Vol 41 issue 4

Page 1

OcTOBLR 29, 2004

In This Issue: NEWS Mock Election results are in page 3

FEATURES History teacher runs for Senate 'page 6

ENTERTAINMENT A modern folk vagabond takes the stage page?

COMMENTARY Another round of Kern vs. Bush page 11

SPORTS Homecoming football game a success

page 14

I l l s . Di 1 ROAD • PARK Rn^ a . li i INOIS 60068



29, 2004 • VOL. 4 1 . N O . 4

Corrupt regimes atop the world's biggest oilfields^ by Alex Schallmo With the price of a barrel of oil passing the $50 mark for the first time in history, the world's inelastic demand for the substance continues, with U.S. consumption persisting, seemingly unaffected by the price jump, and with Chinese demand for oil surpassing expectations by 30 percent this year. Last year. President Bush warned the American public of the danger of increasing U.S. dependence on foreign producers of oil. namely the corrupt mullahs of Iran, the Saudis, the Nigerian government, and the Iraqis. President George W. Bush argued that by removing Saddam Hussein and his threat to the United States, democracy could be spread, the world would be safer, the Iraqis would be happier, and the oil production could be handled more effectively, allowing for more oil to enter the market. U.S. troops have entered Iraq, and removed Saddam Hussein. The promises of more oil, and a happier Iraq, should have come true, right? The corrupt rulers of the oil fields have

come to their senses and amended their evil ways to avoid the fate of Saddam Hussein, right? OPEC members are expected to have $3(K) billion in total revenues this year, most of it profit. After the removal of Saddam Hussein as President of Iraq in 2004, the oil prices have steadily continued to rise. Under Saddam Hussein. Iraq was able to pump out 3 million barrels of oil each day. but ever since his removal, they have struggled to produce 2 million a day. Iraqi insurgents have continued to set fire to their own oil pipelines Their actions are costing the country $7 million a day. Russia has continued to receive foreign visits concerning purchasing oil from the country's reserves. Vladimir Pribylovsky, a political analyst at Moscow's Panorama think tank, said of President Vladimir Putin, "At $50 a barrel, Putin can do whatever he wants with Bush and Europe." Of all of these countries in question, Saudi Arabia has the greatest source of the world's oil reserves. Saudi Arabia sits on top of close to one fourth of the world's reserve of fossil

fuel. The country is expected to have nearly $50 billion in profit this year. Crown Prince Abdullah's actions are being closely monitored by the Saudi people. He has promised to reduce their national debt as well as invest in vocational training for the .Saudi people. It is a worry of the world that the Saudi prince will continue with the country's complacent nature. If a terrorist, a radical, or any nation forcibly removed the Saudi prince from his throne without a clean transition, the price of oil would radically rise. In early October, the sabotage of a pipeline in western Africa caused the price of oil to rise. Imagine if the nation of Saudi Arabia was to be shut off temporarily, or follow in the footsteps of post-Saddam Hussein Iraq. In an open letter last month, former CIA chief James Woolsey and other prominent neoconservatives, said of the U.S. oil consumption costs. "The petrodollars we provide such nations contribute materially to the terrorist threats we face." It would seem that not only money, but also U.S. intervention in overseas removal ofj existing framework of governmental a( affects the future of the world's oil supply and economic stability.


Cell phone misuse may soon be restricted by Anna Wolonciej According to recent polls. 94 percent of moviegoers consider cell phone usage to be the greatest disturbance while trying to watch a movie at a theater. Certain areas in the United States and Europe, where complaints keep increasing, are taking action to make for a more pleasant trip to the movies. New York City is the first major city to enforce a law banning cell phones and beepers in cinemas, concert halls, theaters, libraries, and museums. This law demands that all cell phones and beepers be turned off before a performance starts. If anyone is making a call, talking on the phone, or even if the phone rings, they are breaking the city law and must pay a $50 fine. While most audiences appreciate the law. New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and mobile phone companies believe that such a

law is unnecessary. Mobile phone companies also argue that cell phones are only one of the possible distractions in cinemas and theaters. These companies pointed out other possible disturbances, such as people coughing, unwrapping candy, and even singing along with the movie or performance. However, Mayor Bloomberg and the phone companies were overruled in the legislation voting, which resulted in a 35-8 vote. Cinemas in France are trying a different approach to end the use of cell phones. Last week, the French government backed up the decision to install equipment that blocks cell phone signals in cinemas and theaters. This new technology will still allow emergency calls to go through, and calls can still be made out in the lobby. This is the first time this kind of technology has been permitted to be used in theaters. Last year, an Irish cinema company that owns 200 theaters installed the signal-blocking equipment in its theaters. This Irish

communication regulators instructed the cinemas to take down the devices because they thought the cinemas had no right to block the signal. The cinema company did as instructed: otherwise they would be subject to a $25,000 fine. Not all cinemas are able to make these kinds of changes. The signal-blocking equipment is very expensive, and it's up to the theater company to decide whether they want to make that kind of investment. Also, in some areas, communication companies or the local government may oppose the cinema's decision. People who think cell phones should be allowed in cinemas and theaters argue that sometimes doctors can get paged in case of an emergency. Others who think that cell phc should be banned argue that they are anno* and ruin an otherwise relaxing night at the movies Regardless of what you may think about cell phone restriction in theatres, it may soon be coming to a theatre near you.


29, 2004 •


4 1 , NO. 4


^ o c k Election results are in hy Siohhan Lau

On Tuesday, October 19. Maine South seniors had their say in this year's Mock Election. The purpose of the Mock Election was to familiarize seniors with polling place procedures and learn proper voting techniques, to prepare eligible and registered seniors before they vote on November 2'"^. and to compare Maine South's results to those of the county, state, and nation. Seniors entered the polling place (the 2"'' floor of the A-wing) and were directed by judges of the election (students in Mrs. Deines' Accelerated Government/Democracy classes). They were given two ballots: an official ballot to vote for the President and Senate offices, and a paper ballot for national and slate offices, as well as referendum questions. Voters entered booths and used actual voting equipment to choose their candidates. The official ballot was then put through a tabulating machine. The paper ballots were placed in a ballot box and hand-counted by judges. Winners in the national and state offices re all democrats but one: John Kerry (D) n with 254 votes and 55% of the vote,


Barack Obama (D) won for the Senate with .300 votes and 62.4% of the vote, Jan Schakowsky (D) won for the House of Representatives with 291 votes and 60.5% of the vote, and Rosemary Mulligan (R) won for IL State Legislature with 266 votes and 56.2% of the vote. Students voted to have a new man in charge of the country, but opted to keep the same state office holders (Schakowsky has been a representative since 1998. and Mulligan has been a representative since 1992). The average percentage difference between the winner and the runner-up was 20.7%. The closest race was between John Kerry and George W. Bush, where there was 9.7% difference. There was a wide range of referendum questions: 1) // the race was solely between vice president candidates, who would you vote for? John Edwards defeated Dick Cheney with 55.4% of the votes. 2) Which factor is most influential in your choice for the next President? Domestic policy was voted the primary factor for their decision.

