\'()lume 27, issue 9 February 1, 1991 liii^ii^iiiilK^^
South wordS
M;iine South Iliuh School
Scholastic Bowl wins tournament First outing a success by Marc Mazzuca On December 20, 1990 the Maine South Scholastic Bowl team was victorious in their first tournament at St. Patrick's High School in Chicago. Our freshman and sophomore team was victorious over afieldof nearly 20 Chicagoland area High Schools. The round-robin tournament consisted of a series of twenty toss-up questions for ten points apiece, covering a plethora of categories from biology to baseball. The team that correctly answers the toss-up then has the first opportunity for an additional twenty bonus points. The Maine South team won six straight matches to win the tournament. They defeated; Leyeden East 270-100, Downers Grove North 255-90, Joliet Catholic 185-175, Richard's High School 215-130, the archrival powerhouse of Maine East 230-190 and in thefinalsthey defeated Joliet West handily 215-145. "We were incredibly pleased with the outcome," commented coach Marianne Janczak. "For one of their first meets, it was an excellent performance." In talking to varsity coach Steve Lowry, he said that, "they show enormous potential for the future." The Varsity team comiieted in a similar tournament on
The winning Frosh-Soph team consists of: December 15lh with many of the Frosh-Soph players substituting for liie regular starters. Tarak Choski, Joel Gregie, Laura Pawola, Unfortunately they were knocked out in the Allen Sears, Erin Sheilds, Hyun Shin, Dave second round in a narrow victory by the Illi- Sinclair and Joe Steinfels. nois Math and Science Academy.
South students win international festival by Marc Mazzuca The reults of the 1990 International Student Media Festival are in, and Maine South has come away with three of the 19 awards. The International Student Media Festival is a national video production contest and convention sponsored by the AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) and the Encyclopaedia Brittanica Corporation. The contest portion judges iverylhing from elementrary school to colIge level tapes in four formats: super 8mm, slide tape, computer generated production, and videotape, the biggest category. The Chairman of the Videotaiw Division, Maine
Soulh's very own Mark Bielak, in a recent interview, explained the video competition: "There are about twenty-two states that submit tapes to the contest This year, there were a total of 180 tapes entered." The broad video category is sub-divided into eight separate sub-categories, with twelve to sixteen laf)es in each. Maine South only submitted nine tapes, and of these three were national winners. "This is the best we've ever done," said Bielak. The winning students from Maine South were: John Barham, Frank Stokes, Louis Manousos, Chris Dynneson and Christa Poskozim. Their tapes were: in the instruc-
tional category, "Science with Stanley", in the drama/comedy category, "Bad Fellows and the French Bread Connection" and in experimental/animation, "The Tree Hunter." The winners will be going on an all-expense paid trip to Orlando later this year to accept their awards. A highlight reel of all the winning tapes is due to be shown on both WMTH Cable Channel 82 and the Pacific Mountain Network system. About the 'vacation', Christa said she was, "extermely excited." Mr. Bielak would like to thank Mrs. Kitty Stokes, Craig Bodo and the Speech Drama boosters for all their help in the organization of the contest.
