SPAN: December 1970

Page 1

SPANnmmba Oceanic Prospects for the 70's


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by Spiro T. Agnew

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India Makes the Fashion Scene


Francis Marion Crawford: v I -'1 ~ Forgotten Chronicler of India I

by Carmen Kagal r I"

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The Peter Principle by Laurence F. Peter and Raymond Hull




AP. Colorado Christmas


A Wide World of Toys





An International Nervous System by William D. Hickman I


1il~ing .'v~ij~t~e I



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Moon Rocks: Are Learning from Them f..





San Diego: City by the Sea ~


s.F. Cooper, Jr.

by Henry


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My Summer Vacation: Two Weeks on the Bottom of the Sea 44 .•.I




by Peggy Lucas - l '. '-



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Front cover Scuba divers exploring the seabed. An article on oceanic prospects for the '70s begins on page 2, and a two-week stay on the ocean floor is described on pp. 44-48. Photo courtesy Eastman Kodak Exhibit.

Back cover Model poses against an ancient arch in a tie-and-dye cotton dress. A fashion show of Indian clothes, due to tour America over the next six months, is featured on pp. 8-11. Photograph by Avinash Pasricha.

Editorial Staff: Carmen Kagal, Avinash Pasricha, Nirmal K. Sharma. Krishan G. Gabrani, P.R. Gupta, Art Staff: B. Roy Choudhury, Nand K. Katyal. Kanti Roy, Kuldip Singh Jus, Gopi Gajwani. Production Staff: Awtar S. Marwaha, Mammen Philip. Photographic Services: USIS Photo Lab. Published by the United States Information Service, nihawalpur House, Sikandra Road, New Delhi, on .behalf of the American Embassy, New Delhi. Printed by Arun K. Mehta at Vakil & Son~ Private Limited, Vakils House. Sprott Road, 18 Ballard Estate, Bombay-I.

sN -70



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Oceanic prospects for the



Vice President of the United States

of the 1970's, nations everywhere have reawakened to the importance and potential the world's oceans hold for their wellbeing. The cameras of America's Apollo spacecraft have reminded mankind that the earth is, indeed, the water planet. The oceans' 140 million square miles of surface and 330 million cubic miles of water volume stretch over 70.8 per cent of the earth's surface, washing the shores of more than 100 nations. The oceans constitute a primary generator of WITH THE COMING


International co-operation in marine sciences and oceanic research is essential for the continued, orderly, productive use of the oceans. much of the world's weather, a highway for commerce, and-together with its seabed-a major source of food, energy and minerals. The worldwide marine science activities of the United States-programmes encompassing oceanographic research, marine exploration, and food and mineral production-reflect America's awareness that the oceans can help meet national and global economic and social needs, and that new knowledge and evolving technology will speed greater, more rational realization of the oceans' benefits. In the United States, the Federal government, private industry, state and local governments, and academic and other research institutions all contribute to the nation's oceanic progress, and that progress is substantial. During 1969, for example, major research programmes such as the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX), in the equatorial Atlantic, and the global deepsea drilling programme contributed to our knowledge of the interactions between air and sea and of the history of the ocean floor. The co-operative government/industry Tektite I man-in-the-sea experiment off the Virgin Islands enhanced our ability to live, work and explore beneath the surface of the sea. The drift mission of the research submersible Ben Franklin in the Gulf Stream from the waters off Florida to Nova Scotia, and the pioneering Arctic voyage of the supertanker SS Manhattan, illustrated national advances in marine engineering and technology and the contributions that such advances are making to our growing use of the oceans. It is my privilege to serve as Chairman of the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, a cabinet-level body in the U.S. government which assists the President in the development of policy, planning and co-ordination of the programmes of the I I Federal departments and agencies that have marine science interests. At the Federal level of government, emphasis is being placed on marine science programmes bearing on environmental issues and on rational development of the nation's 17,000-mile coastline. Marine environmental issues are clearly related to priority national objectives and,

indeed, to international objectives, for, as Henry David Thoreau once asked, "What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?" Thirty states, with more than 75 per cent of the U.S. population, border the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes. Shipbuilding, maritime commerce, the fishing industry and offshore oil, gas and mineral operations are focused in our coastal areas. Other industries locate along the coasts because of the proximity to ocean transport, labour and produce markets. And millions of Americans increasingly seek the aesthetic benefits of the coast for swimming, fishing, boating and other leisure pleasures. These growing and often conflicting demands on our coastal resources have created a need to correct past abuses and to assure the best future usage. in the view of the United States, international co-operation in the marine sciences is not only desirable but essential if the many nations of the world are to continue their increasing uses of the oceans in an orderly and productive manner. In 1969, the decision to proceed with an International Decade of Ocean Exploration as part of an expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research heralded an important first step towards providing the nations of the world with a foundation of fundamental knowledge essential to better use of the ocean. The United Nations has given the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOe) of UNESCO the challenging as.signment of planning and co-ordinating the Decade. It has been agreed that certain of IOC's on-going co-operative oceanographic investigations-those involving the Pacific Ocean's Kuroshio Current and the South China Sea, the Caribbean and adjacent regions, and the Mediterranean-will form part of the initial Decade programme. The United States has suggested that the Decade should emphasize programmes with goals of protecting the oceans from the harmful effects of pollution; improving environmental forecasting; expanding man's knowledge of the sea floor to permit better management domestically and i,llternationally of marine mineral exploration and exploitation, and to assist industry in

its planning of detailed sea floor investigations; and improving worldwide data exchange. In addition to continued support for research in physical oceanography, marine biology, marine geology and the atmospheric sciences, the President has designated an additional $15 million to support initial U.S. participation in the new Decade programmes. The Decade will encourage developing nations to map selected areas of continental shelves, to survey coastal fisheries resources, and to provide better training for their citizens in the marine sciences and engineering. Decade programmes should lead to more accurate, timely, and longer-range forecasts of climate and weather conditions -storms, waves, ice, tidal waves, coastal surf, currents, ocean temperatures and floods-benefiting commercial and recreational marine activities and reducing the destruction of life and property at sea and in the coastal zone. While the International Decade of Ocean Exploration will constitute an important part of U.S. oceanic activities in the 1970s,other challenging and promising marine science projects are taking place. New advances in undersea technology, engineering, and biomedicine continue, for example, to expand the third dimension of man's activities in the ocean, enabling marine scientists, commercial divers and others to live and work on the sea floor for extensive periods of time. These advances result from new developments in saturation diving and manned bottom habitats which free the diver from the restrictions of diving helmets, diving bells, and air compressors. Public and private investments in manned diving operations continue to increase in the United States; approximately $500 million is being spent this year for scientific, defence, commercial, and recreational diving. Aside from the pleasure to be derived from exploring the undersea world, one might ask why, with new technology and automation, man is needed underseas. The answer lies in the benefits his presence continued

Containing hoses and cables/or Fesh water. air and electricity. the two cylindrical steel tanks at right provided habitat for deep-sea researchers. Sketch courtesy General Electric.

A most ambitious deep-sea drilling project is being carried out by the U.S. ship Glomar Challenger. As drawing at right by Anatole Pasternak (courtesy the Lamp Magazine) shows, the ship can be positioned for drilling by a computerized system of pulses for acoustic beacons on the ocean floor. Below, right, man may soon be able to breathe under water like a /ish by using the type of artificial "gill" which admits air from the water to rabbit's submerged pen. Photo courtesy General Electric. Above, an aquanaut catches a spiny lobster. Photo by William L. High.

The global Deep Sea Drilling Project is revealing many fascinating facts about the history and geologic activity of the earth. . . (.

provides-in his decision-making ability, dexterity, manoeuvrability, compactness, agility and flexibility. The fact that these advantages constitute real assets in our exploration and development of the oceans accounts, in part, for the expansion of diving operations today. One of the most ambitious underwater research programmes ever attempted began last April, when five U.S. aquanauts descended to a habitat 50 feet beneath the surface of Great Lameshur Bay off St. John in the Virgin Islands, inaugurating the Tektite II programme. This crew was the first of 62 scientist-aquanauts, doctors and engineers participating in the undersea programme. In all, 17 missions were planned during a seven-month period, ten of them at 50 feet and seven at 100 feet, with each mission lasting from two weeks to 20 days. Five pioneering American women-four scientists and an engineer-manned the habitat during one 14-day mission. France, Canada, and Australia were each to have a participant in the programme, and more . than 100 nations were invited to send observers to Tektite II. The five-man Tektite II habitat is an





underwater research laboratory, comfortably furnished and consisting of two 18foot high steel cylinders, each 12t feet in diameter, connected by a tunnel. A second habitat was used at various times during the project; this two-man "mini tat, " located at a depth of 100 feet, was used to study the effects of nitrogen/oxygen saturation diving at the greater depth. A variety of scientific programmes were planned for Tektite II, including on-site observations of the behaviour of fish with various fish traps-of interest to the commercial fishing industry. In addition to the scientific programmes, new equipment and techniques-including oceanographic instrumentation, underwater communications and navigation equipment, swimmer propulsion systems, and long-endurance breathing systems-were evaluated. As the scientist-aquanauts conducted research from the undersea habitat, they are observed, via closed-circuit television and radio communications, by behavioral and biomedical teams on the surface. These observations should contribute to our knowledge of the psychological and physiological factors associated with missions per-








formed in the isolated, hostile environment common to manned underseas missions. While the Tektite programme involved depths of 50 to 100 feet, the United States' Deep Sea Drilling Project is retrieving cores of sediment and basement rock samples from depths as great as 2,500 feet beneath the deep ocean floor, with on-site water depths of more than 20,000 feet. The ship Glomar Challenger has been specially configured for deep-sea drilling as part of the U.S. National Science Foundation's ocean sediment coring programme. A 142-foot derrick, pipe racks containing 23,000 feet of drill pipe, and positioning equipment enable the ship to maintain her position over a drill hole miles beneath the surface. Global in extent, the Deep Sea Drilling Project is unfolding fascinating information about the history and geologic activity of our planet. The cores retrieved lend support to the theory that the earth's continents are slowly drifting apart, with the motion emanating from central sea floor ridges. A reconstruction of the opening and formation of the Atlantic Ocean is now possible as a result of the evidence provided by the programme.











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Sea water contains an average of 35,000 parts per million of dissolved solids. In a cubic mile of sea water, weighing 4.7 billion tons, there are thus about 165 million tons of dissolved matter, mostly chlorine and sodium (smaller cube). The volume of the ocean is about 350 million cubic miles, giving a theoretical mineral reserve of about 60 quadrillion tons. Left, table shows concentration of 57 elements in sea water. Only sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium and bromine are now being extracted in significant amounts.

Scientists from Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, the Soviet Union and Brazil have participated thus far in the important work of the Glomar Challenger. Future scientific plans for the Deep Sea Drilling Project include drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, reconnaissance in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, and additional drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; Tektite II and the Deep Sea Drilling Project are but two examples of the United States' growing oceanic activities. International co-operation is common to both, not only in terms of participation but also in the sharing of new knowledge acquired about the global marine environment-emphasizing the United States' earnest desire that the nations of the world develop the oceans in a peaceful, productive manner. Towards this end, one of the principal U.S. oceanic initiatives in 1969 was that taken to assure that the seabed remains free from the nuclear arms race. This objectivewhich has already produced a draft seabed arms control agreement-is being pursued primarily in the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament in Geneva; and the Committee is receiving encouragement in its work from the United Nations General Assembly. Last May, President Nixon proposed "that all nations adopt as soon as possible a treaty under which they would renounce all national claims over the natural resources of the seabed beyond the point where the high seas reach a depth of 200 metres and would agree to regard these resources as the common heritage of mankind." Working co-operatively together in the 1970s and beyond, the nations of the world can turn the oceans to greater use and at the same time gain the knowledge and exercise the care required to preserve the quality of the marine environment. The International Decade of Ocean Exploration offers an excellent opportunity to share in the responsibilities and results of marine exploration. The Unit'ed States is fully prepared to participate in this most promising endeavour, and to contfnue to provide leadership and to co-operate with all other . nations in marine science and technology, END

Flip ship, at left, can be towed like a log, then flooded and turned on end. The floating instrument platform facilitates carrying out of ocean research.

