Letter From Editor It is our desire to offer another way of looking at your life, this magnificent world, and our mysterious universe. SpaceShip in my Soup is committed to offering information about all things metaphysical or extratestral in nature. We want to share with you some amazing people whose desire it is to help heal the world through their gifts and service to their fellow humans. We are excited and hope to give you cause for thought and offer you the opportunity to submit your stories and maybe write for us. Send your psychic questions for myself and Rodney the Magnificent Rooster. I would want humor to find you throughout these pieces of work. It’s through that learning that healing begins. Enjoy and peace and grace be with you,, Brenda J. Robinson Burgett co-owner and co-founder Kurt Schermier co-owner and co-founder and graphic designer Special mention to Victoria Smart for her editing and commitment to putting out a worthy product.
What is in store for you! page 4.
Detroit Paranormal Expeditions: Investigates the Iron County Museum
Page 8.
Harry Schmidt
page 12. Pre-paving with Astrology page 16. Larry Secor page 23. Detroit Paranormal Expeditions: Interview with Todd Bonner page 30. The Ripple Foundation: Push, Pull, Stop, Neutral page 34. Dr. Stroud page 38. Ask Brenda with a footnote from Rodney the Rooster
Investigates the Iron County Museum Told by Todd Bonner, co- founder
Where do I begin? As Jeff Adkins and I prepared for this investigation, were were facing an 18 hour round trip drive and hoping the experience would prove to be worth the trip. I can honestly say that it was one of most active locations that we’ve been to to date, and everyone we had the privilege of meeting was friendly and welcoming. The museum itself reminded us of a smaller version of the Henry Ford Museum, There were thousands and thousands of artifacts from the Iron County area. The staff members have encountered various activities over the years and we found out first hand that the location was every bit as active with spirits as expected. As investigators we always keep a healthy dose of skepticism
in mind. I want to share the experience that will stick with me forever. On the museum property, which is a 10 acre site with 26 seperate buildings, we investigated the Carrie Jacobs - Bond home which is a Victorian style, built in the 1800’s. During our second night of our 48 hour lock down, we decided to do an EVP (Electronic voice
phenomenon) session in the parlor area. The investigators included Lauren, Linda, Jeff, and myself. We tried different techniques including playing music that Carrie Jacobs- Bond had composed and sang. Within just a few minutes of playing the music, the environment energetically changed drastically. We heard footsteps. The footsteps were coming from
throughout the entire house. There were sounds of knocking and possibly a door opening. For this EVP session we had a digital recorder, a K11 EMF tester-meter, and a spirit box as our equipment. Suddenly the K2 meter went red. Red being the highest level of electromagnetic field that the K11 EMF meter can detect.. The K11 at that point flew off the lounge chair that it was sitting on.
Yes, you read right, it flew off the chair it was on! I’ve never been scared doing this work, but I have to admit that this experience shook me to my boots. We all had to take and break and exit the home for awhile. Some of us felt unsettled and it took a few minutes to feel calm again. After about 30 minutes, Jeff and I decided to go back in. I actually thought I might have been seeing things and needed to go back to rationalize the experience in my own mind. We went back to the exact spot where the incident of the flying K2 meter had occurred. We then started another EVP session, setting up the K2 again. Within a few minutes we began hearing noises upstairs. At first it was a low
soft thump. Then a minute or so later there was a louder thump at the top of the stairs. Before we could actually get the EVP session going, we heard heavy pounding footsteps coming down the stairs and it was heading straight in our direction. We were blocked from the doorway. It hardly seems a strong enough explanation, to just say Jeff and I were both moved by this experience. Although we didn’t actually feel the spirits were negative, we got the feeling that they didn’t want us there, at least during this time? That left the opportunity for further investigations in the future. After the experience we made the joint decision to exit the home for the night.
It won’t sound crazy to most of you, but it is because of experiences like this one, that we are driven to explore this field of paranormal activities. Even though I still get chills thinking about those footsteps headed in our direction, I wanted to stay and see what was coming down those stairs toward us. But, my intuition told me it was time to leave. There was still a part of me that wanted to stay and see just what it was behind those footsteps. I respected my directions to leave, and left. We will never forget this experience and look forward to the next time. Look for Todd, Jeff and team in future editions of SpaceShip in My Soup.
Todd, Jeff and their team are available for expeditions into your sites of unexplained activities. Contact Jeff at his website, Detroitparanormalexpeditions.com for rates, travel expenses, and time frames.
