Spartan Echo The Voice of the Spartan Community
Vol. 60, I ssue 9
2.26.13 | 700 Park Avenue. Norfolk, Va. 23504
Students voice concerns at President Atwater’s Feedback Forum
Stories Inside
By Mariah Goodrich
President Barack Obama announces his plan to raise the minimum wage. See page 3. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton) president Atwater addresses campus issues at the Feedback Forum. | photo credti: Renee McDonald.
The NSU chapter of Chi Alpha Sigma inducts eight new studentathletes. See page 5. Photo credit: www.
Author of The Treason of Mary Louvestre, My Haley, visits NSU. See page 6. Photo credit: Willie Marsh.
“As my old colleague used to say, ‘if you’re not talking dollars, you’re not talking sense,’” said Dr. Atwater in his Student Feedback Forum held Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013, in the New Student Center. After Dr. Atwater presented his new initiatives for the university including the “15 to Finish” campaign, students voiced their concerns with it. The main
issues students brought to attention dealt with the laundry facilities, laundry prices and customer service. A few different people asked when the broken laundry machines would be fixed. The staff let them know they work on fixSee Atwater Forum, page 2
Va. Senate, House of Delegates vote to pass texting and driving bill By Krysta Ricks The Virginia Senate and the House of Delegates have voted to pass a bill that makes texting while driving a primary offense. The Senate voted 24-15 and the House of Delegates voted 92-4 to pass the bill. Texting while driving was initially a secondary offense in Virginia. This means that drivers cannot be pulled over for a texting while driving violation alone. Raising the violation to a primary offense means a steep increase in the fine. Currently, the penalties are $20 for the first offense and $50 for all
subsequent violations. If Gov. Bob McDonnell signs the bill into law, the new penalties will be $250 for the first offense and $500 for all subsequent violations. The possible law has received mixed reviews from Virginia officials. Delegate James W. Morefield, R-Tazewell, does not agree that officers’ right to stop drivers upon suspicion of texting should be legal. Morefield told the Bluefield Daily Telegraph of W. Va., that he favors the fine increase, but disagrees with making it a primary offense. “I am concerned that it in
some cases an individual may simply be picking their mobile phone up to answer and potentially be charged with texting while driving,” said Morefield. Other politicians like Delegate Scott Surovell, D-Mount Vernon, feel that the bill does not pose a harsh enough consequence. Surovell co-patroned one of six other texting while driving bills that had been proposed in 2013. The proposed bill would have made texting while driving a Class 1 misdemeanor. Violators would receive the same punishment as those convicted of reckless driving, the penal-
ties of which are a $2,500 fine and up to one year in prison. Senior business education major Batavia Owens feels that the fine increase is exactly what young people need to pay more attention on the road. “Texting while driving is a top cause of death among teenagers,” said Owens. “Being a college student, $20 might not hurt much, but if we received a $250 fine, our eyes will open.” Two other bills concerning texting while driving and its
See Texting bill, pa ge 2
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Spartan News
Texting Bill
■ Continued from front page
violation revision to a primary offense were proposed in 2010 and 2011 and turned down. If passed, drivers who are parked or stopped, operating emergency vehicles, using a wireless means of communication or factory installed GPS systems would be immune to the stipulations of the law.
Atwater’s Forum ■ Continued from front page
ing them every day. The recent price increase for laundry services from $1 to $1.25 has caused uproar. Senior Class President Ashley Edwards seemed angry about the situation. “Do you even ask students before you make these changes?” asked Edwards. The staff let Edwards know about the contract situation and the need of four new machines. They also reassured her that they do try to include students as much as they can in their decisions. Other issues that many people complained about were customer service and staff being rude while doing their jobs. “There is no excuse for poor customer service,” said Victoria Taylor, freshman. Dr. Atwater responded by announcing the launching of a study on how the staff can create a more friendly environment. For updates on this story, visit www.
