Vol 3 issue 8

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Seagrams Highlight SC Dance

mms Vol. 3, No. 8

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.

January 27, 1967

Director Spear Announces Sounds of Music' Tryouts Tryouts for the spring musical Sound of Music, have been announced by Mr. Lloyd Spear, chairman of the Music Department and director of the production. "On Saturday, February 4, . from 1 to 5 p.m.; we expect to have a large turnout for both singing and dramatic parts," stated Mr. Spear. • The musical will be presented the last four days of April in the Maine South auditorium, under the sponsorship of the Maine South Music Boosters. Mr. Donald Martello is stage director for the performance. Mr. David Padberg and Mr. Hal Chastain are technical di-

rectors. Choreography and costuming wUl be headed by Miss Barbara Bobrich. The assistant musical director is Mr. Walter Flechsig.

Joe Hermann To Solo With Bands at Concert Joe Hermann '67 will be the featured soloist of the Concert and Cadet band concert on Sunday, January 29 at 3 p.m. in the auditorium.

Soufh Triumphs On 'Other Guy' Key Club sent a team of three junior boys to represent Maine South on WGN's traffic safety quiz show '"ITie Other Guy" Saturday, January 7. Team members Don Dumich, Tom Haglund, and Dale Sopocy competed against three Maine East students winning the match with a score of 120 to 100. A total of twelve questions were asked with each correct answer worth 20 points. An in, correct answer subtracted ten points from the total score. The quiz is based on the students' knowledge of the rules of the road. The object is to answer the questions correctly before your opponent does. Because the team from South received a relatively high score, they have a good chance of ap. pearing again on the show within a few months.

Mr. Bell stated, "The interest in musicals at Maine South is at an all time high due to one successful appearance at McCormick Place last summer."

Joe Hermann

19 SC Members Attend Workshop On Saturday, February 4 nineteen Student Council representatives will attend the Mid-Central Suburban League Winter Workshop on race relations at Elk Grove High School. Three of the delegates will tour Chinese and Japanese sections of Chicago, and two others will participate in a tour to various religious meeting places of Chi-2 cago.

Joe, with Concert band accompaniment, will perform the "Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in F minor" by Carl M. Von Weber. Cadet Band will perform the Overture "Eroica" by Joseph Skornicka. This is based on themes from Beethoven's Third Symphony. They will also play "Marches from Baker Street" by Grudoff and Jessel, which is based on music from the musical Sherlock Holmes. The featured Concert Band will be "Toccata and Fugue" by Johann S. Bach. This group will also p l a y "Antietam," a symphonic overture for band which won first prize at the Kent State competition. Its composer Paul H. Whear is considered one of the ten best composers in the United States today. It celebrates the worst battle of the Civil War. "An Ellington Portrait" highlights the top tunes by the famed composer Duke Ellington. It is arranged by Floyd Werle. The Concert Band will also play a march entitled "Festjubel" and a suite called "English Dances" by Malcolm Arnold. "Pachinko" by Paul Yoder is based upon the noises made by Japanese pinball machine. The concert will close with "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa.

Saturday, February 4 Student Council will sponsor a scholarship dance featuring the Seagrams who are well-known on the college scene, frequently playing at Northern Illinois, Notre Dame, and various fraternity parties. All proceeds will go to a scholarship for a deserving senior sponsored by Student Council. The dance will be held in the spectator gym from 8 to 11:30 p.m. School dress is appropriate. All Maine South students are invited with or without a date. One member of each couple must be from Maine South. Tickets which are one dollar each will be sold outside the cafeteria from Monday, January 30 to Friday, February 3.