Harry Schmidt Ask Harry if he believes in flying saucers or unexplained events in the skies, and you will need to sit down and prepare to believe what he says. Harry is a senior enjoying his retirement with his wife and family members who just drop in to visit or work on the family apple orchard. Harry and his pretty wife Jean have an active retirement. The five or so acres of soft fruit keeps them busy. It was in this idyllic setting that an occurrence would change Harry’s thinking forever. Time has erased the exact year that it happened. Harry, who is a bright happy gentle soul in his retirement years doesn’t remember exactly what year it was. He thinks it was probably 1964. What he does remember is that his children, now in their 40’s and 50’s, were just youngsters, not yet teens, and young enough to enjoy an evening
at an open air drive-in movie. The movies would start when it was dark enough to see the huge movie screen. Everyone brought blankets and pillows and would hook the sound speakers to the window of their cars and wait for the cartoons and previews of coming attractions. Kids would often fall asleep before the movies end. It would be midnight or later and the excitement would end with sleep. The family lived just a short distance from the theatre and this particular summer evening it was warm and the sky was bright and clear. Harry’s’ wife Jean, was waking the children to get them out of the car, into the house and bed. Harry worked a full-time job at an aluminum plant outside a neighboring town and farmed a small orchard as well. The demands of the small orchard were on-going and Harry
decided he should check the orchard irrigation pump before going to bed. The pump had to be manually turned off and on. When Harry recalled that night he became very pensive and you knew that it was something he had relived many times. Harry: “We went to a drivein movie, they showed four movies, we were anxious to get home, the kids were small and asleep in the car, I got in the yard, the wife jumped out of the car and started getting kids out of the car. I said, I’m going to have to go out and check my irrigation pump,” and he proceeded to walk in the direction of the pump. Harry said he was startled by a bright light and noise. “I heard a whistling noise. When I looked up I saw a bright saucer shaped light. It was very large. I thought it was a meteor coming down in the mountain
range behind my house. I thought, boy that’s going to hit, and we will feel it.” Did it frighten you? “No, it didn’t frighten me. And then all of a sudden it stopped. It hovered and then shot over to the west, then over to the east. It’s movement was so fast you could hardly follow it with your eyes. Then I got to wondering what could it be. Is there anything that we have that could move that fast? And I never had heard of anything that could move that fast.” How close were you to it? “It was probably two miles, to scale that mountain range like it was doing. It changed in color, but it was mostly white. I just watched it. And finally, it just took off. I thought boy, people will be talking about this in the morning, but no one did and I don’t know if anyone else seen it, or if anyone else was awake or had seen it.”
You would think it would be all over the newspaper? “Yes, that’s what I thought.” The object was moving from the west to the east. I mean it was so fast, and then it was gone. I wondered about it and suddenly there were quite a few military planes in the air and I thought they were investigating it. I never heard anything about this later. I’m pretty sure they were looking the area over. The military planes probably moving a couple of hundred miles an hour, but they looked like in comparison to the object that they were just barely moving.” What did you tell others about what you had seen? “When I didn’t hear anyone talking about it I told my friends. One of them said, ‘Things look different through the bottom of a bottle of beer.’ Making a joke about it. They mostly made jokes of it and I don’t know if anyone believed me or not. Years later, it seems like it was right about the same time of
year that someone working out at Rock Reach Dam, said that he had seen something. What he saw wasn’t silent. He it sounded like a drill motor. That object didn’t make any noise going laterally, only vertically, according to the person at the dam, who had seen it. That’s all I know about it, but I have often wondered if I would see more of them, but I never did.’ You never saw anything like it again? “No. We used to have this guy that was in the same group I had talked to and he said he had seen things in the sky he couldn’t explain and they laughed him off as well.” So, you laughed at him? (Laughing.) “Yeah, I did. Then I started paying attention to stories about other people seeing things, Before, I wouldn’t pay much attention to them.”
In the 60’s, from what I gather from my research, the government thought it was in our best interest to keep these sighting from us. They felt people would panic. It seems that in the time there were countless sightings and talks of people seeing and even being taken by UFO’s. There was a lot of recorded activity during that time. It could have been also that there had always been, but there wasn’t as much access to the news in earlier times and that people didn’t want the ridicule that they might receive if they talked about what they had seen or experienced. I appreciate you sharing this, and hope you see another UFO real soon and that when you do, you call me! “You know I thought that there were a lot more people who saw it and wouldn’t talk about it, and I can’t believe I was the only one.” Thank you Harry. Be sure and call me if you see another one!
Pre-paving with Astrology These are exciting times! November and December of this year, love is in the air and so is having fun! Right now, we have to pre-pave! Let us explain: Pre-paving involves preparing the setting, laying the groundwork, setting the vision for what we want. We can make things easier for ourselves with this meditative process. Pre-paving becomes a way to manifest our desires. For example, we are envisioning this column to be really helpful to all the people who read it; with which they can expand their consciousness and give value to it as they set an intention for the future. Here are the steps in this magic pre-paving process of programing your future: 1 Decide what your clear intention is. It must be something you really desire in the future, something near and dear to your heart. 2 Meditate on how you feel as you envision your intention manifested. Then envision or sense what emotion the success of this desire gives you. 3 Once you expect your desire to happen, you can still meditate daily on this but change this to gratitude and being thankful for it’s happening. Armed with this woo-woo tool, you can focus on different parts of this pre-paving procedure during the different Astrology aspects, in order to get the most bang for your buck. Here are the coming aspects and how we can make the most of them through pre-paving:
November 5-11:
December 20-30:
Sun time is when we can be very creative and embellish our dream sessions in a very brave and courageous way. We can really get into how much fun it is and how excited we feel as we manifest our desire when meditating. What would that feel like? What would our emotions be like as we envision our self-confidence? We would definitely feel full of juju, right?
Venus time is when we can feel more appreciative. We can feel more satisfied, content and happy during our visualizations. When we can envision manifesting a desire easily, we can also feel we have a bond with the Divine. This bond can produce the same feeling of being loved we can get with our Sun time visualizations, however there can be a few differences.