3) What do you think of starting a Young Republicans or Young Democrats Club here at Maine South? 49.0% of voters thought it was a good idea but would not join, while 32.3% would join and 18.6% did not like the idea. 4) Which Maine South policy would you want to see changed? The 9-period day received 257 votes. IDs 147, mandatory P.E. 86, and mandatory assemblies 60 (all choices were counted if more than one was marked). 24 voters did not want to see any change. 5) What has been the effect of "Hawk Pride" Days? 301 voters said there was no noticeable effect, while 152 said there was a positive one and 22 said there was a negative one. With the national election in just four days from today, it will be interesting to see how Maine South's election results compare to the nation's results. Will the results mirror each other, or will they be completely opposite? The Mock Election has prepared seniors for when they step into a polling place to vote in a local, state, or national election for the first time.






29, 2004 • VOL. 41. No. 4

Standardized individual assessment fails* by James Mantas You have five minutes to read the following excerpt and draw your own conclusions. Though not entirely evil, the world and its inhabitants occasionally stereotype. Things like social security are always there to remind us that we're not people; we're numbers. Why hire an employee if he's 16? Why worry about individuality when the majority rules? Why waste time on high school college entrance papers when you have the ACT? Testing is the way for "The Man" to rate your worth as a future employee. What better way to understand an individual's capabilities than to evaluate them and compare them to his or her peers? Standardized tests are definitely not what most students think they are. Standardized tests could care less about you: standardized tests have a much higher purpose. ACT scores show no regular pattern when compared to high school grades. Colleges all over America use the ACT scores to judge a student's eligibility, even though that violates the A C T ' S guidelines for use. A single point, one of 36, could mean a student being denied college entrance, or denied much-needed financial aid. This is especially alarming when considering the fact that students coming from low income homes score miserably low on the ACT compared to high-income students— students more capable of receiving ACT coaching and obtaining test prep materials. African-American college-bound seniors in 2002 scored an average score of 16.8 on their ACT. College-bound whites averaged 21.7. The state of Louisiana denies college scholarships to any student who scores less than a 20 on the test. The average white student's ACT score is near 20. African Americans' average score is more than three points lower. Whether or not the law was passed to keep African-Americans out of Louisiana colleges, the fact is that ACT scores of white students and black smdents are mysteriously segregated, and no one really knows why. On average, males do better on the ACT and the SAT than females. Nobody knows why that is, either; females have higher GPAs in high school and college. Researchers say it must be because of the way the tests are structured.

High speeds and multiple-choice questions favor males, who generally excel in strategic guessing and risk-taking.

Karen MugU'rj

Bubble filling: a norm Also, the ACT and SAT don't test writing skills or higher thinking. Reading, math, English, and science are arguably the most important subjects, sure; what room is there, though, for specialization of any sort? No Child Left Behind is the infamous nightmare that every school in the country wakes up to in a cold sweat. Standardized test scores showed unfavorable results; after all, threatening a school with funding cuts for low scores would do more than keep administrators on their toes. It would walk the educational budget to the guillotine. 445 billion dollars into the hole, it's safe to say that the United States isn't coming up for air anytime soon. Funding would need to suffer. It has. Public transportation, libraries, environmental protection, law enforcement: all are smothering under the burden of President Bush's lack of fiscal responsibility. Educational funding, however, could not be cut without massive public criticism. The ACT- juniors recently took a practice test; sophomores recently took a pre-practice test. Freshman took a practice pre-practice test. Seniors are already numbers. FairTest, a non-profit organization dedicated to dethroning the tests, thinks that standardized testing is unfair, flawed, biased, and predictably inaccurate. In fact, FairTest has an assault of facts and essays prepared, and yet most test-takers aren't even aware that there's a war being waged. Should standardized tests be required in the college entrance process? The war rages on. Fairtest.org. The government pays test-makers to make standardized tests; test-makers get lots of money. Their job's not easy, after all. Making a test — especially with the government's

revitalized stress on it — is not easy (actually, some of the questions in the sped-up SAT don't affect a student's score, but instead field-test the question for upcoming testing.) Also, America loves them. It gives parents a one-size-fits-all assessment of their child's performance and intelligence as well as the functionality of a school. It lets them know that their hard-earned taxpayer dollars are "well spent." Teachers, however, hate them; it forces them to teach to the test, not what they think they should teach. The first three years of Illinois high school mean little besides preparation for the ACT. You are but one student. Compared to the billions of students nationwide, you are a speck. The only reason you take standardized tests is to weed you out, if necessary, from the other students and examine your ability to take a multiple choice test compared to others. Illogical, it would seem; test-taking ability is a wee bit different from job performance. Time's up; pencils down.

:§OLJTH W O R D S A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Signed letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject ohscene/libelous submisEditors-in-Chict News Editors Features Editors Entertainment Editor Commentary Editors

Sports Editors Production Editor Core Photographers Core Staff Artist Advisors

Carly Calkins Kate Funkhouser Ashley Rezaiezadeh Alex Schallmo John Mallory Kelsey Keith Melissa Hansen Mike Bielaczyc Rebecca Christopher Corinne Ullrich Steve Contomo Greg M i t ^ ^ ^ Bobby C r i s i ^ ^ Katie Katz Audrey Russell Jon Markowski Mr. Stathakis Mr. Ellefson

