch table: You are all Nerds including Hyun Shin Roger F. I want you! Horndog B.W. HVDI Love You Me John Lawrence, 1-900-DEAD; "Hello, operator, I'm trying to call the DEAD. Janelle Jannan-D,H.V.D.—Dolly Trish, Meg, Chris, etc; math buddies in 5B, H.V.D. Love, Marth. Steve Finny, Breaking up is hard to do. Phone First! To Kristen, * Love, Stacey (Ha. Ha.)
page 15 To the man with the Mickey Mouse watch: I know we've had to face lots of problems but we've always done it together and things have turned out O.K. We've got a lot to look forward to in the future.. .confronting that problem of yours at work (the one who you like to spill shakes and ketshup on!) Gary, Carrie and Sherrie (and others), getting my car and my apartment and much more! Don't ever leave me, babe. I love you! Love, Minnie Hi Cheryl, how's AL? Happy V.Day. Love, Huey Dear Norman Busse, I love U. from ? Todd S., I'm sorry. Maura To Syn, Marge, KT, Col, and Wen: To my best friends in the world, have the best of Valentine's Days with Jayster, Sean-y, B.C., Mike, and Shap. Have fun, you guys! Love Always, Krusty. To my "little sis," C—HAPPY V-DAY! LYLAS, ANDE to Pj—thanx 4 the memories! Love, Ande Don—I LOVE YOU! Melissa To: Amy—I'mso confused!! If he thinks he's confused, well... KS To My Best Friend Dorothy—Yes, you go to East, but I won't hold it against you! Y/F/F/A/E Vickl To My Maine East Friends: Dorothy, Jamie, Nik, Terry, Bill Shaboygan-boygan, the Oakton B-ball team, and Terry's cousin, Tony. Happy V-Day, Love, Me. My Awesome Skating Partner—Have a good one! Love, Vlckl John—^I'm confused—is it yes or no? Right, Aim? Yeah!! Amy—I like Steve, you two make a perfect couple!! Love— Vickl The A-Whats: Nodle races, noodle jewelry, noodle sisters, 40 lashings with a wet noodle and many other noodle memories, I think I'll write a book: "My adventures with the A-What people." H.V.D! Love, the one who wasn't. To those Mike S lovers: Your dream is actually a hopeless reality; so just stay by the one you love. White Dove. To my favorite J u Orchesis, You're doing great. Keep it up you'll make it next year. True Faith is the way Erasure's by your side. Your Fan. To Hawkette/Editor, glad you found someone who could last past 3 weeks. Make it more than 3 months. Your Friend. To Sophmore Cheerleader, The one who has her locker in the puck green. How about diiuier or something? Yellow locker. To little bear, Tlie time we spent together has been great and hopefully there will be more to come. Happy nine months. Love ya. Looking forward to seeing you again. Love ya bear To Cheeks, That cute little fury critter who lives with little bear. Stop going crazy at night for little vear can get some sleep. Love ya, bear. To that male shovanlst. Who sits next to great girl in bio, leave her be. Tebi se! Madman. Debbie Kiersch, Senior, Happy Valentine's Day, Dave. To the 5b lunchtable, Happy V.D. Love, the 6b lunchtable Justin, Pattl, and Denise! J. Syko, you light up my life! Happy V-Day. I Love You. RB. Col—Look at that big bird! WAB
page 16 To Lg. Marge—Is the toilet your friend? W AB Grampa Honey, "This weekend was a great weekend for skiing and ROMANCE!" Love, Gramma Honey the Gang, I love you guys forever. Thanks for everything. The memories will never end, only get better. We're going to all be a Girls Coice (right) and we're all going to have the best time. Love always, Synd Amy D & J.J.— So which one of you really burned the Jiffy popcorn? Ma Barry Amy—(sniff, sniff) Do we smell a romance? Ma barry & Gramma Honey Mel, Thanks for the sexy, snow white flash! Love, Synd, Marge, Amy, Al & Wend Mel, Mella, MeUa, Melvin, J/K Synd & Marge Waba-daba-do and Shapper too, Just wanted to wish the two of you a Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Marge George, WHAT TIS UP? Love, The Powderhomies Wend, This year at Powderhom: we learned how to spell Beauprez. Thaijk god you found your pink sunglasses. It wouldn't have been ttose! Hajjpy one year to Jack looking like an imipa loompa! Oh, and one last thing, was the water warm? Love, Schmitz and Schaef To the guys in room #10 at Powderhom: We all just wanted to thank you for all the hot water you left us Saturday morning, your stepping over elephants in the middle of the night, and of course your lovely early morning wake ups. It was a fun weekend guys! Thanks. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Synd, Meg, Wend, Al, and Amy. S.A.S., K.S.F.D.M. you W.O.F.P. member! Now, when is the A.E.S. going to get B.M. to stop earthin"? L, M. Al—Looks like you got more of the prime action than me babe! Next time take a brother on the bus! J/K. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Marge Synd—Learn how to pick up a bag of popcorn! Love, Ma Barry. Rob, —So how'd you get down here?—^It was easy. —Brandenberg! What are you doin' there? —Just giving them their shirt back. The girls below you. Jason Murges, Is this a dancin' song? You have a great V-Day banana-head! Love, Synd. Wend & Mel, Make Love, not War! Krust & Brian, Happy 1 year anniversary! Have a great Valentine's Day! Love, Meg & Synd Vickie & Jodi, You guys are the absolute funniest! Photo is great w/ you two! Have a great Valentine's Day! Love, Meg. Grandpa & Gramma Honey, I'm so happy for the two of you! You look very cute together. Have a great Valentine's Day. Love you guys. Ma Barry. To all my friends—Hey guys (I'd name everyone but I don't want to forget anyone), I think you all are the greatest. I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for all the good times, and being there through the bad. I love you all. Happy Valentine's Day! Love always. Marge. Hey Nif, the guy really said, "Evita's body was not found for 17 years, and I don't really have a cat named Clarence "Bud" Cheeseman; it was a typo."
Valentines Kodent: 1 love you HVD! Guess who? I've got the gas money this time. "Hey Army BOY!" To Mr. Deines—You're still hot! Love, B.W. and S.M. ODE TO RUSS HOR VATH— Roses are red. Paper is manilla. I love you even more than VaniUa! XXXOOO Col—How's your military history gain? Do you admire fast rummers? Even if you are gullible. I love ya anyways. Love, Burg Kates—You keep on knockin', but you can't com in. Love, Wend To Marge—Thanks for my flowers and the bday cake! You're the greatest. Thanks for being there always. WABBA DABBA DOO! Hank, These 2 years have been greaL You're the best brother in th eworld. I' 11 miss you when you leave! Love, Mario Val D: I love Hawkettes, I love Hawkettes because they're so loose! Schmitz and Val—^When's the nexttime we're driving with the top down? Love, Wend Mel—Regardless of what's happened, you're still cool and I love ya! Love, WAB To the Southwords Editors, What would I do without you guys beside eat hot meals, sleep more than 5 hours a night, and actually get good grades? You are my love and my life, yet I'm dying to get out of V-130 for good. I hope we continue to scramble at the last minute and still get out the best paper in 18 years. Thanks for all the problems and all the triumphs. Love, your fearful co-editor, Maura. Maur—What triumphs? Hopi—^You are the best lab parmer in the whole world! Give Justin a big kiss for me. Love, Joanne. To Colleen—You overweeing! A What? Or could it be...Remember never walk onice: run. You know its not nice to kill flowers and leave them. Watch out Floridacause here we come twice. Love, Henrietta To Big Ron's Love or should I say Larry's! Next time you feel sick don't stay in a warm place. Body surfing is with water. I was a Big Car! Let's not live another nightmare. Ski without a fence. .Mel, Bobbie, George, and Sean—BURN THE SNUGGIES!! Love, Al, Synd, Amy, Wend, and Meg Tina and Barb, Remember Jay and Wes from Wisconsin? Was Wes worth remembering? H.V.D.—The girl with the see-through suit Madonna, oh I mean Lara—Well undy dung I hope you find something to do next year. I'll love you always cutie and you better visit me at college. Love, Eve Lieber Hoffensteimer: Happy V-Day! Love,, Thunagins Mel & Seany, Are you sure there's a schmoo? Pa Barry, TTianks for the great ski weekend. The movie was especially great. Love, Ma Barry. Ma & Pa Barry, To the couple of the year: May your love for each other never die because I will cry. (Hey, it rhymed.) Love, Gramma Honey. Sean, Just wanted to thank you for all the great times we've had the past 8 months. I don't know what I'd do without you. Happy Valentine's Day! I Love You, Meg. "A tic fell onme from the trees; I said don't bite me—Please." (Jen, 'You Are My Sunshine' just isn't cute when you're wearing make-up.)
