Christmas Section

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“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.”




- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Serving Morgan County since 1842.

Inside the 2013 special Christmas edition... Letters to Santa Morgan County Primary School Students share their Christmas wishes. Page 6 & 7

The artwork for this cover was taken from the Madisonian’s 1963 Christmas Edition.

Kid’s Page The annual Citizen’s kid’s page, for the young and young at heart features a maze, crossword and reindeer talent contest. Page 12

RECIPES The Citizen’s staff shares their favorite Holiday recipes so that you may enjoy these scrumptious dishes as well! Page 4

Santa’s Cookies

The Citizen goes to Mrs. Latham’s 2nd grade class to find out what Santa’s favorite cookie is.

Citizen interviews Santa’s right-handelf, Jangle Crane.

Page 10

Page 12

C2 Christmas Edition

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas at the Citizen By Nick Nunn columnist


igns are cropping up everywhere in the outside world that Christmas Day is inching nearer, but as the hours tick off and the temperature continues to fall, everything seems about normal here at 259 North Second Street. Yep, Christmas cheer hasn’t really taken any particular hold on the Citizen’s office building quite yet. True, the miniature tree with its odd ornaments – pine cones and a couple US flags – has been planted firmly on the table in the front office for a few weeks now, and Ryan Roberts, sales representative, can be found in his office diligently working on Christmas cards for our advertisers, but, other than that, it seems like any other working week at the paper. Of course, anyone betting on the chance that the atmosphere here will stay this way for very much longer would be in danger of being called a “foo� by Dianne. Before you know it, we’ll be hanging around the office wearing Santa hats and singing carols – more than likely at the top of our lungs when properly inspired. And, although I doubt that they will, Ryan and Jesse Walker, photographer, have threatened to buy a one-piece bunny costume like Ralphie’s in “A Christmas Story� for me to wear during the holidays. In fact, I’m so sure that they won’t that I promised that I would wear it if they bought it. Heck, I’ll even let them run a picture of it. I’ve also heard rumblings that there may be another Citizen Christmas party this year, which, if last year’s party was any indicator, is a hazardous possibility for both the staff as well as the general public. Last year’s party was a rip-roaring, carousing affair that began innocently enough in Amici’s with a game of Dirty Santa and ended up spilling out onto Main Street before the night was over. It was a good time. Since last year, we’ve said goodbye to a few old faces and gotten the chance to welcome some new people into our lives. Soon enough, we’ll start discussing plans for the holidays and the gifts that we intend to give to our loved ones, and, after it is all over, a couple of us will complain about how little we got from Santa. OK, it’ll be me. So, if you want to give any of us extra presents out of the goodness of your heart, you know where to find us (address at the top). Merry Christmas from the staff of the Morgan County Citizen!

Christmas at the Madisonian

1978 : Michelle and Jennette Willoughby and Marsha Stewart look in on The Madisonian window.


LAKE OCONEE LIVING Merry, Merry Christmas From all of us at Laughing Moon & In High Cotton!

Happy Holidays From our family to yours, please have a safe and happy holiday season! Eddie Burden

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Lucy Lord Ray Stapleton Nicole Hicks Alison Jenkins Kelly Sears

From our house to yours,

Merry Christmas!

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Wishing Our Community & County A Christ-Filled Merry Christmas!

Sandy Creek Baptist Church 4620 Sandy Creek Rd. Madison, GA 706-342-3367

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas Edition C3

Visions of Sugarplums: Morgan County students draw their Christmas ideas Drawn by Vanessa

Drawn by Ella Martin

Drawn by Aubree

Drawn by Jay

Drawn by Michael

Drawn by Mauricio

DID YOU KNOW? • Ancient civilizations, such as the druids, believed mistletoe to be sacred because it remains green in the winter and bears fruit year round, while all other vegetation seems to die. Druids would cut the plant with golden sickles and never let it touch the ground. They believed it to have the power to cure infertility, nervous disease and to ward off evil. • According to legend, a poor Italian father was faced with selling one of his three daughters into

slavery to afford to pay the dowries of the other two to marry. One night the daughters had washed out their stockings and hung them over the fireplace to dry. Having heard of their misfortune, a good saint decided to pay them a visit and secretly tossed three bags filled with gold down the chimney and into their stockings. His kindhearted gift allowed all three maidens to marry. • The Viking god Odin was a precurser to Santa Claus. According to myth, Odin rode his flying horse, Sleipnir (a precurser to Santa’s reindeer), who had eight legs. In the winter, Odin gave out both gifts and

punishments and children would fill their boots and stockings with treats for Sleipnir. • Throughout Medieval Europe, a very large candle, called the Christmas candle was burned until the twelfth night in remembrance of the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Victorian times, candles represented good will for those less fortunate and were placed in windows December 25 through January 6 to indicate welcome to any passerby needing shelter and food. Some believed the flames from these candles warded their homes from evil spirits during the darkest days of the year.


