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Financial Inclusion Indicators

31 December 2021. While the deposit levels remain generally low, the trend in the level of deposits in the sector is indicative of increasing confidence by the low-income groups and marginalised in deposit-taking microfinance institutions.

99. The average prudential liquidity ratio of 101.32% as at 31 December 2021 compares favourably with the minimum prudential requirement of 30%. The high average prudential liquidity ratio largely reflects the conservative approach to lending by the sector.


Financial Inclusion Indicators

100. Digitisation of financial services continues to play a pivotal role in driving access and usage of financial services during the Covid-19 induced lockdown. The number of active mobile money subscribers increased from 4.05 million to 4,13 million active subscribers during the review period.

101. As at 31 December 2021, banks and deposit-taking microfinance institutions availed loans to MSMEs, women and the youth by banks valued at

ZW$10.28 billion, ZW$14.39 billion and ZW$6.25 billion compared to

ZW$7.16 billion,

Financial Inclusion Strategy

102. Following the end-term of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy Number 1 (NFIS I) on 31 December 2021, drafting of NFIS II is currently underway.

As part of the development of an evidence-based National Financial

Inclusion Strategy Phase II, a consultant, FinMark Trust, has been engaged to conduct both the FinScope Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Survey and the FinScope Consumer Survey with a view to determining the effectiveness of the strategies deployed under NFIS I, as

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