Benefits of Data Licensing for IT Marketers
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Benefits of Data Licensing for IT Marketers The Hidden Wealth: "Data is wealth" and no one understands this better than you if you are an IT marketer. Your emails and webinar campaigns depend heavily on online promotion and email marketing to generate new business. Organizations either buy or depend on in-house database to run campaigns.
Rising role of data licensing in IT: So far, not everyone knew what Data licensing is all about. Especially in IT, you buy database for short-term requirements. However now marketers see value in longterm database agreement like data licensing, as it addresses the following Absence of real time and accurate database Absence of relevant industry and topic specific database http://www.spanglobalservices.com/benefitsofdatalicensingforItmarketers/
Benefits of Data Licensing for IT Marketers
Excessive dependency on publishers and affiliate channels Limited and poor quality database without market research Database repetition High email bounce back rate Poor strategies to target and segment audience on social media Email marketing and social media marketing plays a pivotal role in earning leads, registrations and subscriptions. But no matter what method you are using to promote your campaign, ultimately the key to generate quality leads is a relevant and a clean set of database. Often, after doing all the hard work, the result you get in terms of quality leads and ROI is either a complete failure or not up to the mark. Poor quality database is the main reason because of which most of your email campaigns and webinars fail to generate quality leads.
What is Data Licensing? Data Licensing is a service through which you can get access to accurate, clean and real-time sets of database, speci㦲꿀c to your requirement. You become licensee for that particular set of database. The time period of the license varies from vendor to vendor. Data licensing has proven its worth in industries that require bulk database and consumer insights, which are more than just email addresses and telephone numbers. There's no doubt that internal marketing automation tools and softwares provide you database, but the question is, does it meet your expected target of leads?
Why IT marketers are relying more on data licensing? The size of your internal database and the quality of database that you receive from an a锤끮liate partner is not enough to meet your lead expectation. Through data licensing, you can purchase sets of database customized to meet your requirements. The database is crafted after a vigorous scrutiny and market research to meet your requirements. http://www.spanglobalservices.com/benefitsofdatalicensingforItmarketers/
Benefits of Data Licensing for IT Marketers
How IT marketers benefit from Data Licensing? Customised Mailing lists: You can access speci㦲꿀c database based on your topic and industry Email Blast: You can send emails to your custom list which includes all opt-in emails Data Cleansing: The database you get will be cleaned and updated frequently Data Enhancement: You will receive monthly updates of new database speci㦲꿀c to di်erent industries and topics Market Research: You database will be backed by a robust market research Market Automation software: Few vendors can also provide you an integrated market automation platform which allows you to involve in cloud and data analytics Database consultation: You can consult with experts to manage your campaigns In conclusion, recent research says it all. Organizations that fail to manage clean and accurate database achieve nothing except failure. Big sharks in the industry have already started reaping bene㦲꿀ts from data licensing. IT marketers are depending more on it as it guarantees to act as a catalyst to generate more quality leads through clean and reliable data. So try it for your next webinar or email campaign to earn more than expected ROI.
Want to know more about Data-Licensing? Contact us at 877-837-4884 or write to us at info@spanglobalservices.com and check our latest updates.
Benefits of Data Licensing for IT Marketers
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