Wishing you a very

Merry Christmas From your friends at

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C4 Christmas Edition

DECEMBER 19, 2013

FROM OUR TABLE TO YOURS The best of the Citizen staff’s covered dish lunches If you know us here at the Morgan County Citizen, you know that we like to eat. A lot. One of our favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas-time traditions is to bring dishes for our lunch on Tuesday. What follows is the best of our joint table. We hope this inspires you this holiday. NICK’S SAUSAGE BALLS I know that this might seem like a lazy choice, but, when the holidays roll around, I just can’t seem to get enough of these tasty, mouth-sized treats. A lot of recipes recommend making a dip to go along with the sausage balls, but I don’t know why anyone would need anything other than the little hot, sharp, dry-butjuicy snacks to keep you coming back for more. And the best part: they are incredibly simple to make. Just combine and bake. Short of burning them into crispy little comets, you can’t go wrong. INGREDIENTS :

1 lb. ground sausage 3 cups of baking mix 4 cups sharp cheddar, grated a pinch of black (or cayenne) pepper DIRECTIONS :

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Mix all of the ingredients together. Form mixture into one-inch balls. Place the balls on lubricated baking sheet. Bake until golden brown (approximately 18 minutes). Turn once during baking, if necessary. Remove, let cool, and eat until bloated.

SHERRY’S SUGAR COOKIES WITH SPRINKLES Go to Wally World and park out by the buggy return area. Enter on the grocery side, pass by red box and continue straight to aisle (28) Beer, Wine, Eggs, Biscuits. Turn left, go down about 14 feet and look to your right up above the shelf for Pillsbury “Ready To Bake “ Sugar Cookies. The sugar cookie package has a picture of a doughboy holding some Sugar cookies. Proceed to check out. Wait! First go to Sugar, Flour spices aisle and get your Sugar Crystals. I like red and green at Christmas time. Okay, now go check out and then head home on I-20 or back roads about 89 mph. Slow down before parking in driveway, it’s important. Trust me. Run in, turn on the stove, if it still works from last Christmas. Turn it up to about 350 F. Place cookies dough rounds about 2 inches apart on ungreased old biscuit stained pan. Grab your red and green Crystals and mash them into the dough so that it looks homemade . My secret is the more you mash the dough, the better you fool family members. Bake for 11 to 15 minutes unless you’re use to eating burnt food like me. If that is the case, then cook another extra 4 /5 mins. Let cool about 5 minutes and try two cookies before calling your dog, family and wanna be family members. And last but not least, Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Happy Birthday Jesus.

RYAN’S STRAWBERRY PRETZEL SALAD This is one of my favorite holiday recipes because it is the perfect mixture of salty and sweet. It also makes a great dessert as well!

1 ST LAYER Mix 2 cups of crushed pretzels with 3/4 cup of margarine and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Bake in a large pyrex dish at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Set aside and let cool.

2 ND LAYER Mix 1 large box of strawberry Jello with cups of hot water and let come to a soft set in the fridge. Then add 1 10oz pack of thawed and drained frozen strawberries and 1 large can of drained, crushed pine-

apple. Place on top of pretzel layer.

3 RD


While Jello is setting up in the fridge, use an electric mixer to mix together 1 8oz carton of cool whip, 1 8oz pack of cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar. Top 2nd layer with this mixture and let set up over night in the fridge.

LEILA’S SAUSAGE DIP Christmas at my Dad’s house has changed a lot over the years, but one thing that I have grown to love is sausage dip. It’s easy to make and people at family gatherings love it. When I take it places I rarely come home with any leftovers, so doubling the recipe is sometimes necessary. INGREDIENTS : 16 oz regular cream cheese 1 roll of sausage 1 can of Rotel 1 can of corn DIRECTIONS :

1. Brown sausage in a frying pan 2. Heat cream cheese on the stove until soft 3. Add Rotel, can of corn, and sausage to the mix 4. Enjoy with tortilla chips


Layer and top with cheese followed by Dukes! DELISH!

BETSY’S TOM AND JERRY’S This is my grandfather’s recipe, “Daddy Mourice.” He tweaked it for years. INGREDIENTS :

One dozen eggs 3/4 tsp. cream of tartar One tsp. allspice One pound of powdered sugar Nutmeg Rum and brandy (equal parts) DIRECTIONS :

Separate the eggs – you may use all the whites, if you want, or just nine whites. With an electric mixer, start beating whites with cream of tartar. Soon as the whites start to get foamy, start adding the powdered sugar slowly, a teaspoon or two at a time until all the sugar is in. Then beat a little more. Beat the yolks good and add the allspice. While beating, add yolks to whites and mix well. Mix the brandy and rum together, about eight ounces at a time. Put one gravy ladle of egg mixture in the bottom of a six-ounce cup. Add one jigger of the rum and brandy mixture. Stir well, then fill cup with boiling water. Stir again and shake nutmeg on top.

PATRICK’S BEEF TENDERLOIN This is about as simple as recipes come with outstanding results. Don’t be too dismayed by the cost. A three-pound beef tenderloin should feed eight to 10 people. INGREDIENTS

One three-pound beef tenderloin (Ask the meat counter folks to provide) 3/4 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup melted butter DIRECTIONS :

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Place roast in a shallow glass baking dish. Mix soy sauce and melted butter before pouring the mixture over tenderloin. Bake for 10 minutes, then turn roast over and continue cooking for another 35 to 45 minutes, basting occasionally until internal temperature is 140 degrees for medium. Let meat rest for 15 minutes before slicing. Enjoy. You’ll be everybody’s hero!

