SC Hopefuls File Petitions for Elections Nearly four weeks of campaigning by Student Council officer candidates will culminate with electicn day, Thursday, March 9. "Meet Your Candidate" sessions for all classes will be held during homeroom from Feb. 2125. A session might also be held after school next Thursday if enough students show interest. Those students wishing to run for a Student Council office needed to meet two qualifications: a 2.5 grade average and presentation of a petition signed by 200 Maine South students. While juniors may run for all offices, sophomores may only seek election for the positions of secretary and treasurer. The all-school Election Assembly is scheduled for March 8, followed by the elections on Thursday and banquet on Friday night. Students may vote all day March 9 outside of the cafeteria. IBM cards will be used since voting machines were unattainable. Primary elections will not be held this year because no more than three candidates are seeking the same office. Mike Eberle, Pete Lannon and Rick Tinaglia are running for Student Council president, and Cheryl Anderson is seeking the vice-presidential office. Janet Daly and Carol Lischett have petitioned for the position of secretary. Mike Eberle's platform consists of "cleaning up and getting things done in Council." He would like to reform Student Council by replacing the present bicameral system with a unicameral structure. Due to the less structured system being planned for next year, Mike foresees both an open hall system and open Student Council meetings held before school. Mike, whose campaign manager is junior BUI Baumgartner, would also like Council to get together with other Student CounciLi for an exchange of ideas. If elected Council president, Pete Lannon would like to "expand Maine South's publications committee by placing a Student Council report in all neighborhood newspapers." Pete also believes that to make rules more definite, a change in the present disciplinary system is necessary. Gordon Rowley is Pete's cam-
paign manager. Rick Tinaglia, the third presidential candidate, is greatly interested in ecology, especially the proposed after-burners and an expanded paper drive. Better relations with the community is another of Rick's aims. He believes that "We need the trust of community members to achieve oiur goals." Rick would also like to see a "Council to Council" newspaper. Ideas could be shared in a more direct and organized fashion through improved communications.
Vol. 8, No. 10
yl would like to see tried. Sophomore Carol Lischett's basic campaign platform consists of coordinating Student Council with another group of student volunteers. The new group would be composed of the Student Council Executive Board and other interested students. The two major reasons for this coordination are to get individuals who want to work involved with Council and to get interested students behind Student Council to gain student bargaining power with the administration.
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068
Feb. 18, 1972
More Negotiating Power for SC With Proposed Committee form? Student Council's major problem thii year is a lack of bargaining power says Bill Dickens, president, who is working on possibly changing the form of Council to a student ad-hoc committee. Bill believes that to effectively bargain a group must possess either "technicalities to their advantage or pressure." Student Council in its present state has neither. There is little or no motivation to force the administration into bargaining according to Bill. Student Council is ineffective since a large majority of members are "do-nothings with no sincere desire or time." In previous years, representatives presented much legislation to Student Council. This year, however, only one or two representatives have presented this needed legislation. As a result. Bill states, "Student Council is seldom very constructive." Bill continues, "The ineffec-
Vandalize Phones, Library, Cost Taxpayers Thousands A serious problem at South this year is vandalism. The administration has asked student cooperation through S t u d e n t Council and Southwords, but vandalism has persisted. According to Mr. Owen Cheeseman. head librarian, the student library has suffered exorbitant losses of books. The library has a total collection of 22,000 books. Two years ago, 1,300 books, valued at six to seven dollars each, were stolen. Last year 1,638 books were stolen. A high fence has been placed around the non-fiction book stacks to reduce the loss of books. Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, was consulted on the matter and okayed the idea. In view of the losses, Mr. Cheeseman feels the administration had no choice, although it is too early to evaluate the effectiveness of the idea. Vandalism has also hit the public phones located at various placas in the building. Mr. Robert Simonson, assistant principal, said the repair man has been here almost daily to repair the gymnasium phone. The
Bruce Little will be handling Rick Tinaglia's campaign. Cheryl Anderson, whose campaign is being managed by Jim Scott, is the only vice-presidential candidate. Cheryl's platform centers on three areas: 1. what vice-presidential duties should be; 2. what Student Council should change within itself; 3. what Council should change outside. Instituting constitutional reforms, open elections for Council representatives, and putting a non-voting student on the school board are all ideas Cher-
entire receiver was once pulled off. The gym phone is used mainly after school. The phones located in the lounge and personnel office are used more often. The auditorium phone has the least supervision, being the remotest, but is not vandalized. People are discouraged from using them during the day. "The washrooms have also been vandalized. The washroom located outside of C-103 had a fire in the towel rack on Thursday, Feb. 10. "Thousands of dollars a year are spent repairing the destruction caused by vandals. Windows and doors, ceilings, tiles, lights, sinks and other features must be repaired. Windows damaged can cost as much as $150 to replace. Dr. Watson feels that the majority of the students give the deans few problems for most of the students know what they want. "It's the taxpayers that pay heavily," he said. According to Dr. Watson, the worst fact regarding stolen books is that other students are deprived of the right to use that book.
