special forces /// bootcamp written by: roger archer illustrated by: roman bozhko edited by: nichole gunia
Table of Contents The Four Faces Of A Man-----------------------------(1)
•Face 1 •Face 2 •Face 3 •Face 4 •Four Faces Continuumes
The Four Bases of a Man-----------------------------(8)
•1st Base •2nd Base •3rd Base •4th Base
5 Roles of a Man-------------------------------------(14)
•Roles 1-2 •Roles 1-2
7 Spiritual Disciplines-------------------------------(19)
•Discipline #1 •Discipline #2 •Discipline #3 •Discipline #4 •Discipline #5 •Discipline #6 •Discipline #7
Culture of Accountability---------------------------(48)
Survival Training///Daily Devotions-----------------(55)
•Devo Acronym •Understanding Your Weapon
The 10 Categories------------------------------------(63)
•Pentatuech/Torah •History •Wisdom/Poetry •Major Prophets •Minor Prophets •Gospels •History •Pauls Letters •General Letters •Prophecy
The Four Faces Of A Man Face 1: ________________ Revealed in: ____________________ Characterized by: • ___________________________ • ___________________________ • ___________________________ • ___________________________ Seen in Scripture: The king gives _____________________ to the land by ___________________. Proverbs 29:4 A _______________________ man walks in ___________________. How blessed are his sons After him. Proverbs 20:7
Do what we say
Say what we do
and do the right thing
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Face 2: ________________ Revealed in: ________________
Characterized by: • _______________________ • _______________________ • _______________________ • _______________________ Seen in Scripture: ___________________________________________
____________________________ the eternal life to which you were called. 1 Timothy 6:12
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Face 3: ________________ Revealed in: ________________
Characterized by: • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________
Seen in Scripture: Husbands, love wives _____________________________________________ ________________________ and gave Himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
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Face 4: ________________ Revealed in: ________________ Characterized by: • ______________________ • ______________________ • ______________________ • _____________
Seen in Scripture: A friend loves ________________________________. Proverbs 17:17a
As iron ______________________ iron, so one man ______________________ _____________________ Proverbs 27:17
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Four Face Continuums
_____________ _____________ King A---------------------M--------------------------Z
_____________ _____________ A---------------------M-------------------------Z
_____________ _____________ A---------------------M-------------------------Z
_____________ _____________ A---------------------M-------------------------Z
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Discussion Questions and Lab Questions: 1. Which of the four faces is your dominant face and which is the recessive?
2. What factor/factors contributed to your dominant face being dominant? (Parental, Environmental, Financial, Experiential, Educational, Etc.)
Lab: Evaluate your Faces: 1. Out of 100 percent, assign percentages to all four faces totaling 100. Example of Roger’s Faces:
King 25% Warrior 50% Lover 20% Friend 5% King______Warrior______Lover_____Friend_____ 2. In the next 7 days take your FOUR FACE CONTINUUM and have someone close to you evaluate where they perceive you to be on a continuum A through Z. Have your friend/spouse assign a specific letter on the continuum line.
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The Four Bases Of A Man 1st Base: ________________
Working Definition: Inspire: “To fill with an ______________________, ______________________, or ______________________ influence.” Seen in Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. Wheel of Inspiration: we have to ________________________________ so we ____________________________! Means to Inspiration: • ____________
in our
• ____________ • ____________
in our in our
____________ ____________
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2nd Base:________________ Working Definition: Information: ”__________________ gained through study, communication, research and instruction.” Seen in Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1 What I want to talk about now is the various ways God’s Spirit gets worked into our lives. __________________________________ and often ____________________, but I want you to be _____________________ and ________________________. Cultivation for Information: • Acute ______________________________ • Purposeful _________________________ Associations • Varied ______________________ Emersions Goal: ____________________of our and others personal ____________________
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3rd Base: ________________ Working Definition: Application: “The act of putting to a special use or purpose.”
Seen in Scripture: James 2:26 Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.
