Sofia Prado Berecochea
“Creating spaces with passion, purpose and direction”
I want to continue to have an impact on people and grow professionally. Im excited to share some of my work that has proven to me why interior design really matters.
I am an artisic minded person who has always been fascinated with the aesthetic appearance of everything. Interior design has given me the opportunity to embrace and express who I am through the use of color, materials, furniture and light.
03 Interior design is all about experiencing spac es. I strongly believe that every space transmit different emotions and with a background in psychology, I understand how interiors can influence our state of mind and wellbeing.
Having a rowboat as our main concept of inspiration, the design follows elements such as clean lines, a nautral color palette and a minimal aesthetic. The symbolism behind a rowboat intends to navigate the guests through a smooth and gentle expe rience, ultimately aiming an inviting and relaxed environment to enjoy.
Proposal for new built Spa VancouverDesignB.C 2022
The design focuses on creating a space that guarantees the well-being of guests.
Design Brief
No. 1
Construction area: 7133 sqft

07 Site Analysis

Exterior front elevation

The West End is a vibrant, diverse, walkable and densely populated community located in downtown Vancouver. It is also a diverse community with people of all ages and ethnicities.
Sunset Beach,West End BCVancouver,V6E1V3
The barge ran aground at Sunset Beach on November 15, 2021 due to strong winds and rain; since then it has become a symbolic element of the West End.
Design Phase AdjacencyCommonReceptionAreaStorageStaffW.CStaffBreakRoomOfficeSaunaLockersLaundryRoomChangingRoomTreatmentRoomsWashroomsShowersSpaRoomsJacuzziPoolEmergencyExitMatrix Primary SecondaryAdjacencyAdjacency Spa Room Inspiration Sketch

10 N

Construction Plan

11 06 07 08 0910 11 1312 14 1516 1817 192021 222324 25 26 27 28 29 29 N Furniture Plan 01. Entry 02. Reception 03. Storage 04. Common Area 05. Washroom One 16. Treatment Room Three 17. Male Showers 18. Female Showers 19. Spa Room One 20. Spa Room Two 21. Spa Room Three 22. Spa Room Four 23. Spa Room Five 24. Spa Room Six 25. Male Washroom 26. Female Washroom 27. Jacuzzi 28. Pool 29. Exit 03 0102 04 05 06. Washroom Two 07. Office 08. Staff Break Area 09. Laundry Room 10. Lounge 11. Sauna 12. Male Changing Room 13. Female Changing Room 14. Treatment Room One 15. Treatment Room Two

The section elevetion provides a detailed view of the north facing plane of the barge.

12 Section Plane A
Laundry TreatmentRoom
Spa Room Spa Room
Pool and Jacuzzi Spa
TreatmentRoom Reception
Suspended track light
Reflected Ceiling Plan

Recessed downlight
Lighting Legend
Wall Recessedsconcefloor light

LED strip light
Pendant light at 8’ AFF

Wooden veneer partitions are seen thoughout the space which resemble the texture and materials seen from a rowboat.

01 02 03 04
04. Marble Countertops from Atlantic Marble

Influenced by Scandinavian design, the spa features a warm-neutral palette with high end marble and wood finishes.
01. Luxury Vinyl Tile from Armstrong

02. Light Wood Veneer from Brookside Veneers

03. Oak Laminate from Formica

The lighting selection in the Spa varies depending on the area and type of activity. To maintain a relaxed and soothing atmosphere, drop ceilings featuring LED strip lights were selected for most of the spaces. This intends to have light spreading smooth and equally throughout the space. Additionally, all glass doors in the spa area are provided with safety frosted sticker to provent people from accidents.
Entry door to Spa Area

North Wall Elevation

Reception Perspective
Reception Perspective

Angle Perspective
The wooden veneers seen in the entry feature wall and reception desk resemble clean structured lines that keep the design welcoming and easy to the eye.

West View Elevation

The locker room features a minimalistic design aesthetic with a warm lighting and color palette.

West View Locker Room Render

Womens Locker Room

Full length mirrors and high ceilings benefit the illumination and air circulation of the space
The north facing wall located in the main common area features wooden veeners and shelves.