DIANNE’S SEVEN-LAYER SALAD It just doesn’t get more Southern than Seven Layered Salad and there is no dish on earth that doesn’t become more delicious with a pound of crispy, crumbly, delicious bacon. Oh and if you don’t use Duke’s mayo, you flat ain’t Southern and it WILL NOT turn out right! This has been a Thanksgiving, Christmas and Special Event favorite among my family and friends since I was 97 pounds (which if you must know equates to 1979). Oh and WARNING: Do NOT serve if hippy vegetarians are amongst your guest list. Trust me: You don’t want to know. INGREDIENTS :

Iceberg lettuce torn into bite-sized pieces Chopped celery (about five stalks) Chopped sweet onion Thawed out frozen peas without any type of sauce One pound of bacon, cooked Tons of cheddar cheese Duke’s mayo

MONARAY’S SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE This is a favorite recipe of mine, especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. My mother used this recipe and each of her children have enjoyed making it. We call it “Mother Sweet Potato Casserole.” FILLING INGREDIENTS :

Three cups mashed sweet potatoes One cup sugar Two eggs One teaspoon milk 1/2 cup melted butter 1/2 cup half and half Filling Directions: Mix together and pour into a buttered casserole dish TOPPING INGREDIENTS :

One cup brown sugar One cup chopped nuts 1/3 cup self-rising flour 1/3 cup melted butter TOPPING DIRECTIONS :

Mix together and sprinkle over sweet potato casserole Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes


Three pounds Brussels sprouts 1/2 cup olive oil salt And pepper One cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup sugar One cup dried cranberries DIRECTIONS :

Trim/clean Brussels sprouts, then cut them in half if desired (or you can leave them whole). Arrange on two baking sheets and toss with olive oil. Sprinkle with plenty of salt and pepper and roast at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes, or until brown. Combine balsamic vinegar and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low and reduce until very thick, about 15 to 20 minutes. Drizzle the balsamic reduction over the

roasted sprouts, then sprinkle on dried cranberries. Toss and serve immediately.

ANDREA’S QUICK & EASY CORN CASSEROLE This is a favorite of mine since I am always in a rush to put something together before traveling to family holiday celebrations. It’s a simple recipe, with only five ingredients, and is always a big hit around the table. I never reveal how easy it is! INGREDIENTS :

One can of creamed corn One can of whole kernel corn (drained) One box of Jiffy cornbread mix One block of reduced fat cream cheese One stick of butter DIRECTIONS :

Soften the cream cheese and butter and mix together with the remaining ingredients. Pour into greased baking dish and cook for 35- 45 minutes on 350 until the edges are browned and the middle no longer jiggles.

KATIE’S APPLE CIDER My mom used to always make this during the holidays. It smells absolutely wonderful. Like Christmas threw up all over the house. I started making it at the newspapers several years ago to spread some Christmas cheer when we all want to murder someone because of the holiday deadlines. A couple of years ago, on a deadline night, I plugged in the crockpot, only to blow a fuse at the office, subsequently crashing some of my coworker’s computers. Speak of murdering someone... Luckily, I warmed over the staff when I handed them a mug of cider. The base recipe is delicious, but it especially will improve your spirits if you add, well, spirits. INGREDIENTS :

Gallon of apple cider (apple juice will do, but cider is best – Ziegler’s is especially yummy) Half-gallon of orange juice Three to four cinnamon sticks Generous spoonful of whole allspice berries

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas Edition C5



Pour cider and orange juice into a large crockpot. I never measure it, only make it to taste. It’s best with a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of apple cider to orange juice. Add the spices and simmer on low. The cinnamon sticks will eventually unroll and *KERPOW* - tasty goodness.

JESSE’S LAZY TURKEY My favorite holiday food has got to be the turkey. This is how I prepare it. I wake up in the morning, and my family and I ride to my Grandparent’s house while listening to Christmas music the whole way. After we arrive, sit around, and talk for a bit, we hear my Grandmother say that the food is ready. We all then gather around the table ready to eat. We say the blessing, and start filling our plates. Turkey, being the first thing I grab, is by far my favorite thanksgiving food. And that’s my secret recipe of how I fix holiday turkey.


2.5 cups of sugar 1/2 cup of brown sugar 1 cup of lard or shortening 1/2 teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of soda in 1 cup of hot water 2 tablespoons of cinnamon 1 tablespoons of ginger 1 teaspoon of anise 1 teaspoon of pepper 1/2 teaspoon of clovers 1/2 teaspoon of allspice 1/2 teaspoon of cardamon 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg Approximately 12 cups of flour (makes a stiff dough) Form the dough into rolls, and slice into desired size. Bake at 375 for 8 to 9 minutes (less if you like a lighter color).

ROCIO’S BUTTERBEER As the holidays begin to approach, my mind begins to wander and I start to imagine myself in a winter wonderland. I’m not sure about you, but I believe the most perfect and ideal place to be during the holidays is in Hogsmeade…or at least curled up on the couch by the fireplace, reading the Harry Potter series, imagining yourself in the perfect world that is Hogwarts. INGREDIENTS :

1/2 c. butter 1/2 c. brown sugar (firmly packed) One quart of milk Four teaspoons of vanilla 1/4 tsp. cinnamon DIRECTIONS:

Melt the butter and brown sugar together in a saucepan to make caramel. Add milk, vanilla, and cinnamon to the saucepan and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to the boil, serve, and enjoy.

The Magic of Christmas

1975 : Jan and Laura, children of the Mike Lureys, look up the chimney in amazement.