Application Mandates: • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________
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4th Base: ________________ Working Definition: Transformation: “_________________ ____ form, appearance, nature, or _____________________.” Seen in Scripture: Romans 12:2 Do not _______________ any longer to the pattern of this world, but be ____________________ by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Transformation is a Progression: • God’s _______________ will • God’s _______________ will • God’s _______________ will
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Discussion Questions And Lab Questions: 1.
Of the four bases which seems to come most naturally to you? Why do you
Which of the four bases are the most challenging? Why?
think that is so?
Lab: Within the next 48 hours procure a book. (Electronically, Book Store, Library, Borrow from a friend.) Read 100 pages before next week’s formation. Be prepared to discuss what you’ve read.
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The Five Roles of a Man Seen in Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.
Ephesians 5:25-28a For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies.
1. •
__________________ What does that mean?
________________ God as spiritual head •
How do I do that?
____________________ on and __________________________ over 2. •
__________________ What does that mean?
Ensure ______________ are met •
How do I do that?
Bring ___________________ to the table
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3. •
__________________ What does that mean?
Establish baseline of “__________________” •
How do I do that?
Defend against ___________________, ___________________ home at night 4. •
__________________ What does that mean?
___________________ and ____________________those whom we lead •
How do I do that?
Create __________________________, celebrate accomplishments, encourage ___________________________ 5. •
__________________ What does that Mean?
Be the ______________________ •
Who do I do that?
Activities, __________, __________________
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Exercise: Place in order the Roles of a Man as they pertain to you, strongest to weakest.
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Questions and Lab
Questions: 1.
Of the five roles of a man, which one comes the most natural to you? Why
do you suppose that is so?
Of the five roles of a man, which is the most difficult for you? Why?
Lab: This week select one of the roles where you struggle and intentionally work at it.
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7 Spiritual Disciplines In ______________________________ there are ______________ food groups vital for a healthy diet. In __________________ ___________________ there are ___________ groups essential for spiritual health.
The Objectives: • To _____________ each of the disciplines • To______________with_____________ each of the disciplines • To learn the _______________ of each of the disciplines • To learn how to ________________________ each of the disciplines • To make an ____________________________ for each of the disciplines
The Disciplines: • __________________ of God • __________________ to God • __________________ with God • __________________ on behalf of God • __________________ with God • __________________ for more of God • __________________ on behalf of God
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Discipline #1 ______________ Working Definition: “The collection of ____ books written by ____ different authors inspired by the Holy Spirit spanning 4000 years. The Word of God is contained within a
which may not be added to nor subtracted from.” Seen in Scripture: Psalm 119:11 I have _________________ your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Benefit of the Discipline: God’s Word operates as… • An “________________”, it literally __________________ as it goes into us! • A “________________”, it __________________ the growth process! • A “__________________”, it acts as ______________ against the
______________ of the devil!
• A “________________”, it ____________________________ cancerous _________________! • A “________________”, it ________________ environmental
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Nuts and Bolts of Application: • Select a _______________________________ to promote consistency • Select a ________________ that will be conducive for _________________ reading • Allow ______________________ reading time for most plans • Establish ________________ personal reading and ________________ corporate reading
Emphasis Day: Select one day next week when you expand your daily reading by… • Focused _____________________ reading. • Focused ____________________________ using commentaries, Google, Maps etc to expand understanding of geography, cast of characters, governmental authorities etc.
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Discussion Questions And Lab Questions: 1.
Who is the most familiar biblical character that you can site? What makes
What is the greatest obstacle to get consistent with reading God’s Word?
him/her stand out to you?
Lab: Procure a #1 reading plan, #2 bible, and #3 setting. Log four consecutive reading days.