For the Sun times, we may find it easier to smile at our creations in our mind’s eye. Whereas during the Venus times, we may find it easier to visualize touching/using our manifestations. Both are ways to appreciate and be thankful. Say we decide to visualize a garden filled with beautiful flowers. During the Sun time, we pre-pave our intention for this garden by visualizing the garden and admiring the flowers, their textures, colors, fragrances. We take in their beauty and fill ourselves with love and thanksgiving for this wonderful gift. We even see ourselves dancing through
the garden, smiling as we go! The smile comes naturally to our face as we do so. When Venus rolls around we pre-pave for this garden by appreciating the garden and its growth process, we see nature at work in creating beautiful, unique expressions of the Divine. We see ourselves tilling the earth, removing pesky weeds and gathering up beautiful and bountiful harvests of flowers to decorate our home. Socially, during the November Sun times we may feel more like envisioning ourselves as a leader
or exposing our gifts instead of hiding them under a bushel basket. During the December Venus times, we may feel more able to visualize cooperating, harmonizing, and getting along with others. When miracles start to happen as a result from our pre-paving, they may first just show up as coincidences. However when we make a big deal of them during the Sun times or really appreciate them during the Venus times, the coincidences may increase and start to feel like miracles. What Davie plans to do during the Sun time is work on intentions, to make
them really clear and definite. During the Venus times he plans to work on producing feelings of appreciation for JoySee. He plans to have bigger intentions that will tide him over until the Sun and Venus times come around again in four months. The Sun has to do with character, so with clear intentions our will-power can be easier. Venus has to do with the things and people we like, so those kind of intentions may be a good starting place at those times. The Sun’s time can be about playing and enjoying life, people and things, whereas Venus times has more to do with appreciating what we have. The overall purpose in life can be highlighted during the Sun times and during the Venus times, it may be easier to produce intentions involved with feeling safe and secure. During Sun times we may enjoy envisioning our talents blossoming. Venus times are more appreciative
of the talents we have and share with another. The Sun times could be an easier time to visualize us being the center of our world. The Venus times can be a joining with others more easily in our visualizations. To recap, the Sun time is Nov 5 – 11. It may be best to set very clear intentions during this time that would last until the next time, which is Mar 6 - 14, 2019. In our pre-paving, we could really have fun pretending to live out our intention in our meditations. Dec 20-29 is Venus time, where we could have a really simple intention of just being happy. Appreciating all the things we want to be a part of our life until the next Venus time could increase our mojo and make our envisioning produce miracles. The next Venus bonding time is Apr 9 - Apr 15, 2019.
We would love to get questions or hear your success stories. Would you like to join our free astrology research? Visit Davie@LuckyAstrology.com for more information!
Larry Secor lives just outside Sedona, Arizona. He has had a colorful and sometimes challenging life world, to transcend into a higher level of consciousness.
Soup, Larry will be our cover. I am so excited to feature this human leading a spirit filled life. We can learn from him if we are ready to receive his messages.
people the way he spoke it was like someone else was speaking. He was living in Florida and taking classes from teachers that he felt compelled to learn from.
As with all ideas, you only embrace this thinking if it resounds with you. Larry says his readings are channeled from the otherside. If you choose to have a reading from him, and I highly recommend that you consider it, you will more than likely agree with him.
Larry tells a fascinating story about addiction and his near death experience. His experience was the beginning of his gifts. He agreed to return to earth when they told him he would come back with gifts. As with most of us, he needed to evolve in his time, and it was not an immediate evolution for him.
Brenda: Larry, we want to hear about the entity you call the commander. Please share with us how you got to that point in you life, and a little bit about your beginnings.
We will have more articles and interviews from Larry. This is a man with many sides to his story. For our debut issue of SpaceShip in my
In this episode we will find out about his first channeling experiences. Larry learned that when you were helping
Larry: The commander was like a spiritual brother with me. When he first came to me in a dream he was blue in color. Well, I have always felt a connection with blue people. My mother had a bluish tint to her skin and violet eyes. My mother was a psychic. It’s believed that
all with the blue in their skin and eyes are psychic. I am related to the kings of Scotland and it’s said that they had a relationship to the blue people. They painted themselves blue before they entered into battle. (I was intrigued as to why he would talk about the blue connection, but as you read on you, like myself, will understand the connection.) I was to learn that I have a 145 IQ, I also have crossed bottom teeth. I was always and I have always been drawn to Egypt, I visited Egypt and toured all the temples where the pieces of Osiris are, and I was really drawn to my studies about Egypt and my time spent there (another life). I started channeling this thing called a “Commander-” B: Sorry to interrupt, but can you please tell me what you mean by “Blue People? L: These are entities from the planets around Sirius. They were also the original rulers of Egypt and they ruled Egypt for 15,000 years. I have spent many lifetimes in Egypt and I have always felt a kinship with
them. This was all prehistory. (Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and is just south of the celestial equator in the constellation Canis Major. It is a binary star with a dim companion, which is a white dwarf. I found out in further research.) Once I started channeling, there was an energy that stepped in and spoke to me. He said that he commanded a fleet of Sirius starships. He told me
they were stationed in the gulf stream at the bottom of the ocean. We had some really long conversations together. I knew I had a connection with him for some time. He always reassured me that whatever is going to happen is already written, and there are positive things that are coming upon the earth and that I was always going to connect with him, if I so decided. Probably, I started channeling on my own around the mid 90’s. I noticed that when I was conversing with someone, something would kind of take over. I would, I could sit there and talk from a half hour to an hour at a time. Without even formulating words or coming up with new thoughts, it would just flow out of me. I started channeling with Pendulum and Ford in 2005. B: How did that come about? L: I had been invited to a group where a lady was channeling, and I sat in the audience. She gave me a message from my mother, that was so right on it compelled me to come back, and learn more from this teacher. She had monthly
meetings I ended up becoming this woman’s student. I also had an opportunity to meet who would later become my USUI Riki master. It was at this time that I became a master myself. I had just finished the 4 levels of the Melchezidek method. The woman then took me to see Lama Ole Nydahl, who was visiting Miami at that time. He was the meditation master for the diamond way of Buddhism. (The diamond way is the meditations wing.) I had never seen him before, but I had an interest in Buddhism. I previously had taken classes at the Tibetan buddhist center in my town. I wanted to go hear him speak, and I sat 3 or 4 rows back. He spoke for about 45 minutes, and it’s like he told part of my story. I was really identifying with him. At the end of the first 45 minutes they took a break and during the break he came right up to me and started talking. There were a hundred people in the room and why he came up to talk to me I don’t know. Evidently he saw something in
me. He asked me what I was all about. He described what had been happening to him. He said he wanted me to do him a favor and if I would come up and do a Buddhist name at the end of the lecture.
