The voice of the Spartan community Vol. 58 Issue 11
RECTOR SAYS NEW PRESIDENT FACES CHALLENGES By DEBRA GOODE & KEONA PRUDE The NSU Board of Visitors is challenged with performing an executive search to fill the presidency of Norfolk State University. Although more than seventy applicants have responded to the call to fill the vacancy, the task continues and requires much more than meets the eye. Spartan Echo spoke with Edward L. Hamm, Jr., the Rector of the Board of Visitors, and owner of E. L. Hamm & Associates, Inc., an engineering and management consultant firm. “This is not a routine search for
This is an executive search. We are looking for a leader who can take NSU to the next 10-15 years or better.
an employee,” said Hamm. “This is an executive search. We are looking for a leader who can take NSU to the next 10-15 years or better ….to create a culture of growth and improvement and achieve just that.” The reputation of NSU seems to be the vital element in the process and, as such, several characteristics of the school, its student population, and other statistical data become paramount in attracting the right candidate. Story continued on p. 3
IMAGE COURTESY WWW.NSU.EDU Edward L. Hamm, Jr serves as the Rector of the Board of Visitors.
Gas me up: rising prices, dwindling dollars
IMAGE COURTESY THECASHROC.BLOGSPOT.COM Tony Tata, the Wake County Public School System’s superintendent, met with the state NAACP President Rev. William Barber and discussed the idea of diversity.
North Carolina school district back pedals into re-segregation
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled segregation of public schools unconstitutional on May 17, 1954 in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. 60 years later, a Tea Party backed school board majority in North Carolina’s Wake County has worked toward bringing “neighborhood schooling” to fruition, an agenda that would segregate students by neighborhood, resulting in separation from other races, social classes and resources. According to a story in The Washington Post,
“the policy had the goal of limiting the proportion of low-income students in any given school to 40 percent and was based on decades of research finding that concentrations of school poverty are bad for education.” “Neighborhood schooling” may result in forcing children in low income neighborhoods to attend schools that have poor learning environments and inadequate materials. On the other hand, children living in neighborhoods that are not hit by financial hardships will Story continued on p. 3
QUAMÉ HAMLIN| SPARTAN ECHO Gas pirces are back up and rising. By mid-March, the national average of gas was $3.56, according to the U.S Energy Information Administration
$4.00 a gallon. In turn, the demand for gas drove According to a new the prices up in 2008 Nielsen report, the rising during those heavy travel price of gasoline could months. However, we are cause Americans to shift back to shopping cautiously still months away from summer and gas prices have and staying at home more until the prices settle down. already started to drain the By mid-March, the national pockets of Americans. In a news conference average of gas was $3.56, on March 11, President according to the U.S Energy Information Administration. Obama addressed the economic problems that In the 2008 summer months of July and August, gasoline prices are causing. “Gas prices are hurting gas prices peaked over By KEONA PRUDE
individuals right now and obviously taking some of that tax cut that we gave them and forcing them to use it on gas, as opposed to buying other items,” said Obama. NSU students are being hit hard with the rising gas prices as well. Commuter student Ashley Ferrell finds herself cutting back on other things to keep gas in her tank. Story continued on p. 3
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spartan editorial
Can we have it all in college?
DAN ADU-GYAMFI SPORTS EDITOR ILLUSTRATION BRYON SUMMERS | SPARTAN ECHO Unless you’re looking to get married young, some say that college is not the time to settle down. BETHANY CARTWRIGHT STUDENT LIFE EDITOR
By ARIELLE COLEMAN Echo Correspondent When is it appropriate to start seeking a serious significant other? Unless you’re looking to get married young, some say that college is not the time to settle down. As an active full-time college student, it may be difficult to invest time into one person. With classes being the first priority and other things such as organizations and possibly a part-time job, time management is everything. In addition to your responsibilities, a little partying and fun time is necessary. However, living so free and not making connections for the future may result in loneliness twenty years down the road. So should a full-time college student partake in a serious relationship? The most valuable thing that I have learned while being in college is the art of networking. The people
around us can potentially have the tools that we need to accomplish our dreams. So of course there is no harm in building relationships with people and sharing what you have to offer. In college you are able to meet people that share the same interests that you have and are able to confess your aspirations before you even make them a reality. You meet people that are driven like yourself and are more likely to support your visions since they share ones similar to your own. While meeting people in college that attract you for professional reasons, they are likely to attract you romantically as well. Naturally, we yearn for affection and support even if we are too busy to groom and nurture a relationship. While an actual relationship may not be ideal, dating can be fun. You have the opportunity to explore who is around you and learn more about a person than what meets the eye. You may realize that what you are attracted to initially is not what
holds your attention. While getting to know other people, you also begin to learn your own wants and needs. If you happen to return to your hometown after graduation, you may not find as many people with the same interests that you have. If the people and opportunities back home had everything that you could want, then why would you choose to educate elsewhere? The people back home are less likely to be in your same state of mind. In college, you are pretty certain that most of these people are after a common goal; prosperity. At this point in a person’s life they are still maturing and building themselves. It is hard to expect college students, which are usually a bit self-absorbed, to take a relationship seriously. However, it should be easy to determine what type of person someone is and what desires they cherish the most. You never know where these acquaintances might lead to within the next ten years. I say, why not fill up your contact book?