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Discipline #2 ________________ Working Definition: “The
self to God through melodic vocal ____________________ and gestured _______________________. Worship is singing praise to God with fervent _____________________, anthemistic ________________________ and contemplative ________________.�
Seen In Scripture: Psalm 147:1 Praise the LORD! How good to sing praises to our God! How delightful and how fitting! Psalm 63:4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 100:1-2 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness;come before him with joyful songs. Supportive Scripture: 1 Chronicles 20:21-26
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Benefits of the Discipline: Worship to God Produces… • Sovereign ____________________ within human __________________. • __________________________ while deflating _________________________. • ___________________ within a collective. • ________________________ of the size of circumstance. • Authentic resolute _________________. Nuts and Bolts of Application: Corporate Worship: • Prior to corporate worship, “____________________” (4 minute rule) • Mental prep is crucial. Visualize ____________________, ___________________, ____________________ • “____________” into the leader. Don’t __________________, _____________________ • Embrace the ________________ until it become _________________ • Subsequent to corporate worship write down one “_______________” Individual Worship: • Discipline your diet to _____________________ • Electronically, instrumentally or with CD’s, ______________________ to worship/worshiping God. Exposure is critical!
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Emphasis Day: Select one day next week and listen to worship music during your commute, office time, or whenever you listen to music/talk radio. Worship God with the three components of worship. (Celebration, Anthem, Intimacy)
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Discussion Questions and Lab: Questions: 1. In today’s presentation of material, what was the most significant takeaway? 2. Who has had the greatest influence on you in the area of worship? In what way?
Lab: In the next 72 hours listen to one whole worship album. (Minimum 7 songs) Send an email to your team leader the most significant song and the reason for the significance.
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Discipline #3 _______________ Working Definition: 'A ______________________ that balances both ________________ and listening to God. Like in any conversation a “__________________” mentality is essential for a good conversation”
Seen in Scripture: Joshua 10:12-13 On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: “O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies. Matthew 6:9-13 “This, then, is how you should pray:“ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’
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Benefits of the Discipline: • Prayer with God _________________ the quality of the _________________ • Prayer with God _________________ the pressure of _______________ production • Prayer with God _________________ personality _________________ • Prayer with God _________________ both __________ and ____________ • Prayer with God _________________ the plans of _____________________ • Prayer with God _________________ sovereign ________________
Lessons from the template: (Ever felt like, “I don’t know what to say.”) 1. _________________ before ________________. Before we ask him for anything, thank him for something.
2. _________________ of ____________________. Humbly acknowledge, not some things, but everything comes from him.
3. ________________________________. To the degree we have been forgiven, we must also forgive.
4. Don’t _________, _________________. Admit our frailty and our need of his protection.
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Nuts and Bolts of Application: • Offer “_______________” to God by way of_____________________ and ________________ of ___________________ • ________________________, pray through the “_________________” before anything else fills the space of your day • Make at least one _______________ a day of God to push the ________________ of faith • Think of your conversation in terms of ___________________ rather than ___________________, _________________ or ______________________. Write out 100 words then read them out loud to God
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Emphasis Day: Select one day this week when you will either get up early or stay up later and spend 15 minutes praying uninterrupted and specifically for: 1. Your Family 2. Your Pastor/Pastors 3. Your Governmental Leaders 4. Your Employer 5. Your Finances 6. Your Future 7. Your Health 8. Your Thought life 9. Your Past 10. Your Neighbors 11. Your Enemy 12. Your Dreams 13. Your personal Growth 14. Your Disciplines 15. Your Commitments Pray one minute for each header.
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Questions and Lab:
Questions: 1. Up to this point in your life what has been the most restrictive reason for a diminished/small prayer life?
2. Do you think you will be able to expand your prayer life? What specifically makes you believe so? Or why not?
Lab: 1.
Starting today followed by each subsequent day this week; begin to write a prayer list of people that you will pray for, one person a day for seven days. On the seventh day, pray for all seven people. When you pray for them simply pray the template of Matthew 6:9-13.
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Discipline #4 __________________
Working Definition: “The effort to bring ______________ to a relationship with Christ via any and all means at one’s disposal. Whether through __________________, ______________________, __________________________, or one on one conversation, the goal is ___________________ and ____________________.” Seen in Scripture: Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. Matthew 28:19-20 Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Mandate: We must make his last __________________ our first ________________.