Adult Physical Fitness: Responsibility of Youth In this day and age, youth fitness seems to be one of the uppermost concerns on the national conscience. Every effort is being made to be sure that the young people of today are being whipped into shape for the coming years of responsibility. Even the girls, who were previously not considered to be in desperate need of athletic skills, are being accustomed to the rough and ready life. And all the while, the parents of Amer-


ica sit and smile and agree that it is all for the best. While the youth might be in great shape, the members of the GRA would like to ask this question, "Just how physically fit is the older generation?" On February 1 from 7 to 10 p.m., GRA is offering each of you the chance to find out for yourselves. Bring your father or some other daring male relative to the GRA Father-Daughter Event. Will your father be unwiUing to go into the "deep end"? Will he know the difference between a basketball and a volleyball? When you tell him to serve the birdie, will he think you're asking him to carve the turkey? Find out by taking him swimming, or engaging him in a heated game of basketball, volleyball, badminton, or table tennis from 7 to 9 p.m. in the pool and Spectator Gym. Refreshments and a chance to recover will follow in the cafeteria from 9 to 10 p.m. If you're beginning to feel a pang of curiosity, buy a ticket Monday through Wednesday, January 30 through February 1 in the cafeteria. All girls are invited to bring their fathers, or to come alone. Tickets are $1 per couple or .50 per person.

Ski Club's Success Described by Hahn

On February 7, the Maine South Concert Choir, directed by M r . Irwin Bell, will sing for the Twentieth Century Club. The drair will sing in the Jordan Hall at the Park Ridge Community Church at 1:30 p.m. Featuring traditional popular and sacred music in the program, a few of the selections to be sung are: "Wake, Awake" by Christiansen; "Praise to the Lord" also by Christiansen; Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," a Negro spiritual ar-

ranged by Ralph Hunter; "Go Not Far from Me, Oh God" by Zingarelli. On the lighter side of the program will be "Set Down Servant" by Robert Shaw; "West Side Story" by Leonard Bernstein and "Early One Morning" an English folk song. Three members of the choir will sing solos. They are Paula Lindgren '67, Wayne Miller '68, and Martin Bussert '68.

Ski Club is having a successful season so far this year. The club now has over 330 members, and is averaging 150 skiers on each of their Friday night ski trips to Wilmot. "Many members of the faculty are also enjoying the club's excursions," commented M r. Gary Hahn, sponsor of Ski Club. According to Mr. Hahn, nine faculty members have traveled to Wilmot with the club thus far. Of these, three had never skied before.

Pag* 2

January 27, 1967


Home Ec Classes Prepare Tomorrow's Adults Maine South offers extensive courses of various types in Home Economics. Courses include application of modern scientific knowledge and arts to the improvement of personal and family living. A sequence of three courses, Home Economics I, 11, and III, is offered; it consists of one semester of foods and one semester of clothing in each course. Students learn a basic understanding of planning, budgeting, and basic constructions in sewing in the first sequence. The second and third courses emphasize more detailed techniques and develop proficiency. Foods and Clothing is offered jointly as one course. It is an

introduction to fundamental principles and values within the two areas. This course then branches into Clothing II & III, and Foods II. In Foods 11 the emphasis is on nutrition, food preparation, and presentation. Clothing II includes detailed study of textiles and advanced construction in tailoring techniques. Clothing III gives students opportunities to create original designs and make them in fabrics through use of the flat pattern design method. Students in this course enjoy field trips to various places where they often find inspirational ideas. The school presently is equip-


New Slant on Spirit Have you ever been looking for something, and then found it in the most obvious place? Well, for a long time, a great many people have been engaged in a massive search for school spirit at Maine South. TTiey never seem to find as much as they feel there should be. We are of the opinion that they just haven't been looking in the right places. The search for school spirit may start in the gymnasium among the cheering fans and enthusiastic team members. But certainly the search mustn't end at the point of its beginning. We ask you to look further, for the spirit that we all take for granted, in the most obvious places. Right now, there are approximately 500 students working harder than most of us realize to give Maine South this year's V-Show. This enthusiasm and hard work are typical of most of our dramatic productions. But do we ever recognize it as school spirit? Each year, members of many clubs devote hours to planning and decorating for the dances that we enjoy attending. Students serve as monitors, attendance and personnel office helpers, library helpers, and in many other capacities around the school. We never hear their names, but we benefit from their school spirit. All these Maine South students, and many others who daily represent us well just by being worthwhile people, are wonderful examples of school spirit. The sound of spirit needn't be a cheer. It can be the silence of hard work. We at Maine South can be proud of our school spirit.

