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JULY 2013

HAPPY JULY 4TH Independence Day, commonly

Independence Day is commonly

known as the Fourth of July, is

associated with fireworks,

a federal holiday in the United

parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs,

States commemorating the adoption

picnics, concerts, baseball

of the Declaration of

games, family reunions, and

Independence on July 4, 1776,

political speeches and ceremonies,

declaring independence from

in addition to various other public

the Kingdom of Great Britain.

and private events celebrating the

4 O F J U LY

NBC's Today show recognizes Tahoe South's Lights on the Lake Fireworks display as one of the country's top Fourth of July weekend Celebrations. The American Pyrotechnics Association rates South Shore’s spectacular Fourth of July fireworks celebration

Washington DC is a spec-

and patriotic backdrop to

ing with a spectacular

tacular place to celebrate

America's Independence

display of fireworks over

July 4th! The National

Day celebrations. This is

the Washington Monu-

Mall, with Washington

an all-day event in the na-

ment. Following is a

DC’s monuments and the

tion's capital, beginning

guide to all of the 4th of

U. S. Capitol in the back-

with a parade along Con-

July events on the Na-

ground, forms a beautiful

stitution Avenue and end-

Nashville's July 4th celebra-

time. For over 100 years

hometown parade which

tion is a family affair!

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

ends in a big dance party

Climbing walls, water

has celebrated Independ-

in the street. Celebrate

slides, samples, games,

ence Day in true western

America’s Birthday in

and so much more will

fashion. This is a special

America’s Birthplace:

keep every member of

holiday and Steamboat

Philadelphia! The Benja-

your family having a great

does it right with a

min Franklin Parkway

Page 3

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled Salmon with Dill








P R E C I O U S S T O N E S C O L L E C T I O N S Black Weddings – African American Wedding Planning Made Easy!

Fourth of July Wedding











E’RE IN THIS FOREVER H a p p y Fo u r t h o f Ju l y t o a l l o f o u r A m e r i c a n r e a d e r s !



Page 8


The Hottest

Wedding Day Fragrances Bvlgari Omnia Coral

Vera Wang Be Jeweled

Jimmy Choo Eau De

I T ’ S Y O U R S T U N N I N G



V O W S !

This Vera Wang Be Jeweled fragrance is spirited, fem- Jimmy Choo Eau De Toilette inine and independent. A sparkling inside and out scent that is illuminated like a brilliant cluster of gems. Wear this women's perfume for a stunning combination of glamour and fun.

Who better to capture a strong and glamorous scent for today’s modern bride than Jimmy Choo? The new scent takes the original Jimmy Choo Parfum and gives it a sparkling new life. Crystalline rose and sexy or-

Perfume offers lush notes pomegranate, red currant,

chid accents are complemented with sparkling fresh

champagne, passion fruit, florals, musk infused

ginger on a woody base. This is a strong and empow-

woods and pink sugar crystals.

ering scent, but remains mysterious and feminine.

Bvlgari Omnia Coral


This is a young version of previous Bvlgari fragrances. Salvatore Ferragamo’s new fragrance, Signorina, is The sophisticated and cheerful fragrance has notes of the perfect scent for a spring and summer wedding. bergamot, pink peppercorn, water lily and hibiscus

It is ultra-feminine with its bright pink pepper, red

flower – perfect for a blushing bride exchanging vows currant, jasmine, and peony scent. It also unusually in warmer climes.

features notes of panacotta, adding a sultry sweetness to the mix!




ENHANCEMENT Up on a Saturday morning watching MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry Program about women's sexuality ,so I’d like to raise a question to the ladies in the world.


Page 9


called: Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that 43% of women age 18-59 experience some form of FSD. This represents nearly

Do women need a sex enhancement drug?

50,000,000 women in the USA

Ladies do we need a turn on pill?

The bottom line is: In order to still reach a satisfy-

If you’ve ever felt ashamed that your sex life isn’t as fantastic and fulfilling as everyone else’s – don’t be!

ing orgasm, a woman must have a stimulated clitoris.According to Abbey Ellins article many women are turning to over-the-counter products, including lubricants, arousal gels, massage oils, nutritional

Many people often feel that sex is overrated be-

and herbal supplements, and vi-

cause it is unrewarding for them and as such, they

brators. Drugstore chains are now

avoid it as much as they can.

selling these products right next

75 percent of married women admit that they


the bandages and heating pads.