Letters to editor share Xmas thanx Maine South's successful food drive durNeediest Families ing the holiday season helped ease the burden Dear Students: of poverty for hundreds of Chicago area Thank you very much for your generous families. Below are some of the letters of contribution of S 100.00 to the Neediest Famithanks Southwords was asked to share withlies' Christmas Fund. those responsible for this generosity. This is our 21 st year of sharing Christmas with Chicagoland's disadvantaged families. Little Sisters of the Poor During this time, we have collected and distributed more than S24 million, helping the Dear Friends: The Little Sisters of the Poor graciously city's children, the disabled and the less fortuthank Maine Township High School South for nate. We are very grateful to you for your their most very generous collection of canned continued support of the Fund. Best wishes for the New Year. goods and donation of 31,000. We are deeply Sincerely, grateful to all, teachers, students, and parents, David J. Paulus for their wonderful response to our request. We are truly blessed to have people like Marillac House you who care about the welfare of the elderly poor. It is through yourthoughtfulness that we Dear Maine South Students: are able to carry on our work and loving Happy Holidays! service to the aged. Thank you so much for the generous donaThe Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered tion of $1,217 received last week. monthly in our home here in Palatine, and in The holidays are a time when we rememeach of our Homes throughout the world for ber how blessed we are and we realize how the intentions of our friends and benefactors. important it is to share. Families on the West Be assured that you and your family are re- side of Chicago are struggling in poverty. membered in each of these Masses. Our fam- Many are without enough to eat at the end of ily of aged Residents joins us in wishing you each month. Festive meals are rarely affordand your loved ones a Blessed Christmas and able and they must turn to the Marillac House a New Year filled with happiness. for help. The lobby is crowded at this time of Sincerely, the year with many people and many needs. Sister Pauline Mary, Isp Your Money Drive will permit us to pro-
Send us your stuff Southwords is still searching for a few good men, women, and other creatures that possess both a cranial capacity exceeding 20cc and the ability to write a fairly decent article. So, get your crayons out and scribble us something worthwhile to V-130. Who knows? We just might use it for our next issue. Don't waste your time and send us paper with yellow smiley faces on them or things like that. Do something original. Send us green smiley faces. Send us red ones. Send us brown ones. Send us clear ones! Do it! Do it NOW! However, your smiley face must be nonlibclous, non-slanderish, non-obscenityish, and non-garbagelike. Huh, come to think of it, don't send anything at all. No, wait! I didn't mean that! If you can read this, you obviously can write. Show the world your talent.
vide bags of groceries which would be used Q^^P Christmas in many homes. With your help w ^ ^ are able to respond to each family who comes to us. Our staff packs the bags of groceries and offers a special prayer for each of you because you care. May God bless you and the students of Maine Township High School for your concern and care during this holiday season and always. Sincerely, Sister Yvonne Administrator
Salvation Army Dear Maine South: The Salvation Army shares these traditions of the Season...On your behalf, we love the unloveable, care for the destitute, lift the fallen, clothe the needy, counsel the distraught, set on their feet ihose society ignores and make them a part of the working world. Your gifts this Season keep our tradition alive; your gifts go to the darkest comers of every community - brightening, warming, bringing joy and peace. Thank you for sharing with us, that we may share, on your behalf, with others. ^^ May your Season be blessed with the t r a d ^ ^ tions of Love, Joy, Peace, and Thanks. ^ ^ Lt. Colonel Gary L. Hcrndon Divisional Commander
Reasons for failing Drivers Ed — Excuse #16
"OK, now look through your rear view mirror and tell me what you see.'
Just who is the enemy, exactly? by Imran Siddiqui In these days of war, it isn' t unusual to hear prior to World War II, the Germans were the common American on the street talk about willing to follow a leader who preached radi"nuking those damn Iraqis back to the Stone cal change and the extermination of the Allies. Thus, Hitler came to power and wreaked Age." In fact, with the recent Iraqi display of havoc on the world's political scene for the captured Allied troops, the common senti- next ten years. Hence, any kind of anger or poisoned feelment in the West is rapidly turning anti-Iraqi; which would be okay, as long as the negative ings held towards the citizens of Iraq will defisentiment is directed at the guilty party. nitely backfire in the near future. Sure, many Americans may be mad at Iraq However, more often than not, the bad feelings are directed towards the innocent civil- for what it' s done and for the way it has treated ians of the guilty counffy, which just goes to our countrymen, but we must all remember increase the tension between the two warring that the entity "Iraq" does not encompass all Iraqis. Rather, it just includes the few powernations. Unfortunately, this whole idea of misplaced blame is not a new concept; it has occurred a countless number of times in the past in a great number of countries. In the by Matt Glarner United States, this misplaced blame took Of course we belong in the Middle East! shape during World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. Why, if it weren't for sympathetic superpowIn World War I there was just a general ers like the United Slates, who would be nice prejudice held against Gennans, which some- enough to look after all those economically times resulted in them being harrassed in the and culturally repressed little countries in the workplace. In the Vietnam War, anger was desert? Certainly, not the Commies, or the .lainly directed against South-East Asians, French, or