North Elevation

The design gives the wall movement and and a strong contrast with the rest of the Thespace.candles seen are a representation of the purity and tranquil ambience the spa intends to transmit.

Main Common Area Feature Wall

The common areas offer an optimal layout that are functional and accessible. Anti-slip flooring materials, good illumination, fire assemblies as well as uncluttered spaces benefit the overall safety of the people.

Coffee Station

Common Area Two Common Area One Corridor
Additionally and in order to maintain an enjoyable guest experience, the design avoids complex circulation; good signage as well as intuitive paths were considered when deciding the overall layout of the space.

The spa room seeks to create a place for clients to relax. Floor to ceiling windows offer a beautiful north facing ocean view. Additionally, wooden veneer partitions are seen in the interior which benefit the overall aesthetic and improve the sound insulation.

Spa Room Isometric View Spa Room Vanity

The vanity is made out of natural wood and high end marble. These materials are easy to clean, maintain and highly durable.
Lighing is distributed equally thoughout the room which provides a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Designed under the concept of rhythm, the office interior highlights the repetition of elements including materials, patterns and shapes.
Design ProposalBrieffor
Construction area: 3000 sqft
The elements maintain a balanced and modern style that seek to improve the office´s atmo sphere which has an impact on the productivity of your employees.
an office renovation Vancouver B.C 2021
No. 2
Site Analysis

The building with the name of Jamesons is surrounded by modern business and residential construc tions and located in one of the most important central business district in Vancouver.
830 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC WWV6C 3L3
Private Office
Private Office
29 Adjacency Matrix Preliminary Design Phase ReceptionConference Room
Two Break PrintingWorkspaceRoomRoomPrivateOfficeThreeStaffBreakAreaKitchen/Dining Primary SecondaryAdjacencyAdjacency
30 N 10'-8" 3'-2" 32'-5" 2'-11" 13'-8" 22'-9" 2'-10" 24'-11" 2'-9" 24'-8" 2'-11" 22'-4" 2'-7" 76'-10" 107'-7" 17'-6" 16'-11" 5' 23' 18'-10" 13'-6" 13'-6" 5'-4" 16'-3" 11'-11" 19'-1" 12'-1" 6' 14'-2" 7'-11" 24'-3" 13'-10" 10'-10" 9'-5" 6'-1" 14'-3" 19'-11" 08 100911 01 04 05 06 07 02 03 01. Reception 02. Conference Room 03. Meeting Room 04. Private Office One 05. Private Office Two 06. Break Room 07. Workspace 08. Printing Room 09. Private Office Three 10. Staff Break Area 11. Kitchen/Dining Construction Plan

31 N FINISHESANDMATERIALS01. Porcelain Stone Tile from Centura Tile 02. Wood Laminate from Armstrong 03. Carpet Tile from Interface 04. Grey marble from Centura Tile 01 02 03 04 Rendered Plan

- Urban Office - Kohler
Furniture Plan
- Kitchen Aid
- Herman Miller

- Steel Case
The chosen design No.3 is the perfect blend between functonality and flexibility.
0201 03
Black Marble from Apex Granite

In order to achieve the style and concept of inspiration, several design ideas were considered for the reception desk.
The design is clean and uncluttered and allows space for decor that create a welcoming enviroment.
White Marble from Apex Granite

Reception Desk Design Transition

Reception Desk Front Elevation


The design creates a visual tempo and provides a path for the viewer’s eye to follow.

Having rhythm as our main concept of inspiration, the reception main wall highlight the repetition of lines and colors.

Reception Feature Wall

Reception Desk Front View

The reception area is clean and uncluttered. The furniture is spaced from each other but close enough to create a welcoming environment.
The position of the reception desk is close to the entry door and doesn’t act as a barrier to the space.

Reception Area

Reception Area
The furniture is comfortable and stylishing. It pro vides adequate seating for the number of visitors.

The same repetition of lines from the reception fea ture wall are seen in the conference room. This helps bring the design and concept together.