of weeks I got some pretty fantastic messages. I continued working with her for about 3 years, off and on and during the last year I was channelling for her. That is how the channeling evolved and developed. There
L: Well, it is kind of personal, but you can decide what you want to do with it. I was a wild and crazy person in the 60’s. I was totally into the drug scene, and I had ended up in Long Island. We were shooting drugs and
is probably a lot more to it then what I am saying, but---
someone had brought some heroin, which I took. When I did, I just kind of fell back. The next thing I knew I was up on the ceiling looking down at them, as they were trying to revive me. It was soon after that I passed
I said I would. So at the end of the lecture there is about twenty people in line, and I am at the almost the end. I get up to him and he turns around and reaches for a velvet bag. He pulls out a silver relic. He then places it on my thymusmy spiritual communication center, and it burns like a hot iron. I think it’s going to leave a scar. Then he puts it on my crown and it burns. I would learn that his name was Karma Grume Senge, which means, the changing lion. That was a key change for me. It was like a gateway experience. It would be the beginning of the unfolding of my life. Evidently he saw something in me. It was six month after this time that he would open up the gift that was originally given to me after the near death experience. That would be the gift of channeling. I went on a few months later to take a class with the lady who I first channelled with, she was the lady who had channelled my mother. I then became her student and for a couple
B: Can we talk about your near death experience? Would you like to talk about that?
through the house. Then all of a sudden I was out in space looking down on earth. It looked like a small little marble. At that time I realized that I wasn’t afraid and realized I could go any place that I wanted to go.
except for flashes of white light. And then, I was out on the other end. I wanna say that I was looking in a hallway. In this hallway there were no walls or floor. I was kind of looking at a beautiful night sky when I began moving down this wallless hallway. At that time the entire universe split open, like doors on a spaceship. It was literally, it was the brightest, whitest light I had ever seen. I could sense something that seemed like things smiling behind me. One of them came up to me and looked at me face to face. The face was like it was made out of tiny particles. I could see the structure. It was made out of really tiny particles. Telepathically he told me that my work on Earth wasn’t finished, and if you will agree to go back, we will send you with gifts. Bang, the next thing I know I was in the shower. My friend had drug me to the bathroom and turned on the shower and it had revived me.
B: How old were you when this near death happened? L: I would say around 28 or 29. B: This is fascinating. Have you spoken with the Commander recently? L: No. Not recently. B: With your permission we will have continuing articles. Larry offers private sessions for healings, psychic readings, essential oils, soul charts, and crystal jewelry. Larry can be reached for personal readings if you are in his area. He is also available for phone readings.
B: That set you on your path?
I turned my attention to the center of the universe. And as soon as I thought about it, I was there. I then fell into a black hole. I can remember spinning and twisting through this vortex that was all black,
L: That set me on my path. I mean, I still had a ways to go. I didn’t get sober and clean up the next day, it still took awhile. The more I think about it, that definitely changed my path, it sent me toward getting sober. I got sober 10 years after that.
equichief@yahoo.com Visit his website Larrysecor.com
The Detroit Paranormal Exhibitions is a group of like minded people who investigate anything connected with the paranormal. In December of 2018 it will have been in existence for two years. It was a spin off from another group that Todd Bonner and his co-founder, Jeff Asher, had both belonged to. It would be a whirlwind of clearings and investigations that led Todd to our conversation on a September morning. He was happy to share his adventures, future, and reasons for doing his work. It has been an endeavor funded by the men who founded it and their love for the work has made it rewarding. It has grown to be more than a hobby, and the need to grow is there. Speaking with Todd Bonner was easy and comfortable. He could have been the man next door, or a longtime friend. He was very composed, but his passion for his service as a paranormal investigator came through his
friendly demeanor. Todd, are you frightened when you do the ghost thing? Yes, sometimes, we don’t always know what we are
communicating with. I have had attachments before, it’s some of the dangers of what we do. How many people are there in your group of Paranormal investigators?
