\ olume 29, issue 6 November 25. 1992
Maine South H.S. Park Ridge, IL
South's "Caught in the Act" by Brad Haak As November turns into December, and the leaves on the lawn give way to snow in the streets, there is a certain aniticipation in the air at Maine South. Christmas is on its way, weeks of vacation are close at hand, and for many people this year, a performance in the Variety Show is coming up. "Caught in the Act." Maine South's 29th annual V-Show is soon to open, and more people than ever are getting ready to make what for many will be a debut performance on Maine South's stage. This year's V-Show has a huge cast of enthusiastic people from all comers of the school. Charity Trelease, a member of Footlighters, Trunk, several acts, and a Writing Staff member summed up this year's show best. "It seems like this year's [Variety] show is opened to a wide spectrum of students. There are so many people in the cast." Brotherhood is doing its own act for the First time ever this year, pooling the talents of its many members. Footlighters, the group that is performing the show's opening number, was opened to anyone interested in singing and dancing, and more than 70 people joined the group. The Stage Band this year is also going to include string players and additional wind instrumentalists, and the Orchestra put together an act of dozens of people. "It's really neat to see people on stage that I've only seen in the hallways before. It's
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V-Show directors and staff. Top: Tricia Balagot, Audrey Howard, Christa Poskozim, Alison Begor. Second row: Lainie Castle, Melanie Keller, Andrea Berthold, Kevin Byrne. Third Row: Donna Culhane, Frank Frigo, Molly Kilmer, Nada Todorovic. Bottom: Brad Haak, Ann Gortner. Photo by Yasmine Kiss.
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great to see all these new faces working on the show," said John Muszynski, the show's director. In addition to a huge cast, the Stage Crew is bigger than usual; about 35 students have been working hard every day after school to get everything ready for the show that the cast members do not do, such as lighting, scenery, sound, props, and stage make-up.
Trunk is considered by many to be hilarious, the Footlighters look and sound great, the stage band is bigger and better than ever, and the rest of the cast is ready to show off all of their hard work under the spot-light. Performance dates are December 3, 4, & 5 at 7:30 P.M., and December 6 at 2:00 P.M. Tickets are $4, and can be purchased by students now, or they can be bought at the door.
How does South measure up? by Joel Gregie Recently, Maine South High School released its annual school report card to the public. This report card, required by the state of Illinois, shows the parents and taxpayers how the school compares with the rest of District 207, and how Maine South matches up with the rest of the state's school districts. Many interesting facts are included in the report card, ranging from ACT scores to the average class size of the school. One section gives information about stulent characteristics, which includes racial and 'thnic backgrounds. Although in the last two decades, the percentage of minority students in the state has steadily increased, and minorities now make up almost 35% of the students
statewide, over 95% of Maine South students are white. Also, less than one percent of Maine South students come from low income families, compared with 32% in the state. Over 93% of our students come to school everyday, but last year there was one chronic truant. Last year, more than 95% of Maine South students who were freshmen in the fall of 1988 graduated. The average class size is 21.7 students which is slightly higher than the district and the rest of the state. However, this year, there are more students per class in business, home economics, and applied technology classes, because of state budget cuts. Finally, Maine South and the rest of the district spends a good deal of money per pupil, nearly S11,000, which is more than twice as
much as the average student in the rest of the state. Information about teachers is also included in the report card. District 207 differs greatly from the rest of the state in the ratio of female to male teachers. In general, female teachers outnumber male teachers by more than 2 to 1 statewide, but in the district, 56% of the teachers are male, compared with 44% female instructors. The average teacher here has nearly 20 years of experience and a large majority of them hold masters degrees. The average teacher salary, which includes various monetary benefits, bonuses, and retirement benefits, is 556,177. That is about $20,000 more than the average teacher in continued on page 6
Hawks In Harmony offers little entertainment, lots of disappointment
A referendum? by Marc Mazzuca We don't appear to do things in Park Ridge like they do in big cities like Chicago. We don't have perplexing dilemmas with drugs, homeless, or casino gambhng. The big questions on the collective mind of Park Ridge in the last two years have been bars, books, and barbells. And with this last election, all these questions have certainly been resolved. The problem is, the results don't make much sense. First off, what about the barbells and the plethora of equipment that we have paid for in the form of our multi-million dollar Park Ridge Community Center? Ask yourself, was it really necessary for our fair city to have its own publicly-funded Rally's Health Club? Most people I've talked to certainly don't think so. Now ask yourself, who will use the Community Center? It's not free to residents. Don't kid yourself, they charge us a pretty penny to use the facilities that we paid for. Personally, 1 don't see why those resdients who wanted to join a spa couldn't have driven an extra five minutes to the