live Student Council is what prompted a student ad-hoc committee." This ad-hoc committee would be composed of "motivated, intelligent students who would work together to negotiate." A serious hindrance to Student Council is that legislation that "threatens the administration cannot be passed." For example, a proposed $200 contribution to the American Civil Liberties Union has been sent back to Student Council. The administration, according to Bill, is using every possible means to block the contribution. Bill believes that "agitators" are needed. He feels that the word has received an imdeserved bad connotation. He says, "In a two-party system, candidates may be called agitators since they agitate for support." During the Welzenbach administration, Bill feels, John Welzenbach had agitators such as Marsha Hardy behind him, and, consequently, the dress code was revised. During the Berg administration, Ted Berg had students behind him who deliberately disobeyed school rules to get an outside lounge. According to Bill, since nobody has done anything to change the system this year, the administration thinks that everybody is happy with the present situation. Bill, however, stated, "One of two things is happening. The students think that there is no reason to act since they finally have a radical Student Council that will do everything for them." The other possibility, which seems more likely to Bill, is that "Students are completely frus-
trated. After a proposal is sent back rejected, they feel there is absolutely nothing they can do."
Bill Dickens is Carol's campaign manager. Jan Daly, the second candidate for secretary, has divided her platform into five sections. Her first aim is to reorganize Council and work for quality rather than quantity. She would like to see the ten complex leaders reduced to four, each taking charge of the representatives of one class, thus eliminating excess ineffective complex leaders. The second part of Jan's platform concerns Student Council working as a unit to solve its problems and becoming a more informed body so as to gain more respect from the administration. Her third aim covers the organization and institution of an appeals board which is currently being discussed in Council. Optional eighth semester finals and the expansion of the Triangle of Power to include one representative from each complex completes Jan Daly's basic platform. Jan's campaign managers are Jeff Shoemaker, Al Fabianich, Cheryl DaValle, Joe Crosby, Nancy Floyd and Ann Benedek. According to Steve Amador, Student Council Organizations Chairman, no petition for the office of treasurer has been filed. Steve commented, "The treasurer is really only a reporting agent of the funds in the Student Council treasury, and the anticipated reorganization of Council will only include three officers."
Miller Gives Piano Recital Maine South audiences will be offered a series of six piano recitals in the auditorium on Wednesday, Feb. 23, under the sponsorship of the language department. The performing artist will be Mr. Mayne Miller, a concert pianist from New York. Mr. Miller's repertoire for the day consists of music from four countries whose languages are studied by South students. Mr. Miller terms his type of concert a "demonstration recital," because he will be commenting on the background of the pieces in addition to playing them. Compositions from Spain will be heard during periods four
and seven; French works are planned for periods two and three. Germany will be represented eighth period and Russia during ninth period. All language classes will attend a recital. If the recital for the language a student is studying, however, is not scheduled for his language period, he will be excused from another class for the appropriate time. IBM cards, to be distributed, will serve as passes. Although the concert is sponsored by the language departments, all students and teachers with a full study are invited. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2>
Double Casting Announced For South Musicial, 'Dolly' The cast for this spring's Broadway musical Hello, Dolly! was announced last Friday. There will be two actors for each of the major roles, and each will play in three of the six performances. The lead, Dolly, will be played by Teresa Pfister '72 and Margie Gibson '72. Other actresses will be Carey Olson '72 and Jan Dwyer '72 as Mrs. MoUoy, Karen Liftman '73 and Judy Iwata '72 as Minnie, Sue Rodelius '72, and Jill Dalton '72 as Ermengarde. Karla Jennings and Katy Davlin '72, will both appear as Ernestina; Bill Sensenbrenner
The leads for 'Hello, Dolly' are held by Bill Sensenbrenner, Margie Gibson, Teresa Pfister, and Chuck Burmeister.
'72 and Chuck Burmeister '72 share the role of Horace. Tom Vinopal '73 and Steve Miller '72 are cast as Barnaby, and Ed Hahn '72 and Tom Dwyer '74 as Ambrose. One of the major problems with the play, according to Mr. Donald Martello, technical director, is the fact that there is no time allotted to scene changes. The cast, therefore, must move the scenery themselves. "However," he added, "this does help the play to keep moving quite well." Stage construction will begin the first week in March, with all major construction scheduled for completion six weeks later. Gary Cartwright '72 will be responsible for designing a runner to become part of the front of the stage. The runner, according to Mr. Martello, has been the trademark of the play since its opening with Carol Channing in the lead. This prop will necessitate the elimination of the first two rows of seats. Although the lumber used for the runner will be salvaged, the prop itself will not be used again after the final performance. Hello, Dolly I will be presented April 27, 28, 29 and May 4, 5, 6.