ped with one permanent food laboratory, but hopes are to have two in the future. The laboratory is fully equipped with the most up-to-date equipment including a self-cleaning oven. There are one permanent and one temporary clothing laboratories. These are equipped with modern sewing devices such as new Singer Sewing Machines. Two scholarships are available through the department: the Betty Crocker contest and the Northern Gas Company Cherry Pie contest. The winner from Maine South in the competition for the Betty Crocker contest was Deborah Schroeder '67; and Cynthia Krawczyk '67 was the winner in the Cherry Pie contest. Debbie and Cindy will go on to state competition. Beginning next year a new course will be offered. Food Occupations. A student participating in this program will have two regular classes and one related foods class every morning. In the afternoon the student wiU work in some area of this field such as a restaurant or hotel in the community. Jan Christopher '67 finds that "Clothing UI is an interesting course because it offers an opportunity to express one's individual designing talents." Home Planning and Interior Design is the name of one new Home Economics course. It is a plan of study involving the mechanics of operating a home and includes several areas of work. Among these are: the study of land value and deciding where to live, how to pick land, and how to plan or choose a house that wiU meet the needs and desires of a family. The course also includes study of the colors, furnishings, accessories, lighting, and other facilities that a house requires. The course encompasses sections on such things as table decoration and flower arrangement as weU. The main purpose of Home Planning and Interior Design is


Lockers Are Mixed Blessings Perhaps one of the greatest problems to the student at Maine South is that marvel of efficiency and planning, the locker. Our lockers are strategically placed to be accessible to all students and cleverly designed to be of the greatest possible use. Why then do we have such problems? On the first day of school when we received our schedules and locker assignments, most of us were thrilled to find that we never come within fifty yards of the elusive contraption. Therefore, some of us must car-

ry around all of our books and be accused of looking like intellectual show-offs all day. But we all know about sticks and stones. Before school is one of the only times we see our lockers. As we open the handy-dandy book locker we forget that we merely shoved the books in the night before in our rush to leave. Imagine the joy of the student as through his locker door cascades an avalanche of weighty volumes that sweetly land upon his head. This of course is even better than Post

" H * y Hunk, would you believe I had a dream last night and dreamed that the whole school turned into a giant locker."

Toasties for starting your day a liUle bit better. If you do manage a side trip to your locker some time during the day, it is invariably with only thirty seconds to spare. Then we play that fun game called "I Know This Is the Right Combination, Why Doesn't The Blasted Thing Open?" Most often we have made a simple mistake because of our nervous haste, but there is seldom time for a quick psychoanalysis. Therefore, we must do without what ever it was we came for. But the crowning glory comes at the end of the day when all the happy Maineites are pushing and shoving to get their books before going home. Nine out of ten times, as you open your book locker, some tall person will step in just in time to be clobbered in the face. This is an extremely embarrassing situation and can only be righted with profuse apologies and humble pleas. The best that can be hoped for is that the poor, tall victim has not been seriously injured. We certainly realize the problems of having lockers for so many, and as other arrangements are considered, it must be admitted that our lockers are pretty nice. They are bright and shiny, and come in a wide assortment of fruit colors. Thus our lockers are just another illustration of that old adage, "You've got to take the bitter with the better."

Carole Jarosz '69 and Marge Weigand '68 are just two of the many students who use the well-equipped, modern sewing room.

Foods 11 students, Janet Vaught '69 and Sue Mill '68, work in the Cooking room, preparing many varied, types of foods.

to conquer the art of making a house a home and doing so in a practical and capable manner. Specific goals include the development of a student's understanding of the resources that one uses in decisions concerning home management, the growth of a concept of the relationship of a home to personal and family goals, and the learning of a practical knowledge of the varying influences on the design and management of a home and what can be done about them. The Home Economics Department is also interested in instilling its students with the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply color and design principals to housing and furnishing. To this purpose the students study paint samples, color patterns, and effective means of lighting. The students investigate such things as plumbing, kitchen appliances, and blue print reading to develop a knowledge of the mechanical aspects of a home. They also study the floor plans, room locations, and traffic patterns in a home.