February 10,1988 Jim Kokosioulis, I love you! Will you be my Valentine? Love now and FOREVER, Dana Dear Jen, Just wanted to tell you I Love you. Forever Love, Chris Happy Valentine's THE GARLAND SISTERS—Beach Party! Yeah. Keep dancin' WALKS-I'll help you. To Mike Shap—I hurt my knee and you weren't there! Love, Wabby Happy V.D. Justin, Patti, Andrea, and Michelle. Dear Pinny, Thank HEAVEN for Sweet Spots! Love you forever. Patch As a warning to all guys. Gag is not dead. Just resting. So beware. The Pres and VP
Double Trouble Forever! Love, H. Muckenschluck To my skiing and lab partner—Let's try not to screw up at least one lab or better yet let's get ALL the matches. Up for the Diner? Never forget skiing with scratched eye, T-shirt man and much more to come! Love-Your lab partner Surfer Dude! Cuteness today. Surfer Dud. To my fav lab partner: Stay out of lounge— weird people hang out there that will start conversation with you and call you "babe." Here's to another semester of broken glassware &"fudged" data. HVD! Love, Your Best Buddy Kristin, can you sleep over, or should I wait until you invite yourself? The Rice Krispies are waitin. Love, Joanne Mike Notzen and Doug James—You are the best U.S.D.A. Govenunent Inspected Prime Rib of beefcake in the entire school. Eternal love, 2 Chicks Amy Steele, You are cute as a bug in a rug.. HVD The Budding Hemingway Janet Myers—Shot thru the heart and you're to blame! You give love a bad name. Yon Bon Yovi Jananandy: You're Sooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUUUUTE! But look out for hostile bishops with sharp teeth! T.C. To my favorite, most distinguished SA lunch table: Joseph, Steven, Edward, Jayant, Matthew, Beaker, Mark, Anna, and the rest— Happy Valentine's Day from an upri^Ar Calculus student. To all my AU pupils: I would like to announce that all of you have been accepted because of your outstanding ability to consume so much pivo and slivo without having that "puj jetximti" feeling the next day (well...some of you) Congratulations. HVD! Your spiritual advisor, Lily the Zena! ToTHE Slaughter: You're the best in comedy entertainment! Don't ever change. Hey, it's 8:11 and 50 seconds. Love ya. Lily and Ande Heidi, Spas down—it's only Valentine's Day! Let's you, Julie (our fav cruise director), and me go to Ed's! HVD! Love, You-know-who's granddaughter
February 10, 1988
page 17
Alumni profile
Swider-Peltz (74) keeps beating odds
by Melissa Thornley by Melissa Tnornley ,«»„ ^^.„_., Recently the Maine South Varsity Club and the Girls' P.E. staff contributed $300 and S200, respectively, to help sponsor one of the competitors in the 1988 Winter Olympics. The money was not given to just any athlete, but to Nancy SwiderPeltz, a 1974 graduate of Maine South who has made wiiming into a way of life. Any athlete might consider an Olympic berth as the high point of a career, but what makes her appearance on the U.S. Olympic Speedskating Team so special is that Nancy has become the only speedskater ever to make the U.S. Olympic Team four times. Though a major accomplishment for any athlete, becoming a fourth-time olympian stood as a personal achievement as well.
qQ§) Just nine months prior to making the U.S. Olympic Team in the trials at Calgary, Nancy gave birth to a 9 lb. 15 oz. baby girl by caesarean section. It took only one month after the birth of Nancy Swider Peltz (the same name as her mother, only without the hyphen) for Nancy to train back into top competitive form, and with her appearance in this year's Olympic Games, she will set arecord for the fastest recovery from childbirth to Olympic competition. Adversity is no stranger to Nancy. Just before the 1984 Olympics, while training on special speed skating roller skates in the Rosemont Horizon parking lot, she fell at full speed and shattered her jaw, an injury requiring immediate surgery which would put her out of competition. With the Olympics so near, however, she ordered the doctor to postpone the operation and wire her jaw shut. Weeks later she competed at the Olympic Games, then returned home for her long-overdue operation. With such a record of triumphs over seemingly insurmountable odds, she approached this year's Olympic trials with enthusiasm. In Calgary, Nancy found herself up against tough competition in the 1000 meter race, needing to beat Bonnie Blair, the top U.S. contender ivho had already won all eight of her trial races so far. Even with the deck stacked against her, Nancy met the challenge by winning the race in 1:28. 94 seconds, qualifying her for her record-setting fourth Olympic apf)earance. Southwards Is the student-produced ncwspa|>«r <>f Maine South Hij^h School. )>ark Ridj^e, IL. l-Vltcrs to Iho editor should he dolivcrtd lo roo?n V-130 ,ip jiiveri to a member ot the editorial .stall bolow. Soulhwords reserves the rij;ht to edit Utters ct>nt;tiiiinu ohswiie or JilHloiis l'Milur>-iti-thief Meredith ISrammeJer Maura Scott ^''»s editor Kmita Sabnani t-omrncntary editor Jav Pinto Features editor Melissa Thornley '"^P'lrts editor Katie O'Connor ''hotn editor
tVoduetion edjior
[ody McConnlck
Jandle Slaughter