Chicago Health Club on Cumberland, and saved us a couple million dollars in the process. Secondly, how about all the books that the Park Ridge Library has no room to put on their shelves? The voters of Park Ridge struck down a measure in this election to issue bonds to build an addition onto our library to house its ever-expanding collection. Library expansion is a much more valid cause than a health spa, and one that would have benefited almost all the members of the community who paid for it. Unfortunately, one project got on the ballot before the other. And the wary voters were not about to get their pocket picked again to the tune of another couple of million. Who could blame them? And finally, we decided to extend the right to all our citizens to drink at a restaurant without eating food. To this, there was fervent opposition for fear that unrestricted drinking might ruin our community, but the measure passed anyway. I find it interesting, though, that 285 privileged people in Park Ridge have had the right to get sloshed without also having a meal for many years. But you probably never heard about it before. The Park Ridge Country Club has had an open bar for members for continued on page 6
by Dan Berko Every fall, the Marching Band season is highlighted by the Band-0-Rama concert. For the last three years, I have attended with my family, and have been thoroughly pleased with the Band-0-Rama festivities. This year, however, I was disappointed. First of all, during the dinner, there was a lack of entertainment. No jazz band to play, no chamber orchestra to perform, and no vocal group to sing. The murmur of conversation was broken merely by advertisements of an impending raffle and announcements of extra food. The extra seating gained by eliminating the performance area was not necessary, because there were not that many more people in attendance. One possible solution is to salvage the dinner time entertainment and reduce the performance area. Second, it is no longer "Band-0-Rama," it is "Hawks in Harmony." The name change itself is irrelevant. The cause of the change is what matters. For the first time this year, the orchestra and choir performed, as well as the band. I have mixed feelings about this. While their performances were enjoyable, I felt that the tradition of this being the Flag Corps' and Marching Band's "night of nights" was spoiled by the addition of the orchestra and choir. However, it seems that their inclusion broadened the spectrum of events, as it included more people in the program . As long as both the band and orchestra are performing, perhaps next year, they can per-
form more songs together. I also noticed the profound absence of a "senior prank," which has always been a focal point for me as an audience member. 1 am fairly certain that it was enjoyed by many others, especially band members. While it did get messy at times, it was a chance for some comic relief as well as a time for the band members to have some fun and show the conductor how much his effort is appreciated. Even though it may have lengthened the evening, allowing one big prank would have lightened the mood and given the performers a chance to have more fun. One aspect that I particularly missed during the evening was the auctioning off of an opportunity to conduct the band in a song. In the past this has seemed to be one of the largest fundraisers for the band, especially last year, when the prices started climbing above $300 for one chance to conduct. This year, only tickets to various sporting and cultural events were auctioned off. I think that re-introducing the auctioning off of a chance to conduct the band, as well as auctioning off the tickets via silent auction would make the evening both more entertaining and more profitable for tb" Fine Arts Department. I am aware of the fact that a lot of time and effort went into this event, and those involved are to be commended and congratulated. But even though change is healthy, too much change, regardless of its intentions, can have negative effects.
The appeal of an apathetic mind by Jenny Kostolansky First quarter is over, and if you're like most people, you've already fallen into a slump. Homework has taken second place to any number of other activities, and most of us are sliding by just doing a minimum of work. Why? Because it's the simplest way to deal with school. The problem with most people is they always opt for the simplest, if not the most unconcerned, answers to the pressing problems they face. Some problems, such as homework, are better left ignored; at least, that's the mentality most of us choose to adopt. For example, take the Freshman walking in front of you who gets scored. He's a problem, right? He's in your way. How many of you would stop to help him? I'm not suggesting I would, I'm only showing that what many of us do is simply walk around him and holler some thoughtless comment like "SCORE!"
Another example of a problem that most of us avoid dealing with is the homeless or poor people that set up camp on sidewalks downtown. Sure, some throw spare change into their rattling cans, but few would go a step further and volunteer at a soup kitchen for a Saturday night. Again, I am not exempt. Most of the time I won't even throw change; usually I'm too embarassed to give fifty cents. Because I'm not ready to make a real effort to help, its easier to simply ignore the problem. It's a sad fact that most of us choose to avoid those in need of our assistance except for those of primary concern to us. Whether it's in our own school or out on the streets of Chicago, there are problems to be faced. If each one of us took time out of our ^ hustle and bustle, get-up-and-go lifestyles, society would be a helping hand for absoloutely anyone in need of it. Maybe if we tried to solve the easiest problems first, the rest might fall into place.