We currently have ten in our group. We are known as Detroit Paranormal Expeditions. We started in December of 2016. So, we are fairly new. We have watched the PI shows on tv and they have sometimes very elaborate equipment which looks very complicated. We have pretty much everything you see on the TV shows. We have PSB-7 - K2 Meter - MelMeter - Flir thermal imaging camera - Sony digital recorders - and the Paranormal Puck. We have a piece of equipment called a Geo Box, which is
handcrafted, and looks like an old radio from the 40’s or 50’s. It’s considered a spirit box. It’s more of a filter where you just hear voices. Ours is made from a piece of wood that we got from a psychiatric ward that we got here in Michigan that I salvaged, so it’s kind of cool. It’s the only one in the world. Do you find there is more paranormal activity in the historical sites than, say, everyday places? We were in Martinsburg, West Virginia about a month ago. We were in a tavern, and you could
just feel the energy and history around that entire area. That’s one area we are highly involved with in the historic restoration. Why is that Todd? I think it is because when we do the paranormal investigating we bring awareness of the historic importance of the sometimes dilapidated, neglected buildings. They don’t always believe in the importance of the historical value of the old structures and will sometimes just tear them down and replace them with parking lots or whatever. So, we are trying to work toward
keeping some of these building up and not destroyed. Places for our kids to go to. In school I hated history, then when I got to college I started to enjoy it more. Now I’m really into it since beginning the Paranormal Expeditions. That’s an important part of this endeavor for you? Yes, I try to teach my kids the importance of history, and the need to preserve our landmarks. How and why did your group begin? Jeff and I founded the team like I said in 2016. He and I had met in 2011 when we were both on another team. And that’s how we became friends. Over the course of being on the other team I learned a lot, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to see more and go more places. I wanted to go to more historical places. Jeff and I talked and we both had the same beliefs. That’s when we broke off and did our own thing. And we have investigated well over a hundred places and been in I want to say, 12 states, in the last year and a half. We are going to Boston next weekend . So, your team members are all mentioned on your website but we will list them as well.
Jeff Adkins is my co-founder and we do a lot of things together. We have schedules that allow us to do this and it has been out of our own pockets so far. Will you share some of your experiences that have been frightening? The first one that comes to mind was in the upper peninsula in Michigan. We were in a house that had been owned by a famous musician, Carrie Jacobs-Bond. She had been famous back in the late 1800’s. She was the first American female to sell over a million records. I had never heard of her. There were three of us. There was Jeff, myself, and one of the photographers on our team. We were doing an EBT session, and there was no activity in the house. Then it was decided to download Carrie’s music on YouTube. We started to play one of this lady’s songs. And, after the song was over, the activity ramped up. I had a K2 setting on the sofa next to me. It went all the way to red, flew off the couch, and hit the photographer’s foot. She jumped up screaming. A white mist started coming into the room. We all screamed and ran out of the house. It was a profound experience that I had never seen happen before.
The spirit had enough energy to take that K2 off the couch. It was scary, you never know what the intention of the energy was. Was it a bad intention or was it just saying hey, play the music again? She had lived a tragic family life. Her son committed suicide. Her husband was having a snowball fight with his kids, fell on the ice, hit his head, and died. She had sort of a tragic time in her personal life. This was on museum property and there were like 27 houses moved to this area and sitting on an abandoned iron mine where some iron miners had died. So there was a lot of negative energy on the property. So the energy could have been anyone. Our theory is because she was a musician and her original piano was in the house, that a lot of spirits go there for like entertainment? It’s like the recreational house, whatever? That’s all hard to prove but there is evidence that points in that direction. I was kind of shook up after that so we took about a twenty minute break. I said to Jeff, let’s go back in there. I’m a man and lets just go back in there and see what this is. So we went back in and started doing an EBT session. We started asking questions. Within
four minutes we heard footsteps. It was coming toward the side of the stairwell, which was right by the door. At the top of the stairs we heard a big thump. It was like someone stomping their boots, then footsteps coming very fast down the stairs and toward us. I couldn’t believe it, I had never felt that way in my entire life. It was like a fight or flight reaction. I wanted to stay there so bad and see what was behind the footsteps. But my natural instincts were saying you need to get out of here right now! It was like what was coming was not something you want to see. I got up and ran straight out of the house. That was one of the most terrifying experiences that I have had. It might sound stupid to someone, but to have that energy actually coming down where we were and to hear it, scared me! I would have loved to have stayed there and seen what it was, at least the investigator part of me, but the human part said, YOU’VE GOT TO GO! It was like every instinct in my body said get up and go. Last weekend we were lucky enough to get in Eloise Asylum, in Michigan. It was where I had my first experience in high school. It was the first time it had been investigated. We had just started the review. It was on the third floor that we had heard they had heard things and seen a lady in the window. It’s been vacant since 1982. People had broken in and had seen and heard things. So I was on the third floor, by myself. I was just sitting there and I heard a woman humming. It was an older woman humming. I was able to record it on the recorder. I heard footsteps. I turned my flashlight on and said hello, I thought it
was someone on the team messing with me, we had six people with us. I said, if that’s you guys stop right now. Everything stopped. So I figured the guys were just walking around. So, I just sat quiet. I was by myself and was asking questions out loud. Again I heard footsteps, and a woman humming. I knew at that point it wasn’t my team. I said, I’m out of here, I don’t mean you any harm. I wasn’t trying to get in your space. Then after I left the recorder was still going and you can hear someone talking and more footsteps. You can hear stuff moving and