even the Japanese. I mean, the llind once again, they were subject to prejudice « other day I read that Japan' s not even as big as in llic workplace. However, the worst case of misplaced California! Imagine that, a bunch of notblame in the United States occurred during quiie-Califomians looking after the little World War II, and was generally directed guys! Heck, that's our job! Right? Not quite. It's about time that Americans towards the Japanese population in the U.S. During this war, a majority of the Japanese cast aside their illusions of grandeur and step population in the U.S. was sent to "holding" back for a second. Take a look at a country camps in some western states, just in case any whose ecnomic status has been on a steady of them were spies working for the Japanese decline since, oh, about the late sixties. If the government. While many other American seventies represented the actual turning point citizens may have regarded this as a just idea, of economic growth, then the Eighties were this action just further accelerated the grow- only better becau.se we so vehemently wanted ing animosity between Japan and the United States. Not only that, but in recent years, as the them to be. Proving little more than our abilU.S. government realized its mistake, it ended ity to borrow from ourselves, Americans were up doling out millions of dollars to the Japa- draped in a false security blanket of superiornese victims as compensation for their troub- ity. The facts are, we aren't more capable of playing big brother than any other debtor nales. Thus, using our own history as a guide, we tion. We complain that Japanese and Euroshould take definite steps to avoid this kind of pean conglomerates are taking over the sentiment in the current war with Iraq. Not nation's marketplace, and yet choose to walonly will this misplaced anger add to the low in the wake of their nourishing technoloferocity of the war, but it will also cause gies instead of pinpointing our own incompefurther hostilities to arise in the future be- tence. tween citizens of the United Stales and Iraq. Some may argue that the present Middle And future hostilities are what we defi- East crisis is as much about pride and oldjitcly do not need. After all, one of the reasons fashioned values as it is oil and money. It just •vhal World War II started was because of the seems economic fluctuations could be swalhaucd between the German people and the lowed far more easily than the deaths of thouallied forces. Because of their subjugation by the Allies sands. I know plenty of stubborn children, but
ful people dictating foreign policy for that counu-y. Therefore, in the near future, when dealing with any person from an enemy foreign countty, keep in mind that the person you are dealing with does not embody the enemy counu-y's policies. As you keep that in mind, maybe Americans can finally lose their dubious honor of being considered some of the most haughty, prejudiced, and narrowminded people in the world, and maybe we can finally be seen as an open-minded nation willing "to go the exu^a mile" tofinda solution to world problems.
The helping hand that needs help
none bull-headed enough tofightwhen asked to take their medicine. Sad, but true, America just isn't above economic discomfort. We aren't even close. So even though we deem it our "American responsibility" to intervene in foreign affairs just to save a buck, maybe we're the ones requiriing intervep^on. The not-quite-Californians could probably give us a lesson or two on foreign policy and economic stability. As long as it's a free lesson. Debtor nations can't afford luxuries y'know.
Southwords Soulhwords is Iht .sUidi'iil-prtxIutcd nowspapcrof Maine South Hlj^h School, Park Ridge, II.. Lclttrs to (he editor should be driiv ered to room V-130 or given to a meinl)er of the editorial staff l>elo\v. Simihrnirils resir\es llic right to edit letters conlaining ohscene or lihelous material. KriUor-iii-i:hlef.... News editor Associate News editor Commcntarj editors
Amy Hiiscr t;ric Kichiti Vlarc Mazzuca ....Iinran Siddiqui DaveSaavedra rcaturcs editor Chuck Cjcholl Associate Features editor...........,l)an Berko Sports editors .....„., Natalie Kuehn Tom Lin I'roduction t>dilors Jim Saisakom Carolyn Chandler I'hoto editors Josh Anderson Yasmine Kiss Art editors Elizabeth tluckley Deborah Chan Adviser ...r. R. Kerth
Bio Name-Steven E. Dolatowski Age-23 Home Town-Chicago, Illinois Address-SRA Steven E. Dolatowski Operation Desert Shield 388 TFW/388 AGS (Deployed) APO NY 09871
Letters from the By Amy Huser It began at 5:50 central time, on Wednesday, January 16th, 1991. The bombing of Baghdad marked the largest air assault since the Vietnam war. Operation Desert Storm was underway. But before Desert Stonn, there was Desert Sheild, the code name given to the United Nations resolution to stop Saddam Hussein. The coalition, which is defined as "a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons or states for joint action,"is exactly that; 28 countries from all over the world, with different interests, different cultures, but all with the same objective, to stop a mad man. Hussein began all of this 5 months ago by invading neighboring Kuwait. He overthrew the Kuwaiti government which is now in exile in Taif, Saudi Arabia. The United Nations stepped in and tried to find a peaceful solution, but after 5 months, none could be found. In President Bush's address to the nation Wednesday night at 8pm (CST), he stated, "Five months ago, Saddam Hussein started this cruel war against Kuwait; tonight the battle has been joined..." "...Now, the 28 countries with forces in the Gulf area, haviiM^ exhausted all reasonable efforts to reach ^ F peaceful resolution, have no choice but to drive Saddam from Kuwait by force. We will not fail." After the first night of raids on Baghdad, the capitial of Iraq, the nation was overwhelmed by the success of the first attack, and the lack of retaliation on the part of Hussein. Many got the false impression that this war would be a blitzkrieg of sorts, but it premisses to last longer than the initial indications. The longevity of the wr remians unclear, but the eminence of casualties has already become apparent.
