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When it comes to flowering plants, there’s none quite so loved and universally revered as the rose. Its beauty is unrivalled, with blooms available in a wide range of colours, forms and scents. It’s also a hardy, reliable performer, with most varieties flowering repeatedly from autumn to spring. You can also find them in different growth habits – ground covers, shrubs, climbers and standards – to suit any sized space.
Roses grow in most climates around Australia, except for tropical zones. During the warmer months you can buy them as potted plants. In winter, they are sold as bare-rooted specimens, which are easier to transport and more economical. They look like lifeless, thorny sticks but will burst forth with life and gorgeous blooms in spring.
PLANTING When planting bare-rooted roses, choose a spot with at least six hours of sunlight and well-drained soil. Prepare the soil a few weeks prior to planting by digging in compost and aged cow manure. Remove the plastic wrapping from your bare-root rose and soak the roots in a diluted seaweed solution for 12 to 24 hours. Dig a planting hole twice as wide but to the same depth as the root ball. Use the dug-out soil to form a mound in the base of the hole. Position the plant in the centre of the hole, spreading its roots evenly over the mound. Backfill with soil, ensuring the bud union – the knobbly bump along the stem –sits above the soil level. Firm down the soil and water with a seaweed solution. Spread a layer of organic mulch around the soil, keeping it away from the stem.
CARE Young plants need to be well watered. Water two to three times a week in the first year of planting. Once established, give plants a deep soak twice a week in summer and reduce the frequency in the cooler months. Roses are hungry plants, so give them a dressing of rose-specific food when the buds appear. Prune in mid to late winter, removing spindly or dead branches. Cut back stems by two-thirds to encourage new growth. Roses can suffer from fungal problems, like blackspot and powdery mildew. To reduce this, ensure there is good air flow around plants and, when watering, ensure you water the soil, not the leaves. If the problem persists, treat the affected areas with a suitable fungicide. Aphids can also be problematic and are typically found clustered around new flower buds. Blast them with a jet of water or spray with eco oil.
WHAT’S NEW These new releases are sure to whet your appetite! The Fragrant Showpiece Shrub Roses series at Anthony Tesselaar Plants (pictured opposite, tesselaar.com.au) features large flowers with a heady perfume (1). There are five colours in the range, which include shades of pink and orange. They generally grow to one metre tall and wide.
Wagner’s Rose Nursery (wagnersrose nursery.com.au) has a few special new releases too. Manuel Canovas (2)offers the rose grower a stunning, strongly scented white bloom with a creamy-yellow centre. It flowers profusely on well-drawn stems to 1.5 metres tall. Lady of Australia (3) is an Australian-bred, multi-award-winning variety with classic-shaped blooms in bright yellow. The edges fade to a light yellow-cream, allowing the golden centre to shine. It is highly disease resistant and flowers freely on a bush 1.2 metres tall and 1 metre wide. For each rose sold, a $2 donation is made to non-profit group, Australian War Widows.
For David Austin fans, the new Dame Judi Dench rose (4) from Wagner’s Rose Nursery has large, informal rosettes with ruffled petals in pretty shades of apricot. It flowers prolifically on arching stems and the blooms have a light fragrance. This plant grows to about 1 metre tall and 1.25 metres wide. Another lovely colourway, the James L Austin (5) rose has deep-pink flowers and a light, fruity scent. #
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# &Tradition andtradition.com A ABI Interiors (07) 5520 2775; abiinteriors.com.au Adairs 1300 783 005; adairs.com.au
