Vol 29 issue 3

Page 1

\Olume 29, issue 3 Octohtr 2. 1<;';2

South wordS

Maine South H s [>ark Ri(l<;f. II

Homecoming spirit blazes at Soutii i

Which of these five candidates wiii be

QUEEN for '92-'93? Julie Giannini

Jenny Gallego

Monica Huettinger


by Joel Gregie Maine South is finally all geared up for its festive Homecoming '92 celebration, after already preparing for the big weekend for several weeks now. The theme of Homecoming this year is "The Time is Now." Back on September 18th, fourteen senior girls were nominated for Homecoming queen. They were Nanette Bush, Christy Cline, Una Curran, Jenny Gallego, Julie Giannini, Ann Gortner, Monica Huettinger, Trina Karas, Renata Kesala, Michelle Marrese, Kristen Neisler, Kristin Reardon, Kate Reynolds, and Cara Stanke. Last Friday, September 25, students voted for the members of the Homcoming Court. Out of the fourteen candidates nominated, the

Kristen Neisler


five pictured above were elected to the Homecoming Court. Today from 7:30 to 8:00 A.M., periods four, five.and six, aod from 3:00 to 3:30 P.M., the final voting in the Homecmoing Queen Election will take place, in front of the student cafeteria, to select a queen. The queen will be crowned in a ceremony which will be held between the sophomore and Varsity football games tomorrow. Besides the exciting queen competition, many other interesting events are occurring this weekend. Tonight is the annual Homecoming Carnival in which many of the school's groups and organizations will run booths and games for the entertainment of all students. The Carnival begins at 6:00 P.M.

Kate Reynolds


and continues until 9:00 P.M. At 9:00 Pep Club's Firelight Rally will begin, with a blazing bonfire lighting up the night. On Saturday, the first event will be the Homecoming Parade at 10:00 A.M. The parade will march through the streets of Park Ridge, complete with floats. Homecoming Court nominees, and the Maine South Marching Band. Next on the schedule is the sophomore football game at 11:30 at Wilson Field. Immediately following the sophomores' game will be the crowning of the Homecoming Queen. After the ceremony, the Varsity football game against the Waukegan continued on page 6

Commentary j


not if you have them, Choices: It's it's what you make of them

by Charity Trelease Although Maine South is a relatively safe haven, something sinister challenges us every day. No, it's not Mr. Wallace demanding a pass in the hallway. It's not cockroaches. It's decisions. Today's world is one of conby Dan Berko Since the administration began cracking stant choice. Who do I want to go to homedown on smokers in school last year, there coming with? Should I try out for swimming have been fewer incidents of people caught or volleyball? What college suits me best? smoking. Reinstating teacher washroom su- What do I want to be when I grow up? pervision ("potty patrol") and reworking the Remember in kindergarten when everyone penalties for those caught to make them asked that? Growing up was an eternity stricter have effectively reduced the number away; we didn't really have to think about the of smokers in the washrooms. The admini- future. A decade later, with college less than four stration, deans, teachers, and concerned students are to be congratulated for their efforts years away, people are still asking that same question. So many decisions that could possiand accomplishments. While diere are fewer smokers in the bly affect our futures are made during high washrooms, the problem is still far from school. However, there exists one major flaw solved. More and more students have started in this system: we aren't adults. We are still smoking outside of the building on the way to growing up. During this process, we are maclasses. Something should be done to dis- turing, developing beliefs, discovering who courage or even end smoking wherever it we are. On top of all this we are expected to choose one out of thousands of colleges and takes place. One possible solution would be to elimi- decide what we want to spend the rest of our nate all smoking at Maine South. It is com- lives doing. mon knowledge that teachers are allowed to In kindergarten we learned the alphabet smoke in the lounge. All it takes is a walk past and took naps. The biggest decision we faced the door of the lounge to smell the evidence. each day was the choice between peanut Consequently, the logic of a smoking student butter and jelly or bologna. By now, we know will be that if the teachers are allowed to the alphabet, but it doesn 't mean we are qualismoke in the building, students should be fied to map out our futures. allowed to smoke as well. With the cut backs We certainly do not have enough experiin school funding akeady taking place, the ence to make these decisions. Perhaps if there school probably would not be willing to lose was time to think or explore some of our more state funds by instituting a student interests, we would be able to make certain smoking lounge. Besides, there would need choices. Imagine being able to just sit on a hill to be some way of making sure those who would use the lounge are actually eighteen years old. Last year, the Student Rights Committee of Student Coucil worked with administrators and deans to help create a stiffer smoking policy at Maine South. Students who cared were a major part in helping cut down on smoking by asking for something to be done. Students, once again, may be able to help end smoking. Many smokers start smoking as a result of peer pressure. That is also a way they can be persuaded to stop smoking. By nonsmokers exerting similar kinds of peer pressure on smokers, they can persuade them and support them in their attempts to stop smoking. While the recent efforts by faculty and administration to curb smoking in the washrooms are commendable, something further must be done by students to persuade friends to stop smoking and administrators to change school smoking policies and make Maine South a totally smoke free environment.