3 spartan news New president faces challenges GAS PRICES RISING 4.4.11
“Approximately 1 of 10 freshman graduate with their class in May – four years after they have entered Norfolk State. Only about 30-32 percent graduate in six years according to statistical data,” Hamm said. “While the board is committed to seriously considering only applicants who can accept the challenge of turning a situation around and making NSU an environment of exceptional students, likewise students must take on an extra effort to continue to be serious about their education and perform well,” said Hamm. “It would be fair to say that NSU, though we excel in some things, perform well in others, there are a number of areas where improvement and growth are needed.” According to Hamm, the Board of Visitors is charged with finding someone who is not afraid to take an unpopular stance, who has a tremendous amount of integrity, and that is up for the challenge of leading NSU. NSU has not been without leadership in the meantime.
Acting President Kim Luckes was appointed by the Board of Visitors to perform specific tasks, effective July 1, 2010. “Weaknesses within the administration and elsewhere at NSU need to be addressed; a president who is visible and very serious about representing NSU, one who is capable of providing governance for the school that is
There are a number of areas where improvement and growth are needed. superior are the comments we’ve heard,” said Hamm, “…not only from students, but people in the community and others with regard to the leadership at NSU. And that’s one of the charges given to Dr. Luckes when she accepted the acting presidency role last July 1.” According to Hamm, Dr. Luckes’ first three months, as
acting president, involved getting acclimated to the university, meeting and speaking with different people. Her subsequent three months involved her “putting her arms around the management of the university.” Students seem to be aware of her performance. According to Darryl Hylton, a student and member of the Student Government Association, “the leadership of Dr. Luckes was one of the topics of the SGA’s Town Hall Meeting held March 22. The point was raised that the work of Dr. Luckes is apparent and that she should be President of Norfolk State University. Students showed agreement with a round of applause.” “The Rector of the Board, the president and the executive committee must engage in improvement and advance the university during this search process,” said Hamm. “Not just to look for a leader who is miraculously going to come in and change the university, but to continue the steps in that direction during this transitional period, rather than just waiting for that to happen.”
Segregation in North Carolina school Continued from p. 1
be able to attend schools with resources such as sufficient technology needed in classrooms. Wake County’s initiative to end their busing-fordiversity policy and make children go to school in their neighborhoods has caused organizations to come forward and protest the entire idea of “neighborhood schooling.” Wake County’s Chamber of Commerce has been supported by several organizations for the opposition of the school board members’ attempt to re-segregate schools by neighborhood. According to WRAL. com (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville), Tony Tata, the Wake County Public School System’s superintendent, met with the state NAACP
President Rev. William Barber and discussed the idea of diversity and the school board’s reason for wanting to end its many
The parents should still have a choice in what schools their children attend.
years of bussing students miles away from their neighborhood schools to others that were, at times, up to 30 miles away from their neighborhoods. Sharren Durand, senior interdisciplinary studies major, was in opposition of the “neighborhood schooling” initiative saying that the parents
should still have a choice in what schools their children attend, no matter the distance. “I don’t believe they should do that because then you put the kids at a disadvantage of choosing where they want to go,” said Durand. The Center for American Progress states that out of 157 schools, more than half of Wake County students are white, while blacks are slightly over a quarter of the population and Hispanics and Asian Pacific Islanders stand at a combined 17 percent. “You would like to look at it positively and think that they are not basing it on race, but when you look at the type of people who are making these decisions, you’ve got to say ‘well maybe it is a race thing’,” Durand said.