Adelaide Outdoor Kitchens
adelaideoutdoorkitchens.com.au Aerin aerin.com AeroDC 1300 116 305; aeratronaustralia.com.au Africanologie 0412 169 074; africanologie.com.au
Alex and Trahanas
alexandtrahanas.com Alfresco Emporium (02) 9919 0601; alfrescoemporium.com.au Amara amara.com/au Andrew Wellman @drewwellman66 Anibou (02) 9319 0655; anibou.com.au Anthony Tesselaar Plants tesselaar.com
Antonia Perricone Mrljak
antoniamrljakart.com Aptos Cruz aptoscruz.com.au Archier archier.com.au Armadillo (02) 9698 4043; armadillo-co.com Artarmon Joinery (02) 9457 6111; artarmonjoinery.com.au Artedomus (02) 9557 5060; artedomus.com Arthouse Gallery (02) 9332 1019; arthousegallery.com.au Arthur G (08) 9286 1433; arthurg.com.au Articolo (03) 8595 8011; articololighting.com Artisan (07) 3215 0800; artisan.org.au Asian Tide (03) 9427 9486; asiantide.com.au Asser + Co (08) 7228 6299; asserco.com.au Astra Walker (02) 8838 5100; astrawalker.com.au Aura Home 1300 304 269; aurahome.com.au AWS awsaustralia.com.au B Bankston (08) 8362 1133; bankstonarchitectural.com.au
Bastille and Sons
bastilleandsons.com.au Bathe (02) 9509 0000; bathe.net.au Bayliss (03) 9708 6664; baylissrugs.com Beacon Lighting 1300 232 266; beaconlighting.com.au Beaumont Tiles beaumont-tiles.com.au Becker Minty (02) 8356 9999; beckerminty.com BeefEater 1300 307 939; beefeaterbbq.com Blank Joinery (02) 9666 1441 blankjoinery.com.au Blu Dot (02) 9313 5400; bludot.com.au Bluestone Warehouse (03) 9706 9767; bluestone-pavers.com.au BoConcept (02) 8090 4438; boconcept.com.au Bodha bodha.com Boffi Studio boffi.com Boyd Blue (02) 8338 8113; boydblue.com Bremworth 1800 251 172; bremworth.com.au Brightgreen 1300 672 499; brightgreen.com Brodware 1300 800 300; brodware.com Brosa 1300 027 672; brosa.com.au Built by Dezign 0408 877 900; builtbydezign.com.au C Caesarstone 1300 119 119; caesarstone.com.au
Café Lighting & Living
Camberwell Sunday Market
1300 367 712; sundaymarket.com.au Candle Kiosk (02) 9918 3105; candlekiosk.com.au
carlottaandgee.com CDK Stone 1300 522 108; cdkstone.com.au Charleston’s (02) 9318 2680; charlestons.com.au Coco Republic 1300 000 220; cocorepublic.com.au
Connie Augoustinos
Contents International Design
(02) 9662 2443; contentsid.com.au
Cook Street Collective
cookstreetcollective.com.au Corian 1800 267 426; corian.com.au Cosentino (02) 8311 1518; consentino.com Cosh Living (03) 9281 1999; coshliving.com.au Cotswold InOut Furniture 1800 677 047; cotswoldfurniture.com.au Craft Enterprises (07) 5596 1816; craftenterprises.com.au Cranmore Home cranmorehome.com.au Create Estate (07) 5438 8670; createestate.com.au Cube and Circle 0432 612 489; cubencircle.com.au Cult Design 1300 768 626; cultdesign.com.au Cultiver 1300 016 772; cultiver.com.au Curatorial + Co (02) 9318 1728; curatorialandco.com D DAH Architecture (07) 3311 5342; daharchitecture.com.au.
David Austin Roses
davidaustinrosesaustralia.com DesignByThem (02) 8005 4805; designbythem.com Designer Rugs 1300 802 561; designerrugs.com.au Di Lorenzo Tiles dilorenzo.com.au Dirty Janes Emporium dirtyjanes.com Domayne domayne.com.au Domo (03) 9277 8888; domo.com.au Don Currie Carpets (03) 9510 1888; doncurriecarpets.com.au Dulux 13 25 25; dulux.com.au Dunlin (02) 9907 4825; dunlinhome.com.au E Earp Bros (02) 9410 3222; earp.com.au Eco Outdoor 1300 131 413; ecooutdoor.com.au Editeur (08) 9385 1964; editeur.com.au Elborne’s (07) 3279 2795; elbornes.com.au Elton Group 1300 133 481; eltongroup.com Empire (08) 6269 1000; empirehome.com.au Est Lighting (02) 9194 3422; estlighting.com.au Estilo estilo.com.au Ewa Tribal Jewelry ewatribaljewelry.com
Exclusive Glass Products
exclusiveglass.com.au F Fanuli (02) 9908 2660; fanuli.com.au Fenton & Fenton 1800 433 686; fentonandfenton.com.au Ferm Living fermliving.com Few & Far (02) 4441 8244; fewandfar.com.au Fibonacci Stone 1300 342 662; fibonaccistone.com.au
Finnish Design Shop
First Choice Flooring
