Adobe Digital Trend 2022

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1. Introduction The events of 2020/21 transformed relationships


between customers and companies, employees and

Today’s businesses have a fragile social contract with

employers. It forced a reckoning – new needs, new

their customers. They have a responsibility not only

behaviours, and new expectations. There’s not going

to protect customers’ data to the highest standards,

back – and there’s no slowing down.

but also to use that data to provide truly valuable experiences. To earn customer trust, businesses must

Our new era is shaped by customers who view their

deliver on both fronts in an increasingly complicated

world through a digital lens years ahead of when they

regulatory environment.

otherwise would have. Accelerated digital behaviours have raised customers’ experience expectations from


brands across the board. Customers don’t just judge

It’s time to move agile operations out of reactive

their digital experiences against other providers in the

mode into day-to-day practice. To create the right

same industry. They rate their experiences against

conditions for agility, organisations need stronger data

their last, best interaction. Today’s experience bar

access, improved training and workflow management

is set by the world’s leading digital platforms. The

solutions. They need to do more to connect strategy

standards – and the stakes have never been higher.

and experimentation, aligning the business to the customer, delivery to the vision and leadership to the

To stay competitive, organisations must co-develop

employees. Companies that empower their teams

a new future with their evolving customers. This

for strategically-led, data-driven decision-making and

means moving beyond the tactics and makeshift

experimentation are set to win in this new era.

solutions that saw businesses through 2020/21. Organisations must reorient operations completely


around their customer relationships. Success relies

With digital experiences vital to business growth

on comprehensively creating the conditions for speed,

and innovation, CMOs have earned their seat at the

experimentation, innovation and personalisation

boardroom table. Relationships between CMOs and

at scale.

CIOs have cemented. But harmony on the ground needs more than senior alliances; it must filter down


to the day-to-day business operations of the

The way that customers work, communicate, socialise,

two departments.

shop and consume media has transformed. The relationships between customers, businesses, their


employees, partners, suppliers and competitors will

Contextual, relevant and helpful personalisation

never be the same again. As customers’ experience

at scale is the imperative in 2022. But customer

expectations heighten and competition intensifies, it

experiences can only be elevated from a foundation

has never been more vital for organisations to build

of customer trust and strong fundamentals, from

processes around customer needs.

integrated data architecture to insight-focused analytics to effective marketing automation.

2022 Digital Trends


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