of time to go...Time to leave. Do you get into situations expecting to see or hear something and find it’s taken on a more trustworthy form? Something I have found in doing this work is that negative energy will take on the energy of a child to try and earn your trust. It’s sometimes not a child, it’s something more. There are those of us who are so weird that we want to go into a situation others won’t go. Is there anything you want to tell us about? What’s next for you and your team? Londonderry, New Hampshire. A paranormal in Toledo on September 22, and Mochicancon on October 27. That one has a lot of Native American energies. We are going to a fire museum tomorrow night. And we are working on a TV show as well. Want to share more about that? cabinets opening. It was really bizarre, thank God we caught it on audio, it was such a great thing to catch it on audio. Those were the only two times I’ve been scared and I’ve been to all of the big ones. It has been the lesser known ones. I don’t know if it’s been because we are better at stirring them up or what? Maybe they have never been able to talk to anyone before. Maybe they don’t know how to react to us? It was, like I said, a bazaar experience. I thought hey I’m a guy, 6’ 1 and two hundred and fifty pounds. We all get that feeling
We signed with a production company in June and the owner flew out and met with us. They are coming here to film us September 22nd to do a pilot for a travel channel. We are very excited about it. It’s so important in my thinking that we make information available to those who have the ears to hear. That’s why I do lectures and it’s interesting that they will come out after the lecture and say something like,
you know when I was fifteen I remember something which has to do with the paranormal. Everyone has a curiosity. I’m a true believer that if you open yourself up, and I am a skeptic, but I am a true believer that what I’m doing right now and every place I go I feel and see so many different things because I’m open. Once people start listening they find it intriguing. They want to talk about things with other people who have had similar experiences . A lot of people we talk with are desperate to talk to others about what they have experienced. It’s actually sad. This Geo Box that we have, is something a friend of mine
makes ,they have double on ebay from what we paid for ours. People are buying them who maybe their spouses have passed away or maybe a son or daughter, and they want closure by hearing from their loved ones. It’s rewarding to help people be at ease and to comfort them. There are things that I do that are not just paranormal ghost hunting. Thank you Todd we are very excited about visiting with you, and we look forward to following your journey in the future. And hope to see you on TV. More information about the team and where you can find them is on their Website. Want to book an expedition? Check out their ad. Detroitparanormalexpeditions.com
Push, Pull, Stop, Neutral If you do not change directions, you may end up where you are heading Lao Tz
Stroud’s Corner
Dr. Steven Shroud ND. Acupuncturist - founder for Center of Holistic healing. Teacher. Developer of the Ripple Foundation Lathered in sunscreen, my hat pulled low, I stepped into the rocking skiff. I dropped the centerboard, pushed off from the dock, and pulled the rigging to stiffen the sails. I felt a tug as the mainmast filled. Nothing could stop me now; my first tack was toward the tall marsh grass, the boat gliding effortlessly, I was using my body as a ballast so I could cut closer to the wind. There was only the wind, the water, the boat, and me in the mix. Passionate as to experience, alive in the element of now, I
The weathered dock creaked, splashed, and swayed as I looked out over the sun glittered waters of Brigantine bay. Further across the mud flats I could see the blue herons strutting and jabbing their beaks into the brackish lagoon. Seagulls laughed and cried at the passing Boston Whaler, laden heavy with nets and poles and ice chests full of beer. The tide was in, the wind was smooth, the water was warm. It was a good place to cast a line or hoist a sail. was neutral to any particular outcome. Life is action, be it in thought or deed. As we navigate life, there are four methods of action that we use to interface with our world: Push, pull, stop, neutral. We are always in one or another of these modes. They are at play throughout our day. From a minor action: “I push the skiff away from its moorings.” “ I pull the riggings taunt.” “I push my way through the crowd.” To the habitual way we navigate our life: “I pushed and pulled
and pleaded till I finally got my way.” “He yelled at me so I just shut down. Everything just stopped. I couldn’t even think.” We all know people that push on us, or pull on us. Those who shut down and stop relating and those who can find a neutral engagement. It may be easier to see these actions in others. But they are alive in us as well. Rule one of deepening into a mindful relationship. Being in a relationship is not about the other. Being in a relationship
simply gives us the opportunity to practice. Practice love, kindness, forgiveness, and patience. Being in relationship offers us the most intimate way we can observe the reflections of who we are and how our actions impact our material world and the people in it. Should we be observant we will witness where we hurt, where we heal, where connect, and where we miss the mark. In our quest to practice our mindful life, it is essential to become aware of when we are in push, or pull, or neutral. There is nothing inherently right or wrong with any of these methods of interaction. They can be essential at times. The insight that puts us on the road to enlightenment and mindfulness is to observe the impacts of our push, our pull, our stop, our neutral, and to discern whether our behavior
is useful or not and whether it heals or hurts.
Imagine that you are late for an appointment. If you hit the lights just right and there is a parking spot out front you’ll arrive on time, just barely, but the car in front of you is going slow. Not even the speed limit! “Come on, come on, go faster,” you mutter, or yell. Imagine that you lean forward in the seat, grip the steering wheel, and through will and frustration push and push to that car to move faster. Your heart is racing, you’re tense. My guess is that this is not too hard to imagine. The familiarity of this scenario connects us intimately with the method of push.
Now, imagine you are at a restaurant with some friends. The waitress delivers the water and rolls, which your ravenous
companions devour within a few minutes. Your day was long and it didn’t include lunch. Your belly is rumbling. You look around for the waitress and see her a couple of tables over. In your mind you try to get her attention, you raise your hand and, metaphorically, cast a line to her to direct her attention toward you. Yet she doesn’t notice and heads to the bussers table in the back of the room. You get up and head to where she is talking with other servers. All the while you are pulling on her to get her attention. Only when you get within a couple of feet does she look up, smile, and politely ask, “May I help you?”
