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Main Challenges
During our two site visits, discussions, readings and analysis three main problems were identified. These are future sealevel rise and heavy rainfall, monofunctional layering and the overall car-dependency within the area.
Sea level rise and extreme weather being issues that large parts of the world will have to deal with due to ongoing climate change, these issues were early on decided to focus on within this masterplan. Large parts of the area that has been worked on is located just next to Göta älv that in a future worst-case scenario will be flooded. Other parts of the area is located next to larger hills, resulting in rain water run off issues (flooding and other damage). The area is also clearly separated into monofunctional layers (nature, residential, infrastructure, industry, and water) that to a large extent is hard to navigate between. One of the reasons for this clear separation is the E6 highway running through the area. This in combination with a general clear division between functions results in a non-mixed-use area.
Lastly, also a direct cause of the E6 highway, the area is to a large extent made for cars and not for pedestrians and bikers. This of course has an effect on the kind of service you can find in the area.
sea-level rise and heavy rain monofunctional layering - no interconnection between layers
flooding of industrial area
rain run off separating highway
no access to blue structure
no access to green structure good bike lanes but unattractive
weak connection to the city center by bike & public transport