Right: Modified achkan and narrow pants are made of white pique material. Centre: Three beauti/ul Ranaras saris are lIsedfor the chogastyle dresses and the baremidriff"Iungi ensemble. Far right: Also inspired by the achkan is this gold brocade evening gown worn over wide, silk, shocking-pink pants. Opposite page': Mrs. Eleanor McA1illen of the Fashion Group admires a cajian of specialfvwoven mercerised CO/tOil.

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Indian clothes will be modelled before a group of America's - top fashion executives at a glittering show in New York this month.

SOMESAY it all began with the Maharishi. Suddenly in New York, youngsters were walking around barefoot, wearing kurtas and, as likely as not, carrying a sitar. Three or four years ago, these were some of the external manifestations of his influence and of youth's general interest in India. Around the same time, the rajah coat appeared. A variation on the Jodhpuri coat by designer Pierre Cardin, it was haute couture's answer to the ubiquitous kurta. Other fashion notes of that season included long, very long scarves resembling the dupatta, and leotards which are said to have owed their reemergence to the churidar. All these were signs of India's presence on the international fashion scene-a presence that has grown steadily, if not spectacularly. Indian fabrics, of course, have been exported to the West for many years. But until very recently, India had no fashion or garment industry to speak of. What is new, then, is the export of readymade garments, an industry that earns the country more than Rs. 30 crores in foreign exchange each year. Clothes by Indian designers, and made from Indian fabrics, wid be modelled at a fashion show in New York this month. Due to tour other V.S. cities over the next halfyear, it is sponsored by the Fashion Group, Inc., a professional organization of American fashion executives from every phase of the industry. 7â‚Ź:' - Z3c-1 The Group's executive director, Mrs. Eleanor McMillen, who was in India earlier to organize the show, said: "Today's fashions emanate from the young. And the young want a natural look-which just happens to belong to India. They want clothes that hug the body in soft, flowing lines. And your fabrics are perfect for the new silhouette." Co-ordinated by the Handicrafts and Handlooms Export Corporation (HHEC), the fashion show features the work of several Indian designers. The clothes on these pages, some of which will be shown in America, were created by HHEC designer Martand Singh. His models have been displayed in London, Paris, Los Angeles ami"Sydney, even though he has been designing for only three years. The piece de resistance of his first collection, he recalls, was a gorgeous peacock feather cape, of which a photograph appeared in Vogue. The important thing for a designer, Martand Singh feels, is to understand fabrics-their weight, their texture, how they fall, how they drape, and such z~ctors as the part played by environment in determining colours. India is unequalled, he believes, in its rich sense of colour. As illustration he cites the reference to five shades of white in an old treatise, and the use of chemicals to produce different co loured flames. The same richness is present in design. "Take the sun motif," he says. "You find it in Rajasthan, in V.P., in Orissa, in Andhra. In a sense it is the same; yet it is different-in each place there are nuances." In search of ideas, Martand Singh may journey to the remote Chamba Valley or visit the Bharat Kala Bhavan in Banaras to pore over old books and paintings, particularly the miniatures. His sources of inspiration range from the ghagra, the fungi and the gharara, to the long formal achkan, the Hyderabadi court dress known as the choga, and the angharkha. "The last," Martand Singh explains, "is a corruption of angaraksha (literally, protection for the body) and it was originally a Persian battle-dress. The Mughals adopted it as the court costume, then it was taken over by the Rajputs, and today you find it worn in rural Rajasthan." He ends: "The funny thing is that most of these were men's garments-and here I am adapting them to women's fashions." continued

Fashions that echo the splendour of ancient palaces or the simple charm of the countryside.

A georgette sari in the traditional Indian pink-parrot green combination is cut on sleek, straight lines for the evening dress above. The border forms a deep V down the front, is used along the hem and edges of the loose, flowing coat.

Cutch tie-and-dye on speciallyprinted mal-nial is used for the striking dress above right. Two sleeve borders taken from an old Hyderabadi choli make up the glittering collar, and the skirt panel is edged with Bareilly gota work.

On the lines of the choga, the dress on the opposite page is made from a printed organza sari embroidered with gold wire. Court scenes depicted on the pallav form the bodice, and the gown is set off with a band of plain pink silk.

Two bedspreadsfrom Sanganer, near Jaipur, went into the outfit, shown at right. which has a fully-gathered ghagra. The jacket design is based on one worn by Gujarati shepherds. The frill of the original garment is lowered to the waistline.

A 19th-century American visitor, who came to India to study Sanskrit, later put his eXiperiences into a book. One of the earliest English novels about India, it is little known to the literary researcher. by CARMEN KAGAL

thesis subject for M.A. (English) students is the meagre body of fiction written by foreigners on Indian themes. Books like Forster's Passage to India, Kipling's Kim, and Louis Bromfield's The Rains Came have been discussed, reviewed, analyzed and dissected right down to the bone. There are others in this category-the novels of Rumer Godden, the adventure stories of John Masters, and newer works like John Berry's Krishna Fluting. In the general eagerness to examine how foreign writers treat us fictionally, one novel appears to have been overlooked. It is, moreover, one of the earliest, if not the earliest novel in English about India. The book is Mr. Isaacs, by the American writer Francis Marion Crawford, and it was published in 1882. Most people today will react to this with: "Francis who?" True, but Crawford in his day was a literary force to be reckoned with. His biographer John Pilkington writes, "In open competition Americans preferred Crawford's novels to the fiction of William Dean Howells, Henry James and Mark Twain. Americans liked his stories well enough to purchase each of his 44 volumes by the tens of thousands and to support three collected editions of his novels during his lifetime." Yet the 1969 edition of the' Encyclopaedia Britannica does not even mention Crawford in its section on the 19th-century American novel. Few writers have been sb decisively consigned to oblivion. Regrettable though this is, what concerns us here is the fact that Crawford wrote a novel about India. The book is FAVOURITE

largely autobiographical. Like Crawford, the narrator, Paul Griggs, was the editor of an Indian newspaper, and the portrait of Mr. Isaacs is based on Alexander M. Jacob, a wealthy jewel and antiques merchant whom the author once met in Simla. The plot revolves around Griggs's efforts to help Mr. Isaacs win the love of Katharine Westonhaugh, an English girl, and to liberate Shere Ali, an Indian leader in the revolt against British rule. There is plenty of action-a polo match, a tiger shoot, and a desperate fight in a mountain pass. The novel ends with Miss Westonhaugh dying of jungle fever and Mr. Isaacs becoming a mystic. Given the stilted literary conventions of that time, the novel is surprisingly readable-even for those reared on a diet of stream-of-consciousness fiction. Crawford's people are real, his descriptions of places-Simla, for exampleare excellent, and his narrative moves fast enough to hold the reader's interest. It is this quality that led Hugh Walpole to describe him as "first, last, and all the time a story-teller." . There was little in Crawford's early life to foreshadow his fame as a novelist. He was born in Italy of well-to-do parents-his father was the sculptor Thomas Crawford, and his aunt the poet Julia Ward Howe. His school record was undistinguished, and his youth was spent in a desultory enough fashion so as to cause serious concern about his future. Around the age of 20, Crawford came across a shabby brown Sanskrit grammar that had once belonged to his sister. From then on, he determined to master the language. It was the age of Emerson, Thoreau and the other Transcendentalists, and in the academic world Sanskrit was the "in" thing then-in 1854 Yale established the first U.S. professorship of Sanskrit. In 1877 Crawford went to the University of Rome where he met an Indian scholar, later identified as Dr. d'Acunha, under whose influence he continued his study of Sanskrit. But even this was not enough. To perfect his knowledge of the language, he decided to attend the University of Bombay.

Borrowing 100 pounds from a friend of the family, he set sail for India and landed in Bombay in January 1879. Crawford studied purposefully till his 100 pounds was exhausted. To support himself he began writing articles for the Bombay Gazette, and as his funds dwindled, he even toyed with the idea of enlisting in the British army. At this crucial stage, he was offered the editorship of the Indian Herald in Allahabad. In the beginning, Crawford appears to have enjoyed his work immensely. After the first three months he wrote to his mother: "My occupation becomes more and more absorbing-everyone here is beginning to take a real interest in the paper." But after a year, following a quarrel with the newspaper's proprietor, Crawford resigned and returned to the U.S. in July 1880. There he promptly enrolled at Harvard in another Sanskrit course. The' circumstances that led to the writing of Mr. Isaacs have been reconstructed by biographer Pilkington from Crawford's letters and other sources. He writes: "Early in 1882 Crawford dined with Sam Ward (his uncle) at the New York Club. 'We were sitting in the smoking room, and began to exchange stories .... I told him, with a great deal of detail, my recollections of an interesting man whom I had met in Simla.When I had finished, he said to me, "That is a good two-part magazine story, and you must write it out immediately." He took me around to his apartments, and that night I began to write the story of Mr. Isaacs.' "At what point the two-part magazine story became a novel cannot be precisely determined. On April 27, 1882 he wrote to Sam Ward, 'I am at work on the story-the character and personality of Jacob are a roman in themselves ... .' He began with the intention of featuring his first encounter with Mr. Isaacs, but the possibilities of exploiting his adventures became so evident that he continued to write .... In all probability he knew by April 27 that he was actually writing a novel." Completed on June 15, 1882, Mr. Isaacs was published by Macmillan and

Forgotten chronicler of India met with immediate success. Before the year was out, Francis Marion Crawford was an established novelist. Anyone who reads the novel is intrigued by the personality of Isaacs. He remains human, even though he has been cast in the mould of a super-herohandsome, good, wise, learned, brave, skilled in the arts of love and war. Years after his book, Crawford was to comment, "If it had not been for him, I might be a professor of Sanskrit in some American college." Mr. Isaacs was apparently a very influential and widelyknown figure of that time. In the October 1902 issue of The Journal of Indian lj

Art, there is an article on ancient Indian beads by a Mrs. J.H. Rivett-Carnac in which she refers to "a well-known merchant at Simla who deals largely in curios." The chances of its being the same person are remote, but somehow Mr. Isaacs springs immediately to mind. Readers of the novel were not the only ones to be drawn by Mr. Isaacs's magnetism. After he had achieved fame as a novelist, Crawford was in great demand 'as a lecturer. He spoke in public on many subjects, but his most popular lecture was "Early Experiences in India and Mr. Isaacs." Despite the huge success of Mr.

Isaacs, Crawford never returned to the theme of India in his subsequent 40-odd novels, many of which are set in Italy. Before the publication of the book, however, he had written several short pieces for newspapers and periodicals on his experiences in India. In 1881 he translated several hymns from the Rig Veda which appeared under the title "Hymns to Usha" in the Critic and the New York World. But with the completion of Mr. Isaacs, Crawford seems to have written India out of his system for good. Though it does not reappear in his writings, India was to influence Crawford for the rest of his life. One of the things that happened during his year and a half here was his conversion to Roman Catholicism by a priest from Allahabad. This, of course, was a permanent legacy. The other was his lifelong interest in the occult, in astrology, and in hypnotism. In the journal of one of his friends there is this entry: "Marion startles us constantly ... by the odd beliefs he has, if they really are beliefs. Now he seems to have a certain faith in astrology or in the influence of the stars over us." In the novel there is frequent mention of "the agency of the stars in human affairs," and the narrator at one point refers admiringly to an old pundit as "a distinguished mesmerist." Years later Crawford wrote to a friend: "We shall come back to our next lives, if we must come back, tired of this one, and wishing a change." Together with his other beliefs, he also appears to have acquired a predilection towards reincarnation. What exactly' was the extent of the Indian influence on Crawford's life and work? What of his editorship of the Indian Herald, and what happened to the paper after he left? A cursory check of books on the English-larrguage press of that period reveals no references to it. Who was the priest responsible for Crawford's conversion? Who was the Indian scholar, Dr. d'Acunha (da Cunha:), whom Crawford met in Rome? And, above all, what else can be learned about the fascinating Mr. Isaacs? M.A. (English) students searching for a thesis subject need look no further. END



The formulation,of fundamental principles of the universe is one of the noblest endeavours of the human intellect and history gratefully remembers Copernicus, Newton, Einstein and others. The "Peter Principle" would seem to be just such a formulation. Here, in only 13 words, we have a precise and lucid explanation for the incredible chaos, bungling and idiocy that persistently plague all organized forms of human society: "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence." Simple, self-evident-as plain as getting hit on the head with an apple. But Laurence Peter did not set o-utto study incompetence. As a professor of education and director of the University of Southern California's centre for teachers of retarded children, he observed that competence in that demanding field had little relationship 10 how teachers are officially "qualified." This led him to broader studies of the relationship of promotion to competence and, eventually, the Peter Principie. In writing the book, Dr. Peter enlisted the help of his friend Raymond Hull, a playwright and journalist, and the collaboration resulted in this satire appropriately subtitled Why Things Always Go Wrong.