uSfe Uiff^e most wars of the past, where the ifoops and the enemy were nameless and faceless, this is a war that began on television in the livingrooms of millions of Americans. Television has given names and faces of young men and women to the war in the Gulf. Therefore every casualty is someone's son, someone's daughter, which makes a greater impact on people than the death of any serviceman would. President Bush touched on this in his national address two hours after the war erupted. "No president can easily commit our sons and daughters to war. They are the nation's finest. Ours is an all volunteer force, magnificently trained, highly motivated. The troops know why they're there. And listen to what they ^''y, for they've said it better than any president or prime minister ever could. Listen to Hollywood Huddleston, Marine lance corpo"•al. He says, "Let's free these people so we ean go home and be free again." And he's •"'fiht... And finally, we should all sit up and listen to Jackie Jones, an Army lieutenant, when she says, "If we let him get away with this, who know's what's going to be next?"... Tonkfc^ as our forces fight, they and thier fami^Pare in our prayers. May God bless each and every one of them and the coalition forces fighting at our side in the Gulf, and may ^ e continue to bless...the United States of America." Before hostilities began, Soulhwords sent 3 number of letters to members of the armed forces. We have received four letters in •"eiurn. The soldiers spoke of fear, anticipa^on, and pride. They all shared many of the same opinions; what Saddam Hussein did was ^fong, and that they all are eager to return home. As a result of national security, we eannot reveal their exact locations, but can ^•^e a general idea of where they are. As f^esident Bush said, "...Listen to what they ^y> for they've said it better than any president or prime minister ever could."
BioName-Tyro Beatty Age-28 Hometown-Chicago Address-YN2 Tyro Beatty CTF70/USS Midway FPO San Francisco 96601-4305
^ o w s what he KH
Bio Name-Anthony Cannon Age-21 Hometown-Peoria Stationed-USS Shreveport Address-Anthony J. Cannon ACUZLUZ1659 USS Shreveport (LPD. 12) FPO New York, NY 09587-1714
Bin Name-Iris Faster Address-Cpt. Iris Faster ARCENT FWD SURG HHD 108th Med Bn A.P.O. N.Y.,N.Y. [.Y., N.Y. 09616
"^ho are C/-/J, '^8h '?^a
America's soldiers tell Sautiiword^ th&^ownsW^ of life in the Persian Gulf
" " r^ ••" " - I h a d i
^"^y morally fit.. .."^'"'^- '^y away from , ^A
AIKhobar ^,^. in ahousingcomplex m Ai w .
