Dynamic System (M.Arch)

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DYNAMIC SYSTEM responsive and kinetic

Table of Contents




Fabrication1 System Application



Digital Exploration2

00. Abstract 01. Domain

01.1. Introduction 01.2. Functional responses 01.3. Environmental responses 01.4. Evaluation

02. Methods

02.1. Introduction 02.2. Methods and techniques 02.3. Proposed methods 02.4. Kinematic: folding and origami 02.5. Kinetic: global and local control 02.6. Environmental responses

03. Digital Development

03.1. 03.2. 03.3. 03.4.

Component population techniques Seven parameter inputs Digital and physical comparison Conclusion and evaluation

04. Anchor Points 04.1. Single curvature


Double curvature

05. Fabrication

05.1. 05.2. 05.3. 05.4.

Hinge types Standard fabrication method Fiber composite method Conclusion and evaluation

06. System Application

06.1. Test Site – Mile End Park – Path study – Users agenda 06.2. Proposal – Nodes – Bridge type comparison – Kinetic bridge types 06.3. New Aggregation Technique – Sections generators – Surface division – 3 surface tests 06.4. Curvature Analysis 06.5. Zones Activation – Users interaction – Environmental response – Zones configurations 06.6. Power Source – Material mass – Actuator types – Power and forces 06.7. CONCLUSION

07. Appendix 08. Bibliography and References 09. Acknowledgement

*This thesis began as a three person team investigation. Two students continue the work as M.Arch development. 1Cesar Martinez is leading the physical experimentation and 2Sebastian Partowidjojo is leading the digital exploration.





The growing pursuit for a responsive system as a new form of design drives our interest to explore its variables, test its boundaries, and benefit from its potential. Our proposal is to design a stand alone kinetic system with the goal of its implementation to a variety of kinetic building types as a response to a unique set of inputs from various architectural needs. Throughout the development of the system, it will be constantly tested and evaluated from a series of physical and digital prototypes. In regards to the kinetic system, we define it as one of being capable of undergoing physical changes through a series of actuators. Furthermore, we aim to gain local control within the system itself at a component level, to be able to aggregate it onto a variety of surface types, and to develop a system which once actuated, will be capable of generating both single and double curved surfaces. In addition, from an economical point of view, the system will benefit in terms of its assembly process in order to reduce fabrication cost. Hence, this model is directly linked to labor expenses and as such, it depends on the project’s location (country). In regards to the system’s application, the proposal is to develop a kinetic architectural space that constantly changes its volume in order to attend to various programmatic functions, and one that does not necessarily requires the need for large spatial areas in doing so. These programmatic functions are based on specific user interactions and may be activated as needed. As kinetic architecture, it will be a system able to respond to different climatic conditions. In this case, we will consider areas that may be activated daily or by seasons due to wind currents or solar activity. The system will also benefit from the use of a natural power source specific to the resources available. In our case, we introduce water pressure as a power source.





01. Domain 01.1. Introduction 01.2. Functional Responses 01.3. Environmental Responses 01.4. Evaluation

In general, responsive architecture is defined as the type that transforms its elements or components in response to specific programmatic needs and environmental conditions. These factors are read from various sensors and inputs which are simultaneously transferred to different triggers or actuators acting upon specific architectural needs. Designers, Architects and Engineers have investigated and built various kinetic designs throughout the years, however, there is very little investigation when it comes to a stand alone kinetic system which can be implemented to several building types. In turn, the implementation of the system becomes kinetic architecture by constantly changing its volume in response to multiple programmatic functions, based on specific user interactions and environmental conditions. Case Studies: Within the realm of kinetic Architecture, current built projects will be investigated in regards to embedded responsive systems. In this sub-chapter, two categories will be addressed. The first category covers kinetic architecture capable of changing shape in terms of area and volume in response to changes in various programmatic functions. The second category covers shape change responding to immediate climatic conditions.


Functional Responses This first category is to explore architecture that transforms its geometry based on different programmatic functions. These projects utilize simple and conventional mechanisms to slide and rotate objects through the use of hinges, gears, pulleys and compound systems. Small scale projects are actuated manually while larger scale projects use the application of controlled actuators; such as pneumatic pumps, hydraulics, and etc. As a result, these simple systems give the possibility to make a monolithic entrance, turn indoor to outdoor, increase square meters, provide shelter, etc. In general, projects in this category perform in longer time scale (less aggressive) and stand permanently as a structure. Gary Chang_Hong Kong Apartment Due to the limited space in Hong Kong, 32 sqm apartments becomes the average size for two-bedroom apartments. Local architect Gary Chang manages to design and renovate his open studio apartment to a transformable 24 rooms apartment with specific different functions and layouts. This was made possible by using simple mechanisms such as sliding walls that reveal rooms and fold down tables and chairs in order to maximize space. These configuration types can be changed manually based on one’s needs and desires. Dominique Perrault_Olympic Tennis Center In Madrid, Spain, Dominique Perrault designed an Olympic Tennis Center that is 80,000 sqm and holds up to 20,000 seating. This facility has 3 main courts that can later be changed to different configurations. In turn, hosting different activities such as; tennis courts, political rallies, fashion shows, and music concerts. Different configurations are made possible by simple movements of the roof structure. Each court has its own mechanically operated roof structure. The roof system is mounted with hydraulic mechanisms for vertical tilting; coupled with horizontal displacement resulting into three possible configurations per court. In total, 27 different configurations can be achieved for different spatial qualities. These range from indoor, semi outdoor, and outdoor spaces. Heatherwick Studio_Rolling Bridge In the canal inlet in Paddington Basin, London, Heatherwick Studio has designed a standard pedestrian bridge, however, it curls up every Friday during lunch time in order to allow boats to pass by. The bridge spans 12.75 m. and is built from eight components fabricated from steel and timber. Each

component is equipped with a pair of hydraulic cylinders powered by hydraulic pumps. When the hydraulics are engaged, the top railing reduces its length forcing the bridge to curl up toward the direction of the fix foundation point. The bridge was constructed in 2004 and Thomas Heatherwick and was honoured with the British Structural Steel Award for this innovative solution in the following year. Hans Kupelwieser & Werkraum Wien_Lakeside Stage Another project that takes advantage of hydraulic power mechanisms is Lakeside Stage by the artist Hans Kupelwieser who teamed up with an engineering office Werkraaum Wien. Just like Heatherwick Studio, this team coupled hydraulics with pumps, however, utilizing a different application. Pivot points are located between hydraulic dampers and a water tank controlled drainage system. Water from the lake is pumped up to the tank, the weight of the water then counteracts the hydraulic system and results in tilting a 13m x 13m timber and steel structure for a seating area. In the full upward position, this seating area functions as a shelter and acoustic shell. When the shelter is not needed, then the process can be reversed. Then, by draining the water from the tank, the roof structure slowly tilts down into a seating area.

Fig. 1.01 Hans Kupelwieser & Werkraum Wie’s Lakeside Stage. Operation sequence [Ref. Illustrative:1.01] Fig. 1.02 Hydraulics and railing system on the roof of Olympic Tennis Center, Madrid [Ref. Illustrative:1.02] Fig. 1.03 Different plan configurations in Gary Chang’s apartment [Ref. Illustrative:1.03] Fig. 1.04 Heatherwick Studio’ Rolling Bridge. Operation sequence [Ref. Illustrative:1.04]


Fig. 1.01

Fig. 1.02

Fig. 1.03

Fig. 1.04


Environmental Responses The second category covers projects which respond to climatic and environmental conditions. Most mechanism types utilize swivel and rotation movements within a fixed axis. Environmental responsive systems are usually not self supported and depend on a primary structural system. This type of system works best as a facade system, roof shading device or canopy. In general, projects in this category perform in a daily basis. Chuck Hoberman_Audiencia Provincial Using the StrataTM shading system (collaboration venture from ABI, Adaptive Building Initiative, involving both Hoberman and Buro Hapold), Hoberman populates Audiencia Provincial’s central circular atrium in order to minimize solar gain while allowing natural daylight to infiltrate the space. The roof surface is populated with series of hexagonal cells which cover the triangular structural grid. When retracted, these cells disappear into the structure’s profile.

transformation. This material property is called the hysteresis. Due to this characteristic, SMA is its own processing device. Heat can be generated from electric current. Any type of censors can be connected to a processor which will then send electric current to activate SMA wires. On and off switch can also replace censors. Achim Menges_Responsive Surface Structure This research is to explore the possibility of changing the dimension of wood by responding to the relative humidity in the environment. The aim is to develop surface that adapt and change its porosity to allow cross ventilation without the need to use mechanical control devices. Full scale prototype was constructed and tested for its performity. The responsive result varies overtime from component to component across the surface.

Jean Nouvel_Institut du Monde Arabe Facing a large public square that opens out toward the Île de la Cité and Notre Dame, Jean Nouvel installed a responsive facade on the Arab World Institute building in Paris. The glass storefront is equipped with metallic screen. This geometrical pattern opens and closes and is controlled by 240 motors. This screen act as brise soleil to control light entering the building and creates shadows in the interior space. This facade is responding to the solar value and readjust its opening on an hourly basis. This type of system regulates solar gain through the use of screens; a commonly used in Islamic Architecture. This building envelops a museum, library, auditorium, restaurant, and offices. Andrew Payne_SMA Panel System For his research, Andrew Payne developed a system that uses shape memory alloy for a facade system. The intention was to design a heat sensitive facade that is energy independent. This was done though the use of custom calibrated SMA (Shape Memory Alloy) wires. SMA perform as both sensors and actuators. It expands in room temperature and shrinks when it is heated. The sensitivity and expansion can be calibrated through multiple use and letting it memorize the

Fig. 1.05 Hexagonal shading cell for Chuck Hoberman’s Audiencia Provincial, Madrid. [Ref. Illustrative:1.05] Fig. 1.06 Achim Menges and Steffen Reichert’s Responsive Surface Structure. Initial and final opening. [Ref. Illustrative:1.06] Fig. 1.07 Façade system of Jean Nouvel’s Institut du Monde Arabe. [Ref. Illustrative:1.07] Fig. 1.08 Panel’s performance under different temperatures. Andrew Payne’s SMA Panel System. [Ref. Illustrative:1.08]


6:00 AM

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

13:00 PM

14:00 PM

15:00 PM

16:00 PM

17:00 PM Fig. 1.05

0 second

18 second Fig. 1.06

Wire Temperature: 70o F Fig. 1.07

Wire Temperature: 90o F Fig. 1.08


Evaluation Conclusion


Evaluation and Conclusion Based on these case studies, we have learned that physical changes in the realm of kinetic architecture depend on a particular function need as an input to a kinetic response. Also, this kinetic response depends on the scale size of each project. For instance, programmatic responses usually take place over a long period time, while, environmental responses must respond rapidly to changes. Heatherwick’s Bridge responds to a programmatic change and completes its kinetic state in two minutes time. Achim Menges’ design performs as a canopy responding to climatic conditions. In the case of rain, it should respond rapidly. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of being a shelter. In Paris, Jean Nouvel’s facade does not entirely function as intended due to a failure within its kinetic mechanism. On the contrary, Heatherwick’s bridge still undergoes its transformation every Friday during lunchtime. In order to design kinetic architecture responding to both programmatic and environmental needs, the question still remains. What would then be an effective and efficient responsive system?





02. Methods

“The relation between the external forces and their kinematic variables is popularly known as kinetics....We examine the external mechanical agencies that cause the motion.…The motion of a rigid body consists of rigid translations as well as rotations. Each of these kinematic variables will now have to be related to their respective kinetic variables. The kinetic quantities associated with translations are forces and the kinetic quantities associated with rotations are moments or torques.” Rao, Lakshminarasimhan, Sethuraman & Sivakumar, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics (2003), p. 175

02.1. Introduction 02.2. Methods and techniques 02.3. Proposed methods 02.4. Kinematic: folding and origami 02.5. Kinetic: global and local control 02.6. Environmental responses

In order to gain a better understanding of the methods and techniques in relation to a responsive kinetic system, we briefly recall two main branches into the principles of mechanics; ‘kinematics and kinetics’. Kinematics studies different movements of body parts in relation to their joints without considering the external forces needed to activate such movement. On the other hand, kinetics studies not only the motion of bodies, but also the forces exerted to generate motion. In the case of Kinetic Architecture, the transition from a static body to a kinetic one means to be able to gain control over such forces once they are no longer in equilibrium. As such, three methods in parallel to their respective techniques are considered and evaluated into the development of a kinetic system: 1. Folding 2. Open Source Software and Hardware 3. Hybrid System As an evaluation of the previous methods, we will proceed with physical experiments by extracting information not only from one method alone but will take advantage of the potential of all methods to constantly inform our investigation.


Methods and Techniques There are different methods and techniques to develop responsive architecture. According to Nicholas Negroponte; responsive architecture is the natural product of the integration of computing power into built spaces and structures. Negroponte also include the concepts of recognition, intention, contextual variation, and meaning into computing and its successful integration into architecture. Folding As a generative process, folding architecture is an experimental system. The relationship between each crease, fold, score, and cut give an infinite possibilities for form and function. Origami is the traditional Japanese form of paper art. This basic system is only using mountain folds (fold up) and valley folds (fold down). When origami changes to a larger scale, folding is no longer applicable. We then use rigid sheets and hinges. In this case, it is not required for the structure to start as a flat surface. This branch of origami is called “rigid origami”. An example of such project is by Sabin+Jones Labstudio named “Deployability”. (fig 2.01) Open-Source Software And Hardware Robotic system is one that combines computational data acquisition and mechanical system. The objective for using this system is to use hardware such as sensors that read different environmental conditions such as; humidity level, temperature level, sun exposure, movement/torque sensor, pressure sensor, flex sensor, etc. These accurate readings will be the parameters for actuating certain mechanics in the kinetic system. Software and micro chip serve as the bridge that connects these two end parts of the robotic system. In order to develop robotic systems more economical and reachable to the general community, we apply open source software and hardware such as; Grasshopper, Kangaroo, Geometry Gym, Karamba, Arduino, Firefly, etc. Open-source software/hardware is granting the right of users to use, study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code. This approach has gained both momentum and acceptance as the potential benefits have been increasingly recognized by both individuals and corporations. Hybrid System A Hybrid system is the integration of two or more different systems which otherwise have not been previously used

within a single system. In his book PARA-Site (fig 2.03), Jordi Truco explains the collective use of material intelligence, digital tectonics, and reading the environment. In the rest state, the material has no structural capacity, however, when in a pretension form through geometric formation the material works as a structural membrane supporting its own weight. Pretensioning the material changes its property and helps to store some energy which can later be used in correlation with various mechanical actuators. As a result, the exchange communication between the material, sensors, and actuators creates a dynamic hybrid system with emergence behaviour.

“Tristan D’Estree Sterk, The Office for Robotic Architectural Media & Bureau for responsive architecture is a small technology officeinterested inrethinking the art of construction alongside the emergence of responsive systems. Our work focuses upon the use of structural shape change and its role in altering the way that buildings use energy.” http://www.orambra.com/

Fig. 2.01 Sabin+Jones, Labstudio’s “Deployability”. [Ref. Illustrative:2.01] Fig. 2.02 Tristan D’Estree Sterk’s Actuated Tensegrity [Ref. Illustrative: 2.02] Fig. 2.03 Jordi Truco’s PARA-site [Ref. Illustrative: 2.03]


Fig. 2.01

Fig. 2.02

Fig. 2.03




System Method System Branching The diagram on the right hand side, introduces the methods and techniques that is proposed in respect to the abstract and domain of this investigation. This method is applied through out in order to achieve a Responsive Kinetic System. As previously noted, there are two different categories that will be examined. First, a Structural Responsive System capable of shape change in response to various functional needs. Second, an Environmental Responsive System that transforms based on several environmental conditions. These two categories are studied simultaneously on separate explorations. In the end, these two systems merges as collective behaviour; performing and complimenting each other as one compound system. Here are the definition of each branch in the system: Structural System: the primary system in which performance is based on the structural integrity as a whole. Functional Response: transformation taking place due to the change in functions. Envelope System: a secondary system capable of surface change. Environmental Response: surface transformation interacting to the environment. System: groups of interacting cells working together to perform a certain task. Component: different element units gives this cell a certain behaviour. Element: given number of units that define a cell component. Connection Types: hardware types joining one element to the next and responding to kinetic behaviour. Scale: different scale explorations to better understand forces required to activate the system. System Deployment: deploying the system with respect to structural integrity and different programmatic functions. Component Deployment: activating component elements in respect to environmental changes. Program: different programmatic functions are to be the based on the design making decisions for both system and component deployment.

Kinetic Application: applying different actuator types to activate the system. Environmental Data: Inputs for a Responsive System. For instance, letting light in when it becomes too dark, closing or opening fenestration systems when it is too hot, or when it is too humid. Data Processing (the use of open source software/ hardware): Grasshopper: graphical algorithm for generative modelling. Firefly: toolset dedicated to bridging the gap between Grasshopper to Arduino, micro-controller. It also allows for data flow from digital to physical environments close to realtime. Karamba: finite element analysis module within Grasshopper and fully parametrizable. Ecotect: a software enabling the rendering and simulation of a building’s performance within the context of its environment. Geco: bridging Grasshopper to Ecotect. Arduino: open source hardware platform allowing the creation of interactive systems. Sensors: hardware that read environmental conditions and translate t data to engage actuators. Some smart materials have the properties to function as both sensors and actuators. Environmental Input: environmental factors; such as wind, heat, humidity, and temperature data that can be collected and used as an input for data processing.








SYSTEM Interacting components working as a group to perform a certain architectural task







ELEMENT Geometrical configurations that break down the system into workable scale

Different element units gives this cell a certain behaviour

SYSTEM DEPLOYMENT adaptive global reaction (slow pace)

COMPONENT DEPLOYMENT responsive local reaction (fast pace)













KINEMATIC: space and volume Origami To explore the folding technique, we began with origami, the Japanese art of folding paper. Different cuts and folds from different patterns allow for various types of deployability. As explored, different patterns result in different forms, volumes, and directionality. Twelve patterns are then analysed based on each of their expansion ratio, control points, number of joints, expansion directions, volume created, and repetition/ modulation of the patterns. Three patterns are chosen from twelve explorations. These are then narrowed down to two patterns and tested with rigid origami techniques where rigid planar sheets are used in combination with joint systems. V-patterns V patterns are one of the most simple folding techniques. The simplicity of this pattern can be seen from two characteristics. The first characteristic is the number of folding lines intersecting each other. The second characteristic is the symmetrical repetition of ridges and valleys folding from intersection points to adjacent points. In the V patterns, we can see that all intersection points have four lines that are coming in/out from these points and all of these lines are repeating themselves with the exception of Pattern 3.

modular components that can be repeated on the surface. Unlike V Patterns, Modular patterns can be deployed to form different volumes while remaining as a surface when retracted. Due to its triangularity, twisting and deformation is not visible at this scale. Modular patterns have a smaller ratio of expansion in the X and Y axis, however, they make up for it due to their greater volumetric expansion. From experimenting with the paper model, it seems that these patterns have the potential to control expansion independently from each other’s axis. Complex Patterns The third type of patterns are the complex patterns which can be considered as difficult patterns when folding due to the variety of repetition from ridges and valleys from one point its immediate neighbour. Once folded, the transformation of the surface is more difficult to control and to predict. After exploring different patterns in this category, Pattern 6 becomes the most interesting due to the intricacy of the surface and the volume that it creates. Starting by holding the two sides, we can expand the surface by pulling it apart and at the same time create surface curvature on the other two sides. In addition, three more patterns are explored which in the end satisfied our criteria hence the further investigation. These are Pattern are elaborated in the next pages.

Pattern 3 is very time consuming because there are parts that needs to be glued together on its faces. These parts are coded with a gray shade. As a result, these type of patterns are very linear and only result in surface expansion. This means that in fully closed position, it can be compacted to almost a line. And when it is fully open, it forms a surface not a volume. When it is forced to create a volume, each surface panels begin to twist and deform.

Expansion Ratio

Control Points

Number of Joints

V patterns have a high ratio of expansion and expand in correspondence to both x and y axis. Modular patterns Knowing the strategy within simple patterns, we now move onto more complex patterns. Modular patterns are usually asymmetrical; however, the patterns consist of smaller

LL L L L L’ L’ L L’ L’ L’ L’

X/Y independence

X/Y/Z independence

Mountain Valley

Modulation of Pattern

≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠

## # # # ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠

L L’


# x6



L L’


Pattern 1. Multiple V’s





L L’

# ≠ ≠


Pattern 2. V’s variations



L’ L L’


Pattern 3. V pleats





L L’


Pattern 4. Modular pleats




L’ L L’

# ≠


Pattern 5. Triangle modular pleats





Pattern 6. Complex Surfaces

≠ ≠


Pattern Selection L’






Pattern 7. Grid V

≠ ≠

L L’

# x2




Pattern 8. Modular pleats_triangle

≠ ≠

L L’

L L’# ≠







# #

≠ ≠


Pattern 9. Modular pleats_square




Modulation of Pattern



# X/Y independence

≠ ≠



X/Y/Z independence

Control Points

Number of Joints

Expansion Ratio

# ≠


L L’


PATTERN 7: Grid V This pattern was chosen due to its simplicity and modularity, all parts were constructed out of the same geometry elements. Less number of lines in each intersection also means that it requires less joints for assembly. Based on the paper model studies, we confirm the pattern’s expansion ratio, directions, and controllability from assembling MDF prototypes. Positive aspects: Easy and quick assembly line and great expansion ratio. Negative aspects: The relation between the X-Y axes limits the possibilities in the control of the surface as the growth in one side means the growth in the other one.