I WAJ3 a boy I taught that the bosses knew what they were doing. I was told, "Peter, the more you know, the further you go." So I stayed in school until I graduated from college and then went forth into the world clutching firmly these ideas and my new teaching certificate. During the first year of teaching I was upset to find that a number of teachers, school principals, supervisors and superintendents appeared to be unaware of their professional responsibilities and incompetent in executing their duties. For example my principal's main concerns were that all window shades be at the same level, that classrooms should be quiet and that no one step on or near the rose beds. The superintendent's main concerns were that no minority group, no matter how fanatical, should ever be offended and that all official forms be submitted on time. The Adapted by permission of the publishers from The Peter Principle by Laurence F. Peter and Raymond Hull. Copyright © 1969 by William Morrow and Company, Incorporated.


or incomprehensible instructors. Seeing incompetence at all levels of every hierarchy-political, legal, educational and industrial-I hypothesized that the cause was some inherent feature of the rules governing the placement of employees. Thus began my serious study of the ways in which employees move upward through a hierarchy, and of what happens to them after promotion. For my scientific data hundreds of case histories were collected. Here are typical examples.

Municipal government file

children's education appeared farthest from the administrator mind. At first I thought¡ this was a special weakness of the school system in which I taught, so I applied for certification in another province. I filled out the special forms, enclosed the required documents and complied willingly with all the red tape. Several weeks later, back came my application and all the documents! No, there was nothing wrong with my credentials; the forms were correctly filled out; an official departmental stamp showed that they had been received in good order. But an accompanying letter said, "The' new regulations require that such forms cannot be accepted by the Department of Education unless they have been registered at the Post Office to ensure safe delivery. Will you please re-mail the forms to the Department, making sure to register them this time?" I began to. suspect that the local school system did not have a monopoly on incompetence.

As I looked further afield, I saw that every organization contained a number of persons who could not do their jobs. A universal phenomenon

Occupational incompetence is everywhere. Have you noticed it? Probably we all have noticed it. We see indecisive politicians posing as resolute statesmen and the "authoritative source" who blames his misinformation on "situational imponderables." Limitless are the public servants who are indolent and insolent; military commanders whose behavioral timidity belies their dreadnaught rhetoric, and governors whose innate servility prevents their actually governing. In our sophistication, we virtually shrug aside the immoral cleric, corrupt judge, incoherent attorney, author who cannot write and English teacher who cannot spell. At universities we see proclamations authored by administrators whose own office communications are hopelessly muddied; and droning lectures from inaudible

J. S. Minion [some names have been changed, in order to protect the guilty] was a maintenance foreman in the public works department of Excelsior City. He was a favourite of the senior officials at City Hall. They all praised his unfailing affability. "I like Minion," said the superintendent of works. "He has good judgment and is always pleasant and agreeable." This behaviour was appropriate for Minion's position: he was not supposed to make policy, so he had no need to disagree with his superiors. The superintendent of works retired and Minion succeeded him. Minion continued to agree with everyone. He passed to his foreman every suggestion that came from above. The resulting conflicts in policy, and the continual changing of plans, soon demoralized the department. Complaints poured in from the Mayor and other officials, from taxpayers and from the maintenance-workers' union. Minion still says "Yes" to everyone, and carries messages briskly back and forth be- . tween his superiors and his subordinates. Nominally a superintendent, he actually does the work of a messenger. The maintenance department regularly exceeds its budcontinued

get, yet fails to fulfil its programme of work. In short, Minion, a competent foreman, became an incompetent superintendent.


SerVice industries file E. Tinker was exceptionally zealous and intelligent as an apprentice at G. Reece Auto Repair, Inc., and soon ro~e to journeyman mechanic. In this job he showed outstanding ability in diagnosing obscure faults, and endless patience in correcting them. He was promoted to foreman of the repair shop. But here his love of things mechanical and his perfectionism become liabilities. He will undertake any job that he thinks looks interesting, no matter how busy the shop may be. "We'll work it in somehow," he says. He will not let a job go until he is fully satisfied with it. He meddles constantly. He is seldom to be found at his desk. He is usually up to his elbows in a dismantled motor and while the man who should be doing the work stands watching, other workmen sit around waiting t~ be assigned new tasks. As a result the shop is always overcrowded with work, always in a muddle, and delivery times are often missed. Tinker cannot understand that the average customer cares little about perfectionhe wants his car back on time! He cannot understand that most of his men are less interested in motors than in their pay cheques. So Tinker cannot get on with his customers or with his subordinates. He was a competent mechanic, but is now an incompetent foreman.



Consider the case of the late renowned General A. Goodwin. His hearty, informal manner, his racy style of speech, his scorn for petty regulations and his undoubted personal bravery made him the idol of his men. He led them to many well-deserved victories.

When Goodwin was promoted to field marshal he had to deal, not with ordinary soldiers, but with politicians and atlied generalissimos. He would not conform to the necessary protocol. He could not turn his tongue to the conventional courtesies and flatteries. He quarrelled with all the dignitaries and took to lying for days at a time, drunk and sulking, in his trailer. The conduct of the war slipped out of his hands into those of his subordinates. He had been promoted to a position that he was incompetent to fill. An important clue! In time I saw that all such cases had a common feature. The employee had been promoted from a position of competence to a position of incompetence. I saw that, sooner or later, this could happen to every employee in every hierarchy.

Hypothetical case file Suppose you own a pill-rolling factory, Perfect Pill Incorporated. Your pill-roller foreman dies of a perforated ulcer. You need a replacement. You naturally look among your rank-and-file pill-rollers. Miss Oval, Mrs. Cylinder, Mr. Ellipse and Mr. Cube all show various degrees of incompetence. They will naturally be ineligible for promotion. You will choose -other things being equal-your most competent pill-roller, Mr. Sphere, and promote him to foreman. Now suppose Mr. Sphere proves competent as foreman. Later, when your general foreman, Legree, moves up to Works Manager, Sphere will be eligible to take his place. If, on the other hand, Sphere is an incompetent foreman, he will get no more promotion. He has reached what I call his "level of incompetence." He will stay there till the end of his career. Some employees, like Ellipse and Cube, reach a level of incompetence in the lowest grade and are never promoted. Some, like Sphere (assuming he is not a satisfactory foreman), reach it after one promotion. E. Tinker, the automobile repair-shop foreman, reached his level of incompetence on the third stage of the hierarchy. Gen-

eral Goodwin reached his level of incompetence at the very top of the hierarchy. So my analysis of hundreds of cases of occupational incompetence led me on to formulate The Peter Principle: IN A HIERARCHY EVERY EMPLOYEE TENDS TO RISE TO HIS LEVEL OF INCOMPETENCE. A new science! Having formulated the Principle, I discovered that I had inadvertently founded a new science, hierarchiology, the study of hierarchies. The term "hierarchy" was originally used to describe the system of church government by priests graded into ranks. The contemporary meaning includes any organization whose members or employees are arranged in order of rank, grade or class. Hierarchiology, although a relatively recent discipline, appears to have great applicability to the fields of public and private administration. My Principle is the key to an understanding of all hierarchal systems, and therefore to an understanding of the whole structure of civilization. A few eccentrics try to avoid getting involved with hierarchies, but everyone in business, industry, trade unionism, politics, government, the armed forces, religion and education is so involved. All of them are controlled by the Peter Principle. Many of them, to be sure, may win a promotion or two, moving from one level of competence to a higher level of competence. But competence in that new position qualifies them for still another promotion. For each individual, for you, for me, the final promotion is from a level of competence to a level of incompetence. So, given enough time-and assuming the existence of enough ranks in the hierarchy-each employee rises to, and remains at, his level of incompetence. Peter's Corollary states: In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties. Who turns the wheels? You will rarely find, of course, a system in which every employee has reached his level of incompetence. In most cases, something is being done to further the ostensible purposes for which the hierarchy exists. Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence. END

Colorado Christmas /0'11/0,'



For many Americans, Christmas means lights, gaily-decorated store windows and frenzied shopping crowds. But there are others-like the Durrance family of Aspen, Colorado-who associate Christmas with trees and snow, against the majestic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains.




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Familiar Christmas customs take on a special significance for the Durrances because, with both boys away at college, family reunions are rare. Often separated by the demands of work and study, Dick Durrance, a free-lance film producer, his photographer wife Margaret, and sons Dick Jr. and Dave eagerly converge on their Aspen home to enjoy their own special mountain Christmas. One of their first tasks is bringing in the tree (right) and decorating it (below). During the holidays, the Durrances and house-guests gather to look through the family album (far right) or simply to bask in the warmth of the glass-walled living room (below right). continued




Aglow with lights) shimmering

with tinsel)

the Christmas tree is the focal point of all activity.


and ribbons fly as gifts are exchanged around the tree (right). Even the family

dog Robie

(in the foreground)


a bone. The festivities include the traditional Christmas dinner) at which Dick carves the turkey with aflourish. At the end of the day) everyone is suffused with the joy and wellbeing that constitute the Christmas spirit.




oys! Glorious, wonderful toys! Brand new in gay Christmas wrappings or frayed and held together by string-it doesn't matter: For a toy embodies a universe of dreams and fantasies, future plans and past memories. The best toys stretch the mind, or the body, or both-and on these pages you will find some of the very best from the shelves of New York City's F.A.O. Schwarz, America's largest and oldest toy store. A set of simple plastic playthings opens wide the avenues of imagination: for would-be pilots, a helicopter whose blades spin it up to 30 metres and rockets propelled by water jets from a small hand pump. Other modes of transportation are a camel on wheels, a turtle that carries a pail, shovel and rake, a wide track for futuristic cars, and a monorail that circles a modern city. But best of all, perhaps, is a stack tower of multi-coloured discs that do nothing but rise and fall at the whim of their owner. Some toys, like the magnifying and reducing lenses held by the children at right, are specifically designed to educate. Others are designed first and foremost for fun; but they too educate, whether by helping the children to learn about the world or by stimulating the imagination. Dolls, of course, do both, and they have been popular with little girls from time immemorial. And a small-scale sewing-machine means that they can mimic their mothers' activities. When it comes to boys' toys, they are as up-to-date as tomorrow's headlines. Certainly, there are scooters and fire-trucks-but there are also spacemen and robots, and a whole range of battery-powered vehicles that seem to defy gravity. And yet, can today's little girl, with her crawling-drinking-speaking doll, or the boy with his astronaut-in-moon-vehicle be happier than their parents with their "old-fashioned" toys? Of course not. For the magic of toys, in all times and all places, is that they help us enter a world where the might be becomes the is. continued

itting in an undersized tractor that he can peddle around the neighbourhood, the little boy at right seems bewildered by the variety of toys that surround him. But the girl behind him is plainly delighted with her new scooter, complete with hand brakes. In the foreground, a set of vehicles made from different materials testifies to a child's love of anything that moves, carries or hauls. Shown here are a wooden ferry-boat, a fire engine, a dump truck, an electric repair truck and an auto hauler. At far right is a petrol station pump. In the picture below, the boy wears his own space helmet and fatigue suit. Suspended in mid-air is a Gemini astronaut on a spacewalk in his lifesustaining gear. The Gemini capsule nearby holds two men and can roll across a floor with lights blinking. If it hits an object, it will quickly back away and head in another direction. The metal and plastic robot at far left moves his arms and legs, powered by flashlight batteries. Surrounded by models and mechanized toys, the boy is in a world of his own-the wonderful world of toys!