FEATURES OCTOBER 29,2004 • VOL. 41, NO. 4


^ a t t o o s : they're not just for convicts anymore didn't want to look back on it in 20 years and think 'Why did I get this?" Imagine having When 1 asked a faculty member the same someone dig a hot needle thing about his several tattoos, he gave me a up and down 1.000 times straight answer. per minute into your skin. "The first one I got was an act of rebellion Now imagine that constant during my freshman year in college," he said. pain for about two hours, sometimes more. "It was also cool because I thought it was Then imagine paying someone upwards of trendy." S500 for he or she to do this. A senior girl with a small tattoo said, "I was Today it seems that more people than ever just being rebellious and I thought it was really are expressing themselves through tattoos. Just cute." by looking around Maine South, you can see Another factor that comes with getting a that we are no exception to this. But why are tattoo is the pain. so many people are jumping on this "Areas of the body that are the most fleshy, bandwagon? such as the upper arm hurt less than areas that Tattoos are one of the earliest forms of are mostly bone like the lower back," said one student. cultural expression. Proof from prehistoric burials and paintings show that even cavemen Technically speaking, tattoos today are had tattoos. Scientists believe that made by injecting ink into your skin. markings found on a preserved The injecting is done through a iceman are also early tattoos. Today, needle, which is connected to an body art is justified for many reasons electric tool that moves the needle other than cultural reasons. These up and down between 50 and .^,000 jclude getting a tattoo for a trend, times a minute. The reason tattoos status, for personal expression, last for life is that the needle injects "and maybe just for fashion. the ink past the upper layer of the plinfu li\ Kalitr Kiitz skin (which is replaced routinely as 1 asked one senior at Maine South a Gaelic band the body constantly makes new skin) about why he got a tattoo recently. tattoo down into the second layer of the "I had always wanted a tattoo, but for a while I didn't know what to get," he said. skin, the dermis. Sometiemes. tattoos fade over "I thought about it for a long time, and the one time and need to be touched up. The fact that tattoos are a permanent thing that 1 wanted to make sure of more than decision brings up another point: regret. anything else is that I wouldn't regret it. I by Sam Byrne

"The one around my ankle is kind of feminine," said one faculty member. "But I don't try to cover it up." When asked for advice, all the tattooed subjects had similar answers. "Take a long time to think about it because, chances are, you'll have it for the rest of your life," said one interviewee. "Make , A..;., A„ sure it's something A family crest that you'll want tattoo when you're 50." "Go to a good place, and pay a little extra," said one subject. "Remember that you get what you pay for." One student had some advice that was filled with emotion. "Even though it sounds dumb, follow your heart," said one student. "Get something that you are passionate about, and remember that tattoos are a form of art." It is understood that tattoos are addictive. Once you get one, you'll want more. Though there is no scientific proof, it is widely known in the tattoo community. "I think it's a very impulsive behavior." one subject said. "And I think that impulsive behavior is addicting." Whoever thought pain like that could bring so much pleasure?

," by Jonathan Markowski

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29, 2004 • VOL. 41, No. 4

O b a m a doesn't need your vote, and Keyes doesn't deserve it by Elizabeth Chao Politicians are sometimes brushed off as smiling faces on campaign, too distant to really make a difference. But this year, one needs only look to the A-wing to find a promising candidate for the U.S. Senate. Don McArthur is a history teacher at Maine South by day and a political candidate by night (and weekends). He is running in the upcoming election as a w r i t e - i n candidate for Illinois' open senate seat. McArthur, a moderately conservative Republican, had no intention of running for political office until the G.O.P. chose Alan Keyes as its S e n a t e candidate. K e y e s , a Maryland native, McAnnul loudly criticized Hillary Clinton for moving to New York just in time to be elected in 2000 but is pulling the same move now with his recent move to Illinois. McArthur feels Illinois should be represented by someone from this state. He feels that bringing in "celebrity" candidates from out of state discredits the democratic process and is, in the long run, unhealthy. As for the Democratic nominee Barack Obama, McArthur could not vote for someone who, in many cases, is diametrically opposed to his own views. On the reluctance of other in-state conservative leaders to challenge Obama, McArthur says, "[This] shows a great lack of political conviction of Republican leaders in this state." Dissatisfied with his choice of candidates, McArthur decided that. "I can either complain a lot, and not vote at all, or vote for a candidate whom 1 really don't support." Instead, he took action, filing for write-in status candidate in early September.

Though he has never held political office, McArthur contends that inexperience can be an asset in Washington. He isn't cynical about politics and isn't interested in mudslinging. "1 don't think politics should be about ripping the other person's throat out," he said. Because he's funding his campaign out of pocket, he has no allegiance to a "special

McArthur desires to reach out to more voters and. eventually, represent the people of Illinois effectively and with integrity. To find out more Mr. McArthur's campaign, go to www.writeinmcarthur.com. And he doesn't offer extra credit for endorsing him.

How does one become a write-in candidate? A write-in candidate for political office must file a declaration of intent with the county board fifty days before the election.

raiking wan junior Jon Woo. interest" group which could compromise his policies. McArthur supports labor unions, tax incentives to prevent companies from outsourcing and reduced premiums to increase the number of insured American workers. He believes that the No Child Left Behind Act should be reformed from its current state, in which the federal government makes education requirements but leaves local taxpayers to pay for them. McArthur. whose political stances are influenced by his evangelical Christian beliefs, supports the Federal Marriage Amendment and opposes abortion except in cases in which the mother's life is threatened. McArthur knows that the odds of winning are slim, but he wants to make a philosophical statement about what it means to be an involved citizen. He hopes that his website and campaign will spark some debate over where the Illinois Republican party should go. With relatively moderate political stances.

How do I vote for a write-in candidate? For those seniors who'll be eighteen in time to vote in the upcoming election, here's how to vote for Mr. McArthur, or any write-in candidate. The names of write-in candidates do not appear on the ballot. You have to write in the name of the office in the up section of a foldover ball draw a box with the candidate's name next to it, and then draw an "X" in the box.


29.2004 • VOL. 41, No. 4


• \ modern folk vagabond by Joe Blanski

In stories, we hear of mystic folk singers, the kind imaginable in dark. candle-lit rooms with haunting voices that sooth the soul. These are the kind who are full of tales of places one could only imagine. But what if these stories were true? 21 yearold Devendra Banhart is all these come to life. When listening to his smooth finger-picked songs backed by his shaky and innocent voice, one dreams of times before America's mediahyped society, a time when an artist was the center of attention, not just background noise. With a name like Devendra. a name given lo him by the Indian mystic his parents followed, it's hard not to stand out. He spent most of his childhood in Venezuela, he was bom into a different life. Since he began his music career, he has proved to be the most ti vating sound in folk music today, the only # ' re he can fit into because of his bare simplicity in music technology. He demonstrates an amazing ability on guitar to make songs sound just perfect and

unlike anything heard before. He finger-picks all his songs on a simple nylon string guitar. Sometimes it's slow and melodic, while other times it's fast with odd time signatures. Taking music to its roots, the personal expression in his songs aren't technically orchestrated. He admits that music is only a medium for his poetic and surreal lyncs. For example, in "This Beard Is For Siobhan" he sings, "...Because my teeth don't bite/ 1 can take them out dancing'^ I could take my little teeth out; and show them a real good time." His latest releases are "Rejoicing In The Hands" and "Nifio Rojo." The two albums are companion albums of 16 songs each recorded during a ten-day session in early 2004. The fir.st came out last April and the latter on the September 26. "The first one's called 'Rejoicing In The Hands Of The Golden Empress.' the 'Golden Empress' being the sun," he explains. "She's led a long life, is really experienced and she's kind of resting back in her rocking chair, telling a story. The next record is called 'Nirio Rojo,' which means 'red son.' It's her child. He's being bom. He's coming out and doing his thing. So this record is more upbeat." It's important to remember that Banhart is

Good record stores near you! There is a lot of music that sinks under the radar of the general public. One main reason is that bad record stores sell only what is a "sure sell." A record store should have a wide specm.im of geiu-es, decent prices, and friendly folks. Here are some of the best record stores in the area:

Dr. Wax 1615 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 847) 475-8848 SmaU selection of really good indie music, cd and vinyl.

|.aurie's Planet of Sound "5639 N. Lincoln Ave Chicago. IL 60625 (773)271-3569 Great selection, butpricy.