Friends don't let friends smoke

all day and ponder the meaning of life. Maybe you could discover exactly what you want to get out of it. Or better yet, if you could take a year off and try out anything that could possibly become afuture career. Of course, today's competitive world wouldn't allow it. Why is it, then, that we are forced to make choices without the necessary time to truly think them over? It would be wonderful to put your Ufe on hold and carefully evaluate your options. Unfortunately, during high school, when we need this free time and relaxation the most, we are bogged down with extra-curricular activites, homework, jobs, and decisions, decisions, decisions. My suggestion for coping with this problem is to live some more. It's really easy; anyone can do it. Instead of determining where your life should go, let it take you for a ride. Whatever you do, don't carve your destiny in stone. Next time someone asks you what you want to be doing when you grow up, tell them, "Living my life."


iCommentarv r

Seeking status in the social circus by Ann Ethridge •Lighting a cedar block to the tantalizing guitar riffs of Mother Love Bone. •Hard rhyming to the slamming break beats from Chuck D of Public Enemy. •Wreaking vengence in a mosh pit to fast grunge blaring from the instruments of Helmet or L-7. To some it's all in a day's worth of selffulfillment Yet to others, each is a glorious, praiseworthy act, in which only exalted members of the alternative music generation may take part. Thus, one feels that he or she must dive into the culture in order to hang out with these conceptual pillars of society. These are the people who must first wait until a dignified personality, such as a DJ or hearthrob, tells them which group is hot on the scene, and then pumps their ears full of a single until they obediently venture out to buy the album. To hell with this. Such is the pathway to hollow trends. Who had ever heard of Faith No More before MTV pumped their single "More than Words" over the airwaves with such vigor? Or even of Nirvana before "Smells Like Teen pirit" was splashed all over 103.5 FM The Blaze? Nirvana's album Nevermind is a decent work of art. Unfortunately, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" became the common battle cry of kids across the nation who were so eager to take a bite out of the "thrash sandwich."

I cannot even touch the album now withoutfirstexperiencing a biting wave of nausea. The ones who originally harbor an interest for a certain reason suddenly find themselves with a lower opinion of them once the masses get involved. To some, music is a glorious soap opera. For example, in the September 1992 edition of Spin magazine, a reporter had stated, refering to the speed-grunge band Helmet; "...it's depressing that the band members don't seem to have had their egos inflated in the slightest by the attention. Rock music stands or falls on its outside egos, and the guys in Helmet are "vl

frustratingly straightforward. Where's the fun in that?" One can only brush off this jibberish and hope that it does not become the dominating philosophy of the music industry. Whatever the case may be, music should not be used as a step-ladder to glory, nor should it be tossed into the hands of the masses. If you feel strongly about a musical group, that is your own opinion— keep it that way. Give yourself a little credit. Don't fall on your knees to the almighty god of alternate rock because "everyone is doing it" Doesn't the spirit of individuality mean anything anymore?


<r2fO J,


6>< AN ours\ve ve(26iAL' a>KJt3VNCTI-

PbotQuCk m4om~^\Nho is your ^Ai^mAs^m^s^

l-iomecoming dream Photos bv .Andrea Berhold and Yasmlne Kiss

Laura La\vson-'93 "Dr. Cachur, just because."

Tim Osborne-'94 "Catherine the Great."

Beth Paterno-'94

Jack Revnolds-'95

"Tom Cruise because he is the hottest man aHve."

"Cindy Crawford."