"What we are building now is a nervous system of mankind .... The communications network, of which the satellites will be nodal points, will enable the consciousness of our grandchildren to flicker like lightning back and forth across the face of this planet. They will be able to go anywhere and meet anyone, at any time, without stirring from their homes ... all the museums and libraries of the world will be extensions of their living room .... ~~ AND space enthusiast Arthur C. Clarke spoke these words to the XIIth International Astronautical Congress in Washington, D.C., in 1961. Today, at the beginning of another decade, his forecast is coming true. In fact, much of it is already a reality. Earth-orbiting communications satellites are in place and distant parts of the world can be instantly in touch with one another. For example: A child suffers acute abdominal pains



Through the big "ear," left, India plugs into the international space communications network. The gigantic antenna, 30 metres in diameter and 300 tons in weight, is the heart of the ground station at Arvi in Maharashtra, bllilt by the Department of Atomic Energy.

in a village hospital in the central delta region of Brazil. The attending physician is not a specialist and the child has not responded to treatment. The doctor fears that a rocky ride to a larger hospital miles away would be fatal. But there is a way to bring expert help to the child's bedside. The doctor wheels in a portable television camera and connects it to a telephone line which connects to Tanaua, just 32 kilometres northeast of Rio de Janeiro. From there a signal is beamed to a space satellite stationec136,000kilometres above the Equator just off South America's East Coast. From the satellite, the signal is reflected to another Earth station-this one located in Etam, West Virginia, some 193 kilometres west of Washington, D.C. Again the signal is picked up by telephone lines and transmitted to the U.S. National Library of Medicine near Washington. The signal must travel more than 80,000 kilometres, but less than one-quarter of a second lapses between the time it is sent by the Brazilian doctor and it is received by the American specialists. By means of this communication satellite hook-up, the specialists can view the patient's symptoms and prescribe treatment to be administered by the local physician. In consultation with doctors many thousands of miles away, the attending physician brings about the child's recovery. A fantasy? Not at all. This miracle of the 1970's is possible because of a unique international corporation which has established and now operates a communication satellite system to transmit

messages to and from ground terminals located in nations around the world: the International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium-or Intelsat for short. Intelsat currently has a series of satellites 36,000 kilometres above the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans providing near-global coverage for all forms of communications transmissions. Because of their altitude and position over the Equator, the sateilites orbit in synchronization with fixed points on Earth and therefore seem to remain "stationary." Both the satellites and supporting ground equipment for operating them are owned collectively by the 75 member-nations, which at present account for 95 per cent of the world's international communications traffic. Six years ago, provisions for the dayto-day operation of this international corporation were outlined in a temporary charter drawn up by 11 countries. This charter was in response to a U.N. General Assembly resolution stating that "communications by means of satellites should be available to the nations of the world as soon as practicable on a global, nondiscriminatory basis."



hen Intelsat was brought into being on August 20, 1964, no one foresaw that a meeting of its members and observers five years later would be the largest diplomatic conference ever held in Washington, with nearly 100 countries represented. The charter member nations had emcontinued

"Better communications are the very foundations of peace. The more we know about what is common to all, the less likely we are to fight over the issues which may set us apart."

barked upon the world's first international co-operative enterprise whose sole purpose was to share in the exploitation of new resources from the beginning of their development. The 11 members had two guiding principles: to minimize conflicts by establishing a single global system and to answer the United Nations' call by ensuring that communications satellites would be available to all nations as soon as possible on a non-discriminatory basis. The agreement specified that the system have two distinct parts-the satellites (or space segment) and the ground terminals. Financing and ownership of the space segment on the widest possible international basis was called for, with each participant's investment quota set as closely as possible to its potential use of the system. The ground terminals, however, were to be separately owned and operated by public or private bodies in the countries where they are located. So far, Intelsat members have constructed 40 earth stations in 28 countries. Often, one earth station will handle communications traffic for several countries.


ince its inception, Intelsat has been managed by the Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat) under tile direction of an Intelsat governing body. Comsat, which employs a multi-national staff, is a Federally chaFtered corporation of the United States charged with the responsibility for buying, satellites and other necessary equipment for the space segment, for launching the satellites (the U.S. space agency provides this service) and for handling the financial arrangements. Intelsat has had a tremendous impact on

this rapidly changing world. Today, any important news story can be flashed to any point on earth with access to one of the ground terminals. The world can watch as it happens when a national leader visits another land; election results are counted in a country across the sea; rescue efforts are made after a natural disaster; or a fallen leader is mourned. In 1967, some 400 million people in 14 countries on five continents simultaneously viewed a two-hour telecast that included President Lyndon Johnson's meeting with Premier Alexei Kosygin in Glassboro, New Jersey. Intelsat facilities have improved so rapidly that the Apollo 11 lunar walk was seen by twice that many people. As a measure of that growth, 40 hours of television broadcasts were transmitted via Intelsat in 1965. By 1968, the total had grown to nearly 700 hours and this year the figure will exceed 2,500 hours. Better news coverage is only a small part of the benefits of improved communications. Telephone conversations, telegrams, computer "language" data, facsimile photographs can also be transmitted swiftly across oceans by means of the communications satellites. But history may record the main advantage of communications satellites as improvements in the understanding between peoples of the world. Leonard Marks, formerly a U.S. Government official and a long-time leader in Intelsat affairs, believes that better communications "are the very foundation of world peace." Says Marks, "The more we know about what is common to all, the less likely we are to fight over the issues which may set us apart." The developing countries of the world

may be the prime beneficiaries of the Intelsat system. Until now, most of the international communications traffic has been in the United States, Europe and Japan while the rest of the world has been largely without modern serVIce. The first communications satellite, launched by the United States in December 1958, broadcast a simple pre-recorded Christmas message from President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Since then, the satellite design has proven flexible, inexpensive and practical for high capacity use. Its most outstanding achievement is the altitude of the satellite which permits it to "synchronize" with the spinning of the Earth and remain stationary relative to a given point on Earth. In a synchronous or geostationary orbit at 36,000 kilometres over the Equator, the satellite needs only very small rocket engines which can be fired remotely for minute changes in orbit when necessary. At such a high altitude, more than one-third of the Earth is visible to the satellite at one time. But since synchronized satellites must be stationed over the Equator they cannot effectively serve the polar regions of the north and south.


ithin less than a year after the interim Intelsat agreement went into effect, the organization's first satellite was put into orbit. The first, designated Intelsat I or Early Bird, was launched from Cape Kennedy on April 6, 1965, over the Atlantic. The next in the series of Intelsat satellites, Intelsat II, went up January 11, 1967. Two additional Intelsat II's were successfully launched and placed in commercial

A system of three satellites stationed 36,000 kilometres above the Equator provides communications coverage over most of the world-only five years after the launching of the first Intelsat satellite in 1965.

dling 5,000 to 8,000 two-way telephone conversations or 12 television transmissions. The proposed IntelsatIV willweigh about four times as much as the Intelsat III and will be about five times more powerful. It will also feature a unique antenna system which can provide intense "spot" beams to be aimed directly at heavy communication traffic areas on earth. This new system will make it possible to increase significantly the number of circuits each satellite can relay.


service in 1967. In this series the Atlantic satellite connects North America, Latin America, Western Europe and Ascension and Grand Canary Island. The other two over the Pacific Ocean link the United States, Hawaii, Australia, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand. Intelsat III was ready for launch late in the summer of 1968. The first, which was due for orbiting on September 18, was lost when its space booster dumped it into the Atlantic. The second, however, was placed in service late in 1968. The series provides for 1,200 phone conversations at one time or four television transmissions. The organization is planning still more advanced satellites. Cornsat, on behalf of Intelsat, has asked industrial contractors to design and build a satellite capable of han-

arth stations are also being improved technically. But more important than the technical advances is the accelerating rate at which they are being built. During the past two years alone terminals were completed or were in the process of construction in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bahrein, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, East Africa, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Formosa, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, South Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, East Pakistan, West Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Thailand, United Kingdom and South Vietnam. Future Intelsat satellites may contain special electronic equipment to provide private line service to individual countries or the countries of a specific geographic region. This would represent a compromise. In addition to the Soviet Union, which is already operating a domestic system, other countries with large land masses are planning their own systems. Included are the United States, India, Canada, Brazil and Australia.

Too many individual systems would clutter the air waves and cause spacing problems. Several delegations at the 1969 Intelsat meeting argued against individual systems, fearing the spacing problems. They ended up specifying that any country establishing its own system should co-ordinate it through Intelsat so that the systems would not end up in technical conflict. Now that Intelsat has its communications satellites operating successfully, and their transmittal capacity is increasing, the organization is contemplating other businesses. The United States has proposed that Intelsat build an aeronautical telecommunications satellite. The American Government believes there is an urgent need for an improved air-to-ground international communications system in oceanic areas. A satellite could provide reliable, direct pilot-to-controller capability for the rapid communications needed in operational control. Further in the future, some Intelsat officials would like to see the organization develop navigation services for ships and aircraft, special satellites with sensors capable of helping authorities on the ground find mineral deposits and fishing grounds, and satellites able to survey and compute accurate co-ordinates on Earth as aids to establishing precise boundary and territoriallimits. While some of the new business opportunities are uncertain, Intelsat's future is not. It has proven that nations can cooperate successfully on a complex enterprise and that the organization can be operated for the common good of all. Such an organization is sure to continue and become a significant influence in the future END decades.


With the commissioning of the Arvi earth station in Maharashtra, India will join the global satellite communications network. ONE HUNDRED years ago the first telegraphic message was transmitted from London to Bombay by submarine cable. Now, another revolutionary means of communication will link India with the rest of the world-the communications satellite. With the coming commissioning of its first commercial satellite communications earth station, India enters the new age of space communications. The sentinel in the sky that will enable India to talk with the rest of the world is Intelsat III, successor to America's Telstar and Syncom satellites-which in the early 'sixties first demonstrated the feasibility of such a communications network. With the signals bounced off Intelsat III, the communications satellite stationed over the Indian Ocean, it will become possible to talk with London, Moscow, Tokyo, or Washington with clarity and speed at any time oftheday or night. Other services will be provided for leased teleprinter, telegraph, data trans- . mission, radio-photos. All India Radio will be able to transmit live television programmes from other parts of the world -initially through Bombay, where the TV service is scheduled to begin next year. Concentrated beams from the satellitepencil beams, as they are called-make possible worldwide TV relays. The technological marvel-the earth receiving station-which makes all this possible is located in a natural bowl,sur- ., rounded by hills in Arvi,'\sollle 24U' kilo- .• metres east of Bombay. Arvi was a natural choice for an earth station because it is cut off from static and electronic noise, which can interfere and even drown out the faint radio signals coming from the satellite. The only noise that breaks the tranquillity of the 89-hectare Arvi complex comes from its two generators. The most impressive feature of the Arvi station is the gigantic parabolic antenna that dominates the skyline and dwarfs the surroundings. Some 30 metres in diameter and weighing 300 tons, it has been manufactured in India. Fully manoeuvrable, it automatically tracks Intelsat III, hovering 36,000 kilometres out in space. The design ensures that the antenna remains unerringly pointed towards the satellite III winds up to 112 kilometres per hour.