PATTERN 8: Modular-pleats Triangle Pattern 6 and pattern 7 share the same characteristics. However, this pattern is made completely out of triangulated element pieces. Positive aspects: Triangulated element provide structural integrity assuring that all elements are planar. 3 actuators are needed per component. Negative aspects: Due to their triangulation, actuators move simultaneously resulting in a global control. Global control only results in dome-like structure.

PATTERN 9: Modular-pleats Square This pattern was chosen due to its expendability, control points, modularity, and the ability to create volume. From our previous hypothesis, it is important to check the expansion depending on X axis and Y axis. Because this surface transforms from a surface to a volume, we can conclude that it exhibits high potential to generate architectural spaces. Positive aspects: Independent control on each direction resulting in more form possibilities. Negative aspects: To control local displacement, 4 actuators per component are needed. Non-triangulated elements increase the possibility of non-planar elements.


KINETIC: surface control Through physical explorations, we prove that pattern 09 becomes the most successful for independent control. Diagrams on the right hand side show the local control in this pattern. Each component can be expanded on certain areas which become independent from their neighbouring areas within the surface.

After digital and physical model explorations, we consider these exercises as a success in terms of being able to not only control local movement from a component scale, but also in terms of being able to create volume and enclose space.

Local control - digital exploration In order to gain local control, we begin by testing a foldable surface in terms of its components (see. Degree of Opening). At first, these components are studied as a two-dimensional surface which begins to change shape, not only from its components but also from its own boundaries (see. Edge Condition). This shape change is possible by controlling the aperture percentage from one component to the next. In return, being able to expand or contract the surface in some areas more than others. However, it is important to make note that there is always a sequence or a pattern that follows depending on which component becomes actuated before the others, and also depending on the location of this component within the surface area. In other words, there is a relationship between expanding or contracting depending on the aperture sequence from one component to the next. Furthermore, the same pattern is briefly studied along a cross section (right hand page). From this exercise, we are able to examine different curvature types depending on the degree of aperture from each component. This enables us to begin generating volume and enveloping spaces as needed by controlling local movement within the respective components.

Local control - physical model In parallel to digital explorations, we built a prototype from MDF panels. This model consists of two components originated from the same pattern examined in the previous digital exercise. Each component is a combination of eight triangular pieces and one square geometry. Every element is attached by brass hinges which allowing every pair of elements to rotate selectively, and enabling a slight curvature form one component to the next. In essence, it allows us to enclose space depending on the number of components populating a surface.

(1a). Horizontal - Open Vertical - Close (1b). Curving up to the direction of the component openings. (2a). Horizontal - Close Vertical - Open (2c). Curving side ways to the direction of the component openings. (3a). Horizontal - Close Vertical - Close (3c). Straight facade when all actuators are closed.

vertical actuators




open actuator semi-open actuator closed actuator

open horizontal actuators

Degree of Opening

Edge Condition

Gradual Opening Changes

Different Actuation Controls











18 square units



144 triangular units

x 72

18 square units

18 square units


72 clusters of 2 units



x 36


36 clusters of 4 units

x 16 Assembly Process

Stage 1: Closed Actuator

Stage 2: Open - Activated


Assembly Process Moving from paper model to a large scale (MDF) model, we are moving from origami to what is called rigid origami. Rigid origami is a method where folding is no longer part of the process. Instead, panel, hinges and joints are replacing the folding technique. Our first experimentation utilizes reinforce tape as a joint system. The model was not able to perform due to joint failure. In the next generation, we use brass hinges in order to resist a compression force when the activation is performed (see Assembly Process). In this prototype, we are able to design space and form (see Different Configurations). Although, it does not have an Architectural application, what qualifies this prototype as a success lies in that we are able to control shape change at a local level. Another factor that makes this component a success is that we are able to achieve a variety of form and space from two basic geometrical shapes (a square and a triangle). One important finding is that the elements and components need to be assembled in the closed position. When assembled in the open configuration, the force needed to make the initial folding is high and all components need to be activated simultaneously. This was almost impossible to do manually with limited amount of hands. When assembled in a closed position, opening the components are just as easy as pushing the surface downward (see. Stage 1 + Stage 2). The final shape achieved is a dome like structure. To activate, actuators need to be activated simultaneously or in a neighbouring sequence; either from the centre down to is edges or from the edges up to the centre. Since simultaneous activation is can not be achieved manually, the most efficient way, is to actuate the components starting from the centre down to the edges. In this prototype, we are able to open and close every component to its desired aperture state by using MDF beam like elements that otherwise would be replaced by linear actuators. Different Configuration Possibilities

Fabrication time: 3 hrs. (laser cutting) 9 hrs. (hinging elements together) Total fabrication time: 12 hrs.


Actuator Types There are two common actuator types that have been widely developed by mechanical engineers, space engineers, architects, installation artists and toy designers. The product of such actuators varies from small product design such as mechanical toys and medical equipment, to medium size designs for canopies and facades. Actuators have also been applied to larger scale structures such as stadium roofs, movable bridges and outer space machinery.

Mechanical Actuators

Based on our investigation, we classify actuators into two major categories; Mechanical actuators and Phase Changing Actuators. Moreover, depending on their performative need; these are capable to withstand forces under tension, compression, or a combination of both.

According to our previous physical experiments, we can conclude that all actuators need to resist both tensile and compressive forces.

Through out the fabrication from physical prototype, and the study of their kinetic behaviour, we are able to recognize the forces required in terms of structural integrity. In this case, we are aiming to introduce linear actuators not only for kinematic behaviour, but also as structural components. Therefore, for the purpose of these exercises, we will rely on actuators resisting both tension and compression forces. In turn maintaining continuous equilibrium within the system. In respect to kinetic behaviour, every component in the system is equipped with two pairs of actuators. One pair running along the x-axis (horizontal displacement) and a second pair running along the y-axis (vertical displacement). Both acting under tension and compression. Their application pushes the component apart for surface expansion and also pulls the component closer to itself for surface compression.

In this category, we study different mechanical actuators such as; turn buckles, pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic air muscles and electric linear actuators. The specifications for each actuator type provide us with information regarding the push/pull power, speed, and distance range for each type.

Referring to the appropriate specifications from each actuator, we are able to conclude that the least desirable type is the pneumatic air muscle (see Fig. 2.10 - 2.11) as it only works either on tension or compression, but never under both forces simultaneously. Turnbuckles (see Fig. 2.04 - 2.05) need to be activated manually and their length can be adjusted accordingly. However, this type of actuator works under both compression and tension. Pneumatic cylinders (see Fig 2.06 - 2.07) are activated by allowing pressurized air to one of the chambers in order to extend or compress their length. In addition, electric liner actuators (see Fig. 2.08 - 2.09) are essentially motors that rotate on a threaded rod that allows itself to slide in and out; extending and reducing its length. Both of these type are capable of working under compression and tension.

In this chapter, we study Mechanical Linear Actuators and Phase Changing Actuators.

Fig. 2.04 Jaw toggle & Swage 38BC-TS-5811_Blair Corporation [Ref. Illustrative:2.04]

Fig. 2.08 LA28 Electric Linear Actuator_LINAK Group [Ref. Illustrative:2.08]

Fig. 2.05 Rod & Swage 38BC-RS-5811_Blair Corporation [Ref. Illustrative:2.05]

Fig. 2.09 LA30 Electric Linear Actuator_LINAK Group [Ref. Illustrative:2.09]

Fig. 2.06 Standard cylinder DSNU 20-25_FESTO [Ref. Illustrative:2.06]

Fig. 2.10 Relaxed pneumatic air muscle Shadow Robot Company [Ref. Illustrative:2.10]

Fig. 2.07 Standard cylinder DSNUP ISO 6431_FESTO [Ref. Illustrative:2.07]

Fig. 2.11 Activated pneumatic air muscle Shadow Robot Company [Ref. Illustrative:2.11]


Turnbuckles 38BC-TS-5811

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

2500 2500 2500 2500 manual manual 171-235 -


Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

2500 2500 2500 2500 manual manual 171-235 Fig. 2.04

Fig. 2.05

Fig. 2.06

Fig. 2.07

Fig. 2.08

Fig. 2.09

Fig. 2.10

Fig. 2.11

Pneumatic Cylinders DSNU/20 DSNU 20-25

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

300 300 300 300 5,5 4,5 1-500 -


Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

7363 7363 7363 7363 7,4 6,8 10-2000 -

Electric Linear Actuators LA28 Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

LA30 3500 2000 3500 2000 6,7 4,7 100-400 50

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

6000 3000 6000 3000 8,7 5,5 100-400 50

Pneumatic Muscle Actuators Ø 20 mm

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

300 300 4,2 3,0 150-210 -

Ø 30 mm

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

1000 1000 4,5 4,0 210-300 -


Actuator Types Phase Changing Actuators In this chapter, we will define three types of Phase Changing Actuators from the Smart Material’s category. The first one is a Memory Alloy Wire, the second one is a Hydro-gel, and the third one is a wax actuator. Memory Alloy wires become kinetic in response to heat and electricity (see Fig. 2.12). They will either respond by expanding or contracting. However, what makes them unique is their ability for memory shape change. In this fashion, Memory Alloys come in two categories: a) 1 - way alloy. b) 2 - way alloy. One way alloys expand and contract responding to heat or electricity. This alloy type can be calibrated to respond to various temperatures as per application, and it has the ability of shape change up to 4 percent of its length.

type that would move simultaneously to the expansion rate of the powder. Then, the geometry of the casing becomes the output for displacement. The third category defines a wax actuator material (see Fig. 2.14) responding to heat. This type has been widely used in green houses. Just like the hydro-gel, this wax actuator requires a casing which commonly comes in the form of hydraulics. Phase Changing Actuators are extremely promising due to the interaction of their natural properties in respect to the environment. In other words, they do not need an external power source to engage or interact with the natural environment. These materials are also known as,smart materials. Some of which can even be engineered or calibrated in order to respond to unique environmental inputs. However, Smart Materials are still in their early stages of development, and at this point, they are mostly applied to small scale designs. In architectural terms, this design type mainly comes as a secondary system within a building design. These may be building facades, roof canopies or art installations.

Two way alloys, display exactly the same characteristics as One way alloys, however, they exhibit one extra property in terms of kinetic behaviour. Two way alloys can be calibrated not only to expand and contract in response to environmental inputs, but can also be calibrated to remember a secondary shape. (see Fig. 2.13) In general, memory alloys only work under tension. They are capable of pulling, however, when it comes to pushing, they will return to their original shape, but they will never exert any force during the process. In this case, a primary system must be integrated. This can become an issue, under systems responding to lateral forces such as wind or earthquakes. Never the less, memory alloys are 100% energy efficient, they can be engineered or calibrated to respond to various temperature inputs, and they have had great success within small architectural building types. The second category of Smart Materials comes in the form of a powder. In this case, this material responds to water (see Fig. 2.16). Once this material interacts with water, its volume increases; therefore exerting a pushing force. This powder based material, however, it requires a unique casing

Fig. 2.12 Memory Alloy wire [Ref. Illustrative:2.12] Fig. 2.13 Alloy Muscle prototype [Ref. Illustrative:2.13] Fig. 2.14 Giga vent J. Orbesen Teknik ApS [Ref. Illustrative:2.14] Fig. 2.15 Optivent J. Orbesen Teknik ApS [Ref. Illustrative:2.15] Fig. 2.16 Polymer gel with water [Ref. Illustrative:2.16]


Memory alloy wire Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Stroke range (%): Steps (mm): Starting temperature (°): Max. opening temperature (°):

40 4 70 90

Fig. 2.12

Fig. 2.13

Wax linear actuators Giga vent Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm): Starting temperature (°): Max. opening temperature (°):

Optivent 500 500 0-300 17-25 30-32

Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm): Starting temperature (°): Max. opening temperature (°):

200 200 0-450 17-25 30-32

Fig. 2.14

Fig. 2.15

Polymer gel Ø 20 mm Thrust max. push (N): Self lock max. push (N): Thrust max. pull (N): Self lock max. pull (N): Typical speed no load (mm/s): Typical speed max. load (mm/s): Stroke range (mm): Steps (mm):

300 300 4,2 3,0 150-210 Fig. 2.16




Environmental Responses In this thesis, we will discuss two methods of environmental responses pertaining to basic architectural elements. These are Surface Porosity and Surface Transformation. Both systems are used to control the amount of light, wind or rain into a space. Surface Porosity has to do with the change in porosity of a given surface as an architectural element. This is the most common environmental response applied in today’s architecture. It is more frequently used than the Surface Transformation method due to its savings in energy for its activation. However, other factors should be given careful consideration. For example; Jean Nouvel’s aperture machine in the design for the World Arab Institute in Paris (pg.13) was soon stopped from operating due to the high cost of maintenance from its mechanical components consisting of 240 motors. Achim Menges’ Responsive Surface Structure applies a much simpler system (pg.13). However, its wood components may not last as long as steel components. The second method as an environmental response is a Surface Transformation. This technique mostly requires a larger power source in order to move and transform architectural elements such as; a wall, a ceiling, or a floor. As an example, Dominique Perrault has designed a hydraulic system that tilts and slides the roof of an Olympic Tennis Center transforming it from an indoor court to outdoor court (pg.11).


Surface Porosity

Surface Transformation


01 Aperture Opening 0o
















02 Shutters Opening

03 Rotating Opening

04 Membrane Opening


Surface Application

Wh/m2 1100+ 1100+ 920 830 740 650 560 470 380 290 200

Solar Radiation


Acknowledging the limits and different applications for Arduino, we continue to explore different possibilities for digital prototypes that respond to several environmental conditions by changing their surface porosity. Multiple mechanical systems are tested based on the actuation of simple motors. Rotational movement from a motor can be translated to push, pull, and rotate. Different experimentations are carried out by using rigid and flexible elements. As it is a secondary unit that depends on a primary structural system, it is required that it adjusts and adapts to its primary structure. Several properties need to be adjusted such as; the overall geometry, movement range and mechanical complexity. Four aperture systems are explored; the aperture degree of opening (01), the shutter opening (02), the rotating opening (03), and membrane opening (04). From these different techniques, we apply unit (03) to a surface. However, further investigation needs to be carried out to set a fitness criteria for each one of these aperture types.

Data Processing Once an opening unit type is placed onto a the surface, a solar analysis is ran to retrieve radiation values. In response, light intensity varies throughout its interior space and shadow patterns change accordingly. Opening Distribution

This process utilizes Ecotect Analysis through Geco by way of Grasshopper. Here, it is possible to digitally study the weather pattern from the sun’s path. In this exploration, solar radiation values are taken between 14.00 to 18.00 during a summer day in London. Linking this data back to grasshopper, these values can be translated to rotational angles between 0-90 degrees (the angle of the openings). Each panel is responding and opening to different radiation values. Larger openings correspond to higher radiation values.

Light and Shadow Effect



LIGHT SENSOR Detects environmental changes


ARDUINO Collects data

FIREFLY GRASSHOPPER Translates data into sets of instructions

ARDUINO Translates instruction to electrical current

SERVO Activates physical prototype based on the input current DIGITAL MODEL Activates the digital prototype

Rhino3D Preview


Arduino Board






Sensor, Computing, Responding As a physical prototype, unit 03 is simplified and recreated in a triangular configuration. In this configuration, an equilateral triangle is subdivided into four parts. The center triangle is used to host a motor while the remaining parts will respond to light and transform to configure a pyramid like geometry (see Prototype Test images) To begin with this exploration, we address different ways of readings and translating environmental data using various tools and open source software/hardware. These tools include light sensors, LED lights, servo motors, and an Arduino microprocessor in combination with open-source software such as; Firefly and Grasshopper.







Prototype Test Sequence diagram: (a) light off. (b) light on; sensor is reading the light value. (c) light on; motor starts to react based on light reading by closing the components. (d) light off; motor is responding to light value by opening the components. (e) light off; components are completely open to the starting position. (f) light on; the process repeats.

To activate the prototype, data inputs need to be translated into data outputs which are fed as an input onto a hardware system. This is a linear process. The first step is for a light sensor to read the light values from the environment (average light sensor give values between 0-1023). This value needs to be reparameterized to a value of 0-255 for LED or 0-180 for the angular value of any common servo. Once this data is processed in the software, it is transferred to the hardware via Arduino microprocessor. Arduino converts a set of translated data to a set of different electrical currents that then activate the hardware. This calculation can be re-calibrated according to the minimum and maximum light conditions in the environment. At the end of the servo, a kinematic component is installed, which under the bright light, it remains open as a triangular shape. Then, as the light value decreases, the component begins to close up forming a pyramid-like geometry. It is also capable of moving midway based on light readings and angular limits assigned to the servo. The speed of the opening and closing process can be adjusted. Time delays can also be programmed into the microprocessor. The process can be reversed as the component closes responding to a higher value of light. Data from Firefly and Grasshopper, can also be linked to Rhino3D . Furthermore, based on the complexity of the data processing, we can see the physical simulation via digital representation close to real time. This means that data processors can process and are capable of controlling data at any location, while hardware devices are being assembled and located somewhere else.


Evaluation Conclusion


Evaluation and Conclusion Toward the study of kinematics and kinetics for the development of a kinetic system, we are able to benefit from the logic behind origami and rigid origami. After experimenting with several different patterns in different scales and materials, we proceed with the evaluation of all experiments and classify pattern #6 as the most efficient geometry to carry on with the development for a kinematic system. Pattern 09 excels from its simple geometric pattern, flexible modularity, and different spatial and volumetric characteristics. In terms of kinetic control, we first compare and contrast global and local control throughout all experiments. Based on their evaluation, there are plenty more advantages in gaining local control rather than global which allows for several different spatial and volumetric configurations. Moving forward in terms of local control, we begin to investigate various actuators types to gain motion control. We look into mechanical actuators and phase changing material actuators. In this case, because we intend to develop a kinetic system for its application as kinetic architecture (hence, it shall be a structurally sound system), we realize the need to work with actuator types capable of resisting tensile and compressive forces. Therefore, moving away from phase changing actuators since they mainly respond to tensile forces. Lastly, we investigate hardware and software systems for the control of kinetic components responsive to the environment. As such, Arduino outputs high performance when reading and translating multiple data sets. This microprocessor is efficient when calibrating and synchronizing multiple hardware systems; such as sensors and actuators. In addition to Arduino, we explore additional open source software/hardware in order to bridge multiple software; such as Rhino3D, Grasshopper, Karamba, Geco, GSA, Geometry Gym, etc.

Digital Development


03 Digital


03. Digital Development

03.1. 03.2. 03.3. 03.4.

Component population techniques Seven parameter inputs Digital and physical comparison Conclusion and evaluation

Taking advantage from preliminary explorations through physical models into the methods and techniques of kinetic architecture, we continue to move forward with the development of a digital algorithm in order to generate a responsive kinetic system. In this regard, we aim to gain control over a component’s population onto a surface type, to gain local control over its shape change, to be able to define doubly curved surfaces through a coplanar component, and always keeping in mind that it shall be a stand alone kinetic system with the purpose of later being applied to various building kinetic types as needed. In essence, based on previous evaluations from Origami patterns and their deployment from physical models (rigid origami), the proposed algorithm will be developed based on seven parameters, and it will be constantly evaluated from the comparison of further physical models.


Digital algorithm Before we began developing a digital algorithm, we recall the rigid origami model explored in the previous chapter. Due to inertia, it was difficult to fold components within the pattern when it is at “0� curvature (flat). Once folding takes place, it is much easier to continue folding to a complete closed position.

bottom actuators are activated. From this, we can see clearly that the pre-folded pattern allows for better control in comparison to the flat/ un-folded pattern. After several tries, technique 1 (Open Component Population) gives different results for every iteration. On the other hand, technique 2 (Close Component Population) proves to be more stable due to constant results in every iteration.

And from the assembly process, it was noted that breaking down the system through the repetition of its component results in the possibility for surface growth.

From both digital and physical exploration, we can now conclude that pre-folded surfaces result into better controlled systems.

To develop the digital algorithm, the following computer aided programs were utilized; Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Kangaroo, and Karamba. Rhinoceros is the main software platform utilized, which within its own interface, it enables other software types such as Grasshopper; a plug-in for parametric versatility, Kangaroo; as a physics engine, and Karamba for structural analysis. These different plug-ins were imperative into the digital algorithm design.