Reckless Records 3157 N. Broadway ] 532 N Milwaukee Ave. Chicago. IL 60657 Chicago, IL 60622 (773)404-5080 (773)235-3727 Both locations have great selection and great prices; new and used, cd and vinyl.

Record Breakers L588 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL (847)359-7544 Best selection, hut higher priced. Good used vinyl selection, had used cd selection.

Rolling Stones 7300 W. Irving Park Rd. Norridge, IL (708)456-0861 Indie-wise, it s always a gamble if they carr}' it, but best prices around.

BanhaH will appear liw in Chicago this h'o\e>nber only twenty-one. When he started out, he was snuck into bars lo perform because he was underage. With such outstanding music already, one can only wonder what else he will accomplish in his lifetime. In addition to his music, he's also almost finished with a book he's described as a "Zen, Feng Shui cook book." The mystic folk singer is no longer a myth: he is an important upcoming artist. "I feel ray music is devotional and optimistic. I hope my music is something to rejoice in," Banhart says. Everything he puts his hand to he does intimately. His albums are covered with his own ink artwork, drawings of creatures that look like a cross between bears and owls with hidden images of hands. Not that all is made for the production; many range from his childhood to now. The liner notes are a mosaic of art and hand-written lyrics. 2002's home-recorded "Oh Me, Oh My" and "Black Babies EP" bear the same marks. All albums available from Young God Records at www.younggodrecords.com or at any good record store. Devendra Banhart is currently touring with the musical aid of Andy Cabic of "Vetivcr." The duo is coming to Chicago with opening act Six Organs of Admittance on Sunday, November 14th at the Logan Square Auditorium at 8 PM. The show is all ages and is SI5. This stop is part of his North American tour before he moves on to Australia.



29, 2004 • VOL. 41, NO. 4

Television's finest...and biggest time-waster* by Mark Milazzo As this new fall TV season marks the end of the two sitcom giants, "Friends" and "Frasier," some of you are probably still wondering what's truly worth watching this time around. So, gentle reader, come and find out the secrets of television's 2004-2005 season: the good, bad, and the just plain wastes of time. If it's legal drama you want, "Boston Legal" will fulfill every one of your expectations. It's not "The Practice." but at least David E. Kelly is really trying with this new spin-off. The series centers on James Spader's Emmywinning character Alan Shore, the intensely unethical but immensely entertaining character that Spader brings to life perfectly. Captain Kirk (and his alterego. William Shatner) also adds a flair to this spin-off of "The Practice. Obviously "Boston Legal" is doing something right; it is working its way up the ratings ladder with increasing ambition. A personal favorite show back for this fall is "Dead Like Me." seen on Showtime every Sunday. Every week, the viewers follow the main character on the journey she takes as a grim reaper. She and the rest of her reaper buddies are all dead, but remain on Earth to learn whatever it was that they missed in their lives. The show takes death very lightly, and places the emphasis on what humanity can really accomplish in life. It centers on the idea of some kind of cosmic justice in the universe, or the question of whether or not just being a good person really makes a difference in the long run. It provides the perfect outlet for the end of a long day when nothing seems to be moving in the right direction in life. It makes

the viewer realize just how lucky he or she is to have a life and the uncertain mystery it is to just be alive. Another highlight of last year's season making a happy return is "Joan of Arcadia." This CBS drama follows the title character, played by Amber Tamblyn, and her encounters with God. personified in such forms as a lunch lady or a goodlooking guy. It's thoughtful and entertaining television that concludes a busy, stressful week nicely. While much of this new lineup has been bright and fresh, a James Spader amuses as Alan Shore in "Boston Legal. few shows just won't seem to die. Yet another C.S.I, spin-off has shown its ugly presence and, to some dismay. NBC has proved itself utterly desperate with "Joey," a weak attempt to keep all the "Friends" fans clamoring for more. Shows that used to be talked about in every classroom, bathroom, and extracurricular acivity seem to have retired in a sense. They're somehow slower, and have become more and more painful to visit every week. It's a sad thing when you have millions of faithful "ER" fans missing out on a breath of fresh air like "Without a Trace," which airs during the same time slot, just because of old loyalties that don't justify the current quality of the show. To summarize, "Boston Legal" is worth the court time, don't tell your friends about "Joey," "ER" is in cardiac arrest, and "Dead Like Me" pholi) courtesy oj Uanbnm n.com and "Joan of Arcadia " bring refi-eshing classics to this year's TV schedule.

Club 451




"The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown

"The Girl with the Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier

"Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson

"Like a Red Panda" by Andrea Seigel

"Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card


29, 2004 • VOL. 41, No. 4

\mc cdiiDfs by Katie Funkhouser The sad truth is that the Thanksgiving Christmas season starts in only three days. Christmas music will begin playing on the radio and we'll all start to gain weight. Santa hats will once again be in vogue. There will be food drives. Lots of food drives. There will be toy drives. We'll participate out of gratitude and because it's Christmas/Thanksgiving (Hannakuh or Festivus) and feel good about ourselves. Unfortunately, homeless people get hungry at other times than the holiday season. Impoverished children lose hats and scarves and freeze in February. Yet by this time, we're charity-ed out. It's so ^easy to think "I've done my part" and forget that there's still a need. Keep everything you'd donate to charity for three months, and give it away when there's the same demand and less supply of good works. While everyone loves columns about homeless people, this is the Political Commentary Section issue of the paper. My point, however, is similar. After the elections, were all tired out of politics. We'll whine if our candidate loses and crow if he wins, but then most of us will stop caring or speaking so passionately about our nation's future. If you support a candidate because of his stance on myriad issues, good for you. I hope, if you so wish, that you persuade everyone around you to agree completely. You have four years to do so before the next presidential election. Yelling at someone to vote for Bush or Kerry will not make much difference right now. Things are too heated for anyone to have an open mind. Eight months from ^now. this will not be the case. The election will go away, but the issues won't. You have more power than a single vote, you have time to devote to making this country a better place. This will be just as true on November third as it is on November first.