Q. Why was Santa’s helper depressed? A. He had low ELF-esteem!


We hope you have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! 115 E. Jefferson St. Madison, GA Madison-Morgan 706-342-4454 Chamber of Commerce

Merry Christmas from

Esquire Ins. Agency June McGirt Owner/Agent Carol Burge Agent S Shree’ Reynolds Cu Customer Service

706.342.0060 706.342.0820 7 fax 1401 Eatonton Rd. Suite 300 M Madison, GA 30650

• All of the gifts in the 12 days of Christmas song would equal 364 gifts. • Most of Santa’s reindeer have male sounding names, however male reindeer shed their antlers in the winter, so it’s more than likely that all his reindeer are female. • The traditional colors of Christmas are red, green and gold. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ, green has long been a symbol of life and rebirth, and gold represents light as well as wealth and loyalty. • Christmas trees usually grow for about 15 years before they are sold. • Alabama was the first state in the U.S. to recognize Christmas in 1836. • Christmas was not declared an official holiday in the U.S. until June 26, 1870. • Mistletoe is from the Anglo-Saxon word misteltan, which means “little dung twig”, because the plant seed spreads through bird droppings. • Because of their pagan associations, both the holly, ivy and other green boughs in home decorations were banned by the sixty century Christian Council of Braga.

C6 Christmas Edition

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Dear Santa... Letters from Morgan County School Students Dear Santa, How is your day? Are you coming to my house to try some my cookies? I want a Ipad, Xbox, and a baskitball. And thats all I want. Your friend, Santi

Der Santa, I wote a I iphone b so we I can play with I wote it two be pink and get my bruther one two make it black but I wote it pink I wote a mermade case I wote the gurl two areol. Love, Madi Dear Santa, I want a bike. I wnat a I toch. I want I blak. Aad a hot wool. I have been Good. I want a elf. Love Ben Dear Santa, I wot los uv tors and a fash lit fand I wot a kidorf igir a tomee suver a for wiler. seep elt fand. Piloow a DS Lot uv cloZ PoLish shooZ ctar skarf gaKit soks bitn sPider. Betin Star Love Adikuntz Dear Santa, all I wont for Cismisus is you. A tablit and a Iphone. And a nabe 2. And a phone. And a nick tindo. And more suf to my doll house. Babydoll. I wont for Crismisus sum Churs shos. And a pngwin. Lexie. Dear Santa, cub you buy me a birt bike. I wot a toy whet ever you give me I weh I had Got to five I wot a X box 360 and a play htain Love Marquez Dear Santa, this is what I want for chismis this year. I whood like a computer for crismis. I hope you git a present for crismis to Santa? Love, Lily

Dear Santa, I will like a dirt bike and football men and a baseketball and a Ipod and legos and a xbox one. Love, Preston Dear Santa, I want a ipad. And a TV. Love, Chloe Thank you for the toys. Dear Santa, I arete no what I whont. I whont a tablet and a play stasner 4 for christmas. I have ben good. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, santa toutn you four brrig me a tur y santa you is nines santa can your br me a babry ban for crismus can you toy is veret nines your elf is nines your oers is nines I louve crismus I louve santa Love, Retohna Dear Santa, I want a IPod. I have bin gud you shud giv me it becuase I Hav bin good. Love, Shep Dear Santa, I wunt a Amerukin Doll and a I fum 5 with a hell us Kite Ceys and A Bobe Doll Hows and a pley car and a TaBlit. Love, Sasha Dear Santa, wut I wot for krismis is los of brbeeos and wut est I wot for krismis is a barbbaool huos. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, I want a Electtiec razr Stookter. And, a amarrkin gril doll pet honiy. And a stuff anmil

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.� - Matthew 6:21 Christmas brings to mind all that matters most in life...

And we realize the things that

matter most aren’t really “things� at all.

Blessings to you and all who have a

joiy becuse I haave help’t my mom and dad cook. And I vace not been teling lies. That is why I want toth toys. Love, Carson Dear Santa, I want a new nook and a I Pod Tuch and a E Lechik scooter I ben good I are reley made 2 Lict a Bowt My tows I wuht I are told my elf on the self. Love, Timler Dear Santa, How are you and the elfs doing? I want to know how do you get in my house. I want a DS and 10 games with it too and a pupy, Legos, play-dow. Love, Angel Dear Santa, How many elfs do you have? I want a ipod, a lote of stuf. Plese brening me a elfe. Thank you. Love, Valeria Dear Santa Claus, How do you get the toys? Where do you live? How do you get magit? I want a byalad for chrismas. My bruder wants a smah masnger for chrismas. Love, Jesus Dear Santa, Santa Claus how do you get in my home? Are you going tu come to my home? Haw can you eat all the cooks from homs? I want some zebra clothes. I want some colring books. I want a snuge. I want a comfarter. I want a alarm clok. I want a braslit. I want some hairbos. I want some pinsils and erasrs. Love, Lacey

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Had a very Shiny Nose, And, when you see it, Take 25% off your Clothes! (Now thru December 24th with very few exceptions!)

special place in your heart.