Open and Close Component Population In this study, the pattern is drawn in Rhino3D and activated with Kangaroo in Grasshopper. In order for this simulation to run, some parts of the system are set as meshes and curves. In Kangaroo, curves are divided in two different categories. One set of curves are to remain and maintain their length. The other set of curves change the dimension of their length based on demand. This set behaves as linear actuators. Proceeding from the last physical experimentation, we began our studies by testing two different techniques. The first technique is a flat and unfolded pattern (see. Open Aggregation), and the second technique begins once the pattern is fully closed (see. Close Aggregation). In both techniques, two types of actuators are being used. When the pattern is fully closed, the surface has a thickness and begins to show volume. With this volume generated, we apply actuators at the top and bottom layers of this surface volume (2a). Relating back to its own pattern, the same actuator types are applied to the flat surface (1a). The diagrams on top row (1a, 2a) show the starting position for two different techniques. As the diagrams continue to sequence (b), the top actuator is activated. Actuators keep on expanding into diagram (c). In the last sequence (d), the


Open Component Population

Close Component Population









Top Actuators Bottom Actuators


Component Breakdown The Grasshopper experimentation lead us to the hypothesis that the development of this system must begin from a prefolded surface or closed position. Keeping this in mind, it is only reasonable to breakdown this pattern into smaller additive components to generate a surface. This component is assembled from different elements. Breaking the pattern down into components will help us to organize the assembly process when it comes to production and fabrication time. Using the same pattern, we break it down into two different component types; component 1 (Breakdown 1) and for component 2 (Breakdown 2). The diagrams on the right, show different sequences for the behaviour of each component type once actuators are engaged. Both component types can now be repeated as two dimensional arrays to create surfaces. However, when these are applied digitally, component 2 proves to be more efficient (in terms of computing time) and practical due to its symmetrical geometry.

Breakdown 1

Both component types will be tested in the physical world to measure the efficiency in assembly time and effort. In the mean time, we will continue using component 2 for further advancement in the digital algorithm.

Breakdown 2


Breakdown 1

Top Actuators Bottom Actuators

Breakdown 2



Design Parameters When defining the component types, there are different parameters that can be considered to make the system adaptable to different spatial conditions. Some of these parameters are boundary lines, surface divisions, extrusion heights, anchor points, and different locations for actuators. Different parameters are meant to provide greater control of the system. For instance; different anchor points can be adjusted to fit the site conditions while surface divisions can be increased or decreased to generate smoother surface curvatures. Extrusion heights can increase structural stability if longer spans were needed. In this section, seven different parameters will be further discussed.


Boundaries Having developed a successful component, we are now able to distribute it onto any surface responding to the particulars of most any architectural design. This surface is defined by four lines that make up a closed surface. Since the base component has four boundary lines, it is important to also use four boundary lines for the new surface application. This is the only restriction within the system. Once the component is changed to a triangular, hexagonal or octagonal shape, the application surface must be changed to the same number of lines. If this restriction is satisfied, we are then able to distribute the component onto any surface. The first experiment (case 1) evolves by utilizing the geometry of a square. The component is now able to be populated and activated* as desired*1. With a square boundary and equal divisions of UV*2 values, all components which make up the surface are identical (see case 1d). In Case 2, we test a non-orthogonal boundary. Two adjacent points are distorted and moved closer to create a triangular like surface (but still consist of four boundary lines). In turn, once actuators are activated, the surface performs as desired. However, since the surface has more than two boundary lengths, the components are not identical from each other (see case 2d). This means that each of the panels are distinct from each other; therefore, assembly time will increase. Moving on to the third experiment (case 3), a square boundary is drawn; however, two of the cross opposite points are lifted in the z direction. Then, the surface output becomes a doubly curved surface. Keep in mind that the boundary lines still remain straight lines. Once activated, the surface still perform as expected. Further experimentations from different boundary types make us aware of one more restriction. In case 4, the surface is defined by three straight lines and one curved line. Once the surface is divided into smaller UV values, it automatically converts the curved lines into smaller straight lines based on the number of UV values. These smaller straight lines convert the number of the boundary lines to more than four lines (which is the required number of boundary lines). Once activated, the system is still able to perform. However, when the actuator increases its length, the lines brake and the system fails (case 4d).

Parameter 1. Case 1

Parameter 1. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines non-orthogonal non-planar (double curved) 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 1. Case 2

Parameter 1. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 3 Straight lines non-orthogonal 1 Curved line Coplanar non-orthogonal 02. Divisions: 5x5 Coplanar 03. Extrusion: 02. Divisions: 5x5 Point 1: 20 unit 03. Extrusion: Point 2: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: Point 4: 20 unit A/B/C/D 04. Activated Actuators: Upper: A/B/C/D Horizontal: A Upper: Vertical: B Horizontal: A Lower: Vertical: B Horizontal: C Lower: Vertical: D Horizontal: C 05. Pattern Locator: True Vertical: D True 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point True 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point Component: 1000 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Actuator: 1000 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

*1 Activating the surface means to change the length of the actuator inside the grasshopper using kangaroo plug-in. *2 UV value is a two dimensional coordinate set on a surface.


Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 2,5 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 5 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 15 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 2,5 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 5 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 15 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 15 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 15 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1



Actuators: 4 / 2,5 / 1 / 1

Actuators: 4 / 2,5 / 1 / 1



Actuators: 8 / 5 / 1 / 1

Actuators: 8 / 5 / 1 / 1




Surface Divisions Once a surface is generated, the next parameter is to give the surface a UV*1 value. This UV value outputs a number of divisions and the scale of the component . A uniform value is set as a default height. In this case, a value of 20 units is assigned to the height. The combination of UV values and default heights create small individual boxes onto the surface. A bounding box is then created around the original component. With a Box Morph*2, the bounding box (including the original component) is then stretched to fit these small division boxes. This is the process that it takes for the component to populate any surface. Four tests are explored using different UV values, however, with the same expansion rate of its actuators. Actuators are activated at 1x, 4x, 8x, and 10x. These numbers are the multiplication length of the actuators that increase their length by 1, 4, 8, and 10 times the original length. Dividing the surface into different UV values will result in different geometry configurations once the system is activated. When UV values increases; the components become smaller along with the respective actuators. This means that the multiplication length can not be as large as larger components (smaller UV value). In cases 1 and 2, the surface is divided into equal values of U and V. Comparing the two cases, we see that larger UV values correspond to more curvature and smoother domelike geometries. At the same time, larger UV values result in more usable spaces inside the system’s structure. Larger UV values means more actuators needed. However, smaller divisions may result in smaller distributed loads due to smaller elements. On cases 3 and 4, we see that larger UV values start to collide with each other (case 3c, 3d, 4c and 4d). One hypothesis is that the expanded length of the actuators can not be longer than the extrusion of the surface. This theory will be kept in mind and be constantly re-evaluated during further parameter exploration.

Parameter 2. Case 1

Parameter 2. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 9x3 02. Divisions: 3x3 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 2. Case 2

Parameter 2. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 6x6 02. Divisions: 3x9 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000 Actuator: 1000

*1 UV value is a two dimensional coordinate set on a surface. *2 Box Morph is a Grasshopper tool that take an original box and morph it to any desired box


Case 1

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


(a) Case 2


Case 3

Case 4


Surface Extrusion In regards to the parameter for Surface Division, a default height of 20 units is set for all surfaces. In this parameter study, we attempt to control the heights of all four corner points on each surface. This is to test the system’s performance when each points have different extrusion heights. To achieved this, there are two options of extruding points. The first option is to extrude the points along the z-axis. The second option is to average the vectors of each point’s normal and extrude points along the average vector. Four different extrusions are being tested using z axis as the direction of the extrusion. The first test (case 1) is extruding all four points uniformly like it was done in the previous parameter. Case 2 is done by extruding two adjacent points with a value of 10 units and the two opposing points with 30 units. Up to step c, the system remains true to its logic. However, the system begins to break along the two lower extrusions in step d. This justifies that the previous theory is still valid. The expanded actuators on the lower edge are larger than the extrusion; therefore the system fails. Case 3 is tested by extruding two diagonal points with a value of 10 units, while the other two points are extruded with a value of 40 units. Case 4 is the last test and each one of the points are extruded by different values ( 10, 20, 30, and 40 unit). Both of these models are successful prototypes. From the previous parameter exploration, we know that smaller components result in smoother surface curvature. From this parameter experimentation, we can also conclude that smaller/lower extrusion heights can also result in more surface curvature (refer to cases 1 and 3). Case 1 shows an even distribution of surface curvature while, case 3 shows an uneven distribution of surface curvature.

Parameter 3. Case 1

Parameter 3. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 10 unit Point 2: 40 unit Point 3: 10 unit Point 4: 40 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 3. Case 2

Parameter 3. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 10 unit Point 2: 10 unit Point 3: 30 unit Point 4: 30 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 10 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 30 unit Point 4: 40 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000


Case 1

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 2

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 3

Actuators: (a) 1/1/1/1

Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 Case 4



Actuators Placement In order for the system to transform and adapt to new shapes and form, actuators need to be added. The number of different actuators types gives different control of the system’s form. As it is shown in fig 4.02, two sets of different actuators are placed into a system component. One set of actuators are located on the upper layer of the surface volume and another set is located on the lower layer of the surface volume. Each set of actuators is composed of two different actuator types; horizontal (TH – top horizontal and BH – bottom horizontal) and vertical (TV – top vertical and BV – bottom vertical). Two actuators sets will form the surface in the positive and negative direction of curvature. For a simple four sided surface, TH will generate a tunnel like structure along the y-axis (case 1). Activating TV will generate the same structure, but in the perpendicular direction (case 2).

Parameter 4. Case 1

Parameter 4. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 4. Case 2

Parameter 4. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

When both TH and TV are activated, the surface will transform to a dome-like form (case 3). To increase surface area, all four actuators can be activated proportionally. Case 4 shows how the square meter of the surface increased from step a to step c. The number of expansion represents the multiplicity of the original actuators length. In case 4d, BH has the value of 2x, in this case, this means that 2x BH is larger than 10xTV; therefore surfaces curve in the negative direction (bowl like form). Because one actuator is completely independent from the others, the combination of different values in four actuators makes it possible to obtain multiple transformations from a single surface.


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 2

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 3

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 1

Case 4


Actuators Distribution In order to avoid redundancy, energy waste, and production spending; we strategically remove actuators depending on their kinetic behaviour. These will be replaced by springs. Due to its stored potential energy, we expect that springs will aid to initiate the movement from adjacent actuators. However, in these four cases; springs have not yet been implemented. The distribution of these actuators can be controlled by setting up pattern toggles which can be set to true/false. Then, different patterns are generated by changing the division number and four toggle combinations. Case 1 pertains to the distribution and engagement of actuators on all components. Case 2 utilizes the following pattern combinations: true/ false/true/false. It is the closest combination to achieve the similar shape and volume as the original true/true/ true/true combination. If we pay close attention to case 2d, the end corner starts to close-in on itself. This happens because of the lack of actuators in this corner. Special restriction might need to be applied for edges and corner conditions. Once the number of removed actuators is greater than the placed actuators, the system does not work properly as it collides onto itself as in cases 3 and 4. Spring replacement may be the solution to this problem. This will need to be tested on further explorations.

Parameter 5. Case 1

Parameter 5. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: False True False True True True False 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 5. Case 2

Parameter 5. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: True False False False True False False 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 06. Anchor Points: 1 corner point 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000 Actuator: 1000


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 2

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 3

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 1

Case 4


Anchor Points In correlation with actuators, anchor points also put restriction in the system’s transformation. In a given generic surface, four cases are executed with different fix or anchor points. Case 1 utilizes points along one side of the surface volume for anchor points. Case 2 utilizes all points along two opposing sides of the surface volume for anchor points. It is shown here that the result is a tunnel like shape. Case 3 utilizes all points along two perpendicular sides of the surface volume for anchor points. Case 4 utilizes all points along a diagonal centre of the surface volume for anchor points. Zooming in on the component, actuators are located at corners of each squared element. Due to their location, once the geometry becomes kinetic, it takes forces from all corners. These forces make the geometry to twist and rotate. In turn, causing the system to collide into itself (case 4c and 4d). This concludes that the placement of anchor points is important to allow for a certain degree of rotational displacement. In addition to the previously mentioned parameters, anchor points also have the role of forming different surfaces as shown in cases 1, 2, 3, and 4. When edges are not restricted to anchor points, the surface curves up in the negative direction (case 4).

Parameter 6. Case 1

Parameter 6. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: Along one side 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 2 perpendicular sides 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 6. Case 2

Parameter 6. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: 2 opposing sides 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D Upper: Horizontal: A Vertical: B Lower: Horizontal: C Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True 06. Anchor Points: Along the diagonal 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000


Case 1

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1,5 / 1,5


Case 2

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1,5 / 1,5


Case 3

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1,5 / 1,5


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 4 / 4 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1,5 / 1,5


Case 4


Material Resistance There is a set value that regulates resistance within the system. This value is a range from 0 to 1000. A value within this range is assign to components and actuators. In addition, different resistance values will result in different deformation of the component elements. Higher component resistance means stronger or thicker material, while higher actuator resistance means stronger and more powerful actuators. Each triangle in the diagrams represents one element in the system for each respective sequence process. As in previous exercises, four test cases are executed. Case 1 and 4 are tested with an equal value of component’s and actuator’s resistance. These result in slight material deformations. Once a components’ resistance value is set to smaller values than actuators’ resistance, the material will deform exponentially and the system will fail (case 3). In order to achieve the least material deformation, a component’s resistance must be greater than the actuators’ resistance. This is shown in case 2. However, in digital models the activation of the system becomes considerably slow due to the low value actuator resistance vs. the high value of material resistance. This logic can be applied to physical models by controlling the power and speed within actuators in response to material weight.

Parameter 7. Case 1

Parameter 7. Case 3

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True True True True 06. Anchor Points: Along one side 06. Anchor Points: Along one side 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 100 Component: 1000 Actuator: 1000 Actuator: 1000

Parameter 7. Case 2

Parameter 7. Case 4

01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines 01. Boundaries: 4 Straight lines Orthogonal Orthogonal Coplanar Coplanar 02. Divisions: 5x5 02. Divisions: 5x5 03. Extrusion: 03. Extrusion: Point 1: 20 unit Point 1: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 2: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 3: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit Point 4: 20 unit 04. Activated Actuators: 04. Activated Actuators: A/B/C/D A/B/C/D Upper: Upper: Horizontal: A Horizontal: A Vertical: B Vertical: B Lower: Lower: Horizontal: C Horizontal: C Vertical: D Vertical: D 05. Pattern Locator: True 05. Pattern Locator: True True True True True True True 06. Anchor Points: Along one side 06. Anchor Points: Along one side 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: 07. System Resistance [0-1000]: Component: 1000 Component: 100 Actuator: 100 Actuator: 100


Case 1

Case 3

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1


Case 2

Case 4

Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


Actuators: 8 / 8 / 1 / 1


(d) Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1

(d) Actuators: 10 / 10 / 1 / 1




Digital To Physical Calibration We concluded the last origami experimentation with the production of prototypes through rigid origami. The materials used in this model are; 3mm MDF panels, brass hinges, and MDF beam like elements to simulate the kinetic movement of linear actuators. One set of actuators is set on the upper part of each component. These are horizontal and vertical actuators whose length can be adjusted to create different shell forms. We analyse a catalogue of ten different configurations (see right hand page). These have been generated digitally, however, have also been tested through physical models. Direct comparisons are in the following pages. Each configuration depends on an “x� number of kinetic components. In turn, generating shape change depending on the aperture percentage from one component to the next. Also, shape change depends on the sequence in which these components begin to open. This action is then controlled by linear actuators located at the top of each component. With manual activation, the sequence in which these actuators are engaged becomes a critical factor for shape change (unless it is activated simultaneously using programmed actuator). The following configurations apply 4 sequence types of engagement: 1. Displacement along y-axis 2. Displacement along x-axis and y-axis 3. Radial Displacement along x-axis 4. Radial Displacement from a centre point These ten configurations are catalogued based on: a) Aperture percentage. b) Spatial / Volume condition. In terms of aperture percentage, we study the configurations which allow the most displacement along the x-axis and y-axis. In addition, these are the configurations which allow the most flexible sequence actuation between components; therefore, resulting in an interactive system. We further study the displacement along the z-axis to focus on spatial and volume conditions. This last parameter is measured in terms of maximizing volume and area; depending on the type of space needed and on the sequence in which actuators are being engaged.

For further analysis, we have selected three configuration types (marked in red); single curvature surface, double curvature surface, and gradual actuator control.


Configuration 01

Configuration 02

Configuration 03

Configuration 04

Configuration 05

Configuration 06

Configuration 07

Configuration 08

Configuration 09

Configuration 10

Configuration 01

Configuration 05

Configuration 08

Configuration 09

Configuration 10






Configuration 03

Configuration 04

Configuration 02

Configuration 07

Configuration 06







Configuration 02 This experiment directly compares and contrasts the results from the digital model to the results from the physical model. We analyse results in terms of fabrication, actuator sequence engagement, kinetic behaviour, and shape change. In terms of fabrication, we are able to accurately extract twodimensional elements directly from the three-dimensional model, which enable the assembly for the physical prototypes. This is due to the simple geometry of the component; a combination of 8 triangular pieces and a single square, however, simple the component, it is extremely flexible and it allows for an array of configuration types. As a result, the accuracy between digital and physical models is nearly identical. However, we fail to take in consideration the hardware material (brass hinges) thickness that joins one element to the next. Also, there is the absence of material thickness in the digital model, which must be taken into account before building assembly. Otherwise, there are discrepancies and human error that may increase exponentially when it comes to the rotational motion of paired elements within every component. Once the model has been assembled, we are able to study the sequence between actuators (see 2a) that in turn generate volume. In this prototype, the actuators are engaged along the y-axis creating single curvature surface. Although, they must always be engaged in sequence, this is not to say that this sequence has to take place in a predetermined order. However, the order of sequence in which these actuators become engaged is crucial in order to minimize the force required for kinetic movement between components. Actuator types may be purchased and calibrated according to how much force they are required to exert and withstand. Another factor studied from comparing the digital and physical models is their kinetic behaviour. The main difference between them is in relation to anchoring points within the digital model which in the physical world; they play the role of a foundation type. In turn, these anchor points become static in the digital model, while in the physical prototype, we allow their displacement to allow interaction depending on the forces exerted at the time of kinetic movement between components. This freedom slightly increases the overall curvature in the geometry. On the contrary, their volume is nearly identical. In addition, the lack of gravity and self weight within the digital model also makes a difference.

Configuration 02

Actuators length: 2.5 x 9.5

Direction of opening



74.5 9.2

2.5 cm Actuators




2.5 cm Actuators 9.5 cm Actuators




64.2 12°


8.7 12°



8° 27.0



Physical Model








Digital Model







11.8 33.5










75.8 9.2





1.7 30.3












R64.9 12°

R64.9 33.5

24.1 33.2



30.3 5.8

33.5 64.2











(2b) 33.3

33.2 8.7






33.5 74.7



Configuration 02 (2,5x9,5)



Length (cm)



Width (cm)



Height (interior) (cm)



Height (exterior) (cm)




Volume (dm ) 2

Area (cm ) Max. Radius of Curvature (cm)

136,9 5237,78 67,4


Configuration 06 As in the previous model, here, we will only focus on kinetic behaviour based on the sequence in which actuators are being engaged, and on the importance of anchor points (foundation) in terms of shape change.

Configuration 06

Actuators length: 9.5 x 12.0

This model utilizes a different actuation type than the two previous experiments. Thus far, we have only engaged one type of actuator, and so far their displacement orientation has been restricted along the y-axis. However, every component has been equipped with two pairs of actuators. One pair capable of displacement along the x-axis (horizontal), and a second pair capable of displacement along the y-axis (vertical). As result, we achieved a double curvature surface. Their displacement occurs along a horizontal and vertical axis which results into a radial shape change. This shape change generates a dome like structure, which tends to maximize its volume in both x and y axis.

Direction of opening 41.2

Out of its two predecessors, and in terms of shape change, this physical model is the one that comes the closest to its digital version. In this instance, we can conclude that this similarity is mainly due to the even distribution or sequence in which actuators are being engaged. Then, in contrast two the two previous models; here, all component elements become anchored to the ground.


77.5 10.2

2.5 cm Actuators

R61.9 4.7

9.5 cm Actuators 12.0 cm Actuators




12.9 92.2







Physical Model












Digital Model


4.6 R61.4 41.2



10.1 4.6 R61.4





R61.9 79.4





4.7 92.2



R71.8 R71.8






















4.6 R61.4


R61.9 79.4

Configuration 06 (9,5x12,0)



Length (cm)



Width (cm)



Height (interior) (cm)



Height (exterior) (cm)




Volume (dm ) 2


Area (cm )


Max. Radius of Curvature (cm)



Configuration 10 This particular model undergoes the most significant shape change. In this case, all actuators are set to different lengths. Therefore, being the prototype with the largest floor area and volume. The final geometry still is a dome like structure, however, its deployment pattern differs from all previous models in that it radiates out from a central point. Otherwise, we are able to conclude that all characteristics from configuration 06 apply to this model.

Configuration 10

Actuators length: Gradient

This is also an influential example of local control. Here, we are able to manipulate the system locally in both digital and physical models. This manipulation is possible through a gradient value from a series of actuator’s expansions.

