Mountain Design November 2013
Table of Contents
Design Thesis
Where's the Adventure.......... 3
About the Editor....
Elements of Design...
Line.... 6 Texture.. 10 Light..... 14 Color...... 18 Space....... 22 Shape.... 26 Form...... 30
Principles of Design...
Balance.... 35 Harmony..... 39 Emphesis...... 43 Massing....... 46 Rhythm........ 49 Proportion....... 53 Scale....... 56
References ... 59 2
Where's the Adventure?... Skiing down a a black diamond trail on the mountain, hiking through the Colorado woods, and rock climing to the top of the cliff are all adventurour sports that the residents of Colorado have at their fingertips. This mountainous region is not only visible from anywhere in Colorado, it is also seen in the design elements in the homes of the people who embrace the organic architecture of this region.
This issue will demonstrate the beauty of the rustic design elements that brings the adventurous and mountonious feel of the Rocky Mountains into the residential and commercial spaces of the people who reside there.
About The Editor My name is Ashley Sowa, as a child I had always though that when I was older I would become a teacher; however, when I entered middle school I decided that I wanted to become an interior designer. I was always told by my family and friends that I had a habbit of observing the interior archetecture and design of building whereever we went, so it was no surprise to them when asked what I was going to major in, I answered with inter design. Throughout my life I have had an interest in the outdoors. My favorite place to be is the beach, and I love being in hot climates. Recently however I have gainned a new interest with life in the mountains. Two years ago I went on a trip with a friend to Boulder, Colorado and experienced the adventurous
lifestyle that the community there enjoys. I went skiing, hiking, and rock climing. These activities trigered my interest for the elements of design that are incorrporated in the homes in this region. From my travles, I have observed that each region has its own design scheme that not only reflects the design style of the community, but also incorrporates elements of the surrounding region. “Mountain Design� is a collection of the variety of indoor and outdoor design elements that create the design style of life in the Colorado mountains. 4
Elements Of Design
LINE Straight Horizontal Straight Vertical Curved Flowing
Straight Horizontal Straight Horizontal lines create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. The horizontal lines of log cabins portray an inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the room below the horizontal lines of the logs add a relaxing and welcoming feel to the space.
Straight Vertical Straight Vertical lines suggest stability and stength. They also excentuate hieght and increase the energy in a space. In the bedroom illustrated the vertical lines give the illustion of height and structure to the space.
Curved Flowing Lines The curvature of a line portrays movement, but a flowing curvered line represents relaxation and slow movement. Curved lines are also less predictable than straight lines creating a more less structured atmosphere. This ceiling portrayed illustrates the caling effect of the flowing lines.
TEXTURE Real Surface Quality Implied Reflective
Real Surface Quality Real surface quality texture is texture that a person can phisically know the feeling of it while viewing it. The surface could be smooth or rough, but it will be clearly visiable what the texture of that surface is.
Implied Texture Implied texture is texture that appears to have a physical feel to it; however, if a person were to touch it, the texture would physically not be there.
Reflective Reflective surfaces relfects the objects surounding its surface to create a shinny texture. Although they give off an airy and shiny tint, they can also be cold and bright.
LIGHT Track Natural Task
Track Lighting Track lighting is a collection of lights that follow a track and are able to be angled at different directions. This type of lighting can be used as a main light source; however, it is more commonly used to accent different walls or places inside a space.
Natural Lighting Natural lighting is light that comes from the sun. This is the most common and prefered light source. Natural lighting creates an airy and luminous feel to space. To achieve natural lighting large windows or statigically placed windows can be installed into a space.
Task Lighting Task lighting is important for the lighting of a specific task. This type of lighting can be installed with the use of smaller forms of lighting that can be used for food preparation, studying, and other individual activities.
COLOR Direct Complimentary Analogous Monocramatic
Direct Complimentary Direct Complimentary colors are colors that are directly across from one another on the color wheel. An example of direct complimentary would be green and red or yellow and purple. Depending on the pair that is chosen a calming or stimulating effect can be added to a space.
Analogous In an analogous color scheme, there are three colors next to one another on the color wheel. Usually one of the three is more dominent than the other two secondary colors. Examples of an analogous color sheme would be red, orange, and yellow or green, blue, and purple. They are often found in nature since natural elements usually include colors that are close to one another.
Monocramatic A monocramatic color scheme is a color scheme revolved around the tints, shades, and saturation of on hue.
SPACE Positive Space Crowding Space Territoriality Space
Positive Space Positive space is the initial space that the object takes up. There is positive space evident in the room below with the clear distinction between the positive space of the furniture and the negative space that surrounds it.
Crowding Space Crowding space is an over use of positive space and may appear to be cluttered and unorganized. There is crowding space evident with this cluster of pine trees.