have lost desire for sex and 46 percent of all wom- Here are a few quotes from this article: en report never having achieved an orgasm. Women lose sexual interest for many reasons. This is “The average woman in a committed relationship is having sex once a week,” said Rachel Braun Scherl, president of Semprae Laboratories, the manufacturer of Zestra, “In a randomized study reported in 2010 in The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, women using Zestra oil reported significantly more desire, arousal and satisfaction than those given a placebo. K-Y claims that 70 percent of women in a survey agreed that its Intense gel increased arousal, orgasmic intensity, satisfaction and pleasure, but the research has not been published in a medical journal. Many of the arousal products use “peppermint oil or some variation; the idea is to make you tingly,” said Bat Sheva Marcus, clinical director of the Medical Center for Female Sexuality in Manhattan and Purchase, N.Y “An often cited statistic, from a report in The Journal of the American Medical Association in 1999, is that 43 percent of women ages 18 to 59 experience some form of sexual dysfunction, including lack of desire, arousal or orgasm; or pain during intercourse. CONTD






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Page 17






And Dr. Michael L. Krychman, a gynecol-


sionally - or vice versa.

ogist in Newport Beach, Calif., who spe-


Some partners place

cializes in sexual medicine, said: “These


unachievable expecta-

sexual complaints are real; they’re not

What are the causes of

tions on the other part-

imagined. Women are suffering in si-

lack of libido in wom-

ner to done quickly, to

lence, and they’re looking for solutions.”

en? Problems within a

enjoy every position, to

He added that one reason men often fail

relationship may also

'lie there and take it', to

to renew their prescriptions for Viagra is

have non-sexual caus-

do it at any hour, to do

that they are not addressing their part-

es: worries about fi-

it better. As is the case

ners’ sexual needs. “Some women say,

nance, children, prob-

with men, lack of desire

‘An orgasm used to be thunder and light-

lems at work - these

in women can be of ei-

ning, and now it’s only the pitter-patter of

difficulties need to be

ther physical or psycho-

rain — and I’m waiting outside with my

worked out before any

logical origin.

umbrella, and waiting and waiting and

sexual problems can be

Possible physical caus-

waiting,’ ” he said. (Dr. Krychman has ad-

dealt with. Some part-

es in females include:

vised companies like Semprae Labs and

ners have non-

LELO, and sits on drug company

complementary libidos -


she 'wants it' all the


time, he wants it occa-

Anemia Alcoholism and Drug abuse. Generalized disorders, such

enough to allow inter-

sexual abuse or rape.

course. Inadequate

Latent lesbianism.

vaginal lubrication pre-

Serious problems

ceding and during inter-

with the husband

course. Inability to at-

partner. Not having

tain orgasm.

enough time to relax

Hormone changes

Burning pain on the

A partner who is un-

with the menstrual

vulva or in the vagina

willing or does not like

cycle, pregnancy -

with contact to those

sex A partner who is

menopause. Vagi-

areas Psychological

suffering from impo-

nismus Vaginal dryness (difficulties trig-

causes include: De-

tence or Premature

gering natural lubrication during sex)

pression. Stress and

Ejaculation Unre-

Cystitis (infection of the bladder and ure-

anxiety. Hang-ups

sponsiveness( lack of

thra.) Inability to relax vaginal muscles

from childhood. Past

interest in sex)

Hyperprolactinaemia - a disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive.

THERE IS HOPE SEXUAL HEALING ADVICE FROM Hilda Hutcherson, MD Essential Pleasures You know how amazing sex can make you feel — but do you realize that your health depends on it? Many women don’t. According to Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, author of Pleasure: A Woman’s Guide to Getting the Sex You Want, Need, and Deserve (Perigee Books), sexual pleasure is more than a pastime — it’s a prescription for wellness, especially in women over 40. Dr. Hutcherson should know — in addition to having penned monthly magazine columns and two sex guides, she has been a practicing gynecologist for more than 20 years — and is over 40 herself Some good information out here ladies but at the end of the day and reading DR Hutcherson articles and books your van spell relief a new way! Whew!!!!


t's much more complex....I know your name.. I have seen your face...I have feel your warmth....I have been in your comfort...I have know what "we" feels's hard to put that out of mind and out of sight...I can't...I won't...and there is no might! You are mine and I am yours....we need God to open these closed doors...He is the only one who is truly able to make a way...I have you can try your hand if you even forget it's my color that you wear! Missing my best friend and husband! Where you at LOL!



Gansevoort Park Avenue, New York, USA.. Newest Luxury Hotel On NYC's Famous Park Ave

Shutters on the B each, Santa

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Pag e 23

eanna Williams a Chicago Native born

in a pool of creative beings. Evolving into a lover of the arts, poetry, and music, she began to stretch her intellect. She attended Columbia College Chicago in 2009 where Arts Entertainment and Media Management became of interest. The experiences there lead her to not only accumulate what was needed to further her journey, but lead her to explore another area of the arts. Deanna began to pursue Digital Photography and in 2011 she found common ground with Harrington College of Design located in downtown Chicago. Photography allowed her to embrace art in every form, capturing the art that she loved, whether music, fashion, objects, food, nature, and even the capture of a smile. Photography allowed her to explore the natural beauty behind the scenes in every aspect. She continues to enhance her talent and has the ability to go beyond just having a passion, but executing the dream. With every experience she gains, her love for the arts allows her to create as a way of true expression, in hopes to soon share her world to others. Deanna’s true desire is to inspire.