The ignorance of teen voters by John Mallory As the presidential election draws near, I have been asking my fellow young voters about their opinions on the candidates. I wanted to know what my classmates thought about the candidates. I was surprised by what 1 found. Nearly everyone had an opinion. A lot of people 1 talked to were going to vote for John Kerry. But a lot of these people couldn't give me reasons as to why they were supporting him. It's fine that teens have formed political opinions, but that's not enough for me. The key in my questioning of some teens was the follow-up. If someone told me he was supporting either Kerry or Bush, I asked why. 1 usually got a straight answer, something like, "Kerry is a flip-flopper," or "Bush led us into the war at the wrong time." It's very good that young people have these basic opinions, but I don't believe that's where it ends. If you are going to sit and complain about the war in Iraq, you had better have some facts to back up your argument. This goes for any debatable issue of the election: knowledge is power. 1 usually caught them on the second followup question, when I asked them to elaborate. A lot of students couldn't. There was a lot of, "1 dunno, 1 just think he mishandled the war." 1 also heard, "He changes positions on a lot of things." Being the liberal that I am, I would then ask them to give me a specific example and then point out that Bush flip-flopped on plenty of issues, too. With groups like Rock the Vote popping up, it's important that young people vote, but it's more important that these people know why they're voting for a certain candidate. Citizenchange.org has a unique ad campaign. Using R Diddy as its spokesman, it interrupts random programs on MTV and delivers a special public service announcement. In short, it's P. Diddy asking young people if they know how much people had to sacrifice for them to get the right to vote. Of course we don't! Today's teenagers are too concerned with who's getting Punk'd to open their history textbook. What is a "more perfect union" anyway? It's great that P. Diddy wants to sport a Tshirt that says "Vote or Die!" It's okay that MTV wants 20,000,000 young people to get

out and vote this year. I hope that a lot of them get to the polls this year. But 1 also hope they know what they're doing. We should not be encouraged to run out there and vote just because it is the view that is socially placed on us. Teenagers have been labeled the deciding voters in this election, but the sad thing is that we are the group that is the least informed. Vote if you want to. Vote if you know why you're voting . Young people need to vote for more than one reason. You need to know where both people stand on more than just one important issue. Yes, it's true that if young people don't get out and vote, politicians will likely never put their priorities first. But, will they ever put our priorities first? Every election, the senior citizens are in the group that yields the most vote. Even if the youth come out stronger than seniors this year, the seniors hold the allimportant money. Votes are important, but political contributions and influence are more so. I think that knowing a lot about politics, where people stand, and taking the time to get informed are extremely important factors in becoming a well-rounded person. So on November 2nd, you may want to think twice about voting. Sure, you can feel proud of yourself for voting if you know a little about each person, and you have some good opinions on why you are voting for that particular candidate. But are you really going to pick a president based on who's cuter? Or who's manlier? It may seem like a stretch, bn I've heard of people picking like this. It s pretty sad. but the only way we can beat it is to turn off the TV and pick up a paper. If it happens that you are one of those educated young people, congratulations. Go out and exercise your right to vote and be excited about what you have accomplished. It has been said that if you don't vote when you are able to, then you have no right to complain about the president. It is a valid point, and it certainly makes sense. Why should you show your opinion on something that you didn't participate in when you had the ability to? But if Bill O'Reilly can get away with telling people he's an undecided voter when he's a registered Republican, why can't a 19 year old girl who thinks that C-SPAN is ; venereal disease vote for the cuter candidate? After all, this is America.



29, 2004 • VOL. 41, NO. 4

A question of character by Carly Calkins and Beckie Christopher with. We live in a secular nation today, with a Why was it so controversial that John F. clear separation between church and state. But Kennedy was a Catholic and a presidential that is not the issue here. The issue is how John candidate when it isn't with John Kerry? Kerry came to be so defiant of what he claims Maybe it is because JFK was the first and only to be a part of: Catholicism. Catholic president in our country, or maybe it It is well-known that Kerry's performance was the concern of whether or not his strong immediately after the Vietnam War contradicts religious beliefs would influence his decisions the heroic reminiscence in his campaign. A in the Oval group of fellow Office. Facing veterans (at whom different issues many of his postthan those of war writings and today, JFK was speeches were not often targeted) walked required to away from his choose between speech at a his personal Memorial Day religious beliefs remembrance. The and the popular assumption to be opinion in made from the m a k i n g actions of these decisions. Like veterans is that photo courtesy of johnkerry.com John Kerry is not JFK, Senator John Kerry is a the respected, Catholic. However, in his campaign's noble veteran he claims to be-at least in the beginning, people were not initially aware of eyes of those who fought with him. His record this or just is exaggerated d i d n ' t and his selfconsider it a What will inspire him to define right as p r o m o t i o n matter of unbecoming, to something other than popular?'' importance the disgust of his like it was fellow soldiers. during But even this is Kennedy's presidency. Kerry's Catholic faith forgivable in the heat of campaign. The has not impeded a successful campaign problem with his actions is the complete whatsoever like it may have for other inability to adhere to any ideal, or uphold any presidential hopefuls because he does a fine moral that they imply. The image Kerry job of going against everything that his religion projects to his supporting audience is one of a stands for. Claiming to be a man of God, man with strong convictions and a reassuring reflecting publicly on his years as an altarboy, gravity when approaching policy. But his and believing that, "everything you do in public actions-beyond his diploma, beyond his fourlife has to be guided by your faith," Kerry month service in Vietnam-contradict this. It contradicts himself immensely. He supports is an issue larger than flip-flopping. abortion, stem cell research, and homosexual Kerry shows himself to define his policies civil unions and partnership rights. The by what will get him elected. If elected Catholic Church specifically takes a stand president, will he suddenly obtain the fortitude against each of these issues. of character required to actually uphold his What the American voter audience may be beliefs? What will inspire him to define "right" wondering is how could John Kerry have been by something other than "popular"? Or will raised as Catholic and still be in such strong he, more reasonably, make no dramatic change support of these things? Based on his in character and cater to special interest groups religiously dissident policies alone, it seems and lobbyists? Whatever the case, it is that John Kerry does not hold his Catholic faith necessary to examine what is implied by the at high level of importance, which makes one trends in Kerry's-or any candidate "s-behavior wonder how he decides what to hold at any in order to determine what will yield an level of importance, or what he truly identifies effective presidency.