QUAMÉ HAMLIN | SPARTAN ECHO With the BP Disaster and the drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, oil supply has been limited. Continued from p. 1
“My tank used to take no more than $25 to fill up. Now, I find myself putting in a little bit of gas at a time rather than filling up the whole tank,” said Ferrell. Although there are obvious similarities, the reasons for the increase in prices are significantly different than before. With the high demand for gas and the continuous political unrest in the oilrich countries of the Middle East, gasoline prices are creeping back up to the dreadful prices of summer 2008. At the rate gas prices are increasing, it is possible that the prices may surpass those of summer 2008. The oil demand for 2010 hit a record of more than 87 million barrels a day.
With the BP Disaster and the drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, oil supply has been limited. The drilling moratorium in the gulf could restrain oil production by 120,000 barrels a day in 2011, according to an estimation by the Energy Information Agency. “I have to think twice and budget out my money before I shop for necessities just to be sure I have enough money to put in my tank so I can make it back and forth to school and other places,“ said Ferrell. “I know the worst is yet to come,” she added. As the demand for gas increases, the price will increase. Consumers must begin to prepare for the prices of gas to rise during highly-traveled summer months.
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Continued from p. 1
spartan sports
America’s lost pastime: African American fathers’ absence shows decrease in black presence in baseball
If you are in danger and you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
BRYON SUMMERS | SPARTAN ECHO The MLB has incorporated several grassroots programs to put baseball fields in inner cities and have current African American baseball players to visit schools to promote the game. By DAN ADU-GYAMFI The MLB season has just begun, and when you watch the games you will notice that African Americans in the sport are nowhere near the amount in the NBA or NFL. Why is that? Every year, the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport do a racial and gender report card for all the major sports in the United States. In it, they break down the gender and races of coaches, players, referees, management and owners, among other things. In the report from 2010, the information showed that 77 percent of the NBA’s players were African American, in the NFL it was 67 percent and only nine percent in the MLB. There are many reasons why African Americans are not involved in baseball like they are in football and basketball. Baseball has been known as a traditional game that a father passes on to their son. With the majority of African Americans lacking a father, the game is not passed down like it normally should. According to several reports, 70 percent of African Americans grow up in single family homes and the majority of that is with their mother. Therefore, baseball is not passed down to them like previous generations, like Former MVPs Barry Bonds and Ken Griffey, Jr. were turned to the game of baseball because their fathers
also played in the major leagues. Another reason may be that to many, baseball is considered a boring sport. In an NFL game, there are 60 minutes to play and 48 minutes for the NBA. With commercials, the game takes longer. Baseball, however, has no clock; instead, they
African Americans are not involved in baseball like they are in football and basketball.
have nine innings that has to be completed. This makes the game seem to drag on because there are many pauses during the game. When the defense comes on the field, the time a pitcher takes to converse with the catcher before throwing a pitch and several other things, it is not like basketball where the action is constant and a highlight can happen at any moment, or in football where something like a sack or a long touchdown pass can capture the excitement of the crowd. Highlights in baseball are normally either a home run or a catch in the field, whereas in basketball it could be a dunk, pass, steal,
block, crossover or shot. The expense and time put into baseball are also reasons why African Americans are not into the sport like basketball. To play baseball for a team you need a glove, bat, helmet and cleats. To get better in the game is not like basketball where you can go by yourself to a gym or court and shoot, dribble and practice drills or football where you can lift weights and practice drills alone. Instead, players normally need to go to places where they have machines to practice hitting and play all year in AAU teams like basketball. But because baseball plays more games, their prices are higher. People remember Jackie Robinson because he broke the color barrier at a time when baseball was the biggest sport in America. Few people do not know that football had an African American before baseball or the first African Americans in the NBA, but now the game of baseball is an afterthought in the African American community. The MLB has incorporated several grassroots programs to put baseball fields in inner cities and have current African American baseball players to visit schools to promote the game, but it does not look like it is helping much. Unfortunately, it does not seem like baseball will capture the imagination of the African American youth like it once did.