SouHiwords The official student newspaper ut Maine Township High South. Park Rldse. Illinois. Written and edited bi-weelily by students of the high school. Subscriptions included with actiNity ticket or purchased separately at $2 per year. Editors-in-chief Gail Griffiths. Judy Projahn News Editor Sue Moore Features Eitttar Carol Niemann Sports Editor Gar; Muka Art Editor . Bruce Howie A.ssistant Editors ... Vicki Le^er, Jim O'DonneU, Nancy Petersen, Pat Shall.-Kathy Harrer. Reporters .. Wendy Carlaen, Chris Elde. Sue Hendricks. Pal Johnstone, Pat Kokonas. Sue Naiel. Sue Peavoy. Sarah Penny. Pal Price. Photofraphers Ralph Banditis. Fred Powers. John Richmond Studnl News Bureau Editor . . . Barb UvUdeo .\d% iaor Mr. Kesnelii Beatly

One of the most important goals in Home Planning and. Interior Design is the development of good judgment in the use of knowledge, skill, and materials in acquiring consumer goods such as appliances, furnishings, textiles, etc. For this, the students look into credit, into' which materials are best, and into the maintenance and improvement of home. They undertake such projects as the' creation of plans for a model home. "This is a course that everyone can benefit from. Those who take it have what you might call a head start for their future home," commented Mrs. Torp,. who teaches the course. .'\nother interesting Home Economics course is Psychology for Living. Since Psychology is* part of everyone's life, this course includes a study of all types of human behavior. Students study personality, its cause, and its effect. The central goal of the Home Economics Department in pre-. senting Psychology for Living is to make the student understand life so he can enjoy it. For this reason, human emotion, behav-. ior, and motivations are studied. One of the highlights of the year for Psychology students is play school. Preschool children, usually sons and daughters of faculty members, spend two weeks in the care of the students, who teach them games as well as fundamental skills. This year, play school will be held in the Wrestling rooms. Psychology for Living also in- ^ eludes a look at the world's great religions and a field trip to several houses of worship in the Chicago area. The department hopes that an understanding of other faiths will p r e v e n t unhealthy prejudice.

January 27, 1967



Kathy King Selected For NCTE Recognition Kathy King '67 has been selected for special recognition by the NCTE, National Council of Teachers of English. T h i s

Kathy King

achievement awards program grants recognition to some of the best high school English students in the United States. Although the award includes no cash value, Kathy's name has been sent to colleges and universities by NCTE as an achievement award recipient. To win this award, a student must be recommended by his high school, submit a writing sample, take an impromptu theme test, write an autobiography, and finally take tests in writing skills. A recommendation from the high school is based upon the student's proficiency in writing and potential for excellence in English at college. This year Kathy is enrolled in the Advanced-Placement English Program taught by Mr. Gene Hass. Kathy is also a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist.

South Hosts 9 0 Schools For Pep Club Workshop "Come Alive" is the motto for "The Wonderful World of Pep," the second annual Pep Club Workshop which will be held at Maine South on Saturday, February 11. At the conference over five hundred Pep Club members from 106 schools in the Chicago and Northwest Suburban area will have an opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss problems, and promote school spirit. Each school is asked to bring a display, consisting of buttons, pennants, sweatshirts, or a notebook of their organization. Agenda for the day will include a morning assembly with Jeannie Hosey, Pep Club president, presiding. Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, will deliver the welcome address. After the assembly, students will divide into groups of their choice for the first discussion session. To give students an opportunity to • take part in two discussion groups, a second session will be held directly after the first. Following the luncheon will be • an afternoon assembly at which Jeannie Hosey will again preside. A featured speaker will present an address to the students at this assembly. Discussion groups for the assembly include: presidents, vice• presidents, secretaries, points and membership, publicity, letterman's club, social and special activities, cheerleaders, • pom pom squad and drill team, student Council, sales, future officers, and sponsors. Leaders for the discussions will include Maine South Pep Club members Jan Jacobson,