...t /


Sending out powerful radio signals to the satellite is relatively simple compared to receiving the feeble signals, which have to be amplified in extraordinarily sensitive equipment kept at a very low temperature -minus 250 degrees C., equal to that of liquefied helium gas. Special systems were developed to keep the amplifiers operating continuously at this temperature. The Arvi station is linked by a line-ofsight microwave system to Bombay, India's terminal for overseas communications via satellite. Along the 240-kilometre route between the two points, three repeater stations have been located at Giravali, Chikli and Matheran. These are automatic stations. In case some fault develops, standby equipment immediately takes over and ensures uninterrupted service. In keeping with the magnitude of the project, the Bombay terminal is a 76-metre high skyscraper topped by a 45-metre microwave tower, which rises in the heart of Bombay's commercial centre. Adjacent to the Central Telegraph Office, it facilitates interconnection between the satellite channels and the national network. Called the Videsh Sanchar Bhavan, the new landmark stands on the site of an earlier oneQueen VIctoria's statue, which dominated the area for almost 100 years. The most modern equipment and facilities distinguish the terminal. One floor accommodates the international telegraph operating room with 80 teleprinters. Two other floors provide the support-equipment and maintenance facilities for the telegraph. In addition, there are a television room, booths for overseas telephone calls, the most modern facilities for staff use, and a completely-equipped conference hall. The Department of Atomic Energy has the turn-key responsibility for the Arvi project, but the Overseas Communications Services (OCS) of the Government ofIndia is in charge of operations and maintenance. Mr. K.M. Balchandani, Director-General of the OCS, has commented on the rapid development of international satellite communications. "Its impact on mankind has been tremendous. Till the satellite came, TV could not be flashed across oceans.

India's gateway/or overseas telecommunications through space is Bombay's new skyscraper, the 76-metre high Videsh Sanchar Bhavan, left. At right, Assistant Engineer T. V. Dakshinamurthy o/the Overseas Communications Service checks the monitoring equipment inBombay for TVrelay.

Last year, when man stepped on the moon, this was watched by 800 million people of different nations and continents. This ringside seat was possible only by the revolutionary advance in space technology. The latest Intelsat satellite has a capacity of 1,200 voice channels. The next series, now under manufacture, will have the capacity of 5,000 channels each. Capacity of the order of 100,000 voice circuits is considered possible in future generations of satellites." In constructing the Arvi Earth Station, the aim was to depend as little as possible on imported materials, to make the greatest use of indigenous talent, and to develop technological self-reliance. (The giant iron wheel that turns the antenna, for example, is the largest in the country.) In completing the project, one million dollars in foreign exchange was saved. "But," according to Project Administrator Wing Commander K.R. Rao, "the gain that cannot be evaluated in terms of money is the confidence and competence gained by Indians in undertaking and executing such projects .... We are now ready to erect such stations in other countries." His team set up the experimental satellite communications earth station at Ahmedabad in 1967. The Arvi Earth Station will track the Indian Ocean communications satellite, Intelsat III, which rotates around the earth at approximately the same speed as the earth and so appears to be stationary. Its coverage extends from Goonhilly in the United Kingdom to Yamaguchi in Japan, both of which have earth stations and will be linked to Arvi. The estimated cost of the receiving

station and the terminal facilities is eighty million rupees. A Canadian credit of four million dollars met the foreign exchange requirement for the import of certain of the equipment. The Bell Telephone Manufacturing Company of Belgium is collaborating with Indian Telephone Industries in the manufacture here of equipment for the exchanges in the Videsh Sanchar Bhavan. When the linkup starts operating, communication will begin with the U.K., Malaysia, East Africa, Australia, Bahrein, Japan, Kuwait, and through Europe to America. The second phase will include Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. "The possibilities of international communication are limitless," an engineer at Arvi said. "We are only beginning to scratch the surface." Mr. Balchandani sums up the value of the new station in India's modernization programme by saying: "Man's ability to store knowledge, store information, and his ability to communicate this to another of his kind has been considered by far the most fundamental advantage of man over other creatures-in fact, man's advantage over the entire universe. The story of any nation, the growth of any nation, starts with the growth of its communications. Today we have come to identify the progress of a nation with the sophistication of its communication facilities. The Arvi Earth Receiving Station -and another now planned for construction near Delhi-will provide India with good quality reliable communications adequate for its trade and commerce and in keeping with its international standing." END

For people around the world, the drama of man's first landing on the moon ended in July 1969 with the return of the Apollo-II astronauts. But for scientists, the excitement had just begun. In a first person account, the author describes the "shell shock" created at the Lunar Science Conference which was attended by 700 scientists in Houston, Texas.

I paid my first visit to the Manned Spacecraft Center, in Houston, Dr. Elbert King, who was then the curator of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, said that the conference of all the scientists who would be studying the rocks and du~t the Apollo II astronauts brought back from the moon would be a "blockbuster," and when I saw him at the Apollo II Lunar Science Conference he said that he had underrated the situation-that he knew of no other occasion in history when so many people had gone off to work independently on the same problem and had met later on to put their findings together. The scientists met for four days at the Albert Thomas Convention and Exhibit Center, a vast building in downtown Houston, which houses in its front lobby the National Space Hall of Fame. More. than 700 geologists, chemists, physicists, geochemists, geophysicists, astronomers, and astrophysicists were present. Dr. Ross Taylor, the Australian geochemist, who had put off a trip home to Canberra in order to attend the conference, said, "It truly is a gathering! Everybody's here! There has HEN

About the author: Mr. Cooper, who is on the editorial staff of The New Yorker, has written several articles on outer space exploration.

information assailed them. Towards the close of the first day, I had coffee with Dr. Daniel Anderson, now acting curator of "Normally, scientific the Receiving Laboratory, who had just listened to six papers in a row. Several large developments come in dribs coffee Urns and a dozen big round tables and drabs, but here had been set up in a gallery, and there were usually as many scientists discussing the everything is coming proceedings over coffee as there were listening to the lectures. Dr. Anderson, a tall, all at once." angular geologist in his 30's, said there was so much new material that it was difficult for him to determine what was important. never been such a galaxy!" Within the "Normally, scientific developments come galaxy, only 142 were Principal Investiga- in dt:ibs and drabs, but here everything is tors, or P.Ls, but most of the P.Ls had coming all at once," he went on. "I fed like several collaborators, called Co-Investiga- a blind artist having his sight restored in a tors, or Co-I.s, so there were all sorts of museum-too much too quickly. From this combinations of people who had worked meeting we ought to get a better picture of on the rocks and wanted to tell one another thl'!moon, but we won't get it right away. what they had found. There were scientists In the coming months, people will think from Germany, Switzerland, England, about what they've heard here, and write Canada, Australia, Japan, and a number papers synthesizing it. We've known so of other countries. There were no P.l.s little about the moon that we haven't even from the Communist-bloc countries-a known what we don't know, so one of the pity, most of the scientists thought, because exciting things about'watching the informathe opinion,S of certain Soviet scientists tion come in is that we can begin to define the areas of ou'r ignorance and forwould have been welcome. The conference was such a blockbuster mulate the questions we ought to be asking. that it induced a feeling of shell shock, It's like looking at a black-and-white picwhich some scientists said wks caused by ture. At first, all you see is the black part, the rapidity with which great bursts of and then the image moves, and suddenly continued

you see it in terms of the white part. Some scientists thought they knew a great deal about the moon until the image movedwhich is what it's doing now." One man whose ideas about the moon were modified as a result of information he picked up at the meeting was Dr. John O'Keefe, of the Goddard Spaceflight Center, in Greenbelt, Maryland. For years, Dr. O'Keefe has believed that tektites-small glassy stones found on various parts of the Earth's surface--'--<:amefrom the moon. Dr. O'Keefe has espoused equally bizarresounding notions in the past and been right; for instance, he showed in 1958 that the Earth was somewhat pear-shaped.

ut his idea that the lunar highlands might contain mountains of tektites was short-lived at the meeting. In the next day or so, several scientists, among them Dr. King, told of finding in their samples of lunar dust from the maria seemingly alien particles of arock called anorthosite. (Anorthosite is a light-coloured, light-weight granitic rock, and is common in the Adirondack Mountains.) Dr. King and his co-workers had counted arid identified the particles in his five-gram allotment of moon dust, and had found that out of 1,227 grains, only 30 were anorthosite. Because the anorthosite grains were so different from the rest (which were mostly blackish and basaltic), and because there were so few of them, Dr. King speculated that they might have been flung there by an impact in the highlands. He had thought he was going out on a limb by suggesting this-just as Dr. Johannes Geiss, the Swiss physicist, had felt about one of his suggestions-but then he found that three other groups of geologists at the conference had found anorthosite in their lunar dust and had also speculated that it came from the highlands. (Such repetition tended to confirm results. One P.I. commented after the meeting, "Fortunately, we all found the same things.") The anorthosite was chemically not at all like the tektites, and when I saw Dr. O'Keefe on the last day of the conference he said ruefully that it looked as if the tektites, which he knew hadn't come from the maria, hadn't come from the highlands, either. Dr. O'Keefe took his reverses cheerfully. He opened his briefcase and produced a

"I really fouled things up when I said tektites would be a common constituent of the moon. They must be very rare."

book of articles written by him and several other prominent selenologists before the Apollo 11 mission. In it, they had set down their predictions of what the moon would be like, and now Dr. O'Keefe ticked off various predictions of his that had turned out to be right. He had said that the moon would be low in gold and platinum (which are siderophile elements) and also in lead and bismuth (which are volatile elements), . and, sure enough, it had been low in all four. He added, "I really fouled things up, though, when I said tektites would be a common constituent of the moon. They must be very rare." During one session, a number of organic chemists, palaeontologists, and biologists backed up each other's findings that life had never existed on the moon-or, at least, not at Tranquillity Base, where the Apollo I I astronauts had been. One organic chemist, Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma, of the Ames Research Center, at Moffett Field, California, had found about 200 parts per million of carbon in his moon sample, but by the time he had subtracted enough parts per million to account for possible forms of contamination, he had only about 150 parts per million left, and none of those parts contained molecules related to life processes. The palaeontologists, who had been looking for fossils, and particularly for microscopic ones, and the biologists, who had been looking for anything that moved, had had some uplifting moments, but these had been followed by swift letdowns. Under a microscope, geological or chemical structures sometimes resemble various living things. The tiny spheres of glass in the dust had made one micropalaeontologist think of pollen grains. Dr. Delbert E. Philpott, an electron microscopist, who had searched the vesicles in

his lunar glass to see if anything was lurking in them, found what looked like a common bacteria. It wasn't. The most startling biological discovery had been made by Dr. Robert Walker, a physicist, who found what appeared to be an organism with legs and feelers when he looked at his sample under a microscope. Upon closer examination, the organism proved to be a bug from a dog that had strayed into his laboratory. Dr. Gerald Taylor, a biologist, who had been a member of the quarantine team in the Receiving Laboratory and who had been one of the first scientists to hunt for evidence of life on the moon, was sitting a couple of rows ahead of me, listening glumly. During a lull between talks (a kitchen timer cut off each speaker after 20minutes), Dr. Taylor told me that he had come specially to hear the paper that was next on the agenda. That paper, by Mr. Vance I. Oyama, of the Ames Research Center, was titted "Apollo I I Lunar Sample: A Search for Viable Organisms," and Dr. Taylor explained, "It says in the abstract that Mr . Oyama 'confirms the results of the Space Center quarantine team.' That means he didn't find anything, either." I asked Dr. Taylor what he and his associates were going to do now that they had found an aseptic moon, and he said they would continue to look for life in all future batches of lunar rock.