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Benefits of the Discipline: • _________________ to God’s directives brings inherent ________________ • ________________________ of what we know causes us know ___________ • _______________________________of _________________ is a rush beyond any experience and all possessions! • Evangelism keeps us _______________________ Vs. ____________________ • This is a __________________ game, The ______________ loses numbers • As we reach those whom ____________________someone will reach those whom _______________________!
1-2-3’s: 1.
We all start out at the _______________________, seeking God!
It takes ______________ points of contact before people accept Christ.
There is a hard-wired ________________________ in every single human!
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Vehicles of Evangelism: • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
Nuts and Bolts Application: • Offer to pray for a friend when they are going through a ______________ _____________/______________________/______________________ • Offer to __________ for a friend that is in need of something • _______________ SOMEONE TO CHURCH THEN _______________ THEM! • ______________ kindness where it otherwise would not be expected • Share your __________________________ of how you found Christ and the _____________________ of He has made in your life • Organize a gathering and have fun! Turn the conversation to Christ
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Emphasis Day: Target one day this week and one person this week and focus on boldness. Exercise the discipline of Evangelism. Write the person’s name down and pray for them the day before. Then, be one of the seven points of contact that will lead them to Christ. It may be informal or formal. Either way, share the light and love of Christ!
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Questions and Lab:
Questions: 1. How do you think you would feel if someone rejected your evangelistic effort? How would you respond if they accepted? Why would you feel that way?
2. Have you ever shared your faith with another person? How’d it go? If you havent, why not?
Lab: In the next five days, write out your personal testimony of how you came to Christ and what it has meant to you. Use no more that 150 words. Share what you you’ve written with a friend or family member.
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Discipline #5 __________________
Working Definition: “___________________ al
________________ is the focus for the purpose of ____________________ on God’s word or the things of God.”
There is a constant competition for our silence!
Seen in Scripture: Psalm 119:15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Benefits of the Discipline: • ____________________ reduces _______________ • ____________________ removes ____________________ • ____________________ rewards ____________________. Thinking leads to breakthrough • __________________ renews your _______________. Weightlessness of being needed. • ________________ reignites _________________
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Nuts and Bots of Application: • Locate a setting (time and place) where there is _______________________ • You will need _____________________. (Electronic or Manual) • To start out, block out _______________________of time • Begin to ______________ about one bible verse (John 3:16/Philippians 4:13) • Recite the verse until you have __________________ each word in the verse • ____________________ how your life can best be utilized for God • Think nothing. _________________ for the voice of God • __________________________ what you sense him saying to you
Emphasis day: Select a day this week where you will simply try to live in silence For thirty minutes. However, don’t simply sit in a silent state. When you are there meditate on God’s word. Think thoughts about your gift of life. Listen for what God is whispering to you. Write down or type out what you sense him saying.
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Questions and Lab Questions: 1. Do you consider sitting in silence difficult or simple? Why is this the case? 2. What kind of setting (time/place) would be the most conducive for your discipline of Solitude? Why that time, why that place?
Lab: Select one complete day when you drive in your car that no radio, music, or cell phone will be turned on. Drive in complete undistracted silence. While you are driving contemplate the characteristics of God. (Love, kindness, forgiveness, power, patience, etc)
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Discipline #6 __________
Working Definition: “The _______________________ of food for a prescribed period of time. In place of food being eaten prayer is offered in its place.�
Seen in Scripture: Esther 4:16 Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish. Matthew 17:18-21 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
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Benefits of the Discipline: • It trains the “________________” in _____________________ • Prayer goes from ____________________ to _____________________ • It gives _______________________ to our prayer life • It displays _____________________ to God of the ___________________ of our intent • It __________________ the opening of our spiritual container allowing more _________________ • It _______________________ and ___________________ our dietary track
Nuts and Bolts of Application: • Select _______________________ when you would normally eat and deny it • ________________ water while you fast • While fasting __________ • _________________ what you ask God for as well as his perceived ________________ • ____________ with a ________________
Emphasis Day: Pick one day and do this discipline!
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Questions and Lab:
Questions: 1.
Have you ever attempted a fast before? If so what were the conditions of the
What one thing would be worth fasting for right now?
fast. If not, why not?