P. S . M . S T U N N I N G With many women of color going back to their natural roots, here are a few styles PSM thought STUNNING! YOU CAN FIND THESE STYLES ON PINTREST

Gorgeous dreadlock

Messy Scattered Dreads

Natural Blown Out Afro Afro mohawk

Coily up-

Cute short voluminous curly-hair

black hairstyles braids-natural-

Page 28

A P R AY E R F O R M A R R I A G E joined together under your provisions that unity may overcome

I believe that my

partnership of

desire for marriage

marriage. I am not

has an essential

expecting you to fit

purpose for fulfilling

into my agenda, I

your purpose in my

surrender to yours.

life, release me from

Lord in creation you

the freedom of

said it is not good for

singleness and endow

man to be alone, and

me with the

that we be fitfully

Father during this

washed me and

gory in thy land, call

acceptable time As

anointed me with oil,

me by a new name in

you pass by me look

you have covered my

the face of my mate,

upon me, behold my

nakedness and cloth

who shall take me

time of Love, for this

me with silk,

under his protection

is your covenant

therefore I know you

even as you have

between my desires

have heard my cry,

done as my maker,

and thee, you have

adorn me a crown of

my husband, during

If you marry then ye

never to be torn apart

him (her) good.

have no sin.

of no man, for our

In the beginning you

treasures are in heav-

made us male and

en and we follow af-

female and we have

ter you.

crossed the borders,

The heart of my de-

needy I will open my

therefore shall we

sire does safely trust

mouth with wisdom

twain be on flesh,

in me and I shall do

estrangement, forgiveness heals guilt and joy conquer all despair. Present me with a true mate that shall live in harmony and in agreement on

I will not cease my labors unto my hours but stretch my hands out to the poor and

A stranger I desire

your child, now it is

10 Give unto us this

not to marry but the

your turn to deliver

instrument to make us

one in whom

the goods, So faith

more Christ like, and your

bittersweet cup I did

cometh by hearing

gifts of adjustment and


and hearing by the

acceptance that to follow

word of God, which I

after you in obedience.

have heard and send

Above all Lord unites us

them back to you.

with loves commitment

atmosphere that I live

For greater love has

Holy Matrimony.

in, it is said; there is

no man than yours,

I praise you Father for

strength in numbers

whose given your son

bestowing your splendor

and where two or

as a ransom for our

upon me.

three are gather

sins; how much more

together in thy name

shall you give to rid

you are in the midst

us of our singleness.

Father I am so tired of being alone in this world to fight this

of them. So with that cause forming a union of two fleshes as one makes great progress in overthrowing the prince of the air.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work, and above

God said, “They shall be

all we shall love one

one flesh� (Genesis 2:24).

another deeply seeing that our love covers a

Father I exercise my

multitude of sin. I

authority and right as

Peter 4:8 - ecc. 4:9,

Remember when God created male and female he took his rib and created the woman not his ribs to create more than one for him.

Page 29

Page 30

Birthday Flowers by Month You know their birth-

January Birth Flower -

stone, but do you know their birth flower? This Birthday Flowers by Month Guide will steer you towards a personalized pick for your loved

Carnations have been


traditionally associated

J a n u a r y : C a r n a t i o n The birthday flower for January is the carnation.

with fascination, which is

Carnation February: Iris

a fitting sentiment for the

Winter shades of cool

freshness of the new

blue and snowy white


are found in the iris.

April: Daisy

ite among flower lovers.

The month of April is

April Birth Flower -

represented by the


daisy. Daisies have long been associated with innocence. The large vibrant blooms of the gerbera daisy

June: Rose Easily one of the most well-known and significant flowers, the rose is the perfect choice for celebrating a June birthday. Ros-

May: Lily have made it a favor-

In the month perhaps

es can convey a

symbolism, but all

wealth of varying

roses carry a meaning of love and appreciation. June Birth Flower Rose July: Larkspur

rangements. In addition

Page 31

to representing daintiness, asters are also known as a symbol of love.