We finally The complex is much belter than living with 1,4uu umv.. j — ^ ^ have divided my group (HHd 108th Med Bn) into three aparunents. There are J^D ui u^ 111)1 6 , . v , „ r X and we have three apanmcnls and operating apartments for living ana uix^iut-.e,.out of.... We share our aparuneni " — Germany '^-°rmanv (army). The rumor has il it thai ihe Saudis did —noi want lo live with a group from —1 ^ Kavp, aparimenis. X because women would haveto lo use usethe the elevator elevator lo lo gello gelUU1.3 lo their ihcir aparimenis." 1--.„ ,u„ in Ihe 'We complex cannot1put we caui.wv y loilel paper in the toilets in ihe apanmeni. nenl. The Saudis' plumbinb does doe of loilel paper in • —->• American standards. We have to dispose "• •" me '*"" by any thought meel American sianutuuo. — e lo dispose of loilel paper in il "asie either. What a - —V, Thpv don'i consider used toilet paper hazardous waste not uj v«.j _ (other than Islam).The regular irash. They don have areligious service strange land." I wish , when the war starts "ll is against the law in Saudi Arabia to -:~.K, Virpaking the law. Thank God!" •"would hurry up and deciQ. they
sturu•crf'like On
^ ^°^^«scaremp7vr^'''^''school
Bia I Name-Joe Hurtz A ™« T O Age-38 Hometown-Highland, Ind. Address-156 Joseph W. Hurtz HHC. 176 EWGP (combat) ~ Operation Desert Storm APO New York. N.Y. 09616
Students of month recognized Maine South officials have announced November and December S tudents of the Month. November's are: Music: Jack Parrino, Jim Rushford, Matt Krause Broadcasting, Drama: Christine Feichtel, Ginger Tosch, Kristen Schaefer Phys. Ed.: Erin Shields, Lainie Castle, Kathleen O'Connell, Trisha Stankiewicz, Rick Sheridan, Richard Mills, Margaret Metzinger, Julie Morell, Jennifer Gallego Home Economics: Nina Koulogeorge, Cindy Wilk, Kindra Smith, Cathy Colucci, Lisa Canella Health: Renata Kesala Social Science: Amy Berka, Pat Daly, John Fredriksen, Renata Kesala, Vince Macaluso, Maureen Nugent, Tera Siwicki, Kim Wiedcrer English: Monica Alvarado, Jeanne Auer, Patficia Babinec, Ellen Bacon, Jennifer Bartee, Elizabeth Carlson, Holly Francis, Mary Gavin, Jodi Jacobson, Yasmine Kiss, Kathleen Mahoney, Anthony Mazzacane, Alison O'Keefe, Angie Papassavas, Dawn Pawlik, Tobi Shane, Cara Spurrier, Kim Wiederer, Kevin Wong, Katie Zimmermann Foreign Language: Joseph Acuri, Paul Cheong, Karen Neuman, Jill Romund, Jim Saisakorn. Trisha Stankiewicz, Ginger
Speech: Kerrin Denham Business: Randy Webb, John Kujak, Frank Dcmarinis, Tom Carlson, Paul Cheong, Erin O' Shea, Georgia Giakoumis Science: Liz Stepp. Christy Cline, Rebecca Marinau, Andre Abreu, Candice Abreu, Dan Herzog, Julie Brumm, Ellen Bacon Math: Lynn Wysoglad, Jackie Nichols, Elizabeth Stepp, Mike Palac, Tera Siwicki, Scott Wade, Liz Elckcr, Martina Keotke, Jennifer Cicinelli, Al Tseng English: Candice Abreu, Laura Erkmanis, Ann Gawne, Debbi Hansen, Kristen Hope, Chuch Kaufman, Molly Kilmer, Jeff Matz, Richard Mills, Fred Sanchez, Kristi Sigg, Matt Staniec, Eric Abreu Foreign Language: Karen Bott, John Fredriksen, Chuck Kaufman, Kathryn Michal, Jim Pellegrini, Mike Roth, Jill Siragusa Home Ec: Annmarie Hoffman, Kirsten Krischke, John Kujak, Kathy O'Connell Phys. Ed.: Adem Alag, Rafal Cilulko, Nancy Green, Tracy Haas, Matt Kadzie, Heather December's Students of the Month are: Lewis, Kristen Mattes, Joe Pintz, Heidi Health: Steven Silarski, Harry Petruleas Swarbrick Driver Ed.: Jennifer Myalls, Lida Aris, Caro- Arl/Photo: Heather Baniak, Laura Bellen,^^ line Morris, Natalie Kukuruza Melissa Brummitt ^A Industrial Ed.: Bobby Brunet,Paul Signorino, Social Science: Sara Corder, Jon Forsythe,^^ Pat Krzyzak, Brian Kimura, Toby Kaminsky John Kirpanos, Michelle Panzcca, Angie Music: Brad Haak, Jim Urge Papassavas, John Schroeder, Lynn Wysoglad