The school as a smoke-free industry by John Fredriksen "Hey, can you help me get this thing off?" Seth Main asked as he left the locker room. Um, all right, but why are you wearing a gas mask? Are SCUD missiles exploding in the spectator gym? "No, but you could say that Saddam had gassed the locker room." Maybe, but doesn't the locker room naturally smell bad? I would have thought that by now, you'd be used to human odors. "Human odors, yes, but definitely not the cigarette smoke. The locker room's fiill of it. Aren't you in gym this quarter?" Yes, I had noticed an increase in smokers in the locker room. They usually light up during the few extra minutes we have to change in. "You said it. I always see about five or six of them stinking up my locker row. I go in there to open my basket, and sometimes I need a giant fan just to see where I'm going." Why don't you bring your gym suit into another row? "That's exactly what I do, except that cigarette smoke doesn't like to stay in one place. Before you know it, everyone's breathing it. I walk out of gym with a headache and smelly ^clothes." Isn't something being done about smokers? Lately I've noticed gym teachers patrolling the locker room before and after class. "Yeah, but from the looks of some of the butt-filled lockers, people are getting away
with i t " But at least the smoking is limited to the locker rooms. Before teachers started monitoring bathrooms between periods, smokers used them as a smoking lounge. "Maybe, but I can walk past some of those bathrooms today and still smell smoke in the hall. I passed a bathroom in the PA wing this morning and nearly vomited. And it's not just the bathrooms. On those side stairways in the A-wing, I can smell smoke on the third floor from the first. The teachers can't stop every student from hghting up in the building. If the administration is serious about stopping student smoking, they should treat the school as an industry." Enlighten me. "Well, who pays for the school?" The taxpayers of Maine Township. "And what do they receive in return for their money?" Their children receive an education. "So you could say the school provides a service for its customers." From a broad perspective, yes. "So doesn't an industry accomplish essentially the same objective?" Yes, although the school deals in minds, not in commercial products. "Whatever. Now, to be a successful institution, an industry has to minimize its expenses, right?" Goon. "Well, as you probably know, smoking
can become expensive for industries. Employees who smoke often land in the hospital, which costs a lot in insurance and compensation benefits. Plus, employees who don't smoke have to breathe the second-hand smoke, which screws up their job performance. So some industries have banned smoking from the premises entirely, so many people have started smoking outside." This is true, but how does it apply to the school. "You've been in the bathrooms, right? Haven't you seen all the cigarette butts in the urinals? That's something else for the janitors to clean up. And then there are the school employees who smoke. What if they need hospital care, and the school has to hire a sub? More expenses." So what do you propose? "The school should be smoke-free. It's in the best interests of the administration. The money saved could go to departments that don't have any because of budget cuts. And we wouldn't have to smell or watch certain people showing off their suicidal tendencies." Your idea seems sound, but difficult to enforce. How could the administraiton eliminate smoking from places like the bathrooms? "They could install smoke detectors in strategic locations. It might be expensive, but eventually, it'll be worth it. There's only one group of people who wouldn't like them." Who are they? "The smokers."
Pboto Ojpymonr^Tell us about your first time...