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5 spartan sports JOYCE IS THE Track and field teams maintain excellence RIGHT CHOICE on and off the track and field 4.4.11
(LEFT) Darris Shelton spints to his mark to jump. (Right) James Taylor gathers his strength on his way down the track. (Below) Jonee Artis glides over the bar as she completes an attempt at the high jump.
IMAGE COURTESY FRANK SELDEN Chris Joyce was voted to the All-MEAC second team and to the MEAC All-Tournament Team in 2008. By ANTHONY IRABOR Echo Correspondent For the NSU baseball team to have any success this season they will need to depend on the bat and glove of senior Chris Joyce. Joyce hails from Chesapeake, Va where he started playing the game at the age of four, since his family was so enriched in the sport. “Baseball has always been in my family. My dad though, put the bat and ball in my hand,” said Joyce. Since Joyce has been a Spartan, he has always played at a high level. In 2008, Joyce was voted to the All-MEAC second team and to the MEAC All-Tournament Team. He was second on the team in batting average, doubles, RBI and total bases. Last season, Joyce was a All-MEAC first-team selection, led the MEAC with 23 doubles, a new school single-season record, finished fourth in the league in hits, fifth in batting average, eighth in total bases and ninth in RBI and on-base percentage. Joyce is a talented hitter but that is not the only thing he does. Recently, he was asked to change from third base to shortstop and his defense has not decreased. Joyce also is known as “Mr. Durability” for not missing a game in his NSU career. In a sport that takes such a toll on the body it is impressive. Joyce models his game after former NL MVP, perennial all-star and Atlanta Braves third baseman Chipper Jones who is also
known for his bat. Jones is the opposite as Joyce, as Jones was a shortstop that became a third baseman early in his career. The sport of baseball has taught Joyce how to treat and appreciate the trials and errors of life. “Baseball is a game of failure and you apply that to life and you learn to bounce back and celebrate the good,” Joyce said. This kind of attitude towards life has made Joyce endearing to his fellow teammates and to Head Coach Claudell Clark. “He comes from a solid family and brings that mentality to the diamond,” said Clark. Clark went on to explain how Joyce has not only improved as an athlete but a student as well. The physical education major plans on playing professional baseball when he graduates. “This is what I plan to do, it doesn’t matter where I go as long as I get picked up,” said Joyce. Dave Campbell, a local showcase coach, believes in Joyce’s skills and tools. Campbell believes all Joyce needs is a swinging chance and with his mentality and work ethic that should be easy. In his final season, look forward to Joyce putting up big numbers, potentially joining an organization soon and helping the Spartans win a MEAC Tournament title. The team has struggled early in the season but once conference play comes around, they should turn it around with Joyce leading the way.
IMAGES COURTESY MARK SUTTON The Spartans had another successful season during indoor track after dominating the MEAC indoor Championships again. The men won their sixth consecutive title. By DA’MON BROWN Echo Correspondent Before the season started, Coach Kenneth Giles’ main goal was to win a MEAC Championship. Once they accomplished that, the next feat would be make it to the NCAA Championship. Giles and the NSU track and field teams seem to always accomplish their goals. The Spartans had another successful season during indoor track. They dominated the MEAC indoor Championships again, as the men won their sixth consecutive title. Yes, the team won the conference Championship, but Giles knows there are ways the team still can improve. “The team can’t get complacent and they have standard of excellence we must maintain number one and it starts in the class room,” said Giles. “Without that standard
of excellence in the classroom, no one will ever know who student athletes are because they will never be able to maintain eligibility,” he added. Coach Giles and his staff have high expectations for the track and field team. “Anytime you win a team championship and you set meet record for points you[have] definitely accomplished some of our expectations,” said Giles. NSU has had some great track and field teams since coach Giles took over the program, but he believes the current team he has is the best he has ever had. This year’s team accomplished so much this season but there are some key members of the team who are graduating. “I took over the team in 2003 and the success that we obtained in this program started back with Dominic Luka, David Kemboi and Brandon Harris, changed the face of this program and all
of those guys are attributed to the success of this program,” said Giles. “The men are set as far as recruiting wise for the next couple of years, my major focus is to get some young ladies in here we are losing so many,” Giles said. The men’s track and field team has a young nucleus that can only get better. Coach Giles speaks highly of them and maybe they can contend for an NCAA Championship in the future. The women accomplished a lot in the past two years. Senior Elaine Rhoades, junior Katie Wright and sophomore Champagne Bell led to a second place finish in the MEAC Indoor Championships. “We can’t get complacent on the track and we can’t get complacent in the field. We have to work harder than the next team--that’s the only way we can maintain our standard of excellence,” said Giles.