Lab: Within this week, practice “dimensional” fasting for one complete day. Fast food, T.V., music, talk radio or any combination of personal interests. During the “denial time”, pray.
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Discipline #7 _____________________ Working Definition: “A ______________________ prescribed investment of ones ______________ ______________ and ______________ directed into the local church.”
Seen in Scripture: Malachi 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Matthew 22:21 Well, then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.
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Benefits of the Discipline: • Opens the door for God’s ______________________ • Closes the door of the Devil’s ____________________________ • Promotes a climate of _____________________ • Ensures a “___________________________” culture • Relives pressure of responsibility of _________________________ • Builds critical elements of _______________
Bullet Point References: • A tithe is __________ of our income • Our gifts are the “_______________________” • Our time is the “_______________________”
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Nuts and Bolts of Application:
Financial: • Make an empirical finding of your ____________________________ • Write a ______________________ budget • Include ____________ • ________________ and eliminate ________________________ debt
LTD’s: • Create a list of things you _____________________; skill sets • Seek out leadership and ________________ skills to leadership
NTD’s: • Inquire of church leadership of __________________ areas of service • Within balance, offer to ______________ in areas of need
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Emphasis Day: Select one day this week when you will steward your skills/time for the local church. Serve in some capacity.
Questions and Lab:
Questions: 1. Why do you suppose God set this mandate of financial stewardship in motion?
2. In what area or project have you previously served? Lab: Write your tithe check or create an on-line giving account. Pray over the tithe and ask God’s blessing on it.
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Culture of Accountability Scriptural Reinforcement: Mark 6:7 And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. Ecclesisates 4:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Genesis 2:18a Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Working Definition: “The
________________, _____________ the _____________, _____________ or _________________ of one person to another.” Every Man’s Goal: __________________________ • Every aspect all the time 24/7 • Live in the light (software)
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General Masculine Tendencies: • Default to ____________________ (especially in difficulty) • _________ ask for ______________ • _______________ rather than ______________ (actions) • ____________________________ • Relationally “________________” or “__________________” • Be _______________________________ • Talk ______________________________
Each of these ____________________ can be ___________________________ with ______________________.
Dimensional conversational components: • “I’m ____________________ with…” • “My _________ this week was…” • “What’s been ______________ biggest win?” • “Where are __________ struggling?” • “I feel __________ today/right now because ___________” • “My ___________ this week is…”
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Questions and lab:
Questions: 1.
Of all the GMT’s we discussed today, which do you identify with the most?
Who has been your greatest example of an accountable man? If no one then
What one do you identify with the Least?
who will you be an example for?
Lab: Within the next week, “do the drill.” Have a conversation with one or more men exercising at least three of the six dimensional conversational components.
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How to build an accountability culture: • Begin with ________________ of _____________________ men (broad to specific) • ______________ guys to meet up • Gather around something “________________” (book or bible) • Have __________________ meeting times with built in _________________ • Meet ______________________ (restaurants, coffee shops, doughnut shops) • Rotate point men for relaying _______________________ • Operate within a ________________________ • Occasionally ___________________ together • Exchange _________________________ conversation • End your time with one person _____________________ for the group
Remember: A culture is not created _____________________ but it is created _____________!
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Obstacles to Accountability: • Fear of ______________________ • ________________________ spirit • Diminished ________________________ • Not knowing ___________________________ • Fear of __________________ • Tried it before and it ______________ or _____________________ • Fear of __________________________ • ________________________ of not being loved/wanted • Spiritual _______________________
Remember: Our _____________________________ would love nothing more than to keep us ___________________________________________! 1 Peter 5:8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
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Questions and Lab: Questions: 1.
Transparency time! What is one stronghold the enemy has on your life?
Who is one person that you trust to talk to about anything? What makes them so trustworthy to talk to?
Lab: Identify and invite at least two other men to join you in an accountability group. With all the aforementioned parameters set a target date for meeting no longer than two weeks from today. GO FOR IT!