Tobi Shane"'93
Bill VergoS"'93
Scott Edwards--'93
"1 didn't kill anyone, but I ran over about 30 on the screen. Luckily I was at the simulator."—Her first experience driving stickshift
"I freaked out because it was so loud--I could feel the beats inside my chest!""His first concert, Michael Jackson's Victory Tour
"I asked my friend to ask her if it was okay." --His first kiss
Fecus • The Kennedy question pn history*
Just minutes before an assassin's bullet would end Ills life, President Jolin F. Kennedy smiles at the crowd with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connelly, who was also wounded in the attack. Warren Commission because it contradicted by Ross Blank and Cheryl Bratu Recently, one of the greatest controversies their theory. The material to substantiate his to confront American people resurfaced with testimony was on an 8mm film taken by a witthe release of the Oliver Stone film "JFK." ness on the grassy knoll nearby. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, 29 Experts viewing this film concluded that years ago on November 22, is surrounded the Governor was wounded within 1.6 secwith mystery and questionable truths. onds of the President's assassination. They reThe Warren Commission, a seven-mem- enacted the shooting and found that it would ber panel appointed by President Johnson, take 2.3 seconds to use the same gun to shoot concluded that it was Lee Harvey Oswald two bullets. Additionally, too much time had who single-handedly shot three bullets from elapsed between the reactionsof Kennedy and the window of the School Book Depository in Connelly for it to have been only one bullet. Dallas, Texas, killing President Kennedy and The bullet itself is in question. First, the injuring Texas Governor John Connelly. bullet would have had to change angles for the One bullet was to have gone through the trajectories calculated to line up. Second, the President's neck, into the Governor's right bullet found on the stretcher was too clean and shoulder and out his chest, hitting his wrist perfect to have gone through body parts and and then his leg. Another bullet was to have bones of both men. The experts were given entered Kennedy's skull, killing him on im- 100 bullets and the same rifle reportedly used by Oswald. They shot the bullets through pact. But only 13% of Americans believe this goats' shoulders and human cadavers' wrists and all were badly deformed. How then could theory; most people suspect a conspiracy. The doctors at the Dallas hospital who ex- the Warren Commission come up with such a amined the President stated that one bullet definitive conclusion? Several other factors seem to prove the entered the President through his throat and exited through his mid-back. However, when Warren Commission's conclusion wrong. the autopsy was done at Bethesda Hospital in Marine Corps records indicate that Oswald Maryland, doctors "mistook" a tracheotomy was a fair shot, yet Oswald supposedly fired for an exit wound of a bullet and "on paper," three accurate shots at a moving target within moved the entrance wound from Kennedy's a period of 4.8 to slightly over 7 seconds. Not mid-back to the back of his neck. The holes in even master marksmen could duplicate this his shirt confirmed the initial statements from achievement. the Dallas doctors. The president was shot at 12:30 p.m. from Gov. Connelly's testimony that a different the sixth floor of the Texas School Book bullet shot the president was dismissed by the Depository. Five minutes before the presi-
dp.nt s w a l d was liinch^^^ dent was was shot shot, O Oswald was seen seen having having lunch on the second floor of the Book Depository; it was never proven he was anywhere else. Mrs. Robert Reid, a clerical supervisor, saw Oswald drinking a Coca-Cola on the second floor around the time the shots were fired. Ninety seconds after the shots were fired, Dallas police officer Marrion Baker and building manager Roy Truly confronted a seemingly calm Oswald on the second floor. Even Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy's vice president, disagreed with the Commission's findings. "I never believed that Oswald acted alone," admitted Johnson in an interview shortly before his death, "although I can accept that he pulled the trigger." Finally, in 1977, Congress conducted another investigation. In 1979, after two more years of testimony and deliberation, the House Select Committee on Assassination concluded that Oswald fired the shots that killed Kennedy, but that Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy." The Committee proposed three scenarios. The first hypothesized that a CIA plot to kill Fidel Castro had backfired, and that Castro^_ had retaliated. Speaking on September 7 , ^ B | 1963, Castro warned, "We are prepared to "" fight Kennedy and his brother and answer them in kind. United States leaders should think twice if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders; they themselves will not be safe." The second scenario suggested that an Anti-Castro Cuban group killed Kennedy and intended to set the blame on Castro. This would undoubtedly start a war and throw Castro out of power. The final and most accepted theory proposed that Mafia members killed Kennedy because of his brother's attacks on organized crime. Oswald had numerous links to the underworld, as did Jack Ruby. The House Committee concluded that neither Oswald nor Ruby were the loners portrayed in the Warren Report. Kennedy researcher Josiah Thompson observes: "In homocide cases, you start with an event that is obscure, confusing, ambiguous. The more you investigate, the clearer the event becomes. It's like putting together a puzzle, piece by piece—^you wind up with a complete picture. "The strange thing about the Kennedy case is that it works in reverse. The more it has( been investigated, the less it is understood, the less clear it becomes. The pieces don't make a picture. Now more than twenty five years after the event, almost everything about it is still odd, ambiguous, mysterious."