firstchoiceflooring.com.au Fisher & Paykel; fisherpaykel.com Five Walls fivewalls.com.au Franke 1800 339 451; franke.com.au Freedom 1300 135 588; freedom.com.au French Knot (02) 9146 4720; frenchknot.com.au G Galleria Pietra 0418 288 377 galleriapietra.com.au Garden Life (02) 9517 3633; gardenlife.com.au Gerry’s Glass (02) 9660 7722; gerrysglass.com.au Ginger Monkey gingermonkey.com.au GlobeWest (03) 9518 1600; globewest.com.au Glosswood 1300 882 064; glosswood.com.au Gould Galleries (03) 9827 8482; gouldgalleries.com
Granite & Marble Works
(02) 9519 9900; granitemarbleworks.com.au Grazia & Co graziaandco.com.au Great Dane (02) 9326 0555; greatdanefurniture.com
Greg Natale Flagship Store
(02) 8399 2103; gregnatale.com Grow Collective 1300 447 692; growcollective.com.au Gubi gubi.com Gucci (02) 9282 4299; gucci.com H Habitare Home & Garden habitarehomeandgarden.com.au Hali 1300 131 120; hali.com.au Hannah Nowlan hannahnowlan.com.au Hardtofind hardtofind.com.au Hare + Klein hareklein.com.au Harvey Norman 1300 464 278; harveynorman.com.au Havwoods 1300 428 966; havwoods.com Haymes Paint 1800 033 431; haymespaint.com.au
Hepburn Hardware
hepburnhardware.com Heritage Upholstery (02) 4384 3096 Hermon & Hermon (03) 9427 0599; hermonhermon.com.au Hommey gethommey.com Hope & May (07) 5455 6325; hopeandmay.com Hugo Michell Gallery (08) 8331 8000; hugomichellgallery.com Hunters + Collectors (08) 9385 2985; huntersandcollectorsinteriors.com.au I Iittala iittala.com.au Ikea (02) 8020 6641; ikea.com.au In Bed inbedstore.com Intrim 1800 622 081 intrimmouldings.com.au Ivory & Deene (03) 6776 1674; ivoryanddeene.com.au Ivory House (03) 9646 5646; ivoryhouse.com.au J Jackman Gallery (03) 9534 2147; jackmangallery.com.au Jai Vasicek jaivasicek.com James Said jamessaid.com.au JamFactory jamfactory.com.au Janus et Cie janusetcie.com Janz Designs (02) 9979 2538; janzdesigns.com Jardan (03) 8581 4988; jardan.com.au Jenny Jones Rugs (08) 9286 1200; jennyjonesrugs.com Jones & Co (02) 9310 7277; jonesandco.com.au Julie Gilroy juliegilroy.com

K Karla Dickens karladickens.com.au Kartique (08) 6161 7179; kartique.com.au Kazari+Ziguzagu (03) 9510 2528; kazari.com.au Kelly Wearstler kellywearstler.com
Kerryn Levy Ceramics
kerrynlevyceramics.com King 1300 546 438; kingliving.com.au KitchenAid 1800 990 990; kitchenaid.com.au L L&M Home (03) 9419 6800; lmhome.com.au LaGrand (03) 8795 4400; lagrand.com.au Laura Kincade (02) 9667 4415; laurakincade.com Le Klint leklint.com Leonard Joel (03) 9826 4333; leonardjoel.com.au Les Williamson leswillphoto.com Libertine Parfumerie (03) 9661 1258; libertineparfumerie.com.au LightCo 1300 795 548; lightco.com.au
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Lights Lights Lights
lightslightslights.com.au Lilly & Lolly (02) 9699 7474; lillyandlolly.com.au Living By Design (08) 8399 1250; livingbydesign.net.au Living Edge 1300 132 154; livingedge.com.au Loom Rugs (03) 9510 3040; loomrugs.com Love After Love loveafterlove.com.au Lucy Montgomery lucymontgomery.com Lumen8 (07) 3254 4122; lumen-8.com.au M M2 Tiles (08) 9384 7777; m2tiles.com.au Macey & Moore macey.store MadeMeasure mademeasure.com Maison Balzac 0422 655 370; maisonbalzac.com
March Twice Interiors
marchtwiceinteriors.com.au Mark Tuckey (03) 9419 3418; marktuckey.com.au MCM House 1300 997 975; mcmhouse.com Mecca 1800 007 844; mecca.com.au
Michell Ceramics
michellceramics.com.au Miele miele.com.au MissoniHome (02) 9212 6747; spenceandlyda.com.au Mitjili Napurrula ikuntji.com.au Mobilia (08) 9284 5599; mobilia.com.au Modern National (02) 4647 8461; modernnational.com.au Modern Times (03) 9913 8598; moderntimes.com.au Mokum jamesdunloptextiles.com Momu 1300 052 495; momu.com.au My Verandah 0402 629 771; myverandah.com.au Myaree Ceramics (08) 9330 3611; myareeceramics.com.au Myer 136 937; myer.com.au N Neff 1300 727 421; neff.com.au Nick Leary nickleary.com Nood Co. 0401 487 654; noodco.com.au Norsu Interiors (03) 8840 8855; norsu.com.au Novacolor novacoloraustralia.com.au O Oliver Thom oliverthom.com.au Oliveri (08) 8348 6444; oliveri.com.au Omvivo (03) 9339 8130; omvivo.com