spartan student life
Pan-Hellenic Council talks relationships in
Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man seminar
accepting applications now for all editor positions Editors will serve during the fall 2011 semester and receive a scholarship for their service. Amounts vary by position. Some summer work will be necessary to prepare for the fall semester. Contact the faculty adviser at or 757-823-2444 for more detailed information. Students with previous professional or student media experience are strongly encouraged to apply, but previous experience is not necessary. Applicants, however, must be a current full-time student. IMAGE COURTESY WWW.MALLATSTONECREST.COM The Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man seminar brought young men and women together to discuss relationships. By KANDIS WEATHERALL Echo Correspondent Sorority Week started off with a fiery discussion about male and female views on relationships with the opposite sex. The National Pan-Hellenic Council hosted the Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man seminar, which brought young men and women together to respond to questions put together by Vice President Alexis Buskey. The seminar was based on two books offering relationship advice. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is Steve Harvey’s depiction of what men think about relationships and how this knowledge benefits women. In retaliation, radio personality and former NFL wife Shanae Hall wrote Why Do I Have to Think Like a Man? to show a woman’s perspective on the issue. The questions included a variety of controversial topics, such the role of an “independent” woman and the true definition of dating. Here were some of the answers that the panel concluded: When do you know it is time to leave? The women questioned why they are the ones still willing to give more to a relationship when “give and take” is no longer equal. They didn’t believe women are trying to change men when they do this, they simply believe in what he can become, especially when he says he will change. The men believed that sometimes, women don’t want to believe that a man may not be any good at the time. They thought women waste their time waiting for a man to change when they won’t. Men don’t settle for less so why should women? Women play the strong independent role. Can
that push men away? The men didn’t have a problem with independent women, but they don’t like it when they throw it in their faces. The women, however, questioned whether it is too much work for a man to go after an independent woman. Although strong women believe they don’t need a man, they still very much feel they desire one. Everyone agreed that there is wisdom in knowing the difference between being independent and domineering and, while independence is okay, if a man doesn’t feel wanted or appreciated he’s going to believe that you’re trying to compete with him. An audience member ended with, “A woman always has a place and that’s next to man not in front of him.” What exactly is “dating?” Everyone agreed that the main reason you date someone is to get to know them. There are some who date multiple people at the same time and there are those who would rather not, but it depends on a person’s preference. That is exactly why guidelines need to be set before a relationship can begin. Communication is the key. There were nine members of the panel at this seminar, including senior mass communications major Shaka Davis. Davis expressed the importance of knowing how to be single first. “You have to love yourself first before you can think about being with anybody,” said Davis. Kyrell Howell, a sophomore in business entrepreneurship, thought the panel was successful because of the diverse audience. “I feel like it was awesome because you get to hear the different opinions from different people,” said Howell. “It’s up to you to pick out the good and the bad.”
Applications are available online from Student Activities and Leadership. http:// Applications will be accepted via e-mail at through April 15, 2011. Attach your best work sample to the e-mail along with the completed application document. All potentially qualified applicants will be interviewed by the faculty adviser and take a grammar and editing test. Follow-up interviews and testing may apply. Positions are awarded by the Student Publication Board after spring 2011 grades are posted, contingent upon GPA and full-time enrollment in the fall.
Minimum Qualifications for All Positions - pre-registered as a full-time NSU student for fall 2011 - 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher after May 11, 2011 - agreement to adhere to journalistic standards - ability to follow instructions and meet deadlines - time and dedication to perform staff duties Minimal Position Qualifications Editor-in-Chief: - leadership experience - administrative experience - student organization experience - copy editing experience - previously published as a journalist - mastery of Associated Press style - medium-to-advanced computer literacy Graphic Design Editor: - Photoshop/Adobe In-Design experience Multimedia Editor: - photography/ videography experience
Managing Editor: - leadership experience - copy editing experience - previously published as a journalist - mastery of Associated Press style - medium-to-advanced computer literacy
Section Editor: - ability to gather information accurately from authoritative sources - ability to write journalistic material in Associated Press style - ability to edit copy according to Associated Press style
Preferred Qualifications for All Positions (in order of importance) - previously published as a journalist - medium-to-advanced computer literacy - leadership experience - ability to re-apply and continue service through spring 2012 - WordPress experience - ability to take photographs and transfer them electronically - social media experience - knowledge of HTML - ability to shoot and edit video - Adobe In-Design experience
spartan student life
NSU Choirs release new compilation NSU’S TUITION TOO LOW of music for public, proceeds go to FOR THE POST-9/11 GI BILL scholarship fund for concert choir
By BETHANY CARTWRIGHT NSU Choirs announced the release of a new compact disc by the NSU Concert Choir. Earth Songs: Voices Past and Present is a collection of twenty anthems, motets, and spirituals performed by the choir over a three year period. While it is the fifth compact disc recorded by the choir, it is also the most comprehensive and covers a wide range of musical genres.
