July 2021 Volunteer Guide

Page 18

! t h g i l t o p S r e b m e M All-Stars Club About: The All-Stars Club was created to offer individuals with developmental disabilities incredibly fun and engaging events all while providing their parents and caregivers with a few hours of rest. Our events are hosted in partnership with local churches and include sports and activities, crafts and coloring projects, and the ever-so-popular karaoke performances. No doubt the All-Stars Club is the greatest party in town! Volunteers who sign up to join us, serve as 1on1 buddies to our All-Stars and help facilitate an unforgettable experience. Our All-Stars constantly tell us that these 1on1 bonds made with their buddies is by far their most treasured aspect of these events. We are currently in two locations (Lakewood & Littleton) and will be growing to two more locations (Aurora & Northglenn) this Fall. COVID-19 Response: Obviously in person connections with our All-Stars are the bread and butter of our programs, so COVID-19 posed an extremely difficult challenge for us to continue serving our All-Stars with impactful events. We quickly transitioned to hosting virtual dance parties and talent shows, and although we are back to our in-person We also hosted a couple socially distant, drive-through events for Christmas and our annual prom, which allowed us to see our All-Stars and shower them with gifts. Additionally, we developed our Teammates program which offered 1on1 respite care for several of our All-Stars who were in great need of that personal touch. We did this responsibly with some of our best volunteers and in the safety of our All-Stars’ homes.


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