Direction of opening



2.5 cm Actuators

2.5 cm Actuators 4.5 cm Actuators 9.5 cm Actuators 12.0 cm Actuators

97.5 97.5


6.6 6.6 14.3 14.3


Digital Model


94.9 94.9



Physical Model

R101.0 R101.0

act.10 act.9 81.0


act.12 83.8 83.8

81.0 81.0





6.0 act.86.0


act.2 act.4 act.7


4.1 4.1

R65.3 R65.3






11.1 11.1 11.1

3.7 3.7

101.7 101.7










Configuration 10 (gradient 02)



Length (cm)



Width (cm)



Height (interior) (cm)



Height (exterior) (cm)




Volume (dm ) 2

Area (cm ) Max. Radius of Curvature (cm)

164,5 7686,9 65,3


Evaluation Conclusion


Evaluation and Conclusion In this chapter, we have examined a component distribution type and several parameter inputs into the development of an algorithm resulting into a parametric kinetic system. We have also carried out various physical models which further informed the development of the system. The development of such algorithm successfully allows for a system capable of shape change. It also provides for local and global control over the entire system. It is a component based system which can be populated onto different surface types. Once the system becomes kinetic, it is capable of generating single and doubly curved geometries. In respect to physical models, this chapter addressed kinetic behaviour in relation to linear actuators, shape change, and volume change. Shape change took place through linear actuators and volume change depended on the length engaged by each actuator. From the previous explorations, we are able to conclude that the sequence in which actuators are activated is imperative to the final shape change. Four sequence types were explored in this chapter. The first two sequences produced rectangular like geometries, and their actuators were deployed along the x-axis and y-axis. It is also important to recall that every component within each configuration is equipped this 2 pairs of actuators. The fist pair running along the x-axis and the second pair running along the y-axis. In this case, it is important to note that in configurations 02 and 03, only one pair of actuators was activated; these being deployed along the y-axis. In contrast, configuration 10 generated a dome like geometry in which both horizontal and vertical actuators were engaged and in a radial pattern. In terms of the evaluation between digital and physical models, and the constant feedback from one another, we are successfully able to produce a kinetic system. Never the less, in regards to the production of physical models, small modifications were taken into account to address material thickness, material weight, and anchor points. As such, minor discrepancies were encountered between the physical and digital explorations. In order to further calibrate the system, anchoring points, fabrication, and assembly methods are addressed.

Anchor Points



Anchor Points

04. Anchor Points 04.1. Single curvature


Double curvature

Anchor Points is one of the most important parameters in the digital algorithm covered in the previous chapter (pg.67). Here however, anchor points are studied further in relation to curvature types, span distance and forces. Within the proposed kinetic system, anchor points become a restriction factor which allows independent kinetic behaviour between different kinetic zones. In essence, they allow the actuation of several curvature types by restricting certain areas throughout the system. This chapter covers anchor points as enablers and as well as a supporter factor for the generation of single and double curved surfaces.


Single Curvature In every kinetic system, there are moving and static elements. Although these different elements serve to different functions within the system, their static elements may assist to the motion generated by the moving elements creating a complete kinetic system. Based on the mass of moving objects, static elements might have to be larger in order to stop the movement of the system. Specifically in our investigation, anchor points serve as restriction factors which help control the movement and shape of the surface. This is a further investigation of parameter 4 in chapter 3. Each experimentation is being evaluated from plan, elevation, and perspective views. In this page, experimentation with different positioning of anchor points is carried out with the goal of maintaining the same span distance within the system S. As a result of the depth of the system, two spans are calculated. These are St for the span on the top layer of the system and Sb for the span on the bottom layer of the system. Both spans might effect the usability of the span above and below the system.

Kinematic hinges on all sides of the four sided plates Kinetic hinges on the opposite and allowing actuator to expand Fixed hinge on triangles with no actuators Actuators location Possible location for anchor points.








Sb 1. This first experiment is to set anchor (g) points only on one side of the system. As a result, we can see in the elevation view (1f) that the span changes from S1 to Sf. In addition, we can also see that the opposite side is slightly moving downwards in elevation. This needs to be avoided by giving the system more restrictions.

Sf S1 (h)



2. To prevent the system from caving down, restriction on both sides of the system is applied. One set of anchor points is located on the top layer of the system and the second set is located on the bottom layer of the system. In this case, elevation (2f) shows the system keeps its original span length after activation. From the perspective view (2i), we can see how the surface twists slightly due to the geometrical configuration of the system (this is not cause by the torsion of the material). With this in mind, anchor points must be placed strategically to allow this natural twisting.


















Sb (g) 3. Here, two sets of anchor points are located on the bottom layer of the system (3d). Sb remains the same while St expands its dimension (3f). A slight twist also appears in the elements between the anchor points (3i).




Physical Calibration Once digital control has been gained over the span of the system, a physical model is tested as an evaluation method to calibrate its geometry in terms of its material properties. Due to manual operation, the magnitude and direction of the forces needed for activation are not of concern in this exercise. Anchor points are located on the top layer of the system. Each side is being fixed at four points. This experimentation confirms the ability of surface expansion and system activation while maintaining the same span distance (S).

Anchor Points



Fig. 4.01 Prototype actuation sequences showing the absent of span displacement distance. Red dots illustrate the anchor points. [Ref. Illustrative:4.01]



Single Curvature For this system to work properly, three different joint types are required. As shown in the diagram to the right, there are fix hinges, kinematic hinges, and kinetic hinges. Kinetic hinges open and close directly in relation to their actuators. However, kinematic hinges are not directly connected to any actuator. Instead, they are a hinge type that only allows and follows movement from kinetic hinges. Fixed hinges can be configured horizontally or vertically (never both at the same time) in order to create a single curvature surface. For a single curvature surface, the engagement of actuators does not have to occur simultaneously. Due to the geometrical arrangement, the system will not lock itself. However, engaging actuators separately may result in the build up of resistant forces. Thus, the last actuator becomes extremely difficult to engage. The following are three anchor points configurations in respect to forces and curvature.

4. Anchor points are placed on two opposing sides of the system. They are both on the top layer. Since the force applied is against the direction of the anchor points (4d), this configuration makes it very difficult for the system to be activated. Forces need to be very high. Therefore, the material will break before the system actuates (4e).

Kinematic hinges on all sides of the four sided plates Kinetic hinges on the opposite and allowing actuator to expand Fixed hinges on triangles with no actuators Actuators location Possible location for anchor points.










89 (6a)


















5. One solution is to have a displacement height (Dh). Displacement height is achieved by adding a certain height to the top layer of the system in relation to the anchor points. As result, the direction of the force is not directly against the anchor points. This configuration will require less force to make the initial move and avoid breaking the material.


(g) 6. As Dh increases, the forces required for the initial actuation decreases. Instead of creating a higher displacement on the system, anchor points may be placed on the bottom layer of the system in order to increase the Dh value.


Double Curvature On a double curvature surface, the rules change. In order to create a double curvature surface, actuators have to be engaged in both directions (horizontal and vertical). Anchor points can no longer be positioned on the top layer of the system. Otherwise the system will restrict actuators from being activated. Double curvature surfaces will not be achieved if actuators are not actuated in both directions. Unlike single curvature surfaces, double curvature surfaces require all actuators to be activated simultaneously. Under different circumstances, components will lock and the system will fail.

Kinematic hinges on all sides of the four sided plates Kinetic hinges on the opposite and allowing actuator to expand Fixed hinge on triangles with no actuators Actuators location Possible location for anchor points Location that are no longer valid for anchor points

1. The first experimentation is to activate both horizontal and vertical actuators in the positive direction. Positive direction can be achieved by extending the length or angular degree of the actuator. As result, elliptical surface is created.











2. This experimentation is to activate actuators generating surfaces in both positive and negative directions. A negative direction can be achieved by reducing the length or angular degree of each actuator. As a result, hyperbolic surfaces are developed.



















Case 2 activates horizontal actuators in positive direction and vertical actuators negative direction.

3. This experimentation is to activate actuators generating surfaces in both positive and negative directions. A negative direction can be achieved by reducing the length or angular degree of each actuator. As a result, hyperbolic surfaces are developed. Case 3 activates horizontal actuators in the negative direction while vertical actuators are activated in the positive direction.


Foundation In mechanics, kinematic and degrees of freedom complement each other. On one hand, kinematic refers to the study of motion over time, and on the other, degrees of freedom (DOF) refer to the application of a coordinate system (x,y,z) not only to describe motion, but also for the production of and understanding of movable machines. Degrees of freedom are then divided into two categories, rotation and translation, each one of them corresponding to their own axis and subdivided into 3 movement types. In our case, we utilize this concept in order to understand and catalogue the various types of geometry displacement within the proposed kinetic system, mainly for the design of hinges and joint types depending on different location or position of the anchor points on the system. From our previous study, rotational degree of freedom is very important while translation should not take place. We understand that foundation can now only be apply to the bottom of the component where the triangular pieces meet and on the top of the component for single curvature surface. The top foundation is a simple hinge were the rotational axis exist in the hinge’s own axis. However, the bottom foundation is more complicated. Bearing can be used to allow rotational freedom on the z axis and at the same time allow other rotational movement for each elements that are connected to it. A simple example of such movement can be demonstrated by examining the tip point of an umbrella as it opens and provide shelter.


Degrees Of Freedom (DOF)

Z Plan View ZR steel plate anchor bolts rotation bearing steel clip




Y Rotation Axis:

SIde View 1

X Axis = XR Y Axis = YR Z Axis = ZR

component clip steel clip rotation bearing anchor bolts steel plate



Side View 2

XT component clip steel clip rotation bearing anchor bolts steel plate


X Y Translation Axis: X Axis = XT Y Axis = YT Z Axis = ZT

Fig. 5.33


Evaluation Conclusion


Evaluation and Conclusion Every component within the system has top and bottom elements. Each one of these elements may be restricted at every joint independently from one another. Hence, anchoring points enable a wide array of possible configurations. Each configuration results into different curvature types and different length spans. However, given that a system is being restricted at its upper joints and across from each other, it will lock itself and cause failure. One way of preventing failure in this instance, is to provide a slight initial curvature withing the system in order to allow movement to take place. Single curvature types are generated by restricting anchor points at opposite sides from each other. However, this configuration must be set on one side, at the upper joints, and on the other, at the lower joints. Otherwise, the system may fail. In relation to generating single curvatures within the system, it is relevant to note that the engagement of actuators does not need to take place simultaneously. In regards to generating doubly curved geometries, the configuration of anchor points must be restricted only to the bottom joints of the system, and actuators must be engaged simultaneously. Under different circumstances, doubly curved surfaces are not achieved. In addition, doubly curved surface types depend on the aperture angle degree from every component within the system.





05. Fabrication

05.1. 05.2. 05.3. 05.4.

Hinge types Standard fabrication method Fiber composite method Conclusion and evaluation

Considering that a kinetic system is mainly assembled from movable joints, hinging becomes one of the most important factors in terms of fabrication. As a result, two fabrication methods will be evaluated from an economical perspective. The first one has basis on an efficient assembly line process for every kinetic component. The second one, introduces a component type that can be pre-assembled into clusters and be easily transported to a construction site. Hence, the fabrication process is directly linked to labour expenses and technological advantages based on the economy and development of the country (site) it is in. The first fabrication method comes from a standard material type, and the second one comes from a fiber composite material type. Their potential will be evaluated and applied according to a specific site location.


Hinge Types Generally, a hinge is defined as a bearing type connecting two solid objects, allowing an angle of rotation relative to a fixed axis. Hinges may be classified into two categories depending on their manufacturing technique. The first category is mechanical hinges and the second category is flexible materials. In this regard, two hinge types are evaluated: 1) A barrel Hinge (mechanical) 2) Flexible Hinge (flexible material) Barrel Hinge: This hinge type is assembled as a component, mainly from three elements. A barrel hinge is defined as barrels secured by a pivot. A barrel is a hollow cylinder shaped section where the rotational bearing force is applied to the pivot. Two barrels and a pivot pin make up a hinge. Flexible Hinge: As opposed to a barrel hinge, a flexible hinge is made up of a single element, joining two other parts. This hinge type is a bearing which allows motion by bending a load element.

Polyethylene and polypropylene are considered to be the best resins for living hinges due to their excellent fatigue resistance. The low cost and ease of manufacturing makes them quite common in disposable packaging. Taking into account the nature of a kinetic system being mainly assembled from movable joints, hinging becomes one of the most important factors in terms of fabrication. As a result, fabrication methods will be evaluated. The first method comes as a standard fabrication type from individual solid panels joined by Barrel Hinges. The second method results from a fibre composite strategy looking to fuse solid panels and hinges. Hence, flexible hinges. Prior to fabrication testing, due to the multiple number of hinges, these have been classified into two types according to their function; Kinetic and kinematic hinges. Kinetic hinges are strictly responding to actuators and kinematic hinges simply allow movement in response to the kinetic hinge type. Further explanation on kinetic and kinematic hinges will be cover in Chapter 06.

Some concerns in regards to flexible hinges arise from their own material make up and their fatigue with respect to repeated flexing. For instance, most metals when repeatedly flexed, fatigue easily and eventually break. On the other hand, provided the right material, flexible hinges exhibit advantageous characteristics over mechanical hinges. These may result in simple and inexpensive designs, they can be compact, light weight, and have very low to no friction. For instance, a living hinge is a thin flexible hinge (flexure bearing) from plastic, joining two rigid plastic parts. The hinge allows the plastic parts to bend along the line of the hinge. This hinge type is typically manufactured in an injection moulding process that creates all three parts at one time as a single entity. A thinned section of the plastic part bends to allow movement. The hinge’s minimal friction and high fatigue resistance make for powerful design inputs. If correctly designed and constructed, living hinges remain functional throughout a product’s lifetime as these hinges can flex more than a million cycles without failure.

Fig. 5.01

Fig. 5.01 Barrel Hinge [Ref. Illustrative:5.01] Fig. 5.02 Flexible Hinges [Ref. Illustrative:5.02]

Fig. 5.02


Hinge Placement - Plan View



c. c.

b. b.



Hinge Placement


a. b. c. d.

Top Panel Lower Panel Kinematic Hinge Kinetic Hinge


Standard Fabrication Method Based on previous digital and physical models, we have realized that the assembly process can be simplified by breaking down the system into repetitions of the same component as required. Five elements make up a component. These unique elements are planar and no special chamfer or bevel edges are needed. Parts fabrication is a simple and straight forward process while assembly is very labour intensive. Each element parts are connected to one and another by hinges. In a place like California, fabrication process can be relatively cheap and fast due to the advance technologies such as digital fabrication. However, in a small village in India, fabrication process might be more expensive in relation to construction process due to less expensive labour. In the process of making 1:5 scale model, we test two assembly techniques. Both techniques can be managed with its own pros and cons. T1: With this assembly process, parts can be pre-assembled to step 5 for flat packaging. Parts from step 4 and step 5 are the only parts that need to be transported to the site for final assembly. With the 1:5 scale model, this arrangement create difficult to reach spaces and angles for the final assembly. Depending on the access to the site and the ease of cargo transportation, this assembly process requires larger dimension for the flat pack of step 5. T2: With this assembly process, parts can be pre-assembled to step 4 for flat packaging. Parts from step 1 and step 4 are the only parts that need to be transported to the site for final assembly. With the 1:5 scale model, it is easier to construct the final assembly. Depending on the access to the site and the ease of cargo transportation, this assembly process requires smaller dimension for the flat pack of step 4. Constructing a 1:5 scale model on a desk is a challenge; however, constructing the final assembly of a bridge on site is a different process that needs to be studied with further research.

Fig. 5.03 Assembly Process 1 [Ref. Illustrative:5.03] Fig. 5.04 Assembly Process 2 [Ref. Illustrative:5.04]


T1. Step 1

T1. Step 2

T1. Step 3

T1. Step 4

T1. Step 5

T1. Step 6

T1. Step 7

T1. Step 8

Fig. 5.03

T2. Step 1

T2. Step 2

T2. Step 3

T2. Step 4

T2. Step 5

T2. Step 6

T2. Step 7

T2. Step 8

Fig. 5.04


Fiber Composite Method This particular method looks at a moulding fabrication process through a fiber composite material with the intention of fusing single panels along with their respective hinges. Fiber Composite Material: A material composite is made of two or more materials, each exhibiting different physical properties intended to complement each other, and yet, each material maintains its own properties separate from one another. In composites, there are two different types. For instance, wood alone is a natural fiber composite while concrete is an engineered composite. In this case, we will concentrate on an engineered composite, however, strictly as means of a fabrication method. In general, an engineered composite material is the result from combining a matrix solution and a reinforced material. One of the most important aspects into a composite type is the ratio percentage between its matrix and its reinforced material.

Vacuum Bag Moulding: Typically this process begins with the mixture of resin and another chemical solution acting as a catalyst to help accelerate its solidification process from its melted state. The curing process may last from 24 to 48 hours depending on the catalyst type. Also, in order to further aid the curing process, the entire bag may be placed under heat lamps or into a temperature controlled oven. However, the resin must be immediately applied to the desired reinforced material while in its melted state. Then, the reinforced material is laid onto its respective mould and placed into a bag which is then sealed and subjected to a vacuum pressure. The intention is to remove all the air from the bag and keep all parts of the reinforced material together and fully pressed by way of pressure. Finally, the resin is left to cure, still under vacuum bag. Also, to prevent the resin from sticking to the mould itself and the vacuum bag, a release agent is applied to both the mould and to the interior of its bag.

In this case, the following prototypes are made from polyester resin. However, other solutions may be used such as; vinyl ester, epoxy, phenolic, polyimide, polyamide, polypropylene, and PEEK.

In this process the following items were utilized: 1. Plastic bag (polymer film) 2. Plastic valve 3. Vacuum pump 4. Release Agent 5. Polyester Resin 6. Slow hardener (catalyst)

A reinforced material is defined from a wide variety fabrics or polymers such as; plastics, fibre glass, carbon fibre, and others. In our prototypes, we make use of a fabric, “hemp”.

The moulds used for both prototypes shown on the right of this page were first CNC from plywood and then vacuumed formed from a layer of plastic.

The combination of resin and its reinforced material (fiber) should preferably be from a ratio of 40% resin and 60% reinforced material. The strength and flexibility of the product is highly dependant of this ratio.

The reinforcement makeup for the first prototype were two layers of hemp along with a strip of plastic around the edges. The triangular shape of the mould is the standard element type within our kinetic system and the plastic strip becomes a flexible hinge embedded into every panel.

In order to generate a composite prototype, there are several moulding methods to choose from depending on the particulars of each project. The method used here is “vacuum bag moulding”. (see Composite Steps) Moulding Methods: 1. Vacuum bag moulding 2. Autoclave moulding 3. Pressure bag moulding 4. Resin transfer moulding (RTM)

The reinforcement make up for the second prototype is practically identical to the first one, however, in this model a plastic tube is placed along the edges of the mould and replaces the flexible hinge from the first prototype. Both prototypes maintain the logic of replacing a mechanical hinge (barrel hinge) for the ease of assembly.


Composite Material Assembly


a. b. c. d. e.











a. b. d.

f. a. c.

a. primary fiber layer (top) b. core panel c. embeded hinge d. primary fiber layer (bottom) e. mold f. hinge fasteners

primary fiber layer (top) core panel hinge tubing primary fiber layer (bottom) mold

Step 1 CNC Mould

Step 2 Laminate Mould

b. d.

Step 3 Layering Fiber

Step 4 Core Placement

Step 5 Resin and Vacuuming

Step 6 Un-Mould Fig. 5.05

Fig. 5.05 Composite Steps [Ref. Illustrative:5.05]


Assembly Logic Both fabrication methods are equally suited with an assembly logic to minimize labour time. These methods take advantage of shop drawings which have been developed within a digital platform. Therefore, benefiting from machinery for rapid fabrication and precision. One of the most important strategies to minimize labour cost is to produce pre-assembled components. However, the main principle to a successful pre-assembly logic is based on: 1. Pre-fabricating elements 2. Ease of transportation 3. Ease of assembly process Both fabrication methods allowed for the pre-assembly of components, and each one of these components was preassembled based on their common joints. The Standard Fabrication Method allowed pre-assembly by sorting out the elements corresponding to each component and joining them together based on their hinge type. These have been divided into kinetic and kinematic hinges. Utilizing this method, hinges are placed on either side of the panel according to their mechanical function. Kinetic hinges are strictly responding to actuators and kinematic hinges simply respond to the kinetic translation to allow movement. The chart on the right show how many elements can be reduced and ship to the site by pre-assembling. Elements can be connected and pre-assembles to the limit where it does not remain flat on a plane or larger than truck bed used for transportation. Triangular pieces are the only elements that can be pre-assembled in respect to its hinges. However, four sided element should remain detached and assemble on site. Although this method is precise and successful in terms of pre-assembling the entire system into components, it does become time consuming when it comes to assembling, mainly due to the multiple number of joints within the system which required multiple barrel hinges per joint. In this case, the fiber composite fabrication method becomes more efficient due to an embedded hinge (flexible hinge) which eliminates one of the steps from the Standard Fabrication method (see chart on the right).

From the Fiber Composite Method, two composite component types are generated through a moulding process. We produced one single orthogonal element, and a pre-moulded element (made from 4 triangular elements), however, acting as a single entity due to its embedded hinge. Out of these two composite types, the system can then be assembled from four assembly steps (top row, right hand page). The Fiber Composite method reduces the number of elements and provides for a simple assembly line of the entire system. However, the pre-fabrication process might take away the advantages of this method. Fiber Composite Method requires multiple different layers and precision for moulding and casting. This process is done by series of machines and robotic tools. Films for vacuum bags and fiber layers is cut precisely and resin solutions is pre-measured and pre-mixed. When pre-fabrication is ready, the steps are (see right hand page): - stacking fiber layers - positioning hinges - pouring resin - vacuum forming - repeat Once again, this method only applies to locations that has the availability in technology and expensive labour.