It is to the students’ credit for producing such an excellent compact disc. Dr. Carl Haywood, Director of Choral Activities and conductor of the NSU Concert Choir and the Spartan Chorale, is excited about this new release. “The legacy we are able to leave for future choirs and music lovers alike is something of which we are very proud. It is to the students’ credit for producing such an excellent compact disc,” said Haywood. According to the Concert Choir, the release of this CD comes at a special
COURTESY IMAGE NSU Choirs will release their fifth CD recording. The CD will support Choral Scholarships. time for NSU Choirs and the university. “(This release) coincides with two significant events in the life of Norfolk State University and Norfolk State University Choirs: the diamond anniversary of the University and the success of the “voices” concerts in collaboration with two of Virginia’s leading orchestras,” said NSU Choirs. The sale of the recording by choir members and the NSU Choirs office will support Choral Scholarships to deserving students. The cost of the CD is $20. For more information, please call 8238565 or email
Spartan Echo TV Catch the latest videos from The Spartan Echo, The Voice of the Spartan Community. Spartan Echo TV serves both the online and campus television media.
AP PHOTO | MAYA ALLERUZZO The Post-9/11 GI Bill program is for service members and Veterans who have specifically served at least 36 months on active duty.
career and on behalf of the student make contributions to the program. The IHL associated with the Yellow Ribbon Program must Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary have an agreement with VA each of Veterans Affairs, is trying to year to either renew participation encourage colleges and universities or to enter first year agreements. to help the Department of Veterans The Post-9/11 GI Bill program is Affairs (VA) in joining in the for service members and Veterans Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon who have specifically served at Program for the approaching least 36 months on active duty academic 2011-2012 year. or served at least 30 continuous Shinseki said that this would days and were discharged due to ensure that service members, service-related injuries after the Veterans and dependents receive attack on the World Trade Center. the educational benefits they have However, due to the qualification earned and is encouraging all requirements for the Yellow colleges and universities to sign Ribbon Program, Norfolk State up before the deadline, May 23, University cannot participate to confirm their participation. because of its tuition rate. The Yellow Ribbon Program will “Norfolk State is not qualified help fund tuition expenses that are for it because this is a cheap[er] over the $17,500 for private and school and the program was only foreign colleges and universities for private schools or schools with or the resident expenses for public high tuition rates,” said Jahaida institutions for undergraduate, Villagas, who has been a Veterans graduate or doctoral degrees. The Office Assistant since 2005 and institution can provide up to half has worked for NSU’s VA Office of the expenses and VA will match for the past two semesters. it. This can make it possible for “I think it’s a great idea. And those students eligible to attend at the time we have students school free of tuition expenses. who owe Norfolk State because The program is insisting that of the tuition even though they the Institution of Higher Learning should be covered 100 percent, (IHL), those who are going to which is what the Yellow Ribbon participate, to provide contributions will do because it has no limit. on a first-come, first-served It is also good for graduate basis and provide contributions students,” said Villegas regarding throughout the students’ academic the Yellow Ribbon Program. By MAYRENES FIGUEREO Echo Correspondent
Spring Fashion in the air
spartan entertainment
Tommy Fly Guy You took all of your winter clothes home and it is supposed to snow #Iseewhyyoumad
AP PHOTO| MARK LENNIHAN Spring 2011 collections made there debut at Fashion Week in New York.