NSU study abroad program receives gift of kinship from Samana College By Jules Dean, Spartan Echo Correspondent Norfolk State University received a sculpture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 31, 2013, from Frank Minaya y Willmore, founder of Samana College Research Center. The statue was placed in the museum of the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. statue is one of Frank Minaya y Willmore’s many humanitarian efforts, including his donation of the first fire truck to the island of Bimini in the Bahamas after creating the first Baha-
mian Fire Prevention and Safety Program. Frank Minaya y Willmore hopes the gift will help strengthen NSU’s relations with Samana College’s study abroad program. The gift also comes just in time to kick off NSU’s Black History Month festivities. Dr. Geoffroy deLaforcade of the NSU history department understands the necessity of a strong study abroad program with other schools and the real meaning of the statue as a gift.
“In the African tradition, as in many cultures throughout the world, the exchange of gifts is an important gesture of recognition, respect and also a welcome to engage in conversations and share in a spirit of mutual trust and understanding,” said deLaforcade. The statue presented to NSU is an identical copy of the original, and Minaya y Willmore will be offering another identical copy to the president of Haiti, Michel Martelly. Freshman history major
Alex Kessel said, “The event adds a lot of perspective to our relations with the Dominican Republic. I’m glad to be a part of the learning experience.” The statue is available for viewing during library hours in the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library museum. More information about NSU’s study abroad program can be found at
Heard about NSU’s emergency loans? By Michael Blowe When a student is in financial need, Norfolk State University promotes assistance from several areas. One area the university fails to promote is the accessibility of an emergency loan. An emergency loan is money that can be obtained through the university for remaining balances due to the university. These loans are quite helpful when it comes
to books, housing and other balances. “The emergency loan application has been effective for about three years,” said Sandra N. Riggs, manager of financial affairs. A student must pay back the loan before the end of each semester so the money can be recycled. Why is the emergency loan kept so secretive? Is it because of the amount of money
available? Is the loan left up to the student to hear about at his or her leisure? These are questions Spartans want to know. “I would have never known about the emergency loan if it weren’t for my friend,” said Martel Cotman. Cotman is just one who spoke on the issue, but he is certainly not alone. “It's a nice thing to of-
fer, but it isn’t fair that this opportunity isn't presented to the students,” said Mike Phillips, freshman computer technology major. Norfolk State needs to bring more of these forms of assistance to the forefront so that they can be utilized by the students who are in financial need.
SPARTAN ECHO| Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23504|NEWSROOM: 757.823.8200 E-Mail:
Spartan News
President Obama plans to raise the minimum wage: Is it worth it? By Mariah Goodrich
President Barack Obama recently announced his plan to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 by 2015. If the President’s plan becomes a law, 15 million Americans’ wages would increase, according to the White House. The President says he believes no one who works a fulltime job should have to live in poverty. A full-time worker getting $9 an hour would make $18,720 a year before any withholding is taken. Many people find the raise to be good for the hard workers that would receive it, but is it worth it? “The plan is good because people working for minimum wage work a lot harder than the people with a bigger salary,” said junior Tyriq Crawford. ”I think that is a good thing because it can help most people out with a little extra money. People are out there working hard for their money. They are trying to support their families,” said Jamal Pope sophomore sociology major. “I think it will help people be able to pay their bills. I feel that if it does go through, then a lot of people will appreciate the president more.” “I think it is smart because today’s cost of living has increased,” freshman
Tyra Whitney. “Since most people only have the option to work it makes sense, especially for the working middle class citizens, and it could benefit the government in the long run.” However, not all think the proposal is a good idea. “What people don’t realize is that when the minimum wage is raised that the people running the companies are raising their wages too, creating a bigger divide between the classes,” said Katie Barrie, alumna of Norfolk State’s mass communication department class of 2011. “It actually does more harm than good. The value of the dollar decreases.” “If the minimum wages go up, the cost of every else goes up as well. It will create higher revenue for the states and government, but it will greatly affect small businesses who may struggle to have to provide that extra money that they may not have,” said Heather Dunning, freshman kinesiotherapy major. “For big businesses, though, they may be able to afford that increased pay rate.” So the question remains, ‘is it worth it?’ Only time will tell if the increase will be worth it or if it will only cause trouble.