Oriental Antique Gallery
(03) 9429 6663 P Palmer & Penn (02) 9328 4800; palmerandpenn.com.au Papaya (02) 8571 7777; papaya.com.au Parterre (02) 9363 5874; parterre.com.au Peter’s of Kensington (02) 9662 1099; petersofkensington.com.au PGH Bricks & Pavers (02) 9852 6807; pghbricks.com.au Phoenix Tapware (03) 9780 4200; phoenixtapware.com.au Pietra Bianca pietrabianca.com.au Pillow Talk 1800 630 690; pillowtalk.com.au
Pip Casey Interiors
pipcaseyinteriors.com.au Poho Flowers (02) 9331 4333; pohoflowers.com.au Poliform (02) 8339 7570; poliformaustralia.com.au Polytec 1300 300 547; polytec.com.au Porter’s Paints 1800 656 664; porterspaints.com Prestige Carpets (03) 9794 9044; prestigecarpets.com.au Provincial Home Living 1300 732 258; provincialhomeliving.com.au R Reece 1800 032 566; reece.com.au Resene 1800 738 383; resene.com.au Ricarda (08) 9389 9494; ricarda.com.au Rogerseller 1300 559 759; rogerseller.com.au Royal Design (02) 8880 0280; royaldesign.com/au Royal Oak Floors (03) 9826 3611; royaloakfloors.com.au Ryda Dot Com (02) 9568 8888 ryda.com.au S Saint Cloche 0434 274 251; saintcloche.com Sarah Ellison sarahellison.com.au Seaside Joinery (02) 4367 4403 seasidejoinery.com.au Sheridan 1800 625 516; sheridan.com.au Simple Studio (02) 9557 4322; simplestudio.com.au Sirius 1300 762 219 siriusbrand.com Skandium skandium.com Skheme (02) 8755 2300; skheme.com Smeg (02) 8667 4888; smeg.com.au Soktas soktas.co Sonos sonos.com
Southern Stainless
southernstainless.com.au Space (02) 8339 7588; spacefurniture.com.au
Space J Marine & Joinery
(02) 9624 4428; spacej.com.au Spence & Lyda (02) 9212 6747; spenceandlyda.com.au Stegbar stegbar.com.au Stonetile Ind stonetileind.com.au Studio ALM (02) 9363 1459; studioalm.com Studio Billie studiobillie.com
Studio Gallery Group
studiogallerymelbourne.com.au Studio Italia (03) 9690 4155; studioitalia.com.au Studio Trio (02) 9967 3060; studiotrio.com.au Stylecraft (02) 9355 0000; stylecraft.com.au Sunbrella sunbrella.com Surface Gallery (02) 9566 2002; surfacegallery.co.au Surrounding (03) 9005 6253; surrounding.com.au
Sydney Tap and Bathroomware
(02) 9550 4628; sydneybathroomware.com.au T Tappeti (02) 9698 2735; tappeti.com.au Taubmans 131 686; taubmans.com.au Temple Fine Rugs (08) 6140 1763; templefinerugs.com.au The Balcony Garden (02) 8363 1144; thebalconygarden.com.au
The Creative Muster
thecreativemuster.com The Fire Brick Co (03) 9703 1758; melbournefirebricks.com.au
The Hub General Store
The Montauk Lighting Co.
(08) 9380 6239; montauklightingco.com The Rug Collection (03) 8555 3584; therugcollection.com.au The Rug Establishment (07) 5450 6230; therugest.com The Wood Room thewoodroom.com.au Thermorail 1300 368 631; thermogroup.com.au
Think Outside Gardens
thinkoutsidegardens.com.au Thonet 1800 800 777; thonet.com.au Tigmi Trading 0418 602 231; tigmitrading.com Toast au.toa.st Tongue n Groove (02) 9699 1131; tngflooring.com.au
Topos Landscape Architects
(02) 8960 2938; toposlandscape.com.au Tovo Lighting (02) 9939 1122; tovolighting.com.au TPS & Co Construction 0401 370 367; tpsconstruction.com.au Transforma transforma.com.au Trit House trithouse.com.au Trudon trudon.com.au U Ultimo (08) 9201 2479; ultimo.com.au V Victoria+Albert 1300 737 779; vandabaths.com/aus Villeroy & Boch 1800 252 770; villeroy-boch.com.au Volker Haug Studio volkerhaug.com W Wagner’s Rose Nursery wagnersrosenursery.com.au Wallpaper Direct wallpaperdirect.com Warwick Fabrics 1300 787 888; warwick.com.au West Elm 1800 239 516; westelm.com.au Westbury Textiles (02) 9380 6644; westburytextiles.com Window Studio 0411 423 384; windowstudio.com.au Winning Appliances 1300 050 050; winningappliances.com.au Woodcut (02) 9319 6050; woodcut.com.au Wynstan 1800 157 622; wynstan.com.au X Xavier Furniture (07) 3806 5370; xavierfurniture.com.au Z Zip 1800 947 827; zipwater.com Zuster (03) 9852 8410; zuster.com.au

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