September Birth Flower

cerity. August: Gladiolus

August Birth Flower -

- Aster

Gladiolus The lovely gladiolus is the birthday flower for

September: Aster

October: Marigold

August. These flowers

The September birth-

The golden colors of

are named after the

day flower is the aster,

autumn are displayed

sword of the gladiator,

which is often used to

by the marigold, which

and they carry a mean-

accent different types

makes them the ideal

ing of strength and sin-

of mixed flower ar-

flower for October birth-

For the month of November, the chrysanthemum is the traditional birthday flower. Chrysanthemums represent cheerfulness due to the array November: Chrysan-

of bright and vivid


colors in which they

December: Poinsettia

settias traditionally

Though known for its

symbolize success and

association with the

good cheer.

holidays, the poinsettia

December Birth Flower

is also a December

- Poinsettia

birthday flower. Poin-

Samantha Green


Hair Care Regime Kit

Gro-aut Hair Regime

Gro-aut Sulfate Free Kit

Gro-aut Solutions, LLC, formerly known as Autism Merchandise Store, is a family owned and operated business predominately run by myself (YES! A ONE WOMAN OPERATION). My son, who has autism, is the actual one who inspired me to start a business which is why part of the business name includes "aut" short for autism and another reason why I decided to spell Gro-aut the way I did instead of the way it is pronounced "Grow out" . My plan for the future is to take a portion of sales from Gro-aut Solutions to donate to autism research. (As of April 2013, due to increasing demands for gro-aut products, Gro-aut Solutions is pleased to announce new staff on board and I, Lavonda, founder of Gro-aut Solutions is even more pleased that I finally have the Order your Gro-Aut Solutions Hair Care Products.. Gro-Aut Independent Consultant Eugenia Kyle 309//363/7507

G u e s s W h a t , S o m e t i m e s Yo u ’ r e Going to Have to Give In you’re wrong even when you

anything. Saving face

aren’t, or keeping quiet about

isn’t worth it, if it

how you feel and not speaking up. In this context, it means

jeopardizes your

being the first one willing to


end a conflict on a positive


note. That might include accepting responsibility for your actions and apologizing for them.


here are some who

Acknowledging what you

struggle with the

personally could have done

idea of being wrong better, regardless if your spouse does or not, is also part or having to apologize.

There are others who are stubborn as mules and will stand firm in their belief

of giving in. It’s also about not

hat is so great about

being right, if it causes

you and your spouse not to be on speaking terms?

You haven’t won if your relationship suffers the loss.

Another benefit is maintaining peace in your relationship.

waiting on your spouse to

What are you willing to improve the situation when you sacrifice to have long lasting also have the power to do so. harmony in your marriage?

whether it’s right or wrong.

Some may question how this

Who doesn’t look forward to

Even in a committed

benefits their relationship, but

returning to a home where two

partnership, with the person

trust me it does significantly

adults dwell, who know how to

they love, some people are

contribute to parts of your

communicate effectively and

simply not willing to “give in”.

relationship success.

where drama and confusion

They will stand their ground

There are certain truths about

and fight, even when the fight

“giving in” which most couples

An additional advantage would

isn’t justified or makes no

fail to realize.

be that this action could

sense to prolong.

The reality in giving in,

When I reference “give in,”

contrary to popular

I don’t suggest admitting

belief, is you won’t lose

are minimal.

possibly steer the relationship in the right direction. When we take the focus off of what our spouse is or isn’t

Page 39

doing and continue to do what we know is right, the first to take the lead in turning it around we are actually setting a standard for our

and witness the overall affect it has on your

relationship; and spouses generally follow the




David Johnson nce we remove the negative connotation that comes along with “giving in� more couples will appreciate the value it brings to a marriage.

The next time you find yourself in a challenging situation with your spouse, be

Jumping The Broom Is Loves Eternity

Jasmine Disney Wedding Dress by Alfred Angelo Would you wear this?


The most important thing you need to know about staying in love is (1) Don’t license the spirit behind not loving , we’ve been giving all these definitions on the different types of love and essentially there is nothing wrong with man’s definition, but in the real world God is love. Without him as the Supreme Being in our lives we are void of love it’s non-existent.

You and God are in a relationship or not, in a relationship there are certain things one needs acceptance, Identity, security, and purpose all of which can only be given by God through His son Jesus Chris, a romantic gift from Love. This is unrealistic but we do it always and that is look to male/female for Love. Why do we expect something from male/female they can’t give. We have to learn to trust in Jesus and not transfer our expectation on each other, we can’t make the person Jesus, man’s resources are limited to meet our needs.

Love is not a four letter word of affection it’s that paradise He prepared just your emotional well-being. How do I know that, well when He created Adam and Eve Love was the creation, the garden was the security, to repopulate the earth was purpose after his likeness, was identity, In his image and blew the breath of life into you is acceptance. Eden is the beginning of a never ending romance between love and us.

The covenant of marriage is an agreement between three people, you, me, and Him. You have to have trust in him in order to trust each other. If you understand that He cares it will change your entire outlook on life’s love and have everything your heart desires. He favors you!