Thanksgiving memories prove that the more things change, the more they stay the same by Heather Humbert The sky was a dismal gray and I was bored. I had eaten my Rice Krispies while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, basted the turkey, called my neighbor a million times, and chased the dog around the house. My room was clean and if I messed it up I would be grounded, so I went back into the kitchen to bother Mom. "Oh no! I forgot the cranberries! I hope your grandma remembers the pumpkin pie! Oh, what do you want?" she cried. "I'm bored!" I whined. "Well, go be bored elsewhere!" she shouted and shoved me out of the kitchen. I shuffled into the dining room and that's when I saw it—the really pretty white stuff! I dashed into the living room where Dad was building a fire in the fireplace. "Dad, what's that white stuff?" I asked. "Snow," he replied, lighting a newspaper on fire. Snow, what a cool name! My three-yearold brain tried to remember if I'd ever seen
this before. I ran back to the window to watch it fall in giant flakes and quickly cover the ground. I sat by the window mesmerized. It wasn't until my relatives began arriving that I left my perch. When I was six I had more important things to do than watch the snow. I was now a big sister with ten-month-old twins to take care of. That was what I was most thankful for that year. I was mildly upset, though, because they were able to sit at the big-people table and I wasn't. I was still at the kids table, in the comer, all alone. As they grew we had more fun and I was no longer alone at the kids table. We would have our disagreements about who sat by whom, but in the end everything worked out fine. Then one year this Art guy started joining us for Thanksgiving. I was only eight and I was not happy about his crashing our day. Little did I know that five years later he would marry my aunt and become a member of our family. Then in 1988 I moved, and Thanksgiving
would never be the same. That year my grandfather died, but the day he died my first cousin Alex was bom. That year my grandmother had Thanksgiving because my mother couldn't be there; she was in Minnesota with my dying grandmother. Thanksgiving that year was a mixture of tears and laughter. Two years later we would have another baby joining us: Mae, Alex's younger sister. Our family was growing, and to add to the size was Mark, a friend of the family who began joining us. My aunt is having Thanksgiving this year, and her in-laws will be joining our family. She too is in a new house and next year she will add yet another family member. Maybe that's why I like Thanksgiving so much—it's always changing. Old loved-ones leave, new ones take their places at the table, but through it all runs the family and the love that binds it together. It's the only time of the year that there is a real sense of family, of love, of thanks, and of giving.
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...your future? by Julie Connors and Elizabeth Steinfels A student mshes into the library and grabs the daily paper. She tums to the page that will hold her destiny for the day. "Your lunar position will give you much confidence today, and stay away from knives." At dinner that night, she has her parents cut her food. Horoscopes have ruled the lives of many people ever since the priests in Babylonia made a set pattem of astrology, which is the basis of the astrology we use today. Many people do not take astrology as seriously as in the long-ago kingdom of Babylonia, but just how literally do today's students at Maine South take it? Of 56 students questioned, 57 percent of the females believed that their horoscope is true. "Stars have an effect on everything," says junior Danielle DeJulio. Most guys take an opposing view of the subject, with only 18 percent believing in their horoscope. "My horoscope never has anything to do with my life," says senior Tim Biedron. "When it does, it's pure coincidence." But personal horoscopes are not the only use for astrology. The Babylonian priests also used astrology to predict major happenings in their kingdom, from natural disasters to crop futures. Since they did not have the technology used today, such as telescopes, they built
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towers along the Persian Gulf to study the stars. At that time the skies in the area were extremely clear, allowing them an unobstructed view of the heavens each night. The priests recorded the positions of the stars and the happenings that seemed to occur along with them. From these studies, Greek and Roman writers developed the personal horoscope which is still read every day by nearly half of Maine South's females and a third of its
males. Most of the readers enjoy the entertaining aspect of their horoscope, even if they don't believe fully in its truth. "My horoscope makes me laugh, and I don't understand how some people can take it so seriously," says junior Eric Childs. Whether astrology is taken seriously or not, there will always be believers. Astrology has been going strong for thousands of years, and until the stars fade away, people will continue to follow them.
Measure up cont'd. continued from page 1 Illinois. Finally the average administrator salary is nearly 580,000. Results f'^om the Illinois Goal Assessment Program (IGAP), that the seniors took last April, were also published. Tests were taken in the subjects of English, Mathematics, and Science. For the most part, Maine South students met the goals set by the state for English and Science. However, both departments are looking for ways to develop a more comprehensive and thorough form of local assesment. The majority of the mathematics goals were met, except for the interpretations of percents in various settings, and a pattern of relationships in geometry, which included using the Pythagorean Theorem. Consequently, more practice with percents will be taught in Algebra I, along with the use of a trial textbook, and a review of the Pythagorean Theorem will be included in junior year. The results of the American College Test (ACT), show that Maine South beat the district, state, and national averages. In fact, the average score is up to 22.8, from last year's 22.5. The test is based on a scale from 1 to 36.
