DECORONATION AS A SOLUTION It was at this time that it was decided to
This will allow for the periosteum to
remove the ankylosed tooth prior to the
grow over the remaining root creating
continuation of growth. Mamlgren et al.
a periosteal sling between the adjacent
described a technique in a 2006 paper
teeth over the edentulous ridge and
that discussed the use of decoronation
underlying root. The creation of the
in circumstances such as this. (Figure
periosteal sling will allow some vertical
3) Rather than remove all of the tooth
ridge development in the edentulous
fragments, decoronation removes the
site due to the tension created by the
crown of the tooth approximately 1mm
eruption of the adjacent teeth, while
below the osseous crest. (Figure 4)
the remaining root continues to undergo replacement resorption. (Figure 5)
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5