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February 18, 1972
Salesman': South Presents Super Show By Mary Beth Krebs What do you say about a high school cast that can take one of the most difficult, and also classic, plays in American theatre and create an expression of shattering emotions? That was the question I asked myself as I watched the dress rehearsal for Death of a Salesman by Arthitf Miller, which opened last night on the Maine South stage. The best answer I could give myself is that which someone should have given Eric Segal about love: say nothing. To disect and to simplify, in either case, is perhaps to destroy. Yet some commentary is necessary, especially after so many saw the cuttings of the play in English class and came away disappointed. Death of a Salesman cannot be judged on the basis of those isolated incidents. They take on real meaning only when in context of the rest of the play, the rest of Willy Loman's life. The audience can't appreciate Biff's tremendous contempt for Willy when he finds another woman in his fathers' room unless they have seen the tremendous adoration which was oiice there. Similarly, all three of these incidents are needed to create the tremendous scene at the close of the second act. Biff has finally come to the awful realization that "I'm nothing," and he confronts his disillusioned father with that truth. The tremendous fury of this family conflict is so intense that it cannot only be felt, but seen. An electricity seems to surround each character; the tension suddenly and visibly snaps when Biff collapses, crying, in Willy's arms. Not only is "the whole the sum of its parts" in the sense that each scene is an integral and inseparable part of the entire play, but also because success rests on the skill of each individual in the cast. Although tryouts for the Senior Class play are open, this year's actors are mainly upper classmen, and the experience they bring to their task is evident. Ann Flannery '72 as The Woman has given attention to every detail of her character, from costume to silly laugh, which
The concerts, the first put on by the language department, are free.
becomes more believable every time she does it. Dick Stinson '72 is adequate as Happy; his best, and funniest, scene involves picking up Miss Forsythe (Sally Wallace) in Frank's Chop House. Bill Sensenbrenner is a successful Ben, steady and staid. His calm, cool air is an interesting contrast to the disquieting effect he has on Willy. Sophomore Gary Sjoquist's Bernard is appropriately concerned and uncomprehending. Another sophomore, Rocco Rotunno, hands in a fine performance as Willy's "only friend," Charlie. Charlie's feelings toward Willy change throughout the play, from imoatience, to sympathy, to defense, and Rocco is master of them all. The scene in his office, ending with an impassioned "Jesus!," is excellent. As Linda, Sandy Schramel '72 is patient and passionate. In contrast to the cuttings I saw, in rehearsal she overcame her own character and became totally Linda. Her lines at the close of the Requiem are heart-rending for her and her audience. Willy's most loved, most misunderstood, most misguided son is Biff, played by Rick Tinaglia '73. He is a lovable, but obviously spoiled, football hero. His confusion, as when Happy argues with him, seems almost tangible. His tears, both in the flashback to Boston and in the kitchen in New York are believable, and with the excellent development of Biff's character strike the audience as the most natural thing in the world. The critical point of the play is of course Willy himself. Rick Spatafora '72, a master of his role. It is obvious that he totally empathizes with his character, and the Willy that emerges is the appropriate pathetic figure. Particularly good is the contrast
Rick achieves between the young Willy of the flashbacks and the old Willy of the present. The quick changes of mood characteristic of Willy's "imbalance " are also done well.
Technically, the play was in a little difficulty at rehearsal because of the unexpected illness of the stage manager, but those problems were probably overcome by opening night. The
difficult set, calling for imaginary and real walls and several stories, was admirably constructed. Come to thmk of it, even the curtain call looks good.
Honor of His Presence •Cindy Sopata Eve had Adam, Cher has Sonny, Minnie has Mickey, but whom have you got for two weeks from Saturday? Girls' Choice Dance, that exciting time when the asker and the askee trade places, is March 4. This is the only time girls suggest going Dutch. Some guys rate Girls' Choice with bubonic plague and cafeteria food. Others have been known to comb their hair all week and even change socks. Girls' Choice was thought up because guys who could ski down killer slopes or run sixty yards for a touchdown lacked the nerve to walk ten feet to ask a girl to a dance. This dance can be the agony or the ectasy. A girl can end up with the cherry on top or just the nuts. For example, Mrytle thinks of Girls' Choice as a Chance "To Break the Ice. She's secretly in love with a guy who does his geometry in crayon. About Thursday, she walks up to him and says "hi." Having never seen her before in his Ufe, the guy thinks she's either a student teacher gone berserk or an undercover agent for the administration trying to find out who's been stealing the forks in the cafeteria. In any event, he becomes deeply engrossed in his left thumbnail. Psyched up by his sexy earlobes. Myrtle asks him out. He'll either blush and make up a quick excuse (Sorry, I help my mom bake cookies on Saturdays), or look her straight in the eye and say, "Sorry, I don't have a leash." Myrtle then decides to ask the guy she's been after all year. She's already tried the subtle techniques like showing up where he hangs out (the boy's locker room) or offering to carr>- his books (he said she was muscular enough already).
Myrtle decides all he needs is encouragement. She strolls up and again says "hi." He says "Excuse me" and ducks into the bathroom. Three hours later he comes out, sees her, turns green and rushes back in. She slips a note under the door that says, "Come with me to Girls' Choice." He slips a note out that says, "Next to you, the daily bulletin throws me into passionate frenzy." Myrtle has yet to give up, but I have to stop the column. It's already Friday and I have some note writing of my own to do.
