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Contacts: Paul Martin Chair, Global Retail Steering Group, UK head of Retail, KPMG in the UK E: paul.martin@kpmg.co.uk René Vader Global Sector Head, Consumer & Retail KPMG International E: rvader@kpmg.fr

Anson Bailey ASPAC Sector Head, Consumer & Retail KPMG China E: anson.bailey@kpmg.com Matt Kramer Americas and US Sector Leader, Consumer & Retail KPMG in the US E: mattkramer@kpmg.com

Stephan Fetsch EMA and German Sector Head, Consumer & Retail KPMG in Germany E: stephanfetsch@kpmg.com

Robert Poole National Sector Leader, Consumer & Retail KPMG Australia E: robertpoole@kpmg.com.au

Linda Ellett Head of Consumer Markets, Leisure & Retail KPMG in the UK E: linda.ellett@kpmg.co.uk

Jessie Qian Country Sector Head, Consumer & Retail KPMG China E: jessie.qian@kpmg.com

Yuji Ito Retail Sector Leader, Consumer & Retail KPMG in Japan E: yuji.ito@jp.kpmg.com

Eric Ropert Head of Consumer Markets KPMG in France E: eropert@kpmg.fr

Kostya Polyakov National Industry Leader, Consumer & Retail KPMG in Canada E: kpolyakov@kpmg.ca

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Future of Retail 20 ©2021 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities. KPMG International entities provide no services to clients. All rights reserved.

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