Standard Material Fabrication

= 114 Pieces

= 860 Elements

= 215 Elements Pre-Assembled

Composite Material Fabrication

= 114 Pieces

= 215 Elements Pre-Assembled


Composite 1

Composite 2


b. c.

e. d.

c. b.


Pre-fabrication: a. b. c. d. e.

mold fiber 1 fiber 2 kinetic hinge kinematic hinge

Assembly 1

Assembly 2

Assembly 3

Assembly 4


Evaluation Conclusion


Wood-PLA Composite Material

Fiber Composite Material

Fig. 5.06

Fig. 5.07

Fig. 5.08

Fig. 5.09

Material Comparison Material composites exhibit high performance characteristics such as being of light weight, and yet being able to withstand high loading conditions, and also of being resilient to the weather. The tables above show technical material properties between two composite types. Wood-PLA is a composite type utilizes fiber particles to form planar materials that will be used for the Standard Composite Method. Fiber Composite Method utilizes continues fiber reinforcement along with resin and mouldings as fabrication technique.

Fig. 5.06 Wood PLA Composite [Ref. Illustrative:5.03] Fig. 5.07 Fiber Composite Sheet [Ref. Illustrative:5.04] Fig. 5.08 PLA Composite Properties [Ref. Illustrative:5.05] Fig. 5.09 Fiber Composite Properties Based on Fiber Types [Ref. Illustrative:5.06]

Properties on the charts are used as an input to find material thicknesses for specific structural configurations. In our case, each element of fiber composite is 10mm thick (240cm by 80cm) to allow for 2mm maximum deflection as a pedestrian surface (see appendix). The fiber composite process allows for the embedding of a flexible hinge joining up to four elements together for the ease of assembly, in order to reduce labour cost. In parallel, these savings are directly linked to labour expenses corresponding to a particular site (country) location.

System Application



06. System Application

06.1. Test Site – Mile End Park – Path study – Users agenda 06.2. Proposal – Nodes – Bridge type comparison – Kinetic bridge types 06.3. New Aggregation Technique – Sections generators – Surface division – 3 surface tests 06.4. Curvature Analysis 06.5. Zones Activation – Users interaction – Environmental response – Zones configurations 06.6. Power Source – Material mass – Actuator types – Power and forces 06.7. CONCLUSION

System Application “Accepting the dynamics of buildings and cities, which are now usually ignored or rather considered an unavoidable temporary discomfort, can turn architectural change into an ecologically efficient process as well as new urban experience.” E. van Hinte, M. Neelen, J. Vink, P. Vollaard. Smart Architecture (2003), p. 19

The main goal has always been the development of a stand alone kinetic system for its application within the realm of kinetic Architecture. This chapter will concentrate on the application of such system. The proposed kinetic Architecture will constantly change its area and volume in order to attend to various programmatic functions and respond to environmental conditions. In addition, the kinetic system will be energized and take the advantage of a natural power source directly linked to its site. A test site will be proposed and it is assessed based on surrounding zoning to formulate an indicated architecture typology. In this case, an open public space. Accordingly, specific user interactions are spatially defined through the activation of unique kinetic zones. Once an architectural proposal has been formulated based on previous site analysis, the kinetic system will be revisited in terms of a new aggregation technique pertaining to the particulars of the project. For this particular application, two surfaces are tested and successfully generated, however, only one of them is chosen to be fully developed. From curvature analysis, we are able to extract the most rational surface division for its component aggregation and its component size. Lastly, in order to energize the kinetic system, a subchapter is dedicated to the power source.


Mechanical Gears System Principles

Railing System

Global Control

Folding / Origami

Local Control


System Application

Seasonal Adaptability

Solar Exposure

Space Efficiency

System Energy

Solar Power


Wind Power


Water Power


Application Method Breakdown The diagram above has been divided into three main branches. It is a graphical representation of the processed followed throughout the development of the system. Up to this point, we have explored the system based on digital, geometrical and fabrication aspects. This chapter will elaborate on the application of the system and it’s power source. Our proposal will focus on the logic and theoretical aspects of the system. Further examination is required towards mechanical and structural engineering.


Pattern Breakdown

Fabrication Method

Shelter Walkable Surface Boundary

Integrated Hinge Assembly Process

Wind Blocker

Light Weight

Stairs Ramps

Current Flow

Water Mass

Tide Level

Water To Pneumatic

Water Lock

Pneumatic Actuators



Fig. 5.10

Test Case: Mile End Park Mile End Park is located at East London. The park is situated next to Regent’s Canal which is equipped with a pair of locks due to elevation changes throughout the landscape. Water locks have the potential to generate natural energy as means for activating the kinetic system. The park also calls our attention due to its different zoning divisions. Across the canal from the park is Queen Mary University. The northeast of the park is populated by residentials. Meanwhile, Guardian Angel Roman Catholic Primary School is located in the middle of the park and along Mile End Road which continues on and becomes a commercial street. Taking advantage of the surrounding condition, user diversity creates the opportunity for a multiuse open public space.


Fig. 5.11

Fig. 5.12

Fig. 5.13

Fig. 5.07 Mile End Park [Ref. Illustrative:5.07] Fig. 5.08 Elevation difference in water locks [Ref. Illustrative:5.08] Fig. 5.09 Potential site near water locks [Ref. Illustrative:5.08] Fig. 5.10 Perspective from Queen Mary University Campus looking across to Mile End Park. [Ref. Illustrative:5.08]


Zoning Diagram Public Transit



Primary School

Main Streets

College / Dormitory

Overground Train

Mile End Park Terrace Housing Multi-Family

Current Circulation Diagram - Based on Users



College Access to the Park

Public/Main Access to the Park

Primary School

Housing Residence


Primary School Access to the Park

Residence Access to the Park

Mile End Park


User Types Public Transit


As it was mentioned before, user exist Canaldiversity has already Primary School within the site and its surrounding. Looking further into that, we Main Streets / Dormitory diagram their specific location in relation to College the park. Zoning diagram represent the location of each users on the site while Overground Train Mile End Park the circulation diagram shows user’s existing access to the park. Terrace Housing At the same time, paths and nodes within the parkMulti-Family itself are also analysed. Within the park, paths along and across the perimeter are abundant while access paths into park are limited. Existing nodes are defined by Funfair, Ponds, and Leisure Center. Within the scope of our site, most of these attraction points are located on the south side of the park and leaving a pond as one single attraction point on the north part of the park. Under these circumstances, the north side of the park present itself with more potential for park rejuvenation. Providing an additional attraction point on the north side will bring more visitors especially the university students across the canal.

Mile End Park - Circulation Diagram Sidewalk

Bike Lane / Jogging Path

Access Node from Bike Lane

Circulation Path Across the Park

Access Node from Sidewalk

Circulation Path Along the Park

Attraction Point



College Access to the Park


Primary School


Primary School Access to the Park



Users Agenda Once data has been collected from the site area, we identify four different user types according to different activities and age groups. As we further evaluate these user’s activities, we establish each of their daily agendas within their our environment. Diagram (a) records the daily schedule from the primary school, the most activity from the university campus, the early morning and late afternoon activities by the active user, and post working hours from the residential users. Diagram (b) registers the activities within the park, while diagram (c) shows the potential of new social agendas by adding different programs to the park with the purpose of park revitalization. Diagram (d) maps specific user interactions which show the potential for user A to interact with user B on a specific time of day, while different interaction occurs on different times of the day. It is also important to make note that the activity rate between weekends and weekdays changes drastically due to the school schedules from both college students and primary school students. The activity during the weekends is less aggressive than weekdays. These different interactions lead to several programmatic opportunities such as; cafes, a bicycle station, a stage, seating areas, etc. These functions are then simplified to basic architectural elements. Static and kinetic zones are then assigned to each function.

College Students CollegeStudents Students Primary Residential Primary Students College Students Active Residential

Primary Students Active Residential Active Users


Break/Lunch - short but often = Queen Mary University Students - Break/Lunch = Queen University Students Snack/Play Time - short but often = Guardian AngelsMary Roman Catholic Primary Church Early Morning and Afternoon = NE Housing Residence - Snack/Play Time = Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary Churc Break/Lunch short but often = and Queen Mary University Early Morning and-After Hour = Jogger Biker fromResidence North/SouthStudents of town -- Early Morning and Afternoon = NE Housing

Snack/Play Time -- Early Morning and After Hour - Early Morning and Afternoon - Early Morning andUsers After Hour

Users College Students Primary Students

+ +

Residential Active

College PrimaryStudents Students


Primary Students + Active

Users College Students



Users Users

= Jogger Guardian Angels Catholic Primary = and Biker Roman from North/South of townChurc = NE Housing Residence = Jogger andProgram Biker from North/South of town = = =

College Students Primary PrimaryStudents Students College Students

+ Residential + Residential + Primary Active Students +


Residential College Primary Students Students Active

+ +

= =

Primary Students Residential Active Residential Program Active Cafe Boundary Program Bicycle Station Boundary Stage CafeProgram Stage Boundary Seating Cafe Bicycle Station Cafe Boundary Boundary Stage Bicycle Station Stage Bridge

Boundary Stage Stage Seating Stage Cafe Seating Stage Cafe Bridge Stage Bridge

Active + Students + Primary Residential College Students

+ + + + + Roof Wall Wall Wall Roof Roof Roof Wall Roof Roof Wall Roof Wall Wall Roof Wall Roof Floor

Wall Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Floor Roof Floor

Residential Active College Students Active Description College Students

Expand Static Description Static Static Description Lowered/Raised Expand Lowered/Raised Static Lowered/Raised Expand Static Expand Static Static StaticStatic Lowered/Raised Curves Up

Static Lowered/Raised Lowered/Raised Lowered/Raised Lowered/Raised Expand Lowered/Raised Static Expand Curves Up Static Curves Up

Program Cafe Boundary Bicycle = Station CafeProgram Boundary = Boundary Stage = Cafe Bicycle Station Stage = Boundary = Boundary Seating Bicycle Station Stage Cafe = Stage Boundary = Stage Stage Seating Bridge = = = = =

Stage Cafe Seating Stage Cafe Bridge Stage Bridge


USER AGENDA - Weekday 0-10 pl/hr

20-30 pl/hr

7 am

9 am


30-60 pl/hr

11 am


3 pm

College Students

Primary School



5 pm

7 pm

9 pm


User Activity In Their Own Environment

7 am

9 am

11 am


3 pm

5 pm

7 pm


Current User Interaction Inside Park

7 am

9 am

11 am


3 pm

5 pm

7 pm

9 pm

9 am

11 am


Proposed Programs Interaction Inside Park

3 pm

5 pm

7 pm

9 pm

11 am


3 pm

5 pm

7 pm

9 pm

9 am

11 am


3 pm

5 pm

7 pm

9 pm


3 pm

5 pm

7 pm

9 pm

Proposed User Interaction Inside Park

7 am


9 am

Current User Interaction Inside Park

7 am


Proposed User Interaction Inside Park

7 am

7 am

9 pm

9 am

11 am

Proposed Programs Interaction Inside Park


Nodes And Connection Taking into consideration the previous studies, nodes and paths are extracted and simplified based on specific user orientations. Each one of the nodes are corresponds to the specific interaction between two specific user types creating new social environment. Based on these nodes, new connection paths are proposed. The fist path is a circulation path that will provide access from the University across the canal to the park. The second path works as both a connection and a node, which when fully activated, is providing a passage way. During partial deployment, this second path provides different programmatic functions.

“Smart Architecture cooperates: it responds to its surroundings. Not only does this apply to the physical environment: climate, urban landscape... It is also true for the social environment...� E. van Hinte, M. Neelen, J. Vink, P. Vollaard. Smart Architecture (2003), p. 55

Desired Paths And Nodes New Connection Path For University Students New Path of Interactions Primary Interaction Nodes : Outside Users - College Students Primary Students - Residencial Users Outside Users - Residencial Users

Secondary Interaction Nodes : Primary Students - College Students Primary Students - Outside Users


Desired Paths And Nodes


Structure Types The connection path across the canal must be a bridge design. In this case, we specifically point out to the limited space available between the canal’s edge to the building facades from the University. From the canal’s zoning requirements, a bridge needs to raise and provide for a 3 meter clearance above the water. In order to design a structure complying to this clearance requirement, a static bridge needs to rise 4 meters above the water. The diagram on the right (1a, 1b) shows the space required to build stairs climbing up to 4m, while diagrams (1c, 1d, 1e) pertain to 1:10 ramp configurations. In comparison to static bridge structures, kinetic bridges require less foot print. They only need to provide access from the top of the system itself. When the span of the bridge is 10 meters, the thickness of the structure needs to be approximately 1 meter (1/10th of span). Stairs and ramps only require to go up to 1 meter in elevation. Different configurations are shown in 2a, b, c, d, and e.




+3.00 Clearance Level


Water Level

- 2.50 Water Below Locks


Static Bridge Structure

Kinetic Bridge System

1a. Stairs without landing (+4m)

2a. Stairs without landing (+1m)

1b. Stairs with landing (+4m)

2b. Stairs with landing (+1m)

1c. Disabled ramp 1:10

2c. Disabled ramp 1:10

1d. Disabled ramp 1:10

2d. Disabled ramp 1:10

1e. Segmented disabled ramp 1:10

2e. Segmented disabled ramp 1:10


bascule bascule bridge basculebridge bridge bascule bridge Tilt bridge

tiltbridge bridge tilt tilt tiltbridge bridge

curling bridge curling bridge Vertical lift bridge

vertical vertical lift lift bridge bridge

Swing bridge

swingbridge bridge swing swing swingbridge bridge

vertical lift bridge vertical lift bridge Retractable bridge

table bridge retractable retractable bridge table bridgebridge retractable bridge retractable bridge

folding folding bridge foldingbridge bridge folding bridge Bascule bridge

bascule bridge bascule bridge

table bridge table bridge Rolling bascule bridge

rolling rolling bascule bridge rollingbascule basculebridge bridge rolling bascule bridge retractable bridge retractable bridge

Submersible bridge

bascule bridge submersible bridge bascule bridge submersible bridge

Folding bridge

folding bridge tilt bridge folding bridge tilt bridge

Curling bridge

curling bridge swing bridge curling bridge swing bridge


Kinetic Bridges There are several types of movable bridges. Some examples are shown in the left hand page. These are the bascule bridge, the folding bridge, the curling bridge, the vertical-lift bridge, the table bridge, the retractable bridge, the rolling bascule bridge, the submersible bridge, the tilt bridge, and the swing bridge. The curling bridge by Heatherwick Studio, in London, uses hydraulic cylinders that can be expanded in order to change its railing geometry. Hence, the bridge curls up letting boats pass by. Using a similar concept, we propose a new movable bridge type; The Expandable Bridge. This bridge type utilizes a folding technique, which provides the bridge with sufficient material to be expanded. Thus, it creates an arc high enough for boats to pass by. One very important factor is that this structure functions as a pedestrian bridge only when it is flat. Once activated, boats pass through, and pedestrian flow is momentarily prohibited until the bridge becomes flat again.





Section and Surface Generator We consider a kinetic system to be a successful system when its architectural application provides for different functions at different stages of its actuation.

Fundamental Sections

In order to move forward,a simple way to design for specific functions is to generate different sections based on basic architectural elements such as; floors, walls, and roof surfaces. Floor areas provide for a walkable surface, walls make boundaries and roof surfaces provide shelter. Under certain conditions, more than one architectural element may be needed to define spaces. A curve enables the transition from multiple lines into one sectional pieces. A floor may curve up to become a wall and later transform to become a roof and vise-versa. The diagram on this page shows the control of sectional curves. Each curve is made up of four control points. Each of these points can be moved in the X and Y axis based on a desired function.

Section Parameter (a)

The next step is to array sectional curves on the previous defined paths according to the social activity on site. Once section curves have been positioned, points can be adjusted to fit a certain need. This process needs to be applied to two or more surfaces that will allow for different configurations to the system’s activation. (b)



Surface Spine

Surface Section Prior Activation

Surface Section After Activation




Useable Zones


Component to Surface Population Previously, it was mentioned that a surface can be populated with components and be activated. In an active system, two or more surfaces need to be generated which can then be transformed from one geometry to another. Once specific surfaces have been generated, the algorithm will subdivide the surface, create a series of data trees containing a series of points which create surfaces that then become the component themselves. This technique is practical and minimizes computing time. This technique is very specific to its surface form in comparison to previous techniques discussed in Chapter 3. In order run this process, an understanding of the original component geometry is still crucial to calculate the offset distance, location, and data structure of each point to later create the component and the system.

The success of a component population can be clearly detected as the geometrical and structural integrity of each component begins to breakdown once the system is activated. Within a kinetic system, equilibrium needs to be achieved at all times (before, during, and after activation). Due to the geometrical relativity of the algorithm, the new population technique requires less parameters (input) in comparison to the previous techniques (See Ch. 3). This new technique allows for less restrictions to the system. On a highly complicated surface application, both population techniques need to be tested and calibrated for all required restrictions (materiality, geometrical, and structural restrictions) to analyse errors throughout the activation process.

The current population technique is smarter due to the distances from one point to the next. Utilizing UV values (this will be explained in depth in the next page), offset distances are taken automatically in relation to the surface’s dimension itself. The depth of each component can vary throughout the surface based on different parameters. For instance, a surface that cantilevers, or bridges one location to another, can translate the thickness of its component based on its span distance. The ratio between span and depth usually varies from 1:10 to 1:20 depending on the building material and geometry. Another factor that can have an effect on the depth of every component is the increase per square meter of the surface before and after activation. The higher the difference, the more depth per component. In addition, specific parts of the surface need a slight depth component variation to help ease the initial force needed to push components up during activation (see Anchor Points, Chapter 4).

Surface Population: (a). Surface is created by sweeping sections on a spine path. (b). The surface is subdivided with UV value. (c). This division points are offseted to four points making them the based of the actuator. (d). When the data structure is being shifted, larger four-sided surface is created and these are the base for the component. (e). Points from (b) are taken and extruded in the direction of the normal. (f). triangulated surfaces are created to complete the component population on the surface.


Surface Population








Path Application To validate the adaptability of the system, two paths are created based on the previous nodes and connection studies. Each node consists of two parts; a bridge and an activity zone.

New New Paths Paths Options Options

The bridge is a slender design and it only curves up to form a single curvature type surface. The activity zone hosts different programs and curve up to create habitable space. Unlike the bridge, the activity zone transform into double curvature surfaces. Therefore, it needs to provide a wider volume and requires more building material. Test 1 is a simple straight line. The bridge zone is placed across the canal and the activity zone is placed across the park (see 1a). As mentioned, the width of each activity zone becomes a wider volume to provide more space (see 1b). This surface is created by sweeping a series of section lines along a path spine (see 1d). Because the path is a straight line, and all the sections are perpendicular to the spine line, all components on the surface are identical which provide simplicity in fabrication and assembly.

Test 1


Test 2


Test 2 analyses the surface population onto a curved path. Using a similar process to the first test, the second path also has two divisions of wider activity zone (see 2a and 2b), and sweeps sections along the path spine (see 2d). As an output to a curved spine, each component is slightly larger/smaller than the others (see 2c). This configuration provides unique spaces , however, resulting in more technical challenges. Additional surfaces are also being tested with this new population technique. These tests can be seen in the appendix.


Surface Path

Component Distribution

Surface Deployment









Bridge / Connection Path Platform / Activity Zone


Zoning Configurations The previous sections along the paths are drawn to create four possible zones; 1. a bridge, 2. a semi closed space, 3. another semi closed space, and 4 (activating both 2+3) for one single larger open space. Zone 1 serves as a pedestrian bridge whenever is not being activated (1a). During activation, zone 1 curves up and allows boats to pass through (1b). At this stage, people are prohibited from walking across the bridge. Zone 2 generates a semi enclosed space once the system is activated (2). This configuration is mainly used by the residential users. At the same time, while zone 3 is deactivated, it provides a platform that can be used by the primary students as a gathering space. When the activation is reversed (3), a semi enclosed space is provided at zone 3 intended for the use of university students, while a platform is provided from the deactivation of zone 2, intended for residents and their children from the primary school. When zone 2 and 3 are activated simultaneously, the system provides one large open space for all users to gather around or use it as a passageway along the park (4). Zones 2 and 3 provide a usable and sheltered space up to 100 m2. In configuration 4, activating both 2+3 zones, the space provided goes up to 200 m2 .







College Joggers Primary Residents





Section 1: Dual space condition

Section 2 : Single open space condition

+ 300 cm

+ 100 cm


Space Conditions

Section 1 - Zone 2

Section 2 - Zone 4

The section lines are drawn to show multifunction spatial conditions. As illustrated in the Section 1, Zone 2 provides one spatial condition while the components themselves are forming a boundary that then merge and create a second spatial condition. On the left hand side, the components are activated and provide a habitable space for up to a 3 meter head clearance space. On the right hand side, the deactivated components provide a platform space with an elevation of 1 meter above the landscape. Illustrated in Section 2, both zones 2 and 3 are activated providing one continuous open space. This formation might be use to host larger gathering spaces.

+ 300 cm

+ 100 cm


Activation Strategy Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 1 is activated only in response to lock 1 (right side). When activated, pedestrian are prohibited from crossing. In average, boats passes through 10-15 times per day.