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Dear Santa, I will like a electric scooter of Monster High a panda, a rell girl, puppy that likes to play with kids. some shoes, and monuy to the poor, and clothes to the poor. How are you and Mrs. Clas? Will you like to eat bred with milk? Becase I don’t have cookis. Is that o.k.? How do you get the present to all the kids? What are the name of your reindeer? How are your elfs? How is the North Pole? How big is your sleigh? How many kids on the nice list and the naughty list? Marry Christmas. Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho Your firend, Nataly Casillas Dear Santa, On Christmas can I have a phone when I grow up? I know you are very busy geting the presents ready but I want you to come to my house everyday. And I want a new red bike. Love, Peter Dear Santa, I want a I pod, skats, a computer. Do you bring cooiks? How do you get in my house? I want a big present. Which cooiks do you like? I want a pupy. Merry christmas ho-ho-ho! Love, Saray Dear Santa Claus, My name is Jordan. I want a elf for Christmas so I can look at it. I like elfs. Are you comeing to my houes on Christmas eve? Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I want an elf, and reindeer, frozen snowmen, two germen sheepers, some are supplies, and clay. How do you eat all of the treats in the world? Do you realy have reindeer? Do you have a camra on your sleigh? Your frind, Syerr

Dear Santa, I want a I pad for Christmas. I will try to not be naughty. What kinds of cookies do you like? How do you get in my house? How do reindeer pull your slegh? Love, Erick Dear Santa, Santa can I have an elf to be in my Chrismas tree? I would want it to have a letter in his hand. What do your house looks like? I love you Santa. Love, Yadira Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing today? How is your reindeer? Are you going to my house? What do you have on your list? Is North Pole is still cold? I want a iPod and a four games for my nintendo threeds and three books. Merry Christmas Santa Claus. Love, Parminder Dear Santa, I wont a frbby and H Ella Kitiity ear phon, an monster High nails, an a iPod. Are you nervus of all of the kids? Merry Christmas. Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho. Your, frend, Precious Dear Santa, I want a Transformers Dark of the moon octumes prime ultmade. How can you get in side my house? Can I have a mija go jay woch. What does a elf look like. Can I have a baybblad sogun steel? From, Angel Saldana Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a dirtbike, gocart, Xbos, and a PlayStaion 4 and a drum set. I want a elf to. Are you comeing to my house? love, Jay Dear Santa, What I want is a P.S. 3 and the game Cato doode 2 and a detind 2 DS. How can you giv all the childrin prisint? Can you tel me if Rudolph is ril? Love, Mauricio

Wishing You & Your Family

A Very Merry Christmas!

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas Edition C7

Deer Santa. How are your radeere? Can you plys get me a rist ban macer? Becus I rily wolt it and it looks fun. Can you plys get me a gliste glowb? Can you plys get me a amercin ger herset? I doo my home werck. Love, Haedyn Dear Santa, Haue are you? I wont a dog. I wont a dert bike with gas. I wont a ranger. I wont a for wiler with gas. I have ben good al yeeer. Luve, Nolan Dear Santa, Is your diers edng good? I wote a elf on the shelf. I wote a ipad. I wote a moteersikal. I wote chips and oranges. I ben good bcus I past the redeg levl. Luve, Melo Dear Santa, I hav ben good at home. I wot a tablit for Krismis. I wot a football hemit. I wot a footoll. I wot a SpugBoB and Pratrik toys. I hav bin on Star and green. Love Jamais Dear Santa Clause, I have been very good this year. I would like to ask you a few questions. Did you have a super year? I hope you did because I like to hear that you have been jolly. Do you like your job? I just want to know. Now here are the things I would like for Christmas. I would like an ipod touch, roller skates, some American Girl doll stuff and a calender of my own. That is what I would like for Christmas. I will leave you some milk, cookies and some carrots for the reindeer. Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Ellison Dear Santa Claus, Have I been good. I think that Christmas is the best holiday in the world. I like Christmas because you get presnts and get to see family. I would like to come up with you and your elfs. I would to work for you. I wake up early and I go wake my brother. We go wake up our Presnts. Then we open our presnts. Thank you for bring us Present. Love, Blake Dear St. Nick, This is what I need to tell you. I haven’t been naughty this year, I’ve been good. Thank you for all the presents that you give to all the children and parents. I know it’s hard to make stuff for all the people all around the world. I wish I had your talent. I also wish the whole

world could make a big suprise for you. For Christmas I want anything that is good. Wait and I also want Mini Air Jordans. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Ho, Ho,Ho. Love, Danny Dear St. Nick, I’ve been good this year. I’m always the first to wakeup on Christmas. How old are you? Are you exhausted after you delivering presents to the world. Santa you are my hero. Because you beat Jack Frost. These are the things I want for Christmas. A 3DS with Super Mario, Sonic lost world those are the things I want for Christmas. Love, Christopher Morgan Dear Santa Claus, I hope you had a wonderful year up in the North Pole. Are you having a great time with the elves? Is it snowing in the North Pole? I have been trying to be good this time of year. Are you busy making toys? May I have a tellis cop because my Dad thinks we lost a piece. I hope you are having a fun time wereking on toys or other things. Love, Edie Dear Santa, I hope you have a great Christma! I’m sure you are very busy this year making lots of toys. I’m not good at being perfect, but I am trying my best at being good at school! I’m trying to be good at the home! Christiphe, our elf is waching Lauren and me very good! I will be gone Christmas. I am going to Dinsney! I am sure you are making great presints! May you give me a new horse sadle please? Can y give me a zoomer please? I hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Rytee Dear Santa, I hope you’ve had an amazing year at the work shop. Do you have all of the presents ready? Will you please come to my house first! Can you please get me a new bike, a wii game called Super Smash Bros, and sume Nerf gun ammo? Good bye for now. I hope you like my mild and cookies. Your friend, Miles Dear Santa, I hope you are having a lovely winter. I’m sure you are your cute elves are very busy making awesome toys for kids all around the world. I’m not perfect but I tried to be on my best behavior at school and at home. For Christmas, I want a cool hermet crab. I’m going to name him Pincher. I want him to be

Wishing You A Happy Holidays & Prosperous New Year!