The most important thing you need to stay in love is to spend personal time with Jesus so that he can solve your issues for the day, no human can fill you the way that he will and once you’re filled with him you will have direction and he will fill you up with his Love for each other.

It’s really that simple.


Thanks Maggie Sottero for show casing women of color in your collection.

Ceremony: 6 Afrocentric Traditions 1. Knocking on the Door Since marriage in African culture is considered the official joining of two families, a large emphasis is placed on getting family permissions and blessings before the wedding. In Ghana, the groom requests permission through the custom of "knocking on the door." Bearing gifts, he visits his potential in-laws accompanied by his own family. If his "knock" is accepted, the families celebrate and wedding planning begins. Or, simply plan an outing (like a brunch or dinner date) to bring both families together before the wedding and begin forming family bonds.

4. Tying the Knot In some African tribes, the bride and groom have their wrists tied together with cloth or braided grass to represent their marriage. To symbolize your own unity, have your officiant or a close friend tie your wrists together with a piece of kente cloth or a strand of cowrie shells (symbols of fertility and prosperity), while affirming your commitment. 5. Tasting the Four Elements

In a ritual adapted from a Yoruba tradition, the bride and groom taste four flavors that represent different emotions within a relationship. The four flavors typically used are sour (lemon), bitter (vinegar), hot (cayenne), and sweet (honey). By tasting each of the flavors, the couple symbolically 2. Jumping the Broom demonstrates that they will be able to get through This tradition most likely originated with an Afrithe hard times in life, and, in the end, enjoy the can ritual in which a broom is used to demonstrate sweetness of marriage. that all past problems have been swept away. Dur6. Kola Nuts ing slave days, African-Americans were forbidden Kola nuts play an important role in African wedto marry and live together, so jumping over a broom was a formal and public declaration of the dings. The nut, which is used for medicinal purposes in Africa, represents the couple's (and their famicouple's commitment. Today, it has become very lies') willingness to always help heal each other. In popular for African-American couples to follow Nigeria, the ceremony is not complete until a kola suit at the conclusion of their wedding ceremony. The broom, often handmade and beautifully deco- nut is shared between the couple and their parents. Among African Muslims the nut is also a symbol of rated, can be displayed in the couple's home after the wedding. Check with local cultural institutions fertility, and is exchanged with family members during the engagement celebration. Many Africanfor broom makers and suppliers. American couples incorporate the sharing of a kola 3. Crossing Sticks nut into their ceremonies, and then keep the nut in In a lesser-known tradition that also dates back to their home afterwards as a reminder to always work the slavery era, African-American couples demon- at healing any problems they encounter. strated their commitment by crossing tall wooden -- Robin Beth Schaer sticks. By crossing the sticks, which represent the power and life force within trees, the couple exRead more: Ceremony: 7 Afrocentric - presses a wish for a strong and grounded beginreal-weddings/african-american-weddings/articles/7-afrocentric-wedding-ceremonytraditions.aspx#ixzz2YNhtjRFG ning. If you decide to incorporate this tradition, choose large branches from both of your families' homes or from a place meaningful to you as a couple.

Ceremony: Afrocentric Personalization Ideas

Personalizing a wedding with African-American, Caribbean, and African rituals can be as simple as accenting the bridal party's outfits with traditional African fabric, or as detailed as creating symbolic wedding stationery. Get inspired by the ideas below.

and details. Look in the yellow pages and check with local ethnic stores to find fabric suppliers and garb designers. Meaningful Music

African drummers are a powerful addition to any Afrocentric wedding. You can walk down the aisle to their rich sounds or have them lead a bridal march after the ceremony. The sound of drums also has historical significance for AfricanAmericans since drums were outlawed during slavery because they were seen as a coded means of communication between the slaves. Check The Right Invite with local music schools, African-American Invitations set the mood for your wedding, renewspapers, and cultural centers to find drumflecting the day's formality as well as your cultural mers in your area. backgrounds and personalities. If you're looking Bands With a Bang to add Afrocentric style to your invite, choose an African motif background; feature a painting by a The tradition of wearing a wedding band dates Caribbean artist; create scrolls tied with raffia; or back to ancient Egypt, where unbroken bands, select handmade paper with an inscription about symbolizing eternity, were worn on the finger love by a famous African-American poet. To clue they believed was directly connected to the heart people in, consider using wording such as: "Our -- still known today as the ring finger. Today, many African-Americans choose wedding bands new beginning will be honored in the African tradition;" or "You are invited to a celebration of with African designs such as the ankh, which represents eternity, or adinkra symbols from our history, our families, and our love." Follow suit with a coordinating program that explains all Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire. Look for a jeweler that carries a variety of different styles, or can help your ceremony traditions. you create your own. Your Wedding Wear A great way to convey your heritage is through clothing. It can be as simple as bridesmaids wrapped in African shawls and groomsmen with kente cloth cummerbunds and bowties, or as elaborate as the groom and groomsmen in traditional Nigerian tunics and pants called agbada and the bride and bridesmaids in asooke fugu, colorful Nigerian skirts, jackets, and headwraps. There are many bridal designers that combine modern styles with ethnic fabrics