Being a dedicated space for events such as business confer ence calls and meetings, the design is kept simple and profes sional. The room features acoustic panels to prevent noise travelling Additionally,through.the selection of materials and furniture was thought out to help with the sound absorption.
Conference Room
Conference Table Isometric from Steelcase Conference Room Perspective

On the other hand, workspace design offers a functional layout and pays close attention to aesthetics. Colors are neutral but bright enough to engage employees.
The whole office features floor to ceiling glass windows and 10 feet tall ceilings. This type of windows offer an unobstructed panoramic view and maximize the use of natural light which aim to reduce the reliance of artificial lighting.

Worskspace perspetive

Workspace Cabinetry

Flooraesthetics.toceiling windows provide a good amount of natural Thelight.desk and chair are ergonomically designed furniture that adhere to the standards of proper posture and movement of the human scale.
All private offices offer similar layout and a minimal furniture

Private Office View
Private Office View
Windows and glass doors are double glazed which help lessen the exter nal sound. Additionally, sound treatments such as the carpet tile helps absorb noise and echo in the room.

45 Kitchen Perspective Sketch

The concept of rhythm is also seen on the repetition of squared opening Theshelves.areawas
designed with the intetion of create a collaborative environ ment and fostering a more productive work as these break areas mainly support the employees’ psychological needs. The space is also practical and accesible which benefits the overall safety of the staff and team .

Kitchen Perspective
Design Brief
VancouvershopB.C 2022
No. 3
The design theme ideas revolve around creating a fun and boutique style coffee shop.
Given that the space was designed under the concept of chess boards, elements including squared tile flooring, pattens and black and white elements are seen thoroughly.
Construction area: 4049 sqft
The Café also shares the space with a yoga studio which compliment each other through patterns and

49 Entrance View

This area locally known as “kits” is a very popular and trendy part of the city.

West 4th av is one of the primary shopping areas where you can find markets, stores, restaurants and coffee shops. Many young professionals and families live in the area which makes it a laidback and casual environment.
50 Site Analysis
2610 W 4th Ave, Vancouver, BC V6K 1P8
51 Preliminary Design Phase Adjacency Matrix
Bubble Diagram
CoffeeEntry and Snack Bar StaffOfficeKitchenStorageFreezerWashroomsChangingYogaLoungeDiningStudioRoomsBreakArea 010203 04 05 08 0709 06 1211 10 1413 01. Entry 02. Coffee and snack bar 03. Dining 04. Lounge Area 05. Yoga Studio 06. Changing Room One 07. Changing Room Two 08. Bathroom One 09. Bathroom Two 10. Freezer 11. Kitchen 12. Storage 13. Office 14. Staff Break Area Primary SecondaryAdjacencyAdjacency
52 01 0302 04 05 06FINISHESANDMATERIALS 01. Porcelain Tile Flooring from Rivalda 02. Ceramic Wall Tile from Centura Tile 03. Steel from JFC Steel 04. Marble from Aeon Stone 05. Oak Wood Veneer from Woodrose 06. Cork Flooring from Nova Cork

8'-7" 6'-5" 7'-2" 8'-10" 11'-2"9'-8" 18'-11" 11'-9" Construction Plan N

53 49'-10" 83'-2" 27' 5' 11'-3" 19'-5" 14'-3" 20'-3" 38'-7" 28'-9" 19'-4" 23'-6" 29'-5" 7'-2"4'-2"7'-11" 17'-10" 18'-10" 11'-7"11'-3" 5'-6" 9'-8"
54 01. Entry 02. Coffee and snack bar 03. Dining 04. Lounge Area 05. Yoga Studio 06. Changing Room One 07. Changing Room Two 08. Bathroom One 09. Bathroom Two 10. Freezer 11. Kitchen 12. Storage 13. Office 14. Staff Break Area 06 070810091211 13 14 N 010203 04 05 Furniture Plan

The porcelain tile flooring pulled from our chess inspiration have a wide range of benefits in terms functionality. These include a high wear resistance, low maintenance, durability and moisture resistant.
Bar Front View
The main color palette of the design is black and white. The idea of combining light and dark hues adds temperature and movement to the space.