Tosch, Sae Tsukahara, Mejrima Hukic Driver Ed.: Sue Kim, Renee Siwiec, Steve Johnson, Michele Wcihs Business: Chris Brandenburg, Mario Cardamonc, Steve Currey, Tera Siwicki, Mike Spundcr, Greta Vormiitag, Margaret Zimmermann Mathematics: Eric Abreu, Kathy Beaumont, Tim Biedron, Philip Di MArtino, Renata Kesala, Miles Maniaci, Maria Maniatis, Jill Schrocder, Joanna Siciliano, Jacqueline Urquhart, Georgia Vlachogiannis, Sarah Wanat Science: Kathy Beaumont, Mike Brudzinski, Adam Drozd, Mary Gavin, Matthew Ishu, Sarah Kaufman, Sosamma Mammen, Heidi Pannke, Jim Pellegrini, Joe Pinu, Jason Rice, Brian Walsh, Karen Steele, Melissa Hack Art/Photo: Sarah Schuler,Chrisline Dudlak, Chris Harris, Darlene Ziemann Industrial Ed.: Andy Gansz, George Passias, Dino Alexakos, Jason Metier, Amery Schmeisser
Community Beat
Recycling under way Area merchants weather recessionat Maine South ' by Eric Eichin
The recession has also had an effect on local government. Tax increases will probaThis week's Community Beat focuses on bly be approved by the Park Ridge City Counthe effect of the recession on local merchants cil during its March budget hearings. Howand the Park Ridge Government. ever, economists are predicting a turn-around in the U.S.'s economy by mid-summer. Hence, Park Ridge residents may have to "bite the bullet" for a while. Over the holidays, many local merchants One concern of city officials is the failure cut back on stock and overhead in order to of the Summit Mall to attract businesses. break even. For example. Pine's Clothing on According to the Park Ridge Advocate, mall Prospect, had a gigantic sale in January to management has had a very difficult time increase declining sales. During that sale, all uy ing to atu-act tenants that are able to pay the seasonal merchandise was marked down by high rent, due to relatively high taxes. 40 percent. One positive note about Park Ridge's Another Prospect Avenue business. economy is the fact that office vacancy rale is Petunia's Toys, has had its own difficulties. ten percent lower than thai of offices in nearby Child World, a major toy store chain, recently Rosemont and other O'Hare communities. filed for bankruptcy and had huge reductions This is a good sign. Oil all in-stock items. Hence, business has Park Ridge should be able to survive the been slower than usual for Petunia's. The current recession, It has survived many previstore's owner, Kate Marshall, remains opti- ous ones, and the one going on now shouldn't mistic about the future of her business. be as much of a worry as people say it is.
The Maine South Student Council has already begun its recycling project. Begun on January 28, the project should continue until the end of the year. According to Charles Cycholl, every classroom in school now contains a recycling bin. "I am very excited about our plan to make Maine South students and faculty aware of our need to help the environment by encouraging everyone to recycle, " said Cycholl. Only while office, computer, xerox or typing paper will be accepted. No other items will be accepted. "Student Council thanks you for participating, and we hope this idea will be a success," concluded Cycholl.