Read more: Ceremony: Afrocentric Personalization -

WE NEED AN NDEPENDENT VOICE The Supreme Court’s decision to strike down section 4 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act is a real wake-up call on how much things have not changed, especially the implicit feeling and heart of what gave birth to the whole racist notions governing this nation. It evince the true spirit of America, when it is not being force by law to act, but only the human spirit of what’s righteous and just. It is simple protection for those areas where our vote has been at risk of not being counted or freely exercised. It is hard to imagine 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement that we yet struggle with some of the basic fundamental rights that characterize and distinguishes the United States of America as a free and democratic Republic for the world to emulate. In the midst of the celebration of the 50th year commemorating the heroic efforts of those who bled and died for rights they never lived to enjoy, to only be humiliated by those who hide their animosity behind ambiguous language and laws. Language that even made some of us parrot the same deceptive speech and adopt their devious behavior to our own hurt. Sadly, we have been characterized as “somnambulist” walking backwards, which is paradoxical, because a somnambulist is someone who has the abnormal mental condition of sleep walking. But a somnambulist walking backwards in his

sleep is someone who will be farther watermelon or bubbles in a bar behind than the position they were in soap), white only primaries, intimiwhen they went to sleep. dation by the Klan or other suppression groups. Other tactics designed Perhaps God is letting this serve to basically reconstruct the same as a “Gadfly” a giant fly that stings conditions under slavery and it is no cattle and moves them round, so by different now. How many times have extension, something that annoys to we experienced the sophistry in so the degree it pricks their complacenmany maneuvers today that roll back cy. It is surprisingly really what the the clock on almost every accom“Beatitude of Mt.5:3 actually means plishment for the last of forever? Not when it says, “Blessed are the poor even the horrifying way black people in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of died was enough to move people to Heaven.” It means you have enough some sense of human decency. Yet “trouble” to make you get up and black people are asked to celebrate move things so that you might possome of the most foolish kinds of sess the promises of the Kingdom of things that have absolutely nothing Heaven made to you. What’s going to do with our heritage or an amalgato be extremely interesting is to see mated society and expected to say what the white church is going to nothing. say….if anything at all. It seems the media keep reporting on the latest Unrealistic portrayal of groups at incidents of discrimination and big- play in American life, we don’t unotry, I am sure because it is news to derstand how this subliminally is them. But the black community setting standards for acceptance that keeps responding as though either minimize or totally eliminate any surprised or take a very lackadaisical proportional representation. The othposture. By that I mean just a comer point is to clearly erase any semment and we move on until the next blance of that spirit in existence toinsult. We are not dealing with day along with any guilt or reparasomething that is going to pass retion. gardless of what we hear people proThe other point is to clearly erase fess. The danger is in supporting any semblance of that spirit in existpropaganda used to promote a post ence today along with any guilt or racial America or these “unity feast” reparation. It is important to drag and start repeating the jargon that is black sentiment along as a show of slowly easing this society into the progressiveness, liberal minded peonot guilty box. If the Supreme ple or at least a willingness “to get Court’s ruling is based on “outdated” along,” But always at a price of the provisions or laws I think guilt sursacrifice of all intelligence and acfaces on at least two fronts. It takes quired hard earned learning skills, over 50 years to admit the humiliatfor the pat on the head that you’re ing non-sense that was done, not to not like the others. The real lesson mention the horrific savagery inflicthere is we are to at no time supposed ed on innocent people during that to let our guard down or cease to era. fight as if it is the 1950’s and 1960’s, Poll tax for only black people, there is no point and time when we literacy test (how many seeds in a rest on cruise control.

Our attitude has got to be the spirit of the Haitian Revolution of 1798 where the theme adopted was, “No Compromise.” That was the heart of Bookman Duty the leader of the revolution, when the French were losing the war wanted to discuss a compromise. Toussaint L’ Ouverture fell victim to what he would later call “Phantom Liberty.” He believed his enemy which meant they had to deliver Bookman Duty over to the French army who was speedily assassinated. Afterward Dessalines took leadership of the army the French then demanded an “unconditional surrender” and Toussaint jumped at the chance. The French deceived him through flattery, kidnapped him to France threw him in a cold prison cell and starved him to death.