The college game has suffered enough from the “One and Done Rule” An editorial by Leonard Fairley T h e NB A i n s t i t u t ed wh at i s k n o wn t o d ay as t h e “o n e an d d o n e ru l e” i n 2 0 0 6 . T h e ru l e s t at es t h at i n o rd er t o b e el i g i b l e fo r t h e d raft , at h l et es h av e t o b e at l eas t 1 9 y ears o l d an d o n e y ear rem o v ed fro m t h ei r h i g h s ch o o l g rad u at i o n . T h i s en d ed t h e p rep s t o -p ro s s ag a b u t b ro u g h t
“Athletes who accept scholarships to colleges just to stay for two semesters are taking money away from students who truly need it...” o n a b ran d n ew i s s u e t h at p l ag u es b as k et b al l t o d ay. Wh i l e t h ere are m an y d i fferen t el em en t s t o t h i s i s s u e, o n e o f t h e b i g g es t p ro b l em s i s wi t h co l l eg e at h l et i cs . T h i s ru l e al l b u t fo rced h i g h s ch o o l s t ars t o ei t h er t ak e t h ei r t al en t s t o u n i v ers i t i es , o v ers eas o r t o t h e NB A Dev el o p m en t
L eag u e f o r a t l e a s t o n e y ear. T h e e a s i e s t o u t o f t h es e t h r e e o p t i o n s i s t h e co l l e g i a t e r o u t e a n d t h a t i s whe r e m a n y h a v e g o n e . M an y o f t h e s e a t h l e t e s h av e t r u l y w o r k e d t h e system to a detriment. At mo s t i n s t i t u t i o n s o f higher education, stud en t s m u s t e n r o l l i n 1 2 15 hours to be considered fu l l -t i m e . At h l e t e s who truly h av e n o i n t e r e s t i n p o s t s eco n d a r y e d u c a t i o n c a n t ak e f u l l - t i m e h o u r s o f n o n -c h a l l e n g i n g , basic cl as s e s a n d a f e w i n c r e d ibly easy electives. They do what they have to do to stay eligible for fall s em e s t e r a n d d r o p o u t wh en b a s k e t b a l l s e a s o n is over and so they can d ecl a r e f o r t h e d r a f t . Exactly what kind of ed u ca t i o n a l experience is that? Sure they learn a few l i f e s k i l l s t h r o u g h limited coursework, but t h at is n o t a t a l l a s o l i d ed u ca t i o n . At h l e t e s w h o a c c e p t s ch o la r s h i p s t o c o l l e g e s just to stay for two sem es te r s a r e t a k i n g m o n e y away f r o m s t u d e n t s w h o t ru l y n e e d i t . T h e y a r e ro b b in g s t u d e n t s w h o act u a l l y p l a n t o t a k e a d v an t a g e o f t h e r e s o u r c es p r o v i d e d f o r t h e m b y studying and staying on t rack t o g r a d u a t e .
These athletes have reeled in a vast amount of revenue for their schools and brought more popularity to college basketball by bringing on-court success to their respect i v e t e a m s . K e n t u c k y, f o r e x a m p l e , w o n t h e 2 0 11 national title with three “one and done” players in the starting lineup, and there has been much controversy over them as well. While universities must uphold their responsibilities, the NBA should alleviate many of these issues just by abolishing this rule and replacing it with a simple solution: Stop punishing the college game for the sake of the pro game.
“They do what they have to do to stay eligible for fall semester and drop out when basketball season is over and so they can declare for the draft...”