•S o >

o "No, but I want one of those t-shirts!" -Jess Ruhr '05


=5 O

a "Yes. I wish I could get out there and vote." -Mark Sagerstorm '06

a £?

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"Yes, because...we look up to them." -Christina Fourkas '06



"No, because 1 can think for myself." -Natalie Matwijiszyn '05

Q by Karen Magiera


29. 2004 • VOL. 4 1 . No. 4


#rohn Kerry '04 - because America deserves better by Mike Bielaczyc At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, tbrmer president Bill Clinton said, "Wisdom ^_^ and strength are not opposing virtues." Unfortunately, the spirit of these words has, in the past four years, been lost in the haze of a dishonest, morally disingenuous, and egotistical administration led by President George W. Bush. The time has come for the people of this nation to stand up and refuse further warmongering in the name of liberty and patriotism. The list of grievances against our current president is long and grave; however, there is a candidate who does not believe that strength is measured by the amount of human lives sacrificed in the name of ideological yearnings. John Kerry is serious and intelligent enough to understand the complexities of our times. will not lead this country into an ill^ceived and self-serving war that detracts from concerns that, ultimately, will determine the fate of not only our nation, but also the world. The sad and desperate truth of this administration's foray into nation-building is that President Bush, armed with a dangerous new doctrine of preemption, handed to him by a circle of advisors who firmly believe that there is no doubt regarding the morality of their work, has turned his presidency into a disaster for the United States. The credibility gap between George W. Bush, and his policies has grown wider than ever before. This president stubbornly and arrogantly refuses to admit a mistake, no matter the sheer force of the opposition against him. Even worse. Bush actually believes that he does not need to answer to anybody. However, this election, as much as it is a case against George W. Bush is just as importantly a case for John Kerry. Despite systematic smearing of his record d credibility, John Kerry has proven, through 0 years of campaigning and a vigorous 2004 campaign schedule complete with three faceto-face debates, that he is exactly the kind of intelligent person needed to restore any semblance of order in Washington and restore America's good name.



Unlike President Bush, John Kerry does not wear blinders when it comes to discussion of policy. Supporters of George W. Bush hold the perverse notion that the fact that Bush does not waver regarding the decisions he makes renders those decisions correct. Simply making a decision and sticking to it without any discussion of its legality, morality, or success does not make that decision correct. Because of the arrogance this administration possesses, sneering at those who disagree with basically inept decisionmaking, George W. Bush has managed to divide this country like never before while simultaneously losing the support of a planet united to support the US after the tragedy of 9/11. John Kerry has respect for the executive branch, believing the president reserves the right to decide between war and peace - that is why he allowed President Bush to decide whether or not to go to war. However, Kerry will not halt inspections that, as it has turned out, were working to contain any future possibility of a threat from Hussein. Kerry, unlike Bush, believes that the presidency should not be ruled by ideology or stubborn instinct. He is intelligent enough to understand that catering to one's political base creates an inadequate distribution of equality and resources among American citizens. In order to pay for this mistake of a war while creating jobs, Kerry proposes to roll back the Bush tax cuts for those making less than S200K a year. Whether or not one agrees with tax cuts, it has become obvious that the cuts Bush forced into existence are having a negative effect on the economy and society. On social issues, Kerry does not follow rigid and outdated dogma, as Bush has done for the past four years. Kerry believes that the opportunity for a wealthy person to choose to have an abortion should also be offered to a person who cannot afford one. This is a society ruled by money, but until the federal or state governments make a final decision regarding abortion, Kerry understands that we cannot, as a society, refuse the rights that the wealthy can afford to those who need financial help. Bush, following his Old Testament-type creed, has the desire to write discrimination into the Constitution of the United States through an amendment banning gay marriage that would, in essence, be the first to limit rights, as opposed to expanding them. John

Kerry has the power of his convictions to understand that there is no room for religious ideology in the law of the United States; he understands that his faith cannot decide his public policy. The attempts by the Bush campaign to label Kerry as a "flip-flopper" only highlight the malicious nature of the current administration. Karl Rove and Co., from the very beginning, worked to not run on George Bush's record, but rather to demolish Kerry's record based on misstatements, misleading information, and downright audacious and disrespectful lies. George Bush has no credibility when it comes to criticizing anyone of "flip-flopping" especially when, on a range of issues spanning the Department of Homeland Security, to No Child Left Behind, to a national intelligence director, to an almost countless list of issues regarding nation-building, law-making, and political ethics. Bush has switched positions because of political pressure. The incompetence of this administration is truly startling. Fabricated reasoning for war in the name of justice and the American way replaced conventional wisdom. We allowed ourselves the luxury of ignorance when it came to truly dissenting in the face of a president that peddled fake patriotism instead of peace. We allowed our president to beat the drums of war until we were whipped into a state of feverish nationalism. Now, we have the choice, the opportunity, and the obligation to cleanse the White House of a leader who holds the interests of a few over the national interests of so many. Neoconservatism is not a healthy policy to pursue in these times. Isolationalism in the midst of unprovoked military action against irreverent countries only fuels America's negative image in the world. This president and his administration have presided over an enormous failure. They had the responsibility to act in accordance with what is in the best interest of the country, but chose, selfishly and dangerously, to push an agenda unfit for the people of this nation. "Wisdom and strength are not opposing virtues." The spirit of these words has been lost on a dangerously ignorant incumbent president. Bush is so out of touch with reality, that he is no longer capable of grasping the seriousness of the world around him. John Kerry understands that one can be strong and wise simultaneously.



29. 2004 •


41, NO. 4

Lewis exemplifies pro sports problem* b\ Steve Contonw

What if life was like professional sports? You make millions of dollars playing a game. You only have to work a couple hours a week. You can vacation for half the year and retire by the time you're 35. And, if you're Jamal Lewis, you can be about 2,066 yards above the law. Last season, Jamal Lewis had the breakout year the Ravens were hoping for. He led the NFL in rushing. He was a candidate for MVP. He even rushed for over 500 yards in two games against the Cleveland Browns. But for the final two weeks of this October, the Ravens will be without their star running back. NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue decided to suspend Lewis for two games after Lewis pleaded guilty to drug charges and admitted to helping a friend buy cocaine. While that might be a felony in real life, in the fantasyland called the NFL, it is only a misdemeanor. So why do Jamal Lewis and countless other athletes get away with this? Because every week that Lewis sits out, his reputation looks worse and worse. This causes jersey sales to drop and endorsements to be withdrawn. Don't be fooled: whether directly or indirectly, the NFL gets a large chunk of that money, and money rules professional sports. Last year. Ken Caminiti, a former MVP, came out and told Sports Illustrated that he used illegal substances during his baseball career, including his MVP season. On top of that, he told the publication that around 50*^ of all baseball players use illegal substances like steroids. These are alarming numbers that, if proved true, would ruin and tarnish baseball. But it won't be. Asking Major League Baseball to publicly test for steroids is like asking Bill Gates to admit his software is susceptible to viruses; they'd be digging their own graves. Instead, MLB has chosen to ignore the problem, claiming they've implemented a testing system, and agreeing with the Players Association to not punish or publicize the players without multiple offenses. This allows the issue to disappear and resurface every few years, like now, in the face of tragedy; Caminiti recently died of a heart attack at the young age