were the times Israel called upon God and He delivered them every time. Why not black people especially when we are so religious, because of rituals, ceremony and a “form of godliness.” The Holy Scriptures say of such, “having a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof and from such turn away,” (2 Tim.3:5). It is when logic over step the bounds of righteousness that we should stick with the scriptures in order for God to prove Himself as God. We wait until an incident to go into actions of protest and everyone rally around an idea or slogan, rather than a continuous onslaught of purpose as a people. Rather than consistently recover, revive and strengthen our own we keep establishing alliances with every aggrieved class looking for our support and stealing the thunder unNapoleon Bonaparte decided der which we had to bleed to obtain. that in order to firmly establish white All the while our opposition and opsupremacy he had to put these blacks pressor has never changed his attiin their proper place, slavery. Jean tude or heart towards us, even under Jacques Dessalines resumed the a Christian banner, but ask us to struggle tore the white from their triadopt his definition of Christianity color flag of Red, White and Blue that doesn’t threatened his domiand under a banner of “No Compronance. Common sense would say any mise” won the war. Flattery and deprotest we could muster has already ceptive reasoning have been tools been anticipated and accounted for, used on black people throughout the as well as who would possibly insticenturies and always seem to work. gate any insurrection and what would Since then white people have tried to it take to silence that dissent. win with the pen, what they could not win in battle. It was Pat Robert- Then we see them in positions of son who said in one of his broadcast, prominence, but never another word that the Haitian people made a pact of nonconformity. A fighter doesn’t with the devil and that’s how they just get into ring, he has already acwon the war and is why the Hurricess his opponent, who his opponent cane came in devastating destruction last fought, his strength, weaknesses, upon the country. behavior anything that would affect his state of mind, divorces, financial Why would black people keep difficulties, physical shape, weight. falling for the kind of rhetoric they Everything he can think of that might know can’t be trusted time and time give him an edge, sometimes the again? They logically thought there fight is more a mental game than was no other way out, in bible these physical brute strength. In the “war

on equality” those who have oppose nondiscriminatory and an equitable way of life for black people have never ceased their fight, the pressure is weighed in at almost every stride made toward the worn out platitudes of how great this nation is. Common sense would tell a wooden Indian times have changed, I can look in the mirror and my gray hair reminds me of that. The passing of time does not suggest that the hearts of people have changed, we can legislate to high heaven and people always find a way to enact more law to disavow or make of non-effect the previous law. That’s why our state capitals and Washington are encumbered with such nonsensical statutes which give credence to the “survival of the slickest. .” This takes the wind out of any credibility and possibility of this nation living up to all the clichés we will throw out on these celebrated holidays. It is so strange in all the talk about “times have changed” and this is not the 60’s, no one has gone out on that limb with any substantiating proof of the reasons the laws were enacted in the first place are no longer necessary. We have experienced voter suppression and intimidation in as late as the last election. Moving poll places, excessively long lines, clerical errors, distorting information, inconvenient poll places, looking for a glitch believed to be common among black people or minorities.

Informing people who voted under any questionable acOne day she gave her heart to the lord and got saved, she tions in the mail that their vote didn’t count, as what hap- expressed the joy over her salvation, I’m so glad to be pen to me in one election where they claim I wasn’t regis- saved. I once hated my uncle so much I said I wouldn’t go tered. With all these fraudulent antics every election how do to his funeral, but now I’ll go to his funeral anytime. Some the courts even begin to suggest times has changed as suffi- people just don’t get it, George Bernard Shaw once said, ciency, what do they mean; at least we don’t hang y’all when “hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.” you show up now. Black people keep waiting on white people’s heart to change and keep believing that it will and act as though it What do they think took place in Ohio, Florida, in just already has, by not aggressively guarding their rights and the last elections, the scrubbing out of black voters includfighting continuously to keep them not only intact, but to ing black ministers? Since early American history during expand their holding. Instead we wait until we have been Reconstruction the black vote has been obstructed, which offended AGAIN and disrespected, and then make an is the reason for such double speak in the language of law. emotionally charged response that dies, because we owe It is quite difficult to create honest and just constitution and our souls to the company store. Black people are the only at the same time hide the hypocrisy of slaveholding, slave people who didn’t come here voluntarily and have to have a trading and the money inherited as well as the institutions vote to protect the rights that every other citizen enjoys those profits built in, “THESE TIMES THAT HAVE naturally. Why would it be a concern that we have the interCHANGED.” A delegate from South Carolina C.C. Pinckvals where officials keep looking for the opportunity to ney said, The Bill Of Rights would make hypocrites of strike down a law that guarantees people do the right thing, them all, since it stated “all men are born free” when they unless they are seeking an opportunity to do the wrong owned slaves for life. thing? Political commentator David Gergen said, he thinks The original language of the Declaration of Independ- the high court’s decision was a nice split; the left got what ence stated the role of government was to secure the inal- they wanted in striking down the ban on same-sex marriage, ienable rights to “LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT while the right got what they wanted in the voting rights OF PROPERTY” (which was later changed to happiness). law. Is that what is all about, balancing the scales of politics, It is clear to see everything was written toward the prepon- not necessarily just law, but even that still reeks a stench, derance of white society and slaveholders. That had to be because the Supreme Court historically has not been a differentiated because some free blacks owned slaves and friend of black people. One has to wonder why, out of all always took the position of the white slaveholders and even the people in America, black people suffer the edge of the fought on the side of the Confederacy. This warranted the sword on a continuous basis, what is the reason we stay continuity of ambiguous language that would always keep under attack. Is there something black have or had that is being hidden from view, what would that discovery do, blacks in their place as inferior and subject to perpetual servitude without recourse even when interpretation of the how would it affect the balance of this world’s power and law supported any human being. Therefore equivocal lan- population or the intent of their opposition. guage had to be construed in dubious fashion to hide the hypocrisy and feigned to be honorable and just when it was not. So white America has always had a predisposition in (JOIN THE CONVERSATIONS ON OUR BLOGl any law made with a propensity that leans toward white LIFELINETHEMOVEMENTINCBLOGSPOT.COM) society and an inherently objectionable proclivity towards the welfare of blacks. However the intrinsic nature of the situation is not the only consideration, it became imperative to power to retain the inherited wealth built on slavery, so that law had to always guard this unethical appropriation of ill-gotten gain perpetually. Even when it sound crazy and made no sense which explains why plain language could never be used. I am reminded of one lady who hated her uncle so much she vowed she’d never go to his funeral.