American Field Service brings Those ]A/fio came-Kasper Bach Hjorth— Denmark As you may know, I'm a foreign exchange student from Denmark. I've only been here for about one month, but by now I've already experienced many differences between Denmark and the U.S. That's what I will tell you a litde about. In some ways, America (or what I've seen of it so far) reminds one of Denmark, and in many ways it does not, of course. And that's why I'm here—to experience a different kind of lifestyle and culture. Then, besides that, I will get to know the language better, but that does not matter so much to me as to get an impression of what it's like over here. To experience everyday life is the most important thing! Before I left Denmark, many people told me that I should not compare everything to the conditions in Denmark because I might be disappointed in some ways. I should really just forget about Denmark while I'm here so I can experience and enjoy without prejudice. But I that's impossible, I think. I can't stop comparing. But I'm not sure it's such a bad thing to do. You just have to accept the bad parts as well as the good ones. And that's a part of the experience, if you ask me. I'm not here to see a wonderland; I want both sides, the uncut version. One of the big changes is school! First of all, the Danish school system works like most European school systems. It is quite different from here. We have no high school. There are only the "elementary schools", and only nine years in school are required, but most students take the tenth and last year too. This means that most students graduate, like me, at the age of sixteen. After that there are plenty of opportunities, for example, going to college. In the schools in Denmark, you are in class with maybe twenty other students and that is your only class. With these same people you stay in one classroom most of the time, so you are not moving around between all classes like here. Instead, the teachers come to your class room. We are allowed to leave the school area at every break we have during the day. We do not need passes if we are late for a class or if we are going to the bathroom. No locked iron gate stops us when we are coming back from gym! No guards are sitting everywhere controlling that the students aren't in places they shouldn't be. In addition, there is no

Fernando and Kasper reflect on the differences between the USA and their own countries. metal detector or alarm or whatever it is in any SlOOO dollars to get it. Danish school library checking if students In Denmark, you are allowed to drink "steal" books. In my opinion, that is a little too alcohol whenever you want to (not in school weird. It seems like the school does not trust however!) How old you are doesn't matter. In the students at all. Nothing is allowed here. It Denmark I could easily send my kid brother is much more strict than in Denmark, but I'm down to the store and buy a bottle of whiskey. getting used to it. It just takes a httle time. It No problem at all. Most kids in Demnark have might sound like I'm trying to make it sound their first experiences with alcohol at the age like a prison, but this is just my impression. Of of 13-15 years old. course there are also many good sides about These are just some few of the m a j ^ the school. Which I won't mention here. Do differences between Demnark and the l ! ^ ^ you wonder why? You can read more about Denmark, Another difference is that in Denmark, differences, and my point of view next time I people are forbidden to drive a car or a motor feel like writing to Southwords. Until then bike before the age of eighteen. It is much BYE-BYE! more complicated to get a driver's license and By the way, I have forgot to tell you that I much more expensive too. It takes a lot of like the school and I'm very glad to be here theoretical and practical tests. Sometimes it with you. I want to thank you all for takes four to six months before you get a welcoming us and being patient and friendly. driver's hcense. Normally, it costs about I hope we will get a good year together!

Fernando Viquez— Costa Rica In my opinion, Maine South is a nice school. It is very big, and has a good faculty; most of them are very nice. There are many services that aid in learning the materials. It's a strict school, but offers the opportunity of being in an elective class, while the required classes for graduation aren't forgotten. It was hard getting used to running to each class, rushing through lunch, and changing books quickly. In my country, we don't have to change for each class—the teachers change. We are with the same group of people all through high school, so at the end, we are all close friends. The time goes by fast and it doesn't seem like I'm in class for very long, so at the end of the day, I'm not very tired. I like a lot the support that the school gives to students in their sports, music, and art activities. Maybe you think I'm exaggerating, but in my country, few schools are like Maine South—with the gyms, pool, fields, fitness

center, field house, and all of the equipment in classes. Before school started, I was a little afraid to start because I didn't really know anybody. If Greg Peter, my host brother (who is in Thailand) had been here, it would have been easier to make friends and feel safe. So, in the first few days of school, I felt a little strange without many friends, but now I'm getting used to everything. I have many new friends. They are very nice people that I can trust and look to for help when I need it. Now I'm very happy to be at Maine South, in Park Ridge with my host family. They are excellent people and I'm very lucky to be with them. ^ ^ This has been my dream since a year Hf^ when I joined the AFS program. For six months, I had to meet every Saturday, and then twice a month for four months. Now, finally after that long process, I'm living my dream. I hope to enjoy it a lot this year.