Open Letter
Mellberg Will Miss Assembly; Hair Found in Cookies Word from Washington Dear Editor, Though I cannot return to Maine South physically for your election assembly, per the Organizations Chairman's invitation, you can be sure that I will be there in spirit. Some of my greatest memories from that school are, of course, from the many perform-
ances I was able to give there. The best of these came at last year's election assembly. The reception that was given to me at that time was, to say the least, heart-warming. That you would ask me to appear once again is indeed a rewarding compliment. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts. I want to wish all of the
SC Election Reflections Although posters are already being painted and campaign managers selected, it may seem a bit early to determine whom you'll support in the upcoming Student Council officer elections. The choice will be particularly difficult this year. The field of candidates is limited, with the chances of finding an ideal president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer consequently lessened. The poor response of the Junior Class in filing petitions for election not only points up apathy, but also raises the issue of leadership: Can the Class of 73 take the initiative and make next year's Council something more than this year's? Just as important, however, as this question of whether South students will be led next year is the question of where they will be led. Even if we're not yet ready to choose our new leader, we must admit that now is the time for each to determine what he wants that leader to attain. Unless we want to once again be swept
along by a current of emotionalism, each of us must step into the forth-coming chaos of campaigning with a clear understanding of the issues, with his own idea of how to approach them. Then the student will have a base from which to evaluate what candidates are saying. That's the most important thing to remember when you "meet your candidate": listen to what he says, not how he says it. All of us should have learned from the experiences of this year and last year that the best speaker, the best politician, may indeed become a bad president. Learn to distinguish a good platform from a bad one. Some generalize and say all platforms are worthless. The only worthless platforms, and they can be quite numerous, are the overly idealistic, those that embody no realistic method. But a workable platform of concrete ideas is not worthless. While it may not be a measure of a man, i t s a measure of method — something a president or any officer needs for success.
candidates the very best of luck. And, in spite of the candidates' speeches. I am sure you will come up with the very best of entertainment to keep the natives from getting restless. My very best wishes are extended to all "Hawks" for a good year, and 1 hope to see you at Champaign for the State Basketball Tournament. Thanks again to the "Home of the Hawks" from the "lUini White House." Sincerely yours. Bill Mellberg Contaminated Cookies Dear Editor, Last Thursday, Feb. 3, during 6.A lunch period, I found a dime. Of course, 1 wanted to spend it immediately — so what else could I get but cookies? The choice was extremely difficult even though all the chocolate chip and sugar cookies were gone. What was left? Peanut butter cookies! Yum! I bought them with haste and rushed back to my table. I crammed the first two into my greedy mouth, and upon breaking the third for consumption I found that the two pieces were linked. What could be this marvelous invention which enabled me to use just one hand? Could it be a magnetic force? Could it be a new sticky feeling? Could it be a magical ingredient? I looked closer, and, to my surprise, it was none of these. It was a simple piece of organic matter. H.AIR!! Thick, brown, kinky hair.
I consider it my duty as a member of this student body to warn the students. Who knows what they may be serving us next? So beware, students, when you buy cafeteria food to appease the rumbling in your stomach: you may be eating someone bald. Yours truly, India Keen as told to Nancy Hoffman
^outPtu^orbs. The official student n*wspapir of Maine Township High School South, Ptrk Ridge, Illinois, i0068. Written end edited 15 times each year by students of the high school. Subtcriplions included with activity ticket, purchased separately at $2 per year, or Individually lor 10c. (Priced higher for issues of more than 4 pages.)
Editor-in-Chief Mary BeUi Krcbs News Editor . . . Bruce LitUc In-Depth Editor Tom Bush Sports Editor Tom Lanctot Art-Photo Editor Betsy Rossen Assistant Editors Sue Chan, Cathy Clarry, Bob Flowers, Randy Gluss, Kris Lindgren Reporters Jim Bruce, Judy Daly. Ann Flannery. Barb Grabowski, Scott Graham, Judy Kran/, Eileen Lynch, Mark Mangold, Lynn M a s o n . Lisa Piasecki, Mary Rehedeau. Nancy Rusone. Mike Rusin. Cindy Sopata. Mike Springston, Jim Tliompson Cartoonists Margy Hawkins, Pat Hester Photographers Norbert Becker. Len Koroskl. Mike Moloney. Sandy Verlench. Tom Wright student News Bureau . Pam Sakowicz Sponsor Ken Beatty
February 18, 1972
Page 3
Seniors Low in Lottery, Face Draft, Alternatives Approximately 50 South senior students will be eligible for the draft next year. All males born in 1953 have been requireJ to register at local Selective Service Boards within 90 days of their eighteenth birthday. Many of the students with low lottery numbers hope that a volunteer army will replace the draft system by 1973, since none are sure that the United States will be out of Southeast Asia by next year. Dan Lusk, with lottery number 6, commented, "I really do hope there'll be a volunteer army, but I wonder, who's going to volunteer?"