I walk into my local bank. They are so darn friendly that it actually irritates me. It’s 9 AM and they are asking me how my day is, what I have planned, do I like the weather. ALL I want to do is make a deposit, not
to chat about my personal life. I feel my body tense, I hold my breath, I’m friendly enough, but I don’t want to encourage further dialogue. So I stop the emotional flow. One word answers, and an occasional nod. When you notice that the person you are talking to has folded their arms across their chest, stiffened a bit, and turned slightly away that is an example of stop. Anytime we find ourselves withholding or halting the relational flow, we are in stop.
I meet up with a friend for a beer. It’s easy, we chat. I listen and acknowledge the conversation, he does the same. There is no agenda. There is no time. I’m in the present moment. This is neutral. I drop the centerboard; the wind tugs the sail. Effortlessly I cut through the light chop as the spray begins to wash away my identity. I am the boat. I am the water, I am the wind. I am in neutral. Living in that neutral zone, and being neutral to any particular outcome is where we find our peace, our direction, and our happiness. Dr. Stroud is a master teacher, look for him in future articles. www.theripplefoundation.org A 501c(3) Charitable Organization 509-433-8109
Dr.Stroud Dr. Stroud is a doctor of Naturopathic medicine. He is in private practice in Washington State. Among one of his credits, Dr. Stroud has studied at the Barbara Brennan school of Healing. It is a degree not earned easily, you must be accepted into the program, which has stringent guidelines and expectations of its students. He went on to be an instructor for the school for several years. Dr. Stroud is an accomplished apiculturist and has earned the respect of the MD community in his area, who send him their patients who are in need of his services. This may not seem like a large accomplishment to some, but it has taken years to earn their trust and respect, and this quiet unassuming man who instills trust in his patients and friends has done it. SpaceShip in my Soup is proud to feature his articles in our debut edition and hope to have him as a contributor, on an ongoing basis.
The interview took place in his warm, welcoming office. He was gracious and patient with the questions that must have been asked many times before by others. Dr. Stroud talked about the foundation known as Ripple with affection. Ripple honors and supports the elders in his committee. Ripple provides a forum for elder wisdom. Contact information at the end of the interview. Let’s talk about something you founded and are heavily involved with. That would be The Ripple Foundation, a nonprofit organization. I founded it seven or eight years ago. It became a nonprofit and there were a couple of years before that, we were putting it together. Most of my professional life I have done teaching and lecturing and creating on my own. At some point about ten years ago I would do it with other people. So I gathered a small group of people and we sat around my kitchen table and tried for a couple years to create a body of work that we could present to the world. It had to be about personal transformation and developing a sense of empowerment, and discovery of one’s self. And the evolution of our souls, that’s manifest in the physical world. So, we put together this foundation, called The Ripple Foundation. We offered classes, workshops, retreats, and we sponsored
other individuals who meet our vision of mission. This is a conservative community, at least on the surface, and it is amazing to think of your work all of these years to open the minds and support personal growth of those who seek personal depth and growth.Thank you for that. When did you decide that you wanted to get into teaching these messages of personal growth? Well, I had already got into medicine, So the story starts in the mid 70’s. I was in an auto accident. I broke five ribs. The safety belt saved my life. It kept me from going through the front windshield, but I broke five ribs. I was taken to the hospital and back then they did x-rays and wrapped me up like a mummy. As I was leaving the hospital, I asked the physician what I could do to get better. I don’t think he understood the question. He surely didn’t have an answer, so he gave me pain
pills and told me to go home. I started to do research about diet and nutrition. That was back in the Ann Wigmore, Hippocrates Society times. I began to do studies and as a result I changed my diet and began taking calcium. We all know now that calcium is essential for bone health. Ten or so years ago that was not common knowledge or well known. Eventually I wanted to be a professional in that field and to follow my interest and passions. I attended the Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. I entered into their Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. I graduated in 1988. With this Doctorate it allowed me to be a primary care physician in Washington state. Obviously my focus is on Alternative medicine, or integrated medicine, whatever you want to call it. I was in practice for five or so years and I wanted to do more hands on medicine, so I went
back and got my Masters in Acupuncture Medicine. That was in 1995 and I was the first in Central Washington and the only one for about five years, which was good for business. So, I have been doing Acupuncture in my practice for 30 years. And in that interm, in my practice I’ve always been fortunate to follow what I’ve been interested in, and I’ve got significant advanced training in Cranial Sacral therapy, significant advanced training in Transformational Breath or Therapeutic Breathing Therapy, and I spent seventeen years at The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, first as a student, then as a teacher, and eventually as the Dean of the third year of study. So, that’s it in a nutshell.
community offering alternative medicine?
For those of our readers who may not know, The Barbara Brennan School of healing is a very rigorous four year program that is difficult to be accepted into, much less become a teacher or a Dean.
When you do things out of box it can be scary to people. But if we never did things outside the box we would never evolve. There is nothing wrong with the box, but you have to go beyond once in awhile.
The work at the school is very deep and personalyl transforming, so there has to be what we call an ego container, built to withstand, and some people are not quite ready.
You been doing this a long time. Have you thought about what you might like to do next?
How hard was it to get started in practice in a relatively small
When I first started practice, there was one other Naturopath in town, and I joined in with him. I will admit it was very slow in the beginning. We were trying to sell a new product, so to speak, to a conservative community that didn’t really grasp what we were offering. I remember getting communication from the medical clinic, wondering if we would understand the letters they would send us because of the medical jargon. Well, today I get referrals from that clinic on a regular basis. I am on their provider list, so things have changed quite a bit since then. It takes time, education, and it takes patience.