n the second day of the meeting, I looked up Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, a geologist with the California Institute of Technology, who had been in charge of the astronauts' geological activities on the moon. In a lecture the day before, he had expressed some ideas about the dusty material blanketing the moon-the regolith-which were diametrically opposed to some ideas that Mr. Thomas Gold, an astrophysicist at Cornell University, had expressed to me earlier. Mr. Gold had told me that he believed the maria basins were filled with very fine dust that had slowly slipped down from the highlands on an electrostatic current. When I asked Dr. Shoemaker, a flintylooking man who was wearing a turquoiseand-silver Navajo necktie, about Mr. Gold's creeping moon dust, he said, "Mr. Gold's most serious difficulty is that his theory gives you a very different picture

from what is actually happening on the moon." Iasked him what was happening ,on the moon, and he said that the regolith, instead of being an effluvium from the mountains, was simply a blanket of debris -three to six metres thick-that had been built up by meteors' chipping away at the bedrock for about four billion years. Meteors and micrometeors land on the moon in a steady rain, and Dr. Shoemaker has come to think of the regolith as being the ejecta from billions upon billions of craters superimposed one upon another until all but the most recent have been obliterated. The regolith is slowly but constantly churning, for the incessant impacts keep shaking it up, so that rocks at the bottom work their way to the top and rocks at the top get buried-a phenomenon that Dr. Shoe, maker calls "gardening."

r. Shoemaker and his associates have figured out some mathematical formulas for how the regolith ought to behave. If their theory is correct, there should be a correlation between the number of craters in an area and the thickness of the regolith. When Dr. Shoemaker counted the craters in an area where Neil Armstrong had walked during the Apollo 11 mission, and put the number into one of his formulas, the formula gave an answer of four metres for the depth of the regolith-the very depth in one of the craters at which Armstrong had seen what he took to be bedrock. Dr. Shoemaker said his formulas should enable him to determine how long a rock had lain on the surface, how often a rock had been flipped over by neighbouring impacts, how long it would take a rock to get buried, and what a rock's chances were of being eroded into dust by micrometeorites , before it could get buried. He had been listening carefully to the papers presented by some of the physicists, because the physicists were in a position to confirm his figures. The moon is perpetually exposed to the solar wind-particles streaming away from the sun-and by counting microscopic tracks left by the solar-wind particles on a rock, physicists can tell how long it has lain. on the surface of the moon. By counting the tracks on all sides of a rock, they can tell' how often the rock has been flipped and how long it has remained in

"My thinking has changed only in that it has become

each position. Different particles of the solar wind-and other particles from space, such as cosmic rays-penetrate the surface of the moon to different depths, and this makes it possible for physicists to get some idea of how long it takes a rock to work its way up, how often it stops along the way, and even how long it takes at each stop. The gardening, by ariy reckoning, is extremely slow. One physicist discovered that the rate at which rocks were eroded by micrometeorites was one millimetre per one million years-a finding that came very close to Dr. Shoemaker's calculations. Asithappened, Mr. Gold was as pleased with the evidence from the moon as anyone. "My thinking has changed only in that it has become more extreme," he said at the conference. He didn't know what to make of a general theory for the lunar dust, such as Dr. Shoemaker's, that didn't explain the apparently fluid movement of the dust-Mr. Gold's evidence that the dust had floated slowly down an electrostatic current. In his own sample, he had come across a large number of particles of odd shapes, such as antlers, and he was sure that these had hot been eroded out of bedrock. So Mr. Gold, far from retreating, advanced to a new ramification of his theory. On the smallest dust particles, he had found microscopic craters-three or four craters, sometimes, to a speck of dust-and he was certain these microcraters proved that much of the dust on the moon came from space, with even the smallest bits, as they impacted, blasting over their own tiny Tychos and Copernicuses. Several members of the Preliminary Examination Team, or P.E.T.-which had already investigated and catalogued the lunar material-had gone on to be P.I.s or ,Co-I.s,and ,on the second day of the con-

ference I ran into two of them standing by the coffee urns in the Exhibit Center. They were Dr. William Greenwood, a geologist, ,and Dr. David Carrier, a civil engineer. They said they were pleased that virtually all the P.E.T.'s findings were being verified by the P.Ls. Dr. Carrier and Dr. Greenwood had collaborated as Co-I.s on a paper about lunar dust. Dr. Greenwood had noted the pitted appearance of the dust, as Mr. Gold had, but instead of attributing the pitting to the impacting of particles from space, he thought it was a sign that the dust might have been tumbled about.inside a hot cloud of gases spreading across the moon as a result of either an impact or a volcanic explosion. Such rapidly expanding clouds sometimes occur on Earth after volcanic eruptions, and some scientists feel that their lunar coun, terparts may have raced across the moon like searing sandstorms, scattering layers of dust for kilometres over the flat maria. At the tables, several of the scientists were discussing what might be learned about the Earth from the moon.' One geochemist wondered about the fact that the old,estknown rocks on Earth and the rocks from the Mare Tranquillitatis were roughly the same age, and speculated that both Earth rocks and moon rocks might have been made by a single barrage of meteors. A micropalaeontologist pointed out that the oldest known rocks on Earth-about three and a half billion years old-eontained evidence of microscopic life, which meant that the Earth had already taken a different course from the moon, and had acquired oceans and an atmosphere. A third scientist remarked that the moon was evidently a stillborn version of the Earth.

his picture of a cold, stillborn moon didn't go unchallenged. Another scientist suggested that the moon, instead of having died in infancy, might have lived for a time and then consumed itself in a blaze of volcanism, like a dissipated youth becoming old and ravaged before his time. Perhaps the moon was a foreshadowing of what the Earth would be like in senility. Dr. Ross Taylor, the Australian geochemist on the P.E.T. who had done the initial chemical analysis of the moon rocks, told me on the third day of the conference continued,

that he expected the Apollo 11 findings to give the scientists a good deal of information about whether the moon had been hot or cold. Dr. Taylor thought that the most important evidence for a once-hot moon was the confirmation by a group of P.Ls, including Dr. G.J. Wasserberg, of the California Institute of Technology, of the finding that the Apollo 11 rocks were 3,700,000,000 years old-a finding that had originally been indicated by the P.E.T. "In return for the first crack at the rocks, the P.E.T. scientists had to stick their necks out, and it's nice if you're not wrong," said Dr. Taylor, who was also on the P.E.T. This was the first definite date for the moon, and one pleased P.E.T. investigator was boasting, "Now we can say the rocks from the Mare Tranquillitatis are exactly 3,650,000,00<) years old, plus or minus 50 million years."

"Now we .can say the rocks from the Mare


Tranquillitatis are exactly 3,650,000,000 , years old, plus or minus 50 million years."

debris. (Impact melting almost certainly occurred on the moon at some time, and few scientists seriously doubt that the moon's major features have been made by meteors.) Much of the evidence for a once-hot moon was coming from the geochemists. They could tell by the elements in a rock, and also by the size, shape and arrangement of its crystals, such things as how long he rocks, that is, had turned out to be a rock took to cool, how much pressure it at the more recent end of the age had been under, and at what temperature spread that the P.E.T. had found for it had solidified. Impact melting should them. A rock is dated from the time result, the geochemists thought, in rocks it hardens out of a molten state, and, that had been melted totally and quickly at accordingly, the difference between high temperatures and had cooled rapidly. the age of the dust (about four and a half Instead, they were finding rocks that had billion years, also established by Dr. Wasser- been partly melted, at lower temperatures, berg's group) and the age of the rocks and had stayed melted long enough to bemay mean that there was heat on the moon come differentiated; that is, had been molten long or often enough to break down for nearly a billion years. Dr. Taylor, who is sure rl10stof the dust into 'derivative types of rocks, and even originated on the moon, thinks the billion- whole families of rocks, one descended year age difference argues against impact from another. This didn't sound to most melting--caused by meteors' landing at geologists like impact melting, though most high speed-because it is hard to see how. of them conceded that lava in the centre of a heavy meteoric bombardment of the a pool of rock melted by impact might stay moon could have kept up for a billion molten for a long time-assuming that the yeats. And the age spread between rock pool was big enough. They were much and dust is two billion years if the dates more inclined to believe that the lava had that the P.E.T. established for the Apollo welled up from inside the moon, where it 12 rocks, from the Oceanus Procell arum, had simmered gently enough and long are taken into consideration. The P.E.T. enough to make complex varieties of rock. Dr. Harold C. Urey, a professor of chefound these rocks to be about two and a half billion years old. Dr. Taylor now mistry at the University of California at SanDiego, whom I talked with a little later thought he could make an open-and-shut case against the maria rocks' having been that day, was still holding on to the idea melted by impact. Just as big impacts spat- of a cold moon, though he was admitting tered debris all over the moon, the impacts to difficulties. He said, "I am terribly puzthat made the younger maria should have zled by the evidence. I just don't know what scattered debris over the older maria. How- to think. I regard my argument for a cold ever, all the maria are notably smooth. moon as a serious argument, and other Therefore, the older maria must have later people pay no attention." Dr. Urey told been flooded with lava, which covered the me he had been embarrassed before and

had recovered from it, and expected to recover this tIme. He brushed aside his big triumph-the discovery that most of the rocks on the moon date back to the beginning of the solar system, as he had always thought. Dr. Urey's persistence in his belief about tlie moon's being cold is rooted in the moon's irregular bulk, and particularly in the presence of mascons-mass concentrations of matter centred like bull's-eyes under the circular maria. He reasoned, just as befote, that if the moon had once been hot it would have beell so soft and malleable that the lumpy mascons would have been smoothed away long ago. However, the mascons are still there (their gravitational pull plays havoc with the>orbits of spacecraft), so Dr. Urey didn't see how anybody could escape the conclusion that the moon was cool. Unhappily, the scientists at the meeting were escaping that conclusion, and Dr. Urey himself was getting ready to admit that there may once have been some internal heat near the surface of the ,moon. He was not giving up the coldmoon theory, however. Instead, he was revising it to propose that the lunar interior was cold and rigid enough to support the mascons, but that the exterior, to a depth of between about 50 and 100 kilometres, had at one time been melted by some external source, such as a hot phase of the sun. Dr. Urey still believed that the moon had been formed e1~ewhere in the solar system-possibly with a lot of other moons -and then had been captured in the Earth's gravitational field.

The second and concluding part of this article will be published in 'the next issue.

Dear Sir: Dear Sir: May I draw your attention to a mistake on page 32 of July 1970issue of SPAN where an electron micrograph is published showing genes at work. In the 11th line of the legend of this photograph it is mentioned that RNA instructs DNA to programme the various activities of the living cell. This is a wrong statement. In all living cells except certain viruses the genes are made up of DNA. In other words, we can say that genes are DNA or the DNA is the genetic material. DNA produces RNA and a particular type of RNA carries the instructions of DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm to programme the activities of the cell. Therefore to say that RNA instructs DNA is wrong; the fact is the other way round, i.e. DNA instructs RNA. However the statement 'RNA instructs DNA' may sound true in the case of certain tumourcausing viruses in which the genetic material is RNA. In these viruses RNA transcribes genetic information to DNA. It is called inverted transcription according to Dr. Temin of the University of Wisconsin. Recently inverted transcription has been experimentally established in Rous . Sarcoma virus by three American scientists namely, Drs. Temin, Mizutani and Baltimore. But it cannot be taken as a general rule for all living organisms. SHELANDRA K. KULSHRESTHA Dehra Dun

Editor's Note: The error, which has also been pointed out by several other readers, is regretted. Unfortunately the terms DNA and RNA were transposed in the text. Dear Sir: The July 1970 issue of SPAN was outstanding for the number of interesting articles that it contained. I liked best those on "Thomas Jefferson: Champion of the Rights of the Individual" and "The Cultural Geography of New York City"-especially the latter. I have rarely seen anything as good in that line outside the late John Gunther's Insides. The article was indeed an eyeopener to me. When I spent three days (alas, only three) in New York a couple of years back, I had no idea I was surrounded by so much cultural wealth. I look forward to the appearance of articles on more or less the same lines about other American cities, e.g., Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago, in future issues of SPAN. PHILIP FURTADO Bombay