Hawks bounce back after losses
After splitting games during the past two I'cekends, the Hawks (10-6,2-2) are looking to mount some kind of winning streak. Dropping two key maich-ups versus Central Suburban League South conference opponents New Trier and Waukegan, 64-63 and 51-49 respectively, the Hawks bounced back after each contest to beat St. Viator 56-54 and York 69-59. Against New Trier, the Hawks started slowly, trailing 22-10 after the first quarter and 40-29 by halflime. However, the Hawks mounted a comeback to enter the fourth quarter trailing by one, 55-54. Exchanging the lead several times in the fourth period, the Hawks came up with a firm defensive stand to force the game into overtime. However, the Trevian kept possession of the ball throughout the overtime and nailed two free throws with two seconds remaining in the game, thereby scaling the victory and taking sole possession of first place in the conference standings. Jim Rushford managed to score 21 points
against the Trevian defense, while junior Dan Lanno added 15 points. In his first game back from injuries, Roy Johnson held Trevian star Rick Hielscher in check with some solid defense. But the key statistic of the game was rebounding, in which New Trier edged out the Hawks 30-19. The Hawks did manage, however, to bounce back against St. Viator the following night. The Hawks led throughout most of the game, 39-28 by the end of the third period. Although St. Viator later cut the Hawks' lead to two, the Hawks pulled out the victory. Key contributors included Rushford and Johnson. When the Hawks met conference foe Waukegan, the Hawks again saw the game go down to the wire as Waukegan scored on a jump shot with one second remaining in the contest, breaking a 49-49 tie score. Again, the Hawks trailed early in the game, 28-26 at halftime. But the Hawks roared back in the third quarter, taking a commanding 39-36 lead into the final period. The Hawks shot well in the contest, nailing
21 of 35 shots from the field and making good on 5 out of 8 free throw attempts. But as in the game against New Trier, the Hawks were ouu^ebounded. "We shot well, but we didn't control our defensive boards," said senior Bill Schmitz. The Hawks again would not let their previous night's game affect their play when they faced York. This time, the Hawks controlled the game from the outset, jumping out to a 3124 halftime lead. However, the Hawks seemed to let up in the third period when York crept within one point, 51-50. But the Hawks exploded on a 17-9 run in the fourth quarter to seal the victory. Outstanding performers in the game included junior Sean Collins, who scored 24 points and had 10 rebounds for the Hawks and Johnson, who added 17 points and grabbed a tcain-high 12 rebounds. The Hawks hope to reach a level of consistency in their upcoming games. The Hawks will square-off against Niles West tomorrow night at Maine South.
Swimmers find improvement in defeat
Although ttie boys' swim team has suf^red a pair of recent losses to conference foes /aukegan and New Trier, 48-45 and 110-69 respectively, the Hawks (5-4,0-3) have also shown improvement in the Titan Relays and in a 110-77 victory over Leyden. Also finishing a disappointing 5th in the Hawk relays and losing to conference powerhouse Evanston, the Hawks reinain optimistic, especially W'hen considering their 5-1 non-conference record. The recent losses to Waukegan and New Trier also demonstrated several bright spots. Against Waukegan, the Hawks stayed competitive throughout the meet, only to be edged out by three points. The lopsided score against New Trier also did not indicate the tremendous drops in lime that the HawLs have bcÂŤn
expcncncmg. The Hawks placed 4th in the Titan Relays, falling short of 3rd place by a mere two points. Several Hawks swam exceptionally, including the 200 free relay team (Bill Barker, Karl Steinke, Jamie Mills, Karl Flener), which capture a first place medal with a time of 1:34:96. "Hopefully, they (Barker, Steinke, Mills, and Flener) could be a state-qualifying combination," said Coach Chris Deger. The Hawks also medaled in six other events at the Titan Relays, the highest medal total in the past four years. However, the Hawks did not achieve the same success in their own Hawk Relays, nor in a 110-76 loss to Evanston. Although the Hawks only scored 72 points in the 6-team meet, they swam shorthanded, with four top
swimmers absent from the line-up. The Hawks still managed to gamer second place in the 200 free relay with a 1:38:59 time. In the Hawks' domination of Leyden, several individuals performed well in addition to the relay teams. "Brian Coltman, Damon Harkey, and Kurt Kuever have been consistent and very impressive lately," added Coach Deger. With no competition this weekend, the Hawks will prepare for the CSL Varsity Conference Meet next Friday at Evanston. "Despite recent losses, we've had steady drops in time. This is the best team that I've coached here in all my four years. I also have my fingers crossed in sending a relay team and some individuals to the state meet," concluded Coach Deger.