SPARTAN ECHO| Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23504|NEWSROOM: 757.823.8200 E-Mail:
Spartan Sports
sports look to expand and improve By Leonard Fairley The NSU intramural sports program has risen in popularity the past few years and Richard Taliaferro, intramural sports director, is always looking to improve. More students are becoming active participants. There are more flag football and three-onthree and five-on-five basketball teams than before. Although football and basketball have prospered thus far, Taliaferro is still looking to add new sports. “I’m looking to add softball and volleyball on Thursdays,” said Taliaferro. “I’d like to give students more options to choose from.” Taliaferro has also considered including pool, soccer and Ping-Pong. Taliaferro is looking to make it more entertaining for spectators. For football, he moved the games from the Midrise residence hall field to the field in front of the library, which has more space. The intramural basketball teams have moved playoff and championship games from Gills Gym to Echols hall. “We had those games in Echols before, but it was always difficult to schedule around our collegiate teams,” said Taliaferro. “When I figure out what’s going on, I can figure out
how to schedule the tournaments and championship games.” Taliaferro appreciates the help he has received in helping the intramural sports program become a success. “The workers I have do a great job and adding more help will allow multiple sports to run efficiently at one time,” said Taliaferro. “More sports require more space, so having help is greatly appreciated.” NSU students see the direction in which the intramural sports program is going and are excited about what new ideas this change may bring. Junior psychology major Tyler Dudley is happy about the increased number of participants and the idea of publicizing the games. “More student workers allow us to rotate and manage the games more effectively,” said Dudley. “We would also be able to take pictures and advertise the games better.” Taliaferro is open to suggestions from students and faculty on how to make the program more accommodating and welcomes any and all persons willing to help with the games.
SAAC to complete superior service project B y M arian B rooks S el ect m em b ers o f t h e S t u d en t -At h l et e Ad v i s o ry C o m m i t t ee (S AAC ) wi l l b e t rad i n g i n t h ei r s p ri n g b reak p l an s fo r a week fu l l o f s erv i ce-o ri en t ed act i v i t i es fo r t h e Hab i t at fo r Hu m an i t y. T h es e at h l et es wi l l b e m ak i n g a t ri p t o C o rp u s C h ri s t i , Tex as , an d t h ei r p ri m ary g o al wi l l b e t o h el p b u i l d a h o u s e as p art i ci p an t s i n t h e Hab i t at fo r Hu m an i t y ’s C o l l eg i at e C h al l en g e. R ed s h i rt s o p h o m o re
volleyball player Kylee Thiim is the newly elected v i c e - p r e s i d e n t a n d like her other fellow athl et es , i s v e r y m u c h l o o k ing forward to the trip. “I h o p e t o g a i n m o r e insight and appreciation fo r l it t l e t h i n g s s u c h a s a home and a roof over my h ead , ” s a i d T h i i m . “ M o s t p eo pl e n o w a d a y s t a k e h av i ng a p l a c e t o l i v e f o r g ran t e d , a n d h o p e f u l l y, this experience will help us become more grateful an d a p p r e c i a t i v e f o r w h a t
we have.” The athletes’ involvement in the project was partially led by junior softball player and SAAC P r e s i d e n t , M o rg a n B o y d . “An opportunity came a b o u t f o r s t u d e n t s t o p a rticipate and we thought this would be great for the student-athletes to reach out to other communities since we are alSee SAAC service p roj ect, page 5
Norfolk welcomes MEAC By Alyssia Luster, Spartan Echo Correspondent The city of Norfolk has signed a three-year partnership with the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Tournament. This year’s tournament is scheduled for March 11-16 and will be played at the Norfolk Scope Arena. “We anticipate the move to Norfolk will be yet another opportunity for our fans to enjoy competitive MEAC Division I basketball,” said MEAC Commissioner Dennis Thomas. When the 2012 NSU men’s basketball team advanced to the first round of the NCAA tournament and beat Missouri, the team created one of the most historical upsets in NCAA history. The Norfolk State Spartans will not have to
travel far this year to defend their current title. Like much of the country, Thomas said the Spartans’ win over the Tigers was unexplainable. “I was very excited for the team and the coaches,” said Thomas. “It was just breathtaking. [I] had no words at the time.” With the tournament being held downtown, many concerns arise with the lack of parking available. “We are working with the city of Norfolk in terms of parking,” said Thomas. Norfolk is no stranger to hosting the annual tournament. From 1991-1993 and in 1997, Norfolk served as the tourna-
ment’s host site. The city welcomes the MEAC back this year with open arms. In addition to the games, the 2013 tournament will include various events for all ages. Below is a rundown of events scheduled during the tournament weekend. •Saturday, March 9 – Pretournament concert featuring Aretha Franklin. •Sunday, March 10 – Cheerleading competition hosted by NSU. •Wednesday, March 13 – Education night. Institutions will have admissions staff available for all inquiries at the Scope’s exhibition hall. •Sunday, March 16 – youth clinic.