Kathy Fullerton, Jeannie Hosey, Ruth Gilles, Barb Naleway, Lenore Lindeman, Val Bruhn, Sallie Thompson, and Sue Braun. Nancy Gunn, Pep Club president at Maine West, will also be a discussion leader. Maine South was chosen as the site for the conference at the Pep Club Presidents* Conference. Jeannie Hosey gave a talk stating why Maine South should be chosen. Students then voted and elected South on the basis of the qualifications Jeannie gave in her talk. Pep Club sent a letter to Senator Charles Percy requesting a statement from him to be presented at the conference. On Tuesday, January 24, Pep Club received a telegram from the Senator stating that he would send a statement.

Homemaker of Tomorrow Chosen Deborah Schroeder '67, is now Maine South's 1967 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. Debbie finished first in a written homemaking knowledge and attitude examination for senior girls December 6. Debbie is now eligible for possible state and national scholarship awards. Her test also earned her a specially designed silver charm from G e n e r a l Mills, sponsor of the Betty Crocker Search for the American Homemaker of Tomorrow. A state Homemaker of Tomorrow and runner-up will be se-

English Team - Teaching Program Helps Student Writing, speaking Sophomore students are receiving one quarter of oral speech training in E n g l i s h classes this year. Miss Sandra McChesney and Mr. Daniel Padberg are rotating to different sophomore English classes and team-teaching with various teachers. Students' need for help in speaking experience and organization skills is great. Ninety per cent of the students have had little or no formal speech training. This program combines the four basic skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening, in

H(Mwk Tawk Editors Say Thanks To the Student Body: We would like to thank you for your overwhelming and enthusiastic response to Hawk Tawk. We apologize to those of you in the later lunch periods who wanted to buy a copy but could not. We had not anticipated such a great response, and the five hundred copies we printed soon ran out. Hawk Tawk was sold out about five minutes into 5A. We felt that five hundred copies was a safe risk to test Hawk Tawk's acceptance and the difficulties involved in producing it. By producing one thousand copies of our next issue on Friday, February 17, we hope to accommodate everyone. We also regret that some of you received copies of Hawk

The Pom Pom squad w i l l be televised on Channel 32 while performing at DePaul U n i versity during the half t i m e of the DePaul-Nlagara game tonight. The squad, accompanied by M r . McLean and the Dance Band, w i l l p e r f o r m "Spanish F l e a " and " M y Gal S a l . " The band w i l l play several selections along with the DePaul fight song. This is the t h i r d year the squad w i l l have performed at DePaul. On F r i d a y , February 3, the squad w i l l perform during half-time of the Chicago Bulls' game at the International Amphitheater. Members of the squad a r e : (top row, left to right) Narda Greising, Luz Montero, Pat Konopka, Joanne Rosenstiel, Pat Standa, Sue B r a u n ; (middle row) Linda Smith, V i c k i Grant, A p r i l Aloisio, K r i s Dernehl, Barb Sensenbrenner; (bottom row) Georgann Greshiw, Pat E w i n g , Lenore Raia, Chris Geisler, M e r r y Shute, and M a r y Kilinski.

Tawk with upside down, unreadable, or missing pages. In producing this first issue, our lack of experience caused us to make mistakes. With the experience of one issue behind us and plans for improving production techniques and organization, we will eliminate many of these errors. We would especially like to thank Mr. Beatty's creative writing class and members of the Sonthwords staff for their invaluable help in producing our first issue. We are looking forward to producing Hawk Tawk t.gain. and we hope your enthusuastic response will continue. Nancy Petersen, Editor-in-Chief Wendy Carlsen, News Editor

