Dictionary meanings of commonwealth of australia constitution act s80 s109

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Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act CHAPTER III - THE JUDICATURE. Judicial power and Courts. Trial by jury. 80. The trial on indictment of any offence against any law of the Commonwealth shall be by jury, and every such trial shall be held in the State where the offence was committed, and if the offence was not committed within any State the trial shall be held at such place or places as the Parliament prescribes Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act CHAPTER V - THE STATES Saving of Constitutions. Inconsistency of laws. 109. When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid. http://thelawdictionary.org/bill-of-indictment/#ixzz3T1mMbjUJ Law Dictionary: What is BILL OF INDICTMENT? definition of BILL OF INDICTMENT (Black's Law Dictionary) “What is BILL OF INDICTMENT? A formal written document accusing a person or persons named of having committed a felony or misdemeanor, lawfully laid before a grand jury for their action upon it. If the grand jury decide that a trial ought to be had, they indorse on it “a true bill;” if otherwise, “not a true bill” or “not found.”” http://thelawdictionary.org/bill-of-indictment/#ixzz3T1mMbjUJ Law Dictionary: What is MISDEMEANOR? definition of MISDEMEANOR (Black's Law Dictionary) “What is MISDEMEANOR? In criminal law. A general name for criminal offenses of every sort, punishable by indictment or special proceedings, which do not in law amount to the grade of felony. A misdemeanor is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law either forbidding or commanding it. This general definition, however, comprehends both "crimes" and "misdemeanors," which, properly speaking, are mere synonymous terms; though, in common usage, the word "crimes" is made to denote such offenses as are of a deeper and more atrocious dye; while smaller faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the milder term of "misdemeanors" only. In the English law, "misdemeanor" is generally used in contradistinction to "felony;" and misdemeanors comprehend all indictable offenses which do not amount to felony, as libels, conspiracies, attempts, and solicitations to commit felonies, etc. Brown. And see People v. Upson, 79 llun, 87, 29 N. Y. Supp. 615; In re Bergin, 31 Wis. 386; Kelly v. People, 132 111, 363, 24 N. E. 56; State v. Hunter. 67 Ala. 83; Walsh v. People, 65 111. 65, 16 Am. Rep. 569.

http://thelawdictionary.org/misdemeanor/ Law Dictionary: What is CHARGE OF INDICTMENT? definition of CHARGE OF INDICTMENT (Black's Law Dictionary) “What is CHARGE OF INDICTMENT? the part of the accusation that sets out the facts that make up the offense the defendant is being tried for.” http://thelawdictionary.org/de-facto-court/

Law Dictionary: What is DE FACTO COURT? definition of DE FACTO COURT (Black's Law Dictionary) What is DE FACTO COURT? One established, organized, and exercising its judicial functions under authority of a statute apparently valid, though such statute may be in fact unconstitutional and may be afterwards so adjudged; or a court established and acting under the authority of a de fui to government. 1 Bl. .Tudgin.

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