Dan plans to finish one year of coUege before he may be inducted. He will sign up for the Reserve Officers Training Corps program if current events indicate he will be drafted. By joining ROTC, Dan can continue four years of school without interruption. "I won't enlist because there's always a chance I can stay out," stated Brad Camp, lottery number 25. A majority of the others concerned expressed the same idea. Brad will probably go to college for four years, sign up for ROTC and, as required of all in
the program, serve for two years. Claiming to be a conscientious objector is what Brad believes he would never do. "I don't feel that it would be right for me since I'm not against serving my country," he explained. Unlike most of the students who plan either to join ROTC or wait for induction. Bill Chubb, number 10, plans to enlist. "The main reason is because of the training I could get in the different programs," he stated. "Another reason is that I'd be more sure of where I'd be going." Bill hopes he can finish at
Jordan Seeks Backing for Afterburners Russ Jordan, Biology Club president, is beginning to take action on the proposal for afterburners which he made to Student Council several weeks ago. Petitions for the burners will be passed around in homeroom and may be found on posters in the hall. "I feel that the student body is with me, and I'd like them to sign petitions," says Russ, He also hopes to send people around to the homerooms to explain the plan to the students. Joseph Goder, Inc., a company which manufactures incinerators, has shown concern for the environment. Russ took a tour through the plant and they explained in detail the way the afterburner works. "They seem to be really concerned about what they are doing to help with the pollution problem. They said they are willing to take a small group, perhaps representatives from Student Council, through the plant and explain to them the concept of the afterburner," said Russ. "As most waste is of organic origin, burning is the ideal disposal process. Reduction to a harmless inert ash of minimum volume and weight is the objective of incineration," accordng to the Incineration Institute of America. Russ says the afterburners will greatly reduce the amount of ash in the air because more ash will settle on the bottom than will go up in smoke. Ultimately, a "water wash," which would filter out even more ash and dust, could be installed. Because of the cost, however, it is totally out of the question presently. St. Matthew's Lutheran Home, which has an afterburner, wrote to Joseph Goder, Inc., stating that it was well-satistied with
the results. Russ firmly believes something must be done. "The average waste production, for schools, is eight pounds per room and a half-pound per puU. When you think of all the rooms and all the kids, that's a lot of garbage!"
He added that South is violating the laws of the Environmental Control Board of Cook County and Illinois. "The only reason they haven't pressed charges against us is because South is an educational institution," Russ commented.
Telling of his experiences at the Washington Workshop is s e n i o r Tonn Lanctot.
Those who wish CO status may apply when they register. Appropriate forms are sent when the lottery numbers are pulled. Anyone may fill out a form provided he is not under induction. If he has been drafted, the person must take his form to his commanding officer. According to a Selective Service board employee, both the local and state boards make decisions on granting CO status. All boards are composed of professional men. Enlisting into the regular service can take place until the day before induction. After in^ duction, entrance into the reserves is prohibited. Those who fail to register or to report to the local board after a "reasonable" length of time can be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. The Selective Service Board serving the Northwest suburban area is at 1920 Waukegan Rd. in Glenview. It is open until 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. The phone number is 729-0970.
Drugs at South: Who's into It, What They Use Newspapers constantly carry stories of teen-age drug abuse. Occasionally the news on T.V. describes a major arrest by the police in their crackdown on the black market drug trade. With all this attention being focused on the nation's drug crisis, Maine South is facing its own problem. Although the size of the problem cannot be determined, there's no doubt that it does exist. "We have no way of knowing how many students at South use drugs. We do, however, like any classroom teacher, have our suspicions. The last place a student high on drugs would come to is the health office," said Mrs. Margaret Ingrish, head nurse. "We have treated some students in the past for drug overdoses, but the number is extremely low," she said. Mrs. Ingrish was wiUing to estimate, however, that about half of the student body has tried some type of drug. Aside from marijuana, she listed amphetamines as being popular among young people. Southwords, in an attempt to see what drugs are available to students and how many students have tried drugs, conducted a recent survey. Although the 86 students interviewed do not summarize
the total drug scene, the survey revealed some interesting statistics. Of the 86 students polled, 45 per cent had tried some type of drug. Among the drug users, marijuana was the most widely used. Forty three per cent admitted smoking grass. Amphetamines and barbiturates were used by 25 per cent of those interviewed. Hallucinogens such as LSD, mescaline and psilocybin were tried by 18 per cent. Other hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine were used by only three per cent of those interviewed. Seventy five per cent of the
Students attending the o n e week Workshops spent their mornings on Capitol Hill in classes covering Congress' use of the media, the operation of Congress and lobbying procedures. During the afternoons and evenings. Congressmen, Senators and other government administrators, such as Senator Edward Kennedy and the Commissioner of Education, spoke, answered questions and participated in discussions with the Workshop representatives. Towards the end of the week, Tom and the other representatives broke up into various committees and held meetings. They then participated in "Sense of ilie Seminar" where a mock Congress was organized and put into operation. Representatives also visited the State Department for a briefing, traveled to the French Embassy and spoke with offi-
students said they had been asked to guy some type of drug. Although no definite percentage was obtained, marijuana proved to be the most obtainable drug. The survey showed that of the 43 students who did not use drugs, over half had friends they thought were using marijuana or other harder drugs. The statistics show that drugs are readily available to the student body. But the question is, who supplies them? According to a junior, one student supplies a certain drug. "One kid handles all the mescaline, another all the speed
Souths People, Purpose Impress OSPI Examiners According to Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, some important recent visitors to Maine South were "very impressed" with the school. Inspectors from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction spent the week of Feb. 9-12 examining South. The findings of this team will be sent to the school in about a month. At a meeting with Dr. Watson and others before they left, however, the director and assistant
Tom Lanctot Returns from, Evaluates Week Spent in Washington Workshops Senior Tom Lanctot recently returned from Washington, D.C. where he represented Maine South at the Washington Workshops.