November 2S;1992
News Notes •One of the many activities surrounding Maine South's Red Ribbon Week was students wearing their anti-drug red ribbons to help increase drug awareness and to promote a drug-free environment. Another activity was a Red Jawbreaker candy contest, which was held during lunch periods. Students paid ten cents a guess to attempt to determine how many jawbreakers were in a candy jar. The total number was 4301 and 123 students look a crack at guessing the number. Senior, Scott Edwards, won both third and first place. His third place guess of 3921 earned him a S5.00 McDonald's gift certificate, while his first place guess of 4015 won him a S25.0O gift certificate to the Gap. The second place winner was
Frances Motiwalla, who won a $20.00 gift certificate to Ro-^e Records for her guess of 3979. •Three students from Mike Deines' English II Accelerated classes of last year, had poems published in the Illinois English Bulletin: Best Illinois Poetry and Prose of 1991. Th&Bulletin is a pubhcalion of the Illinois Association of Teachers of English. The Association which received 790 submissions from students from grades 1-12, and they choose only 36. The Maine South students whose poems were published are Chrissy Dudlack, "Untitled;" Alison O'Keefe, "Can You Play?" and Ryan Carlino, "10 Ways to Look at Dying Flowers."
This places the school in the top eight percent for schools across the nation. In the sub-tests, Maine South students scored 22.1 in English, 22.7 in Math, 23.1 in Reading, and 23 in Science Reasoning. On the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Maine South scores beat
both state and national averages. The average verbal score was 485 out of a possible 800, up two points from last year, and the average math score was 568 out of 800, up 17 points. Both tests help students measure their readiness to do college work.
Funk, Pete Szczelina, William Lennon, Rachel Castellanos, Alyssa Kulak, Matthew Hachigan Science: Jon Stenholt, Chrisie Uliassi, Elizabeth Zom, Susie Reynolds, Lisa LaCerra, Jenny Sass, Steve Paschos, Mark Czapla, Junko Ohata, Jennifer Pietrzykowski, Kate Hanely, Emmanuel Marinau, Joan
Hoffman, Brad Mulvihill, Joseph Arcuri Social Science: Raul Fernandez, Liliana Minkowycz, Claire Pawlowski, Rebecca Ryan, Brenda Saavedra, Laurie Smaha, Rachel Sorcic Speech and Drama: Mark Gutmann, Nick Doukas, Andrew Lofthouse
October Students of the Month
The Students of the Month for October are: Applied Technology: Tom Carlson, John Vanis, Mariniau loan, Mark Kufner, Jason Becker Art and Photo: John Byrne, Ardis Dumalski, Patrice Townsend Business: Elias Kontos, Lauren Rolsing, Devan Patel, Debra Anselmini DnVer'5£(iMcafion: Margaret Lenz, Maria Poulos, Agnes Mllewski, Andrew Patras English: John Aylward, Lisa Brodsky, Jimmy Chung, John Frederiksen, Joel Gregie, Derek Kaufman, Karen Kietzer, Denise Marshall, Agnes Milewski, Junko Ohata, Kevin O'Neill, Nico Scardino, Lauren Scorza, Brian Shields, Mark Tallungan, Amy Totsch, Angela Vaile, Kristen Schaefer Foreign Language: Laura Batt, Jennifer Golec, Catherine Gurga, Vincent Haufle, Rebecca Marinau, Steve Paschos, Magdalena Sadowicz, Kevin Wong Health: Jennifer Golec, Natalia Rzepka Home Economics: Kristin Reardon, Maria Burton, Erin Fitzgerald, Michelle Marrese, Kevin Szwaya Math: Beth Schutt, John O'Neil, Angela Navilio, Catherine Gurga, Karla Diestel, Terence Bacon, Irene Walsh, George Czerwionka, Gina Migasi, Carrie Schwemin, Jenny Diana, Faye Lenahan, Michael Yurkus, Sestino Milito, Laura Batt Music: Paul Kim, Edward Eiker Physical Education: Ryan McCormick, Maik Hohimer, Jacqueline Korus, Heidi
Bars, barbells, books cont continued from page 2 years: the only open bar in the city. But I didn't see the activist groups trying to prevent them from developing cirrhosis of the liver. These results make you wonder whose interests are being represented in our city. They also make you question the priorities of the^oters and the community. What does it say about us that we would vote for drinking and aerobics and against reading? If these are truly the interests and priorities of our community—our whole community, fine. I'm in the minority. But considering this pattern of decisions, I can't help but feel that somewhere along the line, something went awry. Perhaps exceptions were made. Maybe special interests were considered before the common good. Possibly clout was used. Well, maybe we're not that much different from Chicago after all.