Zone 2 to 4 are activated only in response to lock 2 (left side). Lock 2 does not correspond with water traffic. It is completely independent from lock 1.


Zone 3

Zone 4

The duration of the opening are calibrated with the duration of the lock (average in 15 minutes). Lock 2 will stay filled until the program is no longer being used.

Due to its dimension, zone 4 is the heaviest. The dimension of the canisters and buoys are calculated according to zone 4.


Configuration 1 : bridge activated

Configuration 3 : zone 3 activated


Configuration 2 : zone 2 activated

Configuration 4 : zone 2+3 activated


Response To Wind According to the early environmental studies, there are two responsive types; Surface Porosity and Surface Transformation. As a responsive kinetic system, Surface Transformation also responses to the environment and it further supports the idea of shape change. Considering the environmental conditions on the site case, the average wind is between 8 to 12 knots. Beaufort Scale is a measurement for wind speed to observe conditions at sea and on land. According to this scale, 8 - 12 knots is a gentle breeze. However, the maximum wind can get up to 16-20 knots, which is considered as a moderate breeze. In addition to programmatic changes, the system can also be responsive to wind conditions. For example: in January, Zone 4 is the most indicated to respond to blocking wind from both the Northeast and Southwest directions. On the other hand, Zone 3 blocks wind flow from the Southwest during Spring time, while Zone 4 also lets breeze pass through from the Northwest to the Southeast during hot summer days.

Average Wind Velocity= 8-12 Knots

High Wind Velocity= 16-20 Knots







Further Environmental Investigation In situations where the system becomes static, a secondary system can be added (a surface porosity method). Surface Porosity (pg.41), is a system responding to environmental conditions by differentiating its surface porosity. The main structure of the system does not need to become kinetic for this method to adapt to the climate. Ideally, Structural Kinetic system and Surface Porosity method need to be combined to support each other. Structural kinetic system responses only to programmatic functions, while Surface Porosity responds only to climatic conditions. On the right page, a solar radiation study has been carried out onto each panel over the entire system. At a quick glance, we recall the method discussed in chapter 2 (pg.45) which can easily be used. SMA (pg.37) wires can be applied to elements for a direct respond to solar radiation and create surface porosity by pulling open the units. Immediately, this raises multiple different questions. With these additional units, will the system still be walkable when it is deactivated? Should the aperture unit be strategically placed in zones where people are prohibited from walking on? Will the SMA wires still works in time? Further investigation needs to be develop for an embedded surface porosity method responding to climatic conditions.













Gaussian Curvature Gaussian Curvature is a property of a surface which is measured by the degree of curvature taken from a point in relation to its surface. A point on the surface is represented by K(p). As a result, Gaussian Curvature property results in three different surface curvature types. These types are as follows:

K(p) > 0 -- elliptic surface K(p) < 0 -- hyperbolic surface K(p) = 0 -- planar surface

As previously mentioned in Parameter 7 of chapter 3, every deployment will result in the torsion of each planar material. If heavier materials are being used, the force needed to activate the system will increase exponentially. In order to find the balance needed between material strength and force, several Gaussian Curvature tests are ran. By aligning section lines with respect to path 3 (pg 131), a surface is created using sweep1 operation in Rhino command interface. Utilizing Galรกpagos in Grasshopper, this surface can be divided into different UV values. Different UV values will divide the surface into smaller surfaces and assign different Gaussian values based on the curvature of each smaller surface. In General, larger UV values result in smaller surfaces and smaller degree of curvature. Each iteration will calculate a specific UV value and the average Gaussian Curvature of these division surfaces. Using these as inputs, Galรกpagos processes up to 1900 iterations in order to get the average value that is closest to 0. The table on the right hand side shows sample results from the Gaussian Curvature analysis; these values are shown along with their corresponding graphical representation. In this case, number 36 shows the least curvature with 19/6 UV division value to the surface. In essence, Galรกpagos is running this process to obtain the limit to which the components can be activated onto an assigned surface and yet still maintain its planar property. The UV value from iteration 36 also dictates the scale of each component in relation to the overall surface.

U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

V 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40 36 38 30 9 35 13 31 26 22 18 27 21 31 40 36 22 26 12 18 29 32 38 14 23 8 16 11 19 10 15 7 12 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Gaussian Curve 8 10 5 9 7 6 4 8 8 8 10 5 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 5 4 4 5 5 9 5 4 4 4 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 8 4 10 9 5 7 6

-0.00084612 -0.00076295 -0.00074836 -0.00073497 -0.00069970 -0.00063265 -0.00061638 -0.00055497 -0.00055344 -0.00055334 -0.00031656 -0.00031610 -0.00031496 -0.00031481 -0.00031456 -0.00031359 -0.00031305 -0.00031141 -0.00031061 -0.00030770 -0.00025042 -0.00024983 -0.00024940 -0.00024899 -0.00024895 -0.00024894 -0.00024793 -0.00024784 -0.00024630 -0.00024566 -0.00002193 -0.00001428 -0.00001295 -0.00001254 -0.00000947 -0.00000148 0.00000432 0.00000481 0.00000819 0.00000970 0.00006023 0.00009784 0.00016886 0.00024199 0.00061801 0.00068827 0.00069992 0.00083443 0.00108900 0.00117400



Actuator Types Two actuator types are evaluated in order to activate every component within the kinetic system. Their evaluation is based on their efficiency to distribute force based on their contact points or surface contact area onto an object that needs to be set in motion.

1. Linear Actuators 2. Pneumatic Bag Actuator

Linear Actuators: This type is typically of a cylindrical shape and they exert force by pushing and pulling from two single points of contact.

Pneumatic bags: In contrast to linear actuators, a pneumatic bag is equipped with a much larger surface area of contact to exert forces. Since linear actuators only exert force from two single points of contact, their force distribution is minimal and they require a greater force than pneumatic bags in order to set a static object in motion. Therefore, pneumatic bags become the ideal choice as the actuator type for setting the kinetic system in motion. Every component in the system is equipped with two Pneumatic bags. These bags are attached to an additional panel fastened at the top and bottom of each component. The bags themselves are made from rubber and are secured along the edges by a sealant solution (see detail diagram).

1. Linear Actuators

F actuator

F component

2. Airbags Actuators

F actuator

F component

3. Airbags Protector

Top element


Once the pneumatic bags are deployed, they open at different angles and actuate two hinge types. Kinetic hinges are strictly responding to actuators and kinematic hinges simply allow movement in response to the kinetic hinge type. These hinges are embedded into each component panel acting as a single unit made possible from a moulding fabrication process. (Refer to pg. 105). The hinges themselves are made from fiber scrim. Some of the benefits for having fiber hinges are from their high fatigue resistance and their low friction factor.

There are two fiber composite panels which as a single unit, make up the upper part of every component. The length of upper panel is the designed as a larger piece from its lower element. Once, the components are activated, there is a avoid created between each panel. The larger size of the upper panels is intended to close this gap, creating a safe pedestrian surface once the components go back to their closed position. The larger upper surface is also designed to shield the pneumatic bags from the open environment.





e. 1. 3.

4. f. 2.

f. a. polyester resin b. fiber cloth (scrim) c. core d. kinetic hinge (flexible joint) e. kinematic hinge (mechanical joint) f. pneumatic airbag:

1. rubber 2. shield 3. sealant 4. fastener



a. b.

g. airbag protector / walkable surface d.


Kinematic And Kinetic Hinges As discussed in chapters 4 and 5, this system requires two hinge types; kinematic and kinetic hinges. The diagram on the right page shows the distribution of these two hinges throughout the entire system. Kinetic hinges are directly related to the actuators. For this reason, kinetic hinges have the need to be accurately controlled. Each hinge is measured by its angular distance before and after actuation. This angle differentiation can also be used to calculate the force needed to activate the whole system. Over the next few pages, kinetic hinges are divided in two aspects in relation to different surface types; horizontal and vertical hinges. This division allows for control over single and double curvature surfaces. Angular differentiation is measured by taking the final angle and subtracting it by the starting angle. If angular differentiation is larger than 0, the surface is curving up. However, if the angular differentiation is less than 0, the surface is curving down. In the case where the angle is less than 0, no actuator is needed. Geometrical configuration and gravity is pulling the component down to form a negative curvature. Keeping this in mind, the location of an actuator is strictly related to the angular measurement. This is illustrated in page 157.


Kinematic Hinges

Kinematic hinges Kinetic hinges Fix joints Anchor points

Kinetic Hinges


Horizontal Hinges In the diagram on the right, the numbering of hinges starts from the lower left corner. It progresses to the right to number six and moves onto the next column until it reaches hinge number 108 at the top right. From hinge 108, we go back to the second half of the hinges from the lower left corner once again and move up to hinge 216. The diagram on the bottom illustrates the numbering of each hinge. The same logic is used for the Vertical Hinges.


115 116 117 118

7 109


8 110

111 112






108 119

10 114


11 12

5 6

Hinge Numbering System

< 0 angles > 0 angles


Angle Measurement for Horizontal Hinges Horizontal Hinges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 65.04 62.65 59.66 57.62 57.46 55.03 48.42 41.79 43.72 51.51 61.33 73.55 83.42 85.46 85.20 85.41 84.95 83.66 65.21 62.54 59.93 59.57 61.66 61.81 58.98 56.11 57.06 60.37 65.02 71.57 77.62 79.25 79.17 79.41 79.49 79.08 65.31 62.43 60.31 61.56 65.64 68.10 68.08 67.38 66.77 66.79 67.67 68.98 70.24 70.83 71.00 71.47 72.58 73.78 65.51 62.33 60.70 63.56 69.55 73.95 76.41 77.12 75.11 72.72 70.69 66.99 61.95 60.02 60.45 61.60 64.14 67.58 65.71 62.23 61.12

End Angle (E) in Degree 69.09 65.52 60.72 61.65 60.90 55.27 46.26 43.60 46.86 57.15 68.03 77.25 82.64 82.26 82.85 85.92 87.29 85.37 69.17 65.44 60.94 63.57 64.87 62.14 55.03 58.25 60.13 64.78 69.10 72.82 75.98 76.27 77.05 79.62 80.89 80.05 69.36 65.35 61.29 65.43 68.70 68.65 63.43 69.65 68.34 68.63 69.52 70.05 71.13 71.85 72.24 73.32 74.00 74.24 69.55 65.27 61.65 67.31 72.32 74.85 72.03 78.69 73.42 70.26 70.34 69.11 65.60 63.74 63.36 63.92 65.37 67.88 69.75 65.10 62.03

Displacement (E ‐ S) 4.05 2.87 1.06 4.03 3.44 0.25 ‐2.16 1.81 3.14 5.65 6.70 3.70 ‐0.78 ‐3.20 ‐2.35 0.51 2.35 1.71 3.96 2.90 1.02 4.00 3.21 0.33 ‐3.95 2.13 3.08 4.41 4.09 1.25 ‐1.64 ‐2.98 ‐2.11 0.21 1.39 0.97 4.05 2.92 0.98 3.88 3.05 0.55 ‐4.65 2.28 1.57 1.84 1.85 1.07 0.89 1.02 1.24 1.85 1.42 0.46 4.04 2.95 0.94 3.75 2.78 0.89 ‐4.38 1.58 ‐1.69 ‐2.46 ‐0.35 2.12 3.65 3.72 2.92 2.32 1.22 0.30 4.04 2.88 0.90

Horizontal Hinges 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 65.59 73.23 79.34 83.27 84.22 80.52 76.23 72.12 63.81 50.75 43.53 44.25 46.72 52.40 59.79 65.92 62.04 61.56 67.70 76.85 84.25 89.07 89.70 84.33 78.61 72.99 60.48 37.39 20.22 21.04 25.69 36.22 50.18 62.10 60.86 60.13 58.67 55.93 48.88 39.12 29.76 31.67 41.25 51.72 66.07 80.86 89.64 90.93 92.64 93.88 91.81 62.31 60.78 60.42 60.45 59.90 55.72 50.15 45.44 47.00 52.47 58.28 67.58 78.13 84.68 85.62 87.02 87.98 86.40 62.60 60.71 60.72 62.25 63.56 61.88

End Angle (E) in Degree 69.21 75.92 80.64 80.89 86.36 78.64 73.25 72.58 68.61 57.19 48.54 47.43 49.11 53.64 60.14 69.69 65.02 62.44 71.20 79.26 84.55 88.84 92.94 85.50 79.07 76.02 66.70 43.93 22.78 21.58 26.12 36.49 50.31 66.03 63.59 61.00 62.87 59.80 49.46 39.32 30.17 32.33 44.32 57.91 71.42 82.93 90.19 91.77 94.61 96.13 92.86 66.21 63.61 61.43 64.57 63.62 56.33 50.53 47.98 50.74 58.22 64.86 71.31 77.37 81.32 83.54 87.80 90.22 88.00 66.50 63.55 61.78 66.23 67.10 62.42

Displacement (E ‐ S) 3.62 2.69 1.29 ‐2.38 2.14 ‐1.88 ‐2.98 0.47 4.80 6.44 5.01 3.18 2.39 1.25 0.34 3.77 2.98 0.89 3.50 2.42 0.30 ‐0.23 3.24 1.17 0.46 3.04 6.22 6.54 2.57 0.54 0.43 0.27 0.13 3.92 2.73 0.86 4.20 3.87 0.58 0.20 0.40 0.65 3.07 6.19 5.36 2.08 0.55 0.84 1.97 2.25 1.06 3.90 2.83 1.01 4.13 3.72 0.61 0.38 2.54 3.74 5.75 6.58 3.73 ‐0.76 ‐3.36 ‐2.08 0.78 2.24 1.60 3.90 2.84 1.06 3.99 3.54 0.55

Horizontal Hinges 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 59.56 58.08 59.18 61.78 64.22 68.66 74.26 77.80 78.48 79.68 80.71 80.25 62.90 60.64 60.95 64.06 67.10 67.41 67.29 67.49 68.00 68.66 68.95 68.93 68.37 67.89 68.25 69.66 71.49 73.17 63.21 60.49 61.29 65.89 70.35 72.44 74.11 75.57 75.83 75.28 74.20 69.94 61.14 54.47 54.68 56.64 60.33 65.13 63.52 60.44 61.66 67.71 73.51 77.03 79.62 81.75 81.66 80.28 78.39 70.11 49.87 33.30 33.68 37.34 45.26 55.60

End Angle (E) in Degree 57.06 61.21 62.89 66.02 67.99 70.17 73.18 75.18 76.56 79.93 81.97 81.03 66.79 63.41 62.04 67.91 70.29 68.00 60.78 70.56 70.04 69.77 69.89 70.39 70.40 69.46 69.34 71.03 72.55 73.50 67.09 63.37 62.43 69.59 73.43 73.32 63.13 76.98 73.79 72.10 73.23 72.40 66.03 58.40 57.27 58.42 61.16 65.22 67.40 63.32 62.83 71.28 76.42 78.44 66.11 83.25 78.63 76.77 78.62 75.26 57.87 37.86 36.11 39.07 46.09 55.70

Displacement (E ‐ S) ‐2.50 3.14 3.71 4.24 3.77 1.52 ‐1.08 ‐2.63 ‐1.92 0.25 1.26 0.79 3.89 2.77 1.10 3.85 3.19 0.59 ‐6.51 3.07 2.03 1.11 0.94 1.46 2.03 1.57 1.09 1.37 1.06 0.33 3.89 2.87 1.14 3.70 3.08 0.87 ‐10.97 1.41 ‐2.04 ‐3.18 ‐0.97 2.45 4.88 3.92 2.59 1.78 0.83 0.09 3.88 2.89 1.18 3.56 2.91 1.41 ‐13.51 1.51 ‐3.03 ‐3.50 0.23 5.15 8.00 4.56 2.44 1.73 0.83 0.10


Vertical Hinges In this diagram, the numbering starts from the lower left corner. It progresses to the right to number five and moves onto the next column until it reaches hinge number 95 at the top right. From hinge 95, we go back to the second half of the hinges from the lower left corner once again and move up to hinge 190.

< 0 angles > 0 angles


Angle Measurement for Vertical Hinges Vertical Hinges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 11.95 11.96 11.97 11.98 11.99 12.25 12.24 12.23 12.22 12.21 11.98 11.96 11.94 11.92 11.90 11.89 11.91 11.93 11.95 11.97 15.18 15.31 15.44 15.58 15.73 20.93 21.25 21.57 21.89 22.21 23.52 24.12 24.71 25.31 25.91 26.87 27.76 28.47 29.13 29.64 31.94 32.82 33.17 33.42 33.31 36.48 36.76 36.26 35.68 34.67 38.48 38.40 37.51 36.59 35.25 41.66 41.54 40.69 39.78 38.35 45.38 45.43 44.85 44.15 42.66 47.98 48.43 48.36 48.14 46.85 48.23 49.38 50.22 51.06 50.80

End Angle (E) in Degree 11.96 11.96 11.98 11.98 12.00 13.07 13.06 13.05 13.04 13.03 11.60 11.58 11.56 11.54 11.53 11.07 11.09 11.11 11.14 11.16 15.26 15.40 15.54 15.69 15.85 22.63 23.02 23.42 23.83 24.22 24.63 25.52 26.65 28.04 29.24 27.17 26.36 25.89 26.28 26.76 35.48 35.89 36.02 36.18 36.33 42.01 41.77 40.44 38.13 36.08 45.58 43.42 40.58 38.16 36.75 46.00 41.17 37.50 37.98 40.07 47.39 42.80 39.82 41.83 45.29 49.07 48.16 48.09 49.83 51.58 48.73 51.02 54.15 56.57 57.45

Displacement (E ‐ S) 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 ‐0.38 ‐0.38 ‐0.38 ‐0.38 ‐0.38 ‐0.82 ‐0.82 ‐0.81 ‐0.81 ‐0.81 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 1.71 1.77 1.85 1.94 2.01 1.11 1.41 1.94 2.73 3.34 0.29 ‐1.40 ‐2.58 ‐2.84 ‐2.88 3.53 3.07 2.85 2.76 3.02 5.54 5.00 4.18 2.45 1.41 7.10 5.02 3.07 1.57 1.50 4.34 ‐0.37 ‐3.19 ‐1.80 1.72 2.01 ‐2.63 ‐5.03 ‐2.32 2.63 1.09 ‐0.28 ‐0.26 1.68 4.73 0.50 1.64 3.93 5.51 6.66

Vertical Hinges 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 49.20 50.29 51.12 51.89 51.60 52.66 53.33 53.72 54.05 53.43 57.08 57.24 57.21 57.09 56.42 61.04 60.72 60.29 59.83 59.17 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.16 11.15 11.15 11.14 11.13 11.62 11.61 11.59 11.57 11.55 15.29 15.30 15.32 15.33 15.34 21.39 21.48 21.58 21.68 21.77 23.48 23.76 24.03 24.30 24.55 26.59 26.78 26.79 26.77 26.55 31.62 31.63 31.19 30.71 29.77 35.61 35.53 34.79 33.97 32.54 37.04 37.01 36.30 35.50 34.03 38.94 39.39 39.26 38.95 37.78

End Angle (E) in Degree 49.87 51.50 53.83 55.62 55.95 54.50 54.93 55.52 56.33 56.44 59.81 59.38 58.64 58.44 58.11 64.35 63.48 62.12 61.02 60.04 11.99 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 10.88 10.87 10.87 10.86 10.86 10.77 10.75 10.74 10.72 10.70 15.22 15.25 15.28 15.30 15.33 23.08 23.24 23.39 23.56 23.70 24.48 25.13 25.97 26.94 27.62 25.22 22.42 20.07 19.03 19.10 34.82 34.01 33.06 32.65 32.28 40.89 40.03 38.26 35.98 34.00 44.43 42.72 40.30 37.78 35.83 43.39 39.73 37.25 38.10 39.83

Displacement (E ‐ S) 0.67 1.21 2.71 3.73 4.35 1.84 1.61 1.81 2.28 3.02 2.73 2.14 1.43 1.34 1.69 3.31 2.76 1.82 1.19 0.87 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.72 ‐0.28 ‐0.28 ‐0.28 ‐0.28 ‐0.27 ‐0.85 ‐0.85 ‐0.85 ‐0.85 ‐0.85 ‐0.07 ‐0.05 ‐0.04 ‐0.02 ‐0.01 1.69 1.76 1.81 1.88 1.93 1.00 1.38 1.94 2.64 3.07 ‐1.38 ‐4.36 ‐6.72 ‐7.74 ‐7.44 3.20 2.38 1.86 1.94 2.51 5.28 4.50 3.47 2.00 1.46 7.39 5.72 4.00 2.29 1.80 4.45 0.34 ‐2.00 ‐0.85 2.05

Vertical Hinges 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

Starting Angle (S) in Degree 42.17 43.20 43.84 44.28 43.65 45.94 47.19 48.29 49.28 49.12 49.05 50.02 50.93 51.71 51.30 50.72 51.46 52.07 52.46 51.65 54.14 54.39 54.50 54.38 53.35 58.71 58.25 57.63 56.85 55.55 62.39 61.45 60.45 59.36 58.11 63.41 62.53 61.65 60.74 59.84

End Angle (E) in Degree 44.07 40.33 38.63 41.94 46.35 46.70 46.02 47.07 50.53 53.83 49.35 51.40 54.51 56.91 57.71 51.37 53.10 55.39 56.55 56.17 56.08 56.25 56.72 56.96 56.46 61.54 60.28 59.02 58.20 57.24 65.80 64.23 62.28 60.57 59.01 63.48 62.55 61.61 61.53 60.25

Displacement (E ‐ S) 1.90 ‐2.87 ‐5.21 ‐2.34 2.70 0.76 ‐1.17 ‐1.22 1.25 4.71 0.30 1.38 3.58 5.20 6.41 0.65 1.64 3.33 4.09 4.51 1.95 1.86 2.22 2.58 3.11 2.83 2.03 1.38 1.35 1.69 3.40 2.78 1.83 1.21 0.90 0.07 0.02 ‐0.03 0.78 0.41


(1a) Exposed Air Bags

(1b) Walkable Surface


Pedestrian Surface For Illustrative purposes, actuators are represented with red air bags. As mentioned previously, hinges with negative displacement are not engaged by any actuators within the system (1a). With the extension of the upper panel (pg.148), the entire system now provides a safe continues pedestrian surface (2b). Once the system is activated, the upper surface of each component spreads open creating a gap from one component to the next. Due to pedestrian safety and structural integrity, the surface is no longer be walkable until the system is deactivated.

Exposed Air Bags

Pedestrian Surface






Initial Configuration Covered in pg. 91, the initial position of each component should not be flat. The image below shows a slight curvature over the entire system on initial position. Slight curvature reduces the initial force needed for activation. This slight curvature is followed by a thick red line for graphical purposes.





Power Generator In order to provide for a most efficient system, a natural source of energy is converted into power which is used to activate each kinetic zone within the system. Utilizing the existing resources on site, a water lock becomes the means for a constant energy supply in contrast to other natural sources such solar energy and wind power. In respect to the geographical location, sun and wind power is directly related to seasonal changes. These sources can not be harvested constantly which makes them an unreliable power source at different times of the year. Within the locks, water moves constantly as it is being used to transport boats from a higher level to a lower level and vice versa. This large amount of water is a potential energy source that can be translated to different power types such as electricity or pressure. In this case, seasonal changes have no effect to the water flow. The power source behind this kinetic system takes advantage of simple principles for converting natural energy into power. The first option is to convert the water current into electricity by using a simple water wheel. The second option is to utilize the weight of water as a pull force. However, we are mainly interested in the study of buoyancy in respect to the raising of water level inside the lock to generate air pressure for a pneumatic system. The most important factor is to calculate the forces needed with respect to the weight of each programmatic zone in order to become kinetic. Once this forces are calculated, a further analysis is required to set up a power generator.

Kinetic Zones Anchor Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3


Forces Combining the previous angle measurements with respect to the mass of every components (volume multiply by density), we are able to calculate the force requires for system activation.



Direction of Forces

F cos (A) = 2 (Mg) F cos (A) = Mg F = Mg / cos (A) Amax = 90 - (A/2) Amax = 90 - (96/2) Amax = 42 degree Amin = 90 - (A/2) Amin = 90 - (11/2) Amin = 84.5 degree

Fclosed = Mg / cos (Amin) Fopen = Mg / cos (Amax) Required buoy pressure: P = F/(π d2/4) F = forces d = buoy diameter

From the angles of each component, the smallest angle (A min) is used to calculate the initial force needed to engage the system. Similarly, the force needed to maintain’s the system form is calculated by using the largest angles (A max) from the measurement sets. Simplified formulas are used to calculate the overall force and pressure needed per zone. Theoretically, this calculation is applied to a symmetrical configuration (as shown in “Direction of Forces”). Each kinetic zones is calculated independently from each other. The chart below shows different pressure requirements. Further calculation is required to convert these pressure values to the buoy’s volume in order to create enough water displacement inside the canisters. Pressurised air will then be distributed via hoses into each air bag. From a mechanical engineering perspective, further calculations need to be address for a precise working kinetic system.

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4 (2+3)

0.00 222,162,523.00 68,764,970.00 55,011,976.00 15.00 37,124.54

0.00 238,499,067.00 157,845,477.00 126,276,381.60 15.00 39,854.46

0.00 364,708,811.00 229,853,788.00 183,883,030.40 15.00 60,944.78

0.00 603,207,878.00 387,699,265.00 310,159,412.00 15.00 100,799.24

A min (degree) A max (degree) Initial Force (F closed) - N Final Force (F open) - N

12.00 87.00 355,162.01 53,932.29

25.00 81.00 184,136.63 61,366.67

30.00 91.00 235,472.55 85,446.54

11.00 96.00 1,051,681.90 135,638.76

Buoy Diameter (mm) Initial Pressure (N/mm2) Final Pressure (N/mm2)

1000 0.452435675 0.068703554

1000 0.23456896 0.078174098

1000 0.299965035 0.108849092

1000 1.339722165 0.17278823

Material Density (T/mm^3) Total Area (mm^2) Contact Area (mm^2) Actuator Area (mm^2) Thickness (mm) Weight (N)


Buoyancy And Canister Based on Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy is a force exerted by a fluid that opposes an object’s weight. The buoyancy diagram on the right simplifies and further explains how buoyancy works in respect to the mass of a given object. For instance, in the case of the lack of water displacement (1a), the buoyancy force is very small. This means that an object can easily be forced down into the water and sink. In the case where water displacement takes place (1b), the buoyancy force pushes an object upwards. This force is equal to the water displacement. For instance, 1 cubic meter of water displacement is equal to 10 kilo-newton. If this were a boat, the boat would be able to carry 10 kilonewton or 1000kg (including the weight of the boat). As water displacement increases, the buoyancy force also increases. In regards to precise calculations, we realize that many other factors play a role for a complete functional system. Never the less, we are moving forward with the principles of mechanical engineering.




Water Displacement


Inside the existing lock, water changes its elevation by 2.5 meters (2a). Canisters can be installed to host and keep the buoy in place (2b). The water rises, and the buoy pushes up and creates compressed air inside the canister (2c). The kinetic system can then be connected to the canister by a high pressure hose. However, if the mass of the components is larger than the water displacement, the air bags will not be deployed and the buoy will not raise to the water level(2d). The specific size of the buoy and canister is yet to be resolved. However, in principle, F buoy needs to be greater than F component for the system to operate (2f).


Additional calculations need to be carried out in terms of the friction created by each of the hinges within the system. The maximum force required to activate the system corresponds to the size of the buoy. The force output can be adjusted and tuned by adding fluid inside the buoy. Adding fluid inside the buoy will reduce water displacement (1c). Therefore, it also reduces the force exerted.

Water Displacement

Once all factors are satisfied, compressed air is channelled through high pressure hoses and onto the air bags to activate the system.



Fluid (1c)






F component




buoy (2c)


F component > F buoy

F component


buoy (2e)


F component < F buoy




Activation Sequence

Pedestrian Bridge / Waterway

Platform / Open Space

Platform / Through Space


“Smart Architecture is technology wise. Using advanced engineering and materials and dressing up a building with energy saving devices is not necessarily smart, while a distrust of technological solutions is pretty stupid�

Evaluation Conclusion


E. van Hinte, M. Neelen, J. Vink, P. Vollaard. Smart Architecture (2003), p. 55


-- Within the realm of Kinetic Architecture, we have investigated an architectural open public space which responds to various programmatic needs and environmental conditions.

-- In regards to the kinetic system as a digital and geometrical exploration, we have developed an algorithm which allows local control at a component level. As such, we are able to aggregate this component onto a variety of surface geometries. It is also a kinetic system which once actuated, is capable of generating single and doubly curved surfaces. The application of this system results into the design of an open kinetic architectural space. This space is divided into different kinetic zones which are capable of being actuated independently from each other responding to different programmatic functional needs and environmental conditions. In addition, based on natural resources available on site, this kinetic design applies Archimede’s principle of buoyancy utilizing water pressure as power source. In terms of fabrication and assembly, we have developed a system which benefits from machinery for rapid fabrication and precision. It is also a cost efficient system capable of being pre-assembled into less elements for the ease of fabrication, assembly, and its transportation onto a site. The goal to this model is in relation to savings with respect to labour costs. However, as economy factors vary from country to country, different fabrication and assembly process can be adjusted to this specific economical condition.

-- Although, we have benefited from several physical models as a calibration method within a systematic development phase, further investigation towards advanced engineering is required to fully integrate and create a working prototype. In order to complete the kinetic system as intended, further geometrical study needs to be explore to embed a secondary system which allows for surface porosity in response to solar radiation.

Several physical models were built in order to calibrate and evaluate results from both digital and physical models. Successful results were collected in terms of kinematic behaviour, surface control, and a self-supporting system. Material properties have also been investigated and extracted to simulate material strength in the digital realm. On the contrary, there is still the need for physical models by testing forces in respect to water pressure for the actuation of pneumatic bags. Over all, this system has only been evaluated in principle. Never the less, we have taken into account actuators capable of resisting tensile and compressive forces as part of a potential structural system component.

-- Kinetic Architecture challenges and embraces collective knowledge from multidisciplinary of sciences in order to merge to one responsive system. Achim Menges embraces the logic behind natural material properties into his designs, while Domique Perrault has taken advantage of mechanical engineering towards kinetic architecture. Never the less, kinetic architecture has the potential of taking advantage from both mechanical engineering principles and natural processes into a smart design. Collectively, sciences such as mathematics, engineering, computational systems, and biological processes challenge the limits towards architectural design. As a response, kinetic architecture intends to pursuit these challenges.




KINETIC: actuators and control In a kinetic system, there are two main ways of controlling motion; one being local control and another one being global control. In global control, movement or displacement is defined by a single processor. As a result, several configurations and movements may be achieved. For instance, if an element is designed to move along the X, Y, and Z axis, it is more likely to do so within same formation every time it is activated. Therefore, the sequence of motion would not be adaptable to other sequences under different conditions. On the contrary, systems with local control are most likely to have multiple processors and actuators. This means that each processor acts as a parameter that is uniquely designed and engineered to respond to one particular condition. When assembled together, different parameters will behave as one collective behaviour. This characteristic makes a system versatile and able to adapt to several different conditions.

successfully enable global control not only allowing maximum volume deployment, but also allow different configuration types from a single folding pattern/surface. However, they do not allow for multiple configurations outside their own boundaries. In addition, this type of global control focuses on its own structural frame, and not on the folding pattern itself. Even though a successful system, we will move forward aiming to control deployment types from within folding surfaces. In this case, we are aiming to focus on controlling a foldable surface from a local level point of view.

Global control - railing system One of the ways in which we address global control is by deploying a foldable surface by means of a railing system. In this case, we investigate 3 different configuration types (see rail system 1, 2 and 3). Here, it is imperative to address the fact that we must understand the behaviour of such foldable surface/pattern in order to design any railing system. In other words, the railing system is an output derived from the behaviour in which a pattern folds and unfolds. In addition, the purpose of these exercises is to demonstrate that different volumes can be achieved from a single pattern type. This is accomplished by controlling the percentage of aperture from one fold to the next. In this fashion, three successful configurations were achieved by running parallel rails along the longer edges of the surface. In turn, being able to achieve large surface areas.

Global control - gear system A gear system was also explored in order to achieve global control over the deployment of a folding surface (see gear system 1). A gear system is simply defined by translation and rotation. It is composed of a single arm which allows for 90 degrees of rotation and also attached to a flange which allows for translation along the x-axis. The structure supporting the gear system is composed by two flanges parallel to each other and a rail type at the ground. In this fashion, we are able to achieve global control and maximum volume deployment by stretching and rotating any foldable surface; on one end being fixed to a flange and on the other to a kinetic system. Both of these models (the railing and gear systems)

Rail System 1 Diagrams of surface along rails, Configuration 1. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) plan when surface is closed Rail System 1.1 Model of surface along rails, Configuration 1. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) front elevation Rail System 2 Diagrams of surface along rails, Configuration 2. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) plan when surface is closed Rail System 2.1 Model of surface along rails, Configuration 2. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) front elevation

Gear Diagram Strategic diagram. From 1 input (action) into 2 outputs (effects)

Rail System 3 Diagrams of surface along rails, Configuration 3. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) plan when surface is closed

Gear System Gear system experiment for global control

Rail System 3.1 Model of surface along rails, Configuration 3. (a) plan when surface is deployed (b) front elevation

Gear System Sequence Different volumetric configurations by global control (a) -135o, (b) -90o (c) 0o (d) +90o (e) +135o




(b) Raill System 1

(b) Raill System 1.1



(b) Raill System 2.1

(b) Raill System 3.1



2 effects



Raill System 3


1 action


Raill System 2















Gear Diagram Gear System Sequence

Gear System 1 (a)






Assembly and scale change Proceeding from successful digital and physical model exercises, our goal here is to explore three different fabrication and assembly techniques. These are tested using a rigid origami method. Origami can be considered rigid origami when it utilizes rigid surfaces along side with joints. No folding is involved within this technique. Even though, we are now capable of local control, our next experiment activates a pattern from a global scale. However, our aim is to test an assembly method, which joins component elements through a taping technique.

MDF pattern 01 The first study model is assembled from a strategy where all elements share the same geometry. In turn, due to the simplicity of the pattern, the assembly process becomes simple and time efficient. 3mm MDF is used for the rigid surface panels, and 20mm reinforce tape is used as a joint type connecting one piece to the next. Once this pattern was assembled, one of the most important factors learned was the amount of force required to activate it. For instance, when the pattern was laying flat on the ground, it became almost impossible to fold up. Each element along the surface edges required an equal amount of force in order to engage it as a kinetic surface. Therefore, becoming even more difficult when being handled by only 3 people not being able to exert an even amount of force through out the surface. However, just past the initial kinetic mode, there was a quantifiable decrease in the amount of force required for the surface pattern to keep on contracting. This displacement occurs along the z-axis and x-axis simultaneously (see. stage 1 and stage and physical model sequence). From this exercise, we can conclude that once the surface becomes kinetic, it must never come back to “0� curvature and it must remain at number greater than zero in order to minimize the amount of force required for actuation.

Opening Sequence 1 Actuation direction of clusters of units



Assembly Sequence Assembly line of pattern 01. Material: MDF 3mm Joints: Reinforced tape 20mm (a) 36 identic units, (b) taped in pairs with reinforced tape, (c) 18 pairs of units, (d) taped in 9 clusters of mirrored pairs with reinforced tape, (e) 9 clusters of 4 units, (f) final resulting pattern. Dimensions of the flat surface: 90cm x 100cm

Opening Sequence 1

Stage 1: Flat Stage 1. Pattern is completely flat on the ground. To start activating it, the mountains (red lines) have to be pushed up simultaneously. Thick red arrows show big amount of force required to start activating the surface Stage 2; folded Stage 2. Instant after stage 1 when all the mountains are slightly pushed up. Thinner red arrows sow less amount of force required Physical Model Sequence Operation sequence_pattern 01. X and Y axes are dependent as we can see in the pictures; (a) initial flat stage: width: 90cm x length: 100cm, (b) 80cm x 98cm, (c) 70cm x 95,7cm, (d) 60cm x 93,5cm, (e) 50cm x 91,40cm, (f) 40cm x 89,25, (g) 30cm x 87cm, (20cm x 85cm


Assembly Sequence 1.

Stage 2: Folded

Stage 1: Flat









Physical Model Sequence


Assembly and scale change In order to ease the assembly process, we join component elements by taping them together. In this case, we utilize a 20mm reinforced tape. The tape is in turn replacing a rotational movement that otherwise would be possible by a hinging system. However, what becomes important is the sequence in which these pieces are group together to ease the assembly process. Each component is divided into 8 triangular pieces (see opening sequence). In this case, they are grouped into components and assembled as such.

gage its kinetic phase. Although, it works fairly well under tensile forces, it fails rather quickly under compression and torsion. Therefore, it is important to note that this technique is only applied for study models; these can only be kept for a short period of time.

Then, a component takes the shape of a square, and it is taped along its centre from two edges perpendicular to each other (see assembly sequence). Then, the component is flipped and the remaining pieces are taped in a similar fashion. Each pair of elements (see opening sequence) is able to rotate 180 degrees. Four pair of elements make up a component. This component type is then made up of four ridges and four valleys in the shape of triangles. As a component these triangular pairs are capable of expanding and contracting independently from its neighboured pairs.

Stage 1: Flat

The rotational freedom from one element pair allows for local control within a component. Therefore, gaining local control over an entire surface area.

MDF pattern 06

Based on our exercises thus far, we apply our most successful pattern design into the making of this prototype. Therefore, once again, allowing us to gain local control over a single surface. In contrast to the previous model, this prototype requires only one more geometrical element type than its successor. However, it still remains fairly simple with only two different geometrical shapes; one square and one triangle. Here, the same materials are also used; a 3mm MDF as the rigid surface and a 20mm reinforce tape as the joint.

Stage 2: Folded

As simple as this component is in its geometrical shape, and as easy it is to assemble, it only has one disadvantage. This disadvantage comes in terms of fabrication time. Due to the great number of elements that make up a single component which in turn must be multiplied in order to populate a surface, then, fabrication time becomes very consuming. (see assembly sequence) It is also important to note, that as in the previous study model, this prototype must never be set flat. In return,this will decrease the amount of force required needed in order to en-

Physical Model


18 square units

18 square units



144 triangular units

72 clusters of 2 units




x 72

18 square units

+ 36 clusters of 4 units



x 36


x 16 Assembly Sequence

x 18

x 16

x4 Opening Sequence 1

Stage 1: Flat Stage 1. Pattern is completely flat on the ground. To start activating it, the mountains (red lines) have to be pushed up simultaneously. Thick red arrows show big amount of force required to start activating the surface Stage 2: Folded Stage 2. Instant after stage 1 when all the mountains are slightly pushed up. Thinner red arrows sow less amount of force required Physical model Pattern fully folded

Assembly Sequence Assembly line of pattern 06. Material: MDF 3mm Joints: Reinforced tape 20mm (a) 18 squared units + 144 triangular units, (b) taping triangles in pairs to form 72 squares, (c) 18 squared units + 72 pairs of triangular units, (d) taping the pairs of triangles mirrored with the tape on the other side of the surface to get 36 clusters of 4 triangular units, (e) 18 squared units + 36 clusters of 4 triangular units, (f) taping these 36 clusters mirrored and with the tape on the same side of the surface resulting in 16 squares of 8 triangular units. The final surface when flat is 150cm x 150cm Opening Sequence Actuation direction of the different clusters of units


Surface Test Three sets of surfaces are tested with the new population technique. Each set contains two surfaces that will transform from one to the other. Due to irregularity of the surface, each individual elements are unique from each other.

Test Surface 1


Test Surface 2

Test Surface 3


Material Analysis Karamba is a finite element analysis module within Grasshopper and fully parametrizable. “Karamba is a work in progress. Although being tested thoroughly it probably contains errors – therefore no guarantee can be given that Karamba computes correct results. Use of Karamba is entirely at your own risk. Please read the licence agreement that comes with Karamba in case of further questions.”

MATERIAL INVESTIGATION Steel, Aluminium, Wood Bridge Diagram


sp m. an

In regards to structural performance, we have broken down our investigation into two main categories. The first category compares steel, aluminium and wood, and the second category singles out the most efficient material for further study.

Thus far, our investigation only covers structural integrity under gravity loads. However, we are able to analyse structural displacement in order to compare and contrast 3 main materials based on their profile depth. In this instance, we are testing steel (fig 5.14), aluminium (5.16), and wood (fig 5.18). Effectively, the structure of the proposed bridge is divided into 2 groups. The primary structure constituting of a truss system, and the secondary structure divided into two sets of linear actuators; one at the bottom of the truss frame and another one located at the top of truss respectively (see fig. 5.57 pg 154). Then, the goal in this exercise is to analyse all structural components with respect to material depth (height) and material thickness. In this case, identical material properties have been applied to the truss system (primary structure) and both sets of linear actuators (secondary structure). Three different materials (steel, aluminium, wood) are tested and evaluated against each other. For these tests, the inputs taken into consideration are gravity and the material’s self weight. Under these loads, we considered the Material Displacement as the main method for evaluation. Simply, we compare and contrast the results between steel, aluminium and wood, and proceed with the material displaying the least Material Displacement. In this case, we will proceed our investigation with Steel. Results for Steel (see test 01 - 02). Results for Aluminium (see test 03 - 04). Results for Wood (see test 05 -06).

structural member depth (cm)


. m 5 1. idth

The following studies make use of Karamba. This tool becomes essential as it allows for a constant study of structural performance throughout the design evolution. In this case, the bridge design is analysed at two stages; first as a pedestrian bridge at “0” curvature and second, as it becomes kinetic at its “maximum” curvature which allows passage to the boats in the canal.









max. displacement (m) Displacement Graph


karamba_manual_0.9.06. pdf (http://twl.uni-ak.ac.at/ karamba/)

Bridge Graph Geometry of the bridge Displacement Graph Maximum displacements of the strcture for different materials

Test 03 Displacement of the structure in Aluminum_position 1 Test 04 Displacement of the structure in Wood_position 1

Test 01 Displacement of the structure in Steel_position 1

Test 05 Displacement of the structure in Aluminum_position 2

Test 02 Displacement of the structure in Steel_position 2

Test 06 Displacement of the structure in Wood_position 2

183 Displacement in Steel “0” curvature MEMBER TYPE


Displacement in Aluminum “0” curvature MEMBER TYPE


Displacement in Wood “0” curvature MEMBER TYPE








Top Actuator


Top Actuator


Top Actuator


Bottom Actuator


Bottom Actuator


Bottom Actuator


F1 = Gravity

F1 = Gravity

Deformation under gravity

Test 01

Deformation under gravity

Test 03

Displacement in Steel “max” curvature MEMBER DEPTH

Displacement in Aluminium “max” curvature MEMBER TYPE

Test 05

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Max. Displacement

Max. Displacement


F1 = Gravity


Displacement in Wood “max” curvature MEMBER TYPE








Top Actuator


Top Actuator


Top Actuator


Bottom Actuator


Bottom Actuator


Bottom Actuator


F1 = Gravity

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

F1 = Gravity

Test 02

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

F1 = Gravity

Test 04

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Test 06


Structural Analysis It is imperative to mention that the structural studies carried out in these exercises entail a none kinetic structure. Further analysis is required to test the properties from Air Bag Actuators in relation to the proposed kinematic structure.


