22 – 24 APRIL 2013 - KUWAIT Holiday Inn Kuwait - Salmiya
TL. Information Technology Planning, Corporate Information Technology Group, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) Eng. Qusai Al-Shatti Deputy Director General for Information Technology - Kuwait
Ian Charters, FBCI
Independent Consultant, Continuity Systems Ltd, UK
Chris Green FBCI MSc
Former Chair of the BCI
Abdul Aziz Al-Duaij
Computer Operation and Administration Team Leader, KNPC
Muhammad Ghazali
Associate Director, Protiviti, Member Firm Middle East
Dr. Hans Christoph Capellaro
Director, MENA Information Security Advisory Services, Ernst & Young Kuwait, Al Aiban, Al Osaimi & Partners
Mohammed Al-Shammari
Snr Systems Analyst , Corporate Information Technology Group, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
Organized by:
Endorsed by:
Dr. Wolfgang Mahr MBCI, CISA
CEO, governance & continuuuity gmbh
Nisar (Ahmed) Khan - MBCI (CBCI) The BCI Kuwait Forum
Mehdi Naseeruddin
Group Lead, Business Continuity Management Enterprise Risk Management Department Maaden
Tamer Charife, CISA, ISO27001 LA/LI
Manager, Enterprise Risk Services, Business Continuity and Information Security Specialist, Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)
Lead IT Auditor Corporate Internal Audit MD Office at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation(KPC)
Senthil Kumar
Regional Managing Director, Protiviti Member Firm Middle East
Bandar Al-Otaibi
Group lead for Saudi Aramco EXPEC Computer Center Business Continuity group
Knowledge Par tner:
INTRODUCTION Business Continuity Planning and disaster recovery planning are fundamental to the wellbeing of an organization. Clearly, they are intended to ensure continuity in the face of unforseen or difficult circumstances. The demand for BCP has never been greater, whether driven by the need to manage crises more effectively or to provide assurance that your organization is a reliable business partner to key stakeholders. With ever increasing global complexity causing headaches for business leaders and policy makers alike, BCP provides a unique perspective to support better decision making about risk and uncertainty. Join fellow practitioners this April to learn and share and to strengthen the voice of BCP. Hence, Kuwait Business Continuity Conference will be organized during the period 22 – 24 April 2013 as the premier event in Kuwait to provide value for all levels of business continuity professionals offering extensive, educational seminar program across the two days. The Conference aims to create a forum wherein different industries comes together and share their BCP issues and what are the various solutions, tools and technology available for the same. This conference will also facilitate a good networking and information sharing opportunity within various stake holders. USP of the event being interactive discussions, case studies and technology demonstration so that there is a huge knowledge take away for BCP professionals who can then use the same and implement within their own organizations. The Conference brings together business continuity, disaster recovery, emergency management, security and legal professionals and executives from multiple industries and government organizations.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • Heads of Emergency Management • Business Continuity Managers, Specialists & Coordinators • Directors and Senior Executives • Business Continuity and Risk Consultants • Operational Managers • Risk Managers
CONFERENCE TOPICS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
BCP Policy and Program Management Embedding Business Continuity Management within the Organization›s Culture Understanding your Organization Determining Business Continuity Management Strategies Developing and Implementing a BCP Response Exercising, Maintenance and Review The Latest Business Continuity Management Techniques Emerging Business Continuity Regulations Telecommuting Strategies and Challenges Emergency Notification Systems Business Continuity Reporting Concepts BCP and Dependencies on Other Critical Infrastructures Business Continuity Practices Roundtables Measuring Resilience Cyber Security Threats and Trends Business Continuity Case Studies
MASTERCLASS: EMBEDDING BCM IN THE ORGANIZATION - 24th APRIL 2013 The successful implementation of a sustainable BCM programme and the effectiveness of the response to an incident may depend on changing the culture of the organization. To gain maximum benefit from the BCM programme, it is necessary to ensure BC is seen as an integral part of the way things are normally done rather than as a separate activity. It is also important to ensure that individuals accept that BC is part of their responsibility and not just something done by BC professionals.» The Business Continuity Institute›s Good Practice Guidelines. This one day course will give the participant practical experience in the development and implementation of a programme to embed business continuity in their organisation.
A series of exercises will explore the key questions: 3 What am I trying to achieve by embedding business continuity? 3 What are the elements that make up an embedding programme? 3 What resources do I need? How do I schedule the events? 3 How do I make use of consultants? 3 How do I argue for funding? 3 How do I convince top management to become involved? The outputs from the sessions will include: 3 A draft programme timetable integrated with other BCM activities 3 One or more outlines of awareness events 3 A schedule for event resources 3 A presentation to top management on the benefits of BCM
Ian Charters, FBCI Continuity Systems Limited
Participants will work in small groups within the context of a case study organisation to prepare a deliverable programme, design some of its constituent events and put the case to top management. They will leave with lots of ideas and the techniques to put them into practice within their own organisations.