Just bought tickets for that spring cab, but you have to go home
Your group got credit for all the work you did
New York’s Fashion Week is one of the most influential fashion events in the world. Just in time for the season change, designers had models walk the runway in the hottest trends for spring. The new stylish pieces that debuted during Fashion Week are sure to make their way into mainstream fashion--ladies first. Although some may say chivalry is dead, the 60s and 70s vintage look is not. From denim to floral print skirts, this clean and sophisticated look ruled the runway. Other looks like stripes, lace and sheer found a prominent place in ladies’ spring collections as well. Even though sheer may seem to be the opposite end of the spectrum compared to vintage sheek, designers proved that the bold look could be achieved without compromising class. Men’s spring trends continued with the classic look as their female counterparts. Khakis with light colored, airy tanks created a fresh masculine sense of style. Soft knit polos complimented by neutral blazers took the style to a more business-casual feel, while still providing comfort and embrace of the warm season. As college students, budgets do not always allow for the purchase of high-end fashion items. So, when you are out looking to add these spring staples to your wadrobe, you’ll be glad to know that stores such as H&M, Express, Banana Republic, and The Limited have got you covered...all without breaking the bank.
BRYON SUMMERS | SPARTAN ECHO A 2008 Interdisciplinary Studies graduate, Tommy “Tommy Fly Guy” Foster, recently dropped his first official mixtape entitled “Rough Drafts.” By KESHARA COX When anyone hears the term ‘rough draft’ the first thing to come to mind is a beginning. You know, the beginning, that first step, copy or version of whatever project you have been assigned. Yet recently, the term rough draft has become a title—the title of a Norfolk State University grad’s mixtape. A 2008 Interdisciplinary Studies graduate, Tommy “Tommy Fly Guy” Foster, is a breath of fresh air to hip hop. On March 21, this emcee dropped his first official mixtape entitled “Rough Drafts.” “Tommy is my nickname and I was known as being I just used it,” when asked how he got his name. Fly Guy got his foot in the door of music “... at an early age. I’ve always been playing around with freestylin’ with friends and the more I was in trials and tribulations, the more I had something to write about,” he said. Before the release of his mixtape, the budding artist has had a series of videos, also called Rough Drafts that allowed people to get a glimpse of his creative process and moments leading up to his anticipated drop. “There was a lot of hard work, a lot of adjustments, but I think we have a solid tape. It’ll speak for itself when you download it,” he said. Tommy has the support of his team, the “Fly Brigade,” that encourages not only his music,
I want people to get a feel of my ideas and prepare.
You were the main person talking about the foams, but didn’t get them #Iseewhyyoumad
Found out you can walk in May, but don’t really graduate #Iseewhyyoumad
but creative talent as a whole. So how does this whole “Rough Draft” thing tie into being a hip hop artist? “I want people to get a feel of my ideas and prepare...for the type of music I am going to give them—look at Rough Drafts as a life lesson. “My life isn’t where I want it to be and I’m going to keep working until I get it right.” Tommy’s mixtape has 15 tracks and, in less than 24 hours of release, had nearly a total of 1,000 listens. He said this accomplishment “Feels good. I’m getting great feedback and it just makes me feel like my work is being appreciated.” As the saying goes, “to whom much is given, much is required” and Tommy Fly Guy looks to achieve success. “I want to take it however far I can take it. I just wanna be able to reach the masses with my music... establish a personal relationship with each person when they hear my music.” Currently, he said his audience is “pretty much hip hop right now, but hopefully I don’t have a main audience...
Tried to preregister but you have a hold on your account #Iseewhyyoumad
You have to park all the way by the baseball field on the day it decides to rain and you wore heels Tommy Fly Guy has a web series of videos aslo called Rough Drafts. just people that like music.” With all that being said, it should be beyond obvious that there will be more to come from Tommy. “This whole Fly Brigade is a movement. It’s not just a name, but it’s a bunch of talented young men just trying to broadcast their talent in different ways, and that’s just what we plan to do.” He has hopes of releasing his second mixtape, Rough Drafts: 2nd Edit, by late May, early June. Until then, you can catch this Fly Guy in his Rough Drafts episodes on Vimeo,, on Twitter as @MileHigh_Tommy and on where his mixtape is available for free download.
Bet money you didn’t have on your bracket and now you have to pay up #Iseewhyyoumad Your boo tweeted about how good last night was and you were at work #Iseewhyyoumad
Only five minutes left for meal plan and the line is out the door for Chickfil-A #Iseewhyyoumad