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GALLERY WALLS Inventive ways to display your artwork

4 ways with… GALLERY WALLS

Imaginative ideas for displaying artwork on any blank wall


1GO ABOVE AND BEYOND WITH THE LAYOUT This pleasing assortment of frames brings personality to an all-white hallway space. The layout may look unplanned, but to the trained eye there’s evidence of precision to ensure all the different shapes and sizes work cohesively within the space. The matching frames bring unity, without it being sterile and symmetrical. 2 C R E A T E A P O I N T O F F O C U S A random assortment of pictures and frames can work well together, but it’s always a good idea to have some sort of unifying theme, shape or colour to link them. Start by positioning the most prominent piece centrally and at eye level, then work outward with smaller pieces to make a pleasing display.

PHOTOGRAPHS FUTURECONTENTHUB.COM 3 F O L L O W T H E D E S I G N R U L E O F T H R E E A trick that stylists and designers often use when they’re putting a scheme together is the rule of three, where oddnumbered groupings look more natural and work better together than even numbers. Keep the arrangement symmetrical, with pictures hung horizontally three-in-a-row and spaced evenly apart. 4 C O-O R D I N A T E C O L O U R S Use a gallery wall display to enhance the wider room by co-ordinating it with your colour scheme. In this bedroom the picture ledge matches the accent colour on the bedlinen, while the black frames and monochrome artwork tie in with the accessories and create a style statement.

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