S outhwordS Southwards is the student-produced ii€»"spaper of Maine South High School, I I I I S . Dee Rd., Park Ridge, 11^(60068). U t t e r s to the editor Should be delivered to room V-130 or given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwards reserves the right to edit obscene or libelo>us material. Editors-in-Chief Sews editors Commenlary editors Features editors Sports editors Distribution editor Photographers Artists Adviser
Dan Berko Vlarc Mazzuca Joel Gregie Uzz Wilk .\nn Ethridge Brenda Saavedra Katie Burns Ann Gortncr Kalhcrine .Nelson Todd Ofenloch Deborah Chan „.„ Yasmine Kiss Andrea Berthold „.Tlm Biedron Brad Haak T. R. Kcrth
Player profileâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Katy Michal NAME: Katy Michal DATE OF BIRTH: April AGE: 17
I am in both cross country and track. How MANY YEARS OF VARSITY COMPETITION ON EACH SPORT? I have competed on the varsity level in cross country for four years, and three years in track. WERE YOU EVER CAPTAIN? I was the captain of cross country this year.
COLLEGE? I would like to go to either the University of Illinois, the University of Notre Dame, or Cornell University.
received MVP and earned all conference honors this season. I also was awarded the WMAQ-TV Student Athlete of the Week. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET TO SUCCESS IN
SPORTS? If you want to be successful in sports you always have to think positive, have confidence in yourself, stay healthly, set a realistic goal and strive to achieve this goal, and work hard at practice.
and play
the piano.
Senior Katy Michal was recently named WMAQ-TV student athlete of the week.
Show, National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta.
I help out with the yearbook and the school ) newspaper. I am a member of the Varsity Club, German Club, Senior Leaders, V-
spend as much time as I can with friends and family.
I do not have a specific career in mind, but I will study math and biology. I might pursue a career in medicine. WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON LIFE? Life is great. There are so many people and things which make me happy. Whenever something bothers me I can count on someone to cheer me up. My goal in life is to always be happy. I find I am most happy when I can help another person or when I am successful at something I worked hard at to accomplish. Every living thing has purpose in life. I must find what I am destined to achieve and work hard so I can guarantee my success.
Three events qualify for state
by Kris Cassin At the end of the regular season, the girls' place medal in the 100 Backstroke. The 400 Free Relay consisting of Cassin, swim team has an impressive record of 5-3-1 Reynolds, Bondarowicz, and Carlson finand performed well at the conference meet. The team earned several medals at confer- ished with a third place medal. The 200 Freesence, held at Glenbrook South. Among them tyle Relay of Sandy Anselmini, Cassin, Bonwere the second-place 200 Medley Relay con- darowicz, and Hill missed going down to the sisting of Amy Carlson, Kara Vormittag, State competition by .62 seconds. Even Melissa Hill, and Sandy Anselmini, and re- though they missed the state qualifying time, ceiving sixth place was the relay of Jenny they were awarded a fourth place medal. Myalls, Jenny Kostolansky, Debbie The Hawks came out of sectionals with a Anselmini, and Angela Stanley. plethora of medals and several state qualifiIn the 200 Freestyle, Hill placed second, receiving All-Conference honors. She also received another second place medal in the by Katherine Nelson 100 Freestyle. Kris Cassin finished the 100 This season's girls' basketball team looks Butterfly in sixth place. like it has a lot of potential, as long as they Carlson earned fourth place and possible All-Conference honors in the 100 Backstroke. keep praticing hard. Thevarsity team consists of seniors MauThe 200 Free Relay of Kate Reynolds, Erika reen Nugent, Kelli Reaney, and Lisette Mroz; Bondarowicz, Sandy Anselmini, and Hill took third place. Overall, the Hawks placed fourth juniors Heather Kirschke, Samantha Lazich, Ginger Tosch, Trisha Melendy, Michelle lit the conference meet. Evanston was the host of the Sectional Thillens, and Darcy Smith; and sophomores Sue Sroka and Keri Vrbancic. competition. The Hawks' first game was against LiberCassin earned a third place medal in the 100 Butterfly. Cassin also received sixth place tyville, ranked eighteenth. At halftime the in the 200 Freestyle. Carlson received a sixth Hawks had the lead, 21 -20. The game was tied
ers. Hill, who was seeded first going into the 200 Freestyle, retained that first place spot and competed in this event at the State competition. Earning a third place finish at Sectionals, Hill also represented the Hawks at State in the 100 Freestyle. The other state qualifier for the Hawks was the 200 Medley Relay, which consisted of Sandy Anselmini, Carlson, Vormittag, and Hill.