Mission impossible: a conference championship As the u-ack and field team begins another long and enduring season, the boys' varsity squad believes that things are changing. This year, like learns in years past, are trying to accomplish an "impossible" mission - a conference championship. However, this year's team has already completed part of its misijon. As sophomores two years ago, they dele; eatcd Evanston, the conference powerhouse. The Hawks hope that this year's team can build on their past success and defeat Evanston on the varsity level. If this can be
achieved, the Hawks believe that the conference championship is within their grasp. In addition, many of the Hawks will be looking past the conference meet and on to the stittc meet. Among these outstanding performers include several previous state qualifiers: Mike Szwed in the long jump; Jeff Beaumont, Bill Schmitz, and Pete Gayford in the two-mile relay; and Brad and Chris Scott in the pole vault. Other senior varsity members hoping to qualify for their first state meet include Brian Kufncr in the shot-put, Tom Matzen in the
triple jump, and Dan Herzog in the high jump. "Knowing that we can beat Evanston gives us a realistic shot at the conference championship this year. I think that the seniors should also generate enough enthusiasm so that the whole team will be determined to win," said senior Brian James. The track and field team will officially began practice after the winter break. The first meet of the indoor season took place January 30. The Hawks' upcoming meet will take place February 6, away against Glenbrook Souiii.
Hawks show strong holiday form. Limestone Rockets simply shot over Maine South's players with accuracy. Although the Hawks lost the championship game, they walked away satisfied with their accomplishments. Second place is quite an achievement for the high level of play the Hawks were competing with, plus Margaret Zimmermann was voted to the AU-Toumamcni team with an average of 21 points per game.
While the majority of Maine South students relaxed during the Christmas Break, the girls' basketball team spent their time playing a physically demanding tournament one and a half hours away in Dixon, lUinois. The Hawks opened up tournament play with a game against Freeport. This game proved to be a promising beginning for the Hawks, with a 60-51 victory. Both Emmy Pasier (21 pts.) and Margaret Zimmermann (24 pts.) played excellent offensive games while Julie Sebastian added eightpointsof her own. The next day, the team turned up their defense, holding Washington to 36 points, while scoring 44 points and bringing home a victory. Zimmermann, again, led the Hawks in scoring with 22 points in addition to being 12 for 13 from the freethrow line. On the last day of the tournament, the Hawks faced the hosting team of Dixon in a packed gymnasium and intense atmosphere. The contest was close the whole game. As the teams headed into the last two minutes of play, Maine South pulled ahead and expanded the score from 44-43, to a score of 52-46. This win pushed Maine South into the championship game of the tournament that night. Ironically, the championship game proved to be the most frusU'aling game of the tournament for the Hawks, they faced at least three players over six feet tall. Offensively Maine South played well, Margaret Zimmerman scored 21 points, but defensively, it was an uphill battle. The LJ.^mm
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After the Christmas Break, Maine South tallied up sizeable victories against Highland Park, and close rival New Trier. Although they were beaten by Evanston, the Hawks bounced back against sister school Maine East with a victory and score of 60^3. Accurate offensive play and rebounding keyed the victory for the Hawks. In this gome, Emmy Pasier (19 rebounds) broke a Maine South school record by scoring 39 points in a single game. This record was previously set at 38 points. Presently, the Hawks continue with the battle for the CSL championship. They are tied with New Trier for second place and are right on the heels of number one Evanston. Senior center Emmy Pasier shows the form that earned her a school record performance of 39 points in a single game.
Gymnasts look to sectionals
HawK nigniignis Sport Gymnastics
Fri. 211
Sat. 212
IHSAF egionals
Boys' NHes West Niles West Basketball Fr A-B--4;30 S/V—6/7:45 Girls' Kew Trier Basketball V/JV/F^6/7;3C Swimming Wrestling Boys' Track Girls' Track
1 # s 1 home contest
Mon. 214 1
Tue. 2/5 IHSA Section; Ls
Wed. 216 1
CSL Fr. Meet New Trier IHSA Regionals GBS V/F-S-4:30 Red/Whiie Mcc NT/GBS V/JV—4:30 V/JV—4:30
The Girls' Gymnastic Team looks towards a promising close to their season. The Hawks went into Conference with a strong record of 4-5 and hope for a third place finish. The Varsity team's last meet was their Regionals held on Wednesday at Schaumburg High School. From this point on, the girls must place in the top 5 in any event to qualify for Sectionals. Some girls will also be chosen "at large" to compete at Sectionals. This select group is chosen from all the regions; the qualifying scores vary. Any gymnast who reaches this level of competition must also be selected for the State Meet on February 15 through the same process. ^^ So far, sectional hopes are pending for Jef^Hk Pavlik, Monica HeutUnger, Frannie Borchersv^' and Melissa Kinder. Jean and Monica also hope to qualify for State.