Volume 25, issue 11 February 24, 19X9
l^lne'^SMfi*'^' Hijih School
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Orchesis dances South inXoDaze This year, the annual Orchesis show, tilled "Dancin' Daze," is promising more variety. From Apartheid to Martians, the sixteen dances offer something to peak everyone's interest. "This year, the show has more variety and will appeal to a wider audience," commented Jenny Hagenauer and Sheri Brezinski. Each dance is choreographed by one or more Orchesis members. "The Little Green Man," choreographed by Nicole Frenzel, is a comical dance about a Martian. A serious piece, "Hope In Time," choreographed by Jenny Hagenauer and Lauren Siragusa, deals with the struggle for Blacks' rights in South Africa (Apartheid). With the song "The Su-ipper," Debbie Gudukas and Mara Henning perform a provocative dance called "Roxy
and Rhonda." Also included in the show are: an alumni act with graduates from '81, '83, '86, and '87; a blacklight performance by Kirsten Bierie; a Can Can by Kristen Mikol; and a simulation of "A Chorus Line," choreographed by Sheri Brezinski and Marge Ingle. The President of Orchesis, Chris Albright, has also contributed greatly to this year's program. A member of Orchesis since her freshman year, Chris claims that the dancing this year is the strongest it has been in four years. She contributes Orchesis's success to the girls' attitudes. "We're a big group of friends, more than anything. We like to dance and we dance together," remarks Chris. Chris has choreographed three dances: the finale to "Dancin' Daze;" "Easy Winners,"a
piece inspired by the Roaring Twenties with music by Scott Joplin; and a duet with Linda Munro. Because over fifty girls U^ied out for Junior Orchesis, Chris was encouraged about next year's dance chorus as well. The Orchesis girls are very grateful to their advisors, Ms. Peggy Rushford and Ms. Candy Purdy. Without Ms. Rushford's help, the annual show would not be possible. Ms. Purdy's technical advising adds greatly to the girls' performances. The Orchesis show opens tonight and will perform through Sunday, Feb. 26. The dancing begins at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Chris Albright promises, "Orchesis is a really suong group of dancers having a very good time. We'll have a lot of fun putting on the show. It's cool."
A bit of France Maine South students participate in vandalism poster contest > comes to South At 1 A.M. on February 4, twenty-three French students from Stras bourg, France arrived in Chicago. Called "Strasbourg Chez Nous", began in the Maine schools last year. Because of its success, the program was brought back again this year and was directed by Dr. Margot Steinhart, lead teacher of foreign languages at Maine East The purpose of the program is to promote study in foreign languages through the cultural exchange between France and the United States. The French students were exposed to many aspects of American family life, the school aunosphere, and the community environment. They were able to sec many of the famous sights around Chicago on a tour directed by Mr. Drennan and Mr. Igleman. In addition, the students were able to visit such places as the Museum of Science and Industry, Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Historical Society, Art Institute, Water Tower Place, and Northwestern University. Closer lo home, ihey visited the Park Ridge Police Deparunent and went bowling at the Golf Mill Lanes. Eleven of the students were hosted by Maine South students, who brought them to iheir classes throughout the day. In French classes, our students had the unique opportunity to discuss with exchange students the similarities and differences between our cultures. One exchange student Barbara DiCustanzo said, "We were all surprised by the
Amy EiLswoId-2nd place, Kevin DiLuia-lsi place, Grog Hairiugion-^id i )iacc. friendliness of the American people, and their willingness to accept us. We also admire the closeness of the student-teacher relaUonship that exists here in America." Besides the school visits, the students attended the French Club Mardi Gras Party, the boys' basketball game against Maine East, the sock hop, and Beach Party. One exchange student Muriel Huffschmidt said, "I was surprised that a school would host a party. In France, parties at school are just not allowed." The most important aspect of Strasbourg Chez Nous Program is the family home stay where exchange students get to truly experience the American culture, receiving a better understanding of the American lifestyle. A Maine South host, Susan Crawford, commented, "The language barrier was hard, but I soon developed a close relationship with my guest."