BIOGRAPHY IAN CHARTERS, FBCI Ian has specialized in Business Continuity Management for more than 15 years. He is one of the contributing authors of The BCI Good Practice Guidelines (GPG) 2013. The GPG is the current body of knowledge for the BC profession and is most comprehensive and independent view of current thinking in the subject and is written by real-world experts. He is a specialist in all aspects of Business Continuity Management with a client profile covering many sectors and organization sizes. He is a skilled training presenter and has delivered courses in the UK and the Middle and Far East. He was accepted as a Member of the Business Continuity Institute in 1997, elected a Fellow in 2004 and served as a Board member 2001-7. He is a member of BSI›s BCM/1 Committee and is appointed as a UK expert to ISO TC223 which published the new International BCM Standards ISO 22301 Requirements and 22313 Guidance. He is a regular speaker at the BCM World Conference.
Session i ( 09:00 - 10:30) 08:00 - 09:00
9:00 - 09:30
Team Leader Information Technology Planning, Corporate Information Technology Group,Kuwait Oil Company
Dr. Jamal Al-Enezi Topic: "BCM in Oil & Gas – Success Factors”
Ian Charters, FBCI 09:30 -10:00
Director at Continuity System Ltd. Topic: "Developing an Embedding programme for your organisation"
Mohammed Al-Shammari 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Sr. System Analyst, IT Operations Team, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) Topic: “Ensuring Continuity of Critical IT Services Based On Cloud Infrastructure”
Cofee Break
Session ii ( 11:00 - 12:30) Chris Green, FBCI MSc 11:00 - 11:30
Former Chairman of the Business Continuity Institute - UK Topic: "Measuring Business Continuity Programs".
Muhammad Ghazali - MBCI 11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
Associate Director, Head of BCM Consulting - Protiviti Member Firm Middle East Topic: "ISO 22301, the First Ever ISO Standard for BCM."
Panel Discussion - Seeking Management Commitment Moderated by Ian Charters
12:30 - 13:00
Prayer Break
Session iii ( 13:00 - 14:30) Tamer Charife, CISA, ISO27001 LA/LI 13:00 - 13:30
Manager, Enterprise Risk Services, Business Continuity and Information Security Specialist, Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)
Topic: "Continuity of Operations (COOP)"
Mehdi Naseeruddin 13:30 - 14:00
Group Lead, Business Continuity Management - Enterprise Risk Management Department Maaden, KSA
Topic: "Building a Culture of Recoverability"
Bandar Al-Otaibi 14:00 - 14:30
Group lead for Saudi Aramco EXPEC Computer Center Business Continuity group Topic: " Saudi Aramco EXPEC Computer Center journey with Business Continuity" Day One Closing Brief by Chris Green
Session iv ( 09:00 - 10:30) 08:00 - 09:00
Registration Abdul Aziz Al-Duaij
9:00 - 09:30
Computer Operation and Administration Team Leader, Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) Topic : "KNPC IT Notification System"
Qusai Al-Shatti 9:00 - 09:30
Deputy Director, General Information Technology - Kuwait Topic: "Orienting IT Security toward building Trust in Cyperspace"
Dr. Hans Christoph Capellaro 10:00 - 10:30
Director, MENA Information Security Advisory Services, Ernst & Young Kuwait Topic: "Business Continuity Considerations for Data Centers"
10:30 - 11:00
Cofee Break
Session v ( 11:00 - 12:30) Dr. Wolfgang Mahr, MBCI, CISA 11:00 - 11:30
CEO, Governance & Continity gmbh Topic: “BCM for Small and Medium Enterprises "
Tareq Mahmoud, MBA, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC, MBCI 11:30 - 12:00
Lead IT Auditor Corporate Internal Audit MD Office at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation(KPC) Topic: "Auditing Business Continuity Management"
12:00 - 12:30
Panel Discussion - Aligning BCM Programs with International Standards & Best Practices Moderated by Senthil Kumar - Regional Managing Director, Protiviti Member Firm Middle East
12:30 - 13:00
Prayer Break Nisar Ahmed Khan, MS-IT, MBCI, ISO 22301 IM, BS25999 LA, CRISC
13:00 - 13:30
The BCI Kuwait Forum Topic: "All New Good Practice Guideline 2013 (GPG)"
Pappu Rao 12:00 - 12:30
Director, Technology Services & Technical Support Services for Khorafi Business Machines - GBM Topic: " Customers build robust business continuity and IT continuity solutions"
14:00 - 14:30
Day Two Closing Brief by Ian Charters
Conference Recognition Awards Distribution to Speakers and Sponsors
22 – 24 APRIL 2013 - KUWAIT
Registration Form
Full Registration ( 22 - 24 April ) Two days conference (22 - 23 April ) Workshop Only (24 April )
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