the world to Maine South's door ^ ^


Those who wentby Katie Burns and Ann Gortner The AFS Program has brought different experiences to Maine South throughout the years, be it by hosting foreign students or by sending Chicagoland natives to foreign countries who, in turn, share their adventures with the student body. In the past year, Maine South has been proud to have representatives of our community in Spain, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, and the former Soviet Union. Although each journey was different in the cultures, languages, and people, there is one thing in common with each one: all of the students are itching to tell their stories. Anita Bringas—Spain Anita Bringas spent six weeks of her summer in S pain. S he speaks on the beginning of her trip: "Unfortunately, some of our families weren't ready for us. Mine was on vacation [for the first week of my arrival], so placed with a temporary family outside adrid." After Anita spent a week sightseemg in Madrid, her "visit as a toiuist was over." Anita met her host family in their hometown, Lerez de los Caballeros, where she would be spending the next five weeks. In addition to experiencing everyday life as an honorary Spaniard, Anita had the opportunity to go camping with her host sister, where she went repelling and sight-seeing. Later, Anita traveled to Seville to see the World's Fair. It's no wonder that she was reluctant to return home. Meg Lennon—Spain Meg Lennon also visited Spain over the summer in the AFS program. It took her a while to get used to the new schedule, getting up around noon, eating the largest meal of the day at three in the afternoon, and having dinner hours later than she was used to. The easy going lifestyle seemed to suit her well, on the other hand. She and her host sister hung out at the local bar where "we would play pool, football, or watch TV." Later in the day they would "walk to the square, sit on benches, eat sunflower seeds, and gossip." On weekends, the two of them often ate early so that they could go out and dance "until we c^ie home around six in the morning." She ^Bthat she learned a valuable lesson about people, that people "even though from different parts of the world, still have a lot in common, and [can] become great friends." Debbi Hansen—Australia Through the AFS Program, Debbi Hansen was able to live in Australia for nine weeks on


farm in in Pomona. Pomona, Queensland. aa farm Oueensland. "It "It was was aa httle little strange to look out my bedroom window and see catde, chickens (or "chooks", as they are called there), and geese, but no house eight feet away." Debbi was lucky enough to go snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, right off of Lady Musgrave Island, and was amazed that it was warm enough to swim during the Australian winter. She also went to AFSsponsored Camp Knox, where she was able to go rock climbing, mountain biking, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, and repeUing. Today, Debbi is planning her next journey to Australia. Chris Brandenburg—New Zealand Our representative in New Zealand was Chris Brandenburg, who spent seven weeks in the small town of Patagonia. Chris was a bit upset when he first found out that he had to attend school during his stay (it was winter in New Zealand at that time), but soon began to appreciate it after discovering that his nearest neighbor in this town of 250 people was two miles away and 63 years old! Chris went on an outdoor adventure program with other American AFS students for three weeks, where he hiked, climbed the third highest mountain in the country, snowboarded, and bungee jumped! Chris also had his first experience with foreign slang: "One day in class a student asked the teacher for a rubber! When I heard that, I nearly fell off my chair. Later, I found out that a "rubber" in New Zealand is an eraser." Karen Stephanie—Kazakhstan Karen Stephanie had her AFS experience in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, an Asian republic of the former Soviet Union. She was a bit overwhelmed with the language at first "the whole of my Russian vocabulary consisted of 'hi', 'yes', 'no', 'may I', 'please', and 'thank you'. But at the time of my arrival, Russian was the predominant language in the city, and since I was going to a Russian school, I decided to concentrate my efforts on learning the language. The school at which I studied taught in Russian and specialized in EngUsh for students who wished to learn the language." Karen discovered that status was entirely different in Kazakhstan; for example, both of her parents were doctors, but Soviet doctors do not have a very high standing in the community. "They earn only a little more than teachers. Although we were not rich, we had a nice apartment and always enough food, if not toilet paper." Karen found herself in the Soviet Union for merely three weeks before the coup against Gorbachev occured. "I watched the crumbling of the union and the fledgling efforts of the new Commonwealth of Independent States. After the price