Though llic exchange is relatively new to Maine South and schools in our area such as Conant, Evanston, New Trier, Highland Park, Hoffman Estates, and Loyola Academy have particpated in the program since 1980. The entire program, including other trips to France, is organized by MICES (Midwest Cultural and Educational Services). This trip is similar to the Chicago visit, and our students will spend two weeks with a French family and visit French schools. A week to discover Paris is also included in the uip. The exchange gave all students the chance to better understand other cultures. As Mrs, Nica, French teacher put it, "It was a difficult program to plan, but most importantly, it was a worthwhile experience."
The latest fashionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;symbolic abuse
by Janet Johnson and Rich Campbell If you look around Maine South today, you are apt to notice many ttends among the students of this fine institution. No really, the trends do exist. Every group of students, no matter ho individualistic or how isolated form the student body they believe they are, they follow trends that are accepted by their peer group. Trends aren't always wrong, but often students don't consider the realities that are a '.ftKJD H E M C F - part of their trend. # A recent trend that has become increasingly apparent at Maine South is the display of peace and anarchy symbols among the student body. These symbols are everywhere it seems. They can be found on clothes, earrings, notebooks, shoes, bathrooms, and lockers. Those who are involved in this trend certainly are making their beliefs known, but do they truly understand the significance of these symbols? Are these people so idealistic --ÂŤ as to that world peace could actually be attained, are these people so naive as to believe lsÂŤi that mankind could live together in the absence of even the simplest form of government, or are these people just following the uend that their peer group advocates? World peace is uuly a great concept, but it is nothing more. It is a concept formulated by those who can't accept reality, by those who can't even tolerate sitting next to a jock, or a ons when in the heartland of America in a paper but it is even more absurd and equally skater, or a drama freak, or a stoner for a small suburban school cliques of students unattainable. Granted, it is tough to continumeasly forty minutes a day or, heaven forbid, can't even forget the petty animosities that ally tolerate screaming adminisurators, nosey a science class! Imagine sitting next to that exist among them. Just as students cannot para-professionals, and power hungry small jock who keeps talking about Saturday's big accept the differences among themselves, town cops with nothing belter to do than bust game or that administrator who continually nations will never be able to accept their drivers for turning without signallingfirst,but babbles incoherently about the image of our differences in culture, religion, etc. World do you really think that the nature of man is so school for the rest of your life. peace is a great idea, but are those who advo- pure that the order, the order that many see as cate it at Maine South willing to resolve their dictatorial, can be preserved in a state of PEACEFULLY. differences in order to aid their quest for world anarchy? Would anything you desired really That's a long time. be there for the taking, or would someone be How can one nation believe that nations peace? continued on page 3 Like world peace, anarchy looks great on will voluntarily lay down their nuclear weap-
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Maine South's own women behind bars by Phil LoSasso The question on most Maine South students' minds is, "What are these bars for?" The bars in question are the ones in the return tray belt in the cafeteria. One must stop to ponder the reasons why the bars are present. Is it because these lunchroom workers are dangerous, hardened criminals? Are they serving time in the cafeteria, cleaning trays behind a steel-caged security system? Could it be that the school administrators wanted to add a more San Queniin atmosphere to the school? Maybe the janitors had some extra metal lying around and did the
job for the heck of it. Quite possibly they are serving as a jungle gym for Maine South's roaches. After some time, I thought I might be able to solve this mystery. I decided to ask one of the ladies behind the steel grate, so I kindly walked up to the opening, peered my head in, and asked, "Why are these bars here?" "To keep you out!" a woman barked in response. Being the persistent investigative reporter that I am, I decided to stay and question this ornery lady further. What I found, to my amazement, was that some Maine South students were using their trays as discuses, taking
target practice at the unwary workers. The bars had been installed to protect the women from any bodily harm. I'm sure the student body is also wondering, "Did the bars actually work?" The answer is yes, they did work. Sure, occcasionally hoodlums bother the innocent workers. One of the ladies claimed that a student actually climbed through a small opening in t h e ^ ^ corner of the cage, fleeing immediately. F o u ^ ^ play was suspected. So now, when you are returning your tray and you notice the ominous bars blocking the cleaning room, you will know why and how the bars were created.