That would mean going back to God and the beginning, is the status of this world what He meant creation to be. The Holy Scriptures say in the new world after the flood Noah had three sons, not two or one, why three if God was repopulating the earth with His original intent, because one is just alone, no repopulation in that, two sides cannot form a solid; it cannot enclose a space or form a plane figure. Three is number of that which entire, complete, real, solid and substantial. Three denotes divine perfection; God’s attributes are three Omnipresent, Omniscient and omnipotence. The balance of the world propagating the earth would require the three aspects of what God created. Black people’s absence and input throws that intent off, as it relates to what God intends a lot is left lacking, but they have to understand what that is otherwise purpose is lost. This is what is behind their being obstructed, to secure the help of God His intent has to be reinstituted and it is only God that can make the changes that must be made, it is beyond the ingenuity of man. There will be continuous onslaughts and insults of black people until black people return to purpose as He originally outlined it, that’s not design to destroy. It now becomes very clear the function of original intent is not based in a general or generic oneness of operation as in what is proposed in contemporary Christianity. What is happening to black people is an intended scheme to prevent them from their unique individual purpose as a part of the tripartite grouping of the three sons. The plot looks like racism from the surface, but underneath it is a satanic systematic influence of one group to dominate, something God has consistently foil or defeated throughout the history of man. But each interval of its occurrence is designed to create a cry for Him, not compromise or soul-selling or becoming something we are not or not meant to be. The world has not allowed black people to play their role, the script God wrote that cannot be imitated by any one of the two composites. This role can only be carried out by God’s influence, to realize that, He has left learning it in a place where He is sought. The same Spirit that empowers for this purpose is the same Spirit that will deliver black people from their peril therefore becoming an all-purpose solution. This is one of those intervals where He is waiting on that call and He answers every call, there is no call waiting. Thank God. What do you think? Let me know… I’ll leave the light on. JESUS IS THAT LIGHT!

HELP US ESTABLISH THAT VOICE: A voice not owned by anybody with the freedom to speak to what’s good for black people. If we do not depend on State or Gov’t support we have the freedom to speak the truth and the truth of God’s word. With your donations an unambiguous voice can speak to the things that benefit black people, un-bossed and un-bought. HELP US REACH THE BLACK FAMILY: First the black male and he can save his own family. It is not the responsibility of the state or the Federal Gov’t to save our families, neither will they. WE MUST SAVE OURSELVES, let’s prove we can. Let’s prove we can turn the black community around…REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY SAY! LIFELINE HAS A PROVEN TRACK RECORD: A biblically based project with sound realistic goals that the government would never allow, because that is not their intent. SOVEREIGN AND SELF-GOVERNING: You dictate the progress and process, your support determines how many people we reach, how permanent and stable the recovery. BUILD THE OLD WASTE PLACES: You have the chance to do what others said can’t be done. Because this is what God does! A REPAIRER OF THE BREACH: We bridge the gap in our covenant and restore the promises originally made to us. RAISE THE FOUNDATIONS OF MANY GENERATIONS: We take God at His word and His promise to restore the ruin, ravage and devastating years that were eaten up.

THE RESTORER OF PATHS TO DWELL IN: You throw out the Lifeline, rather than curse the darkness you light the pathway. (isa.58:12)


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