photos by NIKONJ5

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photos by NIKONJ5 2018.03-2019.07 H o n a m i A b e

the town I lived in / 住んでいた町

a flower shop

Setsubun / 節分

lemon tea / レモンティー

hands / 手

the gift from my grandmother / 実家からの贈り物

komorebi / こもれび

under the flower / 紫陽花の裏

spring in Kamakura / 鎌倉の春

enoden / 江ノ電


slow / ゆっくり

I got it. / みつけた


by a lake / 湖のそばの


a girl / 女の人

cakes / ショートケーキ

the last interview / 最終面接

daylighit has longed / 日が長くなった

Naoshima Pavilion / 直島パビリオン

upside down / さかさま

Setonaikai / 瀬戸内

Shizutani School / 閑谷学校

Tsuruga Castle / 鶴ヶ城

hexagon / 六角形

Chinese Town in Yokohama / 横浜中華街

upstairs / 階段

Art Field 2018 in ECHIGO-TSUMARI / 越後妻有大地の芸術祭

terrace field / 棚田

to that shrine / 鳥居へ

beech forest / ぶな林

artwork by AKIKO Utsumi / たくさんの失われた窓のために

rain unables playing outside / 雨の日は外で遊べない

green / みどり

artwork by KYOTA Takahashi / 光の花畑


dayright / お昼間

take care / 気をつけて

Angkor Wat

gate / é–€

waiting for sunrise / 日の出を待つ

keep going! / 頑張れ!

nice flame / 額縁

riding a elephant / 象に乗って

everyone wanna own the sun / みんな太陽をもっていたい

daydreaming by the Megkon river

Tonle Sap

artwok by Cambodian child

inďŹ nity

breakfast on the tuktuk / トゥクトゥクで朝食を

World Heritage is the playground for children / 世界遺産は子どもの遊び場

peace / やすらぎ

wonderful beds

beautifu city and gabbage

Vatican from Basilica Papale di San PIetro

everyone has each Pieta in their hands / みんなピエタをもっている

angels / 天使

the gallery of candlesticks

from the Renaissance

mailbox in Vatican City / ヴァチカンのポスト眩しい


take cover from a shower in Colosse / コロッセオで雨宿り

rain coat


nice furniture in MAXXI square

architecture and square

clean up much coin in Fontana di Trevi

Italian supermarket

adults and a child

north pole / 北極圏

Rovaniemi library

Finland from the airplane

cannot wait to arrive Helsinki

country dominated by seagull / かもめ国

three boys

forest at 8pm

city at 10pm

by myself

spring has come to Helsinki

Helsingin tuomiokirkko

ship to Estonia


the other side / あちら側

a square


Taiwan / 台湾

Chinese New Year / 旧正月

daydreaming with a duck

fan / 換気扇


Natinonal Taiwan University / 国立台湾大学

Hong Kong girl

mountains / 山々

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