least two semesters of coUege if he does not enlist; otherwise he will enlist right after high school. He added that he would mind an interruption in his education. Wes Otis, lottery number 18, commented, "I'm banking on the fact that the draft bill might not be extended this June, but if it is extended, I have an out." Wes signed up for the United States Air Force Reserves before his junior year. He admitted that he signed up solely for the purpose of evading the draft and added, "It's a favorite trick for draft-dodgers." Two years ago, Wes decided that he saw no point in war and would not fight. He has not registered as a CO because he feels that the Selective Service board could "misinterpret answers and declare your reason not good enough, even if you answer truthfully." If he could not go into the Reserves, Wes believes he would try to obtain some medical excuse. Next, he would leave the countr,y, probably for Canada or, as a last resort enlist.
cials at the Pentagon. During their free time, representatives had the opportunity to visit all parts of the Capitol, to attend Congressional sessions and committee meetings and tour points of interest in Washington. While in Washington, Tom was also able to spend time with Illinois Congressman Roman Pucinski and to speak with one of Senator Adlai Stevenson's assistants. Tom commented on his experiences, "I feel that I have gained better insight into the jobs of our Congressmen, Senators and other government officials and into the working of our government in general." Tom went on to say, "1 was able to become totally immersed in government, and I now realize that the government is not a machine but is run by people instead."
director of the team both indicated that they were impressed by what they termed "the sense of purpose" they found exhibited by South students in the halls, library and lounge, as well as the classrooms. Mr. James T. Bonney, director of guidance, noted that this was the first year that the evaluation had been extremely extensive. The ordinary visiting team of previous years, he remembered, had been just one man who had stayed only a short time. This year the evaluation lasted four days and utilized a team which he estimated involved close to a dozen persons. Assistant Principal Robert Simonson pointed out that the O.S.P.I, examination would center on numerous facets of the educational process. Those he mentioned included a check on the quality of the building, an examination of South's bookkeeping and a careful look at attendance records for specific classes and the school as a v.hole. The reasons that Mr. Simonson could find to justify such checks included the verirication ci aitritiou rates in different courses to justify state aid. Inspectors visited a Spanish 1 .lass, European History Advanced Placement and all of the science labs. .According to Mr. J. Ronald Teller, science department chairman, the inspectors were very happy with what they saw. He felt that the inspectors were looking first at room safety and equipment and secondly at curriculum and teacher qualifications.
and another student all the grass. Usually a supplier has a friend who lives in Chicago and can easily obtain stuff," he explained. The widespread idea that a syndicate member is behind the student supplier is an outdated assumption. Most of the students interviewed said that they get most of their stuff from other students. "A chain" was how one student described South's drug situation. "Most kids get stuff from their friends. Their friends get it from kids who are more involved with drugs and have been into them for pretty long. There's always someone who can get what you want," he said. One ex-user described the drug scene as bad, but added that it could be a lot worse. Last year he had friends who were hooked on heroin. Another student quit the drug scene merely because of the expense involved. " I don't criticize the dope scene, yet I recognize its impracticality," he said. The flow of drugs at South is being somewhat controlled with the help of student undercover agents. Narcotics detectives, with the help of certain students, are able to minimize the number of drugs being peddled in the school. One student who works with the police doesn't think South is quite as bad as some other schools, but in his opinion the situation could be better. "We are mainly concerned with apprehending the pusher, not the user," he explained. "This can be difficult because kids get their stuff from anyone." A bad experience with drugs prompted this student to take up his job as a "drug detective." However, he mentioned that not only is the job hard, but also the pressure from other students. When asked how he feels about the legalization of marijuana, he replied, "I think grass is harmful. There is a way to control the consumption of alcohol, but not the use of marijuana." Mr. Thomas Higgins, a health teacher, felt that the "why" of drug use should be more heavily emphasized than the number of students using drugs. Mr. Higgins feels that the drug situation at South isn't quite as bad as in other schools.
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February 18, 1972
Roundballers Reign Supreme in CSL by Mark Mangold The Varsity Cagers continued their first place reign atop the Central Suburban League by compiling three more victory marks. These three wins up their conference record to 11-0, and a 17-1 overall record. The win over Maine West, last week, moved the Hawks up two spots
in the Illinois Associated Press writers' poU, which now places the Hawks in the number five spot in the state. The Chicago Daily News area poll puts the Hawks third, behind Hinsdale Central and Thornridge. Three more conference games remain, with Glenbrook South and Maine North on the slate
Movers Battle at Panthers; Bright Grappling Future Tom Lanctot, Sports Editor
• Tomorrow Maine South high jumpers, field men, and runners travel to Proviso West for the annual Panther Relays. This meet is a tough battle all around with over ten squads competing. The contest is extremely competitive in the field and distance categories. Among those competing with the Hawks tomorrow are Lyons, Proviso West, Thorton, York, Maine East and archrival Maine West. Last season South landed third, right behind champion Lyons and runner-up Thorton. Tomorrow's contest will be an early season indication of individual Hawk talent. Panthers is the first of a long trail of big meets for South. After downing a surprising Niles West team two weeks ago, the Hawks, trounced Glenbrook South and Maine North in a triangular contest last week. South dropped its first and only of the young season Tuesday to Glenbrook North in a dual battle. Next issue marks the official commencement of regular Track coverage on this page. This will be hi-lighted by extensive written credits accompanied by extravagant photo layouts. As of late this column has been offered a chance at national syndication. I thought it only fittirvg that Hawk track information appear where it will receive nationwide attention. • While on paper this wrestling season ended on a dismal note with a 1-14 record, there is great hope for the future. The squad is in a rebuilding process, as demonstrated by coach Tom Ziemek's sudden sprouting of hair. Next season Ziemek welcomes back an entire squad of seasoned varsity grapplers. If these men remain interested in grappling, which they seem to be, Maine South will be a mat power to be reckoned with in the conference and district.