increases increase.sininJanuary, Janiiarv.IItrembled trembledalong alon?with with everyone else and wondered how we would buy food." Certainly, Karen's feelings about the former Soviet Union are a lot different from ours, seeing as she experienced the culture and the many events of the past year there from a more personal point of view. Renee Russo—Japan Renee Russo spent her eleven months abroad with the program in Japan. She expected the people and culture to be very different and was surprised to discover that the similarities were equal to the differences. When referring to her host family, the Konoshis, she shows this, saying, "I was areal member of the family: I had my chores, helped my mother and sisters cook meals, took out the garbage, had arguments over what TV show to watch... I was just like a real sister." Renee also points out that "I enjoyed the Japanese lifestyle; I lived it to the extreme. I slept on a futon, ate with chopsticks, ate fish (even sahsami, raw fish), worked part-time at a sushi restaurant, took yoga..." She misses her family and friends in Japan already, and "whenever I get a little Japan-sick, I put on my Ukata (a summer kimono) and go through all my pictures." Sean Denham—Switzerland Sean Denham discovered, when visiting Switzerland this summer, that he had a few misconceptions about the country. "I remember thinking of its reputation as having no economic or social problems. But when I arrived I was surprised to see internal strife over many issues." He says "I know that when most people think about Swiss people, they see a leiderhose-clad mountaineer, wearing an expensive watch on one hand, holding a chocolate bar in the other, while jumping from peak to peak singing 'The Hills are Alive'" but they have their stereotypes of us, too. According to a Swiss friend, the typical American is supposed "to be walking (no, driving,because all Americans drive) down the street wearing a baseball cap, chewing bubble gum, with a Coca-Cola in one hand and a McDonald's hamburger in the other." When Sean worked past the false preconceptions he had of Switzerland, he saw the nation as it truly was, and came to appreciate its bad and the good points. All of the AFS students experienced a new culture first hand and discovered, and in many cases found enjoyable, the unique traditions and ways of Ufe of other nations during their stays. They also found that, though many things differ between Chicagoland and the rest of the world, people are the same everywhere. Each student came home with a rich store of memories and a long list of people to write to.



Clubs announce 92-93 officers A number of Maine South's clubs and organizations have held their initial meetings and have consequently elected officers for the 1992-93 school year. The officers for Maine Soath's Spanish Club, the largest club at South are: Scott Edwards, President; Carolyn Bilson, VicePresident; Kris Cassin and Larissa Dudycz, Co-secretaries; Cheryl Bratu and Sarah Merz, Co-treasureers; Megan Lennon and Erica Swanson, Organizational Chairs; Doug Hansen and David Palac, Breakfast Managers. Spanish Club is sponsored by Mrs. DeGiorgio. French Club's officers are: Sean Denham, President; Alison Begor, Vice President; Chika Saeki, Secretary; Erin Shields, Treasurer; Kate Biegler, Emily Leisinger, and Charity Trelease, Publicity. French Club is sponsored by Mrs. Nica. Elected as officers for Photo Club are: Megan Sliwa, President; Sue Neuman, Vice President; Karen Molzahn, Secretary; Lenore Franckowiak, Treasure. Photo Club is

sponsored by Mr. Bragiel. Orchesis dance company's new officers are: Ann Gawne, President; Natalie Kukuruza, Vice President; Georgia Giakounis, Secretary; Diana Rodino, Historian; Denise Marshall, Publicity; Karen Selsy, Costumes; Sarah Benedict, Junior Orchesis President. Orchesis is sponsored by Ms. Sinclair. The Students Against Drunk Driving (S.A.D.D.) Club officers are: Gina Gottlieb, President; Michelle Brosnan, Vice President; Tracy Kodner, Treasurer; Dana LaBrose, Secretary; Denise Oswald, Special Events Coordinator. S.A.D.D. is sponsored by Mr. Ross. Officers of the Home Economics Related Occupations Club (HERO) are: Wanda Witek, President; Scott Castellanos, Vice President; Meggan Miller, Secretary; Georgine Olinski, Treasurer. HERO is sponsored by Mrs. Lloyd. Officers of the Hotel/Restaurant Management Club are: Mike Miglore,