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Spartan Sports
SAAC service project
Chi Alpha Sigma inducts second class
■ Continued from page 4
By Marian Brooks
Norfolk State recently inducted eight student-athletes into the Eta Chapter of the Chi Alpha Sigma National College Athlete Honor Society. The spring 2013 inductees include Thea Aspiras, bowling; Kenton Austin, tennis; Ayodesi Coker, football; Chelsea Davis, softball; Ian Horne, baseball; Chase Kyriacou, baseball; Edwin Rogers, Jr., football; and Stephanie Wheatley, softball. Chi Alpha Sigma is the first national scholar-athlete society to honor student-athletes who have not only found, but maintained the perfect balance between exceeding expectations in the classroom and competing in their respective sports. Chi Alpha Sigma recognizes athletes who have maintained a 3.4 or higher cumulative GPA upon entering their junior or senior years. The members appreciate the bond they share because of the organization. "It is a great experience to be a part of Chi Alpha Sigma. We get to know other athletes better," said women's tennis player Rebecca Graff. The second class was inducted on Jan. 29 and a ceremony was held at the Norfolk State. The ceremony
included candle-lighting and pinning of the new inductees. "It's an honor because it symbolizes that as a studentathlete, I have been able to be both a successful student and athlete,” said senior women’s volleyball player Charlotte Armstead. “It’s always nice to see athletes be recognized for upholding good academics.” The spring 2013 induction class was dominated by male athletes from the football, baseball and tennis teams. Norfolk State’s Vice Provost, Dr. Clarence Coleman, served as the keynote speaker. His speech was followed by remarks from Athletic Director, Marty Miller and Dean of the Honor’s College, Dr. Page Laws. Chi Alpha Sigma was founded at DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind., in May 1996. Its mission is to bring honor and recognition to deserving student athletes, their families, teams, athletic departments and colleges. The purpose of the membership process is highlighted as “An honor bestowed upon selected junior and senior student-athletes based on outstanding academic scholarship, excellent character, good citizenship and superior athletic ability.”
r e a d y i n v o l v e d i n N o rfolk,” said Boyd. Like Thiim, Boyd also wants this trip to serve as a humbling experience. “I hope that my fellow athletes have a greater understanding of the opportunities we have, what it means to truly give back and how it m a y a ff e c t s o m e o n e ’s life,” said Boyd. The Habitat for Hum a n i t y o rg a n i z a t i o n i s a n o n - p r o f i t o rg a n i z a tion that has helped to build and restore over 600,000 houses around the world. Because Habitat for Humanity is a n o n p r o f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n , SAAC representatives are expected to provide the cost for traveling expenses. The estimated cost of the project is $10,000, and members are currently fundraising to meet this goal.
Chi Alpha Sigma banner created by charter member Shelia-Marie Smith. Smith is also a member of the Women’s Bowling team. Picture credit-Marian Jones-Brooks.
The Habitat for Humanity organization is a non-profit organization that has helped to build and restore over 600,000 houses around the world. . Photo credit: www.