of 41. Preliminary autopsies showed cocaine overdose as the cause of death. Professional sports allow players to break the rules far too much. Only the NHL has cracked down on its problem. And it's not drugs: the sport is too demanding for athletes to remain elite players and still do drugs. There are no .350 pound out-of-shape linemen. There is no one to run bases for you as you throw a ball from a piece of rubber. Every player that wants to compete at the top level is in shape. The problem with hockey is the frequent unnecessary violence. Last season, the NHL sent out a no-tolerance message when they suspended Todd Bertuzzi for the rest of the season, and maybe longer, for a cheap shot on Steve Moore, an opposing player, temporarily paralyzing him. The only problem with this punishment is that too many people watch hockey solely for the violence. No one wants to watch Stanley Cup playoffs anymore. They'd rather watch boxing on ice. It is because of this that the league has folded for the time being and may need some serious reconstruction. Don't be waiting for other professional sports leagues to follow. The reason an icon like Lewis and an MVP like Caminiti can get away with so much is because without the stars, there is no product to sell. If the XFL proved one thing, it's that no one wants to watch average people play sports. We need Sammy Sosa's corked bat and Barry Bond's BALCO. We need a doped up Ricky Williams and a cocaine-selling Lewis. We need Kobe Bryant and coach-choking Latrell Sprewell. And we need lots of fighting in the NHL. Professional sports exist for two reasons: to profit team owners and to entertain audiences. As long as both of these are being accomplished, who cares what athletes do? Nobody. But we should. Whether athletes like it or not, they are role models. When they sign a contract to be a part of a professional sports team, they are subjecting themselves to millions of preteens across the nation watching theirevery move. By suspending Jamal Lewis for only two games, Tagliabue told every child in Baltimore that buying coke for your friends would only give you minimal punishment. Furthermore, if the NFL and the Miami Dolphins' organization allow Ricky Williams to return to football and regain his status as one of the best running backs in the league, they are saying that smoking marijuana at work will result in your boss begging you to work

again. Once adults stop allowing the NFL and all of professional sports to be its own governing body, children will stop looking up to criminals. But that's just a fantasy.

Ripple effects hy Frank Lukes Tlie girls" swim team found success in their two meets against Hoffman Estates (114-70) and Niles West (111-74). On the girls' performance. Coach Deger said, "The girls rose to both occasions, and we had some very good times and some fine swims." In the Hoffman Estates meet, there were nine 1 st place finishes and a number of 2nds and 3rds. "Both Hoffman Estates' and my girls delivered, making it a fast-paced, fun meet" said Deger. Lauren Zillmer had good swims. wit| place finishes in the 200 and 100 free. SCOT! best times were achieved by Laura Boysen, Brittney Inman, and Tracy Hedrick. The girls swam their second conference meet of the season against Niles West. "We swam at times even better at this meet, maybe due to Homecoming excitement from the girls or because it was just Friday," joked Deger. The team won ten unexpected firsts. In the 400 free relay, Stacy Vucich, Boysen, Artwick, and Zillmer swam a season-best time of 3:58.49. "This is the first time we have been below 4:00 in a number of years," noted Deger. In the 50 free. Zillmer earned a season best time of 25.69. Artwick swam a season-best time in the 200 individual medley, and then a personal-best time in the 500 free. "This was a very good meet for Hannah," stated Deger. Colleen Muszynski swam four seasonbests in her races. Leeann Olson swam a personal-best in the 100 back, and one notable 2nd was a season-best by Erin Keating in the 200 free. The girls are now 6-2 this season, ' i n ^ ^ B in conference meets. ^^4 "Now we look into the belly of the [best]: New Trier, GBS. and Evanston," said Deger. "TTie girls are working hard and we have five scorings over 100 points this season already, which I haven't seen in a very long while."


29, 2004 • VOL. 41, No. 4


standing Pat just fine with Hawks by Greg Mitchell

Champions rise to the occasion no matter what the circumstances are and no matter what the situation. We've all heard that cliche a thousand times, but on October 16th a pair of Hawks did just that. On a day that unfortunately featured temperatures in the low 40s and wind gusts at .^0 miles per hour, Maine South boys' cross-country turned heads all over the Central Suburban League South. They finished third overall with a score of 70 points, just losing to Evanston by six points. It was a solid finish for the Hawks, who went 2-3 in the dual meets and are still recovering from many injuries sustained to top runners throughout the season. The Hawks got two outstanding performances from their season-long top runners. After a successful track season last spring, Pat ara joined cross-country and immediately e a very significant impact. He finished first he Hawks in every regular season meet and highlighted his season with a third place finish at conference with a time of 16:19 for three miles. The two runners that beat O'Hara.


Charles Gillepsie of New Trier and John Grant summer and during the season as well. The of Glenbrook South, were also juniors, so it will Hawks were undoubtedly the youngest team in make for a very interesting battle next season. the conference, starting only one senior, five Senior captain Pat Moran also had a great juniors, and one sophomore. All in all, the 2004 Maine South boys' cross day as he finished fourth with a time of 16:31. Moran has been battling many different inju- country season can be defined in one word: ries all year long and finally turned in the per- progress. Second-year coach Greg Nordahl deformance that the team knew he was capable cided during the summer that years of mediocof. It should be noted the times are significantly rity for the Hawks were not acceptable. From slower than usual due to the unfavorable con- the start of the summer, he implemented the ditions. The two finished closer to each other training program used by powerhouse crosscountry schools like York, which has won than either of the school's top two runners. The rest of the Hawks also turned in solid twenty-four state championships and is among races in the extremely harsh conditions. Fin- the top teams in the country every year. The ishing third for Maine South and seventeenth training is based on anaerobic workouts, done overall was junior Greg Udzeliak. Udzeliak had at near 100 percent, which usually include repbeen out all season with a hamstring injury and etitions of 400s, 300s or 200s. and lactate just came back two weeks prior to the confer- threshold workouts, done at an easier pace, ence race."This season has been especially hard which usually include repetitions of 1,000s and for [me] because I've had to work around com- 1.600s. The varsity team this year may have had a plications in my leg that's been bothering me since track season, but I'm slowly getting stron- harder season than ever before. They were the ger," said Udzeliak, who was a starter on Var- first class of runners to experience the champion-proven training methods, but they played sity as a sophomore. Finishing fourth was Karl Karrasch, a sopho- a big part in improving the program in the long more who has been on varsity all year. Round- run. Greg Udzeliak pretty much summed up the ing out the varsity squad were juniors Mike feelings of the team when he said, "This seaForde. Dan Martin, and Kyle Schriener. All son was very hard but we're going in the right three have put in a lot of hard work over the direction. Nordahl knows what he is doing."