President; Marc Griner, Secretary; Pete Nasios, Treasurer. This club is also sponsored by Mrs. Lloyd. For Distribution Education the officers are: Tony feiter, President; Ryan Berg, Vice President; Kevin Wiegus, Secretary; Gina Urso, Treasurer. This club is sponsored by Mrs. Glunz. The Office Occupations' officers are: Michelle Finney, President; Jodie Loerzel, Vice President; Laiu^a DiPiazza, Secretary; Anna Tucci, Treasurer. Office Occupations is sponsored by Mrs. Glunz. The new Business Club officers are: Erin Sheilds, President; Vanessa Marcol. Vice President of Personnel; Kathy Lyons, Vice President of Administrative Services; Joe Steinfels, Vice President of Operations; Lisa Andor, Vice President of Social Activities. Sponsor of Business Club is Mrs. Dieter. Officers for the class of 1996 are: Chrissy Raddi, President; Eric Kauke, Vice President; Terry Lyons, Secretary; Meredith Swanson, Treasurer.

South's AP students recognized Maine South High School has recently learned that thirty-seven students have been recognized by the College Board for exceptional achievement on the CollegeLevel Advanced Placement (AP) examinations they took in May 1992. Only about 11 percent of the 385,000 students nationally who took AP examinations last May performed at a sufficiently high level to merit such recognition. The College Board recognizes three levels of achievement. They are the AP Scholar with Distinction, the AP Scholar with Honor, and the AP Scholar. Eleven students from Maine South qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning grades of 3 out of 5 on 5 or more AP exams, with an average exam grade of at least 3.50. These students are suzanne Auge, Michael Brudzinski, David Cook, Susan Crawford, Kristina DeCleene, Jennifer English, Nathan Hultman, Thomas Kiepura, Jeremy Paschke, Imran Siddiqui, and Tara Sindt. Ten students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award byh earning grades of 3 or above on four or more AP exams with an average exam grade of at least 3.25. These students are Carolyn Chandler, Robert Janas, James Lawson, James Lin, Michael Palac, Joseph Pintz, Sarah Wanat, Mark Wynne, Walter Zegers, and Anne Zoellner.

Sixteen students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP examinations with grades of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are Thomas Asmar, Danylo Berko, Karen Buettner, Heather Cannon, Christen Coomer, Adam Dada, Philip DiMartino, Oksana Dudycz, Thomas Dula, Carohne Hodur, Christopher Holbrook, Anna

Homecoming^ cont continued from page 1 Bulldogs will begin at 2:00 P.M. The Homecoming Dance, sponsored by the Senior Class, will cap off this memorable weekend of fun. It will be held from 7:30 P.M. until 10:30 P.M. in the Spectator Gym. Today is the final day to buy a ticket, and on Saturday evening, nobody will be admitted after 8:30 P.M. Some of the events and activities that have been held during the previous couple of weeks to enhance the entire Homecoming experience include the window decorating contest in which school clubs decorated the glass hallway with colorful pictures. Also, Pep Club sold carnations last week for students to buy for their Homecoming dates. Offering something for everyone. Homecoming '92 promises to be one of those rare weekends that many people will remember for a lifetime.

Kotsakis, Pat Loukas, Lynn Lutzer, Marc Mazzuca, and Paul Signorino. As a side note, this year's scores for the whole district are up over last year. This year 424 students in the Maine high schools took a total of 937 exams; 229 received a score of five. Last year 400 students took 829 exams; 161 received a score of five.

SouthwordS Houihvords ts th« student-produced newspaper of Maine South High School, 1 111 S. Dee Kd., Park Ridge, !L (60068). Letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-130 or given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwords reserves the right to edit obscene or libelous material. Kditors-tn-Chlef. Dan Berko Marc Mazzuca News editors, Joet Grcgie LIzz Wllk Commentarj editors \nn Ethridge Brenda Saavedra Features editors „ . ^ a t l e Burns Ann Gorlner Sports editors Katherlne Nelson Todd OfenJoch Distribution editor Deborah Chan Photographers..„„ Yasmine Kiss Andrea Berthold Artists _ Tim Bicdron Brad Haak Adviser.™ „T. R. Kerth