an equal proportion. Students learn to appreciate literature through reading and to understand it through oral analyzation. They gain listening skills by hearing other speeches and acquire better writing habits through planning and organizing speeches. During the course the sophomores write and give an informative and a problem-solving speech. Oral readings f r o m prose and poetry are also performed. "In both speaking and writing," Mr. Hal Chastain stated, "the students' biggest problem is organization. A student tends to make less careful plans when writing for a one-man audience." ' "When he places himself 'under fire', subject to criticism before a live audience," he continued, "he must make his organization clear and concise." "The pressures a student encounters before an audience have a positive value, for they force him to clearly organize and limit his subject and to use vivid and interesting supporting material," Mr. Chastain added. "When a student learns to speak effectively, he has learned to transfer his ideas from himself to his audience, whether it be orally or on paper. Speech experience causes a student to think of his receiver when he writes, thus making his writing more communicative," M r. Chastain concluded.

lected from the winners of all schools in the state, with the former receiving a $1,500 college scholarship; her school will be given a complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica by Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation. The runner-up will be awarded a $500 educational grant. The Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow from Illinois, together with those from all other states and the District of Columbia, each accompanied by her school advisor, will join in an expense paid educational tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., next spring. The national winner—the 1967 AU-American Homemaker of Tomorrow—will be announced at a dinner in Williamsburg. She will be chosen from the state winners on the basis of original

test score plus personal observation and interviews during the tour. Her reward will be an increase in her scholarship to $5,000. Second, third, and fourth ranking national winners will have their original scholarship grants increased to $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000, respectively. This is the thirteenth year of the Betty Crocker Search for the American Homemaker of Tomorrow, initiated in 1954-55 by General Mills to emphasize the importance of homemaking as a career. More than five million senior girls have participated in the Search since its inception, and 1,256 winners will have earned scholarships totalling $1,371,500 at the conclusion of the current program. The 581,334 girls and 14,753 schools registering for the 1967 Search established a new record for the program.

Korean Orphan Writes Letter; Describes Christmas Celebration student Council recently received a letter from the adopted Korean orphan, Kee K w a n Yung. It is addressed to Narda Greising '68, the representative who writes Kwan most often. It is dated December 28, 1966. Dear Elder sister: Opening their Christmas gifts, all the chUdren tried to be proud of their gifts and their sponsors. I sure waited for your card soon. By the way, our mailman brought your lovely card for me! How happy and excited I

Ree Kwan Yung

was. Well, I was so happy that I forgot to untie my shoes in our room. Yes, you mean a lot to me all the time. Due to your love and cares, I had real nice Christmas. On the last December 24, we had special programs and praised our Lord with various colorful programs, too. I sang chorus at that time. We had real wonderful party together. Indeed, it was so joyous and nice Christmas to us all. We decorated Christmas tree so beautifully and put Christmas scene up too. Here it's pretty cold. We enjoy winter vacation now. During vacation, I do home assignments and play games too. We had no snow yet. I like feeding our baby lambs too. I am planning to spinning top on the ice and skating too. Do you enjoy skating well? One of my elder brothers wounded while he does skating. I promise to write something about our vulture, milk cow, goats, pigeon, doggy and squirrel in next time. May God bless you richly and always! With much love, Kwan Yung

Pag* 4


January 27, 1967

Hawks Share First Spot Even though the varsity basketball team owns a very modest conference record of three wins and two losses, the Hawkmen go into this weekend's action tied for the number one spot in the Central Suburban race and no one is more appreciative of the situation than coach Brady himself. Three weeks ago it looked as though the Hawks might be knocked out of contention early in the season as they lost their second conference game to a lowly Glenbrook South squad, but as the Hawks went down to defeat so did the other contenders, and as a result the conference race that could have developed into a runaway has now emerged as a four way tie. Tonight the cagers travel to Deeriield to take on a dangerous Warrior squad led by Bardner, a 6'7" center. Tomorrow night in the spectator gym the Hawks take on Glenbrook North in a battle which could eventually decide the conference championship. Thinking positively we can look for the Hawks to outshoot their opponents at Deerfield and come back to heavily outrebound a small Glenbrook Sparton team Saturday night.

Even the modest Mr. Brady could not hide his elation after last weekend's action when his

Dave Butz scores against Niles West.