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about 4 inches long. I also want a nice spy watch like my friend Cabe. It is red and, it also has a lazer. It shows different times in different places. I hope you like my cookies, and what’s your favorite kind? Thank you for all you’ve done for all of us kids. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Grayson Dear Santa Claus, I hope you are having a fantastic time at the workshop making wonderful toys for all the boys and girls in the world. I know you are busy, but please take some time to read this letter. May I please have 3 candy canes, white and red striped of course, a pair of pink and white high top boots, and finally some pretty decorated paper of all shapes and sizes? I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Sincerely, Addison Boyer Dear Santa, my name is Dominick. I wus good. I want 8 pesis ov muny. and 8 pandus. I want a hamster. and Dear Santa, I bin like a bag girl becuz at home me an my sooster been fusen an I do not wot to start a arger met bot I wot for crim is a car and Jast das 4 an a mot Ig. Love, Zakiyah Dear Santu, plees con I hav 2 i pods good boy, and I wont a dert bike and I wont a pawel and A thasin dolers and a foot ball Love, Hunter Dear Santa, What does the nouth paul look like? My elf Elfiy didn’t give me good info. I would like for you to give me a pickcher of rudallfu, plase. What kind of cookie do you like the best? is the story of rudalifu real? how old are you. Do elfves sometimes go crasy? will you writ back soon? Your friend, Charles Martin Dear Santa, My name is Anna Kate. I am 8 years old. And live in Rutledge Ga. I really would like a Pogo stick. How is Mrs. Clause doing. I wish I were you because you get all of the treats. Love, Anna Kate Deer Santa, I hape you can get me a tripp to Colarodoe. I hape you can keep it in the buget. Can you please get me an elf for Christmas. You are my hero. I’m sorry for beehing a little naughty this

year. This year i’m going to give you something in return. Plus if you can’t get some of the stuff I won’t be devastated. and if you can’t you know what else you know. Your friend, Gibron Dear Santa, can I plez hav a hrse. I’m bin god. I wilev you Prezint. Love, Alyssa Sanders Dear Santa, Can I have a Train? Leve me a prezent. I will leve you cookies Love, Cardin Tran Dear Santa, I want a Caroline American Girl doll for Christmas. School has been hard but I have done great. I get almost all 100’s and do my homework. Another reason I think I should get it is that I am helpful. When my sister needs help I help her and I always help my brother. Also, we are like each other in two ways. First, we both like baby cows. Second, we share the same name. As you can see I really hope I get her for Christmas. Sincerely, Karoline Dear Santa, I hope you’re not to busy to read this. I really need a new violin. I have grown out of the one you gave me last year. I need the size medium. Well, that’s what my violin teacher said. Have you had lots of rest for your big ride? If not you probably will need some rest! Has my elf Lucky been reporting good things about me? I hope you’ll like my cookies I am going to make for you. Tell your wife Mrs. Clause I said hi! Merry Christmas! Your sincerly, Poppy-Grace Buck Dear Santa, All I want for christmas is to help the poor. I want to give the poor money and if it’s a child I want to give them toys, like a Barbie doll or a Star Wars toy a stuff like that. I want to help them get homes. Love, Grace Fowler

Dear Santa, Can you please give some toys to the Orphanage for me? I just wanted the kids in the orphanage to have a merry Christmas! love, Adelena Mae Ignoffo Dear Santa Clause, How are you? What I want for Christmas is for you to give the Orphanage some toys for Christmas. You should give the little girls some dolls and give the little boys some dinosarse toys and something specal for them like a kitten for the girls and a puppy for the boys. You can be the one who saves all the children from being board. I hope you can do that for me and make those children happy. I hope the children like there toys. Thank you Santa. Love Your Friend, Mackenzie Mullins Dear Santa, I treid to be great. I would like boots, Nebune 2, 3 packs of germx with cases, 1d songs. I had helped my mom broom the house. How is all of the reindeer. I would like 2 horses. Love, Litzy Dear Santa, I have ben very kind and nice but what I wont is all the people that are hame lese to git food and git nouw clows and let them in the perad to let people now it is like to be home lese. Plese. Love, Sommer Dear Santa, I tried so hard to be on my best behavior. I need stuff I don’t want stuff I need it. Like cloths and shoes. I dont thing I should get stuff I need not want. I been geting up in the morning very good. Chrismas is my favorite time of the year. Have your elves be working if they havn’t tell and I will work that all out. Lol. You are the best. Love your friend, Keely We’re sorry that we couldn’t fit all of the letters to Santa into the paper, but we made sure to send each and every one of them up to the North Pole for Santa to see before Christmas.

C8 Christmas Edition

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Children build and decorate gingerbread constructions at the Madison Morgan Cultural Center Leila Dycus staff writer