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Black History stands with Fannie Lou Hamer
My Haley introduces Mary Louvestre to NSU and the world By Renee McDonald, Spartan Echo Correspondent
By Ciara N. Simmons, Spartan Echo Correspondent “All my life I’ve been sick and tired. Now I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” This is a quote many have used, but are you aware of where it originated? Born in 1917 in the state of Mississippi, the granddaughter of a slave and the daughter of sharecroppers, Fannie Lou Hamer understood the lives of the less fortunate. At the age of 12, she had to quit school to begin working to help support her family. In 1962, she, along with others, took a bus to Indiana to register to vote. On the way back, the bus was pulled over and everyone on-board was arrested because the bus was “the wrong color.” When she returned to the farm where she sharecropped with her husband, the owner told her that if she wanted to vote, she had to leave her farm. She then became heavily involved in the civil rights movement. The following year, Hamer said she was assaulted by three white police officers. They made two black prisoners beat her until they were tired. Then, one See Fannie page 7
Telling stories has always been a part of us as a people. Now the story of Mary Louvestre is being told through the words of My Haley, author of The Treason of Mary Louvestre. A speaker in the New Lyceum Speaker Series here at Norfolk State University, widow of Alex Haley, famous author of the literary classic Roots, Haley takes us into the life a Negro seamstress living in Norfolk, Va. during the Civil War. She premiered her novel on campus as a Signature Theme Event of Norfolk State University’s celebration of Black History Month. “This was an intriguing story about a dramatic, exciting little known piece of history,” Haley told the media at a press conference on campus. “I wanted to write about a woman of substance. Mary reminded me of the elders I grew up with in South Charleston, Wv. She had something to tell us beyond her own story.” Haley described the book as taking you into Mary’s life, revealing her dreams, giving you a sense of who she is and how, when her dreams are dashed, she is met with a decision that ultimately changes her life. She becomes a spy of sorts, on a
See Mary Louvestre, p a ge 7
My Haley, author of The Treason of Mary Louvestre, with Spartan Echo reporter Renee McDonald. Media Credit: Willie Marsh.
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MTV show reveals dangers of cyber dating, NSU students relate
Mary Louvestre
■ Continued from page 6
editors Krysta Ricks Editor-inChief
By DeVanique Riley
MTV introduced a new television series, Catfish: The TV Show, in Nov. 2012 that stemmed from a documentary by Nev Schulman. He shared a story about how he fell in love with a girl, Megan, via Facebook. In the end, Megan turned out to be a 40-year-old woman named Angela. The term “catfish” is used to describe an individual that finds companionship by pretending to be someone else online. The show investigates the true identities of people involved in online dating. In most cases, the investigation leads to Nev and his cameramen discovering that the person behind the screen made up a convincing background story. Usually, loopholes in their stories lead to unexpected truths, and when it is time to meet face-to-face, many people on the show are disappointed. Some NSU students have participated in online dating situations similar to those on Catfish: The TV Show. Some Spartans admit to giving out false names, pictures and backstories. A mass communications major who chose only to be identified by his last name, Staggers, confessed to catfishing. “I did it because I like them. I was attracted to them, so I showed them what they wanted to see. Who cares if it
wasn’t me? They didn’t know and still don’t,” said Staggers. “It was almost too easy to convince them that I was who I said I was,” said Staggers. “Get a couple of friends on the phone so they can’t track your voice. Have more than one picture ready to send, and you’ve got them hooked. They practically did whatever I wanted from sending videos to pictures of whatever I asked.” There have also been students who have been victimized by online impersonations. Another student that wished to be identified by last name, Austin, said a group of friends was targeted by the same perpetrator. “He pretended to be a backup singer to Trey Songz during homecoming in 2009. I showed my friend, and he said the guy also talked to him but under a different name. Eventually, the so-called back-up singer was identified as the source to at least three other students on campus. It turned out to be embarrassing yet comical in the end. You never know who you’re talking to,” said Austin., a prominent online dating site gives tips for those who chose to date online. Some include “get to know the other person before meeting them offline, always meet in public and tell a friend.” More tips can be read at
mission to deliver information to the union navy about a confederate navy ship. Haley said Mary’s decision and subsequent action says a lot about her character. “We hear often about stepping out on faith. She showed us that faith is a verb.” Haley was asked what she hopes will come of authoring The Treason of Mary Louvestre. Laughing, she said she would like it to spur the idea for a movie, but then talked of
how there are so many others like Mary throughout history. Haley hopes her book will motivate us to look into our own history, remembering African Americans’ contributions to this country, seeing us as the “fabric of America.” Haley appeared at Norfolk State through the New Lyceum Speaker Series sponsored by the Honors College and participated in a book signing at the end of her appearance.