Swimmers End Vacation; Meet New Trier E. Soon Vacation is over for the varsity swimmers, as the Hawks face the last of the weaker schools on their schedule, when Niles West invades the South pool at 4:30 this afternoon. Maine South has not met a tough school in dual meet competition since December 9, 1966, when they lost to the swimmers from Deerfield. That vacation of over a month will all change tomorrow, as the Hawks face the Illinois state champions, New Trier East, and then go on to face Niles North, who finished in the top 7 in the state competition last February. The Hawks have seen both of these schools before, but in Invitational competition. Unfortunately, both of these schools placed higher than the Hawks in the Indian Relays, which New Trier East won. The Hawks finished in ninth place. At the Evanston Invitational last Saturday, Niles North had 10 more points than the Hawks. In that competition at Evanston, Niles North had swimmers finish in the top six in every event except the 100-yard breaststroke. With schools like Hinsdale Central, Evanston, Thornridge, and Deerfield present, this is truly an admirable feat. . . . Relay Team Second Maine South did push competitors ahead of the boys from Niles North in the 200-yard medley relay, ;where the team of Frank McCuUough, Tom Torgersen, Ray McCuUough, and Ed Currier combined to bring the Hawks a second place finish,

while the Niles school finished last. In the 100-yard butterfly, Ray McCuUough beat all the rest of the competitors and set a new record doing it, with his time of :55.7, while Vender of Niles only got a fifth place. In the lOOyard backstroke, Frank McCuUough followed his younger brother's example, and set a new record of :55.6, and the boy from Niles finished third. In the event that Niles North did not enter a swimmer in the first six, Tom Torgersen finished fifth in the 100-yard breaststroke competition. These events will be Maine's strong points when they travel to the Niles school on February 3 at 7:30. Niles can be expected to come up with first places in the 200- and 400-yard freestyle, which Bob Schoos won at the Evanston Invitational. Niles is also strong in the lOOyard freestyle event with a swimmer named Smith, and in the 400-yard freestyle relay, where they took a third place, and Maine finished last. If the Hawk swimmers "get tough" the meet could be very close. . . . Face New Trier Tomorrow Tomorrow the Hawks will face New Trier East, and tney will hope to score better than they did last year when they lost 72 to 1". The Hawks will have the advantage of the home pool when the gun goes off at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. These two meets will be the test of the Hawks five win and one loss record, and will show their real strengths.

Hawks dropped contenders Niles West and Niles North in succession. The victories not only gave the Hawks a tie for first but also imparted the momentum which could stiU bring South a conference championship. . . . Sneak Past Indians Against NUes West Last Friday Sophomore Dave Butz gathered in eight rebounds and scored 13 points to lead the Hawks to a narrow 59 to 56 win over a fine Niles West squad in the spectator gym. Even though the shooting on both sides was a bit off, the powerful combination of Butz and Lange on the backboards was to much even for the burley Niles West Indians, and the Hawks literally overpowered their opponents. In the other contest Saturday night the Hawks scored their most impressive road victory of the year in trouncing highly rated Niles North 78 to 52. Described by coach Brady as the Hawks' finest performance since the Prospect game, the contest was completely dominated by the Hawks who beat the Vikings at their own game. When asked about the experimenting and free wheeling substitution that has marked the season so far, coach Brady pointed to Hawk shooting inconsistancy as the reason for the new faces appearing in the lineup. Admitting the fact that every coach favors a starting five he can count on from game to game Brady will continue with the starters he used Saturday if these men continue to show scoring consistancy.

The anxiety felt during the Niles West ganne is apparant In the faces of those on the Hawk bench. In contrasting this years team with teams of the past the Hawks of '67 are a team of great individual talent but few individual stars as such. Coach Brady admits tliat he has taken longer than usual this year in settling down to a set lineup but this year there is no Larry Wiseburn or Dave Strom; men who scored a consistant number of points from game to game. This

year's team has more talent than ever before, but until Saturday nobody could put it aU together at one time. As of now the Hawks claim no individual within the top five in conference scoring yet they share the first place prize in the standings with three other teams who aU boast at least one individual in this select group.