Michelle Donato, Tracy Minor, Kelly Schacfer, and Carlyn Krystal, representing the Varsity Club, present a $300 donation to four-time Olympian and Maine South alumna Nancy Swider-Peltz, who holds her daughter Nancy in her arms. Competing in this year's Olympics holds an added bonus, for Nancy will be joined by Mark Greenwald (a 1986 graduate of Maine South, and the youngest American speed skater at the Olympics) and Dave Cruikshank—both of whom she currently coaches. The strong will and determination exhibited by Nancy comes as no surprise; one only has to look at her accomplishments here at Maine South to see that she's a natural bom winner. Athletically, Nancy competed in not just one, but four sports while at Maine South: basketball, swimming, track, and speedskating. On the girls' swim team, she placed among the state's top ten; in Hack and field, she helped Maine South capture second place in State; on her own, she was named national speedskating champion. As if these accomplishments were not enough, Nancy played the violin in concert orchestra, participated in the musical three years in a row, was a
Batman(s), Meathooks were fun. Now let's go on to bigger and better things. Sybil. Jay, 1 have 10 cents. Now I have none. So, what's my pxjint? I don't have one. Anyway— Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Joanne. Troy and Karen: You're the greatest! Thanks for all the rides. I love you guys! Jim—The tag belongs on the inside, back of tlie sweater! Love, Karen. Wild woman, brown noser, and cutter. Have FUN TOGETHER!!! Gralnne!!! Dougie, Of course you must be kidding!
member of the cheerleading squad all four years (serving as captain both her sophomore and junior years,) and was elected to both Brotherhood Society and National Honor Society her junior and senior years. Miss Jackie Schultze, the girl's track and field coach, remembers Nancy "constantly going." "She was never not doing something. She never wasted one minute." While on track, Nancy constantly boosted the team's morale with her strong confidence in the team's abilities. "Don't woiry, Miss Schultze, we'll win it!" was a phrase often heard coming from Nancy. The spirit and enthusiasm exhibited in Nancy's competitions at Maine South only foreshadowed the success which was yet to come. Her perscverence and confidence persist as strongly today as they did 14 years ago. She always said she would win. She still does.
valentines, valentines,
A. and K.—I love you guys. 1 know sometimes I'm a royal pain but I'm going to miss your clothes, I mean you next year. HVD. Love, Me To Jeanette (the invisible girl who sat in the row of 1st sopranos in C.C. last year), BRING A TORCH!!!!! Love, Maur Dear Frank Demeranis, Will you be my Valentine? Always, Jenny Green To Bethy Dubrowsky, HVD. You're a woman! How about New Year's? Or Paul trying to run us over? It's been fun. You're a great friend! Love, Kris.
page 18
February 10,1988
Grapplers aiming for CSL crown With only a few weeks remaining in the 198788 season, the Maine South wrestlers are in a position to win the CSL-South conference championship. "Most of the kids are seniors, and it would be great for them to win the conference in their last year," said varsity head coach Tom Ziemek. The varsity teamhasa3-l conference record, their only loss coming to Maine East, and a 7-8 overall record. In order to win the conference championship the Hawk wrestlers will first have to beat Evanston, which should not be too difficult for them on Friday, February 5, the varsity team faces rival Maine East, and the winner will emerge conference champion. In the last meeting with Maine East, which took place on Friday, January 8 at Maine East, the Hawks lost to Maine East 35-20. Although the Maine South wrestlers performed just as well as their Maine East coimterparts; the Hawks had to forfeitl2 points because their 167 and 185 pound wrestlers were unable to comjjete. Starting off the Maine East meet, Mike Morandi, a freshman completing in the 98 lb. weight class for the varsity lost his match by a score of 84. The Hawks came right back, though, with a 1105 win by Steve Bringas and an impressive 12-0 shutout by Tom Gonzalez. Gonzalez was followed by Lance Caldwell, who lost a tough match in the 113-119 lb. weight division. Up next at the Maine East meet was Jim Jacobucci, who won a close, grueling match by a score of 4-3. Mike Caliendo proceeded to put out a big effort, but was defeated, 9-4. Three minutes and twenty-seven seconds into the next match Jeff Jacobucci pinned his opponent. Due to injury and lack of depth, Maine South's varsity team had to forfeit two weight classes. This really hurt the Hawks, for if wrestlers in these two classes could have won 8-4, instead of forfeiting and going 0-12, the Hawk wrestlers of the meet, Joe Mika and Bill Kuehn both were pinned by outstanding Maine East opponents. The day after the Maine East meet the varsity squad traveled to Elk Grove to take place in a triple-
dual (three seperate head-to-head meets) meet. Once again, injury and lack ofdepth hurt the varsity squad as precious points were forfeited away. The end results of this triple-dual meet were unfortunate for the Hawk wrestlers and their fans, as the varsity came away with no wins and three losses. The high point of an otherwise depressing day for the Maine South team was Jeff Jacobucci, who pinned all three of his opponents. With the exception of Maine East, Maine South has won all of its conference meets this year, mostly by large margins. One conference rival Maine South beat this year was New Trier. In their 49-18 thrashing of New Trier on Friday, December 18, all but three individuals won their matches. In addition to this, Pete Miller, Lance Caldwell, Mike Caliendo and Bill Kuehn all beat their opponents by piiming them. Besides the regular head-to-head meets the varsity wrestling team has also participated in several tournaments. Head Coach Tom Ziemik's statement, "I've been very pleased with our tournament performances this year," sums up the Hawks' success.
Wed, 2/10
Boys' Basketball Girls' Basketball Boys' Track
Fri,2/12 Maine East V/S—6:00
The Hawks had a tough schedule the past thre weeks, playing three conference games and three rivals. The game against Waukegan West saw matched play for nearly three quarters. The end of the third period had the Hawks up nine points and a victory seemed near. A late rally by Waukegan West tied the game with minutes to go. West took a quick two point lead; with just seconds on the clock Maine South took a three pointer. The three points attempt missed but Steve Vrbancic picked up the foul. With no time on the clock, and one point behind, the Hawks had a chance. The last hope for victory didn't come, as the two shots wouldn't go in and the Hawks lost another close game 52-51. The M aine East game also ended in a close loss.
Sat, 2/13
home contest Mon, 2/15
Tues, 2/16
Hersev \tS—6-M Sectional competition
GU-nbrook S V/1-7S—4:30 NiJes W V,r-.S—4:30
Girls' Track Swimming
CSL-S Conf DV-2:00 SW-7:00
In perhaps their finest performance of the year, the Maine South varsity wrestlers captured first place in the eight-team Elmwood Park Invitational tournament. The Hawk wrestlers racked up 157.5 points and nine top three finishers on their way to victory. Jim Jacobucci, wrestling in the 119-1261b weight class came away with champion honors, earned by winning three matches and not losing any. Heavyweight Bill Kuehn needed only a little under three minutes to become champion of the heavyweight division. He pinned his first opponent 31 seconds into the match and his second and fmal challenge went down 2:27 into the championship match.
Boys' B-ball edged out
Sports highlights Sport
all three of his matches on his way to becoming heavyweight champion. Jim Jacobucci also won aO three of his matches and took champion of the 120126 lb. weight class. Also at Wheeling, Steve Bringas, Tom Gonzalez, Jeff Jacobucci and Mike Caliendo captured third place finishes in their respective weight classes.
CSL-S Conf DV- 2:00 SW-7:00
Sectional competition
The four point, 58-54, loss against the Demons moved the conference record to 0-3. MikeTworek had an outstanding game scoring 15 points. The game against Glenbrook North started off badly. The Hawks could never match the Spartans, but they were not about to give up. The Hawks were behind 22 points at one time in the third period, but the Hawks rallied and cut the lead down to 9. Tliere wasn't enough time on the clock, but the late rally illustrated how the Hawks could outplay the 3-0 Glenbrook North Spartans. At Hinsdale, the Hawks weren't going to let another game get close. Hinsdale matched Hawk play and the scoring remained even for the first three periods. In the fourth period, however, the Hawks came alive and defeated Hinsdale to win the game by 11 points, 5948.
Runners begin 'mission' Wednesday February 3, the Maine South boys' track team sprinted into their first victory of the season. Ridgewood was the destroyer last year for the Maine South team when it handed the Hawks their first loss of the year by just a single point. But this year it was different, ilie Hawks won handily 88-35 with an awesome display of character and skill, taking first place in 10 out of 14 events and cheering on the mile relay team with a background tune ofihe "Mission Impossible" theme song. If the Hawks are to accomplish this "impossible mission" by beating Evanston for tlie conference title, it will take more than single performances of a few talented and dedicated seniors; tJie hard work of the juniors and a couple sophomores will be needed also. As one coach stated, "We could have a better team than we have had in years."