Girls' volleyball finds energy boost by Katie Kloess The Maine South Girls' Volleyball team kept busy a couple weeks ago when they played in the Pumpkin Tournament. The girls played their best game of the year against a tough squad from Hersey. They brought more energy to that game than they had all year. After losing a hard-fought game to Hersey. they took on Oak Park-River Forest. The girls beat them in two games. "We were happy to be at least second in our pool; which would mean we would play in the spectator gymcenter court," said Meghan Polston. "It can't get any better then that." On the second day of the tournament, the ks were beaten by cross-town rivals Maine and Jacksonville. After some loud games and dancing in the halls, the Hawks took revenge on Maine West when they defeated them in two games. According to Brittney Zwolfer, "It felt good to beat them again, because the last time we played them they beat


phntn h\ Katie Kmz

Veronica Allen gets in a ready position.

us. I wanted to play them again. It's always good to beat a rival in your gym." The girls ended up with a 17* place finish. It wasn't what they had hoped for, but they made some huge improvements over the weekend. On Tuesday of last week, the Hawks took on, "that other South team," Glenbrook South. The Hawks played the first game extremely well. They capitalized on some key hits from Christina Solari, Siobhan Mishcke, Katie Kloess, and Brittney Zwolfer. The second game was all about blocking. Veronica Allen and Christina Solari led the team in blocks as they shut down the GBS middle hitter. The girls lost 22-18 in the second game, but they managed to come back and win, letting GBS only score one point. The Hawks have continued to get better. Their hits are harder, their sets are better, their serves are tougher, and their passing has improved greatly. There is no telling now how long their season is going to be.


A v / X v l 1^ FA LI.



Hawks' Homecoming game has fairytale Hnish by Steve Contomo For the weeks leading up to the Homecoming game, there was much speculation about whether the game would even take place. Niles District 219 teachers had been threatening to go on strike since the beginning of the school year, and no progress had been made the weekend prior to the game. However, late Sunday night, teachers and district settled their disputes, and the Hawks had an opponent for Homecoming. After the game, Niles West probably wished they had gone on strike. With Wolves star running back Rashard Mendenhall playing slightly injured, the Hawks already had an advantage. The Hawks had been without their own star, quarterback Sean Price, but as of late, they have felt extremely confident with junior Tyler Knight. Knight has been reliable thus far, and should continue as a starter next year. The game was somewhat of a stalemate throughout much of the first half The Hawks took an early lead, scoring on a Knight pass to Lewis Borsellino. The score remained 7-0 until late in the first half, when Niles West capitalized on a long drive with a twenty-eight yard field goal.

This lack of excitement in the first twentythree minutes was made up for in the final minute of play. With less than a minute remaining in the

phout by Wilstin I-unkhouscr

Knight attempts a pass in homecoming game. half, a Borsellino punt return put the Hawks in position for an Andy Cupp touchdown run, making the score 14-3.

The Wolves then took control of the ball and seemed content with running out the clock for the second half Mendenhall had other plans. He caught the Hawks defense somewhat off guard, and with twenty seconds left, he took the sweep sixty-six yards for a touchdown. The Wolves would receive to start the second half. They were right back in the game with a 14-10 score at half Jake Bachemeir showed why his speed is just as dangerous as Mendenhall's. With the mindset that there is never too little time for a score, the Hawks took the field after Mendenhall's long touchdown run. Bachemeir took a handoff seventy-five yards for a touchdown, cancelling out Mendenhall's touchdown, and restoring the Hawks lead toalmost two scores, 20-10. They never looked back. The Hawks came out in the second hal^Acd blew out the Wolves. Knight's pass attack 9 ^ ^ strong, hooking up with Derek Walsh and Mark Sagerstrom for scores. Cupp also scored again on a one yard run. This second half rout allowed some backups into the game who have not seen as much time. They finished out the game for the Hawks, ending it with a score of 41-10. The defense looks to be finding their form, though, and a strong defense is a must as the playoffs are just around the comer.

In boys' soccer bout with nation's best, every shot counts by Peter Mallon October 16"' wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. This wasn't just another game for the Hawks. They weren't playing just any old team from the local area. The Varsity boys' soccer team took on Hinsdale Central, a team with tremendous talent and national recognition. The Red Devils are ranked as the number one team in Illinois and fifth in the nation. Maine South needed to bring their absolute best play if they even wanted to contend with Hinsdale Central. Minutes into the game, the Red Devils proved why they are a top five team, scoring ','• on an impressive give-and-go passing combination. A far-post rocket gave Hinsdale

Central a 1-0 lead. However, the Hawks were not intimidated and put together a number of attacks that lead to some prime scoring chances. With minutes to go in the first half, Tom Sullivan split a pair of defenders with a throw in to senior midfielder Tom Kafkes who crossed it into the box. After a few blocked shots, Hinsdale goalkeeper Pat Sperry retrieved the ball and ended the Hawks' final chance of the half. Maine South stormed back onto the field with great intensity and motivation knowing they were giving Hinsdale Central a run for their money. Ryan Stegink was tested early and often as the second half got on its way, making remarkable saves. After a long punt by Stegink, Tom Wozniak headed the ball past the

defenders, then chipped the ball to Peter Lesny. Lesny challenged Sperry on a header, but directed it just wide of the net. Hinsdale continued to dominate the game with controlled possession and numerous fast breaks, which ultimately led to another goal. They seemingly sealed the deal with a low struck header by Eric Sanchez. In a last minute effort, Tony Kolev took a foul inside the box and was awarded a penalty kick. Kolev sspt a laser beam into the side netting that dimi^^^d Sperry's seven game shutout record. ^ ^ The Hawks stunned the crowd with their impressive and fearless play. The Varsity squad proved that hard work and determination pays off with their honorable 2-1 loss to the fifth team in the nation.

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