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We all know we need exercise, but if you don’t have indoor equipment, the thought of a walk or bike ride outside in July in South Georgia likely doesn’t sound appealing or even safe. It can be easy to give up and forgo exercise. The good news is, you don’t need anything fancy to get your exercise each day, and it can be done indoors. Read on to learn how!
• Indoor walking is a great option for too hot, too cold, or rainy days. Instead of taking a walk in the great outdoors, head to your local mall, museum, or other large indoor space for a brisk 30-minute walk.
• Stretching is important to do before or after exercising, but it can also be a good exercise on its own. Stretching can help keep your joints flexible, even as you age, and this can help you prevent falls and remain active and independent.
• Exercise videos have been around for decades, but now, thanks to the internet, you have thousands at your fingertips!
• Step exercises are simple exercises that work your legs and keep your knees limber. They will require some sort of low platform, although you may be able to improvise with a step stool or other low, safe step. You simply step up, around, and down from the elevated platform. You want to make sure your step is at a comfortable height, is sturdy, and provides enough room for your feet. If balance is an issue for you, you can put the step next to a wall to help maintain your balance safely. https://www.medicare.org/articles/easy-exercisesseniors-can-do-indoors/ https://www.healthline.com/health/tai-chi-
• Strength exercises are exercises that work your muscles through resistance training. While you can certainly buy small weights or resistance bands, there are also strength exercises you can do using just your body weight. For example, push ups (or a modified version of push ups), pull ups, crunches, and squats are all strength exercises. Strength or resistance training can help you to prevent age-related muscle loss, keep your bones strong, promote mobility and balance, and prevent falls.