for this weekend. Next Friday the Deerfield Warriors visit the Hawk gym to close out the regular season. If the Hawks manage victory in each of these three games, they will gain the conference championship outright and undefeated. Last Saturday at Maine West, the Warriors came out on the warpath and charged to a surprising 23-13 first quarter lead. West could do no wrong in the opening period as they outrebounded and outshot the astonished Hawks. The second period was more typical of the Hawks' play however, as the one-two punch of Rick Kucera and Jerry Jones led the charge. The Hawks outscored West 18-10 in that quarter, but still found themselves on the bottom half of the score, 33-31. The chat by Coach Brady at halftime centered mainly around how to stop the easy, close in shots that the Warriors were making in the first half. The strategy seemed quite effective as the Hawks came
Glenbrook South continues to maintain its first place. Next Saturday will be the state district meet for the Hawks, with the highest scoring individuals quaUfying for the sectionals. Those who qualify will then compete in state sectionals on Saturday, March 4. The field of competition will be narrowed down the last time for the state finals on March 10, 11. The prospects of a successful showing by many individual gymnasts are as good or even better than they were last year
Grapplers Finish Low; Soph's Conference Champs The Hawk Varsity wrestlers concluded their season with a disappointing showing in the district meet held here last weekend. The grapplers landed ninth in a field of ten contestants. South's individual star of the meet was junior Bob Olker. His efforts gained him the right to advance to the sectional championships at West Leyden High School next weekend. Hawk coach Tom Ziemek said, •'Bob has a very good chance of going downstate. However, he's got to get through this sectional. In my opinion, "the coach continued, " i t s the toughest sectional in the state." The Hawk Varsity matmen completed their season with a tally of one win and fourteen losses. "Inexperience was the reason," the coach explained. "Our poor showing this year as a team was disappointing to me. But we are in a building stage,"
he continued. "Our team is mostly sophomores and juniors. They're gaining valuable experience that will help them do a better job next season." The Hawk sophomore squad earned top conference honors as they did as freshmen. Their record of fourteen wins and one loss won them their conference championship. Distinguished individual performances by this season were turned in by Chuck Meyers 19-1, Dave Jenkins 211, Roger Burton 19-3, and Ed Frick 12-2. Tim Starck is conference champ in the 185-elass. The freshman team also were conference champs. They finished the season with a 13-1 record. Hawk stars on the freshman level were Brian Gill lG-3, Joe .Anderson 19-1, Nick Straub 16-3, and Richard Dorman 16-2. In the invitational meet last weekend, the Frosh took second place.
Hawk T o m "Peanuts" Schmelzer snatches a rebound away f r o m a Niles West foe.
Swimmers Threat in Districts Following their best conference showing ever, the varsity Hawks travel to Mame East tomorrow for the district championships. Any swimmer who places first or second at this meet automatically qualifies for the state meet. The major powers the tankmen will have to deal with are Evanston and Maine West. Right now Maine South is seeded second behind only Evanston. Coach Ben Harris expects the medley relay of Brad Kozie '73, Ted Johnson '72, Bob McCullough '74, and Norm Pussehl '72 to be the major threat this year. In addition, the district team
Flexers Eye Conference, Districts Although Maine South's varsity gymnastics team has finished its dual meets for the season, the flexers are winding up the Central Suburban League conference with the conference meet at Niles West. Last year the team placed fourth in the conference meet with several upsetting, missed routines. This year the varsity gymnasts finished their overall dual and triangular meet season with a 10-5 record and a conference record 5-3. With this conference standing, the Hawks rank third while
out to stage the second half of their remarkable comeback, and tied the game, then pulled ahead to stay by hitting eight unanswered points. The rebounding trio of Jerry Jones, Tom Spicer, and Bob Westman played a key role in the Hawks' miraculous comeback. Jones, Spicer, and Westman accounted for 30 of the Hawks' total of 40 rebounds. The fourth quarter the Hawks kept building onto the lead, and at one point, late in the quarter, the Hawks held a 17 point advantage. Greg Ciezadlo, reserve senior, came off the bench in that quarter to score eight of his 12 points for the night. With two minutes remaining. Coach Brady sent the bench in to mop up for the starters, who took their well-deserved spots on the side. The Warriors managed to drop the deficit to only ten points on a desperation shot at the buzzer by Fred Campabasso. The final, Maine South 71, Maine West 61.
when thirteen Maine South gymnasts qualified for sectionals. Coach John Riccitelli feels confident that there will be several sectional qualifiers out of next week's district meet. Senior Dirk Martin, who went to state finals last year, will have a good chance to qualify in free exercise, high bar, allaround and parallel bars. Coach Riccitelli also feels that there will be several other good performances from Jim LoBue '74 in free exercise, Tim Wright '73 on side horse, Keith Bocek '72 on parallel bars, Steve Schmunk "JS on high bar and Rich Behnke '73 on still rings. The Hawks boast no one on trampoline. Other potential qualifiers who have done well througrout the season are Keith Brocker '74 and Martin on side horse. Rick Luft '72 on stilll rings and parallel bars, and Glenn Farny '73 on high bar and in all-around. Strong competition will be coming for those who qualify though from other powerful teams such as Oak Park, Steinmetz and Lane Tech. The varsity team reached high and low moments in their last three conference meets to end up the season. In their last meet against Glenbrook North they took a large lead, winning 110.73 to 89.73. Dirk Martin executed his highest scoring routine on the parallel bars with 8.6 points. Preceding that meet were two losses. To Niles North the Hawks lost 127.72 to 103.21. However, the most disappointing loss was at the hands of Maine West, 105.26 to 105.03. The scores were unbalanced throughout much of the meet for the two teams, but Coach Riccitelli commented, "we did a much better job."
will be strengthened by David Dale '74, Mike Pence '74, Mike Scotese '75, and Dane Kozie '75. who competed on the sophomore level this year. At the varsity conference meet last Friday at Glenbrook North, the Hawks medley relay of Kozie, Johnson, McCullough, and Pussehl scored an upset victory and narrowly missed breaking the conference mark. In addition to anchoring the winning medley relay, Pussehl went on to win the 50 yd. freestyle, and the 100 yd. freestyle events. Pussehl was high point man of the meet with 40 points. Mike Cesario '72, took second in the diving. Ted Johnson finished second in the 100 yd. breaststroke. Brad Kozie finished fourtli in the 100 yd. backstroke and Bob McCullough grabbed fourth in the 100 yd. butterfly. South's freestyle relay of Joe Nicolau '73, Craig Jacobsen '73, Keith Schalk '72, and Terry Lubrano '73, placed sixth. The Hawks finished fourth behind New Trier West, Deerfield, and Glenbrook North. The sophomores took blue ribbons in five out of a total of 11 events. David Dale '74, swam
the butterfly leg of the medley relay of Dane Kozie, Brian Loughlin '74, Dale, and Mark Umbach '74, and later won the 200 yd. I.M. and the 100 yd. butterfly. Dane Kozie wound up second in the 200 yd. freestyle but came back to win the 400 yd. free. Umbach finished fourth in the' 50 yd. and 100 yd. freestyle. Pence captured the diving, setting a conference record in that event. The 400 yd. freestyle relay of Glen Marconcini '74, Bruce Rowe '74, Matt Horbas '74, and Mark Pussehl '74, took sixth. The varsity Hawks split their last two dual meets of the season, beating Niles North, and dropping a close one to Maine West. Against Niles North, the medley relay of Kozie, Johnson, McCuUough, and Pussehl stroked to an easy first. Pusbons in five out of a total of sehl also took the 50 yd. freestyle. Mike Cesario won the diving. McCullough placed first in the 100 yd. fly while Kozie grabbed the 100 back and Johnson won his specialty, the 100 yd. breaststroke.
Swordsnuen Await State; Trounce Dons on Touches The Mame South Varsity Fencing team composed of Mike Rusin, Larry Robbins, Don Clem, Ed Priest, Ed Novak, and Dave Young will travel down to Champaign-Urban on Feb. ruary 25th and 26th to joust in the state fencing finals. Coach John Doherty feels his team is one of the top three in tlie state along with Notre Dame and New Trier West. Coach Doherty sees a possibility of taking first in state again this season if his B-strip improves. Doherty places his greatest failh in his top two fencers Mike Rusin and Larry Robbins, and he hopes they will both make it to the finals. Both men have equal records of 22-11. Last Tuesday the Hawks battled Notre Dame, the New Trier West Invitational winner and won on touches, as they tied on bouts, 9-9. Since Clem cut his hand and Robbins was sick, Astrip consisted of Rusin, Novak and Young. Rusin, after beating his first two opponents 5-3 and 5-2 was downed 5-4 in his last bout, losing an original 4-1. Novak
and Young lost all three of their bouts but lost them with a close margin so that the Dons did not advance touches. The dropping of R o b b i n s proved to be an advantageous move as he defeated his three foes by wide margins. Priest made a surprising performance as he also won all three bouts. Don Clem had a bad day as he captured one bout while dropping two. Since A-strip went 2-7 and Bstrip 7-2, the final score of the meet was 9-9. However, when touches were counted, the Hawks were way out on top winning by ten points. Last week the Hawks jousted Niles West and won by one touche. On A-strip Robbins won two while losing his last 5-4. Rusin encountered the same difficulty as did Robbins, whining two and losing one. Clem again had trouble with his foes and was downed three times. B strip saved the meet as Priest won two of his three bouts. Young, a surprising sophomore who took over for crippled BUI Bornmann, also won two. Novak clinched it as he won one bout and tossed two.