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Graduate School of


‘Leading in the church & society’

graduate school of


The Graduate School of Leadership (GSL) exists to innovatively connect JudeoChristian values with Leadership and Management studies. Our goal is to equip Christian leaders in their chosen vocation to be highly effective in practice and values. We achieve this goal by providing biblical and theological teaching of the highest quality and training in proven contemporary approaches of leadership, thereby developing Christian leaders equipped to advance with distinction throughout the world. The GSL is an innovative project that aims to foster effective and ethical leadership in individuals, groups and organizations. We aim to offer leaders formal and non-formal training on different educational levels and formats.

Our vision: Our vision is to become a leading school of Christian leadership in Eurasia. This is being accomplished as we continue to develop our reputation for academic excellence, scholarship, action and the continual and significant expansion of our reach and enrollment. We are committed to delivering excellent Biblical and professionally grounded educational programs, both on campus and online in order to prepare Christian leaders for lives of significant purpose and service, in the Church, in business, and in the world of academia.


“My vision is to empower gifted leaders to integrate contemporary business skills with biblical principles for world class leadership in our churches, businesses and centers of education.”

“The results will bring amazing change for us all!” Alexander Negrov, PhD “Head of Leadership Studies Department and Dean of Graduate School of Leadership.”

The Saint Petersburg Christian University, Graduate School of Leadership (GSL), is uniquely developed to impart Godly values and methods for today’s emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to make a way for real change in contemporary society. GSL strives to: • Strengthen ties between those who study and those who practice leadership • Foster effective and ethical leadership in individuals, groups and organizations • Transform leadership knowledge and practice in Eurasia 3 Leadership

An introduction to the M.A. course

An overview of the course content

SPbCU is the first Christian University in the Former Soviet Union to offer comprehensive executive education for local Christian leaders.

Leadership and management skills can be taught and applied across a wide range of organizations, both Christian and secular. Leaders and good managers are needed to lead across functional boundaries to produce superior results. Our core curriculum emphasizes teamwork and shows how to apply classroom lessons in the wider world. The nature of the Master of Arts in Leadership Studies is interdisciplinary, intercultural, international, and organizational. The degree program provides an action-oriented research emphasis to enable informed analysis and effective decision making.

The Graduate School of Leadership is committed to equipping its M.A. students at the highest level in order to advance their organization and sphere of leadership. Through learning how to lead, coach and mentor others in a variety of settings, students will learn how to improve the functionality of the organizations in which they work and live.

Integrating a Biblical foundation into professional studies for today’s emerging leaders

Length and format Our students study for 3 years. Students come to St. Petersburg twice a year for intensive study sessions with the faculty and fellow students. Our student body includes Church leaders, non-profit professionals, entrepreneurs and business stewards. Working side by side in study groups, students forge spiritual, personal and professional bonds that will last a lifetime. Between the study sessions students use the opportunities to visit each other, learn from each other and work towards potential joint projects.


Main reasons for the program There are no evangelical training centers in Russia that focus specifically on leadership and managerial issues and skills. Although many pastors and Church leaders in the Former Soviet Union have received some theological education they still express the need for specific training to be effective leaders and managers. Our program is designed to provide graduate theological and professional education for men and women called to ordained and non-ordained leadership roles who desire to lead as Christians in secular, religious, professional, or personal spheres of life.

Content of M.A. Program Part One Foundations of Leadership and Management Research Methods Leadership, Theology and Ethics Leadership in a Russian and Global Context Motivation, Teams, Coaching & Mentoring Strategic Thinking, Planning & Organizational Change Organizational Leadership & Management Special Topics Part Two: Dissertation 5


Our University is located in the heart of St Petersburg;

“GSL is enabling me to learn effective spiritual leadership so that I can lead other people to themselves fulfill the will of God.”

Mikhail Baranov

Pastor of ‘Pearl of Christ Church’ St. Petersburg and Regional Bishop within the Pentecostal Union

One could scarcely find a more inspiring environment in which to study leadership. As Russia’s most European city, St. Petersburg offers the best of Russia - history, world-class arts and intellectual tradition. While deeply historical, St. Petersburg is also innovative, pulsing with energy and leading the way in many areas of development in Russian society. Because of this, there is a great need for Godly leaders to guide this development and growing influence. This kind of environment serves to motivate our students to take even greater initiative to reach their potential as leaders of change.

Study in a city of innovation, inspiration and beauty “GSL allows me to obtain new knowledge and skills in leadership and management, to develop and actively use them in my life and work”

Stas ProRokov

Sales Manager

“GSL gives me valuable leadership skills in ministry and leadership. During the training, I am developing my strengths and becoming more effective.”

Oleg Volkov

Pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in St. Petersburg

“GSL gives me the chance to meet other leaders and be enriched by their knowledge and experience. I want to influence people by example, by who I am.”

Alexei Zanin 6

The Source of Life Church, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , Russia

St. Petersburg Christian University (SPbCU), was founded in 1990 as an institution of professional religious education, created for preparing Christians for effective ministry and leadership in the church and society. SPbCU is one of the leading Evangelical academic institutions in Russia. We enjoy close relationships with a broad spectrum of the Christian Church, registered charitable organizations, Christian businesses and leading Christian academic institutions, both within and outside the borders of the Russian Federation. We acknowledge that our vision and mission is dependent upon the professional conduct of our faculty, and the spiritual and moral condition of our staff and students. The result is that SPbCU is increasingly becoming a source of influence and empowerment in the global Christian community. Christian pedagogical work and research in our university is enabling us to create new and effective models and methods of various virtuous practices to serve the body of Christ in its mission to make disciples and extend the Kingdom rule of God. We see our students not as temporary clients, but permanent fellow soldiers in Christian ministry. We seek to create the best possible setting for intellectual, professional and spiritual development for stimulating success in ministry, both in the Church and in society.


Saint Petersburg Christian University (SPbCU) Narvsky Pr. 13B, BOX 211 St. Petersburg, 190020 Russia Tel: +7.812.747.2543

Fax: +7.812.747.2647

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