Dear Sir: The August 1970 issue of SPAN Dear Sir: I read the article "The Stokes of introduced a linguist, Dr. A.K. Ramanujan, Kotgarh" by V.S. Nanda (September 1970). It professor of Dravidian Studies in the University is a befitting memorial to Samuel Stokes that the of Chicago and focused attention on an impor- state government is building a Farmer's Community Centre to be named after him. Both litertant field of academic activity. ally and metaphorically speaking this great social The scholarly replies given by Dr. Ramanujan not only summarize what has been done so far worker has changed the large jungle area into in the field of Dravidian studies in the University a good apple-growing tract by establishing the of Chicago but also pinpoint what is proposed first apple orchards in this area. It is interesting to be done in such studies "which are becoming to note that three-fourths of the population increasingly important." The interview has . of Kotgarh is engaged in apple growing and enabled Dr. Ramanujan to think aloud the basic marketing. Being a professor of agriculture, I feel that the premise inevitable in the pursuit of Dravidian studies. A study of India cannot be completepractical experience of apple growing in Kotgarh be it anthropology or linguistics, culture or civil- will be very useful to most of the states in North ization-unless, as Dr. Ramanujan says, it is India. An apple research farm might be estabconceded (italics mine) that "for a total picture lished by the state government as a memorial to of Indian civilization and Indian linguistics we this pioneer worker. need both these classical but contrasted lanI appreciate the social, educational and agriguages," i.e., Sanskrit and Tamil. cultural work being done by the younger Stokes. In the Sangam poetry of Tamil, the ideas are A.Y. BHAGAT direct and simple and their universal appeal canWarora not, in any way, be underestimated. In this task of interpreting Tamil, a language which has a continuity in literature for over 2,000 years-a Dear Sir: The interview with Satyajit Ray rare record excelled by few languages in the (September 1970) was superb and powerfully world-Dr. Ramanujan has the advantage of assisted by a number of good photographs which "standing away from the environment to be gave a deep insight into the working style of this objective." In the study of Tamil classics, an great director. I wonder at the maestro's thorunbiased and detached mind of a scholar spots oughness in drawing such fine line sketches of unerringly the universal values and appeal in different poses of the characters he is going them, which are reflected in a great measure in to shoot. It's great. the views expressed by Dr. Ramanujan in the CHETAN P. JAIN interview. Bombay K.C. KAMALIAH New Delhi Dear Sir: It gave me no end of pleasure to read the fascinating account of Mr. William Dear Sir: I read with profound interest the Pierce Rogers' life and interests in your Septarticle, "It's Happening in Sausalito" in SPAN, ember 1970 issue. The article brings out vividly August, 1970. As a teacher myself, I was deeply the qualities of head and heart of one of the touched by the candour with which the teacher world's ablest statesmen. Mr. Rogers has indeed had asked her to evaluate her perform- won international esteem and eminence as a ance. I have nothing but praise for her and her skilled statesman. His devotion to the cause of pupils and the American educational system. international peace and co-operation, his receptive mind and above all his whole-hearted willA.E. KAMALANATHAN ingness to understand and appreciate divergent Sholinghur views make him a democrat in the truest sense of the term. You have done a commendable job in affordDear Sir: I read with much interest "Progress Slow but Sure" (August, 1970).This article is not ing Indians an opportunity to know Mr. Rogers only valuable, interesting and informative, but more intimately. The article is well worth reading is in the nature of a prescription for the cure by everyone interested in knowing about the and prevention of cancer. After reading it, my personalities of today who are making the history conscience did not allow a chain smoker like of tomorrow. me even to think of a cigarette: the need to light HARI SINGH U. ASNANI it did not arise. Udaipur PUSHKAR N. RAINA Srinagar

Below: AeriaL view of the city shows San Diego Harbour, with Point Loma stretching along the horizon and Mission Bay in the upper right-hand corner. In the famed San Diego Zoo, right, a youngster rides a giant turtLe. At far right, fishermen assess the day's catch. Members of the San Diego BaLLet,bottom right, rehearse in the new 3,OOO-seatcivic theatre. N



shore of an old-new land called California ... the Pacific Ocean has thrust a huge blue scimitar into the ribs of the land, and along this curving bay, like a well-fitting tiara, rises a city of uncommon handsomeness and promise." This description of San Diego by A.C. Fisher, Jr., appearing in a recent issue of National Geographic, emphasizes its relationship with the sea. All over the world, of course, there are cities by the sea. But in few others does the ocean govern life to quite the same extent-determining San Diego's physical character, its economic development, its intellectual atmosphere, and even its choice of recreation. In every aspect, then, San Diego's destinies seem linked with the sea. The city sprawls ~~ross the hills that rise from its Pacific coastline and the shores of its two bays. The more dominant of these is San Diego Harbour, 27 kilometres long and crowded with vessels of all kinds including thousands of pleasure craft anchored at its yacht clubs and marinas. Separated from the harbour by the steepsided promontory known as Point Lorna is Mission Bay, an 18-square-kilometre aquatic park. Formerly an ugly tidal flat, it has been developed as a civic playground that abounds in hotels, golf courses, picnic grounds, restaurants and an oceanarium. Each year thousands of vacationers are lured here by its excellent facilities for sailing, swimming, powerboat racing, water skiing and fishing. Situated 175 kilometres southeast of Los Angeles and less than 25 kilometres from the Mexican border, San Diego is the oldest city in California. Actually, the bay was discovered in 1542 by a Portuguese explorer named Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Over the years, parties from Spanish ships landed in San Diego to make forays into California. But it was not until 1769 that the first permanent settlement began, when a Spanish priest, Father Junipero Serra, dedicated California's earliest mission.

Though first in history, San Diego lacked the location to retain its rank as the premier city of California. It was far off course in the Gold Rush. Builders of highways and railroads found better passes to the north through the mountains from the east. And even with its fine natural harbour, it had to surrender maritime supremacy to San Francisco, and later to Los Angeles. Today the metropolitan area of San Diego approaches 1,500,000 in population; but, as a visitor remarked, "one wonders where they all are." One looks in vain for trademarks like the conventional urban core, for traffic snarls and the blanket of smog that characterize modern cities. Instead, there is a placid, low-key feeling about San Diego that is perfectly in accord with its leisurely development. "This city attracts a less intense, a less driven person," observes Neil Morgan, columnist for the San Diego Evening Tribune, and author of The California Syndrome. "You don't move here if you have to beat the world tomorrow .... " Another long-time resident says: "San Diego is not a crossroads; the people here are perma-

nent, not floaters. San Diegans love their museums, their parks, their city." Much of San Diego's cultural life centres in Balboa Park, which covers 570 hectares right in the heart of the city. Here, the two expositions staged in 1915-16 and 1935-36 have established an architectural nucleus of handsome buildings which now house galleries, theatres and museums. The Aerospace Museum contains a meticulous reproduction of Charles Lindbergh's The Spirit of St. Louis; for it was in San Diego that the aviator built, tested and equipped his famous monoplane. The city today has local opera and ballet companies, a symphony orchestra and a Shakespearean summer festival. Balboa Park's favourite institution, however, is the San Diego Zoological Garden, which is said to contain the world's largest collection of mammals, birds and reptiles. And the Zoological Garden contains an exotic assortment of thousands' of sub-tropical plants. A popular San Diego pastime is to take a bus through the zoo or to ride the aerial tramway and look down at the animals. continued

Right: San Diego at dusk presents a spectacular sight, with hundreds of boats riding at anchor and skyscrapers lighting up the background. At left, a technician works in a laboratory of Gulf General Atomic, one of the largest companies in San Diego today.

In recent years San Diego has attracted scores of new business enterprises, chiefly the aerospace and electronic industries.

One of the main reasons for San Diego's unhurried pace of life and its popularity with vacationers is its exceptional climate, with an average high of 22 degrees C and a low of 13 degrees C. This would also seem to be the ideal intellectual climate-judging by the large number of educational institutions centred here. Some 70,000 students are enrolled in the city's colleges and universities, 23,000 of them in San Diego State College. In addition, there are three other colleges or universities, and seven junior colleges. In all, higher education contributes more than $ 100 million a year to San Diego's economy. An important aspect of the academic picture is provided by the nearly 100 institutions and companies engaged in oceanographic research. The most distinguished and influential of these is the Scripps Institution of Oceanography which since 1912 has been located in that part of the city known as La Jolla ("The Jewel"). At present more than 200 projects are under way at Scripps, perhaps the most intriguing of which is the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Boring holes into the ocean floor at depths of 900 to 6,000 metres, scientists are learning much about the age o( the earth and how it was formed. Speaking of the average person's increased interest in the sea, Scripps director

Dr. William A. Nirenberg says: "People have gotten emotionally involved with the oceans. This is true all over the world. Perhaps this is because our world has suddenly become global. ... To oceanographers the sea is an enormous and restless antagonist. The work is nowhere near as glamorous as it's supposed to be. But for the average man, there is the ocean-beautiful, available, and infinitely appealing." In San Diego the citizen's attachment to the sea is more concrete-because one in every four is involved with the U.S. Navy or Merchant Marine. The city ranks with Norfolk, Virginia, as America's largest Navy city, and the relationship goes back to 1901, when a coaling station was established at Point Lorna. It is now the home port of the Pacific fleet, and one-sixth of the entire plant value of the Navy is located here. Among the facilities is the largest naval hospital in the world, with 2,000 beds and nearly 500 physicians. But naval operations presently account for only a quarter of the city's income, for scores of new industrial and commercial ente~r~ses have diversified the economy. The ae\~~ace and electronic industries provide the bacRbone of San Diego's payroll of about $1.2 billion. The largest single employer, with some 13,000 workers, is Convair, a subsidiary of General Dynam-

5Cf--- ere-O ics. Income from tourism exceeds $355 million annually, and the city has an average of 100,000 visitors a day. What draws them is the kind of charm described by one newspaperman when he said: "San Diego-not Los Angeles or San Francisco-is the kind of place that those in other parts are most likely to think of when they picture California: a bucolic setting of sunshine and water, not yet shrouded in smog or grown into anonymous infinity, still full of dreams, still obsessed with the hope of greatness tomorrow." END

In a lively radiI} show, San Diego Mayor Frank Curran, right, discusses issues with a group of the city's "Now Generation." Serving his second term as mayor, the onetime longshoreman has seen San Diego grow from sleepy town to thriving metropolis.

Right, Tektite Il programme manager James W. Miller talks with the "aquall,ette" team. From left to right are: Mrs. Hartline, Miss Szmant, Miss Lucas, Dr. True alld Dr. Earle.

Tektite II, described by the U.S. Vice President (see page 2), is a co-operative effort involving American government agencies, private industries and universities under the leadership of the U.S. Department of the Interior. It is a followup to a 1969 programme, Tektite I, in which, with no ill effects,four scientist-aquanauts spent an unprecedented two months conducting various research activities while living in a habitat 50 feet below the surface of the sea. One of the most dramatic aspects of Tektite II has been the inclusion of a team of six women researchers among the otherwise all-male teams. While one of the women remained above the surface to direct operations there, the five others spent two weeks living in, and working out of, the habitat. The five women: Dr. Sylvia Earle, 34, was the team

leader. A botanist specializing in the study of algae, she observed the plant life outside the habitat. Her experience included five cruises with the U.S. National Science Foundation research vessel, the Anton Brunn, during which she made scuba dives in the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, coastal Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Dr. Renate Schlenz True, 33, holds a doctorate in biological oceanography. During her underwater stay, she did research into the ecology and behavioral patterns of the motile fauna associated with tropical marine communities. She has studied marine life in the Red Sea and was a member of the French expedition during the "International Year for the Exploration of the Indian Ocean" in /968. Mrs. Ann Hurley Hartline, 23, is a graduate student in marine ecology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at

the University of California in San Diego. A skin diver for many years, she began scuba diving at Scripps, where her research work requires diving several times a week. Miss Alina Margarita Szmant, 24, who received her master's degree in marine biology from Scripps in June, is teaching at the University of Puerto Rico. Her studies have dealt with invertebrate zoology. Miss Margaret Ann Lucas, 23, known to everyone as "Peggy," holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and is now working for a master's degree in ocean engineering at the University of Delaware. Miss Lucas served as engineer for the Tektite II women's mission. In the following article, she tells what life was like for herself and the four other women during their two weeks in the underwater home named "Tektite" after small meteorites found both on land and in the sea.