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Survival Training///Daily Devotions What Jesus Said: Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, it is written, that man shall not live by __________________________, but by every _______________ of God.
What Albert Einstein Said: _______________________ is the key to ______________________. Top 10 Questions regarding daily devotions: 1.
Does it matter _____________ I do my daily devos?
Is __________________ to the bible the same as reading the bible?
Why is it important that I ____________________ what I read?
What _______________________________ is should I read?
Why should I read it if I _____________________________ what I read?
Is best to do devotions ______________________ or_________________ ________________?
Should I read _____________________ bible or ____________________
Why is it _________________ for me to do Daily devotions?
____________________ does it take to do daily devotions?
of it?
What can I expect from myself if I do daily devotions?
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Responses to Questions: 1.
Give to God the _____________________ of your day!
Recommendation: __________, __________, ___________, ___________,
Listening is an ____________________ reading is the _______________.
_____________________ and ______________________ promote doc-
Not _________________ but ___________________.
7. 8.
The __________________ catches what the flesh _________________.
umenting the devotions.
Well-rounded __________________ invokes well-rounded _______________. Daily devotions are as significant as daily ________________ and ________.
Stronger _________________, expanded _____________, heightened
20/20/20: ________________/_________________/______________
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Questions and Lab: Questions: 1.
Of the top ten questions, which most resonates with you? Why?
Which answer was most enlightening to you? Why is that so?
Lab: Read Luke chapter 4:1-14 in the KJV. Pick one verse that stands out to you. Meditate on this verse for 20 minutes.
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The Devotional Acronym: S.O.A.P. Stands for: S.
Sample Devotional: God’s wisdom S.
1 Corinthians 2:4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul wanted to let the Holy Spirit take the lead when it came to influence. He only wanted to have the name of Jesus be lifted high.
Today I want Jesus to be my representation.
Jesus, thank you that your power is alive and active in my life. Thank you that you have a protective plan to propel this church to great heights. Please Lord use me by the power of your holy spirit to become a great city church. Do not let me rely on human wisdom but on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. You are my God and I am your son. Roger
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The Breakdown:
THE TITLE: The title is used for: ________________________________________
SCRIPTURE: The singular scripture is selected for: ________________________________________
OBSERVATION: The observation aids in: ________________________________________
PRAYER: The prayer serves to: ________________________________________
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Lab: Today we will do our lab together. For some this may be review. For many this will be the “maiden�. We will do our daily devotions together. We will exercise each of the components of the acronym.
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Understanding your weapon
Seen in Scripture: Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Ephesians 6:17b take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Foundational Facts:
• The bible is not one book but a ______________________ of 66 books
• The bible has two Primary sections: The __________/_________ testament
• The bible has _______ different authors
• The bible was written over a period of ___________ years of Israel’s history
• The bible was written in three primary languages: _________________, ______________________________, and ________________ • The bible has _______ categories containing the 66 books
• The bible was _______________ and _____________ in the 3rd century under Constantine
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The Ten Categories
The Ten Categories The _______________________________ Genesis (authored by Moses) Purpose of Writing: Revealing ____________, _________________, and __________________. ________________of God’s chosen people. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Exodus (authored by Moses) Purpose of Writing: Departing ____________ and _____________ and entering ___________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C
Leviticus (authored by Moses) Purpose of Writing: To provide _________________ and _________ to guide a sinful people. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C
Numbers (authored by Moses) Purpose of Writing: Bridges the gap of ____________________ and entering the ______________________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C
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Deuteronomy (authored by Moses) Purpose of Writing: Addresses a generation that did not experience the ____________ or ______________. Now entering the Promised Land. • Written ________ B.C.
____________________ Joshua (authored by Joshua) Purpose of Writing: An overview of _______________________ and division of the Promised Land. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Judges (authored by Samuel) Purpose of Writing: Accounts of the ____________________________ led by men (and one woman) prior to the kings. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Ruth (authored by Samuel) Purpose of Writing: Teaching Israel that genuine love at times requires _____ ______________________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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1 Samuel (authored by Nathan & Gad)
Purpose of Writing: Revealing the transition of leadership from__________to
• Written between ________ to ________ B.C.