Fannie Lou Hamer
Jasmine Battle Lifestyle Editor
Marian JonesBrooks Sports Editor
Keith Offutt Multimedia Editor
■ Continued from page 6
of the policemen beat her nearly blind and injured her kidney. In 1964, Hamer went with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), a party created by civil rights groups, to Atlantic City where the Democratic Party was holding its Presidential Convention. The group wanted to challenge how the people of Mississippi were not fairly represented since most black people couldn’t vote. It was here that Hamer gave her speech on the injustices she suffered. National networks aired her entire speech. Because of the national coverage, voting and speak-
Brittany Elmore Online/ Managing Editor
ing rights were given to two delegates from the MFDP. It was also agreed that no delegate would be seated from anywhere citizens were not allowed to legally vote. Shortly after, in 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, which made it easier for people of color to vote. This Black History Month, thank Fannie Lou Hamer for being ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Tony Batchler Jr. Entertainment Editor DeVanique Riley Graphic Design/ Layout Editor
Interested in writing for the Spartan Echo? Join our team! Meetings are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 in NSC 344.
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Spartan Entertainment
Spartan Spotlight
Lance Williams co-owns Lwill85 & Motiontography. photo credit:, photo credits for movie covers:, ozthegreatandpowerful.
Social media merry-go-round
In a constantly evolving technological world, tech savvy users always have their eyes peeled for the next social media craze. Here’s a look at the top 5 social media sites and apps to join or download in 2013.
Google+: Features “circles” and “hangouts” using video chats and other cool features that allow you to take Google to the next level. (Website and mobile app.) Pinterest: A bulletin-board-style website for sharing photos and specific collections for anything from hobbies and food to movies and makeup. (Website and mobile app.) Keek: Allows users to upload 36-second video status updates called “keeks” as well as video comments or “keekback.” (Website and mobile app.) Couple: Formally known as “Pair,” Couple is a mobile app for two. It is made especially for romantic couples to stay connected by having one place to keep all the shared memories like texts, video and special dates. (Mobile app.) Path: Instead of public streaming on Facebook and Twitter, Path allows you to share photos, videos and sta-
tuses with a limit of 150 friends for a more intimate social networking experience. (Website and mobile app.)
NSU alumni start production company and photography business By Tony Batchler, Jr. Lwill85 & Motiontography is a blossoming photography and video production company that is quickly taking over Hampton Roads. Norfolk State University alum Lance Williams (Lwill85) has teamed up with local upcoming photographer Roger Mitchell (Motiontography), and they co-own the company that has booked numerous photo shoots for local actors and models. The duo’s most recent client is fellow NSU alum and actor/filmmaker, Tim Reid. Williams piqued Reid’s interest after participating in a film group developed by Reid called the Legacy Media Institute. LMI gave a group of students an opportunity to attend workshops and produce a short film over the span of four weeks. Although his production credentials carry their own weight, Williams has also excelled in the classroom. He is graduating with a dual major in electronic engineering and mathematics. Williams is undoubtedly one of NSU’s most talented alumni, but he knows he did not reach his goals alone. He attributes his academic excellence, drive to pursue the unachievable and success in starting his own business to God. Living by faith is what keeps him going. “You only live once so if you want to do something, go for it” said Williams. Read the rest of Williams’ interview at
SPARTAN ECHO| Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23504|NEWSROOM: 757.823.8200 E-Mail: