22 - 23 April 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel , Kuwait www.spatialco.com/bcp
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INTRODUCTION Business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning are fundamental to the wellbeing of an organization. Clearly, they are intended to ensure continuity in the face of unforseen or difficult circumstances. The demand for BCP has never been greater, whether driven by the need to manage crises more effectively or to provide assurance that your organization is a reliable business partner to key stakeholders. With ever increasing global complexity causing headaches for business leaders and policy makers alike, BCP provides a unique perspective to support better decision making about risk and uncertainty. Join fellow practitioners this November to learn and share and to strengthen the voice of BCP. Hence, Kuwait BCP Conference will be organized during the period 22 – 23 April 2013 as the premier event in Kuwait to provide value for all levels of business continuity professionals offering extensive, educational seminar program across the two days. The Conference aims to create a forum wherein different industries comes together and share their BCP & IT DR issues and what are the various solutions, tools and technology available for the same. This conference will also facilitate a good networking and information sharing opportunity within various stake holders. USP of the event being interactive discussions, case studies and technology demonstration so that there is a huge knowledge take away for BCP professionals who can then use the same and implement within their own organizations. The Conference brings together business continuity, disaster recovery, emergency management, security and legal professionals and executives from multiple industries and government organizations.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • Heads of Emergency Management • Business Continuity Managers, Specialists & Coordinators • Directors and Senior Executives • Business Continuity and Risk Consultants • Operational Managers • Risk Managers
CONFERENCE TOPICS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
BCP Policy and Program Management Embedding Business Continuity Management within the Organization›s Culture Understanding your Organization Determining Business Continuity Management Strategies Developing and Implementing a BCP Response Exercising, Maintenance and Review The Latest Business Continuity Management Techniques Emerging Business Continuity Regulations Telecommuting Strategies and Challenges Emergency Notification Systems Business Continuity Reporting Concepts BCP and Dependencies on Other Critical Infrastructures Business Continuity Practices Roundtables Measuring Resilience Cyber Security Threats and Trends Business Continuity Case Studies
CALL FOR PAPERS Do you have experience and expertise that could benefit your colleagues? Why not share them and get recognition from your colleagues - as a presenter at any of Spatial conferences ? Spatial provides hundreds of speaking opportunities. Abstract & Bio submission: • Two months prior to the conference date. Submission of Power Point presentation: • Two Weeks prior to the conference date. Submission Guidelines: The submitted abstract should not exceed one-page long; single-space with font size 14, font type Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri. The following is the criteria of evaluation of abstracts: • Must have a well-defined focus within one of the Conference categories. • Should be original. • Should be relevant to a business and administration audience. • Must show examples, practical applications, cause and effect, case studies. • A short bio (up to 100 words) of the presenter should be sent along with the abstract. • Those selected as speakers must submit a PowerPoint presentation. • All presentations of the selected presenters shall be made available on the Conference website.
SPONSORSHIP Sponsoring or exhibiting is a cost effective and invaluable tool to help deliver your technology and services to the key industry decision makers. Expand your product or service awareness and connect with your customers. Join us as an exhibitor and sponsor and benefit from the elite group of Spatial Conferences attendees. SPONSOR Benefits:
A speaker slot for company›s representative to cover company services/products, etc. 12 Complimentary delegate registrations for the Conference. Prime coverage of your sponsorship in all press releases. Company logo displayed on the backdrop of the Conference room. Company logo and prime coverage in the conference website and flyer. Distribution of Company brochures, products, etc. during the event. Table Top Exhibition.
Sponsorship Value: KD. 3000
Exhibition Value ( Table Top ) : KD. 500
Registration Form