Basketball drops opener to Libertyville with 1:45 left in the fourth quarter. However, the Hawks lost by the narrow margin of six points(51-45). The Hawks suffered quite a few turnovers and Libertyville took advantage of them, but the Hawks did a spectacular job of rebounding the ball 31 times. Even though the team's first game was a loss, the team still looks strong. With only three returning varsity players, there are many new faces on the varsity level. The team's skills and plays should get better with experience, determination, and a lot of hard practicing.
November 25. 1992
Football finishes best season by Tim Thein Going into the State Quarterfinal game with Loyola, the Hawks had advanced as far as it ever has under head coach Phil Hopkins. In thefirsttwo rounds of the state playoffs, Maine South was victorious over Lane Tech and Gordon Tech. The quarterfinal game pitted the Hawks against the Ramblers of Loyola, both "top ten" teams. In the Class 6A quarterfinal, the visiting Hawks fell prey to the Ramblers 21-13. The win for Loyola advanced its team (11-1) into a semifinal bout with Homewood-Flossmoor. The Hawks closed out the season 10-2. On the offensive side, the first half was a nightmare for the Hawks. The team's first three possessions lasted only three plays each, and theirfirstfour possessions ended in punts. In their fifth possession, which consisted of two plays, the half ran out. Defensively, the Hawks were not able to stop the Ramblersfrommoving the ball, but Maine South did manage to keep the Ramblers out of the end zone in the first quarter. In the second quarter, off an Alex Barton punt, the Ramblers took the ball 43 yards to score first. The eight-play drive was capped off when quarterback Zic Lalich pitched the ball out to Adrian Autry, who ran infromtwo yards out. Loyola took the 7-0 lead into the half. Taking advantage of poor tackling, back Ryan Gallager scored again for the Ramblers off a 61 -yard touchdown run, giving Loyola a 14-0 lead in the third quarter.
The 1992 Maine South Hawks take the field in the Class 6A State Quarterfinal game against the Loyola Ramblers. Photo by Tom Carlson.
As the momentum seemed to be in Loyola's hand's, Mike Kostrzewa (12 of 25, 164 yards) threw a sideline pass to Dan Wasiolek, who turned the pass into a 76-yard touchdown play. The play was made possible by a missed interception attempt by the Loyola defensive back. The miss left the field wide open for
Ha wk highlights Sport
home contest
Wed 11/25 Thurs 11/26 Fri 11/27 Sat 11/28 Mon 11/30
Gymnastics Boys' Basketball Girls' Basketball
Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;S. Tourney 12-4:30 S e a s o n Be g i n s D e c e a h e r 4
Swimming Wrestling Boys' Track Girls' Track
St. Joseph JV/V 6 p.m. S e a s o n Be g i n s Fe b r i a ry 5 S e a s o n Be g i n s Fe b r u a r y 4
Wasiolek, who gave South their first points, bringing the game to a 14-7 Rambler advantage. With ten minutes left in the fourth quarter, Autry broke through the Hawk line for a 49yard touchdown run. This made the score 217, posing a real test for the Hawks' offense. As the Hawks tried to play catch-up, Mike Kostrzewa engineered a 96-yard drive which resulted in a 3-yard touchdown pass to Mark Kufner. Along the way, seniors RJ. De La Cruz and John Giannini hauled in key catches which turned intofirstdowns. The extra point was missed and left the score at 21-13. The missed extra point seemed to dampen the team's confidence, but the Hawks did have another opportunity. With three minutes remaining, Maine South got the ball back and had a fourth-andtwo from the 50. Hopes of a State Championship came to an end with an incomplete pass. Although the Hawks' season came to an end before they would have liked, the team acheieved a milestone which will always be remembered. The Hawks' success came from dedication and hard work, but most importantly, proving that "Believers are Achievers."