he children of Morgan County were able to unleash their creativity and satisfy their sweet tooth this week. On Thursday Dec. 12 children and their parents from across town packed The Hall behind the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center. They were there to ring in the holiday season by making gingerbread houses. “It just always gets me in the mood for the holidays,” said Artist Guild Director Elizabeth Collins. When guests walked into the open room they came across many tables in the center of the room. A stage held lights and a microphone, and Christmas music sang out from the speakers. In front of the stage, a group of children sat in a circle playing duck-duck-goose. Elizabeth Collins, who played Mrs. Clause for the event, called for the attention of the children. She engaged the children by asking them how many of them had previously been to the event before showing the children what they were going to do. Underneath the tables were a bunch of boxes, which the children would use to build their gingerbread constructions. Collins said that Ingles donated the icing, which serves as the glue that sticks everything together, and that each child would get their own can of icing. The children built their houses on a base. High school students dressed up as elves would get the children everything they needed. The tables were adorned with all kinds of candy and treats, so, if the kids ran out of construction material, the elves could alwasy get them more. “I like eating them,” said, sixth grader, Rose Kuntz. “I’m building a penthouse with a pool on the top.” After a demonstration, the kids were sent to the tables to begin crafting. The music played and the lights danced across the walls of the room. Parents sat alongside their children. Some helped apply icing with popsicle sticks to boxes, while others just watched. “It’s a really great way for kids to express themselves,” said, one of the elves, Leslie Wasendoff. As time passed, the houses started to take shape. Mrs. Clause and the elves walked around the room talking to the children and bringing them things they needed to complete their projects. According to Elizabeth Collins, the event has been taking place for about eight years. Collins went on the say that a group of students from the Boys and Girls Club attended the event this year. She also said that there are sponsorships available for children that are interested in participating next year. At the end of the night a special surprise came to the children. The Snow Queen, an older lady with beautiful white hair and a long coat, visited the group. The Snow Queen comes to the gingerbread house event to sprinkle the finished creations with powdered sugar snow for a final, wintry touch. “All the kids really enjoy making their own different things,” said one of the volunteers, Madison Evans. “I like making gingerbread houses because you can be as creative as your want and its opening creative outlets,” said Riley Knight.

Q. What does Santa clean his sleigh with?

Photos by Josiah Connelly

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Wishing You & Your Family A Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year!

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DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas Edition C9

Christmas is Roasting the Turkey

1985 : Christmas is roasting the turkey with all the trimmings! Mrs. Charlie Burley prepares a big bird for the holidays.

Joy on Christmas Morning

1975 : Little Heather Moore, daughter of the Bob Moores, opens a package from those she loves.

Santa’s On His Way

1985 : Tiny Olivia Nicole Scholly, five-month-old daughter of the Bill Schollys, all ready for her first Christmas.

The Christmas Spirit

1982 : Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hubbard in their pew at their church in Rutledge.


1982 : The joy of Christmas is… seeing Santa. Amanda Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson, looks at Santa in Thompson’s Jewelry Store.

1980 : Chris Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, straightens the Christmas wreath on the front door of her house.

Ready For Christmas

1966 : Paul, Hunter, and Kathy Reid, three excited children at the Paul Reid house in Madison, are eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival.

One of the Joys of Christmas is Santa

Christmas Spirit Abounds

Wishing you & Your Family a Blessed Christmas!

Rhonda Smith 706-319-7980

Anticipation of Gift Opening

1966 : Robbie and David Crawford, sons of the Robert Crawfords, are tempted to take a peek into the packages around their home on Harris Street in Madison.

C10 Christmas Edition

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Every year on the eve of December 24, Santa climbs aboard his sleigh, which is overflowing with toys. He will then magically deliver to all the good little booys and girls in the world. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! And the only payment that Santa asks for is milk and cookies. This year, we’re asking Mrs. Latham’s 2nd Grade Class the crucial question of:

“What kind of cookie does Santa love the most and why?� By Leila Dycus staff writer

Emma Trawick 2ND GRADE

Bennett Cousins 2ND GRADE

Edie Lamar 2ND GRADE

“Chocolate chip, because it’s sweet.�

“Chocolate chip, it has chocolate chips in it.�

“Chocolate cookies, because it probably has chocolate.�

Skylar Johnson 2ND GRADE

Rylee Bernard 2ND GRADE

Chloe Jones 2ND GRADE “Oreos, because they have cream inside.�

Grayson Rimert 2ND GRADE “Sugar cookies because they have a lot of frosting.�

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A. Frostbite! “Chocolate chip because he likes chocolate cookies.�

Haley Doss 2ND GRADE “Maybe because it would be a rainbow cookie, because it has pretty colors in it: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.�

Jae Benford 2ND GRADE “Chocolate chip cookies, because it has chocolate chips in it.�

“Chocolate chip, because I guess he just, he just likes chocolate things.�

Emily Hilsman 2ND GRADE “Chocolate chip, because most people make chocolate chip for him and he’s used to those so he likes them the most.�

Miles Butler 2ND GRADE “Chocolate chip cookies because most people make it.�

Quaterrian Mathis 2ND GRADE

Addison Boxer 2ND GRADE

“Oreos, because he ate all of them, he ate all of them on the plate.�

“He likes Christmas Cookies, because his favorite holiday is Christmas.�

Cabe Elliott 2ND GRADE

Reece Treadwell 2ND GRADE

“Chocolate chips, because Santa is really fat and chocolate has sugar in it and it makes him fat.�

“Santa loves every kind of cookie, whatever cookie you put on out Santa will eat it.�

Zi’reion Stewart 2ND GRADE “If Santa Clause’s favorite cookies are chocolate and he drink milk. He likes white milk.�

What’s red and white, red and white, red and white? Santa Claus rolling down the hill!

May your Holidays be Merry & Bright! Don’t miss our Big After Christmas Sale! Thursday, December 26th - Tuesday, December 31st! Great Selection of Sale Items Throughout the Store, Including lots of Christmas items! We will be closing at 5pm on December 31st!