Tmo weeks on the bottom of the sea by PEGGY LUCAS

"WHAT YOU NEED down there," said a friend a few days before I was to join four other "aquanettes" in a two-week stay in a man-made habitat 50 feet below the surface of the Caribbean Sea, "is a good watchdog." With that, he handed me a stuffed toy beagle, a replica of "Snoopy," the delightful cartoon canine who became world famous early last year when the crew of the moon-circling Apollo 10 named their lunar module after him. Well, I thought, why not? If the astronauts could take their Snoopy for a closeup of the moon, why shouldn't we take ours with us for a closeup of life in that strange other world that exists underwater? I'm not sure what Snoopy thought of the whole affair, but he proved to be excellent company. He was the only "boy" with u~ in the habitat during the fourteen days we spent on the ocean floor of Great Lameshur Bay off the Virgin Islands. Unlike the bewhiskered scientists on the surface who monitored most of our activities by television, relaying instructions in voices that seemed to come from nowhere, he never awakened me from a sound sleep to suggest that I "go power down so we can switch generators" or perform some other technical task to keep the habitat's equipment humming. Our underwater adventure began at 10 o'clock the morning of July 6. That was Left, the team takes to the sea to begin its fourteen-day stay in the Tektite II habitat.

when the five of us jumped almost in unison from a floating barge into the warm waters of the Caribbean and began swimming down to the Tektite II habitat. The sponsors of the Tektite programme wanted to see how five women would fare living isolated on the ocean floor. Each of us was anxious to begin living in our new combination home and laboratory. Sylvia hoped to learn more about the relation of algae and herbivores of the sea -the algae-eaters. Ann and Alina wanted to gain a keener awareness of the behavioral patterns offish, and Renate was eager to see if an artificial grass bed would attract any nearby water inhapitants. As the engineer, I was to insure completion of their programmes by operating and maintaining a safe habitat. I was also to serve as a backup diver. It was the sort of opportunity about which I had dreamed-a chance to spend a two-week "summer vacation" in a cottage under the sea. With our scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) gear, it took us twenty minutes to swim to the habitat entrance. As we arrived, Sylvia already had algae in hand. Our underwater laboratory-home was a four-room structure built by the General Electric Company. We had already been preceded in the habitat by four teams of Tektite II male aquanauts; five more would follow us until the completion of the programme late in the year. Other teams would serve in a two-man "minitat" submerged at 100 feet.

We found the habitat more comfortable than we had thought it might be. There was ample space in which to work and live in the two tunnel-connected cylinders which contained the crew quarters, engine room, bridge, and "wet room" -the room by which we entered and left the habitat. The habitat was supplied with a pressurized mixture of oxygen and nitrogen and was kept at what for us, in our "beachwear," was a comfortable temperature of 80 degrees, with humidity averaging 54 per cent. Our crew quarters contained a small galley, bunks, storage for our personal gear, and facilities for spare-time entertainment -radio and television sets. (We never did find time to watch the TV.) An emergency exit hatch and extra scuba equipment were also located in the crew quarters. (Over one porthole, a male wag had posted a notice: "In case of fire, break glass.") The bridge served a dual purpose: as the control centre for the habitat system and as a laboratory. It contained a foldable bed for the engineer (me). In the engine room were the larger items of the habitat environmental control system, the primary transformers, and a large freezer stocked with food. There was a hot shower in the wet room-the only ~oom that did not have controlled humidity (a fact which never bothered us). , There was, of course, much to learn. For Sylvia, Renate, Ann and Alina, this meant being out of the habitat at different times every day-at dusk, dawn, day, and night. My role as engineer in charge of the continued

For fOllrteen days the aquanettes explored the ocean'!' observed marine life and carried out various experiments.

habitat meant that J was to keep the air fresh, the water running, and handle all the everyday things we needed to survive. I also handled the communications with the scientists on the surface. Before the seven-month Tektite II programme got under way last April, its director, former Navy psychologist Dr. James W. Miller, had predicted, "You can always expect behavioral problems where women are involved." And just before we made our July 6 plunge to the habitat, one of the male divers who had lived there before us had said, "Let's face it; girls just don't get along together as well as men." We proved those forecasts wrong. There was never any claustrophobia, and, as Ann Hartline put it, "we got along unbelievably well." The only times we disagreed came when we all wanted to go out swimming at the same time. Usually, of course, J remained inside with my engineering duties. The other aquanettes generally swam in pairs, so that one of them could always be on the alert for possible danger while the other concentrated on her research. Around the habitat were bubble-domed steel cages into which the girls could swim if sharks were in the area. The cages even had telephones which permitted swimmers to talk with me in the habitat or communicate with the support crews on the surface. Sylvia, the botanist, was in the water almost constantly. She was so busy she sometimes forgot about eating, and once I asked her if she wanted her lunch served outside. She was on the trail of the algae-eaters. During the day she observed the types of fish that fed on the algae on the flat plains of the ocean bed. At night she hunted for their dens. Some of the herbivores, she discovered, live in small coral clumps. The graceful queen triggerfish was one example of the coral-dweller. It left its home each morning and returned at night, even as you and I. After dusk we could look into its crevice and see it asleep on its side, while ""Oxygen cylinder strapped to her back, Ann , 'o'Hartline probes mysteries of the ocean floor.

"~ ~

not far off a delicate basket starfish was just awakening to begin its dignified feeding ritual. Renate, our Brazilian-born biologist, also made round-the-clock observations. A short distance from the habitat, she had found a natural grass bed and on that she had placed a four-foot-square patch of pIastic sea grass. Would the artificial grass attract sealife? Renate was delighted when, within a few days, tiny grass dwellerschiefly crustaceans-moved into the new home. She monitored the hourly variations of oxygen content in the water, and the water temperature, and took samplings of the small organisms she found in both the natural and artificial environments. She found no difference in the oxygen content or in the temperature of the water above "her" grass and the natural grass. But she did bring back to the habitat a variety of tiny sealife from both beds of grass for microscopic examinations. There were little snails, crabs, beautiful sea anemones, and other strange-looking creatures, all apparently as much at home in the plastic environment as in the natural. While Sylvia and Renate travelled from the habitat, Ann and Alina concentrated their studies on the escape behaviour of coral reef fish at our front door. They found a school of damsel fish inhabiting a portion of the reef and towed variously shaped and coloured models of different fish towards the school. The object? To see how and to what the fish would react and from what they would attempt to flee. Would the model of a predatory fish frighten a little damsel?1 Ann and Alina were interested in interpreting the escape response through observation and, later on shore, from studies of motion pictures they took. Both of the girls are highly pleased with their hours of continual personal observation that never could have taken place without saturation diving and an underwater home to which they could return .. As for me, I found my assignments challenging enough, but hardly difficult, for T had a great deal of help from the other continued

~~ It was not '1 hardship; it was a pleasure. '"e were not iI' competition with men. We went as scientists primnrily~ and as women secondarily.~~

aquanettes. The work on the habitat's airtreatment system, for example, could have become annoyingly routine, but it did not. There were always at least two of my colleagues on hand who would volunteer to help me replace the canisters containing the barium hydroxide which "scrubbed" the carbon dioxide from the air. For some reason, the scientists and engineers topside who were monitoring our activities via television found the night hours the most convenient time to suggest that I perform some technical task. This usually meant bringing me out of a nice nap. Once, however, on our second night in the habitat, they failed to provide their customary voice-from-nowhere reminder that it was time for me to change the barium hydroxide. It turned out they did not need to bother. I was awakened, with the other girls, at 12 :50 a.m. to find the habitat rocking violently and alarms sounding. That was our one and only earthquake. It lasted about 45 seconds. As soon as I had replaced the barium hydroxide, I went back to sleep, as did the others. None of us was frightened. We knew that the habitat was soundly constructed, had undergone repeated stress tests, and was settled securely on the ocean bed with some 20,000 kilos of ballast, in addition to being anchored to two 1,500-kilo mooring clumps. We loved to watch the various forms of sealife as they made their way past our habitat. Our "pet" was a four-foot barracuda that inhabited the entrance-way but gave us no problems. He seemed to enjoy posing for pictures-he even bared his teeth for the camera. There was also a lazy grouper that sat on our doorstep. Every evening we awaited the return of silvery tarpon and a school of amberjacks, and one night we watched a large snapper glide along the bottom. Like other Tektite crews, our chores in the habitat included acting as postmen. With two rubber stamps, one bearing the words "dispatched from the ocean floor," the other featuring a drawing of the habitat with a diver, we hand-cancelled envelopes prepared by philatelists eager for collectors' items. Of course, we also sent letters

of our own to our families and friends. We used a sort of "dumbwaiter" to deliver and receive mail from upstairs. The same contrivance also took away the used plastic dishes, spoons and forks, and garbage, and brought us supplies. Incidentally, despite fears that some of the men had expressed before we began our mission, we had no difficulty at all in lifting our 75-pound scuba gear. We had no medical, physiological or psychological problems. As Sylvia Earle said, "It was not a hardship; it was a genuine pleasure. We were not in competition with men; we went as scientists primarily, and as women secondarily." Sylvia called it "the safest two weeks of my life"-a point well taken, since only a few days before she arrived in the Virgin Islands she had been in a traffic accident in which her automobile w'as totally demolished. Renate had only one regret: that her husband was not with her to collaborate on research. Both hold doctorates in biological, oceanography, and have worked together for the past nine years in their laboratory. But Dr. Merrill True will be able to follow the scuba trail scouted by his wife when he serves as a Tektite II crew member at the end.¡of'this year. Renate's hope is that at some future time husband-and-wife teams will be able to work together in the habitat. Actually, we all were a bit sad to leave the habitat on July 20. I think each of us would have liked to be able to spend a few more days there. There was just too much to see and learn in only fourteen days. All of us would like to go back again if given the opportunity. It was beautiful! As I mentioned earlier, it took us only twenty minutes to reach the habitat on July 6. But it took us twenty hours to return! That was the amount of time we had to spend in a decompression chamber before we could set foot on dry land. When we did emerge from the chamber and entered one of the buildings at the Tektite shore installation, each of us sensed something amiss as we looked out the windows. Suddenly, it occurred to us what was

wrong: There were no fish passing py the glass panes! Here, I should like to pay tribute to the sixth member of our all-woman team: Mrs. Sharon Dodge, a mother of three who runs her own diving school on Puget Sound near Seattle, Washington. It was Sharqn who would have stepped in to substitute had anything gone wrong with one of us below, who remained topside to handle operations for us there, directing a crew of four men. It was she who "manned" the decompression chamber for us when our two weeks in the habitat were up. She did a marvellous job. And I should also point out that we didn't really feel all that alone in the deep. Of course, we were on our own. During most of the time we spent on the' ocean floor, the only occasions on which we saw anyone from above were when a diver would come down to deposit an item we needed at the entrance to the habitat-and then we saw him through one of the portholes. And, yes, there were photographers around taking pictures of us when we first began our activities. But we did not receive any assistance (we weren't suppose.d to under the terms of our mission, and fortunately we didn't need any). Still, during all the time we were on the ocean floor, we could hear the engine of the safety boat on the surface, and we knew that there were divers aboard, ready to come to our aid in an emergency. Each of us has been asked if, having gone down to the bottom of the sea as an aquanaut, she would like to go into space as an astronaut. Alina spoke for all of us, I think, when she said: "That's not our field. But if they discover oceans on the moon, I think I'd like to go." I'd like to go, too. And of course, I'd take "Snoopy" with me. END Before their venture into the deep, the aquanettes, abo'vefar right, are instructed in the use of a rebreather unit. Above right, Dr. True wears a "bifocal" face-mask. Special lenses make objects both above and below water appear in "normal" perspective. Right, Miss Lucas (left) with Dr. Earle in the habitat.

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