ÂťWins elude strong girls' CC team by Katy Michal The Maine South girls' cross country team keeps doing things right, but somehow it keeps coming out wrong. On September 8, they faced theirfirstdual meet against their opponent, Maine West. Things started off well when Margie Wasiak led the JV team to a win by finishing the race in first place. Unfortunately, victory was short-lived, and the varsity team did not fare as well, despite capturing two of the top three places. Impressive efforts were made by Katy Michal and Andrea Armour, who finished second and third respectively, but Maine West was still able to win the meet by a mere one point. On September 12 at the Maine South In-

vite, the Hawks were determined to make up for this disappointing loss, but received some discouraging news just an hour before the race began. Becauseofsicknessandinjury,Candy Abreu, Jenny Neisler, and Andrea Armour, three of the varsity runners, would be unable to compete. Substitutions were made, and the race began. Katy Michal ran well, finishing in eighth place, as did Heather Brammeier who bettered her time by 32 seconds, but the absences of those three key members were felt as the varsity team only placed seventh out of eleven teams. The JV team did not fare well in the final standings either, despite personal best times being earned by each member. Mary Lindgren ran an outstanding race, cutting 49 sec-

onds off her time and earning a ribbon with a fourteenth place finish. The freshman team highlighted the day, as Ashley ColUns and Christina Makas finished in the top twenty, leading the Hawks to a second place finish overall. The girls' most recent meet was held on September 15 at New Trier. Still not running a completely healthy team, the varsity struggled as its best finisher could only earn fifth. JV had similar problems as New Trier raced tofirstthrough sixth place. The Hawks ran hard, but were bested by a stronger team. Still, the Hawks hold high hopes for better health and continued improvement as they aim for a rematch against New Trier at the conference meet later in the season.

Perfect serving can't lift volley bail to wins momentum was there, but the Hawks lost it, by Katherine Nelson The girls' volleyball team is now in their and with it went the game, 11-15. During the game against Maine West, kmid-season schedule, but they still haven't Senior Jenni Venetucci, Junior Jenny reached their full stride. By this time the team wanted to be winning McCormick, and Sophomore Karen Leonard games, but things have not been easy for the all had 100 percent serving for the whole Hawks. Even though the Hawks are losing to match. Becky Sasso contributed with five their opponents they have made "improve- spike attempts, two of them being kills. Next was New Trier, all time volleyball ments in blocking, and their serving consistency is improving" as well, says head coach rival and a very tough team this year. The Hawks lost the first game, 2-15. The second Dawn Konow. In the battle for township dominance, the game the Hawks put the pressure on, but lost Hawks went up against Maine West. The first in the end, 9-15. Karen Leonard and Becky game was lost badly, 5-15. However, the Sasso both had 100 percent serving for the Hawks came out strong in the second game, match. The Hawks then traveled to Niles West and scored a few points right away. The

looking for revenge, because Niles West defeated the Hawks in the New Trier Summers End Tournament. The Hawks went there psyched and ready to win; however, when the game started no one was communicating. The Hawks led thefirstgame, but at the end Niles West prevailed, 11 -15. The second game went thesame way, 8-15. Asked what she sees in the future for the team. Coach Konow responded, "We are working toward larger goals than immediate victories, not that victories ar not important We are working hard on improving fundamentals so the game is played correctly as well as successfully."

Hawks battle Hoffman Estates twice in epic swim meets by Kris Cassin How much does hard work help toward a successful performance? Just ask Maine SouLh's girls' swim team. After several weeks of practice, the team felt well prepared for the Hoffman Estates Invitational, but because of their hard work and team spirit, the Hawks placed much higher than expected, earning the second-place trophy. Contributing to the team's success was the 200 medley relay of Amy Carlson, Kara Vormitiag, Emily Larson, and Sandy Anselmini, which

placed third overall. Other top finishers were Melissa Hill, who placed first in the 100 free and third in the 200 IM; Erika Bondarowicz, whoplaccd third in the 50 free; and Kris Cassin, who placed third in the 100 fiy. Additionally, Carey Dema dove for the Hawks and earned third place. With all of these awards, the entire meet came down to the last event, with only three points separating first, second, and ihh-d places. Through a spirited effort, the 400 free relay team of Kate Reynolds, Kris Cassin, Erika

Bondarowicz, and Melissa Hill placed second behind host Hoffman Estates, who won the meet by two points. The Hawks had another chance at beating Hoffman Estates three days later at a home meet Again, the entire team ga%'e an outstanding performance, and again, the meet came down to the final event. Hoffman Estates and Maine South traded blows throughout the early stages of the meet, and the lead changed hands several times, yet both teams remained close in total points.

South jumped ahead by four points late in the meet and needed to place second and third (or better) in order to win the meet. When the final race began, the pool deck was lined with cheering teammates from both sides, and the stands roared its encouragement. The Hawks hauled intofirstand third early in the race, avoiding false starts which had plagued the rest of the meet. But Hoffman surged back, nipping the Hawks at the finish to drop South to second and fourth, not enough to win.




Hawks prevail in upset victory

by Tim Thein The 16th ranked Deerfield Warriors played host to the underdog Hawks in the football team's latest match-up. Maine South, combining a well-balanced offensive attack with a strick defense, were able to rack-up an important victory. Deerfield notched the first two touchdowns before Matt Rubino plunged into the end zone from the two yard line. Next,

quarterback Mike Kostreza hodced-up with R.J. De La Cruz on a 34-yard touchdown pass for the Hawks. The team displayed great intensity while keeping the Warriors out of the end zone in the third quarter. Although penalties granted Deerfield extra downs, the Hawks formed a solid defensive line to stun the highly-touted Deerfield offense. Quarterback Jay Mansavage scrambled and appeared to have a

touchdown before Matt Rubino came through for a key defensive stop on the goal line. The Hawks gained the lead when Kostreza connected with junior Dan Wasiolek for a 9yard touchdown. Clint Faldetta also contributed to the Hawks' drive with 100 yards on 15 carries. The Warriors' last chance of defeating the Hawks fell short when Denny Diduch pickedoff a pass in the endzone to end the game.

Cross Country takes first in H-F invite by Paul Zurawsid On September 12 the Maine South Boys' Cross Country team acheived their biggest victory of the year. They finished first out of the fourteen team field of the HomewoodHossmoor Invite. According to head varsity coach Bill Drennan it was thefirsttime the varsity squad had ever won this invite.

The next Saturday the Hawks continued their streak of strong performances by finishing second out of the seven teams at the Downers Grove invite. At their last dual meet vs. Waukegan, the Hawks blew out their competition by the score 20-42. So far this season the Hawks have accomplished one of their goals by winning

three trophies in the three meets in which they have participated. Another goal that was set before the season was to run together as a team. The Ha wks ha ve also accomplished this goal. Now only the goals of conference and state stand before the team. With continued performances like that turned in at the latest me^ts, these goal also appear to be within reach.

Soccer team rebounds from two losses by Brad Wiemerslage The Maine South Hawks varsity soccer team rebounded nicely from their brief losing streak by winning games against Highland Park and Niles West In the Highland Park game, the Hawks were led by goals from Ross Blank, Tim Maloney, and George Kotsionis. While the Hawks had many other opportunities to score in the contest, the final score of the game was limited to 3-0. The Us^tMM




•^ mm



1 home contest

Sat. 10/3 Mon. 10/5 Tue. 10/6

N.W..M.E. F/SA' 4:00 "

Waukegan F/S/V-2:00 S

GBN, ElmwQod Regionals V Pk. SA' 3:30 Cog Hill TBA


NUes North SA 4:00

Soccer Glenbrook. S. 5:00

Rolling Mdws. V $:30

Tennis Volleyball


N.W., M.E. F/S/V 4:00


Waukegan F/JV/V 5:00

and Joe Sorce. While the varsity team has been absorbing all of the attention, the JV team has itself established a strong season. The team's record stands at 3-0-1. The freshman team has also opened up the season with an impressive start. Under the guidance of the new freshman coach Clemente Lima, the team has compiled an undefeated record.


Boys'Cross Country Girls'Cross Country


game marked yet another shut-out for freshman goalie Mike Sernel, whose exceptional goaltending and composure resembles that of an experienced varsity player. Against Niles West, the Hawks really fell into sync and coasted to an 8-0 victory. Brian Lazzaro, the Hawk striker, ripped three goals, two in the first half, in the rout. Other Hawk goals were scored by Keith Versario (2), Dave Metzger, Tim Maloney,

Glcnbrk. S. F/JVA 5:00

Wed. 10/7

Golf struggles by Todd Ofenloch Ifanylightofhopecanbeseeninthis year's golf season, it can be there undefeated conference record. The team stands in conference 2-0, with victories over MaineEast and Evanston. Other than this win, the Hawks have not been able to put together a victory. The team remains winless in nonconference competition except for Maine West, with losses coming to the hands of Conant, Lake Park, Deerfield, and others. It is surprising that the team has not performed better, since it was only last year that the team advanced to the sectional competition.

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