1 Academy St Madison ‡ 6 3 2 5

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Christmas Edition C11


>> From Page C12 Cane: We keep a close eye on all the naughty and nice children, as you know, so knowing what they want really isn’t a problem. Citizen: I hadn’t thought of that. So, in your opinion, what is the best way for children to get what they want from Santa each year? Cane: Well, the ďŹ rst thing is obvious: be nice. If you are naughty all year, the only thing Santa will bring you is coal. No, wait, Santa hasn’t been able to give out coal since 1964, when the Elf Union decreed that elves would no longer handle coal. But my second piece of advice is to not ask for too much and to really want what you ask for. Citizen: Really? Cane: You’d better believe it. Santa hates it when children ask for presents that they don’t really want. They see the newest cool toy that their friend has and feel like they have to have one too, whether or not it is something that they would really play with. If you really, honestly want the toys on your list, Santa is much more likely to deliver them to you. Citizen: That’s great advice. I don’t want to take up any more of your time, so is there anything else you would like to tell the people of Morgan County? Cane: Only one more thing: be nice to each other throughout the entire year, because Santa is always watching. It is how well you treat your fellow man that determines the gifts that you enjoy in life. Don’t take that simple fact for granted.

The Citizen Presents: SANTA’S REINDEER GAMES Pulling a sleigh thousands of miles while it’s filled to the brim with presents and a jolly old man can be a monumentous feat, even with magic, so Santa’s reindeer must really be prepared to BRING IT! Every year, in early December, they take part in the annual reindeer games, as an Olympic type competition to see just who is the strongest! It’s not all strength games though and the talent show portion always seems to bring out the.. err... CREATIVE side of the reindeer. Take a look!


Talent: Weightlifting



Talent: Dramatic Dance


Talent: Football Catching

Talent: Beatboxing



Talent: Playing Saxophone

Talent: Hole-in-One

Holiday Word Search


Talent: Singing


Talent: Wave-Riding



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What do you call an old snowman?

What do you get when you fry Santa Claus?



THE NORTH POLE CITIZEN December 19, 2013

Busily covering the elves toy making progress since 1842

The Scoop on Santa


Christmas Tree Maze

By Phil Zastockin staff writer

Can you find your way from the base of the Christmas tree all the way to the star?

Last week, the Morgan County Citizen got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the chance to interview Santa’s right-hand-elf: Jangle Cane. Cane has been the head of Santa’s elf work force ever since his uncle, Parsley Cane, retired in 1833. The holiday season is typically Jangle Cane’s busiest time of year, but, during Jangle Cane a quick stop in Madison for lunch last Wednesday, Cane was kind enough to spend a few minutes discussing his past at the North Pole and how he thinks Santa will develop his organization in the future.

Citizen: Thank you for your time, Mr. Cane. I know you have a lot of impatient clients this year. Cane: Please call me Jangle. Yes, this is a busy time of year, but Santa always gives us a little time to relax, even during the holiday rush. Citizen: That’s very gracious of him. You said that you have managed the rest of Santa’s elves since 1833. How long in all have you been working at the North Pole? Cane: Hmm... let’s see. I started working in Santa’s factory right after I left elf school in 1648. So this will be my 365th year with the company. Citizen: You’ve been working for 365 years?!? How old are you, Mr. Cane? Cane: I thought I asked you to call me Jangle. I am 405 years old this Christmas. All of the elves are born on Christmas Day because it is the least busy day of the year. The old presents are gone, and we don’t have to start on the new presents until the day after Christmas. Citizen: Wow! So that means that elves are 50 years old when they graduate from elf school? Cane: Well, when I was still in school, it only lasted until we turned 50, but now young elves will have to go to elf school for 80 years to learn everything we need to know about making toys and staying merry. Back in my day, the toys weren’t so complicated. Citizen: So, you still make all of your own toys at the North Pole. Cane: Yes, sir. All of our toys are still proudly made at the very tip-top of the world. Citizen: I imagine that requires quite a bit of machinery. Cane: Unfortunately, yes. When I ďŹ rst started with Santa, all we needed to make toys were a few hand tools and raw materials. Today, we have acres of plants dedicated to each and every toy that a child on the good list could possibly want. Obtaining the rights to reproduce all of those toys makes up most of my job, so I rarely get the chance to build toys anymore. Citizen: Unbelievable! And how do you possibly power all of those factories? Cane: Very simply: there is enough magic energy at the North Pole to sustain all of the homes and factories that we could ever need, and the best part is that there are no harmful byproducts from the use of magic energy. Citizen: The use of magic energy sounds like the best possible gift that Santa could give the world. Cane: Indeed it would be, but, unfortunately, there isn’t enough magic energy concentrates left in the rest of the world to make that a possibility. Believe me, Santa has tried for many years to boost the children of the world’s belief in magic enough to sustain magic energy all over the world. Citizen: That’s a shame. Anyway, you said that the toys have changed a lot since you started working with Santa. How do Santa and the elves keep up with all of the best new toys, which seem to change every month? See Cane Pg C11

13 11

8 1 2

Holiday Crossword ACROSS

3 9 4 12 5

6 10 7


1. Hang these on the tree 2. Evergreen or Pine 3. Frosty is one 4. You give and receive these 5. Tie this on your package 6. A Christmas color 7. For the top of the tree

DOWN 8. Rudolph 9. Jolly toymaker 10. Color of Santa’s suit 11. Hang this from the mantle 12. Santa’s helper 13. Santa’s Transportation 14. Christmas carol

MERRY CHRISTMAS! During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best! Mark T. Bowers

Financial Advisor

149 W. Jefferson St. Madison, GA 30650 706.342.9938 WWW EDWARDJONES COM s -EMBER 30)#

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