Territoriality Space The space that an individual claims as their own is territoriality space. There is distinct personalization that makes the space that individuals own. Campers in a campground exemplify territoriality space when they claim a camping spot.
SHAPE Natural/Organic Abstract Dynamic
Natural/Organic Natural and organic shapes are shapes that have a natural flow and structure to them. They usually produce a calming and peacful atmosphere.
Abstract Abstract shapes are shapes that are meant to represent or look like one thing; however they are altered in some way. This alteration could be change in the overall shape, color, or even design.
Dynamic Dynamic shapes are shapes that are meant to imply the illusion of movement. They are used to direct the eye to a specific area or focal point.
FORM Geometric Non-Objective Natural
Geometric Geometric forms are shapes that the eye immediately recognizes. These shapes include circles, squares, and triangles. Hiking trail signs are a prime example of geometric shapes in the mountains.
Non-Objective Non-objective forms do not represent any object or familiar form in particular. They are meant to be a “free-form� that is left to the imagination to determine. Snow is a nonobjective form because it is no particular frm, it is what we want it to be.
Natural Natural forms are forms that are inspired by nature such as rocks and trees. They have a flow and organic structure to them that can create a claming or rough atmosphere. The curving of a hiking path is a form that takes shape in a forst of trees.
Principles Of Design
BALANCE Structural Symmetry Structural Radical Symmetry Visual Symmetry
Structural Symmetry Structural Symmetry is the balance within the structure as a whole. There structure or building must be completely the same on both symmetrical and balanced on both sides to be considered as structural symmetry.
Structural Radial Symmetry
In structural radical symmetry there is completely symmetry within a round structure or building. Radial means round, or that an object or structure forms a complete circle. For a structure to be considered apart of structural radial symmetry, the circular structure would need to have the same features all the way around.
Visual Symmetry The balance vertically or horizontally within an object, structure, or picture is considered visual symmetry. If an object has visual symmetry, then no matter what angle or side it is arranged it will always be balanced and symmetrical.
HARMONY Unity Through Line Unity Through Repetition Variety Through Furniture
Unity Through Line Using lines within an object to create a sence of balancce and uniformity is called unity through line. There are a variety of ways to use unity of line in a space. The use of the same types of line or different lines can create a calming and peaceful environment or serve another purpose in the space.
Unity Through Repetition Unity through repetition is where an object or shape is being repeated in a space to create balnce and an overall fealing of uniformity. These objects may be large or small, but overall they will form to pattern that enhances the calming mood of a room.
Variety Through Furniture Variety through furniture will give variety and add interest to a space while also keeping a balanced atmosphere. With the use of differenct furniture the room can either look more open or cluttered depending on which is desired. It is possible to use this priciple incorrectly if there is too much variety of furniture in a space and it does not flow together. However, if there is the proper variety the space wil look uniform and balanced.
EMPHESIS Visual Focal Point Structural Focal Point
Visual Focal Point Visual focal points are the first thing that draws the eyes attention once entering a room. This oject or color can be small, but there is something about it that adds visual interest to the space and stands out.
Structural Focal Point If there is a structural focal point, then there is a certain part of a building or structure that is empasised. This portion is meant to draw the attention of the veiwer.
MASSING Actual Density Optical Density
Actual Density Actual Density is an object that looks heavy and actually has physical density. The structure is typically made from a visably dense material.
Optical Density Optical density is and object or structure that looks as though is would be dense, but in reality is not.
RHYTHM Repetitive Transitional/ Flowing Contrast
Repetitive Repetitive rhythm is where something is consistantly repeated throughout a space or image.
Transitional/Flowing In transitional and flowing rhythm, there is something that keeps the eye veiwing, or the object/structure is still physically moving.
Contrast Contrast rhythm creates a focal point in a space or structure. It is a detail that usually cathches draws attention because of its lack of similarity to the rest of the space or structure.
PROPORTION Objective in Proportion with Space Objective NOT in Proportion with Space
Objective in Proportion with Space
Objects in proportion with spce are objects that are proportionate to the space surrouding them. The size and shape of the objects fit within the given size of the space. An object that is proportionate to the space surrounding it usually has visual balance.
Objective NOT in Proportion to Space
Objects not in proportion to space are objects that do not proportionatly fit within in a given space or area. The object may be too large or small for the space. In this type of situation the room is unusally unbalnced.
SCALE Human Scale Symbolic Scale
Human Scale In the human scale, and object or structure is measured to the standard human height. This scale is used to determine what a space will be like in proportion with the the people who will occupy the space.
Symbolic Scale In the symbolic scale, an object or structure is symbloized. Usually an object will be symbolized by being simplified or as a specific color or shape. This scale can be used for quick and simple evaluation of a space.
Photo's by Ashley Sowa
Pages: 15, 24, 33, 36, 41, 44, 47