2 Samuel (authored by Nathan & Gad)
Purpose of Writing: chronicles the life of _______________
• Written between ________ B.C. to ________ B.C.
1 Kings (authored by Jeremiah) Purpose of Writing: tracing ___________________ rise to kingship. The kingdom starts ________________ but ends __________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
2 Kings (authored by Jeremiah) Purpose of Writing: Shows the ____________________ and __________________ of Israel to Babylon. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
1 Chronicles (authored by Ezra)
Purpose of Writing: Reveals the ______________ perspective of the Israeli
___________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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2 Chronicles (authored by Ezra) Purpose of Writing: ____________________ Israel’s religious history. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Ezra (authored by Ezra) Purpose of Writing: Devoted to the events occurring in Israel at the time of _______________ from __________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Nehemiah (authored by Nehemiah) Purpose of Writing: Rebuilding of the __________ and _____________ of Jerusalem after return from Babylon. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Esther (authored by Mordecai)
Purpose of Writing: To display the ______________________ of God. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
________________________ Job (authored by Moses or Solomon) Purpose of Writing: To help us understand ________________ only power over us is the power given by ____________________ of God. • Written ________ B.C. if Moses ________ B.C. if Solomon
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Psalms (authored by Asaph – Ps. 50, 73 – 83,
Sons of Korah – Ps. 42:44-49; 84-85;87, Solomon – Ps. 72,127, Moses – Ps. 90, Heman – Ps. 88, Ethan – Ps. 89, David – 123 remaining) Purpose of Writing: Deals with subjects such as ________________, war, _________________, wisdom, sin, evil, _________________, justice, and the _________________. • Written over millennia complied ________ B.C.
Proverbs (authored by Solomon) Purpose of Writing: Ultimate wisdom is seeing ______________, _____________ and _____________________ as God sees them. • Written around ________ B.C.
Ecclesiastes (authored by Solomon) Purpose of Writing: Reveals the ____________________ that results from seeking happiness of ________________ things. • Written around ________ B.C.
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Song of Solomon (authored by Solomon) Purpose of Writing: A poem that promotes a passionate love between _______________ and _______________. Also serves as a ____________________ between God and creation. • Written around ________ B.C.
__________________________ Isaiah (authored by Isaiah) Purpose of Writing: Calling the Northern Kingdom from ________________ to _____________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Jeremiah (authored by Jeremiah) Purpose of Writing: Warning of coming _______________________ if Israel did not repent. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Lamentations (authored by Jeremiah) Purpose of Writing: Lamenting the destruction of ________________ and the slavery of _________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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Ezekiel (authored by Ezekiel) Purpose of Writing: Even in _________________ and _________________, God’s people must worship, even in slavery and hardship. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Daniel (authored by Daniel) Purpose of Writing: Records the _________________, _________________, and ______________ while in captivity. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
__________________________ Hosea (authored by Hosea) Purpose of Writing: God is ___________________ even when his people are ___________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Joel (authored by Joel) Purpose of Writing: The promise of coming gift of the __________________ and the gifts of the Spirit. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Amos (authored by Amos) Purpose of Writing: Even though he was _____________________ God could still use him. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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Obadiah (authored by Obadiah)
Purpose of Writing: Condemning ________________ for harassing Israel. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Jonah (authored by Jonah) Purpose of Writing: Disobedience, repentance, and revival, based on one ___________________________. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Micah (authored by Micah) Purpose of Writing: ______________________ and ___________________ take place only after judgment. Israel destroyed and unified once again with Judah. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Nahum (authored by Nahum) Purpose of Writing: God told Judah to take heart. The Assyrians would soon be getting what they deserved. • Written to between ________ and ________ B.C
Habakkuk (authored by Habakkuk) Purpose of Writing: Was wondering why God’s people were ________________. God answers and his ______________ is restored. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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Zephaniah (authored by Zephaniah) Purpose of Writing: The _________________ will be ________________ on the Day of Judgment. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
Haggai (authored by Haggai) Purpose of Writing: God challenging people concerning their ________________. • Written in ________ B.C.