I think within the terms of my practice within the next couple of years, I’ll start to cut back. I want to write, or actually continue to write. I’ve been 80%
through a book for awhile, so, I want to devote more time to that. I want to devote more time to family. I want to devote time to bring work to the world that enlightens, informs, and offers opportunity for transformation. I always fall back on Joseph Campbell’s, who was a great American, anthropologist, and writer, about Mythology and about his comment: ‘We are not really looking for the meaning of life, we are looking for it to make life meaningful.’ It’s important for me to do meaningful work. And meaningful work is work that allows me to learn, to grow, and to engage with others as they learn, grow, explore, and discover. Mostly about human relationships, our relationship to ourselves, and our relationship to one another. Would you like to tell me about your soon to be finished book? Well, my book is from my life experiences. And it’s a book on quest. The quest for enlightenment in a day to day experience. We always confuse enlightenment with having to go sit in a cave for 30 years. But, rather it’s about how we find enlightenment through our relationships, because they are the crucible for our enlightenment, learning, and growth. And there are
several touchstones. The transformational journey has many paths and many touchstones, and so the whole book touches on them. What do you want for your personal life? Part of the quest is the ease for peace and satisfaction. I don’t need anything material. It’s a quest for my relationship again to myself and to the world. And to use ease, grace, satisfaction enlightenment in mundane life. I doubt your life will ever be mundane. Well someone’s got to fold the laundry? What’s going on the agenda for The Ripple Foundation? Well, the next big event is what we call Elder Speak. Elder Speak is held once a year on grandparents day, in September. It is a forum where we ask four elders to share their wisdom, in a setting where they are on stage, where the community is welcome to come and interact. It’s an interaction type of forum. The idea is that the wisdom of our older culture is often unrecognized. We are too busy with the digital stuff, and the screen and the
computer, that our elders are an untapped resource. So, two of our staff members have created the Elder Speak Program. We have a filming where the tech students film the Elders, and ask them questions. That film is shown at that event. The Elders have a forum to express themselves and interact with the audience and answer questions from the audience. Children, as well as middle age and young people, are there asking questions. It’s also a fundraiser for the foundation and for Mountain Meadows Assisted Living Center. We split the proceeds to support the community and the Elders. We have been well received. Another program we have is called Inward Bound. We don’t quite have the dates for it yet. It is the quest to open doors for empowerment, and discovery. It works on the energetic relationships we have and how to navigate relationships with grace and insight. And basically how not to be reactive to our world, but how to be responsive to the world, and to the stimulus that come at us, in a way that we feel empowered. Then we have facilitation workshops. Not like facilitations like here’s problem A and solution B, but it’s more like here’s a solution to what arises in the present,
to spark creativity, so that we can have a more productive outcome. Then we have the hero within. That is based on Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, which we are all on. As we journey through life we are always called upon to, I don’t want to do that - the seeking of mentors - the slaying of our demons, so to speak. Then there is the age of becoming who we are. That’s an outdoor class, a nature based forum. We also have what is known as an inspirational Breathe workshop. The better you breathe, the better you live. And of course we sponsor other events. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to allow us to get to know you better. Our readers are in for a learning experience from your wealth of experience and knowledge.
Thank you Dr. Stroud we are excited to have you as a contributor to our endeavor. Dr. Stroud can be reached from his website: theripplefoundation.org
Question: I was told by you, over a year ago, that I would meet someone who would be a source of comfort and joy. So far no one. What’s up? Signed, Peggy Answer: First of all Peggy I don’t own my answers. Since they don’t come from me I have no connection to the outcome. What I am getting is that until you are ready for a someone, source knows that you will not be in a receiving mode. Until you are at peace and lose the anxiety that you live with, you may not be ready for another person. We can’t ask another person to give us peace. That, like everything else must come from our guides and angels and within ourselves. It’s a divinely ordered Universe and as that it’s timing is perfect. Question: My son recently died. It was suicide. How could
God rip my son from me in that way. I’m so angry. Signed, Jason Answer: Jason I offer you my heartfelt comfort and love. No one thinks they will ever outlive their children, And to have it happen in what appears to be such a senseless manner, is unfathomable to all parents. I see that this wasn’t the first time he tried to end his life, is that true? JASON: Yes. Answer: He was a sensitive soul with little, if any coping skills. He wants you to know none of what happened was you or his mother’s fault. He says he is at rest, but he knows that there is much to be done for his own healing in the space he is currently in. He is not sorry, but was surprised that this time it worked. He
will be allowed to figure things out where he is. It would be a thought for your consideration to release the anger you feel as soon as you can. Know that this was out of your hands for a long time before it happened. Question: I’m constantly ending up with jerky men who lie and cheat on me. Will I ever find my soulmate? Heartbroken, Linda Answer: They are saying you are to be your own soulmate and grow in a direction that you don’t need another person to make you happy. It is then that you will meet someone. Need creates need.
Question for RODNEY: I understand that you are the wisest Rooster in the land. I think you told me that? So, I bought a new pair of expensive jeans. Do they make my butt look big? Answer: Well, darling your butt is big to begin with, so why would you think expensive jeans would make it look smaller. Take them back and stick with the yoga pants with elastic waist bands. Yes, I am the wisest Rooster in the land, but thank you for mentioning it. *Please note that the views of Rodney do not reflect those held here at SpaceShip in my Soup. There is also no current law stating Roosters must be politically correct.
Until next time Brenda and Rodney says be at peace and be kind to one another ( Rodney isn’t so into the kind to each other, but the peace part is good).