10 feet high ceilings give an airy and fresh effect to the space as it provides ample light to enter and allows better air circulation.
Geometric Wall Shelves
The ceramic tile seen on the bar finishes compliment the style and adds to the design a warm and welcoming detail.

West Side View
Bar Ceiling Design and Fixtures

Geometric Ceiling Steel Slabs
The ceiling design made from steel slabs form a geometric shape that represent the source of inspiration, chess boards. Additionally, it adds an extra industrial ele ment and a change in contrast values.

Front View of Banquette Seating
The banquette seating brings the design together by incorporating the detailed ce ramic tiles and the geometric ceiling steel slab.

59 N
Yoga Studio Axonometric Plan

Yoga Studio East View
Adjacent to the coffee bar is a yoga studio that also includes elements that refer to the main concept. The design is kept sim ple, free from clutter and minimal.

North View
The space features a high coved ceiling and recessed lighting fix tures that spread equally though out the room

The selected cork flooring benefit the space by providing a firm and solid footing that is not to harsh on feet. This type of flooring also provides safety traction and sound absorbtion.

Functionality and practicality are key elements of the design, given that the owners work from home and have kids.
The Georgia residence was designed under the concept of simplicity which main idea was to take the most out of the available space.
No. 4
Design Brief
Proposal for a VancouverrenovationB.C 2021
Construction area: 1477 sqft
Contemporary style was our source of inspi ration as they seek for a modern, uncluttered space.
Site Analysis

177 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1N5
The building incorporates a high level structural innovation and features characteristics of an Edwardian Commercial style including several win dows, marble, brick and terra cotta finishes.
The washington hotel was designed with eight stories. The ground floor was set up as an open retail space which was then replaced by a restaurant.

66 Office Bedroom Two Bedroom One Master Bedroom Bathroom OneBathroomTwoLaundry Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Storage Entry Preliminary Design Phase Block Plan 01 02 030405 06 01. Entry 02. Storage 03. Kitchen 04. Dining 05. Living Room 06. Bathroom One 07. Bedroom One 08. Laundry 09. Bathroom Two 10. Master Bedroom 11. Bedroom Two 12. Office 07 08 09 10 11 12 Bubble Diagram

67 FINISHESANDMATERIALS030104 0502 06 01. Wood Laminate from Armstrong 02. Wood Veneer from Brookside Veneers 03. Laminate from Armstrong 04. Concrete from Armstrong 05. Texturized Drywall 06. Marble from Aeon Stone

68 05 01 02 03 04 08 06 07 10 11 09 01. Entry 02. Kitchen 03. Dining 04. Living Room 05. Bathroom One 06. Bedroom One 07. Laundry 08. Bathroom Two 09. Master Bedroom 10. Bedroom Two 11. OfficeN Furniture Plan

Pendant light at 6’ AFF
Gypsum Wall Board
Wood Beams
Suspended track light
Reflected Ceiling Plan

Recessed downlight

70 10'-2" 11'-2" 9'-10" 3' 4'-6" 5' Office Detailed Plan North Wall Rendered Elevation

West Wall Elevation

Built in Bookshelf

Given that the owners work from home, the office space design focuses on provid ing a simple and functional workspace.

Wooden finishes are seen throughtout the space which main objective is to act as a natural insulator and sound control.
North Wall View
East Wall View
The aesthetic of the room features nude and warm colors to avoid distractions and increase productivity.

The location of the office is facing north. This orientation wont have direct sunlight during the day, however it allows morning east natural light in.

East Wall View
Open Concept Layout

Ceilings of 10 feet high and large windows allow for a bright and airy space, providing a generous amount of space that benefit functionality and flexibility.
The space features an open layout of the kitchen, dining and living room.

Living and Dining Room North View
Living Room Perspective View

South Kitchen View
The kitchen embodies a space that is modern and inviting, featuring storage friendly cabine try and marble countertop ending in a waterfall.
Additionally, the backsplash mosaic adds a con trast in color and materials that work as a focal point element in the design.

Tile Finish View
Backsplash Porcelain Mosaic

Kitchen Perspective
78 (604) 842 3191