Continuing from the previous structural analysis, we move forward with the application of steel as the main structural material.

Top Actuator

However, the goal in this exercise is to break down all structural components, and analyse their interaction with respect to the structural design as a whole. Simultaneously, this analysis is carried out in relation to different material depths (height) and material thickness for each component within the structural frame.

Primary Frame

Bottom Actuator

In other words, the aim is to generate an adequate combination of structural elements exhibiting different characteristics depending on the forces exerted from one element to the next. After several iteration, the best combination found was when lower and bottom actuator share the same material properties.

Struc. Members Diagram

For further exploration, Galapagos; an evolutionary computing software may be used as a solver to finding different thickness combination of members to get the smallest displacement in relation to the total weight of the structure. STRUCTURAL COMPONENT DEPTH BY TYPE

Struc. Members Diagram Identification of the members within the system Struc. Components TableStructural component types for the different tests Test 01 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type A_position 1 Test 02 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type A_position 2 Test 03 Displacement of the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type B_position 1

Test 04 Displacement of the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type C_position 1 Test 05 Displacement of the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type B_position 2 Test 06 Displacement of the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type C_position 2

Type A

Type B

Type C

Type D

Type E

Primary Frame (depth)






Top Actuator (depth)






Bottom Actuator (depth)






Struc. Components Table


Displacement in “0” curvature

Displacement in “0” curvature

Structural Component TYPE A (see Fig. 5.18)

Structural Component TYPE B (see Fig. 5.18)

F1 = Gravity

F1 = Gravity

Deformation under gravity

Test 01

Max. Displacement

Structural Component TYPE A (see Fig. 5.18)

F1 = Gravity

Test 03

Displacement in “max” curvature

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Test 05

Displacement in “max” curvature Structural Component TYPE C (see Fig. 5.18)

F1 = Gravity

Test 02

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Structural Component TYPE B (see Fig. 5.18)

F1 = Gravity

Max. Displacement

Structural Component TYPE C (see Fig. 5.18)

Max. Displacement

Displacement in “max” curvature

Deformation under gravity

Deformation under gravity

Displacement in “0” curvature

F1 = Gravity

Test 04

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Test 06


Displacement in “0” curvature

Displacement in “0” curvature

Structural Component TYPE D (components table)

Structural Component TYPE E (see. components table)

F1 = Gravity

Deformation under gravity

F1 = Gravity

Test 01

Max. Displacement

Test 01 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type D_position 1

Deformation under gravity

Max. Displacement

Displacement in “max” curvature

Displacement in “max” curvature

Structural Component TYPE D (see Fig. 5.18)

Structural Component TYPE E (see Fig. 5.18)

Test 02 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type E_position 1

Test 03

F1 = Gravity

F1 = Gravity

Test 03 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type D_position 2 Test 04 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type E_position 2

Deformation under gravity

Test 02

Deformation under gravity

Graph 01 Compariton of max. displacement among types A to E_position 2 Graph 02 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type C_position 2 Graph 03Compariton of max. displacement among types A to E_ position 1 Graph 04 Displacement diagram for the structure in Steel when the depths of the members are as Type C_position 1

Max. Displacement

Max. Displacement

Test 04

Type E Type D

max. displacement (m.)

structural member depth by Type


Type C

.104166 .104166

Type B

type D

.086424 .086424

type C

.072071 .072071





max. displacement (m.)

.104166 Graph 01

type B type A

4 6m. m.

span (m) span

Max. displacement at “0” curvature

Graph 03

Type E Type D

max. displacement (m.)

structural member depth by Type

.096695 .096695 .078627 .78627

Type A

type E

Type C Type B

Type A




max. displacement (m.)


.241619 .104166

type E

.225224 .096695

type D

.222358 .086424

type C

.208262 .78627

type B

.195124 .072071

type A

.241619 Graph 02

4 6m. m.

span (m) span

Max. displacement at “0” curvature

Graph 04

The graphs shown above compare and contrast max. displacement with respect the span and structural member depth within the bridge design.


Foundation In mechanics, Kinematics and Degrees of Freedom complement each other. On one hand, Kinematics refers to the study of motion over time, and on the other, Degrees of Freedom (DOF) refer to the application of a coordinate system (x,y,z) not only to describe motion, but also for the production of and understanding of movable machines.

COMPONENT DOF TYPES At hinges = XR At ground = ZT


Degrees of Freedom are then divided into two categories, “Rotation and Translation”, each one of them corresponding to their own axis and subdivided into 3 movement types.

steel plate

In our case, we utilize this concept in order to understand and catalogue the various types of geometry displacement within the proposed kinetic system, mainly for the design of hinges and joint types depending on different location or position of the anchor points on the system. Points on the lower corners need different degrees of freedom than the top corner.

anchor bolts concrete pedestal steel clip


With this technique, we have broken down a single component into 3 combination types. The first one refers to the component itself, while the other two types correspond to the coupling of two elements hinged together, and one last type corresponding to a single element.

At Joint DOF = YR steel rod onto hinge steel clip

The component type is the most versatile unit, allowing for both translation and rotation axis. It is simply divided into 4 elements hinged together capable of rotating at an “x,y,z-axis”. However, enabling a total displacement of 6 degrees of freedom due to the joint at ground level, allowing for a translation movement in the z-axis, and also due to linear actuators at each pair of elements allowing for translation at x-y axis.

concrete pedestal anchor bolts steel plate


The second type corresponds to two elements hinged together allowing 4 degrees of freedom. One degree of rotation in the Y-axis, and another rotational degree of freedom in the X-axis, which as a result of coupling the two, we gain two new degrees of freedom as a translation movement in X and Y axis.

steel rod onto hinge steel clip concrete pedestal anchor bolts steel plate

The last type degree of freedom is simply a single element hinged at the ground allowing translation in the X-axis.

Type A

Component / Element Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) Z




X Axis = XR

X Axis = XT ZR

Y Axis = YR


Z Axis = ZR XR

Y Axis = YT Z Axis = ZT








Element Pair DOF Types


At hinges = XR

At hinges = XR

At ground = ZT

At ground = ZT



conc. pedestal steel plate

steel clip steel plate

steel tube

joint to pivot gusset plate anchor bolts


At Joint DOF = XR

steel clip joint to pivot


At Joint DOF = XR

At Joint DOF = XR steel clip

steel clip joint to pivot

joint to pivot at steel tube

gusset plate

conc. pedestal

steel plate anchor bolts FRONT VIEW


At Joint DOF = XR steel clip joint to pivot

steel clip

gusset plate

joint to pivot at steel tube

steel plate

conc. pedestal

anchor bolts Type B

Type C


Foundation All points of foundation are diagrammed with six degree of freedom. These are three degree of rotations and three degree of translations; each to the x, y, and z axis. Different foundation types will be needed based on different location or position of the points on the system. Points on the lower corners of the system might need different degrees of freedom than the top corners or the middle sections of the system.

Truss Diagram Linear Actuator in compression & tension

DOF = YT Truss Joint DOF = YT Truss Member DOF = XR

Truss Joint DOF = XR



Mechanical Arm DOF = XR

Anchor Bolts

Linear Actuator DOF = YT

Steel Plate Gusset Plate


Mechanical Arm DOF = XR Linear Actuator DOF = YT

Gusset Plate Anchor Bolts Steel Plate NOTE: mechanical arm at foundation responding to linear actuators at bridge


Anchor Bolts Mechanical Arm DOF = XR

Steel Plate

Profile View

Gusset Plate

Linear Actuator DOF = YT Front View


Physical Load Tests Three different matrices are being tested. These matrices are combinations of; fiber glass, fiber glass and scrim, and scrim. To resist torsion on the plate, we add thickness to the material by adding MDF core (this can be replaces by any light material like foam). Loads are then applied on these matrices to find the deflection number. Using the formulas below, we are able to calculate the Young’s Modulus for further digital test.



64bh d

(11 + 8S)


= Load = Span = width = Thickness = Deflection at center = Corretion Factor for shear

S = E G

UNITS (Newtons) (millimeters) (millimeters) (millimeters) (millimeters)





3h (E)


2l (G)





Forced applied in Newtons

Deflection (mm)





1.91328 E + 12




1.5564 E + 12




1.42097 E + 12

Force applied (Newtons / kg.)

P l b h d S

Force applied (Newtons)

Young Modulus of Elasticity - from 4 point bending

245N / 25kg 196N /20kg 147N / 15kg 98N / 10kg 49N / 5kg



Fiber Compostite Makeup: Experiments

a. b. c.

Test 01 a. Resin b. Fiber Glass (2 layer) c. Core


b. 6ml. MDF core c. Fiber Glass

Test 02

Test 03

a. Resin b. Fiber Glass (1 layer) Scrim (1 layer) c. Core

a. Resin b. Scrim (2 layer) c. Core


Test 3: Glass Fiber P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor for shear E = Young's Modulus (MPa)

245.166 420 100 8.09 24 0.001669594

245.166 420 100 8.62 19.3 0.00189552

Test 3: Glass Fibe

49 98 142 186 245

4.6 9.3 15 20.5 25

P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor fo E = Young's Modulus (

Force (N)

Deflection (mm)

Test 2 : Scrim Fibe

49 98 142 186 245 294

5 8 11.4 17 21.7 25

P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor fo E = Young's Modulus (M

Deflection (mm)

Test 1: Scrim Fibe


Test 1: Scrim Fiber P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor for shear E = Young's Modulus (MPa)

Deflection (mm)


Test 2 : Scrim Fiber + Glass Fiber P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor for shear E = Young's Modulus (MPa)

Force (N)

Density Force (N) 245.166 420 100 9.77 15.7 0.002435023


49 Length (m) 98 Width (m) 142 Thick (m) Volume (m^3) 186 Gravity (m/s^2)245 Weight (kg) 294 343 Mass (N) Density (kg/m^3) Density (T/mm^3)

3 6.43 10 13 16.5 20 25

0.42P= Load (Newton) 0.1l = Span (mm) 0.01b= width (mm) 0.00042h= Thickness (mm) 9.81Deflection (mm) 0.3S = correction Factor fo 0.03058104E = Young's Modulus ( 714.2857143 7.14286E+14


Material Testing Each matrix are being load tested. Information are extracted to find the Young’s Modulus and material density of each composition. Later, this information is being used as an input for digital load test (using Strand7) on a larger element. In this case, an element of 240cm by 80 cm is being tested with each material properties of, scrim composite, glass composite, and scrim+glass composite. The result show a large deflection under 4 x 800N load. 4 x 800N load is equivalent to the weight of 4 people. From this point, we then go back and study material density and Young’s Modulus to run a further test (next page).

ection (mm) 3 6.43 10 13 16.5 20 25

Test 1: Scrim Fiber P= Load (Newton) l = Span (mm) b= width (mm) h= Thickness (mm) Deflection (mm) S = correction Factor for shear E = Young's Modulus (MPa)

Density 245.166 420 100 9.77 15.7 0.002435023


Length (m) Width (m) Thick (m) Volume (m^3) Gravity (m/s^2) Weight (kg) Mass (N) Density (kg/m^3) Density (T/mm^3)

0.42 0.1 0.01 0.00042 9.81 0.3 0.03058104 714.2857143 7.14286E+14


Material Calibration Looking at Anders Thygesen’s report, the strength of material composite is largely based on the precision mix of resin and fiber. The suggested mix is 40%resin and 60% fiber. When this is achieved, the maximum potential density is 1.136g/ cm3. We then go back to Strand7 and calculate the deflection using this new density property. Same plate dimension is being used (240cm by 80cm). As result, 5mm material thickness will only deflect 0.2115mm while 15mm material will deflect 0.0078mm.

Length (mm)

Width (mm)



Force (N)

Max Deflection (mm)

8 x 350


Depth (mm) 5

Density (g/cm3) 1.136

Length (mm)

Width (mm)

Depth (mm)




Force (N)

Max Deflection (mm)

8 x 350


Density (g/cm3) 1.136

Length (mm)

Width (mm)

Depth (mm)




Force (N)

Max Deflection (mm)

8 x 350


Density (g/cm3) 1.136


Bibliography References&


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Sterk, Tristan. ‘Building Upon Negroponte: A Hybridized Model Of Control Suitable For Responsive Architecture’ eCAADe 21, p.406-414. Austria. 2003. Sterk, Tristan. ‘Shape Control In Responsive Architectural Structures – Current Reasons & Challenges’ 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring. The School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, Canada. 2006. Sterk, Tristan. ‘Using Actuated Tensegrity Structures to Produce A Responsive Architecture’ ACADIA 22: Connecting Crossroads of Digital Discourse, p.84-93. The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, USA. 2003. British Waterways London. Boating in London. British Waterways London. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <www. britishwaterways.co.uk>. Fulmer, Michael S. “Compounding and Processing Additives for Woodfiber-Plastic Composites.” Proc. of International Conference on WoodFiber-Plastic Composites, Madison, Wisconsin. 28 May 1999. Web. 03 Jan. 2012. Hinte, Ed Van. Smart Architecture. Rotterdam: 010, 2003. Print. Misra, M., A. K. Mohanty, L. T. Drzal, and M. S. Huda. “Wood Fiber Reinforced Poly(lactic Acid) Composites.” Proc. of SPE Automotive Composites Conference, Michigan, Troy. Web. 03 Jan. 2012.

Lim, Joseph. Eccentric structures in architecture. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2010.

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Schumacher, Michael, Oliver Schaeffer, and Michael Vogt. Move: architecture in motion : dynamic components and elements. Boston,MA: Birkhaeuser,2010

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Truco, Jordi. PARA-Site:Time Based Formations Through Material Inteligence. Barcelona, Spain: ELISAVA, 2011.

Thygesen, Anders. “Properties of Hemp Fibre Polymer Composites.” Diss. University of Denmark (RIS), 2006. The Danish Research Agency of the Ministry of Science. Web. 24 Dec. 2011.

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Illustrative References

Fig. 1.01 Images of the operation sequence Retrieved from: http://www.werkraumwien.at/index.php/ recent.html Fig. 1.02 Roof actuators and railing system on the rooftop Retrieved from: Dominique Perrault Architecture España ©Georges Fessy/DPA ADGAP y los dos esquemas © DPA ADGAP Fig. 1.03 Different plans in Gary Chang’s apartment Retrieved from: http://www.edge.hk.com/en/index.php Fig. 1.04 Images of the operation sequence Retrieved from: http://www.heatherwick.com/ Fig. 1.05 Components sequence throughout the day. Retrieved from: http://www.hoberman.com Fig. 1.06 Different stages of Achim Menge’s Responsive Surface Retrieved from: http://www.achimmenges.net/?cat=236 Fig. 1.07 Detail of the façade mechanism Retrieved from: http://aclearglimmer.wordpress. com20110423arab-world-institute Fig. 1.08 Adrew Payne’s Air flower wall Retrieved from: http://www.arch.columbia.edu/imagegallary/ gallery/sfmoma-gsapp-alumni-reception-alumni-images Fig. 2.01 “Deployability”_Sabin+Jones Labstudio Retrieved from: http://www.sabin-jones.com/special%20 projects_Surface%20Design.html Fig. 2.02 Tristan D’Estree Sterk’s research prototypes Retrieved from: http://www.orambra.com/

Fig. 2.03 Jordi Truco’s PARA-site” Retrieved from: http://ma-s-lab.blogspot.com/ Fig. 2.04 Jaw toggle & Swage 38BC-TS-5811_Blair Corporation Retrieved from: http://www.blairwirerope.com/ Fig. 2.05 Rod & Swage 38BC-RS-5811_Blair Corporation Retrieved from: http://www.blairwirerope.com/ Fig. 2.06 Standard cylinder DSNU 20-25_FESTO Retrieved from: http://www.festo.com/net/startpage/ Fig. 2.07 Standard cylinder DSNUP ISO 6431_FESTO Retrieved from: http://www.festo.com/net/startpage/ Fig. 2.08 LA28 Electric Linear Actuator LINAK Group Retrieved from: http://www.linak.com/ Fig. 2.09 LA30 Electric Linear Actuator LINAK Group Retrieved from: http://www.linak.com/ Fig. 2.10 Relaxed pneumatic air muscle Shadow Robot Company Retrieved from: http://www.shadowrobot.com/ Fig. 2.11 Activated pneumatic air muscle Shadow Robot Company Retrieved from: http://www.shadowrobot.com/


Fig. 2.12 Memory Alloy wire Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape-memory_ alloy Fig. 2.13 Alloy Muscle prototype Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/site/artificialmuscle/ ann-try Fig. 2.14 Giga vent J. Orbesen Teknik ApS Retrieved from: http://shop.greenhouse-vent-opener.com/ shop/frontpage.html Fig. 2.15 Optivent J. Orbesen Teknik ApS Retrieved from: http://shop.greenhouse-vent-opener.com/ shop/frontpage.html Fig. 2.16 Reaction of the polymer gel in water Retrieved from: http://www.mindsetsonline.co.uk/product_ info.php?cPath= 18_ 177&products_id=1404 Fig. 4.01 Prototype actuation sequences. Retrieved from: Photographed by Sebastian Partowidjojo Fig. 5.01 Barrel Hinge Retrieved from: File:Hamburgerpaumelle.JPG


Fig. 5.02 Flexible Hinges Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mint_box_ polypropylene_lid.JPG Fig. 5.03 Assembly Process 1 Retrieved from: Photographed by Sebastian Partowidjojo

Fig. 5.04 Assembly Process 2 Retrieved from: Photographed by Sebastian Partowidjojo Fig. 5.05 Composite Steps Retrieved from: Photographed by Cesar Martinez Fig. 5.06 Wood PLA Composite Retrieved from: http://www.tradekey.com/product_view/ id/1806068.htm Fig. 5.07 Fiber Composite Sheet Retrieved from: http://www.boningroup.com/BRShops/homedecorators-collection.php Fig. 5.08 PLA Composite Properties Retrieved from: http://www.speautomotive.com/SPEA_CD/ SPEA2005/pdf/h/h5.pdf Fig. 5.09 Fiber Composite Properties Based on Fiber Types Retrieved from: http://www.fao.org/es/esc/common/ecg/554/ en/Natural_Fibre_Composites_vF.pdf Fig. 5.10 Satellite site photograph of Mile End Park Retrieved from: http://maps.google.co.uk/ Fig. 5.11 – 5.13 Site Photos Retrieved from: Photographed by Sebastian Partowidjojo



Sebastian Partowidjojo was born in Surabaya, Indonesia in 1983. He moved to Portland, Oregon in 1998. Due to high doses of monosodium glutamate (MSG) contained in salted-pepper squid from Tien Hong, he never made it through high school. Dropping out from high school, Sebastian attended Portland Community College and soon transferred to New York to pursue his architecture career. Only here in New York he realized the necessity of MSG and caffeine to stimulate and tickle his creative brain. Most all-nighters are fuelled by chicken and rice from 5th Street and 6th Avenue and also multiple stops to the next door Starbucks. However, a few healthy food from Wholefood and Jamba Juice always freshen up his day. In 2008, he graduated with Cum Laude in Bachelor of Architecture from New York Institute of Technology. Not too long after completing his undergraduate degree, Sebastian moved back to Indonesia and live there for one year with his family. He seems to enjoys the relaxing live style and the variety of sea food that is offered in every corner of the street. Some might give you a bad stomach-ache and others will leave a smile on your face when you go to bed at night. With the full support from his family, friends, supervisors and previous tutors, Sebastian made it into the Emergent Technologies and Design at the Architectural Association in London. After three paragraphs, it feels awkward to write about myself and use Sebastian to refer to as a third person. The point of this page is for me to give thank to my father, my mother, my sister, my brother, all of my cousins, some of my friends, flatmates, ladies from the dinning room, Mick the bartender, the guy who sells hog with apple sauce sandwich at the Broadway Market, and also my girlfriend... please pick up my phone. In addition, Cesar and I would like to give special thanks to : Mike Weinstock, George Jeronimidis, Toni Kotnik, Wolf Mangelsdorf, Christina Doumpioti, Suryansh Chandra, all the guest critics for Emtech, my teammates, and all Emtechers...it has been a terrific year! And most importantly to all readers and examiners! I hope you enjoyed reading the book! Sebastian Partowidjojo s_partowidjojo@yahoo.com

I would like to thank my dear parents Miriam and Charles for their constant and complete support. I would also like to give thanks to my siblings for their encouragement.

Cesar H. Martinez

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