A view from the other side of graduation by Meredith Brammeier former Editor-in-Chief of Southwards Whew! It'sover.I'veactually survived my first year at college. At last I have the time to sit back, relax, and contemplate the meaning of life, education, and New Jersey,"the armpit of the nation." No, don't worry, I'm not about to regale you with stories of 10-page papers, 3-hour exams, or other such trials and tribulations. In fact, I've discovered that, although classes and exams are definitely a major part of a college education, there are more ways to become educated than sitting in a lecture hall with 500 other students. What do I mean by that? I'm glad you asked. (Here's the part where those of you who didn' t ask and just don' I care may just flip to the sports page and skip the rest of this article.) During the past four months, I have met people from South Africa, Holland, Canada, Bermuda, Great Britain, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Australia, Burma...you get the idea. Talking to and becoming friends with people with such different backgrounds than mine has become an education in itself. With so many people coming from such a I variety of cultures and with such idealogical differences, you are forced to realize that there is more to life than the small, self-contained, I-can't-accept-you-if-you're-not-exactlylike-me world that so many of us have experienced. In the late night discussions which evolve so easily in one dorm room or another, you quickly learn that the way you see the world is definitely not the way others see it, and if you're looking for someone who thinks like you, has the same tastes as you, holds the same beliefs as you, and is generally the same as ^ PilOtOpiniOn
you, you'll most likely still be looking when you graduate. I have found that, in college (or at least here at Princeton) you have to learn to accept the differences between yourself and your neighbors, whether it be differences in religion, economic background, sex, political beliefs, sexual performance, or race. You don' t necessarily have to agree with what that person believes—in fact, you may wish to argue the point with him or her—but you cannot treat that person as any less than a human being, with all the respect and consideration due to any human. You can disagree with what that person believes, but you can't deny him or her the right to believe it. After all, if you begin to ostracize those around you, soon you may find yourself ostfacized by those who disagree with your ideas and your lifestyle. All this is not to say Uiat people are not discriminated against and belittled for their beliefs here as well as anywhere else. Princeton has only been coeducational since 1970,
and with the ratio of men to women standing at about 2 to 1, sexism and chauvinism still abound on campus. Sexual harassment is a constant subject of discussion, and Sally Frank, a 1980 graduate, is still battling in the courts over the two remaining all-male eatingclubs at the university, Sexism and racism do exist, as they do everywhere, and some people simply cannot be convinced that prejudices are doing noone any good, including themselves. But those people who want to find out how other people think, who want to hold relevant discussions and argue and listen and maybe concede a point or two, who want to search out the differences between themselves and others, who want to learn from these differences between themselves and others, who want to learn from these differences, who want to accept people for who they are and don't turn away from those who don't fit some predetermined prototype—these are the truly educated.
Symbolic fads, cont'd continuedfrompage 2
waiting behind you to take it from you? If there was anarchy on Sesame Street, do you think Mr. Hooper would just give Cookie Monster that double-stuff-Oreo, and what if Oscar wanted the cookie? Would he just ask Cookie Monster for the Oreo, or would he just gun him down in cold blood for it? The ability to do as one pleases may seem enticing, but the consequences of anarchy clearly outweigh the benefits; have those who advocate anarchy considered the big picture or have they just joined the crowd? Ideologies and lofty
goals are something to strive for, and conceptually they may appear acceptable, yet peace and anarchy are not as simple as the symbols that appear around school nor should they be advocated by students who don't understand their true meaning. Choosing to wear these symbols simply because they match your pair of Converse is not understanding. It is following a trend. Maybe the student body should stick to wearing fashionable clothes and Ustening to popular music instead of creating a trend out of something too serious to be stylish.
if you could go anywhere in the worUi, u h e r e woiiid \ou go and why? •
i/^ 1 would like to go to the Ukraine because I'd like to Icam more about my own cUmic background through Hnsthiind experience. 1 ^ickiSkoczylas,'89
I would go to Gemiany and Austria lo trace the steps of the Hapshurgs and Adolf Hitler. Rick Boyle, '91
1 would go to Bora Bora because iliey have many exotic nude dancers. Slash Black, '89
I'd wani \o go to J;iniaii.a because I'li) sick ol the cold and I'm tired ol hearing about Jamaica every moiiimp, on WCKG-lO'i.^t Vh. Juli(neBrilz,'9()
Foreign exchange students bring the world to Maine South Jochen Volz—Germany by Jim Kowats "Do they have cars in Germany?" Having encountered this question, Jochen Volz politely responded, "Yes, we do." Regarding this question as just part of aday in the life of an AFS exchange student, Jochen now looks back on his first American memory as amusing. Now, Jochen has become a part of the student body at Maine South. A familiar face around school, Jochen has been involved in many activites since he arrived from Stuttgart. Having participated in boys' cross country, French Club, and student council, Jochen has taken advantage of the opportunities at Maine South for his school in West Germany does not provide the wide variety of exu-acurriculars. His favorite activity was V-Show, being part of Trunk and best remembered in the act "Grecian Urn." Located in downtown Stuttgart, Jochen's school Koenigin Kaiharina Stift Gymanasium is equivalent to late high school/early college in the United States. The Gymnasium is named after a Russian queen and is much smaller than Maine South (approximately 600 students). Students in Stuttgart are not able to take electives—only academics. Jochen's favorite courses include art, foreign languages, and band. Because the German school day is not divided into periods and Jochen stays with the same students all day, he is able to know a small group of teenagers very well. At Maine South, however, the school day is more impersonal, yet band allows him to really become friends with Americans. Organized sports are non-existant at the Gymnasium. For example, track and field, Jochen's favorite sport, is not sponsored because the school lacks the space and funds for a running track. Students must practice sports in clubs or on their own. Jochen also has many other interests. He enjoys photography, theater, music, and travel. Some of Jochen's favorite pop music acts include: U2, Sting, Pink Floyd, Talking Heads, and the Smiths. With the Alps very near his home, Jochen skis in Austria and Switzerland. For cultural experience, Jochen's family vacations in England, France, and Italy. The Volz family, consisting of his parents and his younger sister Ute, frequently travels to East Germany to visit relatives. The division between the two Germanics is a subject of controversy. To Jochen, two nations do not exist. Because of the majority of his relatives live in East Germany, Jochen views no difference between East German and West German people—everyone is just German. When an East German wins an event
in the Olympics, Jochen calls the victory a "German" victory. Though some West Gerby Natasha Siddiqui mans claim ideology is too polarized, Jochen hopes the two German nations will be reuOriginally from Bolivia, Guido Cortez is an AFS student who's half Spanish and half nited someday. Marked variations are apparent, though, in native American. His life in Bolivia has been quite hard since it's a third world county and is a place where different classes in society exist. In Bolivia, the Catholic church and universities are socialist and therefore oppose the capitalist government. The students attending the universities are required to participate in political demonstrations against the government, even though there is a risk of being jailed. The Catholic schools concentrate more on the academic aspect of school life rather than extra curricular activities, but they still provide sports such as volleyball, basketball, and most importantly, soccer. Since soccer is the national sport, it's mandatory that all boys play soccer, but they don't have to play on the school team. The school system there is quite different from ours. School days last from 8:30-12:30 in the morning and resume for one hour later in the afternoon. The students have to take fourteen to fifteen classes per year in whicl^ each class is 1 and a half hours long. However^ they take different classes each day because some of their classes are only two or three times a week, allowing more time to get homework done. This also gives them more time for their afterschool life. In the evenings, most of the students meet in the city, referred to as the plaza, or they go to see current movies playing at the theaters. Guido, though, has spent a lot of his time doing social work to teach others and participates in Catholis studies. Both of these experiences should help him in his political goals. The image Guido had of those living in tlie United States was that most people were 6 feet the dialects ofWest Germany alone. Jochen's tall and had blonde hair,often referred to as family has lived in four different cities: "yanquis" or "gringos." However, he's surBraunschweig, Schwaebisch Hall, Stuttgart, prised to have learned otherwise. It was also a and a small town on the Swiss border. In each change for hime to come to Maine South with city, the German language is different. In its huge number of students compared to the some areas, Jochen has difficulty understand- 500 students in his Boliviiin high school. He's ing much at all. In the United Slates, the found Maine South to be more advanced with difference in language is accent; in Germany, its books and library, including advantages the difference is dialect due to technology such as computers and the When Jochen does return to Europe in the different activities held here. spring, he will return with many memories The social life at our school has also been from the United States. Because of his ten hard for him to adjust to. Since there's a lack month stay in Park Ridge, his English will of intemationality among the students, t i ^ have improved greatly and he will have many finds it hard to relate to them. Most of t h ^ American friends. Jochen will study for three students stay in "clicks" which has made it more years in the Gymnasium and he hopes to hard for Guido to fit in because they stay in eventually become a joumalislor an ambassa- their groups and don't seem to welcome outdor. siders. He also has very little in common witli
Giiido Cortez—Bolivia 0
lost people due to his different lifestyle v'hich makes him feel alienated. According to Guido, the girls seem more friendly than the boys since he's been discriminated as a result of his different culture. But his visit here is a good experience. Guido's greatest advantage in coming to the U.S. has been his chance to learn to speak English. Even though he had to study the Ian-
know that he's not your typical American have many similarities, they differ greatly teenager. when it comes to politics. Since Sweden is a Pete Cederholm, an exchange student from socialist state, taxes are much higher than in Sweden, came to the United States last August the United States, but the government prothrough the American Scandinavian Student Exchange. Initially placed in Bremond, Texas, with a population of only 1000 people, he decided to come live with his cousin in Park Ridge for the rest of his stay. Although he played on the football team and got along with the other 90 students in his high school, the pace in Bremond was a little too slow for his taste and Pete was looking for another view of American life to bring back to Sweden. Bom in Malmoe, located on the southern tip of Sweden, Pete has one sister, Sara, 15, who has danced ballet since the age of three. His family moved to their current home in Stockholm, Sweden's capital, four years ago. Like his father, Pete is very business oriented. In Sweden, his studies are leading him toward a career in either engineering or law. He became interested in computers four years ago when he began working in a computer store to earn exU"a money. This extra money is definitely necessary in Sweden when you consider that the high schools have virtually no extra curricular activities. When teens are interested in an outside sport or activity, they have to join a club to participate in it. To play tennis, for example, costs S18, and if you want lessons, it becomes even more expensive. The lack of extra curricular activities is not the only difference between the American and Swedish school systems. High school tends to be more like college since schooling is only required through ninth grade. There are different schools to choose from depending upon one's interests. The student's choice determines whether he goes tlirough a two year technical program or one of the threeor four vides more for its people, including education £fx/^ year programs also offered. and materials through high school. Different programs offer a variety of Pete, however, doesn't always agree with guage for four months prior to his visit, coming to the U.S. has helped him be able to speak courses with a stronger focus on certain topics his government's decisions. His political more fluently which will help him in the dependent upon career goals. Some are basic views, which waver somewhere between future since it's an international language. liberal arts schools and others focus on math democratic and republican, are usually opGuido's also learned not to lake things for and the sciences or the arts and social sci- posed to Sweden's policies which lean more granted when tJie U.S.'s wealth to Bolivia. His ences. All schools are alike in that they em- to the left. As a smaller, neutral counu-y, future goals are to use this experience to be phasize foreign languages. All students must Sweden feels aeonstant threat from thcSoviet Union which lies very close to Sweden's able to continue his education and improve tiike English, for example. Student tastes are very similar to ours. eastern border. If Sweden were to tiike a more ihc economic situation in Bolivia. Aside from a few Swedish singers, teens listen powerful stance or join the NATO alliance, mostly to British and American music. Al- Pete feels the Swedes would be better prothough they are behind in all of the episodes, tected from invasion. some of the American TV shows they watch While at Maine South, Pete participates in include: Family Ties, The Cosby Show, Fal- Student Council, Ski Club, French Club, con Crest, Dallas, and Dynasty. The govern- Brotherhood Society, and will perform in this by Melissa Thornlcy ment, who owns Sweden's two TV stations yciir's musical. West Side Story. He also buy these TV shows along with American hopes to go out for the tennis team. One of the \i{^ 3 house in the country, a father with ^ f^BA, tapes of The Police and Depeche movies to be broadcast in Sweden's theaters. best aspects of Pete's stay is his independAlthough Sweden and the United States ence. For Pete, it's just like one big vacation. Mode, and his tennis racket, one would never
Pete Cederholm— ^ Sweden
F r e s h e y e s — t h e chronicles of Derek Frapp What do I do?" Scab took the phone. "Yes, this is Mr. by Frank Stokes Frapp," he said in a deep tone. I heard my I dragged my feet all the way home through teacher say something through the phone. the snow and slush from the bus stop in a kind "Yes...why, I never fathomed such an outof gloomy daze that made the trip take twice rage! I will converge with him immediately. as long. There was no way I could have passed Thank you." He hung up. "You failed Engthat test. I might even fail English! My parents lish." were going to kill me. "What the heck was that?" I threw my books on the floor as I entered "Don't worry, adults talk like that, man..." my house. "Is that you?" my mother called. "Well, it doesn't matter. They'll find out "Yeah," I called back. eventually..." "How did the test go?" Scab picked up the phone. "Well I gotta "Fine..." make a phone call. Mind?" I was dead. They were going to find out "Go ahead." sooner or later. I went up to my room and My parents came downstairs with their buried my face in my pillow. luggage. I helped them carry it out to the car "Derek, come in here..." she called as she and said good-bye to them. When I came back passed by my room with a pile of clothes in her in. Scab was still on the phone. arms. Higginboitom. "Hang on a second," he said. "Hey, Derek, I entered her room. "Yeah?" "Who is it?" my mother called from up- where'd your parents go?" My mother sat down and put her hands in stairs. "They went away for the weekend..." her lap in the manner that she does every time "COOL!" He lifted the phone back to his "I-uh-it's for me!" I called back, pressing she has something very grave to discuss. down on the mouthpiece so hard my knuckles face. "Hey, Steve, I know where we can party "Aunt Mildred died." turned white. "Scab! It's Higginbotiom! this weekend! DEREK FRAPP'S!" In my entire irc live I've 1 vc never iicvci seen 5CCI1 my my Aunt /\uiii -y—> . •f f X ^^ j I MildredAUIknowisthatshesendsmeacard / f^Q n O r t h e m WlluS €01710 10 bOUtll with a buck in it every Christmas. "Oh." Representatives of the Voyageur Wilder- their lives by travelling the dangerous northMy mother went into some long story ness Programme, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada, em fur trading routes throughout the year about how she was killed when her house will give a presentation open to all Maine except for a short wintering period. A bulk of collapsed in a mud slide. And to think, she was South students on the evening of March first these joumies passed through the Ontario only seventy-eight. in the auditorium and will repeat the presenta- lakes. The greatest preserve of these lakes lies "Your father and I are going to her funeral tion for biology classes throughout the day on in Quetico Provincial Park, the largest of its in San Diego. We'll be back on Monday. I March second. kind and staging ground for the Voyageur want you and your sister to look after the The presentation will center on the eight Wilderness Programme. house." day wilderness experience offered by the The program is a unique experience com"Okay." Voyageur wilderness programme and will bining the histories and traditions of the Good. At least they wouldn'tfindout until include a slide presentation as well as a ques- Voyageurs with the peace and tranquility of next week. There was a knock at the door. I tion and answer session. nature in its purest form while providing an up answered it. The wilderness experience is a canoe trip close education in ecology. In the doorway stood a figure dressed in based on the original voyageurs, who risked faded denim with countless patches advertising a band named The Barfing Cheeseheads. "What's up man?" Faculty 25 years ago "Hey Scab, c'mon in." "Derek, there's a huge party going on this weekend..." This issue's mystery faculty member "Scab, listen. I failed the English final!" grew up in Mebose Park and attended "So?" Trinity High School in River Forest. While "So, my parents are going to kill me!" in high school she tutored math whenever "Well, don't tell them. Throw the report she wasn't roller skating or bowling. Her card out when it comes." studies at Rosary College enabled her to "Would that work?" study in Switzerland for a year. "I've been doing it for four years." Hint: Her ties to Maine South include The telephone rang. I answered it being married to a MS graduate. "Hello?" "Derek, let me speak to your parents, Last issue's mystery faculty member please." was Mr. Clifford Adamo. My heart sank into my shoes. It was Mr.
Episode nine—the phone call
—Who is it?
Swimmers find personal bests at end The boys' varsity swim team wound up their regular season with the CSL varsity conference swim meet at Glenbrook South, held on Friday night, February 10. The swimmers placed a dissapointing sixth out of the six-team field. However, going into the meet the Hawks knew that they couldn't beat conference teams such as Evanston and New Trier which are among the top teams in the Slate. Despite their sixth place finish, several Hawk swimmers swam to personal best times, and cracked the prestigious top-twelve in their individual events. In the first event of the night,the 200 yard freestyle. Bill Maloney swam his way to twelfthplace. Bill Barker then took eleventh in the grueling 200 yard individual medely. Barker, just a sophmore, also took twelfth in the 100 yardfiylater in the meet. In the 100 yard backstroke, junior Mike Nelson swam a personal best time and took
eleventh place. Senior Brian Gillespie was probably the most sucessful swimmer for the Hawks, taking ninth in the 100 yard breastsu'oke, and eleventh in the 50 yard free. Both the 200 yard medley relay (Nelson, Maloney, Barker, and Gillespie) and the 400 yard free relay (Duerkop, Garcia, Coltman and Royal) took sixth places. At the varsity conference diving meet, held Thursday night, February 9, Dan Schafer dove exceptionally well, capturing eleventh place. Aaron Harkey and Mark Hermes dove well also, yet failed to place in the top twelve. The varsity swimmers finished their season a dissapointing 1-11. However, the swimmers encountered a series of problems this season—including the fiu, mono, and a few swimmers that started the season but did not finish— and their performance was severly hampered because of it.Even at 1-11, the swimmers showed great improvement over last year, and since they are only graduating
three seniors, the swim team should be much stronger next season. The Frosh-Soph team performed well all year, and wound up their season at 5-7. At the CSL freshman swim meet, Maine South had a swimmer placing in the top ten in nearly every event. Josh Eskonen was the only freshman to crack the lop six in his event, takingfifthin the 50 yard backstroke. Matt Malten swam well all night, and finished eighth, less than a second out of fifth, in the 50 yard breaststroke. Karl Steinke was seeded first in the 50 butterfly, and third in the 300 free; unfortunately he broke his collarbone the night before and was unable to swim. After the conference meet, the varsity swimmers prepared for sectionals. No Maine South Swimmer had high hopes of qualifying for the state meet. However, Gillespie, Nelson, Barker, Maloney and Schafer all looked forward to possible top-six finishes.
A tale of two gymnastic successes The names Cieszykowski and Pavlik be- more.'" With a little motherly advice Jean's come synonymous with success this year in decision was changed. girls' gymnastics. Both have led their team to Jean also set a record or two here at Maine key victories in a highly competitive confer- Soouth. She has the highest average ever on ence. All-around with an 8.775. She also holds a top Marilyn Cieszykowski has the difficult five score in several events: vault-9.3; unrole of being the only senior on the team. She even-8.6; beam-8.6; and floor exercise-9.1. started gymnastics as a freshman and she commented on the relationship between the two levels, "It's really different being the only one(senior). I know that the Freshmen look up to the olderpeople on the team. I want them As you may have heard, a new sport has to know that you don't have to have a 'back- finally erupted onto the Maine South athletics ground* tobecompeetitive. I don't and I made scene. Boys' volleyball has arrived! it as far as sectionals." After students at South expressed an interThis year Maril)!! set a record as the #4 all est, and other male students in the conference time score on vault with an impressive 9.0. In went so far as to try 10 play on the girls' sectionals, she earned a score of 8.95 on vault, volleyball team, the Central Suburban but it was not enough to give her a berth in League decided to form boys' volleyball teams among the twelve schools. state. With both a J V and varsity level, the team Marilyn has far surpassed any expectations for this season and she has a great deal to will have ten to eleven members and will be coached by Mr. George Sherman, the girls' be proud of. Jean Pavlik, though only a sophomore, has volleyball coach for the past three years. The game is played exactly like the girls' had an outstanding season and hopes to convolleyball team, except the net is raised apimue downstate. Jean has been involved in gymnastics for proximately 8 to 10 inches. The team is also twelve years. S he is what is called a "club" kid not considered completely athletic, because (American Academy of Gymnastics). After the IHS A does not yet recognize it as a high excelling in gymnastics for twelve years, a school sport. Because of this, practices will be held only driving force is obviously pushing Jean. The force is her mother. "If it wasn't for my mom, two or three times a week, instead of the usual . would've quit three years ago after my wrist five, and there will be no awards given at the ^"jury. I just thought, 'I can't do this any- end of the season.
She has qualified for the State Preliminaries with a score of 9.3 on thefloorexercise. This year, Maine South has seen much achievement from girls' gymnastics, but none has been more successful than Marilyn Cieszykowski and Jean Pavlik.
Boys' volleyball—the new kid on the block Tryouts are scheduled for the week of March 20. The team will be picked before Spring Break and the season will start on April 11 with a home game against Deerfield.
Track teams open season with wins Boys'track
The Maine South boy's track team opened its season on Wednesday, February 1, with a home meet against New Trier and Ridgewood. Because the meet was so early in the season, many athletes were running in familiar races, yet the team as a whole did fairly well. Leading the Hawks was Bill Keane who won both the 2 mile and 1 mile run. The Hawks' famed 2 mile relay team was not run because Coach Drennan did not feel his team was quite ready. However, Todd Lilleberg was quite ready to run the Hawk half-mile. He cruised to afirstplace finish leaving arch rival Andrew Keith of New Trier in the dust. Other highlights of the meet included: Brian Fennely's and Cary Gorski's one-two finish in the shotput, the Hawks' impressive mile relay team of Todd Lilleberg, Rich Campbell, Aaron Modica, and Pete Gayford, which took first place, Ro Wietecha's spectacular "crash and bum" fall in the low m hurdles, and Graham Vanderbrink's first place finish in the pole vault. Despite the tremendous effort of the Hawks, they fell short to New Trier losing 6258, although they beat Ridgewood 58-9. On the sophomore level, Mike Schwed won three events including the high hurdles, low hurdles, and the long jump. The sophomore team won the meet beating New Trier, 65-58, and Ridgewood, 65-12. The Hawks return to action on February 15 against at4;30 Junior Chris Parks kicks toward the finish line in the fieldhouse. at the end of his race against Glenbrook South.
The girls track team has recently started their indoor season. Coach Jackie Schultze is optimistic of the upcoming season. "I'm excited about the natural ability that's there." The team showed this ability in their 83-36-2 win over Niles West and Providence/St. Mel. Out of the 13 events, Maine South placed 1st in 11. Rachel Kelieher, Krista Heitzman, Laurie Anderson, and the 1 mile relay team defeated their opponents by more than 10 seconds in their first placefinishesin the 1 1/2 mile, 880 yd run, and 1 mile run. Freshman Sarah Wanutfinished1st in the high jump, and 2nd in the long jump and the 220yd dash. Sophmore Sue Pawlick and juniors Nicole Jacoby and Nancy Swienton also placed first in the 50yd hurdles, 50yd dash, and 440yd dash. Their next home meet will be against Resurrection and Maria on Monday at4:30 in thefieldhouse.
Walleyball grow- * ing in popularity
Looking onto the court, one might think he is viewing a volleyball game. Look again. The game is wallyball (volleyball played in a walled court). Aside from the walls and a smaller, electric blue ball, the games are the same. While volleyball became well known a near-century ago, wallyball's fast-growing popularity had akeady attracted 300,000 players in itsfirstfiveyears. It all started one afternoon in Calabasas, California. Joe Garcia was trying to dream up Hawks' efforts throughout the year. Walker, ways to entice more people onto the courts of Dohr, and Roma were the leading scorers, his racquetball club. His inspiration of a lifeeach with over 250 total points. Dohr and time, "Why not play volleyball on the courts," Roma also led the Hawks in rebounding. turned into Wallyball, Inc. Not only were the seniors an important Through much advertising, the game is portion of the team, but both juniors and spreading quickly. Racquet and health clubs sophomores played key roles in the Hawks' across the country are inu-oducing the game. success. Debbie Remblake and Margaret There are organized teams and even a national Zimmerman aided the Hawks in scoring, championship. Westerville, Ohio was the while Julie Sebastian, Laura Hanson, and location of the first tournament and attracted ^ Juliene Britz helped the Hawks in rebound- more than 150 teams. |A ing. Only history will be able to judge whether Although the majority of the team will be Joe Garcia's blue rubber ball ranks with Wilgraduating this year, next year shows tremen- liam G. Morgan's original white leather ball dous potential to be a powerful team, hope- and other famous inventions in the world of sports. fully as successful as the 1988-89 team
Girls' B-ball reaches end Seniors Dohr, Roma, Walker lead team A tremendously successful season ended in the first game of the regional tournament, as the Maine South Girl's Basketball team was defeated by Maine East. In a very close game that ended 42-40, the Hawks played a tough game with Denise Dohr leading the team with fourteen points and twelve rebounds. Seniors Cheryl Roma and Erin Roder both fought for the Hawks with eight rebounds each. Karen Walker aided the team with nine points. In all, this developing basketball team had an extremely successful season. Seniors Kris Pugliani, Colleen Aylward, Erin Roder, Kim Mundt, Jen Kaleta, Karen Walker, Denise Dohr, and Cheryl Roma all contributed to the