Zachariah (authored by Zachariah) Purpose of Writing: God used prophets to teach, warn, and correct, his people. They ____________________ and got _____________________. • Written in two primary segments, between ________ and ________ B.C.
Malachi (authored by Malachi) Purpose of Writing: Direction pertaining to ______________________. The __________________ if disobeyed and the _________________ if obeyed. • Written between ________ and ________ B.C.
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__________________ Matthew (authored by Matthew) Purpose of Writing: Intends to prove to the ______________ that Jesus is the __________________. • Written around A.D. ____
Mark (authored by Mark) Purpose of Writing: Targets ___________________ in Rome that Jesus is Messiah. • Written probably in A.D. ____-____
Luke (authored by Luke) Purpose of Writing: The most __________________________ account of Messiah from a physician’s perspective. • Written between A.D. ____ - ____
John (authored by John) Purpose of Writing: To correct a false teaching that Jesus was NOT God’s son to __________________________________ believers. • Written between A.D. ____-____
_______________________ Acts (authored by Luke)
Purpose of Writing: To provide a history of the _______________________. • Written between A.D. ____-____
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__________________________ Romans (authored by the Apostle Paul)
Purpose of Writing: To glorify God by teaching __________________. • Written A.D. ____-____
1 Corinthians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: Addressing ___________________, __________, and use of __________________________. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
2 Corinthians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: Shows Paul’s _____________ in how they responded to his first letter. • Written approximately A.D. ____-____
Galatians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: People are justified by ________________ without ________________ or ___________________________. • Written between A.D. ____-____
Ephesians (authored by the Apostle Paul)
Purpose of Writing: To ________________ a __________________ church. • Written between A.D. ____-____
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Philippians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: __________________ power of God given to _________________ people. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
Colossians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: A ____________________ course addressing Christian life. • Written between A.D. ____-____
1 Thessalonians (authored by the Apostle Paul)
Purpose of Writing: Clearing up questions regarding the ______________ of
Christ. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
2 Thessalonians (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: They believed Christ ___________________, Paul cleared it up. • Written in A.D. ____-____
1 Timothy (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: Encouraging Timothy in his responsibility for __________________ churches in Asia. • Written in A.D. ____-____
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2 Timothy (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: Paul is about to die. He points to the “____________” as Timothy’s resource. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
Titus (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: Advises Titus as to the ______________________ of leaders in the church. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
Philemon (authored by the Apostle Paul) Purpose of Writing: A powerful story of God’s divine guiding hand and how much God _________________ people. • Written in approximately A.D. ____
Hebrews (authored by the Apostle Paul, Alternate possible authors: Apollos, Barnabas, or Phillip) Purpose of Writing: A Jew telling other Jews to stop ___________________ into __________________. • Written around ____ A.D.
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___________________________ James (authored by James) Purpose of Writing: “The __________________” letter of________________ to Paul’s letters of grace. Works reveal maturity not salvation. • Written as early as A.D. ____
1 Peter (authored by Peter) Purpose of Writing: A letter to dispersed Christians undergoing _________________. • Written between A.D. ____-____
2 Peter (authored by Peter) Purpose of Writing: A letter against _______________________ that had infiltrated the church. • Written between A.D. ____-____
1 John (authored by John)
Purpose of Writing: Addresses the error of Gnosticism. • Written between A.D. ____-____
2 John (authored by John)
Purpose of Writing: An urgent plea to ______________________________. • Written between A.D. ____-____
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3 John (authored by John)
Purpose of Writing: An appeal to _________________ what is good. • Written between A.D. ____-____
Jude (authored by Jude) Purpose of Writing: _____________________ infiltrated the church. When this happens the church is in danger, be aware! • Written somewhere between A.D. ____-____
________________________ Revelation (authored by John) Purpose of Writing: The end of ___________, the fall of _____________, the impending _____________, the certainty of ___________________. • Written between A.D. ____-____
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