Conference Mat Showdown Pits Hawks and Warriors With only two weeks remaining in the '66-67 varsity conference wrestling season, Hawk matmen will be battling down to the wire for a first place conference finish. At the present time, the Hawks stand second in the conference, behind first-place Deerfield. The Hawks have stacked up a five and four record overaU, and a three and one record in conference in the past weeks. Tonight, the Hawks wiU go against Niles North, in the final home meet of the season. A win tonight will bring the Hawks into a final show down battle with Deerfield for the conference championship next week. Hawk matmen got off to a relatively bad start, dropping the first four meets to non-conference schools. The opening of the conference season wasn't much brighter, as the Hawks lost to Glenbrook North, 24 to 18. It is interesting to note that Mr. Ziemek stated at the opening of the wrestling season that the first four schools would be the roughest in the area. In the last three weeks, the Hawk grapplers have looked Uke an entirely different team. The Hawks murdered Glenbrook South 37 to 9, kUled New Trier West 33 to 11, and aU but ran Niles West out of the gym 30 to 10. . . . Take Second in Quadrangular Last Saturday, the Hawks came home with a second place finish from the Forest View Quadrangular. Hawk matmen finished with 83 points, a scant three points behind the winning school, Forestview. In the next two crucial meets, there are certain wrestlers the Hawks will be depending on. Some of these wrestlers have

won consistently for the Hawks. Others got off to bad starts, but have improved very much since then. Mike Plessner is one of the most consistant members of the team. Mike's personal varsity record stands at six wins, one loss. Four out of the six wins came on pins. In the Forestview double-dual meet, P l e s s n e r came out a first place champion. . . . Simpson Champ At 154-pounds, Bob Simpson also boasts an outstanding record. In dual meet competition, Bob's record is six wins, two of which came on pins, two losses, and 1 tie. Bob has been a first place champion twice this year, in the Ridgewood Invitational, and in the Forest View Quadrangular. Another consistant performer is Les Mathews, at 133-pounds. Les has done very weU in previous invitational competitions. He was 133-pound champ in the recent quad meet. Perhaps the most improved wrestler on the team is 95-pound Tom Lemme. In the last three weeks, Tom has won on two decisions and one pin. He also placed a respective second place in the Forest View double-dual. Jim Link has shown some fine talent at 165 pounds. His record isn't the greatest, four wins and three losses, but recent meets have seen some fine wrestling on Jim's part. Jim was the 165pound champion at Forest View. For his efforts he was named wrestler of the week. . . . Sigmund Handles Heavyweight For the most part, Ty Sigmund has done a very good job of managing the heavyweight chores. Ty's backup man, Rusty Siebold has also proved

a worthy wrestler with a second place finish at Forest View. The fighting Neuses brothers. Rick and Tom, have also done a lot to bolster the teams' strength. Since the two were brought up from the sophomore team, neither one has been defeated in dual meet copetition. After the meet with Deerfield, conference, district, and state meets remain.

Varsity Gymnasts Meet Grenadiers Varsity gymnasts play Elk Grove Friday night in a nonconference break for both teams. The Hawks are fresh from a 69 to 63 win over New Trier West, a three year school Uke Elk Grove that participates on the varsity level. In the recent win over New Trier, Mulchay, Braun, Rus and " Davis took firsts for the winning Hawks. Mulchay took a first on tramp, WaUy Braun got his first on side horse, Riis was * first on high bar and Davis was number one on paraUel bars. Others who placed highly were Johnson, second on sidehorse, Siebolt, third on the Horse, Switzer, third on paraUel bars, KeUy, fourth on parallel bars, Wronski with second on the rings, Burrtsch with fourth and ' Divincinzo fifth on the rings and Mulchay and Lokay with third and fourth in tumbling. Even though Elk Grove is only a junior school. Coach RiciteUi points out that the Hawk squad is made up almost entirely of juniors. "We're out to prove that our juniors are better than their juniors," stated coach Ricatelli.

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